
Conflictis when two sides are in opposition with one another (against each other), when there is a struggle of some kind, OR when there is a problem that needs to be dealt with or solved.

Why does it matter?

There is no story without a conflict. Conflict is the foundation of plot. If there is no conflict, the writing is only a description or a list of events.

Types of Conflict

Character vs. Nature

Character vs. Society

Character vs. Self

Character vs. Character

Character vs. the Divine

Breaking Down Types of Conflict

There are five main types of conflicts found in stories. Three are external, which means they happen outside the character between a character or characters and something/someone else.

Two are internal, which means they happen inside a character.

External Conflicts

Physical Conflict: Character vs. Character

This type of conflict is when one character or group of characters is in opposition with another.

Elemental Conflict: Character vs. Nature

This type of conflict finds the main character in conflict with the forces of nature: disease, animals (non-

characterized), or natural elements such as weather.

Survival storiesare elemental


Societal Conflict: Character vs. Society

This type of conflict has the main character in conflict with a group’s values, beliefs, traditions, etc.

Note: Some people confuse a societal conflict with a physical conflict, but they are NOT the same.

Internal Conflicts

Mental Conflict: Character vs. Self

In this type of conflict, the main character experiences some kind of inner conflict often because the character

needs to make a decision.

Spiritual Conflict: Character vs. the Divine

In this type of conflict, the main character experiences some kind of inner conflict related to belief in the Divine.

This is NOT the same as a conflict where the “god” or “God” is a character, such as mythology.

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