Computers From Toddlers To Teens And Beyond

Post on 06-Jul-2015






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A presentation given at SEFLIN on March 8th 2012


with BOB

Are you teaching formal classes?

Do you have youth who need to learn?

How much time do you have to teach?

I know I am supposed to be doing something I just don’t know what or how

Can you make me hip?




Swagged Out

Be yourself – honesty counts

Confident in your skills

Confident that you know what is important

Important > latest fad

Confident that this is what you want to do

or else why are you working with the public?

This is the sort of thing you need to know

To understand where we were

To understand what is happening

To understand where we are going

What do you know

Social Networks

Physical Skills

Time & Place

Hidden details

First we will take a couple of minutes to go through what we saw and what it means to us today

What technologies will you use to teach?



Remote access

Downloadable content vs. streaming

Who still uses MySpace?

30 million in December of 2011

Facebook is at 800+ million in January of 2012

Are you teaching How to ask? Or just Where to ask?

How to evaluate?

WikiPedia and original sources

RIM already dying?

Do you text out class reminders?

If what you learned 3 years ago is outdated now….

When is the last time you took a class to learn something new?

Are you giving them a fish or teaching them how?

Not “click here to print” but “Look in the Office menu for print options”

What is your phrase?

It is especially important to have something they will remember

Anyone from my teaching Seniors class?

Remember that hook?

Use video or music to catch their attention

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act

covers online interactions for children under 13

including apps


(at this point we should be halfway done

approximately 11 am)

Physical Skills

What you are training ON

What you are training FOR

What is it?

What do you use?

Library computer

Laptops (customer or library)

Tablet (customer or library)

Whose is it anyway?

Touch Me

How do you use it?



Touch Screen


But I want more

Customer Devices



Google Glasses

Meet me at…

Where do you use it?

Bank of computers

Help at the table/cubicle

Remote assistance

Beyond the Borderlands

Training as Outreach


Who uses what

Touch screens are ubiquitous

Younger users expect everything to be touch

Make something

Give them a reason to use the library

Learn through trial and error

Take a chance

You are in charge

The librarians of the future are also our community leaders. They not only inform their communities, but they also teach, show, and introduce their communities to new things.

Time & Place

Teaching in a classroom

Grabbing a moment

Make a minute

The new classroom

Learning is not centered on a room it happens where you happen to be

Use the same ideas and resources that teachers use

Younger students

The attention span of a gnat (or the typical husband)

Hands on

Color and shapes

• We will create a presentation later for them

Reading level students

Inspire to understand through graphic novels

• Mouseguard

Speed Reading - Extreme Speed Booking

• Like speed dating for books

• Gamification of reading




Password Length All Characters Only Lowercase

3 characters4 characters5 characters6 characters7 characters8 characters9 characters10 characters11 characters12 characters13 characters14 characters

0.86 seconds1.36 minutes2.15 hours8.51 days2.21 years2.10 centuries20 millennia1,899 millennia180,365 millennia17,184,705 millennia1,627,797,068 millennia154,640,721,434 millennia

0.02 seconds.046 seconds11.9 seconds5.15 minutes2.23 hours2.42 days2.07 months4.48 years1.16 centuries3.03 millennia78.7 millennia2,046 millennia

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