
a sub-discipline of computational linguistics.

It evolved in the 1960s

the study of patterns formed in the process of the linguistic encoding of information.

In the area of “stylometry,” the study of linguistic style, which the computer is used to generate data on the types, number and length of words and sentences.

Through the use of computers, it should be possible to achieve more accurate detection and explanation of such linguistic patterns

Stylistic analysis is also integral to the detection of uses of language which distinguish one author from another. An author's style is his signature.

Through analysis of individual style, researchers can find clues to unique characteristics in linguistic pattern. (Author)

Literary fields; play, poems, novel, short stories etc.

machine translation

Anything that are related to literary works that will be chosen.

Examples Shakespeare (Romeo and Juliet), Emily Dickinson’s poems, etc.

To determine the style of literary works; grammar, lexis, semantics, phonological properties.

To identify linguistic features; Arbitrariness, creativity' or 'open-endedness‘.

First article: Beckett.s Trilogy: Computational Stylistics and the Nature of Translation (Mc Kenna, W., John Burrows, J. and Antonia, A. 1999)

Purpose of study: To examine the embrace resemblances and differences between different texts or sets of texts.

Summary : attempt to investigate the frequencies of common words used in “The Trilogy”. This article also discover a comparison of close correspondences between the English words and their most obvious French equivalents.

Methodology: Steps the English version of Molloy is broken

into twenty successive segments of about four thousand words a piece.

the twenty segments are the specimens and the ninety-nine most common words are the variables.

Principle Component Analysis.Next Compare the common words used in English version with French version.

Findings: both French and English novels are so closely “cut to the same pattern" that the English text should not be seen as "new" but as a spirited reprise of the French text.

Second article: The Englishing of Juvenal: computational stylistics and translated texts 

( Burrows, J. 2002)

Purpose of Study: To compare several English versions of a translated text focusing on many suggestive points of style.

Summary : Evans, Dryden, and Johnson’s translated version of Juvenal’s “Tenth Satire” is studied in this article. This article also discovers the signature of the writer’s way of translating the text and which of this writer’s translation proves to be the most accurate.

Methodology: -Concordance Delta Procedure- to establish a frequency for most common words used in the text.-The text are arranged into subsets.-Shows the percentage of the common words used by the author.

-Multivariate statistical comparisons

Findings: -Dryden- used the similar common words in tenth satire

compared to Johnson who used the metaphor of his own, and he expands his use of language.

› The best known English version of the poem is Samuel Johnson's imitation, because Johnson reduces Juvenal's satirical illustrations to brief, ironic accepted truth


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