COMPUCOM IT: 14-15 EPIP, Sitapura, Jaipur –302022 Tel. 91 ...

Post on 17-May-2022






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Software Limited

IT: 14-15 EPIP, Sitapura, Jaipur –302022 (Rajasthan) (India) Tel. 91-141-2770131, 5115901-02 Fax: 91-141-2770335, 5115905 Email: CIN: L72200RJ1995PLC009798

No.: CSL/BSE/NSE/CSE/20-21/ Date: -14.07.2020


Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers

Dalal Street, Mumbai-400001.

Stock Code: 532339

2) National Stock Exchange of India Limited (BY NSE NEAPS)

Exchange Plaza, C-1, Block G,

Bandra Kurla Complex

Bandra (E), Mumbai-400051.


3) The Calcutta Stock Exchange Limited (BY E-MAIL)

7, Lyons Range, Dalhousie,

Kolkata: 700001

West Bengal

Stock Code: 13335

Sub: Submission of newspaper notice of Board Meeting of the Company.

Pursuant to Regulation 47 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing

Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 please find enclosed

copy of notices published by the Company in Financial Express (English) and Nafa

Nuksan (Hindi) Newspapers on 14th July, 2020 for Notice of Board Meeting of the

Company to be held on 22nd July, 2020.

This is for your information and records.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,

For Compucom Software Limited

(Swati Jain) Company Secretary & Compliance Officer


Surat have been frozen after a provisional order for attach­mentofassetswas issued under the Prevention of Money Laun­dering Act (PMLA).

The firm and its directors are being probed for allegedly cheating a consortium ofbanks, led by Bank of India, for over N80 crore.The total value of the attached properties is ~204.2 7 crore and these properties are part of proceeds of crime gener­ated on this case, the ED said in a statement. -PTI

improvement of road infra­structure ecosystem of t h e country.

"In its endeavour to provide world-class National Highways



The foguros •n Column If." under the heading 'Quarter ended' e>f the finanaal results published In lh9 news papers on 11.07 .2020 may be read under the head:119 "'year ended"

COMPUCOM1 IT: 14-15 EPIP. S11apura, Jarpur- 302022 lRaJasthan) (lnd1al Toi. 91·141 ·2770131. 6115'901·02.

Software limited Fax: 91· 141·2170335. S 115905, Email

C·IN:· l 12200RJ1995PLC009798 NOTICE

Nollce Is Mteby given lll~t F)Utw .. nt to Resu1a11on 47 of securmes at\d h!hal"lge Bo111d of lnd<a{lrs-onsObllg;i110M and [)lsdosuroRequil't'mcnn) Resulil'tions, 201S, a meeting or Board of l)jrecto1~ of the Company w.11 be held oo Wednesda!f, Julv 22, 2020 at the registered office ofch"Co'"P""Y al IT· 14 1~. £PIP. Sitapur;i, J~'pur 30JOnaH>.S 00 PM., inter 3fia toconsidor and apprO'o•e ttle Un-Aud'lled Stallda'loJ\e and Coosolld a1ed flnal\'.C.lal results of the Com panv for I~ Qu.;inu endrd on Junr 30, 20l0 und to lake onretordtimill'd ~·1irv1R('porl thereon. nu~ lnomatlon ts also i!Yallable on Companv's website at www.oompucom.~o.ln and. on Stock G:cll.ln~es' website at, www.~e..lndla.eam ;ind

for Compucom, Software Limited Pbee: Jaipur Sd/- (Swati Jain) Company Seo'etaf'/ & Compliance Officer D3te: u .01.2020 f'CS.:sm

U. P. HOTELS LTD. CIN: L551010l 1961PLC017307

Regd. Office: 1101, Surya Kiran, 19, Kas1urba Gandhi Marg, New Oelhl-110 OOt Phe>ne: 011-23722596-8, Fa)(: 011-23312990

Email:, Website;

NOTICE . We wloo to Inform yoo that pursuant to Regulation 29 &. 30 of 1h0 Securities and Exchange Boa.rd of India {listing Obliga~ons and Olsclosure Requirements) Regutalions, 2015, the mealing of the Board of !Nectors of me Company is schedUled lo be held on Sunday the 19" July, 2020 inrer alia to consider and approve the aud t.ed linancial s!a~men1S for 1he quartar and FlllMCia.I year ended 31" Match. 2020, consideration of dividend, ii any and change in addreS'S of regislered office of the company nol amoun!lng to change in locallon of registered office (locaoon remains same· vacation of one of the tvf() Bats only)

! The notice Is also ava lab le on the website or 1he Stock Exchange at W\w1.bseind1a .COll'I · and on lbe website of the Company at W1W1.hotelclarl<'

Place : New Delhi · Date : 11.07 .2020

For U. P. Hotels Limited &JI·

Prakash Chandra Prusty (Company Secretary)

Hero MotoCorp Limited

,~ Regd. Office : The Grand Pfaza. P lot No.2, Nelson Mandela Road.

Hero Vasant Kun] - Phase-II, New Delhi -11.0070

CIN: L35911DL1984PLC017354 Phone: 011·011-46044220 F;i~: 011-46044399 ! E m;:iil:

Website: www.horomot1>

PUB.UC NOTICE FOR ISSUE OF DUPUCkTE SHME CERTIACATES Mc mbor:s of the general public and existing r.harcholdor:s of Hero MoloCorp ltd. {'Company') a1e hereby Informed that the original Share Certllk-ate No. 515869 bearing disdncuve nos.. 158859766 • 1588601.85 lo;r 430 shares o1 Face Value Rs..2/· each under Folio NoJ1M L0103397 in the no me of Kl RIT MANI LAL ZAVERi and KANAl<CHANDRA MANI LAL ZAVERi. has been reported lost/mlsplacod/ stolen/ not received and that pursuant to 1equest reoel\•ed In thrs regard, the Company Intends to i s.sue duplie&te 11hare certifica te In lieu of the lost ohJ:IMI Share CerOflcate In their tavour. A:sly person ha.vlng obJections to the Issue of duplicate Share Certlfkate. as meotloned heteln above, m11y su'>mlt t~ same, 1ln wrltrng, with ttle CompaJI)' marked to tr.c 'S"rOtildlll Department' at Its Registered Olfico or send an omilfl at <secretrulalho@heromotocorp.eom> within 7' days from the datil of publl~ation of this flloCfoe. In the meanwtllle, of the publlc are hereby cautloneod against dea1ing In the a~e menllot1ed 51,a re certlf.cate.

For Hero MotoC°':P ltd.

Place : New betbl Date; 13.07.2020

Sd/· Neerja S'1a1ma

Comp<mY Sccre.tacy a. Chle.f Complla~ Offlcor


potential,-among others, and research, it said.


(Under Regulation 36A (1 > of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016

RELEVANT PARTICULARS 1 Name of the corporate debtor Amrit Feeds Limited 2 Date of incorporation of corporate debtor 22107/1994 3 Authority under which corporate debtor is

incorporated /registered Registrar of Companies· Kolkata

4 Corporate identity number /limited liability identification number of corporate debtor


5 Address of the registered office and 158 LENIN SARANI KOLKATA WB 700013 IN principal office If any) of CO!JJOrate debtor

6 Insolvency commencement date of the corporate debtor

Order dated: 22110/2019

7 Date of invitation of expression of interest 14/07/2020 8 Eligibility for resolution applicants under The interested parties/ prospective Resolution Appticant shal

section 25(2)(h) of the Code is available at s1Ubmit Expression of Interest i:l accordance wi1h slAl regulation , of Regulation 36A of the IBBI (Insolvency Resolution Process lo Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016 \CIRP Regulations'). ThE eligibinty criteria are mentioned pursuant to sub Regulation (3)(a) o Regulation 36A of the CIRP Regulations, which is avaiable a h;lwww.insolvenfaandban~t~ln The same can also bl 0 ~via eman a aiiiiiffiiiid aaalnsolvency.oom

9 Nonns of ineligibility applicable under section 29Aare available at:

The norms of lnef1gibllity under Sec1iot1 29A are mentioned pursuan1 lo sub regulation (3Xa) of Regulation 36A of the CIRP Regulalionl wt1ich is available at h!!E:/ Hie same can also be obtained via email al

10 Lasl dale for receipt of expression of inleresi 2007/2020 11 Dale of issue of ruovisional list of

prospective reso ution applicants 22/0712020

12 Last date for submission of objections to provisional fist


13 Dale of issue of final list of prospective resolution applicants


14 Dale of issue of information memorandum, 24/07/2020 evaluation matrix and request for resolution plans to prospective resolution applicants

15 Manner of obtaining request for resolution The Resolution Professional wit share the request for resootion plan

plan, evaluation matrix, information evaluation matrix/ information memorandum i1 the electronic form after veti1ication of KYC, capacity to i1vest, capability to manage and

memorandum and further information ellgibity under section 29Aof IBC, 2016 and pre-qualification aiteria, ff any approved by COC.

16 Lasl date for submission of resolution plans 03/08/2020

17 Manner of submitting resolution plans lo The Resolution Plan along with all su~forma~ resolution professional documents and various fom\s.I affidavits/ a · ' shall

submitted to the Resolution ~essional at the fol~ address AM INSOLVENCY PROF SSIONALS LLPMousu Co. Op H'oosi:lg Society, 156, Ballygooge Cirular Road, Kolkata· 700019. The Resolution Plan ~ with all suppOOing information dccumeots and various al!idavitsl authorisaoons shall also h submitted in an electronic format by enclosing a fo':~tecte< pen drive. Details wiD be provided in the request or R · Plan.

18 Estimated dale for submission of resolution As soon as lhe Resolution Plan is approved by the plan lo Ille Adjudicating Authority for appiova Committee of Creditors.

19 Name and regislratlon number of the MR. PANKAJ KUMAR TIBREWAL resolution professional IBBlnPA-001/IP/NJ1577/2018-2019112410

20 Name, Address and e·man of Ille resolution MR. PANKAJ KUMAR TIBREWAL professional, as registered wilh the Board Chitra 3E, Duke Residency, 13 Chanditala Lane, Ashok Nagar Palk,

Tollygunge, Regent Park, Kolkata, West Benga~700040 EMAIL·

21 Address and email to be used for AAA INSOLVENCY PROFESSIONALS LLP, correspondence with the resoluUon Kolkata Office· Mousumi Co. Op. Housin~ Society, 158, professional B~nge Circular Road, Kolkata-7000 9.

E -amrit

22 Further Details are available at or with Willi Resolution Professional MR. PANKAJ KUMAR T1BREWAL Chitra 3E, Duke Residency, 13 Chanditala Lane, Ashok Nagar Park Tollygunge, Regent Park, Kolkata, West BengaH00040 EMAIL· tibrewalpankai(Q)vahoo.oom

23 Date of publication of Form G 14/0712020 Date: 14107/2020 Mr. Pankaj Kumar Tibrewal Place: Kolkata 1Registra1ion No.: IBBU1PA.001nP/P·015771201S.2019112410

Chitra 3E, Duke Residency, 13 Chanditala Lane, Ashok Nagar Park, Tollygunge,Regent Park, Kolkata,West Bengal·700040 Notes:- For Amrit Feeds Limited

· (1)The RP/Coe shall have the discretion to change the criteria of the EOI at any point of time. (2) The RP/Coe reserves the right to cancel/modify the process I application without assigning any reason and without any liability whatsoever.

TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2020


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COMPUCOM anFi= 14-1s~. ~.~-302022c~H~> "''" 91-141-2770131, 5115901-02, .

~: 91-141-2770335, 5115905, t --.r.i: finl! · Software Limited c1N:-l71100RJ199SPLcoos1ge

~ ~fld!ll!ll-.ti( t{JliMUI C:lfll"'~~)~201S~f.1'11!"47 ~<millf~~"'1'i!Ttft!;~;t~li1;ft<!>'ttO<i;~ 22~. 202o;i;tl!Tli 4:00....t~<ti~~~:14-1s,~.~."""!1"-302o22lf~ <!>'t'llfrttt1f.m>f~<t 30"l:f, 202o;i;t"!l'IT'<lftrirrtt<fl~11;'.i~"'r;-~ flln!tqiiftvn'qf ll"{~ 11;'.l~~;;ml-rft 11;'.i ft:lflltiftai, ft-qft-..;tft-.ff lf "Rr<IT'll'llfrrr illf 1['AT q;"l'fi <l>'t ~ www.comp '3ITT ~ ~ <l>'t ~, 11;' ll\~ I

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