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CompTIA A+ Certification (Exam 220-902)

Official Study Guide

Study Notes

G187eng v036

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Module 1 / Unit 5

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Module 1 / Unit 5 Managing Applications


On completion of this unit, you will be able to:

■ Install, uninstall, and configure software, Windows Store apps, and

Windows features.

■ Configure software compatibility options and Windows 7's XP Mode.

■ Use the Services console to manage background processes.

■ Use msconfig to control startup items and boot settings.

■ Use Task Manager to monitor and troubleshoot processes.

Managing Software

Local applications are installed to the Program Files directory on the boot

partition (for example, C:\Program Files). Most applications will also write

configuration data to the registry and may add folders and files to the user's

home directory (or to the All Users directory for settings shared by all users).

To ensure that all these folders, files, and registry settings are created

correctly, applications should be installed and removed using the supplied

Setup program.

Application installation and removal under legacy versions of

Windows could cause problems if an application changed or

removed DLL (Dynamic Link Library) files used by other

applications, causing them to malfunction. Microsoft introduced the

Windows Installer Service to mitigate these problems. Most

application vendors use setup programs that are compliant with

Windows Installer (Windows Installer packages have .MSI

extensions). System Restore can also be configured to create a

Restore Point automatically upon application installation, adding a

further measure of protection.

64-bit Windows and 32-bit Applications

Many of the software applications available for Windows are still 32-bit. These

applications can usually be installed under 64-bit versions of Windows. They

run within a special application environment called WOW64 (Windows on

Windows 64-bit). This environment replicates the 32-bit environment expected

by the application and translates its requests into ones that can be processed

by the 64-bit CPU, memory, and file subsystems.

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In a 64-bit Windows environment, 32-bit application files are installed to the

Program Files (x86) folder while 64-bit applications are stored in Program

Files (unless the user chooses custom installation options). Windows' 64-bit

shared system files (DLLs and EXEs) are stored in

%SystemRoot%\system32; that is, the same system folder as 32-bit versions

of Windows. Files for the 32-bit versions are stored in


A 32-bit version of Windows cannot run 64-bit applications.

Installing a Desktop Application

Launch the program's setup application and complete the setup wizard to

install it. In order to install a program successfully, you should exit any other

applications or files. You may also need to disable anti-virus software.

Programs and Features

Programs and Features allows you to uninstall a program or add or remove

component features of software such as Microsoft Office. There is also usually

a repair option, which will reinstall the components of the program.

Programs and Features - select a program icon then use the options to uninstall, change, or repair

In order to uninstall a program successfully, you should exit any

applications or files that might lock files installed by the application

or the PC will need to be restarted. You may also need to disable

anti-virus software. If the uninstall program cannot remove locked

files, it will normally prompt you to check its log file for details (the

files and directories can then be deleted manually).

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Enabling and disabling Windows Features

You can use Programs and Features to enable or disable optional Windows

components. Click the Turn Windows features on or off link then check the

boxes for the features you want to enable (or uncheck boxes to remove those


Default Programs

Use the Default Programs applet to set the programs you wish to use for

particular tasks or to configure individual file associations (choosing which

application is used to open files with a particular extension).

Default Programs applet

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Compatibility Mode

One of the challenges for Microsoft in releasing a new version of Windows is to

provide compatibility for hardware and software developed for previous


Windows provides a degree of support for legacy DOS and Windows 9x

programs and each version provides support for earlier 2000/XP/Vista/7

versions. Shortcuts to such programs have a Compatibility tab.

Access program compatibility options via the application's executable or shortcut file properties

This allows you to configure the program's original operating system

environment and force it to use compatible display settings.

Features such as User Account Control and its greater protection for system

folders (Program Files and the system root), the Aero desktop compositing

engine, and 64-bit Windows versions have made application compatibility even

more challenging. UAC problems can be solved by running the program as an

administrator and there is an option to turn off advanced desktop compositing

effects. There is a Program Compatibility Troubleshooter wizard (right-click

the shortcut or executable) to help.

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Windows 7 XP Mode

The "business" and Ultimate editions of Windows 7 come with a virtualization

product called Windows Virtual PC XP Mode. This provides an XP

environment for compatibility with older hardware and software but still

integrated with the user's Start Menu and profile.

Windows 7 XP Mode

To use XP Mode, select Start > Windows Virtual PC > Windows XP Mode. If

necessary, download and install the updates as prompted. Complete setup by

entering a password for the XP mode system account, enabling Automatic

Updates, and enabling disk sharing.

Windows Virtual PC can be installed under Windows Home Basic

and Windows Home Premium but these do not support XP Mode.

Windows Virtual PC will not be installed if the CPU does not support

hardware virtualization. Windows 8 Professional comes with new

virtualization software (Hyper-V) but does not support XP Mode.

Applications installed in the XP VPC are listed under Windows XP Mode

Applications in the Start Menu. The VPC maps the host's local drives so that

files can easily be saved to the host machine.

Windows Store Windows 8 introduces support for a different kind of program, referred to

variously as a Windows app, Windows Store app, Universal app, or Modern /

Metro app. These apps run across any kind of Windows device, including

smartphones and tablets. Windows apps are not installed via Programs and

Features but via the Windows Store.

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Users must sign into the Windows Store using a Microsoft account. Apps can

be transferred between any Windows device where the user signs in with that

Microsoft account.

Managing app purchases via the Windows Store account

Windows apps can be uninstalled via the app's shortcut menu on Start Screen.

You can choose to uninstall an app from that device only or from all devices,

wiping any data stored by the app in your account in the process.

Uninstalling a Windows app via the Start Screen

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Managing Services

A service is a Windows process that does not require any sort of user

interaction and so runs in the "background" (without a window). Services

provide functionality for many parts of the Windows OS, such as allowing

logon, browsing the network, or indexing file details to optimize searches.

Services may be installed by Windows and by other applications, such as anti-

virus, database, or backup software.

Managing services using the Computer Management console

You might want to disable non-essential services to improve performance or

security. You can prevent a service from running at startup by setting it to

Manual or prevent it running completely by setting it to Disabled. Note that

this may cause problems if other services depend upon it. If something is not

working properly, you should check that any services it depends upon are

started. To configure services, open the Computer Management console then

expand Services and Applications from the tree and click the Services icon.

Alternatively you can run the services.msc command. The services snap-in

displays a list of installed services in the right-hand panel. Clicking a service

displays information about it in the left-hand panel. The shortcut menu for a

service allows you to start, stop, pause / resume, or restart (stop then start).

Component Services

The Component Object Model (COM+, Distributed COM [DCOM], and ActiveX)

is a means for developers to link software applications and leverage Windows

services. For example, COM OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) allows an

Excel spreadsheet to be saved within a Word document) or a bespoke software

application could use COM to write to the event log. The Component Services

snap-in (accessed via Administrative Tools) enables you to register new server

applications or reconfigure security permissions for existing services.

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Data Sources

The Data Sources or ODBC Data Sources snap-in (off Administrative Tools)

enables you to control data connections set up on the local computer. A data

source allows a client application to share data from a server application. For

example, an Excel spreadsheet could be set up with a data connection to an

SQL Server.

Checking available drivers using the Data Sources snap-in

An Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) data source consists of a driver for

the server application plus the location of the data (a file or a server). You may

also need to supply the table name and logon credentials. Typically drivers get

added when an application is installed.

Users can set up new data sources using the My Data Sources folder that

gets added within their Documents folder in their profile.


The System Configuration Utility (msconfig) is used to modify various

settings and files that affect the way the computer boots and loads Windows.

General Tab

The General tab allows you to configure the startup mode, choosing between

Normal, Diagnostic, and a Selective startup (where each portion of the boot

sequence can be selected).

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System Configuration Utility - General tab

Boot Tab

The Boot tab lets you configure basic settings in the Boot Configuration Data

(BCD) store. You can change the default OS, add boot options, and set the

timeout value (the duration for which the boot options menu is displayed). To

add boot paths you have to use the bcdedit command.

See Unit 3.1 for more information about troubleshooting system


System Configuration Utility - Boot tab

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Services Tab

The Services tab lets you choose specifically which services are configured to

run at startup. The date that a service was disabled is also shown, to make

troubleshooting easier.

System Configuration Utility - Services tab

Startup Tab

In Windows Vista/7, the Startup tab controls the shortcuts that have been

placed in the Startup folder of the Start Menu (these also run automatically

when Windows starts) and startup items that have been written to the registry.

System Configuration Utility - Startup tab (Windows 7)

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The Start Menu is built from a template containing settings for all users plus

shortcuts customized for the current user profile. The template is stored in

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs and the user-

specific shortcuts are in

C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu.

If the computer's performance is sluggish, try disabling startup

items (so long as they are not providing key services, such as virus


Windows 8 provides a new means of disabling startup items via Task Manager

(see below).

Tools Tab

The Tools tab contains shortcuts to various useful utilities including System

Information, Configuring UAC, Registry Editor, and so on.

System Configuration Utility - Tools tab

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Task Manager

The Task Manager utility (taskmgr) allows the user to shut down applications

that are not responding. An ordinary user can end unresponsive applications

but administrative rights are required to end processes that were not started by

the user. This protects the system as things like malware cannot disable anti-

virus software. In addition to this functionality, Task Manager can be used to

monitor the PC's key resources. The quickest way to open Task Manager is to

press Ctrl+Shift+Esc.

Other ways to open Task Manager include pressing

Ctrl+Alt+Del and selecting Task Manger, right-clicking the

taskbar, and running taskmgr.exe.

Task Manager has been significantly overhauled in Windows 8. The following

notes discuss the Vista/7 version and a topic on the Windows 8 version follows


Applications Tab

The Applications tab shows applications currently running in a desktop

window. The shortcut menu for each allows you to force the application to

close (End Task), manage its window, and show the process associated with

the application.

Windows 7 Task Manager - Applications tab

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If an application is not responding, forcing it to close may result in the loss of

any unsaved data. You are prompted to confirm what you want to do:

Program not responding dialog

Some applications, including Microsoft Office ones, can try to recover unsaved

information from autosave and temp files.

Processes Tab

While the Applications tab shows tasks that run in a desktop window, many

more processes will be running on the computer. Some may show

management icons in the Notification Area while others are system and

application processes with no direct interactivity (some may be configured via

Control Panel or Services). To view system-level processes (those not running

under the logged-on user account), you must select the Show processes

from all users option.

The Processes tab shows CPU utilization and memory usage for each

process. You would examine these values to discover whether a particular

application was misbehaving. For example, an application may "leak" memory

by not freeing it up when it has finished using it. To show more than the default

CPU and Memory Usage, select View > Select Columns and check the items

that you want to look at.

If a process is not responding or if you suspect it is faulty, you can right-click

and select End Process to terminate it.

In some circumstances, you may want to privilege one task over another (or

conversely, set one task to have fewer resources than others). You can do this

by right-clicking the process and choosing an option from the Set Priority

submenu. For example, if you had a Voice over IP application and its priority

was not already set to Above normal, changing its priority might improve call

quality as the CPU would privilege that process over ones set to any other


As with other administrative tools, some settings in Task Manager

(such as showing system level processes) are not available unless

you run the tool with administrative privileges.

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Windows 7 Task Manager - Processes tab

You can choose to open the folder containing the process and inspect its file

properties. This can be useful if you suspect a malware infection - you should

check that the process is installed to a valid location. Sometimes a single

process (such as svchost.exe) will "host" multiple services; conversely there

may be multiple versions of the process running. You can use the Go to

Service(s) option in the process's shortcut menu to view them.

Use the File menu to launch a new process. You can choose to

launch the process with administrative privileges by checking the


tasklist and taskkill You can also identify which service is running in which process (and vice versa)

at a command-line using the tasklist command. tasklist shows a list of

processes (images) along with a PID, session name and number, and memory

usage (in kilobytes). You can run the command with the /fi switch to apply

various filters (for example, tasklist /fi "memusage gt 150000" shows

processes using more than 150 MB) - check the online help for details. Using

tasklist /svc shows a list of services within each process.

taskkill can be used to end processes and services. Use taskkill /pid

processid or taskkill /im ImageName to end a task by PID or image

name respectively. Use the /t switch to also halt any child processes.

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The /f switch terminates the process without any user notification (for the user

to save changes for instance) and will also terminate it even if it is currently

displaying a dialog. You can run the command with an appropriate filter (/fi

"Criteria"). You can use a PID, image name, service name, or window title

or target multiple images using a filter for CPU time, memory usage, or status

("Not Responding" for instance).

There may be circumstances when you need to run Explorer with

administrative privileges. To do this, open a command prompt

using "Run as administrator". Use taskkill /f /im

explorer.exe to terminate the existing Explorer process then run

explorer.exe again from the same command prompt.

On a network, you can use taskkill and tasklist to manage

processes on a remote computer using the /s switch to identify the

remote host (by IP address or host name) and the /u and /p

switches to specify credentials (user name and password).

Services Tab

Windows 7 Task Manager - Services tab

You can use the Services tab to show which services are running, start and

stop services, or open the services management console. Each running

service is associated with a host process through its PID (Process ID). You

can use the Go to Process option in the process's shortcut menu to view it.

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Performance and Networking Tabs

The Processes tab shows which applications might be using (or over-using)

system resources. You can also use Task Manager to get a snapshot of

overall system performance. Click the Performance tab to view resource

usage. On a system with multiple processors, you should see multiple graphs

for CPU Usage (one for each CPU). If this is not the case, select View > CPU

History > One Graph per CPU. Note that physical, multi-core, and

HyperThreaded processors are all represented.

Windows 7 Task Manager - Performance tab

The following memory usage is displayed:

■ Physical Memory - usage of system RAM (not including the pagefile).

■ Kernel Memory - physical and paged memory used by Windows core files.

■ System summary - showing handles, threads, and processes (software

objects being managed by the CPU), system uptime, and the commit

charge (overall memory usage, including physical memory and pagefile).

High peak values are nothing to worry about, but consistently high utilization

means that you should consider adding more resources to the system (or run

fewer processes!). CPU and physical memory obviously require physical

upgrades. Windows will normally change the pagefile dynamically if it is

running out of space. If it has been set manually, you should increase it (using

the Performance Settings button on the Advanced page of System


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If the commit charge exceeds total physical memory then

performance will suffer as the system will be using the disk-based

pagefile extensively. You need to multiply the commit charge

(measured here in gigabytes) by 1024 to compare to physical

memory (measured in megabytes).

There is also a link to Resource Monitor, which shows additional live

performance information.

Task Manager is useful for viewing system resources at a point-in-

time. For more in-depth performance analysis, you can record

historical logs and track usage over time using a tool such as

Performance Monitor (available from Computer Management) or

a third-party tool. Refer to Unit 2.2 for more information.

The Networking tab shows the status and utilization of the network adapter(s).

Users Tab

The Users tab shows who is logged on to the machine. An administrator can

disconnect or log off other users or send them a notification (to inform them

that the computer will be shut down for instance).

Windows 7 Task Manager - Users tab

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Windows 8 Task Manager

In Windows 8, you can open Task Manager via the Ctrl+Shift+Esc key

combo, by right-clicking the taskbar, or by using the Start+X menu. Task

Manager may start in a "compact" mode; click the Show details button to

expand it.

Windows 8 Task Manger - Processes tab

In Windows 8, the functions of the Applications and Processes tabs are

consolidated across the Processes and Details tabs. On the Processes tab,

you can expand each app or background process to view its sub-processes

and view more clearly what resources each is taking up.

The shortcut menu allows you to end a task. There is also an option to search

for information about the process online. Another option is to view more

information about a process via the Details tab. You can identify Services

associated with a process via the shortcut menu on the Details tab.

The Performance tab provides more information about the CPU, memory,

disk, and network subsystems while the App History tab shows usage

information for Windows Store apps.

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Windows 8 Task Manger - Performance tab

The Users tab lets you see who is logged on (and allows you to send them a

message or sign them out) plus information about the processes they are

running and the resource utilization associated with their account.

Windows 8 Task Manger - Users tab

The Startup tab lets you disable programs added to the Startup folder (type

shell:startup at the Run dialog to access this). It also shows how much

impact each item has on boot times.

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Review Questions / Module 1 / Unit 5 / Managing Applications

Answer these questions to test what you have learned in this unit. You can

submit your answers and review the model answers on the course website.

1) What is the key combination to display Task Manager?

2) The installer program presents three options in Programs and Features.

Two are "Uninstall" and "Change". What is the third?

3) Which Windows version(s) support(s) XP Mode?

4) How would you configure a legacy Windows 98 application to work with

Windows 8.1?

5) How do you cause a program to run automatically for all users when

Windows 7 starts?

6) True or false? Kernel memory does not use the pagefile.

7) Why might you open the "Services" tab in msconfig?

8) How would you check peak memory usage for a particular process?

9) What additional information is shown on the "Users" tab in Windows 8 Task

Manager compared to Windows 7?

10) You are watching CPU Usage and notice that it often jumps to 100% then

falls back. Does this indicate a problem?

11) True or false? Only a user with administrative privileges can add or remove

Windows components.

12) You take a support call where the user doesn't understand why a program

runs at startup when the "Startup" folder is empty. What is the likely cause

and how could you verify this?

If you have access to the Practice Labs, complete the "Using

Windows Features and Tools" lab now.

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Lab 5 / Application Management

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Lab 5 / Application Management

In this lab you will explore some software compatibility issues and look at the

Services snap-in and Task Manager tools.

Exercise 1: Testing Program Compatibility

Windows can run software in an environment that simulates older versions of

Windows to try to solve compatibility problems.

1) Start the WIN7 VM and log on.

2) Open the c:\GTSLABS folder.

3) Double-click the PGPfreeware.exe file to run it.

4) Click OK to the error message.

5) Right-click the executable and select Troubleshoot compatibility.

6) Select Try recommended settings then click Start the program.

7) Click Yes to the UAC prompt to continue with the installation.

You should be cautious about installing unsigned software.

8) Cancel out of any error messages but leave the troubleshooter open.

9) In the "Program Compatibility" troubleshooter, click Next then No, try

again using different settings.

10) Check The program worked in earlier versions of Windows but won't

install or run now. Click Next.

11) Select Windows 95 and click Next.

12) Click Start the program.

13) Click Yes to the UAC prompt to continue with the installation.

14) The program will still not install - cancel out of the error messages.

15) In the Program Compatibility troubleshooter, click Next then No, report

the problem to Microsoft and check online for a solution.

16) Click Close the troubleshooter.

In this instance, the software is just not compatible with Windows 7 and you

would have to look at the vendor's site for an updated version.

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Exercise 2: Using Programs and Features

The Programs and Features applet in Control Panel allows you to safely

uninstall application software and view the patches installed by Windows

Update. You can also use Control Panel to configure application defaults, such

as setting the program associated with a particular file extension.

1) Select Start > Control Panel > Uninstall a program. There are no

programs installed.

2) Select View installed updates. There is only one update - note that it

cannot be uninstalled.

3) Select Turn Windows features on or off. Note that you can install

services such as Telnet or SNMP here. Click Cancel.

4) In the Control Panel window breadcrumb, click Programs. Click Default

Programs. Explore the following configuration options (click the Back

button in the address bar or use the Close or Cancel button to exit each

applet without making changes):

Set your default programs: associate programs with a standard set of

file extensions and network protocols.

Associate a file type or protocol with a program: change the default

program for a specific file type.

Change AutoPlay settings: control what happens when different types

of removable media are inserted.

Set program access and computer defaults: set the programs used

by default by other programs for functions such as web browsing,

email, and playing media files.

5) Close Control Panel.

Exercise 3: System Configuration and Services

Some services are essential but others can be disabled to reduce startup time

or make more system memory available.

1) Press the Start key, type msconfig, and press Enter.

The System Configuration utility loads.

2) Select the Boot tab.

You can use this tab to set Windows to boot to some type of safe mode on

the next restart (or permanently if required).

3) Click Advanced options.

This dialog allows you to limit the number of CPUs and amount of system

memory available, which can sometimes be useful for troubleshooting.

4) Click Cancel.

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5) Click the Services tab. Click the Status column header to sort by this field.

Observe the list of running services.

6) Locate the Themes service and uncheck it. Click Apply. Note that the date

and time the service was disabled is recorded.

7) Click the Startup tab. This shows shortcuts added to the Startup program

group on the Start menu and programs that will run at startup or login due

to various registry settings.

8) Click the Tools tab and observe the utilities that can be run from here.

Select Computer Management and click Launch.

9) Switch back to the System Configuration utility window and click OK to

close it. Select Exit without Restart when prompted.

10) In the management console, expand Services and Applications then click

Services in the left-hand pane.

This snap-in lets you manage services. These are Windows and third-party

processes that run in the background to support functions of Windows and

third-party applications. You may choose to disable or enable services to

improve performance or to troubleshoot a problem.

11) Locate the Themes service, right-click it and select Stop. Note the change

to the desktop when the service is not running.

12) Right-click Themes and select Properties. Note the options available here:

General: Start, stop, pause, and resume a service and change its

startup type (whether the service runs when Windows starts)

If the startup type is disabled, you cannot start the service. You

must change the startup type to automatic or manual first.

Log On: specify the user account used to run the service.

Recovery: options for troubleshooting if the service does not start.

Dependencies: any relationships to other services.

13) On the General tab, change the "Startup type" to Automatic. Click Apply.

14) Click Start then OK.

15) Close any open windows.

Exercise 4: Task Manager in Windows 7

In this exercise, you will use the Task Manager tool to obtain a snapshot of

system performance.

1) Right-click the taskbar and then click Start Task Manager. Observe the

Applications tab.

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Note that nothing is running.

2) Click the Processes tab. Note the background processes running under

the user account.

3) Select Start > All Programs > Accessories > WordPad.

4) Check the Applications and Processes tabs in Task Manager and note

the CPU and memory utilization for the wordpad.exe process.

5) Click the Performance tab. Note that CPU Usage graph shows the point at

which WordPad was launched and then (because there was no user

activity) a reversion to baseline usage. Note how much of the VM's

resources are committed just to running Windows itself.

6) Click the Services tab and sort by Status. Note the number of services is

far higher than the number of processes seen previously. Also note that

each service has a PID (Process ID).

7) Click the Processes tab then click the Show processes from all users


Services running under the system, local, and network services accounts

are shown.

8) Select View > Select Columns. Check the box for PID and click OK.

Note the number of svchost.exe processes running and that these have the

same PID as many of the services you looked at. Svchost is a generic

process for running many Windows services.

9) Right-click a svchost.exe process and select Go to Service(s).

10) Look at the Performance tab again and make a note of the usage levels.




11) Click the Applications tab. Right-click the WordPad item and select End

Task. Switch back to the Performance tab and note the effect.

12) Close Task Manager.

Exercise 5: Task Manager in Windows 8

In this exercise, you will use the Task Manager in Windows 8.

1) Start the CLIENT virtual machine and open its connection window.

2) Log on as CLIENT\Admin with the password Pa$$w0rd.

3) On the desktop, right-click Start and then click Task Manager.

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4) In Task Manager, click More details.

5) On the Processes tab, notice the list of Apps, Background processes, and

Windows processes running.

6) Click the Memory column to order the apps and processes by memory


7) Click to order the apps and processes by CPU usage.

8) Right-click the app or process using the most CPU resource and then

select Go to details.

9) On the Details tab, you can see a list of apps and processes listed by

executable name. The highlighted executable is for the process you

selected from the Processes tab. Information includes the status of a

process, its PID (process ID), and resource usage. To end a process, you

can right-click it and then click End task, or End process tree. The latter

closes not only the selected task, but all related tasks started by the

selected task. You can add additional columns by right-clicking the column

header and then clicking Select columns.

10) Click the Performance tab. You can view the current system performance

on this tab in terms of CPU usage, memory consumption, disk usage, and

network throughput.

11) On the left, click Disk 0 (C:). You can see detailed information about the

disk resources.

12) Click the App history tab. This shows the usage history of installed

Windows Store apps.

13) Click the Startup tab. This shows information about items configured to run

at startup. There may be nothing showing here.

14) Click the Users tab. This shows information about resource usage on a

per-user basis.

15) Click the Services tab. This is a list of all services in the computer, and

shows the status (running, stopped) of each. Also shown is the PID.

Exercise 6: Closing the Lab

We will discard the changes made to the VMs during this lab.

1) On your HOST, open Hyper-V Manager. For each running VM, complete

the following steps:

o Right-click the VM icon and select Revert.

o In the "Revert Virtual Machine" dialog, click Revert.

o If the "Virtual Machine Connect" window is still open, you can close it.

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