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A Thesis

Submitted to Faculty of Adab and Humanities in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for The Strata One (S1) Degree

Dicky Hapita Putra









Dicky Hapita Putra, Compensation Strategy of Idiom Translation in Novel “The

Runaway Jury (JuriPilihan)” by John Grisham. A Thesis: Adab and Humanities

Faculty, State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta, September


The aims of the thesis are to find compensation strategy in the novel The

Runaway Jury (JuriPilihan), then to classify them into four types based on the theory

of Sandor Harvey and Ian Higgins, such as, compensation in kind, compensation in

place, compensation in splitting and compensation in merging. The methodology in

this research, the writer uses qualitative descriptive method with reading the novel,

the original novel and the translation novel. Next, the writer notes the idiom in the

novel using of compensation strategy and analysis alteration occurring in translation

using compensation strategy then the writer classifying the data. The last,the writer

explains application compensation strategy of idiom translation in the novel. The

writer finds three of four types of compensation strategy in the novel: compensation

in kind, compensation in splitting and compensation in merging. The differences of

each type: the idioms using compensation in kind to translate relatively is not long in

the explanation, but enough to understand the meaning of the idiom. Next, the idioms

using compensation in splitting become longer and extended than SL and the idioms

using compensation in merging become shorter and simple, but the reader can catch

the point of the idiom.

Keywords: novel, compensation strategy, compensation in kind, compensation in

splitting, compensation in merging



In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful. All praises

belong to Allah who has blessed the writer in completing this thesis. Peace and

salutation be upon the most honorable Prophet Muhammad SAW (peace be upon to

him), his families, his companies, and his followers.

The writer would like to express her sincere thanks to:

1. His beloved parents mama and papa, for their love, support, patience, and fully

finance during his study and the process of this thesis, his brother mas Dhany

who supports him in finance too and all his families who always support and

pray for his success.

2. His advisor M. Agus Suriadi, M. Hum, for his continuing guidance, patience, and

support during the writer conducts this thesis until finish.

3. The Dean of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Prof. Dr. Sukron Kamil, M.A.,

who gave him permission to conduct this study.

4. The Head of English Letters Department, Drs. A. Saefuddin, M.Pd., who gave

permission to conduct this thesis and for his advice in completing this study.

5. The Secretary of English Letters Department, Elve Oktafiyani, M. Hum, who

gave much information about departmental policies.


6. All lecturers at English Letters Department, who have taught and educated him

during the study.

7. All English Letters Student Class of 2011 who have been mutually telling and

each other to finish the thesis.

8. His close friends of “Boim Wong”, Bangga, Zulmi, Reza, Fathan, Septian,

Engkus, Ichwan, Wahid, Fariz, Irvan, and Rohim who support each other to

finish the thesis

9. His friend from childhood Beny Setiadi who supports, helps and accompany him

to finish his thesis.

10. His Senior High School friends, Oriza, Ade, Ikhsan, Ian, Yudha and Zarkasih

who support and remind him to complete the thesis.

The writer realizes that there are many lacks and mistakes in this thesis.

Hopefully, this thesis can give many advantages for students or people who read it.

Jakarta, December 2016

The Writer



ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... i

APPROVEMENT ............................................................................................. ii

LEGALIZATION ............................................................................................ iii

DECLARATION ............................................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ v

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................. vii

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ......................................................... 1

A. Background of The Research ...................................... 1

B. Focus of The Research ................................................ 3

C. Question of The Research ........................................... 3

D. Significance of The Research ..................................... 3

E. Research of Methodology ........................................... 4

CHAPTER II. THEORITICAL DESCRIPTION.. .............................. 6

A. Previous Researches .................................................... 6

B. Conceptual Description ............................................... 8

1. Definition of Translation.................................... . 8


2. Translation Strategies.........................................10

3. Compensation Strategy Deeper............................. 11

4. Idiom……………………………………………. 14 .

CHAPTERIII. THE ANALYSIS.............................................................. 17

A. Data Description ......................................................... 17

B. Data Analysis .............................................................. 17

CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ......................... 29

A. Conclusion .................................................................. 29

B. Suggestion ................................................................... 30

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................. 31

APPENDIX ........................................................................................................ 33




A. Background of the Research

In globalization era, many languages in the world that can be learned, such as,

English, Japanese, Arabic, etc. English that has become international language and

has used in any fields, for people is something important for them to learn it as a

capital to understand any development of the world. One of the aspects that need to

be learned in English is idiom. Idiom is a group of words which has a different

meaning from the meaning of its written context.1 In other words, idiom cannot be

translated literally. For the translator, he should have knowledge about idiom because

it is a challenge translating text or book using many idioms. Good translation can

only be done by a translator who has good qualification because the process of

translating involves two languages, they are source language and target language. The

process of translating also involves differences of culture to reveal ideas and

meanings from source language to target language. Hence, translating envelops the

whole finding meaning process of culture and convey a message to people in another

culture.2As the writer said above, English has been used in any fields, including

1Monika Gaule, Dr. Gurpreet Singh Josan, Machine Translation of Idioms from English to Hindi, Vol.

2, No.6, p. 50, (International Journal of Computational Engineering Research, October 2012) 2Frans Sayogie, Teori dan Praktik Penerjemahan (Tangerang Selatan: Transpustaka, 2014), pp. 3-4


literary works. Literary works such as, poem, prose or novel had started to revolve

and have enjoyed by readers in Indonesia. As it has been explained before that the

culture of a country can be seen in literary works, thus the process of translating

literary works need an accuracy and comprehension of another culture by a translator

to obtain the result of translation text accordance with the original text and the reader

can understand about plot in the literary works.

Poetry, prose or novel are the result of author‟s expression what he feels or from

any occurrences around him and translates in form of literary works enjoyed by

readers and let them to imagine anything about occurrences in the literary works.

Associating with this research, novel become the objects of research in this thesis.

A novel is a long narrative, normally in prose, which describes fictional characters

and events, usually in the form of a sequential story.3Novel is a literary work which

has many readers, both from kids to adults. Novel also has two versions, novel

accordance to true story (non-fiction), and novel from imagination of writer (fiction).

But, sometimes the author develops of story in non-fiction novel for give a drama

effect, so we can say non-fiction novel become fiction novel because of it. As it is

said above, translating a text especially novel, a translator must have knowledge

about anything in the novel, both from culture, word choices whether this novel uses

old English or there are new words and a translator has to catch the plot of that novel.

3, accessed 23

rd January 2017, 08.00 pm


The strategy that will be analyzed is compensation strategy. Compensation is

strategy to change words when it cannot be found the equivalent of words from

source language to target language accepted by people. In this research, the writer

tries to find the words in source language can match with the words in target language

and another reason is compensation rarely appointed to become a research topic.

Hence, the title of this research is Compensation Strategy in Translation Novel “The

Runaway Jury (Juri Pilihan)” by John Grisham.

B. Focus of the Research

This research focuses on compensation strategy of the idioms translation in the

novel “The Runaway Jury (Juri Pilihan).

C. Questions of the Research

Based on focus of the research above, there is a question for this research:

1. What are the types of compensation strategy in translation novel “The

Runaway Jury (Juri Pilihan) applied by the translator”?

2. How are compensation strategies of the idioms translation applied by

the translator?

D. Significant of the Research

This research is hoped to give or add new knowledge about translation strategy,

especially compensation stratgey that rarely appointed to become topic of research.


Furthermore, it can give comprehension about types of compensation strategy used in

translating the idiom

E. Research of Methodology

1. Object of the Research

To find the sentences or words in the novel using compensation strategy to

translate to Indonesia language. Then, to classify the data in any types of

compensation strategy obtained fromthe novel andto explain application

compensation strategy of idiom translation in the novel.

2. Method of the Research

In this research, the writer uses qualitative descriptive method. Firstly, reading

the novel, both the original novel and the translation novel. Next, noting the

sentences or phrases in the novel using compensation strategy, analyzing

alteration that occur in translation using compensation, classifying the data

and explaining application compensation strategy of idiom translation.

3. Technique of Data Analysis

This research uses descriptive technique by using theory of Sandor Harvey,

and Ian Higgins to classifying the translation using compensation strategy and

explainingapplication compensation strategy of idiom translation

4. Instrument of the Research


The instrument in this research is the writer himself by reading, noting and

classifying the data.

5. Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis in this research is the original novel in English that is

“The Runaway Jury” by John Grisham and the translation novel in Indonesian

language “The Runaway Jury (Juri Pilihan)” translated by Hidayat Saleh.




A. Previous Research

Many people who had researched about compensation strategy. The writer shows

some researches about compensation strategy. There are 3 researches that havebeen

done about compensation strategy:

First, Ana Belén Cabrejas-Peñuelas (2012) with her journal entitlesThe

Compensation Strategies of an Advanced and a Less Advanced Language Learner: A

Case Study. This research aims to investigating the compensation strategies used by

an expert and a less expert language learner. Compensation strategies had been found

to be useful to make up for lack of linguistic knowledge and to keep the composing

going. In her opinion, the expert and less expert learners have been found to use very

similar strategies, but while the expert learner showed a careful orchestration of

strategies leading to successful prose, some strategies used by the less expert learner

in a linear fashion that did not have good results for the quality of essay. In the end,

may have implications for teaching less able students. The result of this research is to

report on how an advanced and an intermediate student of English as a foreign

language differ in the compensation strategies they use.


Second, The Use of Compensation Strategies in the Iranian EFL Learners’

Speaking and its Relationship with Their Foreign Language Proficiency by Ali Akbar

Taheri and Mohammad Davoudi (2016). In this research, Compensation strategies are

strategies which a language user employs in order to achieve his intended meaning

when precise linguistic forms are for some reasons not available at that point of

communication. The researcher in the present study tries to investigate the

relationship between compensation strategies use and the level of language

proficiency and gender. Thus, participated four groups of learners in this research to

explore this relationship, that are advanced male, advanced female, intermediate male

and intermediated female, each containing 12 members. They were interviewed and

their performances recorded then transcribed. Finally, found that “self repition”,

direct appeal for help”, and “approximation” are the most frequency used strategies.

Third, Motallebzadeh and Tousi (2011) explained, in this researched

entitleEmploying Compensation Strategy in Translation of Idioms: A Case Study of

the Translation of Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in Persian,focus on

the problems caused by non-idiomatic translators of the target text‟s idioms. In their

opinion, each language has its own unique culture and its own set of rules, sometimes

it is impossible to translate an SL idiom with the exact counterpart idiom in the TL.

So, translators have no other choice than translating the SL idiom, non-idiomatically

and the target text. Here the translator will encounter with a gap of idiomaticity in

their translations, while the original text is more idiomatic than their translate version.

Firstly, they gave the definitions about idiom from any sources such as McGraw-


Hill‟s Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal, Larson and Baker. In this research,

were explained five strategies in translating idioms and one of them is translation by

compensation. This strategy cannot be adequately illustrated. Simply, means that may

omit or play down a feature such as idiomaticity at the point where it occurs in the

source text and introduce it elsewhere in target text. This strategy is not restricted to

idiomaticity on fixed expressions and may be used to make up for any loss or

meaning, emotional force, or stylistic effect, which may not be possible to reproduce

directly at a given point in the target text. Next, Khalil and Seiko explained about

definitions of compensation from any experts such as Newmark, Nida and Taber,

Baker and Harvey. In their opinion, although the compensation has not a great deal

of attention within the field of translation theory, it certainly deserves to be

investigated in greater detail which is exactly what this research aims to do.

From three previous researches above, the different with this thesis are the writer

focuses to analysingcompensation strategy then classifying the data were got from the

novel and explains application compensation strategy of idiom translation.

B. Conceptual Description

1. Definition of Translation

Translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written

message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or

statement in another language.4 In other hand, translation is a skill, it is

4Kardimin, Pintar Menerjemah: Wawasan Teoritik dan Praktek, (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2013),



means, many people can translate but also many people unsuccessfully to

deliver the messages or points from SL to TL based on Newmark‟s statement

above. Therefore, as the translator needs a comprehension and knowledge

about how to good translate a text from SL to TL to get a good result.

In another context, translation is a form of communication that

explained by Hatim and Mason, that is an act of communication which

attempts to relay, across cultural and linguistic boundaries, another act of

communication.5 Nida and Taber,had also explained that translation is a form

of communication where a translator is among the both of language that are

become receiver of source language then become sender of target language.6

It is means, that as a human being, language is an important thing for

communication either verbal language or with sign language to send message

about our perception or to express what we feel.

Thus, according of any definition of translation above, translation is

process to transfer language from source language (SL) to target language

(TL) in text as well as a form of communication to send a message.

5Sayogie, op.cit., p.7

6Benny Hoedoro Hoed, Penerjemahan dan Kebudayaan (Jakarta: Dunia Pustaka Jaya, 2006), pp.28-29


2. Translation Strategies

When translating a book or text, a translator will find the different

problems in process of translation. There are 18 strategies of translation can

used by translator to solve any problems when translate7:

1) Adaptation: it replaces a ST cultural element with one from the

target culture;2) Amplification: it introduces details that are not formulated in

the ST; 3) Borrowing: it takes a word or expression straight from another

language. It can be pure (without any change); 4) Calque: it literal translation

of a foreign word or phrase; it can be lexical or structural; 5) Compensation:

it introduces a ST element of information or stylistic effect in another place in

the TT because it cannot be reflected in the same place as in the ST; 6)

Description: it replaces a term or expression with a description of it is form

or/and function; 7) Discursive creation: it establishes a temporary equivalence

that is totally unpredictable out of context; 8) Established equivalent: it uses a

term or expression recognized (by dictionaries or language in use) as an

equivalent in the TL; 9) Generalization: it uses a more general or neutral term;

10) Linguistic amplification: it adds linguistic elements. This is often used in

consecutive interpreting and dubbing; 11) Linguistic compression: it

synthesizes linguistic elements in the TT. This is often used in simultaneous

7Lucia Molina, Amparo Hurtado Albir, Translation Technique Revisited: A Dynamic and Functionalist

Approach, Vol. 48, No.4, pp. 12-14, (META, 2002)


interpreting and in sub-titling; 12) Literal translation: it translates a word or an

expression word for word; 13) Modulation: it changes the point of view, focus

or cognitive category in relation to the ST, it can be lexical or structural; 14)

Particularization: it uses a more precise or concrete term; 15) Reduction: it

suppress a ST information item in the TT; 16) Substitution: it changes

linguistic elements for paralinguistic elements (intonation, gestures) or vice

versa; 17) Transposition: it changes a grammatical category; 18) Variation: it

to changes linguistic or paralinguistic element (intonation, gestures) that affect

aspects of linguistic variation: changes of textual tone, style, social dialect,

geographical dialect.

Translating needs a long time process and as a translator will face any

problems when translate, such as idiomaticity, grammatical, equivalent, etc.

Therefore, those strategies above used in accordance with the problems that

the translator got and if the translator can solve the problems he got and

understand what the translator have to do when he got problems to translating,

it is not possible, the translator can produce a good translation.

3. Compensation Strategy Deeper

Compensation is one of eighteen strategies which have contribution

for assist the translator for translate, while it can be used as onepossible

strategy for dealing with idioms and quite an effective one for compensating

the loss caused by translating.Compensation is when loss the meaning or


sound effect or metaphor in one part of sentence in compensation in another

part.8In other word, with this strategy the translator asked for intreprete such

as, words, phrases or sentences which can not to applied in target language

because of the elements of culture from source language. Compensation is

also where any conventional translation would entail an unacceptable

translation loss, this loss is reduced by the freely chosen introduction of a less

unacceptable one, such that important ST effects are rendered in the TT by

means other than those used in the ST.9 The conventional translation in

question is literaly translation. If this translation is done at words, phrase or

sentences in ST which should use compensation strategy, thus there are

deviation meaning and unacceptable meaning in TT so that difficult to

understand the meaning of the text. Another definition of compensation is

related with the idiom. Baker said that in compensation, the translator can

omit or shrink feature like idiomatic at the point where it happened in source

language and show in another place in target language.10

Sandor Harvey and

Ian Higgins, classified the compensation into four types. First, compensation

in kind is to making up for one type of textual effect in the ST by another type

8Peter Newmark, Approaches to Translation (United Kingdom: Pergamon Press, 1982), p.31

9Sandor Harvey, Ian Higgins, Stella Cragie, Patricia Gambrotta, Thinking Italian Translation: A course

in translation method: Italian to English(London: Routledge, 2000), p.34 10

Khalil Motallebzadeh, Seika Tousi, Employing Compensation Strategy in Translation of Idioms: A

Case Study of the Translation of Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in Persian, Vol.3,

No.1, p. 9, (Iran: Macrothink Institute, 2011)


in the TT.11

This type requires the translator to make new statement or

expression in target language have same meaning with source language and

adjust with the situation in target language.

Second, compensation in place where the TT textual effect occurring

at a different place, relative to the other features in the TT context, from

corresponding textual effect in the ST context.12

An instance for this

compensatory strategy is employed to make up for an inevitable loss such as

figures of speech pertaining to schemes or tropes, as in compensating for the

loss of alliteration by employing assonance or vice versa. This type means, the

translator focus to keep the rhyme that exits in source language and make it in

the target language though difference place. If in source language exist in the

beginning of sentence, possibility can exist anywhere of the sentence in target

language. Third, compensation in splitting involves a change in „economy‟,

ST features being spread over a longer length of TT.13

In short, in this type,

the translator is requires to interpretation or explain more detail the simple

statement or expression in a text or novel so that the reader can catch what the

point it is.

Fourth, compensation by merging is considering the features carried

over a relatively longer stretch of the ST (a complex phrase) into a relatively


Sandor Harvey, Ian Higgins, Thinking Translation: A course in translation method: French to

English(London: Routledge, 1992), p.35 12

Ibid, p.37 13

James Dickins, Sandor Hervey, Ian Higgins, Thinking Arabic Translation: A course in translation

method: Arabic to English, (London: Routledge, 2002), p.47


shorter stretch of TT (a single word or a simple phrase).For some cases,

compensation by merging is the only way to strike a balance between doing

justice to the literal meaning of a piece of ST and constructing an idiomatic


The translator use this type to make a simple statement or expression in

TT that describe longer in ST and the translator have to know what the means

of expression or statement that describe in ST.

4. Idiom

Idioms are generally defined as fixed phrases consisting of more than

one word, and their meaning cannot be worked out by knowing the meaning

of the individual words.15

In other words, translating idiom can not be

translated literally because it needs comprehend about the meaning of idiom

itself and need translation strategy which can assist the translator when

translating the idiom either from text or book.

As the writer said, translating idiom need strategy that aim assist the

translator for understanding the meaning of idiom itself. These are strategy for

translating the idiom:


Harvey, Higgins, op.cit, p.38 15

Gaule, Josan, op.cit, p.50


a. Using an Idiom of similar meaning and form

It involves using an idiom in the target language which convey roughly the

same meaning as that of the source language idiom and in addition consists

of equivalent lexical items.

b. Using an Idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form

Idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form refers to those having

completely different meanings and the occasions in which the idioms are

used are not alike as well.

c. Using an Idiom Translation by paraphrase

Where the expression is often rewritten using other words to simplify it and

then translate.

d. Using an Idiom Translation by Omission

If the idiom has no close match, the system can simply omit the idiom in

target language. The meaning will not be harmed, if this technique is used

when the words which will be omitted are not vital to the development of

the text. Translator can simply omit translating the word or the expression

in question


e. Translation by compensation

This strategy is not restricted to idiomaticity or fixed expressions and may

be used to make up for any loss or meaning, emotional force, orstylistic

effect, which may not be possible to reproduce directly at a given point in

thetarget text.16


Motallebzadeh, Tousi, op.cit, pp.3-4




A. Data Description

In this chapter, the data are taken from both of novel “The Runaway Jury” by

John Grisham and the same book “Juri Pilihan” that has been translated into

Indonesian by Hidayat Saleh. John,is an American bestselling writer, attorney,

politician, and activist best known for his popular legal thrillers. His books have been

translated into 42 languages and published worldwide.17

This novel told a court about

suit to the tobacco company. The plaintiff felt that the company has been sold the

cigarette that causes her husband is dead. Many tricks are from the both of sides to

win the court. With this novel, the writerfinds type of compensation strategy

containing in this novel and explains application compensation strategy of idiom


B. Data Analysis

In this part, the writer analyzes the sample of the data from the novel “The

Runaway Jury” by John Grisham and the translation novel “Juri Pilihan” by Hidayat

17, accessed 23rd

January 2017, 08.30 p.m


Saleh and explains what type of compensation that containing in this novel and

explains application compensation strategy of idiom translation.

I. Compensation in Kind:

Data 1:

SL: “Each company siphoned off three million a year and routed the cash

circuitously until it landed in The Fund. No bean counter, no auditor,

no regulator had ever caught wind of the slush money.”(8)

TL: ”Masing-masing perusahaan mengalirkan tiga juta dolar setahun dan

memutar-mutar uang itu hingga mendarat di The Fund. Tidak ada

akuntan, tidak ada auditor, tidak ada penegak hukum yangmencium

adanya dana untuk tujuan-tujuan tersebut.”(25)

The data included into the compensation in kind. Based on the

definition of compensation in kind, that is to making up for one type of textual

effect in the ST by another type in the TT and this is appropriate with the

idiom translation in TL. In translating the idiom, the translator cannot uses

the literal translation because with that way, the translator does not get the

right meaning of the idiom, for example caught wind of the slush money does

not means menangkap angin dari lumpur uang. In other words, the idiom

translation of the data is not interpreted directly, yet a new effect that created

by the translator for interpret the meaning of the idiom, so that the right


meaning of the idiom in TL is mencium adanya dana untuk tujuan-tujuan

tersebut. The meaning is acceptable and comprehenable by the reader.

Data 2

SL: “A few of his questions were wrapped around mini-arguments, but he

stayedout of trouble.” (29)

TL: “Beberapa pertanyaan diajukan secara tak langsung dalam argumen-

argumen singkat, tapi ia tidak membuat masalah.” (65)

The definition of the compensation in kind is making up for one type

of textual effect in the ST by another type in the TT and this appropriate with

the idiom translation in TL. The translator make a new effect or explanation in

interpret the idiom in SL. Translating the idiom, the translator cannot use

literal translation because he could get the wrong meaning of the idiom itself.

Stayed out of trouble does not means tetap keluar dari masalah. The meaning

can be unacceptable by the reader and can damage the plot of the novel.

Hence, the compensation in kind strategy asissts the translator to interpret the

idiom with new explanation that can be appleid in TL and acceptable by the

reader, so that the right meaning is tidak membuat masalah.


Data 3

SL: “"Why does he keep lecturing us like that?" asked Millie Dupree,

obviously delighted someone had broken the ice and anxious to start

the gossip.”(66)

TL: “Kenapa dia terus menguliahi kita seperti ini?” tanya Millie Dupree,

jelas senang bahwa seseorang telah mengendurkan suasana kaku dan

membangkitkan semangat untuk mulai bergosip.”(136)

The data included into compensation in kind because appropriate with

the definition of compensation in kind, that is making up for one type of

textual effect in the ST by another type in the TT. The translator uses

compensation in kind to interpret the idiom because the idiom cannot to

translating word by word. If it is translated word by word translation, then

broken means menghancurkan, the ice means es and the result of that meaning

is menghancurkan es, so that was not the right definition of the idiom in SL.

Therefore, using compensation in kind can assist the translator to interpret the

meaning of the idiom in TL with make new effect that describing the idiom

itself, then the right meaning of the idiom is mengendurkan suasana kaku.


Data 4

SL: “Sixteen years earlier, he had been the first black mid-level manager to

enter the world of Listing Foods, and he had been a pain in the


TL: “Enam belas tahun lalu, ia manajer menengah kulit hitam pertama

yang memasuki dunia Listing Foods, dan ia membuat banyak


The data included into compensation in kind because approipriate with

the definition of compensation in kind, that is making up for one type of

textual effect in the ST by another type in the TT. In translating the idiom, the

translator does not use literal translation because it cannot be obtained the

right meaning of the idiom. If it is translated using literally translation, then a

pain in the ass means sebuah rasa sakit di bokong.Therefore, the translator

usescompensation in kind to obtain the right meaning of the idiom and

appropriate with the plot of the novel. The result is membuat banyak


II. Compensation in Splitting:

Data 1

SL: “It's those greedy ambulance chasers I hate."(104)

TL: “Pengacara-pengacara yang mengais keuntungan dari korban

kecelakaan itulah yang kubenci.”(205)


The data included into the compensation in splitting because it is

baesd on the definition of the compensation in splitting that involves a change

in „economy‟, ST features being spread over or longer length of TT. The

result of idiom translation of the data is appropiate with the definition of the

compensation in splitting that the explanation of the idiom are longeror

extended than the idiom itself. In using of the compensation in splitting, the

translator does not translate it literally or word by word because it can

damage,not only for the definition of the idiom itself but also for the plot in

the novel. For example, ambulance, if it is translated to TT is not ambulance,

as well as chasers if it is translated to TT is not pemburu. Moreover, using the

type, the translator has to explain more detail and longer than the idiom in ST.

Thus, the translator has to translate the whole idioms or phrases to get the true

definition of it.

Data 2

SL: “"Rohr knows nothing. We danced and shadow-boxed, but never


TL: “”Rohr tidak tahu apa-apa. Kami menari dan bersparring dengan

lawan khayalan, tapi tak pernah berhubungan.””(516)

The data included into compensation in splitting because it is

appropriate with the definition of compensation in splitting, that is ST features


being spread over or longer length of TT. The idiom translation in TL is

longer and extended than in SL. In translating the idiom, the translator does

not use word by word translation for the data. The meaning of shadow-boxed

if it usesword by word translation is kotak bayangan and that is the wrong

meaning of the idiom. The using compensation in splittingcan assist the

translator to interpret the idiom with detailed and clear explanation. Hence,

the right meaning of the idiom by using compensation in splitting is

bersparring dengan lawan khayalan. The meaning is acceptable and

appropriate to complete the plot of the novel.

`` Data 3

SL: “He lost track of the money. He pulled it from all four pockets, then he

replaced some of it.”(315)

TL: Iasudah tidak bisa lagi menghitung uang itu. Ia mengeluarkannya dari

keempat saku, lalu memasukannya lagi sebagian.”(581)

The definition of compensation in splitting is ST features being spread

over or longer length of TT and this is appropriate with the idiom translation

in TL of the data. The translator uses compensation in splitting to interpret the

idiom into target language (TL). That thing has to do by the translator because

the translator cannot use literal translation for translating the idiom. The result

of idiom translation using literal translation, the translator does notobtain the


right meaning of the idiom itself. Lost track does not means kehilangan jalur,

but sudah tidak bisa lagi menghitung. The effect of compensartion in splitting

is more details and longer than in SL.

Data 4

SL: “At a moment like this, with a billion dollars on the table, Herrera

would be raising hell and probably throwing things.”(342)

TL: “Pada saat seperti ini, dengan satu miliar dolar di meja, Herrera akan

ribut luar biasa dan mungkin akan melempar-lemparkan


The data included into compensation in splitting. Based on the

definition of compensation in splitting is ST feature being spread over or

longer length of TT, then the data is appropriate with it. In translating the

idiom, the translator does not useword by word translation. The translator

does not translateraisingbecome memelihara and hell become neraka.

However, the translator translates the whole idioms to obtain the right

meaning in TL by using compensation in splitting, then the result is ribut luar



III. Compensation by Merging:

Data 1

SL: “He made his way along Lamuese Street for two blocks until he came

to the Vieux Marche, a pedestrian mall lined with neat shops along

what was once the central business section of Biloxi.”(45)

TL: “Iamenyusuri Lamuese Street sejauh dua blok hingga sampai di Vieux

Marche, sebuah mall untuk pejalan kaki dengan toko-toko yang rapi di

sepanjang daerah yang dulu adalah pusat bisnis Biloxi.”(97)

The definition of the compensation in merging is carried over a

relatively longer stretch of the ST (a complex phrase) into a relatively shorter

stretch of TT (a single word or a simple phrase) and this is appropriate with

the idiom translation in TL of the data. The explanation about the idiom in TT

is shorter and simple than in ST. In using the compensation in merging, the

translator has to interpret the idiom as simple as possible, yet the reader can

comprehend and accept the point of the idiom. In other word, same like

another type, the translator cannot use literal translation to translating the

idiom because it will be confuse the reader and damage the plot of the novel.

Data 2

SL: “"Your fingers are on the pulse here.””(164)

TL: “”Anda sudah berkecimpung di sini.””(308)


The data included into compensation in merging because it is

appropriate with the definition of compensation in merging, that is carried

over a relatively longer stretch of the ST (a complex phrase) into a relatively

shorter stretch of TT (a single word or a simple phrase). The idiom translation

in TL is shorter and simple than the idiom in SL. The translator using

compensation in merging for interpret the idiom become as simple as possible

in TL, so that can comprehended by the reader. The translator does not

useliteral translation because it will be confuse the reader with meaning that

difficult to comprehend. If it is translated by using literal translation, then the

meaning is jari-jari pada denyut nadi. That meaning is damaging the plot of

the novel and confusing the reader. Eventhough, the right meaning of the

idiom using compensation in merging is simple and shorter than the idiom

itself, this is berkecimpung.

Data 3

SL: “"Because it's a cop-out. We'd simply be passing the buck to the next

jury. If we get hung up and go home, it'll cost each side millions of

dollars because they'll have to come back in two years and replay the

whole thing.””(269)

TL: “Sebab itu adalahpelepasan tanggung jawab. Kita hanya

memindahkannya kepada juri berikutnya.Kalau kita tidak sampai pada

keputusan dan pulang, masing-masing pihak menghamburkan jutaan


dolar, karena mereka harus kembali lagi dalam dua tahun dan

memainkan kembali semua ini.””(500)

The data included into compensation in merging. Based on the

definition of compensation in merging is carried over a relatively longer

stretch of the ST (a complex phrase) into a relatively shorter stretch of TT (a

single word or a simple phrase), then the data is appropriate with it because

the idiom translation in TL is shorter and simple. With this type, the translator

can interpret the idiom with as simple as possible, so that it is easy to

understand by the reader. The translator does not useword by word translation

because the meaning which obtained is not appropriate with the real definition

and damage the plot. Passing the buck does not mean melewati rusa, but

memindahkannya. The result of compensation in merging is shorter and

simple than the idiom.

Data 4

SL: “"Why are you playing games, Fitch? Either you have something or

you don't. Either you tell me so I can tell Nicholas so we can nail her

vote, or you sit there hiding your memos and hoping she jumps on


TL: “”Mengapa kau main-main, Fitch? Kau punya sesuatu atau

tidak?Apakah kau akan menceritakannya padaku, supaya aku

memberitahu Nicholas, sehingga kita bisa mengantongi suaranya; atau


kau mau duduk di sini menyembunyikan memomu dan berharap dia

akan bergabung?””(520)

The definition of compensation in merging is carried over a relatively

longer stretch of the ST (a complex phrase) into a relatively shorter stretch of

TT (a single word or a simple phrase), and this is appropriate with the data.

Same like the previous data, the translator does not use literal translation

because the translator will never obtain the right meaning of the idiom, for

example,jumps on board means melompat ke atas papan, if it is translated

with literal translation. The translator uses compensation in merging to

interpret the idiom and the result of the idiom translation that using

compensation in merging shorter and as simple as possible than the idiom

itself. Thus, the right meaning that using compensation in merging is





A. Conclusions

From the whole of the research, the writer concludes that the types of

compensation strategy are differences to each other. Furthermore, the translator uses

compensation strategy to translate idiom because it cannot be translated literally.

Idiom has own rule and need strategy if someone wants to translate it. The translator

cannot use literal translation because the result will be unacceptable andcan damage a

whole story of the novel. Compensation strategy can assist the translator to

comprehendthe meaning of idiom, so that the reader can understand the plot of the


Many constraints that can be found by the translator when he tries to translate text

or book that contains such as, cultures element, idioms and terms that difficult to

translate if the translator does not know about situation, condition and culture itself in

SL. Learning culture of SL is the one solution to solve any constraints that will be

found doing translation, except using the strategies that have many types choosen by

the translator appropriating to the need and the constraint that he finds.


B. Suggestions

From the whole of this research, the writer suggests the general translator to learn

deeper about anything related to culture in SL before begining to translate, because

the knowledge of the culture helps us as the translator to translate words or sentences

that are unfamiliar for us and only the citizen of the country know what they say and

what they write. The writer also suggests to learning any strategies of translation,

because when translating a text or book, it can never be known what the problems

that will he faced and the solution of it is the strategies of translation that can solve

any problems.

For the students this research can be the new reference if they want to conduct

research about compensation strategy.For the government the writer suggests to equip

more books about the translation, especially translation strategy book. This thing can

assist the translator or the people who wants to be a translator in doing their job to

translate texts or books or for the students who want to conduct research about

compensation strategy.




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A. Compensation in Kind

No. Source Language (SL) Target Language (TL)

1. ”The mood around the room

lightened for a fleeting moment

as they looked at Traci by the

tree. Then Carl said, "Safe to say

that we'll take number fifty

seven." (4)

”Sesaat suasana di dalam ruangan

jadi sedikit ceria ketika mereka

melihat foto itu. Kemudian Carl

berkata,”Kurasa cukup aman untuk

mengambil nomor 57.” (16)

2. ”And the first time a jury handed

out a few million to a widow,

then all hell would break loose.”


”Dan begitu satu dewan juri

memberikan beberapa juta dolar

pada seorang janda, habislah

mereka.” (24)

3. “Each company siphoned off

three million a year and routed

the cash circuitously until it

landed in The Fund. No bean

counter, no auditor, no regulator

had ever caught wind of the slush


”Masing-masing perusahaan

mengalirkan tiga juta dolar setahun

dan memutar-mutar uang itu hingga

mendarat di The Fund. Tidak ada

akuntan, tidak ada auditor, tidak ada

penegak hukum yangmencium

adanya dana untuk tujuan-tujuan


4. “Another assistant ventured forth

with a platter of leftover shrimp

and oysters, but Fitch waved him


“Satu asisten lain maju dengan

sepiring udang dan kerang sisa, tapi

Fitch mengibaskan tangan

mengusirnya.” (26)

5. “Sure he had some clout right

now, liked to swagger and bark

because he was pushing the

buttons,” (10)

“Memang saat ini ia punya

kekuasaan, suka bersikap angkuh

dan membentak-bentak, sebab

dialah yang sedang memegang

kendali,” (27)

6. “A few of his questions were

wrapped around mini-arguments,

but he stayed

out of trouble.” (29)

“Beberapa pertanyaan diajukan

secara tak langsung dalam argumen-

argumen singkat, tapi ia tidak

membuat masalah.” (65)


7. “The experts for the defense

congratulated themselves on

picking such a fine jury, though

most of the puffing and posturing

was done for the benefit of the

legion of lawyers working round

the clock.”(39)

“Para pakar di pihak pembela saling

memberi selamat pada diri sendiri

karena telah memilih juri yang

demikian bagus, meskipun sebagian

pekerjaan dan prose situ

dilaksanakan oleh pasukan

pengacara yang bekerja terus-


8. “With little movement of the

head, he cut his eyes around the


“Dengan sedikit gerakan kepala, ia

mengarahkan pandang ke sekeliling

ruang sidang.”(88)

9. “After a brief nap in his office in

downtown Manhattan, Luther

Vandemeer called the number in

Biloxi and left a message for

Rankin Fitch to call him in the

Hamptons over the


“Sesudah tidur siang singkat di

kantornya di pusat kota Manhattan,

Luther Vandemeer menelepon

sebuah nomor di Biloxi dan

meninggalkan pesan agar Rankin

Fitch meneleponnya di ruma

keluarga Hampton di akhir


10. “The experts preferred not to

engage in

small talk with Fitch, and Fitch

wasn't about to entertain


“Pakar-pakar itu tidak suka

berbasa-basi dengan Fitch, dan

Fitch pun tidak berniat bercakap-

cakap dengan mereka.”(129)

11. “"Why does he keep lecturing us

like that?" asked Millie Dupree,

obviously delighted someone had

broken the ice and anxious to

start the gossip.”(66)

“Kenapa dia terus menguliahi kita

seperti ini?” tanya Millie Dupree,

jelas senang bahwa seseorang telah

mengendurkan suasana kaku dan

membangkitkan semangat untuk

mulai bergosip.”(136)

12. “What the hell do you expect?

Perfect health?" His tone was

sarcastic, and left no doubt that

he'd walked into jury service

withhis mind made up.”(74)

“Apa yang diharapkan? Kesehatan

yang sempurna? Nada suaranya

mengejek; jelas ia sudah membuat

keputusan bulat sebelum menerima

tugas sebagai juri.”(151)

13. “Their low voiceswere carefully “Mereka sengaja berbisik-bisik


gauged to land just outside the


of Herman Grimes, who at the

moment was slapping his


sepelan mungkin, agar tidak

terdengar oleh Herman Grimes yang

sedang mengoperasikan


14. “His people, whether the jury

consultants or run-of-the-mill

operatives, moved around.”(85)

“Anak buahnya, entah konsultan

juri atau pesuruh biasa, berkeliaran

di seluruh penjuru ruang


15. “Then he instantly realized that it

seemed horribly unpatriotic and

maybe even downright sinful to

interrupt a group of well-

meaning citizens as they took a

moment to honor their flag.”(93)

“Kemudian langsung disadarinya

bahwa rasanya sangtlah tidak

patriotic dan mungkin berdosa

untuk menyela sekelompok warga

Negara yang punya niat baik untuk

menghormati bendera


16. “"Blows it to hell."”(95) “”Hancur lebur.””(188)

17. “All heads were bowed because

no one could stomach the sight

of half a dinner roll packed

tightly in a jaw and clearly


“Semua kepala tertunduk, sebab tak

ada seorang pun tahanmelihat

makanan yang berjejalan dalam

mulut wanita itu.”(192)

18. “Sixteen years earlier, he had

been the first black mid-level

manager to enter the world of

Listing Foods, and he had been a

pain in the ass.”(102)

“Enam belas tahun lalu, ia manajer

menengah kulit hitam pertama yang

memasuki dunia Listing Foods, dan

ia membuat banyak kesulitan.”(201)

19. “Once things warmed up,

allegations of wrongdoing began

to fly back and forth, with the

defense catching the most


“Setelah argumentasi mulai

memanas, tuduhan melakukan

kecurangan mulai beterbangan

bolak-balik, dengan pihak pembela

menerima tembakan


20. “"You've gotta protect us on this,

Lonnie. I know it puts you in the

bull's-eye, but, damn, you just

happen to be there, know what I

“”Kau harus melindungi kami

dalam hal ini, Lonnie. Aku tahu

posisimu jadi sulit, tapi…aduh, kau

kebetulan ada di sana, thau


mean?"”(121) maksudku?””(237)

21. “"I'll be damned."”(123) “”Terkutuklah””(239)

22. “A gentle laugh came from all

quarters of the courtroom, and

Cable knew he had his hands


“Terdengar tawa kecil dari seluruh

penjuru ruang sidang, dan Cable

tahu bahwa ia mengadapi


23. “Ringwald watchedpoker-faced

as Hoppy did the mental


“Ringwald mengawasi tanpa

ekspresi sewaktu Hoppy

bermatematika dalam hati.”(302)

24. “We're happy because we're

about to make a pot full of

money, along with you, I might


“Kami senang sebab kami akan

mengeruk uang, bersama-sama

Anda, kalau boleh saya


25. “The man had fine-tuned the

practice ofcorruption and made it

an art form.”(166)

“Laki-laki itu sudah mengasah diri

dalam praktek korupsi dan

membuatnya jadi bentuk seni.”(313)

26. “He was really at a loss for the

proper customs in these


“Dalam urusan ini, ia benar-benar

tidak tahu-menahu tentang tata cara


27. “"And the planning commission

will put up a nasty fight."”(169)

“”Dan komisi perencanaan akan

menentang hebat.””(319)

28. “Must be the Boy Scouts selling

doughnuts at this ungodly


“Pasti para pramuka yang jual donat

sepagi ini.”(336)

29. “"Sure I'm sure," Hoppy said,

staring slack-jawed at the sleek

hideous device.”(182)

“”Tentu saya yakin,” kata Hoppy

sambil menatap dengan mulut

ternganga pada alat tipis

menyeramkan itu.”(341)

30. “Hoppy in the back with

Cristano, who matter-of-factly

began to explain that he was

some type of high-ranking

Assistant Attorney General from

“Hoppy di belakang bersama

Cristano, yang tanpa basa-basi

menjelaskan bahwa ia adalah

semacam asisten Jaksa Agung

berposisi tinggi dalam Departemen


deep inside Justice.”(189)


31. “Two schools of thought, but

eight very firm and very different

inclinations about precisely what

would be effective.”(199)

“Hanya ada dua garis pemikiran,

tetapi ada delapan pendapat kuat

dan berlainan mengenai tindakan

apa yang paling efektif.”(374)

32. “There was too much at stake for

bickering and second-


“Terlalu banyak yang dipertaruhkan

untuk bertengkar sendiri dan


33. “The first order of business

Monday morning was a private

meeting between Judge Harkin

and Nicholas, the topic being the

fire and his well-being.”(201)

“Urusan pertama Senin pagi itu

adalah rapat pribadi antara Hakim

Harkin dan Nicholas; topiknya

adalah kebakaran tersebut dan

keselamatan diri Nicholas.”(378)

34. “Harkin would have loved to

know if there was any hanky-

panky among the jurors, not that

it would carry any legal


“Harkin ingin sekali mengetahui

apakah ada yang main-main di

antara para anggota juri, meskipun

itu tidak memiliki arti apa-apa dari

segi hukum.”(379)

35. “We played hardball, and we


other tobacco apologists the ins

and outs of political fist


“Kami menghalalkan segala cara,

dan kami mengajari organisasi-

organisasi penentang rokok tentang

seluk-beluk pertarungan


36. “"Safe to say, then, that the

environment of your home was

smoker friendly?"”(206)

“”Kalau begitu, bisa diasumsikan

bahwa lingkungan rumah Anda

ramah terhadap perokok?””(387)

37. “”"Mr. Robilio, that is uncalled-


“”Mr. Robilio, ucapan tadi tidak


38. “They studied each other for a

bit. What the hell, thought


“Mereka saling mengamati

beberapa lama. Peduli amat, piker


39. “Small knew it well. At times he

went there himself to drown his

“Small tahu betul tempat itu.

Kadang-kadang ia sendiri pergi ke


worries and admire the college

girls. "I've knocked back a few at

Mulligan's," he said.”(214)

sana untuk menenggelamkan

kekhawatiran dan mengamati gadis-

gadis college.”Saya pernah

beberapa kali bersenang-senang di

Mulligan‟s,” katanya.”( 401)

40. “A few bumps in the road but

nothing serious, nothing until he

got sick.”(216)

“Memang ada beberapa kesulitan,

tapi tidak ada yang serius, tidak ada

apa pun sampai sang suami


41. “"We cut a deal for ten.””(248) “”Kita sudah buat kesepakatan

sepuluh ribu.”(461)

42. “He had packed in minutes and

left, telling the Sheriff repeatedly

he was being framed and vowing

to get to the bottom of it.”(267)

“Ia berkemas dalam beberapa menit

dan pergi, berkali-kali mengatakan

kepada Sheriff bahwa ia dijebak,

dan bersumpah untuk

menyelidikinya hingga tuntas.”(497)

43. “He spoke occasionally during

meals at the motel and during

coffee breaks in the jury room,

but he was perfectly content to

keep his nose in a book and

ignore everyone.”(268)

“Ia sekali-sekali berbicara saat

bersantap di motel dan selama rehat

kopi di ruang juri, namun ia sudah

sangat puas dengan membaca buku

dan mengabaikan semua


44. “"The worst thing we can do is

hang ourselves, split down the

middle and have a mistrial


“”Hal terburuk adalah kalau kita

berselisih pendapat di antara kita

sendiri, terpecah dua, dan siding

pun dibatalkan.””(499)

45. “"You can do anything you want,

Fitch. Stop playing games. Let's

cut the deal now and get on with

our business."”(273)

“”Kau bisa melakukan apa saja

yang kau inginkan, Fitch.

Berhentilah main-main. Mari kita

buat kesepakatan sekarang,dan kita

bereskan urusan kita.””(507)

46. “"Look, I'm an actress, okay.

This is a piece of cake."”(277)

“”Dengar, aku aktris, oke. Ini

sangat gampang.””(513)

47. “Rohr said the plaintiff would

have no rebuttal. Sunday court

“Rohr mengatakan penggugat tidak


was out of the question.”(285) akan mengajukan bantahan. Sidang

pada hari Minggu merupakan

sesuatu yang mustahil.”(525)

48. “She finally confessed she'd

spilled her guts to Nicholas

Easter, a fine young man who

knew the law and could be

trusted implicitly.”(300)

“Ia akhirnya mengaku bahwa ia

menceritakan kekesalannya pada

Nicholas Easter, pemuda baik hati

yang tahu masalah hukum dan

secara tersirat bisa dipercaya.”(554)

49. “One of Poodle's boys picked her

up, and Jerry tagged


“Poodle dijemput salah satu anak

laki-lakinya, dan Jerry ikut


50. “She'd be furious, no doubt.

She'd flip-flop


“Ia akan gusar, itu sudah pasti. Ia

akan langsung ganti haluan.”(568)

51. “"We've had to abort scams, but

we've never been caught red-


“”Kami pernah terpaksa

membatalkan rencana, tapi tak

pernah tertangkap basah.””(569)

52. “No one else was in the room, no

one but Wendall Rohr, who

stood on the other side of the

conference table and paced

slowly back and forth, speaking

softly with measured words, to

his jury.”(310)

“Tak ada orang lain dalam ruangan

tersebut, tak seorang pun kecuali

Wendall Rohr, yang berdiri di sisi

lain meja rapat dan mondar-mandir

perlahan-lahan, bebricara pelan

dengan kata-kata terukur kepada

dewan juri.”(571)

53. “She savored the moment and

appeared on the verge of

venturing onto the thin ice of


“Ia menikmati saat-saat ini, dan

tampaknya sudah berniat melangkah

ke persoalan peka mengenai

pemberian ganti rugi.”(614)

B. Compensation in Splitting

No. Source Language (SL) Target Language (TL)

1. “I collect two hundred dollars a

week, and Ibarely get by.” (24)

“Saya mengumpulkan dua ratus juta

dolar seminggu, dan saya hidup pas-

pasan.” (54)


2. “It's those greedy ambulance

chasers I hate."(104)

“Pengacara-pengacara yang

mengais keuntungan dari korban

kecelakaan itulah yang


3. “The bombshellwas coming, and

he was thoroughly enjoying the


“Ia akan menyampaikan sesuatu

yang mengejutkan.”(280)

4. “Unable to shake the damaging

aspects of Krigler's testimony,

the defense chose instead to blow

smoke at the jury.”(156)

“Karena tak mampu menghapus

efek merusak dari kesaksian

Krigler, pihak pembela akhirnya

memilih untuk menghidangkan

omong kosong kepada juri.”(293)

5. “The obvious question was, why

would the boys behind Stillwater

Bay associate themselves with a

mom-and-pop outfit like Dupree


“Pertanyaannya adalah, mengapa

bocah-bocah di belakang

SStillwater Bay mau berhubungan

dengan kantor sederhana macam

Dupree Realty?”(321)

6. “We played hardball, and we


other tobacco apologists the ins

and outs of political fist


“Kami menghalalkan segala cara,

dan kami mengajari organisasi-

organisasi penentang rokok tentang

seluk-beluk pertarungan


7. “The one in Des Moines actually

answered the phone at her

husband's used-car lot.”(245)

“Satu lagi di Des Moines menjawab

telepon di tempat jual-beli mobil

bekas milik suaminya.”(458)

8. “"Because it's a cop-out. We'd

simply be passing the buck to the

next jury. If we get hung up and

go home, it'll cost each side

millions of dollars because they'll

have to come back in two years

and replay the whole


“Sebab itu adalah pelepasan

tanggung jawab. Kita hanya

memindahkannya kepada juri

berikutnya. Kalau kita tidak sampai

pada keputusan dan pulang, masing-

masing pihak menghamburkan

jutaan dolar, karena mereka harus

kembali lagi dalam dua tahun dan

memainkan kembali semua



9. “"Rohr knows nothing. We

danced and shadow-boxed, but

never connected."”(279)

“”Rohr tidak tahu apa-apa. Kami

menari dan bersparring dengan

lawan khayalan, tapi tak pernah


10. “He lost track of the money. He

pulled it from all four pockets,

then he replaced some of


“Ia sudah tidak bisa lagi

menghitung uang itu. Ia

mengeluarkannya dari keempat

saku, lalu memasukannya lagi


11. “At a moment like this, with a

billion dollars on the table,

Herrera would be raising hell

and probably throwing


“Pada saat seperti ini, dengan satu

miliar dolar di meja, Herrera akan

ribut luar biasa dan mungkin akan

melempar-lemparkan barang.”(630)

C. Compensation in Merging

No. Source Language (SL) Target Language (TL)

1. “Carl ran through the photos of

the Wilkeses' home, a massive

suburban trilevel with Doctor

stamped all over it.” (4)


rumah keluarga Wilkes, bangunan

suburban besar berlantai tiga dengan

cap “Dokter” di segala penjuru.”


2. ”And the first time a jury handed

out a few million to a widow,

then all hell would break loose.”


”Dan begitu satu dewan juri

memberikan beberapa juta dolar

pada seorang janda, habislah

mereka.” (24)

3. “He made his way along

Lamuese Street for two blocks

until he came to the Vieux

Marche, a pedestrian mall lined

with neat shops along what was

once the central business section

of Biloxi.”(45)

“Ia menyusuri Lamuese Street

sejauh dua blok hingga sampai di

Vieux Marche, sebuah mall untuk

pejalan kaki dengan toko-toko yang

rapi di sepanjang daerah yang dulu

adalah pusat bisnis Biloxi.”(97)

4. “From there they flew to Miami “Dari sana mereka terbang ke


International, first class, with

Stella knocking down two

martinis and a glass of wine in

less than an hour.”(99)

Miami International Airport, kabin

kelas satu, dengan Stella

menghabiskan dua martini dan

segelas anggur dalam waktu kurang

dari satu jam.”(195)

5. “"Look it over," Taunton said,

tapping his chin with a designer


“Periksalah,” kata Taunton sambil

mengetuk dagu dengan sepucuk

pena buatan desainer.


6. “"I'll be damned."”(123) “”Terkutuklah””(239)

7. “Lou Dell turned to Willis, who

was bug-eyed and reaching for

his rusty revolver.”(124)

“Lou Dell menoleh pada Willis

yang terbelalak dan bersiap

mencabut revolvernya yang


8. “Fitch pursued the hunch with

serious arm-twisting through

JRA, and after two weeks of

dead-end probing they finally

found the right clinic.”(131)

“Fitch menyelidiki firasat ini

dengan mendesak lewat JRA,dan

sesudah dua minggu menemui jalan

buntu, akhirnya mereka menemukan

klinik yang tepat.”(254)

9. “"Your fingers are on the pulse


“”Anda sudah berkecimpung di


10. “We're happy because we're

about to make a pot full of

money, along with you, I might


“Kami senang sebab kami akan

mengeruk uang, bersama-sama

Anda, kalau boleh saya


11. “"And the planning commission

will put up a nasty fight."”(169)

“”Dan komisi perencanaan akan

menentang hebat.””(319)

12. “The first order of business

Monday morning was a private

meeting between Judge Harkin

and Nicholas, the topic being the

fire and his well-being.”(201)

“Urusan pertama Senin pagi itu

adalah rapat pribadi antara Hakim

Harkin dan Nicholas; topiknya

adalah kebakaran tersebut dan

keselamatan diri Nicholas.”(378)

13. “We had a fat budget with “Kami memiliki anggaran besar


unlimited resources to wine and

dine influential


dengan uang tak terbatas untuk

menjamu politisi-politisi


14. “Cable had a checklist, and

seemed content to fire off the

questions while ignoring the


“Cable punya ceklist, dan

kelihatannya puas

memberondongkan pertanyaan-

pertanyaan tersebut tanpa

menghiraukan jawabannya.”(388)

15. “"Yeah, I think I heard that one

too. It's window dressing.””(207)

“”Yeah, saya rasa saya juga sudah

dengar yang itu. Itu semacam


16. “They studied each other for a

bit. What the hell, thought


“Mereka saling mengamati

beberapa lama. Peduli amat, piker


17. “Slowly, up and down Highway

90, past the hotels and casinos

and boat docks.”(236)

“Perlahan-lahan, menyusuri

Highway 90, melewati hotel-hotel,

kasino-kasino dan dok-dok


18. “He explained why some

cigarettes have filters, some

don't, some have

more tar and nicotine than others.

It all boiled down to


“Ia menjelaskan mengapa beberapa

jenis rokok memakai filter, sebagian

lagi tidak, sebagian mengandung ter

dan nikotin lebih banyak daripada

yang lain. Semua itu berpusar

sekitar pilihan.”(445)

19. “"You're outta your mind," he


“”Kau sudah sinting,”


20. “"Get a grip, Millie.””(251) “”Sudahlah, Millie.””(467)

21. “"Son of a bitch!" Fitch screamed

as he threw down the receiver

and bolted for the door.”(252)

“”Bangsat!” Fitch berteriak sambil

membanting gagang telepon dan

melompat ke pintu.”(470)

22. “every word getting captured by

a body

mike in Cleve's shirt pocket.

“setiap patah kata tertangkap oleh

mikrofon dalam saku kemeja Cleve.

“Delapan puluh ribu tidak


"Eighty thousand is a drop in the



23. “He spoke occasionally during

meals at the motel and during

coffee breaks in the jury room,

but he was perfectly content to

keep his nose in a book and

ignore everyone.”(268)

“Ia sekali-sekali berbicara saat

bersantap di motel dan selama rehat

kopi di ruang juri, namun ia sudah

sangat puas dengan membaca buku

dan mengabaikan semua


24. “"The worst thing we can do is

hang ourselves, split down the

middle and have a mistrial


“”Hal terburuk adalah kalau kita

berselisih pendapat di antara kita

sendiri, terpecah dua, dan siding

pun dibatalkan.””(499)

25. “"Because it's a cop-out. We'd

simply be passing the buck to the

next jury. If we get hung up and

go home, it'll cost each side

millions of dollars because they'll

have to come back in two years

and replay the whole


“Sebab itu adalahpelepasan

tanggung jawab. Kita hanya

memindahkannya kepada juri

berikutnya. Kalau kita tidak sampai

pada keputusan dan pulang, masing-

masing pihak menghamburkan

jutaan dolar, karena mereka harus

kembali lagi dalam dua tahun dan

memainkan kembali semua


26. “He knew she would call Friday

morning, though he had no idea

what scheme or ploy or heart-

stopping prank she'd be up


“Ia tahu bahwa Jumat pagi Marlee

akan menelepon, meskipun ia tidak

tahu rencana atau permainan atau

olok-olok mengejutkan apa lagi

yang ia buat.”(500)

27. “A dead bolt rattled from the

inside, then Marlee appeared in a

gray sweatshirt and blue jeans,

no smile at all, no greeting of any


“Kunci terdengar gemeretak dari

dalam, lalu Marlee muncul dengan

sweatshirt dan blue jeans, sama

sekali tanpa senyum, tanpa sapaan

apa pun.”(504)

28. “"You can do anything you want,

Fitch. Stop playing games. Let's

cut the deal now and get on with

our business."”(273)

“”Kau bisa melakukan apa saja

yang kau inginkan, Fitch.

Berhentilah main-main. Mari kita

buat kesepakatan sekarang,dan kita

bereskan urusan kita.””(507)


29. “"Why are you playing games,

Fitch? Either you have

something or you don't. Either

you tell me so I can tell Nicholas

so we can nail her vote, or you sit

there hiding your memos and

hoping she jumps on


“”Mengapa kau main-main, Fitch?

Kau punya sesuatu atau tidak?

Apakah kau akan menceritakannya

padaku, supaya aku memberitahu

Nicholas, sehingga kita bisa

mengantongi suaranya; atau kau

mau duduk di sini menyembunyikan

memomu dan berharap dia akan


30. “She found his hand and

squeezed it. Hoppy decided to go

for the kill.”(287)

“Millie menggenggam tangan

suaminya dan meremasnya. Hoppy

memutuskan untuk


31. “Marlee had called him around 4

A.M., and explained she was so-

and-so with Delta Airlines, a

plane had gone down near

Tampa, a Mrs. Cristano was on

board, and was this the George

Cristano who worked with the

Justice Department.”(297)

“Marlee meneleponnya sekiatr

pukul empat dini hari dan

menjelaskan bahwa ia adalah

petugas dari Delta Airlines, sebuah

pesawat telah jatuh di dekat Tampa,

Mrs. Cristano tercatat menumpang

pesawat itu, dan apakah George

Cristano ini bekerja pada

Departemen Kehakiman.”(546)

32. “"We've had to abort scams, but

we've never been caught red-


“”Kami pernah terpaksa

membatalkan rencana, tapi tak

pernah tertangkap basah.””(569)

33. “"On the ground" was the next

command, and Derrick went

spread-eagle on the cold

sidewalk, hands behind


“”Tiarap!” adalah perintah

selanjutnya, dan Derrick bertiarap

di jalan batu yang dingin, dengan

tangan di belakangnya.”(586)

34. “"No thanks. I'll go to the hotel,

maybe get some sun."”(329)

“”Tidak, terima kasih. Saya akan

pergi ke hotel, mungkin


35. “She savored the moment and

appeared on the verge of

“Ia menikmati saat-saat ini, dan

tampaknya sudah berniat melangkah


venturing onto the thin ice of


ke persoalan peka mengenai

pemberian ganti rugi.”(614)



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