Comparative Healing of Surgical Incisions Created by the · mine the optimal power setting for the electro-surgery

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Comparative Healing of Surgical IncisionsCreated by the PEAK PlasmaBlade,Conventional Electrosurgery, and a Scalpel

Shang A. Loh, M.D.Grace A. Carlson, M.D.,

M.B.A.Edward I. Chang, M.D.

Eric Huang, M.D., Ph.D.Daniel Palanker, Ph.D.

Geoffrey C. Gurtner, M.D.

Stanford, Palo Alto, and San Francisco,Calif.

Background: The PEAK PlasmaBlade is a new electrosurgical device that usespulsed radiofrequency to generate a plasma-mediated discharge along the ex-posed rim of an insulated blade, creating an effective cutting edge while theblade stays near body temperature.Methods: Full-thickness incisions were made on the dorsums of pigs with thePlasmaBlade, a conventional electrosurgical device, and a scalpel, and blood losswas quantified. Wounds were harvested at designated time points, tested forwound tensile strength, and examined histologically for scar formation andtissue damage.Results: Bleeding was reduced significantly (59 percent) in PlasmaBlade inci-sions compared with scalpel incisions, and acute thermal damage from thePlasmaBlade (66 � 5 �m) was significantly less than both cut and coagulationmode electrosurgical incisions (456 � 35 �m and 615 � 22 �m, respectively).Histologic scoring for injury and wound strength was equivalent between thePlasmaBlade and scalpel incisions. By 6 weeks, the healed PlasmaBlade andscalpel incisions were approximately three times stronger, and scar cosmeticappearance was significantly better compared with electrosurgical incisions.Conclusions: The PlasmaBlade is a promising new surgical instrument that pro-vides atraumatic, scalpel-like cutting precision and electrosurgical-like hemostasis,resulting in minimal bleeding, tissue injury, and scar formation. (Plast. Reconstr.Surg. 124: 1849, 2009.)

The most widely used cutting instrument insurgery is the scalpel; however, scalpel inci-sions are prone to bleeding that obscures the

operative field. Electrosurgical cutting tools dateto the 1920s and are now used in more than 17.5million procedures per year in the United Statesalone.1 Conventional electrosurgery uses contin-uous-waveform radiofrequency energy deliveredby means of an electrode to “incise” tissue by ther-mal ablation, which also produces simultaneoushemostasis.2,3 Although this hemostatic capabilityrepresents a major advance, there are a number ofdisadvantages associated with electrosurgery, in-cluding lack of surgical precision, thermal injury

to adjacent tissues such as nerves and blood ves-sels, and delayed wound healing.4–12

Consequently, a number of new electrosur-gical technologies have been introduced, such asinsulated cutting electrodes, ultrasonic blades, andfeedback-controlled radiofrequency generators.5–9,12

Some of these developments have demonstrated in-cremental improvements in reducing the thermaldamage while preserving hemostatic ability. How-ever, substantial room for improvement remains inelectrosurgical technology that can approach thesurgical precision and favorable wound-healing

From the Department of Surgery, Division of Plastic Surgery,and the Department of Ophthalmology and Hansen Exper-imental Physics Laboratory, Stanford University, PEAK Sur-gical, Inc., and the Department of Pathology and LaboratoryMedicine, University of California, San Francisco.Received for publication February 17, 2009; accepted June9, 2009.Copyright ©2009 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons

DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e3181bcee87

Disclosure: Geoffrey C. Gurtner received a researchgrant to support study costs provided by PEAKSurgical, Inc.; Shang A. Loh and Edward I. Changreceived education grants provided by PEAK Surgi-cal, Inc.; Grace A. Carlson is Vice President ofClinical and Regulatory Affairs for PEAK Surgical,Inc.; and Daniel Palanker is a shareholder andconsultant for PEAK Surgical, Inc. 1849

characteristics of the scalpel while also providinghemostasis.

Whereas conventional electrosurgical devicescut with continuous waveforms, the pulsed elec-tron avalanche knife13 operates with cyclic burstslasting from 10 to 100 msec. To allow for efficientcooling, the burst repetition rate does not exceed1 kHz and thus a typical duty cycle (fraction oftime the energy is delivered) does not exceed 5percent. The radiofrequency pulses induce a plas-ma-mediated discharge along the exposed edge ofa thin (10 to 50 �m), flat, 99.5 percent insulatedelectrode.14,15 This plasma rim provides a cuttingedge for precise tissue dissection with simulta-neous hemostasis. Because of the reduced dutycycle and the small exposed area of the elec-trode, pulsed electron avalanche knife technol-ogy yields a much lower average power outputand uses less total energy than conventionalelectrosurgery to achieve an equivalent rate oftissue cutting, thus reducing collateral thermaldamage.14,15 Although pulsed electron avalancheknife technology has been evaluated previously onophthalmic tissues,13,16–21 its effects on cutaneouswound healing remain unknown.

In the present study, we hypothesized that theunique features of the PlasmaBlade (PEAK Sur-gical, Inc., Palo Alto, Calif.) would have a superiorwound-healing profile compared with standardelectrosurgery. Thus, we investigated the healingprofile of incisions created by a traditional scalpel,conventional electrosurgery, and the PlasmaBladeusing an established porcine skin model.12 Weexamined objective parameters including bloodloss, wound tensile strength, histologic coagula-tion necrosis, and inflammation. In addition, weevaluated instrument operating temperature,wound cosmesis, and scarring.

MATERIALS AND METHODSInfrared Analysis of the Instrument OperatingTemperatures

Infrared temperature analysis was performed byElastic Design, LLC (Redwood City, Calif.). Imageswere captured using a Thermavision SC600 camera(FLIR, Wilsonville, Ore.) in the mid-infrared (3 to5 �m) spectral range. The rate of motion duringimaging was approximately 0.5 to 1 cm/second,similar to the cutting speed during skin surgery.Images were processed using MATLAB R2008 soft-ware (The MathWorks, Natick, Mass.).

Surgical ProcedureThe study was conducted on six healthy Yuca-

tan swine weighing 30 to 40 kg at study onset. The

study protocol was approved by an institutionalanimal care and use committee and conducted inaccordance with the Animal Welfare Act and theNational Institutes of Health Guide for the Care andUse of Laboratory Animals. The animals were accli-mated for 72 hours and fed a standard diet oncedaily. Anesthesia was induced using ketamine(15 mg/kg) (MWI Veterinary Supply, Meridian,Idaho) and atropine (0.04 mg/kg) (MWI Veteri-nary Supply), and Telazol (6 mg/kg) (MWI Vet-erinary Supply) for the final wounding before theanimals were killed. After endotracheal intuba-tion, anesthesia was maintained with inhaledisoflurane, and animals were prepared anddraped in standard sterile fashion for each of thefive surgical procedures on days 0, 21, 28, 35, and42. The surgical procedure at each time pointconsisted of one incision made with a scalpel, thePlasmaBlade, and electrosurgical cut and coagu-lation modes. Each set of incisions was consideredto be an independent study point. The timing ofthe surgical procedures allowed for wound-heal-ing data points at 1, 2, 3, and 6 weeks as the animalswere killed immediately after the surgical proce-dure on day 42 (i.e., incisions made on day 0harvested at day 42 represent the 6-week timepoint).

Incisional Wound ModelFull-thickness skin incisions 3 cm in length

were made on the dorsum of each animal. Themedialmost incision was placed 3 cm from thedorsal spinal processes, with each subsequent in-cision placed 2 cm lateral to the prior incision, allin a parallel orientation. Differences in skin thick-ness were controlled for by rotating the instru-ment cutting order. Incisions were made with thePlasmaBlade using the PULSAR Generator (PEAKSurgical) on cut setting 3 (6 W), a no. 10 scalpelblade (Bard-Parker, Franklin Lakes, N.J.), and theValleylab Electrosurgical Pencil using a Force 2Generator (Valleylab, Boulder, Col.) on cut (40W, Blend 2) and coagulation (40 W, Spray) modes.Extensive pilot studies were performed to deter-mine the optimal power setting for the electro-surgery unit. Multiple power settings were used,including 20, 50, and 75 W. Interestingly, all threepower settings had similar widths of thermal dam-age (data not shown). On the coagulation setting,the lower power setting led to increased thermalinjury because of prolonged contact of the hot tipwith the tissue (data not shown). The preliminarystudies indicated that, given similar widths of ther-mal damage, a setting of 40 W was sufficient to

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incise the thick porcine skin while creating a cut-ting environment and feel most similar to a realclinical setting. The PlasmaBlade settings were se-lected to provide an equivalent cutting rate of theskin. All incisions were made in a single stroke,with repetitive strokes made only if necessary toensure a full-thickness wound.

All wounds were closed with 3-0 nylon sutureand covered with antibiotic ointment (MWI Vet-erinary Supply). Preoperative and postoperativeantibiotics (Baytril, 5 mg/kg administered intra-muscularly; MWI Veterinary Supply) were admin-istered for 7 days. All wounds were inspected dailyand sutures were removed on day 14.

Blood Loss EvaluationBlood loss evaluation was performed on three

animals (n � 15 wounds per device). A 110-mm-diameter filter paper (Schleicher & Schuell, WestChester, Pa.) was placed immediately over eachincision for 60 seconds and then scanned (HPScanjet; Hewlett Packard, Mountain View, Calf.)into JPEG digital image format. The digitized areaof blood staining was quantified (in pixels) usingImageJ software (from

Scar FormationDigital photographs of the wounds were taken

immediately postoperatively and every 7 daysthereafter. Scar width was measured using theImageJ software program.

Wound StrengthAfter the procedure on day 42, animals were

killed and all wound sites were harvested imme-diately to maintain all wounds in an equal post-mortem state for objective comparison. A 2 �1-cm, full-thickness strip of tissue with the incisionat the midpoint was excised using a steel template.Wound burst strength was measured in pound-feet per inch as described previously7 using a Cha-tillon TCD200 digital force tester (Ametek, Largo,Fla.). Briefly, the incision line was aligned withinthe jaws of the clamp, and progressive force at anextension rate of 2 inches per minute was applieduntil wound disruption.

Histologic ExaminationA 1 � 0.5-cm specimen containing the incision

was excised and fixed in 10% buffered formalin(VWR, West Chester, Pa.) for 24 hours and em-bedded in paraffin. Representative 4-�m sectionswere stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Mas-son trichrome stain. All specimens were coded

and evaluated by light microscopy (Olympus BX40 microscope with a DP70 digital camera; Olym-pus, Center Valley, Pa.) by a single pathologist ina blinded manner. Acute thermal injury was de-termined as a maximum width of the zone ofcoagulation necrosis using hematoxylin and eosinsections.

ImmunohistochemistryAll sections were examined for T lymphocytes

(CD3 M7254; Dako, Carpinteria, Calif.), macro-phages (CD68 NCL-L-CD68, Novacostra, New-castle, United Kingdom), and myofibroblasts[�-smooth muscle actin (SMA M0851; Dako)].Sections were examined under high-power mag-nification (40�) and the number of cells countedby a blinded observer.

Statistical AnalysisAll data are reported as mean � SEM. Data

were compared using the t test. A value of p � 0.05was considered significant. No correction wasmade for multiple testing.

RESULTSInstrument Operating Temperatures

The operating temperature of each instru-ment was measured by an infrared camera, withpower settings consistent with those used duringthe surgical procedures performed in this study.With the tissue at room temperature (25°C), thePlasmaBlade exhibited an average operating tem-perature of 45°C. In contrast, the average oper-ating temperature of the electrosurgical instru-ment was 241°C in cut mode and 180°C incoagulation mode (Fig. 1).

Blood Loss EvaluationThe filter paper–based bleeding analysis dem-

onstrated an average relative area units (relativearea unit � 105 pixels) measurement of 1.03 �0.27 for the PlasmaBlade versus 2.50 � 0.32 for thescalpel (p � 0.002) (Fig. 2), representing a 59percent reduction in bleeding. Electrosurgical cutand coagulation also demonstrated reducedbleeding compared with scalpel incisions (0.52 �0.33 and 0.29 � 0.29 relative area unit, respec-tively; p � 0.002) (Fig. 2); however, there was nostatistically significant difference compared withthe PlasmaBlade (p � 0.23 and p � 0.07, respec-tively). This demonstrates that the PlasmaBladesignificantly reduces bleeding compared with thescalpel, and is comparable to traditional electro-surgical devices.

Volume 124, Number 6 • PEAK PlasmaBlade


Zone of Coagulation NecrosisThe zone of thermal coagulation necrosis in

PlasmaBlade incisions (66 � 5 �m) was signifi-cantly narrower than in electrosurgical cut or co-agulation incisions (456 � 35 �m and 615 � 22�m, respectively; p � 0.0001) (Figs. 3 and 4, a).This observation suggests that the PlasmaBlademay be used in closer proximity to adjacent fragilestructures, such as nerves and blood vessels, withless risk of collateral injury.

Inflammatory MarkersAt 1 week after surgery, T-cell counts based on

CD3� staining were increased in all samples (Fig.5). By week 3, the PlasmaBlade incisions con-tained 46 percent fewer T cells than scalpel inci-sions (9.7 � 3.7 cells/high-power field versus 18.0

� 3.7 cells/high-power field; p � 0.04), 59 percentfewer T cells than in the electrosurgical cut inci-sions, and 56 percent fewer T cells than in theelectrosurgical coagulation incisions (23.7 cells/high-power field and 22.3 cells/high-power field,respectively; p � 0.05). At 6 weeks, the incisionscreated by the PlasmaBlade contained 52 percentfewer T cells than scalpel incisions (4.7 � 1.7cells/high-power field versus 9.7 � 1.2 cells/high-power field; p � 0.04) (Fig. 5) and 66 percent and72 percent fewer T cells than the electrosurgicalcut and coagulation incisions (13.7 � 4.4 cells/high-power field and 17.1 � 3.2 cells/high-powerfield, respectively; p � 0.03). This suggests thePlasmaBlade causes less inflammation comparedwith all other modalities.

Macrophages identified as CD68� cells werehighest at 1 week (Fig. 6), with the lowest numberseen in PlasmaBlade incisions, which contained 38percent fewer macrophages than scalpel incisions,41 percent fewer macrophages than electrosurgi-cal cut incisions, and 32 percent fewer macro-phages than electrosurgical coagulation incisions(19.3 � 5.5 cells/high-power field versus 31.3 �5.7, 32.7 � 7.3, and 28.5 � 7.3 cells/high-powerfield, respectively; p � 0.05). By week 2, the elec-trosurgical cut incisions had approximately 50 per-cent more macrophages compared with all othermodalities (32.7 � 7.3 cells/high-power field versus16.5 � 6.9, 13.7 � 6.6, and 16.3 � 6.6 cells/high-power field for PlasmaBlade, scalpel, and electro-surgical coagulation, respectively; p � 0.05). How-ever, at week 6, the electrosurgical coagulationincisions had significantly more macrophagesthan the other modalities (12.5 � 5.8 cells/high-power field versus 1.2 � 0.4, 2.8 � 2.3, and1.0 � 1.0 cells/high-power field for Plasma-

Fig. 1. Temperature maps of the PlasmaBlade and electrosurgical device in the cut mode, capturedby the infrared camera. The PlasmaBlade average temperature was 45°C, whereas that of electro-surgery was 241ºC.

Fig. 2. Bleeding from incisions produced by the scalpel, Plasma-Blade (PB), and electrosurgical (ES) device in cut and coagulationmodes, over 1 minute, measured as an area of blood staining thefilter paper.

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Blade, scalpel, and electrosurgical cut, respec-tively; p � 0.05). These data further suggest thatduring the first and second weeks of woundhealing, the PlasmaBlade induces significantlyless inflammation than the electrosurgical de-vice and possibly even the scalpel. Although theinflammatory response appeared to have stabi-lized among all modalities by week 3, a higherprevalence of macrophages remained up to 6weeks in electrosurgical coagulation wounds, in-dicating a persistent, ongoing inflammatory re-sponse likely attributable to the presence of ne-crotic debris in the wound site.

Scalpel incisions showed the lowest levels ofsmooth muscle actin–positive myofibroblasts thro-ughout the 6-week time period (Fig. 7). The Plas-maBlade and scalpel incisions showed a similar prev-alence of myofibroblasts at the 1-, 3-, and 6-week timepoints, with no statistically significant difference atany time point (19.3 � 10.6 versus 18.5 � 10.6cells/high-power field at 1 week, 9.7 � 1.5 versus5.3 � 2.0 cells/high-power field at 3 weeks, and 1.7� 0.3 versus 1.3 � 0.7 cells/high-power field at 6weeks for PlasmaBlade and scalpel, respectively;p � 0.15). However, both electrosurgical modesinduced significantly more myofibroblasts through-out the entire time period, with the greatest num-bers seen at 3 weeks after surgery, when PlasmaBladeincisions had only a fraction of myofibroblasts com-pared with electrosurgical cut (43 percent; 9.7 � 1.5versus 22.7 � 12.0 cells/high-power field; p � 0.001)and electrosurgical coagulation (29 percent; 9.7 � 1.5versus 38.3 � 1.7 cells/high-power field; p � 0.001)incisions, respectively. By week 6, the myofibroblastcell numbers normalized except for electrosurgicalcoagulation, although the difference was not statis-

tically significant. The increased presence of myofi-broblasts in the electrosurgical incisions offers a po-tential explanation for the poor cosmesis seen inhealed electrosurgical wounds.

Scar FormationMeasurement of the scar width at each time

point showed no significant difference between

Fig. 3. Width of the acute thermal injury zone created by thePlasmaBlade (66 � 5 �m), electrosurgical cut mode (456 � 35�m), and electrosurgical coagulation mode (615 � 22 �m).

Fig. 4. Acute histology of the skin incisions produced by (above)scalpel, (center) PlasmaBlade, and (below) electrosurgical cutmodes. Arrows indicate the zone of coagulation necrosis. Scalebar � 2.0 mm.

Volume 124, Number 6 • PEAK PlasmaBlade


PlasmaBlade and scalpel incisions (p � 0.25 to0.84) (Figs. 8–10, a), with both much narrowerthan the electrosurgical scars. At 1 week, the Plas-maBlade scar width was 24 percent and 22 percentthe width of the electrosurgical scars (0.85 � 0.17mm versus 3.50 � 0.76 mm for electrosurgical cutand 3.77 � 0.39 mm for electrosurgical coagula-tion; p � 0.0021 and p � 0.0001, respectively).Similarly, at 2 weeks, the PlasmaBlade scar width

was 44 percent and 32 percent the width of theelectrosurgical scars (1.02 � 0.30 mm versus 2.33� 0.33 mm for cut and 3.17 � 0.41 mm for co-agulation; p � 0.03 and p � 0.0017, respectively).This trend continued at 3 weeks, when the Plas-maBlade scar width was 27 percent and 18 percentthe width of the electrosurgical scars (0.59 � 0.10mm versus 2.17 � 0.4 mm for cut and 3.27 � 0.21mm for coagulation; p � 0.0018 and p � 0.0001,

Fig. 5. Number of CD3� lymphocytes in the wounds produced by the four in-struments at 1, 2, 3, and 6 weeks after surgery. PlasmaBlade incisions exhibitedthe least amount of inflammation. PB, PlasmaBlade; ES, electrosurgical; Coag,coagulation.

Fig. 6. Number of macrophages (CD68� cells) in the wounds at 1, 2, 3, and 6weeks after surgery. The significant presence of macrophages in the electro-surgical coagulation wounds at 6 weeks suggests continued inflammation. PB,PlasmaBlade; ES, electrosurgical; Coag, coagulation.

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respectively). Finally, at 6 weeks, the PlasmaBladescar width was 25 percent and 16 percent the widthof the electrosurgical scars (0.38 � 0.06 mm versus1.50 � 0.29 mm for cut and 2.33 � 0.20 mm forcoagulation; p � 0.001 and p � 0.0001, respec-tively) (Figs. 8–10, b). Visual evaluation of elec-trosurgical incisions demonstrated heavy scarringand poor cosmesis, whereas PlasmaBlade and scal-

pel incisions healed with minimal scarring and animproved aesthetic outcome (Figs. 8–10, c).

Wound Burst Strength EvaluationScalpel and PlasmaBlade incisions exhibited

greater tensile strength compared with electro-surgical incisions at all time points (Fig. 11),

Fig. 7. Number of myofibroblasts (smooth muscle actin–positive cells) in thewounds at 1, 2, 3, and 6 weeks after surgery. PB, PlasmaBlade; ES, electrosurgical;Coag, coagulation.

Fig. 8. Histologic measurement of wound scar width. At any time point,there was no statistically significant difference between the PlasmaBladeand scalpel wounds, whereas both were much smaller than electrosurgicalcut and electrosurgical coagulation wounds. PB, PlasmaBlade; ES, electro-surgical; Coag, coagulation.

Volume 124, Number 6 • PEAK PlasmaBlade


although it was not until week 3 that statisticalsignificance was achieved compared with theelectrosurgical coagulation incisions (76.9 �14.9 lb-ft/in for PlasmaBlade versus 20.1 � 2.9lb-ft/in for electrosurgical coagulation; p �0.006) and approached compared with electro-surgical cut incisions (32.6 � 1.6 lb-ft/in; p �0.07). PlasmaBlade incisions demonstrated sim-ilar burst strength compared with scalpel inci-sions at 6 weeks (154.4 � 12.3 lb-ft/in versus165.5 � 13.5 lb-ft/in; p � 0.56). In contrast, bothelectrosurgical modes were markedly weaker,withstanding only 59.6 � 20.9 lb-ft/in (cut) and55.5 � 8.8 lb-ft/in (coagulation) at 6 weeks (p �0.005 and p � 0.0002, respectively). This furthersupports our conclusion that the PlasmaBladeoffers superior wound-healing and strength char-acteristics compared with conventional electrosur-gical incisions.


Traditionally, the scalpel has been consid-ered the surgical cutting tool of choice becauseof its precision, control, preservation of tissueintegrity, and superior associated wound heal-ing. However, its primary disadvantage is bleeding;consequently, numerous electrosurgical deviceshave been developed to provide hemostasis. Al-though hemostasis is improved, electrosurgicaldevices suffer from thermal damage to surround-ing tissues, inferior wound healing, and poorcosmesis,4,5,7,9,10,12 which limit their realm of appli-cations.

In this study, we evaluated the PlasmaBlade, anew electrosurgical device that produces pulsedplasma–mediated discharges at the edge of an in-sulated electrode to allow precise dissection oftissue.14 Our current study corroborates previous

Fig. 9. Histology of the wounds at 1, 2, and 6 weeks after incision. Scalpel andPlasmaBlade wounds appear healed with normal tissue morphology. In con-trast, the electrosurgical cut wounds are wider and contain significantly morescar tissue.

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findings demonstrating precise tissue dissection inrabbit, bovine, and human retinas and lenscapsules.13,16–21 This is the first study to examinepulsed plasma–mediated electrosurgical technol-ogy on cutaneous wound healing. The Plasma-Blade exhibited a 59 percent reduction in bleed-ing compared with scalpel wounds, which wascomparable to bleeding seen with conventionalelectrosurgical tools. Given the PlasmaBlade’slower blade temperature and reduced thermaldamage to adjacent tissues, this result suggests thatthe high operating temperatures and deep ther-mal coagulum associated with electrosurgery arenot always essential for hemostasis. One possiblemechanism of the hemostasis produced by thePlasmaBlade may be a nonthermal vasoconstric-tive and thrombotic effect22; however, furtherstudy of this phenomenon is necessary.

Our observation of the greater infiltration byCD3� T lymphocytes during the course of heal-ing in the electrosurgical group corroboratesprevious reports of abnormal inflammatory re-sponse correlating with reduced wound burststrength.4,5,7,10,12 The burst strength of the inci-sions created by the PlasmaBlade, however, were

similar to those of the scalpel and three timesstronger than electrosurgical incisions. Suchdramatic differences are most likely attributableto the deeper zone of thermal necrosis withelectrosurgery. This results in a protracted in-flammatory response necessary to clear greateramounts of necrotic tissue that interferes withreepithelialization and collagen formation. In-terestingly, the levels of T lymphocytes and mac-rophages were lower in the PlasmaBlade groupthan in the scalpel group. The reason for this isunclear, but perhaps the reduction in bleedingand applied pressure during cutting by the Plas-maBlade further limits the level of inflammationpresent. Future studies will be needed to morefully explain these observations.23–25

Reduced thermal injury and improved wo-und histology and strength correlated stronglywith the visual appearance of the scars. This isagain likely attributable to reduced levels of in-flammation, leading to more efficient epitheli-alization, reduced macrophage cytokine pro-duction, decreased myofibroblast proliferation,reduced transforming growth factor-� produc-tion, and ultimately improved scarring andcomesis.26 –29 Visual assessment of the scars at 6weeks showed dramatically less scarring withPlasmaBlade and scalpel incisions comparedwith the hypertrophic scarring observed in theelectrosurgical group. We are not aware of otherreports comparing scarring caused by electro-surgery, scalpels, or other surgical technologies,but we believe it is an important parameter forpatient satisfaction, especially in the field of aes-thetic and reconstructive surgery.

In addition, a number of anecdotal observa-tions suggest additional benefits of the Plasma-Blade. We noted that incisions made with the Plas-maBlade required much less pressure thantraditional scalpels; thus, it was not necessary tomaintain constant tension on the skin when mak-ing the incision. This may reduce chances of slip-page, tearing, and unintentional extension ofincisions.21 We also noted that the PlasmaBladewas less adherent to the wound edges, likely be-cause of lower operating temperatures. Further-more, the PlasmaBlade maintained its cutting ef-fectiveness and hemostatic ability even whensubmerged in liquefied adipose tissue or blood,unlike electrosurgical cutting tools. Finally, thePlasmaBlade was noted to produce little to nosurgical smoke, which is noxious, obscures thevisual field, and has been shown to contain infec-tious viruses.30

Fig. 10. Clinical appearance of the wounds 6 weeks aftersurgery. Scalpel (above) and PlasmaBlade (center) woundsare very similar, unlike the much wider wounds of the ele-ctrosurgical cut mode (below), which exhibited profoundscarring.

Volume 124, Number 6 • PEAK PlasmaBlade


CONCLUSIONSIn summary, we demonstrate that the Plasma-

Blade provides efficient cutting of skin, with asuperior wound-healing profile, comparable tothat of the traditional scalpel but with significantlyless bleeding. PlasmaBlade incisions heal in a man-ner similar to that of scalpel incisions but superiorto that of electrosurgical incisions with respect toinflammation, wound strength, and scarring. Theseresults suggest that the PlasmaBlade has tremendouspotential in surgical fields where electrosurgery isnot used extensively, including plastic and recon-structive surgery; cardiothoracic, gynecologic, vascu-lar, and laparoscopic surgery; and neurosurgery.

Geoffrey C. Gurtner, M.D.Department of Surgery

Division of Plastic Surgery257 Campus Drive, GK-201Stanford, Calif. 94305-5148

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis study was funded by PEAK Surgical, Inc. The

authors would like to thank Jeanne McAdara-Berkowitz,Ph.D., and Joshua Vose, M.D., for assistance in prep-aration of this article.

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Instructions for Authors: Key GuidelinesManuscript Length/Number of Figures

To enhance quality and readability and to be more competitve with other leading scientific journals, allmanuscripts must now conform to the new word-count standards for article length and limited number offigure pieces:

• Original Articles and Special Topics/Comprehensive Reviews are limited to 3000 words and 20 figurepieces.

• Case Reports, Ideas & Innovations, and Follow-Up Clinics are limited to 1000 words and 4 figure pieces.

• Letters and Viewpoints are limited to 500 words, 2 figure pieces, and 5 references.

Volume 124, Number 6 • PEAK PlasmaBlade


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