Company LOGO Peer To Peer Full Text Search Authors : Tanya Finkel, Victor Antonov Advisor: Maxim Gurevich.

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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Peer To Peer Full Text Search

Peer To Peer Full Text Search

Authors :

Tanya Finkel , Victor Antonov

Advisor: Maxim GurevichAdvisor: Maxim Gurevich

Problem DescriptionProblem Description

Sometimes we need to find some document.

We solve this problem by using peer to peer.

It’s good to search by looking through it, not only looking at its name.

Here comes the Full Text Search,but it runs locally only. Not Enough


Local SearchLocal Search

Definition - this is the name for the field of search tools which search the contents of a user's own computer files.

Full Text Search – is a search, which engine examines all of the words in every stored document as it tries to match search words supplied by the user.

Let’s see what Full Text Searches we have for today

1.Egothor - Impressive ,and it’s worth a look. Key features include: HTML, PDF, PS….

2.Carrot2 - is a research framework for experimenting with automated querying of various data sources, processing search results and their visualization.

3. MG4J - build compressed full-text indices for large collections of documents using sophisticated techniques such as interpolative coding.

4. OpenGrok - It can understand various program file formats and version control histories like SCCS, RCS, CVS and Subversion.

Local SearchLocal Search

5. Lucene - The de-facto open source search index used almost everywhere. Features include Ranked searching,

boolean and phrase queries, fielded searching and date-range searching .

Peer To peer Peer To peer

A peer to peer (or "P2P") computer network uses diverse connectivity between participants in a network and the cumulative bandwidth of network.

• Rather than conventional centralized resources where a relatively low number of servers provide the core value to a service or application. P2P networks are typically used for connecting nodes via largely ad hoc connections.

Project Distribution Project Distribution

1. GUI1. GUI

3.a. Local Full Text Search

3.a. Local Full Text Search

2. System Management2. System Management

3. b. Network Extension

3. b. Network Extension

Local Full Text Search And Network Extension

Local Full Text Search And Network Extension

• Lucene-Indexation and Search on local hardware

• JXTA –Dynamic group management of subscribes and communication between them.

1. GUI1. GUI

2. System Management2. System Management

3.a. Local Full Text Search

3.a. Local Full Text Search 3. b. Network


3. b. Network Extension

Use case Diagram Use case Diagram 1. GUI

1. GUI

2. System Management2. System Management

3.a. Local Full Text Search

3.a. Local Full Text Search 3. b. Network


3. b. Network Extension

Local Search-merging algorithmLocal Search-merging algorithm1. GUI

1. GUI

2. System Management2. System Management

3.a. Local Full Text Search

3.a. Local Full Text Search 3. b. Network


3. b. Network Extension

Lucene scores are depend on the local host document,

In the two different host you will return two different score for the same document.

1. For each document count number of words referred to query .

2. If number of words in Local search document bigger than

Number of words in network search document


local search document will before Network

search document in the list .

Otherwise: back ward.

Local Search-snippet algorithmLocal Search-snippet algorithm1. GUI

1. GUI

2. System Management2. System Management

3.a. Local Full Text Search

3.a. Local Full Text Search 3. b. Network


3. b. Network Extension

1. Look for whole query

2. If not enough sentences was found search for each word separatly.

If number of maxSentence <numberOffound sentences

or number of max Words<number of found word

Then stop the search

If not found sentences then

“no snippet available”

Local Search-Class DiagramLocal Search-Class Diagram1. GUI

1. GUI

2. System Management2. System Management

3.a. Local Full Text Search

3.a. Local Full Text Search 3. b. Network


3. b. Network Extension

Local Search Class DiagramLocal Search Class Diagram1. GUI

1. GUI

2. System Management2. System Management

3.a. Local Full Text Search

3.a. Local Full Text Search 3. b. Network


3. b. Network Extension

Network search algorithmNetwork search algorithm1. GUI

1. GUI

2. System Management2. System Management

3.a. Local Full Text Search

3.a. Local Full Text Search 3. b. Network


3. b. Network Extension

a)Searching the query in local history, if there’re no results in history cash, the search is as local search (see local search).

b) After searching the filtration is performed (removes results that

not for public view).

c) In this step we have a Vector of Results that we transform into Vector of NetworkResults. To each NetworkResult we add current peer ID, so in the future we can download from this peer a result file.

d) Now the peer (program) connects to the NRS from where the order came and sends the Vector of NetworkResults when connection is established.

Network search class diagramNetwork search class diagram1. GUI

1. GUI

2. System Management2. System Management

3.a. Local Full Text Search

3.a. Local Full Text Search 3. b. Network


3. b. Network Extension

Network search class diagramNetwork search class diagram1. GUI

1. GUI

2. System Management2. System Management

3.a. Local Full Text Search

3.a. Local Full Text Search 3. b. Network


3. b. Network Extension

Demonstration Demonstration 1. GUI

1. GUI

2. System Management2. System Management



Local Search

Network Search

File View Options AboutFile View Options About

C:\People\NikolaTeslaBiography.pdfTesla is best known for many revolutionary contributions in the field of electricity and magnetism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. …

C:\music\Tesla.peaceOfTime.mp3Remote: WardenclyffeProject.docThe Tesla Wardenclyffe Project -- Established to preserve Wardenclyffe, the century-old laboratory of electrical pioneer Nikola Tesla, located in Shoreham, ...

3.a. Local Full Text Search

3.a. Local Full Text Search 3. b. Network


3. b. Network Extension

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