Community Alcohol Action Network

Post on 23-Jan-2016






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Community Alcohol Action Network. CAAN raises public awareness of social and cultural pressures that encourage unsafe use, and mobilises the community to take action against aggressive marketing, unsafe products and inappropriate means of supply. Goals. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Community Alcohol Action Network

CAAN raises public awareness of social and

cultural pressures that encourage unsafe


and mobilises the community to take

action against aggressive

marketing, unsafe products

and inappropriate means of supply.


Our goal is to lessen cultural cues for heavy and unsafe drinking

To encourage the community to voice concerns and take action

To address environmental pressures that encourage heavy and risky drinking

Long-term aim is to change the expectations people have of alcohol


Media Advocacy


Community Mobilisation

Odd Expectations

DJ on radio

Eastern suburbs basketball


Warrnambool Racing Club

Moonee Valley Racing Club

Lead Issues


AdvertisingSponsorshipNew products Product




Social supply Retail salesLocal

government Taxation


Ottawa Charter on Health Promotion

Build healthy public policy Create supportive environments Strengthen community action Develop personal skills Re-orient health services

WHO, 1986

Alcohol prevention crucial because

System keeps recruiting heavy drinkers

...due to interaction b/w individual and environment/community.

Change is needed in individual decision making and the social, economic or physical environment

Holder, Prevention of alcohol problems in 21st century, American J of Addiction, 10, 1 2001

‘Preventive approaches that

hold the greatest promise are community based and community wide and focus on both individual behaviour and environmental pressures.’

Peter Anderson Health Challenges 2 Evidence of Health Promotion Effectiveness WHO 2000

Fundamental Attribution Error

To overestimate importance of character traits in determining human behaviour, instead of situation and context.

Environment is a powerful shaper of behaviour as it sets up expectations and norms

Malcolm Gladwell The Tipping Point Little, Brown and Co 2000

Alcohol advertising overseas

• Banned on TV & cinemas in France

• Banned on radio & TV in Denmark

• Banned in Sweden (except low strength beer)

• Allowed on TV & radio after 11.30 pm in Spain

Source: Global status report on alcohol WHO,1999

• OECD countries with bans on spirits advert have 16% lower consumption than countries without bans

• Countries with bans on beer and wine advert have 11% lower consumption than countries with bans on spirits adverts only

• Car deaths are 10% lower when spirits adverts is banned and 23% lower when beer and wine and spirits advert is banned

Griffith Edwards

WHO Conference on Young People and Alcohol, Ministry Health & Social Affairs, Sweden

Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code

Advertising must

present a mature and responsible approach to


not have evident appeal to children or adolescents

not suggest alcohol contributes to social /sexual


not encourage excessive drinking

not encourage underage drinking

not encourage offensive behavior

Taking action on Advertising

Manifestation of the culture

Research based – it is a real factor

Obvious - everyone can relate to it

Political leverage - government has

threatened a tougher system of regulation

People can get involved locally or nationally

"Who is James Boag?"The Print Campaign"Foaming Glass" Helmut Newton 2000

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Well Heres the deal i think i can out drink anyone out there on bundy rum that is so i am putting up an offer any who thinks they can out drink me put up your $100 and ill put up $100 and we will drink for the day/night last one standing/still drinking takes the cash and if $100 aint enough we can allways up the wager so if u come from the sunshine coast send an email to and let the game begin ’ Liquid Duck, female, 18, Camperdown VIC

“well 2 and a half bottles is my record and the only reason i stoped was cos i ran out i achived this last weekend. and in reply to your question i am 18 so yes young dumb but can drink plenty of rum.” by Liquid Duck 24 Feb 2004. Copied 17 June 2004


Resource kit for people to

take local action

Workshops in regional


Video store application for a

packaged liquor licence

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