communication-global team

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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1) Communication

2) Encoding and Decoding

3) Components of Effective communication

4) Verbal

5) Non Verbal

6) Posturing

7) Centralization –Decentralization

8) Virtual communication

9) Leadership in Action


Communication is an act of using words, signs, sounds, or

behavior for expressing or exchanging information, ideas,

feelings, thoughts to someone else.

Feedback is the response of the


Communication channel is the way we



HOW TO PLAY❑Getting Started: Players must sit in a circle or stand in a straight line.

They need to be close enough that whispering is possible, but not so close that players can hear each other whisper.

❑Begin the Game: The first person in the line or circle whispers a word or phrase into the ear of the person sitting or standing to their right.

❑The Game Continues: Players whisper the phrase to their neighbors until it reaches the last player in line.

❑The Conclusion: The last player says the word or phrase out loud so everyone can hear how much it has changed from the first whisper at the beginning of the circle or line.


❑The word or phrase can only be whispered once, so players must pay close attention.

❑Only one player – the first – should know what the word or phrase is. The facilitator of the game may wish to have the original phrase or word written down.



Encoders- What is it?

An encoder is a:

❑ Device

❑ Circuit

❑ Transducer

❑ Software Program

❑ Person

That converts information from one format to another.

Why do people encode message through media?

The purpose of encoding is for:

❑ Speed

❑ Secrecy

❑ Security

❑ Saving space and time

Decoder-What Is It?

❑ A decoder can be a device or person that does the opposite of an encoder.

❑ It undo the encoding so that the original information can be obtained.

❑ The same method used to encode is usually used again reverse order to decode.

Why do people decode message?

❑Since decoding is the reverse process to encoding, people use it to obtain information or files that have been encoded.

❑Ex. Files on computers or information that is stored on a DVD.


❑ Communication skills helps make information processing more transparent and effective, examples of such skills are; Active listening and assertiveness.

Active Listening

❑ This is the key to accurately understanding what someone else is saying

❑ People are often distracted such that they don’t give maximum attention to others.

❑ Active listening requires effort and discipline.

Active Listening

❑As a listener, you need an accurate understanding of others before a meaningful response can be made.

❑The followings are skills, active listeners need to have in other to enhance effective communication:

i. Pay attention to your posture: There are 5 behaviours that encourage a listening posture

under the acronym SOLER.

❑ S-Square

❑ O-Open

❑ L-Lean

❑ E-Eye Contact

❑ R-Relax

Active Listening

ii. Paraphrasing

iii. Probing

a. Open Ended questions b. Hypothetical questions

Active Listening (probing)

c. Closed-ended questions

d. Forced-choice questions

Active Listening

The above mentioned probing questions sometimes depending on the discussion produces good and expected results, there are other types of probing questions that are not productive viz:

i. Leading

ii. loaded and

iii. multiple questions


Assertiveness is the ability to express oneself directly and honestly without disrespecting or dishonouring others.

According to Baney, (2004), assertiveness is best expressed by including the three components: I think, I feel, I want.


There are number of barriers that can retard or distort effective communication, they are listed

● Filtering

● Selective Perception

● Information Overload

● Emotions

● Language

● Silence

● Lying

● Communication Apprehension

Virtual communication

What is it?

3 Main Benefits Of Virtual Communication:

1. Teams Producing Increases in Quality and Outcome.

2. Efficiency of Communication.

3. Development of intellectual capital.

Communication process

Barriers in Communication

❑ Amplifies dysfunction.

❑ Dilutes leadership

❑ Weakens human relationship and Team Processes.

Verdict on virtual communication...

❑ Lacks depth


❑ Diverse in nature which makes it worth it!

Verbal Communication

communicating your thoughts through

words. Such thoughts may be ideas,

objections, your emotions,,,

Why is good verbal communication so important in business?

●Dealing with different people


●Ages with different experience

Types of communication

Interpersonal communication and public speaking

❑ Challenges

❑ Misunderstandings

❑ Solution

❑ Your Message

❑ How you delivery

ActivityWord Description

●In this activity we need one volunteer from each group, he will be given a word that need to describe to their group.

●Under the word that needs to be described a list of words the person cannot use in his description.

●For example: If the word that is being described is "coffee," the most common words can be listed under the word such as "drink," "cream," "sugar" "hot."

● Each group will be given 90 seconds

●The person who is describing the word will have to use his verbal communication skills to get his group to understand the word without using the common words.

●In the end, the shortest group who guess the word will be the winner


Nonverbal communication is expressed through nonlinguistic means. It is the actions or attributes of humans, including their appearance, use of objects, sound, time, smell, and space, that have socially shared significance and stimulate meaning in others.

IMPORTANCEAn accurate perception of nonverbal communication helps the listener understand the intent of the speaker and is strongly related to social intelligence and interpersonal sensitivity.

❑We can change the meaning of our words with the wink of an eye, a certain facial expression, voice tone, bodily movement, use of space, or touch.

❑ As our ability to use and interpret nonverbal behavior and contextual cues improves, so will our understanding of interpersonal relationships.

Elements of NonVerbal Communication



KINESICSInterpretation of Body movements and gestures as a form of nonverbal communication is termed as kinesics.


❑ People can identify seven separate human emotions, even after seeing only facial and eye expressions: sadness, happiness, anger, fear, surprise, contempt, and interest.

❑ Therefore, without speaking a word, a facial expression can convey a great deal of information to others. When we consciously control our facial expressions that we likely are engaging in interpersonal deception.


❑ Eyes reveal the extent of interest and emotional involvement.

❑ Eyes influence judgments of persuasiveness and perceptions of

❑ dominance or Submissiveness.

❑ Eyes regulate person-to-person interaction.



Various hands and arm movements and specific body positions express special meaning, that may complement or contradict other forms of communication, termed as gestures. They are further classified into five types-Emblems, Illustrators, Affect Displays, Regulators, Adaptors.


How a person carries himself basically determines his posture .Open body positions suggest openness, ease, comfort, and agreement. Whereas, Closed body positions may be the signs of defensiveness, a lack of receptivity or physical or psychological discomfort.


The messages that you send with your voice are known as paralanguage. Tone, pitch, quality of voice, and rate of speaking convey emotions that can be accurately judged regardless of the content of the message.

Among the elements of paralanguage are pitch, volume, rate, articulation, pronunciation,hesitations, and silence.

With this in mind, respond to the following questions:

❑ Does my voice enhance or detract from the impression I make?

❑ Does my voice support or contradict my intended meaning?

❑ If I were interacting with me, would I want to listen to the

sound of my voice?

Intimate distance

Contact to18 inches

Personal distance

18 inches to 4 feet

Social-consultative distance

4 to 12 feet

Public distance

12 feet to the limit of sight

PROXEMICSIt is the study of our use of space

during a conversation according to our cultural background, and how various differences in that use can make us feel more relaxed or anxious.

Categorized into four parts:

❏ Intimate distance

❏Personal distance

❏Social-consultative distance

❏Public distance


It is a form of communication involving touching.

● Used properly it can create a more direct message than dozens of words; used improperly it can build barriers and cause mistrust.

● We use touch for different purposes: to communicate attitude or affect, to encourage affiliation, to exert control or power, to mark greetings and leave-takings time.


It refers to the study of use and interpretation of time in nonverbal communication.

❑ We structure time in an effort to ensure we accomplish needed tasks.

❑ How long we are willing to wait to meet with someone or for

something to occur is also a reflection of our status and the

value we place on what we are waiting for.


Materialism has given rise to a new medium of communication (artifactual communication).

We respond more positively to those we perceive to be well dressed than to those whose attire we find questionable or unacceptable.

What we wear and how we look helps others form impressions of us.


What do the artifacts you wear suggest to others about you?


● Posturing is crucial in influencing the acuity, opinions, and support by the team members.

● It is used together with identity markers.

Some identity markers include:

● Physical look

● Personal office

● Body pose

● Demeanor

● Explicit statements

Posturing In Teams

● Posturing places people in certain attitudes or positions● In some cases, use of postering and identity markers can

be detrimental● Some team members attempt to promote themselves

among their team, and this can be intimidating.● the identity markers ought to be used well, this will

promote unity in a team.

Centralization- Decentralization

Centralized Communication

Centralized communication is refer to as chain of command. When one or

two members do most of the talking and comments are routinely directed

towards these members specifically ( Huang and Cummings, 2011).

Centralized communication involves the flow of information through a

single leader (central person) or location, who have a great influence over

group members ( decision making power) by controlling the flow of

information ( McCubbrey, 2015, para 2).

Advantages Of Centralized Communication

❑ It encourages cost savings and better quality control.

❑ Efficient way of making business decision .

❑ Comments are directed to all members of the group ( Org 3220, Class


❑ The degree of communication is influenced by the level of group’s task


Disadvantage of Centralized Communication

❑ The amount of information can become overwhelmed (McCubbery, 2015)

❑ Some members speak with more confidence while others tend to be more


❑ Traits such as interpersonal dominance, perceived competence and

commitment are influenced by communication centrality.

❑ People with high interpersonal dominance are controllable.

Decentralized Communication

According to Allen ( 2015), “Decentralization refers to the

systematic efforts to delegate to the lowest level of authority except the once

that can’t be controlled or at the central point.

❑ Decentralization is not the same as delegation, it covers wider scope and

the authorities are diffused to the lowest most level of management.

Decentralized communications rely on:

❑ On team environment at different levels of business.

❑ Group of individual responsible for making autonomy business decisions and

running of the business ( Vitez, 2009).

❑ Open communication between group members.

❑ On conducive way of solving complex problems ( McCubbery, 2015).

❑ On the systematic delegation of authority at all levels of management and in all


Advantage of Decentralized Communication

❑ Problems and Processes can be solved and changed in a timely manner.

❑ Needs of customers and employees are easily and quickly met due to fewer level

of management ( McCubbery,2015).

❑ Members actively engage in advocacy and inquiry.

❑ More appropriate for complex group tasks ( Org Class Slide, 2015).

❑ Highly motivated members tend to be more active to contribute frequently in

group discussion.

Disadvantage of Decentralized Communication

❑ Organization departments can easily lose sight of the organization’s common


❑ Open line communication with local management .

❑ Organization and teams can something struggle with multiple individuals opinions

on a particular decision (Vitez, 2015, Para 7).

Implication of Decentralization in Communication

❑ There are fewer burdens on the Chief Executive Officer when compared with centralization.

❑ In decentralization, the subordinates get a chance to decide and act independently which develop skills and capabilities.

❑ Diversification and horizontal communication can be easily implanted.

❑ Operations can be co-ordinated at divisional level which is not possible in the centralization set up.

❑ In decentralization there is more scope for creating new department and team ( Management Guide, 2015).



Communication plays a very important role when it comes to leading people, working in teams and facilitating interpersonal dynamics.

❑ Effective leaders encourage direct and open discussion.

❑ They initiate difficult, but needed, conversations.

❑ Effective leaders also involve others before developing a plan of action, considering their opinions in making decisions.

❑ They are clear about expectations and ask good questions.

❑ They listen to all the team members and make them feel validated

and invited.

Therefore, a leader makes sure that, the process of giving and taking

of information within the team, flows smoothly to reach to a mutual

decision and a cumulative goal.

“To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.”Tony Robbins

BIBLIOGRAPHY❑Allen. (2015). Management Study Guide. Delhi: MSG ( Management Study Guide).

❑Don McCubbrey. “Centralized versus decentralized organizations.” Business Fundamentals.

Boundless, 21 Jul. 2015. Retrieved 30 Sep. 2015 from :



❑Vitez, O. (2009, January 20). Small Business by Demand Media. Business Model and

Organzational Structure, pp. Para 1- 9.


●,. (2015). Proxemics. Retrieved 16 October 2015, from

●,. (2015). Verb Clipart. Retrieved 16 October 2015, from

● Rudrow, K. (2014). Artifactual Communication: A Modern Approach to Understanding Communication through Nonverbal Artifacts. Undergraduate Research Journal For The Human Sciences, 13(1). Retrieved from

● Wright, J. (2014, November 28). Definition ans Skills of Effective Communication. Retrieved October 14, 2015

● Benefits & disadvantages of virtual teams. (2015, March 1). Retrieved October 16, 2015.

● Griffith, B., & Dunham, E. (n.d.). Working in teams: Moving from high potential to high performance.


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