Communication Development Division Communication and Information Sector

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Communication Development Division Communication and Information Sector. Main Line of Actions 2 Strengthening free independent and pluralistic media and communication for sustainable development. W. Jayaweera Director, Communication Development Division. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Communication Development DivisionCommunication and Information Sector

Main Line of Actions 2

Strengthening free independent and pluralistic media and communication

for sustainable development

W. Jayaweera

Director, Communication Development Division

Professional Journalism

MediaLiterate Societies

Free, Independent and Pluralistic Media

MLA 2: Strengthening free independent and pluralistic media and communication for sustainable

developmentExpected results Number of RP activities ($

4.3 million) launched Member states supported in the development of free, independent and pluralistic media based on IPDC media development indicators

42 RP activities including 38 in field offices

Capacities of media training and journalism education institutions increased to reach the established criteria of excellence in training including the pursuit of the gender equality

38 RP activities including 33 in field offices

Media and information literacy increased to foster informed decision making

23 RP activities including 21 in field offices

Expected donor contributions for projects to be approved in 2011 = $ 2.5 million

MDI Assessments completed

On going MDI assessments

UNDAF/CCA Intervention assessments completed

Croatia Bhutan Tanzania

Maldives Nepal Uganda

Mozambique Lebanon Uruguay

Ecuador East Timor Pakistan

Mauritania Argentina Bangladesh

DR Congo Brazil

Community Media Development - 2010

CMC online Directory

Code of practice for community radio developed with the World Association of Community Broadcasters.

Comprehensive tool for assessing community radio performances tested in Nepal

Fifty good community radio practices were identified through international consultations and finalized for sharing

23 New Community Radio/CMC projects launched in 2010 – Chad, DR Congo, Gabon, Guinea Bissau, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Senegal, Somalia, Tanzania, Zambia, India, Argentina, Chile, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua and Paraguay

Third pace of the CMC up scaling launched in Mali. Mozambique and Senegal

Setting standards for journalism education

Model Curricula for Journalism Education

Criteria for Institutional Excellence

Gender Mainstreaming

Getting the balance right

Model Curricula adapted by 57 Journalism Education Institutions in 45 Countries.

7 regional consultation meetings held

Curricula is widely distributed in 8 languages. 7909 downloads in 201 countries.

Progress acknowledged at the 2nd World Congress of Journalism Education held in July 2010.

Centers of Excellence in Journalism education

Criteria for Institutional Excellence Relevance of the curriculum; Quality teaching resources; Credible assessment systems; Productive interaction and relations within

the profession; International networking and recognition; High level of social participation and

standing; Credible governance and management; Assured funding and sustainability; Influence in press freedom advocacy; High level of students employability.

Nine indentified potential centers of excellence in Africa supported with twining opportunities, equipment and reference material.

20 identified African Journalism Education Institutions attended institutional development workshops held in Windhoek and Grehamstown

Mapping exercises to identify potential centers of excellence launched in South Asia and Murcosur countries African Journalism School Database

Communication for sustainable development

Global Media Forum, Bonn in June 2010 on Climate Change (three workshops on reporting climate change supported by UNESCO) as a follow up to Paris Declaration on Broadcast Media and Climate Change adopted in Sept 2009 – (Intersectoral Platform activity)

Partnering with media on education for sustainable development – sub-regional workshops for 84 journalist trainers in Lebanon, Mali, Saudi Arabia, Senegal held in 2010 (230 Journalists trainers in 56 countries trained in the previous biennium) – (Intersectoral Platform activity)

Science journalism initiative in Africa with AU – media survey designed and partnerships established following Pretoria meeting in August - (Intersectoral Platform activity)

Young television producers on HIV and AIDS expanded to 280 participants (2010 regional workshop held in Beijing) – (Intersectoral Platform activity)

UNESCO Audio-Visual e-platform now host 354 productions on sustainable development. 36 national broadcasters have used contents.

UNESCO sponsored CBA Award for best science documentary

C4D Interagency report prepared for UN General Assembly

Media and Information Literacy Media and information literacy as

basic skills needed to understand

(1) functions of media and information sources;

(2) the conditions under which those functions can be performed;

(3) the extent to which media and information content reflect those function;

(4) Potential engagements with media and information sources for self –expression;

To deploy media and information literacy in teacher training curricula – as a set of essential learning skills needed in the 21st Century

Curriculum content piloted through 3 regional training of trainers workshops with 45 teacher training institutions from 20 countries in Asia, Africa and LAC.

Two regional surveys to asses the current literacy levels of teachers, One completed.

Draft Media and information literacy curricula for teacher training finalized.

Broadcast Media guidelines for user-generated content developed with CBA

Communication Development Division


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