
Communicating Effectively in the Workplace


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7 Barriers to Great Communication

4 Steps to Communicating Effectively

6 Basics Rules for Successful Presentations

8 Guidelines to Avoid Conflict in the Workplace

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7 Barriers to Great Communication

1. Physical Barrier

Over 90% of communication is non-verbal• Facial Expressions, Tone of Voice, and Body Language

If you prominently make use of the phone and email to communicate with co-workers, there is an obvious strain on understanding the intent of communication

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7 Barriers to Great Communication

2. Perceptual Barrier

Each of us view the world differently

Therefore, we will view both people and their communications in different ways

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7 Barriers to Great Communication

3. Emotional Barrier

Emotional Barriers to communication are mainly comprised of fear, mistrust, and suspicion

Being told to "mind our P's and Q's” taught us and an early age to be careful about what we tell others

While some caution may be wise, excessive fear of co-workers' reactions may stunt our development as effective communicators

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7 Barriers to Great Communication

4. Cultural Barrier

When one joins a group and wish to remain in it, sooner or later we need to adopt the behavior patterns of that group.

We each participate in multiple cultures – those of our families, friends, and work groups

We need to keep these differences in mind when communicating with co-workers

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7 Barriers to Great Communication

5. Language Barrier

The language barrier is not just in the literal sense

Language describes what we want to say in our own terms• This includes facial expressions, buzz-words, and jargon

Using excessive slang and jargon can exclude those unfamiliar with our terms and result in a failure to convey our meaning

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7 Barriers to Great Communication

6. Gender Barrier

There are distinct differences in the way that men and women communicate, specifically with our speech patterns

Women speak between 22,000 and 25,000 words a day; while,

Men speak between 7,000 and 10,000 words a day

When a man talks, his speech is located in the left side of the brain but in no specific area.

When a woman talks, the speech is located in both hemispheres and in two specific locations

Words Spoken per Day












Minimun Maximum



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7 Barriers to Great Communication

6. Gender Barrier

This means that the man talks in a linear, logical and compartmentalized way – features of left-brain thinking

A woman talks more freely mixing logic and emotion – features of both sides of the brain

What does this mean?

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7 Barriers to Great Communication

7. Interpersonal Barrier

There are six levels at which people can distance themselves from one another:1 – Withdrawal is an absence of interpersonal contact – both the refusal to be in

touch and time alone

2 – Rituals are repetitive routines devoid of real contact

3 – Pastimes fill up time with others in social but superficial activities

4 – Working activities are those tasks which follow rules and procedures of contact but no more

5 – Games are subtle, manipulative interactions about winning or losing

6 – Closeness is the aim of interpersonal contact where there is a high level of honesty and acceptance of yourself and others

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7 Barriers to Great Communication

Working on improving your communications is a broad-brush activity

You have to change your thoughts, your feelings, and your physical connections.

That way, you can break down the barriers that get in your way and start building relationships that work.

Now that we know what are barriers are – Let’s talk about ways to consciously make an effort to communicate effectively!

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4 Steps to Communicating Effectively

Ineffective communication can definitely cause a strain on business productivity, but it can also be avoided!

Before we even get started, you have to realize that successful communication is a two-way process.

Both individuals in the communication must actively participate whether verbally or written.

Communication is more than transmitting facts: it’s about human relationships!!!

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4 Steps to Communicating Effectively

1. Attention

Winning the attention of the person we want to communicate with is the first step

We must try to eliminate any “noise” including anything that could distract whether noise in the literal sense, physical/emotional discomfort, negative attitudes, or mannerisms/dress.

Respect for the other person is an important prerequisite for attention getting. If the other person feels as if you truly empathize with them, you are quickly on your way to the second step in the process.

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4 Steps to Communicating Effectively

2. Apprehension

What’s your first impression of this word?• Although the word usually carries the connotation of “fear”, it’s primary

meaning is “understanding”

The two meanings of the word are definitely related & represent two sides of a coin• The task of the communicator is to change the aspect of “fear” into that of


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4 Steps to Communicating Effectively

2. Apprehension

Achieving apprehension is a critical part of the communication process, but it is also a subtle one

Be careful of asking a straight-forward question like “Do you understand?” or “What do you understand?”

Instead, ask for input on the communication which allows for a free-flow conversation showing apprehension

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4 Steps to Communicating Effectively

3. Assimilation

As crucial as Apprehension is: it is not enough

A person can understand a message completely, but he or she has not accepted it; or, it is accepted half-heartedly without conviction

The initiator of the communication has achieved an ideal result if the recipient has assimilated (or incorporated) the message

Assimilation of the concept goes a long way towards ensuring active participation, and harmonious cooperation, in the workplace

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4 Steps to Communicating Effectively

4. Action

This is the final step of the process

This step pushes a concept into reality• Often a good business idea meets acceptance or agreement, but is not

translated into action

If assimilation has truly taken place, action on the part of the receiver should follow inevitably

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4 Steps to Communicating Effectively

4. Action

Keep in mind that communication is a two-way process

The originator of the message must play their part, as well, with abundant support and encouragement

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4 Steps to Communicating Effectively

One on one communication is important; however, at times you will be required to provide information to multiples

Let’s discuss some basic rules for successful presentations

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6 Basic Rules for Successful Presentations

1. Rule of Tell’em

Tell’em what you are going to Tell’em, Tell it to them, and then Tell’em what you told them

Translation: • Start with an introduction including an “agenda” or goals for the presentation• Provide the content• Summarize the presentation

Start with the last slide!!!• If you emphasize the most important points you want to make, its relatively

easy to build your presentation around them

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6 Basic Rules for Successful Presentations

2. KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid

It’s the same ancient adage we heard in math class & it applies here too

The more complicated you let things get, the more trouble you can expect

Keep your presentation focused on the message, don’t get carried away with special effects and filler

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6 Basic Rules for Successful Presentations

3. Rehearse the presentation

There’s something to be said about winging it: try, “Forget It!”

To present the most professional image, you need to know your presentation. • It’s okay to leave the main script from time to time, but wandering

presentations lack focus and lose the message

Rehearsing the presentation means more than going over the information• Rehearse the entire presentation like you will deliver it

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6 Basic Rules for Successful Presentations

3. Rehearse the presentation

Don’t memorize the presentation.• Reciting information removes passion/excitement from the presentation

If using notes, use them sparingly• Too much time spent reading notes may convince your audience that you are

unprepared• If your notes are in sentence form, you will inevitably read them – Try Bullet


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6 Basic Rules for Successful Presentations

4. Dress for Success

Some say you can never overdress for a presentation. Others disagree.

Other factors come into play with your dress:• Humor and how formal your presentation is will impact whether you are “over”


One thing is for sure! You should never dress down.

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6 Basic Rules for Successful Presentations

5. Pace Yourself

Don’t go too fast, or too slow.• Every “slide” deserves at least 10 seconds, and none need more than 100

If you find yourself spending several minutes on one slide, consider breaking it up!

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6 Basic Rules for Successful Presentations

6. Presentation Tools

Slides, LCD and DLP projectors, Laptops, LCD Panels, Video, Multimedia, Sounds, Laser Pointers, Lapel Microphones, Overheads, Photo-quality printers, Posterprinters…

• There are many presentation tools available to you as a presenter

Determine your needs, the presentation environment, and select the right group of tools

Practice using the tools before hand & ALWAYS have a back-up plan

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8 Ways to Avoid Conflict in the Workplace

With multiple cultures, genders, personalities, and communication styles in the workplace, conflict is destined to happen

Ineffective communication is typically what breeds conflict

There are ways to avoid conflict and how to handle it if it does arise

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8 Ways to Avoid Conflict in the Workplace

1. Remember Filters

We all hear what is said through our own filters

Filters can include assumptions, biases, our own history, experience, etc.

Consider your own filters as well as others when communicating with others

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8 Ways to Avoid Conflict in the Workplace

2. Listen as a Witness

Ask, “How would I listen to this person if I knew I were going to be called as an objective witness in court?”

The goal here is to be as objective as possible and retain as many details as possible

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8 Ways to Avoid Conflict in the Workplace

3. Clarify

Before you speak, make sure that you understand what the other person is saying.

Ask open-ended (non-leading) questions until you do.• Why is that so?• What makes you say that?

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8 Ways to Avoid Conflict in the Workplace

4. Restate

Ask “I think you said ‘…..’ Is that accurate?”

Continue restating until your partner agrees that you heard him or her accurately.

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8 Ways to Avoid Conflict in the Workplace

5. Pause Before You Speak

Ask yourself which conflict style you’re using and why.

Is it the style that will serve you best over the long term of the relationship?

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8 Ways to Avoid Conflict in the Workplace

6. Summarize the Communication

At the end of the communication, summarize the conversation and clarify the original reason for the communication.

Be sure you know why you were asked to listen and what you’re expected to do – if anything – about the communication.

Avoid jumping in too quickly with advice or solutions. Make sure the person wants advice.

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8 Ways to Avoid Conflict in the Workplace

7. Assume 100% Responsibility for the Communication

Assume leadership in your communication.

Assume that it is your responsibility to listen until you understand and to speak in a way that others can understand.

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8 Ways to Avoid Conflict in the Workplace

8. Check Out Misunderstandings

Check out any misunderstandings if they occur.

Assume miscommunication before you assume someone is trying to undermine you efforts.

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8 Ways to Avoid Conflict in the Workplace

If conflict arises – How should you handle the situation?

Gain Agreement That: • There is a conflict• We share a common goal to resolve it• What we’ve tried so far hasn’t worked

Identify Hot Buttons• Say something like: “There seems to be something that ‘x’ says or that I say

that upsets you. What is it?”• Clarify back to the person: “It seems that you are bothered by the idea that….”

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8 Ways to Avoid Conflict in the Workplace

By gaining agreement & clarifying statements, you are working together to resolve the conflict

Thus, the focus is on resolution rather than the conflict itself

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Ineffective communication is a major, yet avoidable, obstacle to business productivity. (Key word is AVOIDABLE)

Successful communication is a two-way street! Both parties must make the effort.

Communication is as much a matter of human relationships as it is about transmitting facts whether over-the-phone, in a meeting, or giving a presentation.

Effective communication will help to eliminate conflict in the workplace

LearnActGrowFebruary 2009

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