

Team Stegosaurus

IntroductionThe connections Stegosaurus found and explored are cultural diversity,

the concept of expertise, and magnetic poles. The objects lead to the theme of cultural diversity because they suggest someone learning Spanish interactively while a stale, static dictionary becomes obsolete, and doing so in an environment (wintry) unlike that found in most Spanish-speaking countries. The concept of expertise connects the three pieces of information because they all represent ways of learning, either formally or from experience; each is also a part of some greater body, be it a book, a deck of cards, or a photo collection. Each piece represents a little bit of learning; which has taught us that you do not need to be an expert to be able to think critically about something. Physically, all the objects are double-sided, with none having either more or less than two faces, in each object the faces are roughly equal. Magnetic poles are two-faced as well, like all the objects. We chose to do an electronic comic because of its universality. It is simple and mostly easily understood by practically anyone; however, we could also put more complex information at the bottom of each slide without disturbing the continuity. The form also relates to each of the connections chosen: narratives are common to all cultures, designing (and occasionally using) this kind of software requires considerable expertise, and electronics work by the principles of electromagnetism.

Sharath sees the three pieces of information and a story starts to form...

After overhearing Sharath, Robert joined into the conversation, spewing forth what was on his mind.

The train of thought diverges rapidly as more people contribute to the discussion.

After surveying the library, Taryn expressed, how all she could see was a display of books and laptops, eliminating the commonly noticed differences among the people present at the library.

Even though everything was coming together, the magnets idea was still not relating to what everyone was talking about.

Robert started with…Sharath then continued to question...

Which caused Sausan to answer…

Compasses are related to humans, in that they are both searching for direction…

Sausan’s comment comes from the knowledge that there is less to learn from people whose experience is too similar to your own.

Faced with gathering so much information at once, the task seemed more than a little daunting. To help further their learning, the group wanted to find someone wiser to help them get to their goals.

The group asked for some words of wisdom from the curator who was able to show them, using his experiences, the connections between items that are seemingly unrelated.

Robert wanted to know more about how magnetic poles related to everything else they had been talking about, so he went to consult with someone with more insight....

After Linda and Robert further discussed the idea of connections, he was able to come to a better understanding.

“I see things that never were and say why not?”

Brought to you by…

Robert Gooding-Townsend(20375437) Sausan Arebi(20368262)

Sharath Sundar(20242350)

Taryn Dewar (20384467)

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