Comedy Trailers: Forms and Conventions

Post on 08-Jun-2015






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Character types in comedies usually have a main character and often a character that provides the majority of the humour alongside the rest of the group. They also usually are a group of friends who have many misfortunes which result in the

basis of humour. Kickass illustrates this point.

In Superbad there is no particular ‘humourous’ character, each character provides different characteristics. This happens a lot in comedies because it increases the likelihood that one character will appeal to the audience. Nerdy characters are successful in comedies because their lack of social skills and strange ideas seem funny.

A lot of comedies focus on a group of friends; in a lot of cases they are outcasts and a little bit odd. In

the case of The Inbetweeners Movie the four friends are varied to appeal to different audience types. Will is a logical realist and very intelligent, Neil is a fool, Jay is very arrogant and Simon is the most relatable and almost seems normal.



THIS IS 40Family type characters are also popular in comedies; though these are usually based for family entertainment and less crude than

Superbad and The Inbetweeners Movie.

This appeals to an audience because nearly everybody has a family and can understand and relate to the film. The children usually fight and fall out and the parents have to deal with it.

In the case of This Is 40 the children are entertaining, they illustrate how children and wild, unpredictable and funny. They are very lively so this channels through to the audience.

Cheaper By The Dozen is a comedy about a large family. Family life is hard for ordinary sized families so the idea of it being larger and even harder is comical.

There are many comedies that focus on family life

such as Home Alone and Despicable Me.



17 AGAINA common stock plot found in comedies is the idea of a ‘new kid’ joining a ‘new school’ and having to fit in with an added difficulty.

For example, in 17 Again the new student is actually a middle aged man trapped in a teenagers body ready to have another try at his life plan.

She’s The Man follows a new student trying to achieve her goal of playing football for the school team, however for the entirety of the film she has to impersonate her twin brother.

These plots are popular because people find them relatable as well as funny. The basic underlying layer that they are a new student is something most people have encountered. The added difficulty is something to add interest to the story and also embark the characters on weird and wonderful adventures that are abnormal in reality.

The characters are often placed in strange and awkward situations that people often find hilarious.



FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALLAnother stock plot within the comedy genre is a form of couples, struggling with love. This is because most people encounter this within their lives and the problems are often relatable but presented in comical way that couples can then laugh about and share the experience.

These plots often have a happy ending, whether it’s that the couple find a way to be happy with one another, or they find a better partner.

In What Happened in Vegas this couple are forced together for money and after lots of fighting discover they were meant to be.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall follows the main character attempting to get over his ex, who is happy in a new relationship, but then finds a prettier, better new girlfriend.

Other films similar to these plots are Along Came Polly and Knocked Up.



A lot of comedies do not have the budget that comes with action or sci-fi movies. Because of this they are usually based locally. This has an added benefit as comedies are usually funny when they are relatable.

Some comedies are based entirely around schools – be the main character an adult or a child. This is because most people have been in a school at some point and the film makers have plenty of

choice to find their perfect location. In both Bad Teacher and Easy A the characters remain solely in very local territories such as homes, pubs and the outdoors.

Locations like schools can provide a wide range of people to introduce in the film.

A lot of comedies feature a school at some point

such as Superbad, Kickass, and 17 again. They can provide plots and the contrast between student and teacher can also be comical.



There are a selections of comedies that primarily base their locations around a holiday resort. This is often done because these sunny locations can often adder a higher key of lighting and provide a generally more energetic atmosphere.

People view comedies often to provide themselves with an escape to the harsh realities and lack of hilarity that lies in the real world. The idea of going away on holiday adds emphasis to this

escapism. Couples Retreat adds elements of the stock plots combined with this stock location.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall uses this stock location to allow the main character to escape his

problematic life and take a break. The Inbetweeners Movie is primarily orientated around the characters opportunity to have fun in this sunny, happy location.

Overall this stock location is used as it gives the characters an opportunity to encounter new situations and it provides positive mise-en-scene.



Props used in comedy films are generally less predictive as they cover a variety of storylines. This means that each film that is produced is unique.

In many comedies alcohol is frequently used. This is used as under it’s effects the characters are usually more entertaining. They try new things that don’t seems very logical or realistic. In the

case of The Hangover they spend the entire film remembering what they did under the effects of alcohol. Alcohol can be the basis of an entire film easily – this is why some comedies are based in Vegas as it is a prime place for drinking – for

example, What Happens In Vegas.

A new comedy called This Is The End features the actors drinking at a party, although this isn’t crucial to the storyline it is used as people associate drinking with a good time. They assume it is equal to fun, and laughter. It also makes the characters say phrases they wouldn’t normally admit out loud. What a person drinks can also say a lot about the character.



WHAT HAPPENED IN VEGASClub and dance music can be incredibly popular in

comedies. The Inbetweeners Movie in particular features a lot of dance music; this music gives characters the opportunity to dance. It is often heard in clubs when out and drinking, in this way it ties with the stock prop of alcohol. This is

also apparent in What Happened In Vegas.

This music is always loud and doesn’t carry much emotion. It is never in the minor key or carrying a sad message. This is because these films are aimed to bring people happiness.

Some comedies can even go that extra mile and provide a musical number although this is far less

common. Ella Enchanted chose the song ‘Somebody To Love’, the songs are examples where the message could be serious, but the tune

and the tempo of the song dismiss it. The Life of Brian, although old, contains the song ‘Always look on the bright side of the life’ – a very positive, happy message that audiences watching a comedy wish to hear.

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