Colonial Wheel of Fortune

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Colonial Wheel of Fortune. Question 1 - 10. What explorer sailed across the Atlantic Ocean and accidentally ‘ discovered ’ America?. Answer 1 – 10. Christopher Columbus. Question 1 - 20. How did the Columbian Exchange negatively and positively impact Native Americans?. Answer 1 – 20. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Exploration Colonies People Groups Economics and Gov’t

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Question 1 - 10

• What explorer sailed across the Atlantic Ocean and accidentally ‘discovered’ America?

Answer 1 – 10

• Christopher Columbus

Question 1 - 20

• How did the Columbian Exchange negatively and positively impact Native Americans?

Answer 1 – 20

• Disease and trade

Question 1 - 30

• What term describes wny Europeans did not get sick, even though they were exposed to the same germs as Native Americans?

Answer 1 – 30

• Immunity

Question 1 - 40

• How did the Columbian Exchange negatively impact the African culture?

Answer 1 – 40

• Forced Migration/Slave trade

Question 1 - 50

• Draw and label an example of the Columbian Exchange (like the map example shown in class).

Answer 1 – 50

Question 2 - 10

• Name two countries that created colonies in North America during Colonial Times.

Answer 2 – 10

• 1. England• 2. Spain

Question 2 - 20

• List three reasons people left Europe or Africa and settled in America.

Answer 2 – 20

• Religious persecution• Economic opportunity• Forced migration

Question 2 - 30

• Write two plausible theories that explain what might have happened to the Roanoke Colony, known as the Lost Colony.

Answer 2 – 30

• Joined with the neighboring Crotoan tribe• Left the settlement for food and supplies• Tried to return to England but disappeared at


Question 2 - 40

• What’s one major reason that the Jamestown Colony survived and became the 1st permanent English settlement in North America?

Answer 2 – 40

• Tobacco crops

Question 2 - 50

• How was the Jamestown colony, and many other colonies after it, initially funded?

Answer 2 – 50

• Joint stock company

Question 3 - 10

• Even though Sir Walter Raleigh never stepped foot in our state, why is he a significant part of North Carolina and American history?

Answer 3 – 10

• He helped fund the first and second settlements of Roanoke Colony and urged the Queen of England to support him.

Question 3 - 20

• Why is William Penn an important figure in Colonial history?

Answer 3 – 20

• He was a Quaker who set up the Pennsylvania colony so that people from different religions and culture groups could practice their lifestyles freely

Question 3 - 30

• What’s the name of an important leader who helped save the Virginia colony by planting tobacco seeds he somehow smuggled in from Spain/Native Americans?

Answer 3 – 30

• John Rolfe

Question 3 - 40

• How many people signed the Mayflower Compact? How many of them were women?

Answer 3 – 40

• 41• 0

Question 3 - 50

• What colonial governor left the Lost Colony and returned to find them lost?

Answer 3 – 50

• John White

Question 4 - 10

• What’s the name of the group that was given a second chance to pay off money they owed in England by working in a Southern colony?

Answer 4 – 10

• debtors

Question 4 - 20

• List the Southern, Middle, and New England colonies in three columns.

Answer 4 – 20

Question 4 - 30

• How were the Puritans and Separatists different?

Answer 4 – 30

• The Puritans wanted stricter religious practices in the Church of England and wanted to purify the church from Catholicism.

• The Separatists wanted to separate from it and leave it altogether.

Question 4 - 40

• What are Puritans and Separatists both examples of and why?

Answer 4 – 40

• Pilgrims, because they left England for religious reasons.

Question 4 - 50

• What did Quakers, Separatists, and Puritans all have in common?

Answer 4 – 50

• They were persecuted for their religious beliefs.

Question 5 - 10

• What is a joint-stock company?

Answer 5 – 10

• A group of people who invest money into a business, they share the risk and benefits of the investment

Question 5 - 20

• What was the major cash crop that benefitted Jamestown and helped it thrive economically?

Answer 5 – 20

• tobacco

Question 5 - 30

• Why is the Mayflower Compact an important document?

Answer 5 – 30

• It set up the Plymouth colony’s government

Question 5 - 40

• What is representative democracy?

Answer 5 – 40

• Where citizens elect other citizens to represent them in government meetings; where citizen leaders help solve problems for the common good of all citizens

Question 5 - 50

• What was the Virginia House of Burgesses?

Answer 5 – 50

• A form of representative democracy, where the settlements of Virginia elected men to represent them in government meetings to help solve problems and make laws in the Virginia colony

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