College News - News Domino Servite College ... spending fewer break times in the classroom. The fresh ... Max Fatchen Literary Awards

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College News

Domino ServiteCollege

39 Prescott StreetMount Torrens SA 5244

p | 8389 4255

Term 1 | 1 Feb - 15 April

Term 2 | 2 May - 1 July

Term 3 | 25 July - 30 Sept

Term 4 | 17 Oct - 16 Dec

Term Dates 2016

The Grand Opening

It was with great joy that we celebrated the opening of Domino Servite College last Sunday afternoon. We had the privilege and honour of having present His Excellency, the Governor of South Australia Hieu Van Le, local member for Kaval, Mr Mark Goldsworthy, and various representatives from the Association of Independent Schools of South Australia.

We were equally privileged to welcome the local community, extended school families and our own school staff and students. Without these, the DSC community would not exist. Together we shared in the joy of what God has done for us along this journey.

I would like to extend a special word of thanks to our school parents. You carried the load of setting up, catering, and organising the day to make it successful. Your hospitality blessed those who came.

Thank you

Friday 9 September, 2016

College News

Spring is here...

Walking through the school yard, I can’t help but notice the arrival of a new season. The temperature is, ever so slowly, increasing. The oval is less muddy, and we are spending fewer break times in the classroom. The fresh blossoms on many of our deciduous trees give evidence to a new season.

Changing seasons are part of God’s cycle. After a wet and long winter, fresh growth is exciting and hopeful.

In the same way, may we as school staff, students, and families, find that new spiritual growth in our lives. May spring follow the long, cold winter. May we know and understand that God has a purpose and plan in each season of our lives.

Mrs Jaeger

Friday 9 September, 2016

Domino ServiteCollege

College NotesGorge Wildlife Park

Students in years 1-6 had the opportunity of introducing special guest Miss Dorothy Newlands to some of our native wildlife. Although the weather didn’t look promising for a day at the Gorge Wildlife Park, the Lord was good to us yet again and we enjoyed several hours at the park without any rain.

Gorge Wildlife Park is one of the most engaging and interactive parks of its kind with opportunities to touch and walk amongst so many of the animals.

Although no Cheetah ‘holding’ was scheduled for this particular day, one of the staff did bring a koala out for the students to pat. Many photos were taken which Miss Newlands took with her to share with her students.

Thank you to those parents who helped to make it a successful day by providing transport and supervision.

Mr Jaeger

USB Flashdrives 7&8’s

All students in the 7&8 classes will be issued a school USB flashdrive for school use. Each USB will be clearly labelled with the students name but remains the property of DSC. Students must take responsibility for their USB and will be required to pay a $10 replacement fee should it be lost or damaged.

The USB willl be used only for school purposes such as transfering homework between school and home. For more information regarding the use of internet and computers please refer to Appendix C in the Parent handbook: Student Internet & Computing Acceptable Use Policy.

Max Fatchen Literary Awards

Congratulations to all students who entered poems into this competition. Three students did very well and we intend to celebrate these achievements at the end of term assembly.

Millie Kowald - third prize (3-5)

Jeremy Jaeger - commended (6-7)

Jael Skoczek - highly commended (6-7)

College Notes

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Student NotesDiary entries: Monday 29-8-2016

On Sunday the official opening happened for DSC. There were lots of visitors plus His Excellency the Governor Hieu Van Le.

When it was time to sing we had to smile. The first song we sang was the National Anthem.

We had the opening to celebrate what God had done for us. It happened at the school.

Arielle - grade 1

On Sunday at 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon it was the school opening.

I was so hungry that I was shacking and I was staring at the food and I could not see over the adults.

The Governor looked fancy in his car. It was a police car.

Lucas - grade 1

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