Collaboration Meeting

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Collaboration Meeting. March 16-17, 2001 at JLab. Progress since our last meeting NSAC Issues Preparing the Conceptual Design Report A Review of our Design Subsystem Needs Physics Issues Simulations Milestones Manpower Needs Funding Strategies. Alex Dzierba Indiana U. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Collaboration Meeting

Alex Dzierba

Indiana U

March 16-17, 2001 at JLab

1. Progress since our last meeting

2. NSAC Issues

3. Preparing the Conceptual Design Report

A Review of our Design

Subsystem Needs

4. Physics Issues

5. Simulations

6. Milestones

7. Manpower Needs

8. Funding Strategies

Since the last collaboration meeting in August, 2000

Produced version 3 of the Design Report

Held Information Tech Workshop - CMU (Sept, 2000)

G. Fox from FSU - NSF/DOE submissionsManagement plan adopted and Collaboration Board elected

thanks to George LolosDec, 2000 APS/DNP Town Meeting at JLab - White Paper

puts upgrade/Hall D highest priority

Preliminary working groups (TRC) formed

Resumed weekly conference calls (discuss schedule)Progress on sub-systems and civil

Other developments

Two White Papers - Download from Hall D website:

JLab Electromagnetic & Hadronic Physics Town Meeting White Paper

JLab White Paper: Science Driving the 12 GeV Upgrade

Visit with Sen Pete Domenici’s staff - Christoph & Alex - Jan 25

NSERC Support of the Hall D Project

NSAC Considerations

Discussions with various NSAC & extended NSAC members

Curtis Meyer - on LRP Committee

Final meeting in Santa Fe - week of Mar 25

Alex will make 30-min presentation on Mar 27 - JLab has 2 hrs

Note the new aggressive schedule:

1. Start construction in 2003

2. First Physics in 2007

Need CDR by march, 2002 (12 months from now)

Conceptual Design Report

1. What we need from Lab Management (in April):

Project Office established

Project Director appointed

Hall D Group formed

2. What we need to do

Set up (with Lab Management) a review

Subsystem reviews to identify R&D needed

3. What we need from DoE/NSF

Funding to start projects which need no R&D

Funding for R&D (after we identify)

Beam Line & Civil Issues

1. Roger Carlini will discuss civil - plans, drawings, milestones

2. Beamline issues - magnets (Novosibirsk?)

3. Richard Jones and Jim Kellie and Dan Sober will discuss:

Tagger design

Tagger magnet


Diamond Crystals

Magnet Issues

Paul Brindza will discuss the move of the magnet from LANL to JLab. An MOU between LANL and JLab is being prepared. Move into Test Lab by early 2002.

IU Group (Scott, Eric and Craig) visited UIUC to look at magnet mapper for the G0 magnet.

Magnet Fringe Field

Work done by Paul Brindza & Eric Scott

Field inside the magnet as a function of z

Gaps No -gaps









B-field (gauss)


x (inches)

Bz - as is Bz - gaps filled Bx - as is Bx - gaps filled

Fringe field in theplane of the LGD pm's

Impacts on the TOF, Cerenkovand the LGD

B fi





E852 LGD now at JLab

More from Scott Teige on IU plans to build bases and PM acquisition from IHEP

Zisis and George will talk about plans for the barrel calorimeter:

Fiber and PM research

Visit to KLOE (Frascati)

Tests at TRIUMF


1. Curtis Meyer and Paul Eugenio will discuss plans:

Borrowed straw tube chamber from BNL

dE/dx studies

Forward chambers

Interest from Moscow State (George Bashindzhagyan)

2. TPC Option (Dick Mischke)

Tracking - advantages/disadvantages

Compatibility with trigger and DAQ (event building)

3. START Counter (Andi and/or Werner)

Particle ID

1. TOF (Dick Heinz)

Tests at IHEP (Protvino)

Further studies at IHEP

Further tests at IU

Requirements of F1 TDC

2. Cerenkov Counter (Gary Adams)



3. PM placement and fringe field issues (for TOF/Cerenkov, LGD)

TOSCA issues

Tests using Helmholtz coils

Electronics & DAQ

1. FADC Project (Paul Smith)

“one size fits all” - calorimetry and dE/dx and tracking

Robotics assembly facility at IU (Jlab?)

2. F1 TDC Project (Elton Smith and Dave Doughty)

Needs of the TOF?

3. Other issues

Bus - re-examined

Event building



Physics Issues

1. Effectiveness of photoproduction in producing exotics

Diffraction (plucked string) vs meson exchange

2. Compilation of relevant photoproduction data and phenomenology

3. Certification of the PWA formalism

Beam polarization (what can be done with polarized target?)

Re-examine the isobar approach


4. Other physics:

Spectroscopy of ssbar

S/P Interference

Radiative decays

Measurement of Vus


1. Hall D Grid Approach/Virtual Experiment Environment (Larry Dennis)

Proposal to DOE Office of Advanced Scientific Computing (FSU,IU)

2. Preparation of Simulations for CDR (Larry Dennis, Elliott Wolin)

Crisp organization and cooperation is CRITICAL

Define issues for each subsystem

Understand where to apply GEANT or MCFAST or other

Manpower Needs

1. At Jlab

Project Office

Hall D Group and during construction





2. At Universities

Technical staff



Feb 10, 2001 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 Total

Civil Construction and BeamlineA&E Firm 100 100

Construction 3300 3415 6715

BeamlineDiagnostics 90 160 160 60 470

Service Buildings 110 110Elements 500 580 100 1180

Labor 300 500 500 410 1710

SolenoidShipping to Jlab 267 267

New Hardware 200 190 390Rigging and Erection 170 170

DetectorTracking 458 1102 650 380 2590

Start Counter 434 619 77 1130Barrel Calorimeter 725 1164 600 205 2694

Cerenkov Counter 191 194 195 91 671Forward Calorimeter 235 335 100 0 670Time-of-Flight Wall 395 396 29 0 820

Computing 0 0 641 591 1232Electronics 0 800 1482 618 2900

Hydrogen Target 0 0 90 30 120Photon Tagger 989 728 222 0 1939

Assembly 750 750 1500

Total 267 300 7807 10103 5766 3135 0 0 27378

Computer Center Budget 0 430 1800 800 3030





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Funding Strategies


Funding for theory activities (workshops, school?)

2. DoE/NSF

Need to be aggressive in light of budget cuts in Bush era

Early funding for projects not requiring R&D

JLab or Universities? - model for funding


4. European sources

5. CDRF - and other sources for support of Russian physicists

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