Colegio Rural Agrupado Francisco Ibez Plato tpico: ALAJ Iripal-Usanos-Taracena (Guadalajara, Espaa) COMENIUSCOMENIUS.

Post on 19-Jan-2018






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A bit of history about the ALAJÚ Alajú is a traditional sweet made of spanish nougat with rectangular shape. It is popular from “la alcarria” part of our region: Guadalajara (Castilla La Mancha, España) due to the quality of one of its main ingredients: “the honey”. The “ALAJÚ” name comes from the arabic language “al-hasú”, meaning: “stuffed.”


Colegio Rural Agrupado Francisco Ibez Plato tpico: ALAJ Iripal-Usanos-Taracena (Guadalajara, Espaa) COMENIUSCOMENIUS ALAJ A bit of history about the ALAJ Alaj is a traditional sweet made of spanish nougat with rectangular shape. It is popular from la alcarria part of our region: Guadalajara (Castilla La Mancha, Espaa) due to the quality of one of its main ingredients: the honey. The ALAJ name comes from the arabic language al-has, meaning: stuffed. We are here Europe Spain Castilla La Mancha Guadalajara Alcarrias Area Ingredients 2 wafers (wheat bread) 2 kilos of cleaned nuts in small pieces. 1 Kilo of Alcarria honey Half chopped orange peel 250 grams of sugar Ingredients Making of. Step 1 We start cleanning the nuts from the shells. We need nutcrackers or a hammer and a board. You can see some examples Until we get clean and chopped nuts. We also chop the orange peel Step 2 We put the honey and the sugar in a big bowl. We heat it and let it boil during 5 minutes approximately. It is important to stir it frequently not to be burned. We know the honey and sugar are ready when we mix a drop of the mixture in a dish with some water. If the honey spreads it is not ready yet. It is important the mixture is like caramel so it crystallizes with water. Step 3 When the mixture (honey and sugar) turns golden, we add in the bowl: The chopped nuts The chopped orange peel We boil it all together during 5 minutes approximately. It is important stir it up with a consistent fish slice. When the mixture is being well mixed we turn the heat down to keep the warm Step 4 we keep a wafer in a rectangular tin like this. We spread the mixture over the wafer homogenously As our chefs When the mixture in being spread, we cover it with the other wafer PASO 5 We put the lid on top adding some weight to press the Alaj. WE LEAVE IT COOL DOWN DURING 24 HOURS And it is ready to eat ENJOY YOUR MEAL!!

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