Cohesion - Conjunction

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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Cohesion - Conjunction. Present . Teacher Teeranuch Wareerak. Conjunction. coordinating. correlative. adverbs. subordinating. Conjunctions are words used as joiners joining words, phrases, clauses. . Coordinating Conjunctions. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Cohesion - Cohesion - ConjunctionConjunction

Present Present

Teacher Teeranuch Teacher Teeranuch Wareerak Wareerak


coordinating subordinatingcorrelative adverbs

Conjunctions are words used as joiners Conjunctions are words used as joiners joining words, phrases, clauses. joining words, phrases, clauses.

Coordinating ConjunctionsCoordinating Conjunctions

คือ คำ�ท่ีใชเ้ชื่อมคำ� วลี หรอื ขอ้คว�ม เข�้ด้วยกันและทำ�ให้ขอ้คว�มนัน้เป็นประโยคคว�มรวม(Compound Sentence) แบง่ออกเป็น 4ชนิด ต�มลักษณะของคำ�และก�รใช้

1. And – Type รวมท้ังคำ�ท่ีมคีว�มหม�ยคล้�ย and

2. But – Type รวมท้ังคำ�ท่ีมคีว�มหม�ยคล้�ย But

3. Or – Type รวมท้ังคำ�ท่ีมคีว�มหม�ยคล้�ย or

4. So – Type รวมท้ังคำ�ท่ีมคีว�มหม�ยคล้�ย so

1. And - Type รวมทั้งคำ�ท่ีมคีว�มหม�ยคล้�ย and นำ�ม�เชื่อมเนื้อคว�มท่ี คว�มหม�ยคล้อยต�มกัน หรอืเชื่อมโยงกัน “ ”(Cumulative, Additive or Copulative) ได้แก่คำ�ดังต่อไปน้ี And, as well as, nor

Example:1. We are going to the cinema and spending an evening at the

opera. *Here the coordinating conjunction "and" links two independent clauses

creates a compound sentence.

2. Daniel's uncle claimed that he spent most of his youth dancing on rooftops and swallowing goldfish.

*Here the coordinating conjunction "and" links two participle phrases ("dancing on rooftops" and "swallowing goldfish") which act as adverbs describing the verb "spends."

2. But - Type รวมทั้งคำ�ท่ีมคีว�มหม�ยคล�้ย But นำ�ม�เชื่อมเนื้อคว�มท่ี คว�มหม�ยขดัแยง้กัน หรอืตรงข�้มกัน “ ”(Adversative) ได้แก่คำ�ดังต่อไปน้ี

But, while, yet, whereas

Examples:1. He waited many hours for her to come to party, but eventually she didn’t come.

2. This hat costs 20 baht, while (or whereas) that one costs 15.

3. I don’t care for the beach, but I enjoy a good vacation in the mountains.

*A coordinating conjunction joining two independent clauses creates a compound sentence and requires a comma before the coordinating conjunction

4. I can go to see you any days, but Sunday. ( but act as except )

3. Or - Type รวมทั้งคำ�ท่ีมคีว�มหม�ยคล�้ย or นำ�ม�เชื่อมเนื้อคว�มท่ีมไีวส้ำ�หรบัเลือก (Alternative or Disjunction) ได้แก่คำ�ดังต่อไปน้ี

Or, or else, otherwise

Example:1. Where will we camp in the mountains, on the beach, or at the


*A coordinating conjunction joining three prepositional phrases and requires commas between the elements.

2. They must leave at once, or else they will miss the train.

3. You had better come yourself, otherwise you will send your friend.

4. So - Type รวมทั้งคำ�ท่ีมคีว�มหม�ยคล�้ย so นำ�ม�เชื่อมเนื้อคว�มท่ีเป็นเหตเุป็นผลกันและกัน (illative or Result) ได้แก่คำ�ดังต่อไปนี้ So, forExamples:1. This movie is particularly interesting to feminist film theorists, for the screenplay was written by Mae West.

*here the co-ordinating conjunction "for" is used to link two independent clauses.

2. Tom ate all the peanuts, so Phil ate the cookies.

*A coordinating conjunction “so” joining two independent clauses creates a compound sentence and requires a comma before the coordinating conjunction

Correlative ConjunctionsCorrelative Conjunctions

คือ คำ�เชื่อมท่ีมกัปร�กฏเป็นคู่ ใชเ้ชื่อมคำ� วลี หรอืขอ้คว�ม ท่ีทำ�หน้�ท่ีเสมอืนคำ�น�มเข�้ด้วยกัน ได้แก่คำ�ดังต่อไปน้ีboth...and, either...or, neither...nor, not only...but

also,, whether...or, and….too, no less….than


1.Both my grandfather and my father worked in the steel plant. *In this sentence, the correlative conjunction "both...and" is used to link the two noun phrases that act as the compound subject of the sentence: "my grandfather" and "my father".

2. Bring either a Jello salad or a potato scallop.

*Here the correlative conjunction "either...or" links two noun phrases: "a Jello salad" and "a potato scallop.“

3. Corinne is trying to decide whether to go to medical school or to go to law school.

*Similarly, the correlative conjunction "whether ... or" links the two infinitive phrases "to go to medical school" and "to go to law school.“

4. The explosion destroyed not only the school but also the neighbouring pub.

*In this example the correlative conjunction "not only ... but also" links the two noun phrases ("the school" and "neighbouring pub") which act as direct objects.

Conjunction AdverbsConjunction Adverbs

คือ คำ�ท่ีใชเ้ชื่อมเพื่อบอกขอ้คว�มเพิม่เติม หรอืกล่�วเสรมิ จ�กขอ้คว�มท่ีได้กล่�วไปแล้ว หรอืเชื่อมเพื่อรวมขอ้คว�มเข�้ด้วยกัน ได้แก่คำ�ดังต่อไปนี้

also incidentally nonetheless as a result indeed on the contrary besides in fact on the other hand consequently in other words otherwise finally instead Still* for example likewise then furthermore meanwhile therefore hence moreover thus However* Nevertheless* next

Examples:1.The tire was flat; therefore, we called a service station.

2. It was a hot day; nevertheless, the roofers worked on the project all the day.

3. I told him not to send those books by airmail; however, I now think that he had better do so.

4. Sunlight is good for health; on the other hand, too much sunlight causes illness.

5. Jack is a very lazy student, moreover, he always comes late to class.

*Punctuation: Place a semicolon before the conjunctive adverb and a comma after the conjunctive adverb.

*Conjunctive adverbs ต่อไปน้ีคือ still, however, nevertheless จะนำ�ไปว�งไวท้้�ยประโยคก็ได้ แต่ประโยคทั้งสองท่ีว�งไวห้น�้คำ�เหล่�น้ี ต้องแยกประโยคด้วย semicolon (;) จบประโยคหลังใส ่comma (,)


6. He never worked hard; he gained all prizes, however.

7. I was annoyed; I kept quite, still.

8. It was a hot day; the roofers worked on the project all the day, nevertheless.

Subordinating ConjunctionsSubordinating Conjunctions

Where Lest in that

When No matter how In order (that)

Why Now that How

Whenever Once If

Whether Provided (that) In case (that)

While Since Even though

Until (till) So that Before

unless Supposing (that) Because

By the time Than Although (though)

Even if As soon as as

Hardly* That After

คือ คำ�ท่ีใชเ้ชื่อมวลีกับประโยคเข�้ด้วยกันและเมื่อเชื่อมลงไปแล้วทำ�ใหเ้กิดเป็นประโยคคว�มซอ้น (complex sentence) มดัีงต่อไปนี้.

*Inversion – verb and subject are inverted after these words.

For example:-

We had hardly taken our coats off (when) it was time to go.Hardly had we taken our coats off (when) it was time to go.

She is not only intelligent; she is also beautiful.Not only is she intelligent, but also beautiful.

Source: Hugh Cory, Advanced Writing with English in Use (Oxford: OUP, 1999)

1. เชื่อมคว�มเพื่อบอกเวล� (time)- Wait for me till I come.

- I returned home after he had gone.

2. เชื่อมคว�มแสดงเหตผุล (reason)- He will succeed, because he has worked hard.

- As he was not there, I spoke to his brother.

3. เชื่อมคว�มแสดงคว�มมุง่หม�ย (purpose)S + V + conjunctions + S + Modal verb (can, could) + V.inf

- We eat so (that) we may live.

- He held her hand lest she should fall.

4. เชื่อมคว�มแสดงผลต�มหลัง (result)- Susan is so fat that she cannot walk fast.

- He is so tried that he could scarcely stand.

5. เชื่อมคว�มเพื่อแสดงก�รค�ดคะเน เง่ือนไข หรอืสมมติ (condition)

- I will do this if I am allowed.

- he will not do that unless you allow him.

6. เชื่อมคว�มยอมรบัหรอืแตกต่�งกัน (concession)- Shayne is an honest man, though he is poor.

- He will never succeed, although much he may try.

7. เชื่อมคว�มแสดงก�รเปรยีบเทียบ (comparison)- He likes you as much as I (like you).

- He is more intelligent than I (am).

8. เชื่อมแสดงขน�ดและอ�ก�ร (manner)- Do I Rome as the Romans do.

- This is not true, so far as I can find out.

9. เชื่อมคว�มซอ้นใจคว�มท่ีอยูข่�้งหน้� (apposition)

- It is true that he becomes rich.

- He made a promise that he would return soon.

Common Mistakes► Note that a subordinating conjunction introduces a subordinate clause, which must be followed by a main clause.

The following is therefore not a complete sentence:

Although there are many reasons why young people start to smoke.A correct way of formulating this sentence would be:-However, there are many reasons why young people start to smoke.Similarly, the following sentence is grammatically incorrect:-Whereas some argue that children should be forced to do more exercise.Again, this needs to be phrased differently, for example:-However / On the other hand / By contrast, some argue that children should be forced to do more exercise.

► Make a note of the two different conjunctions despite and in spite of – despite of does not exist!


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