Coding Goûter. Kids, code, and cakes!

Post on 27-Jun-2015






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DESCRIPTION and Ever wanted to find a solid way to share your love for code with your children? We did too. So we launched Coding Goûter: a monthly event where kids and parents play with a variety of programming tools and languages. And eat cakes and candies :-) Coding Goûter is not a class, is not a lesson, and has no teachers: Kids and adults discover and learn together, from each others. We have organized 10 Coding Goûters as of december 2012, most of them with a wide range of kid’s age – 5 to 14 – and constantly slightly more girls than boys. Coding Goûter is a (mostly) monthly event where kids and parents play with a variety of programming tools, algorithmic games and puzzles, development environments, and languages. 'Goûter' is French for a child’s afternoon snack or party, so we eat cakes and candies too! We love code. We do it for pleasure, we do it for money, we do it all the time or just… very occasionnally :-) We are many to have learned to code when we were kids, or teenagers, or later, but in all cases we *enjoyed* it. For some of us it’s now their job! How do we share the marvel and creativity of code with our children? It’s hard. We don’t really have time at home, because there’s always something else to do. And school? Well, it’s mostly not good. At best, there is *some* computer classes. But you know what? Classes are no fun. And it’s probably not even the best way to discover programming (Did you discover drawing in a formal class? I guess not.) Something is missing, a time for kids and parents that feels like a hackathon or a coding retreat, where you can explore, meet, fail, start over. So let’s have fun together! Coding Goûter is not school-oriented, and there's no designated teacher: * When we were young, we learned by copying code, hacking around. We draw from these experiences to recreate an environment where learning happens organically. * Letting the kids give the creative direction allows for surprises and inclusiveness. * Kids demo to others, because it beats points or badges as a reward. * We take our time, a Coding Goûter last more than 3 hours. * We are not our kids’ teachers, so we just forgo the all lets-build-a-curriculum obsession :-)




that’s the way

we learned when

we were kids

As parents, it’s hard to find time to share

what code is about with our kids, so we


A monthly eventfor kids and parents to code together.

With cakes and candies :-)

Goûter is french for

a kid party involving snacks.

For example, a birthday party

is a «goûter d’anniversaire»



so we bring computers and cakes, and code

for 3 hours

An activity for the kids and their parents

a new kind of family time,like going to the museum

a wide range of age, 5 to 14 years old, and interestingly constantly slightly

more girls than boys

Not a lessons, no teacher

that way kids can

teach other kids

or… adults!

and also, we can test and

explore many different tools

and langages, depending on

what the kids want to do

Demo is much more rewarding

than points and badges

we call the demos "shows",

and there is 2 or 3 of them

during a Coding goûter.

The creative direction comes from the kids

because not every kid want to do the oh-so classic

"let’s build a shooter game with aliens"

stay in touch

… or send me an email!

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