CODE OF CONDUCT · Web view- The Menin Gate Memorial to the Missing is one of four British and Commonwealth memorials to the missing in the battlefield area of the Ypres Salient in

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Belgium 2015Newbattle High School

Youth Hostel: Auberge de Jeunesse de Tournai, Rue Saint Martin 64, Tournai, 7500, Belgium

Tel: +32 69 21.61.36


Sun 28/6 Depart school approx 10:30 for Hull (check-in by 17:00)Depart Hull on overnight sailing (dinner on ferry)

Mon 29/6 Arrive Zeebrugge (breakfast on ferry) 9.30 amDay in Bruges – walking tour visiting the Grote Market, medieval city, canals, Frietsmuseum (Chips museum) 12:00, Chocomuseum 14:00 (lunch at the Frietsmuseum), 16:00 river boat tour.Go to Youth Hostel in Tournai (dinner at hostel)

Tues 30/6 Breakfast in hostel, packed lunch providedFull day of World War I visits:Vimy Ridge (Canadian memorial in France), Tynecot Cemetery near Ypres (largest Commonwealth War Grave), In Flanders Fields Museum Ypres (14:00 reservation), Langemark German Cemetery, Last Post Ceremony at the Menin GateDinner at a restaurant in Ypres

Wed 1/7 Breakfast in hostel, packed lunch providedFull day in Brussels: walking tour: European district, Royal Palace, Belgian Senate, Old Town, Grand Place, Manneken Pis Visit to Parlamentarium, European Parliament Visitor Centre 11:30,– free time for shopping on Rue Neuve. Other stops may be added time permittingDinner at hostel in Tournai

Thurs 2/7 Breakfast at hostel, packed lunch providedDepart hostel, full day at the Bellewaerde Theme ParkDepart for Zeebrugge (check in by 17:30)Depart Zeebrugge on overnight sailing (dinner on ferry)

Fri 3/7 Arrive Hull 8.30 am (breakfast on ferry)Estimated arrival time at school 13:30

Overall Distances:Newbattle-Hull, 260 miles, 4h22Zeebrugge-Tournai, 95km, 1hrTournai- Vimy Ridge, 63km, 47mVimy Ridge-Ypres, 73km, 1h07Ypres-Tournai, 60km, 40mTournai-Brussels, 90km, 1hrTournai-Bellewaerde Park, 54km, 36mBellewaerde Park-Zeebrugge, 80km, 51m

BELGIUM – some background

Belgium first appeared on maps of Europe in 1831 as a buffer state between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and France. It is comprised of three main regions: Dutch-speaking Flanders, French-speaking Wallonia and the capital city of Brussels, which is officially a bilingual region, located within the territory of Flanders.

Modern Belgium is a monarchy with King Albert II as the head of state, but there are long-standing tensions between the Dutch or Flemish-speaking community and the French-speaking community. There is also a small German-speaking region near the German border.

Pupils should be aware of which region they are in when thinking about which language to use. French should be used in shops and restaurants when we are in Tournai and Brussels. Most French-speakers in Belgium will speak only French. However, when we are visiting Bruges (Brugge) and Ypres (Ieper), pupils should use English, or try and use some greetings in Flemish. Although almost everybody in Flanders can speak French as well as Flemish (and English), they would prefer not to speak French as it is not their language.

In Wallonia, signs and information are only in French, in Flanders they are only in Flemish and it is only in Brussels where bilingual signs are the norm. As such it is useful to be able to recognise basic information and signs in both languages. Some Flemish words are like Scots words and it is quite a guttural language e.g kerk – church [kirk].

Kingdom of BelgiumPopulation 11,100,000 (more than double Scotland’s population)Area: 30, 528 sq km (less than half the size of Scotland)Capital: BrusselsMotto: Strength in UnityNational Anthem: The Brabançonne


Sunday 28th June

Pupils are expected to meet at the Newbattle High School at 10.30 am. The coach will set off by 11:00am and will travel down to Hull. Check in is by 5:00pm and the ferry will depart at 6:30pm for an overnight sail.

Monday 29 th June

We will arrive in Zeebrugge at 9:30am, and will thenmake the short journey to Bruges where we will spend the day.

Bruges is the largest city in Western Flanders and is well known for its canals running throughout. Here we will walk around the historic city and visit:

o Grote Markt – The vibrant market square which isalmost traffic free and full of wonderful shops and buildings.

o Frietsmuseum - The Chips Museum where pupilswill have lunch.

o Chocomuseum - The Chocolate Museum where pupils can experience and learn how BelgianChefs famously make their chocolate.

In the evening we will make the one hour journey to Tournai, where we will have dinner, visit the town andrest for the night in our Hostel.

Grote Markt

Zeebrugge-Tournai, 95km, 1hr

Tuesday 30 th June

After having breakfast, pupils will begin their visits of the WWI memorials, starting in Pas-de-Calais; France to see:

o Vimy Ridge – Scene to a military engagement between the Canadian Corps and the German Sixth Army which lasted from the 9th to the 12th of April 1917. The result was an Allied victory, and a portion of the site remains preservedas a memorial for the 3,598 Canadians killed. It is unknown how many Germans died.

We will then travel for one hour back to Ypres; Belgium, where pupils will visit:

o Tyne Cot Cemetery – This is the largest cemetery for Commonwealth forces in the world. The area was captured by the 3rd Australian Division and the New Zealand Division, on 4th of October 1917 and two days later a cemetery for the British and Canadian dead was begun. Although the site was recaptured by Germans, and then liberated by the Belgians, the cemetery was assigned to the United Kingdom in perpetuity by

Tynecot Cemetery

Frites museum

King Albert I of Belgium in recognition of the sacrifices made by the British Empire in the defence and freedom of Belgium.

o In Flanders Fields Museum – Museum that presents the story of the First World War in the West Flanders front region. Pupils will hear the stories of the war and will be able to interact with history. Time permitting, we may also have the opportunity to visit the German cemetery at Langemark.

o Menin Gate - The Menin Gate Memorial to the Missing is one of four British and Commonwealth memorials to the missing in the battlefield area of the Ypres Salient in Belgian Flanders. The memorial bears the names of 54,389 officers and men who have no known grave. We will also be attending the Last Post Ceremony; a moving ceremony where buglers perform ‘The Last Post’ followed by a minute’s silence. This is held every night at 8.00pm by the people of Ypres to express their gratitude towards those who had given their lives for Belgium's freedom.

We will have dinner at a local restaurant in Ypres (‘t Ganzeke) and then travel back to our hostel in Tournai.

Wednesday 1 st July

Breakfast will be eaten at the hostel, then we will take the coach to the capital of Belgium; Brussels.

We will visit the European Parliament Visitor Centre, ‘Parlamentarium’ at 10.00am where pupils will be guided through the journey of European integrationand its impact on our everyday lives.

We will tour the city, visiting famous landmarks,such as:

European District – Home of the Parliament,

Tournai- Brussels 90km, 1hr

European Parliament

alongside other Eurocrat destinations and aninteresting array of architecture which offers insight into the city's status as the capital of Europe.

Grand Place – The central square of

Brussels. It is surrounded by guildhalls, the city's Town Hall, and the Breadhouse. Thesquare is a major tourist destination and one of the most stunning city squares in Europe.

Manneken Pis – A very famous Bronze sculpturethat has been around for centuries and is capableof a few giggles.

Flea Market - Pupils will have an opportunity to go shopping at the Flea market on Place du Jeu de Balle before heading back to Tournai for dinner.

Grand Place

Theme Park - Zeebrugge, 80km, 51m

Thursday 2 nd July

We will have breakfast at the hotel and then travel 54km towards Bellewaerde Theme Park to spend the day. Pupils are asked to move around in groups and will be able to experience all the rides and attractions.

We will then depart from the theme park towards Zeebrugge where we will check in for the ferry at 5:30pm. The ferry will sail overnight and pupils will be served dinner.

Friday 3 rd July

Pupils will have their breakfast on the ferry before arriving in Hull. The coach should arrive in Newbattle by around 1:30pm.


You are in a French-speaking country, so use your French! Stop people in the street and ask for directions, even to places you don’t need to go! Ask them the time, even if you have a watch! Remember to be polite and thank them.

Even if people speak English back to you, persevere with your French!

Quelle heure est-il? – What time is it? Où est-ce que je peux acheter …? – Where can I buy …? Avez-vous …? – Do you have …? Il ouvre / ferme à quelle heure? – What times does it open / close? Est-ce qu’il y a accès au wi-fi? – Is there wi-fi access? Avez-vous le mot de passe pour le wi-fi? – Do you have the wi-fi password?

Transactional Language Review

Excusez-moi, Monsieur/Madame/Mademoiselle - Excuse me Sir/Madam/Miss Où est …? – Where is …? S’il vous plaît - please Continuez tout droit – go straight on Tournez à gauche / droite – turn left / right


C’est combien …? – How much is it? / How much does … cost? Avez-vous…? – do you have…? Si j’en achète trois, vous me donnez une réduction? – If I buy three, will you give me a discount? Je voudrais … - I’d like … Celui-ci/Celle-ci – This one (near you) Ceux-ci/Celles-ci – these ones Celui-là/Celle-là – That one Ceux-là/Celles-là – those ones Je peux l’essayer? – Can I try it on? Je le prends – I’ll take it Je ne le prends pas – I won’t take it

C’est trop grand / petit / cher – It’s too big / small / expensive Avez-vous quelque chose de plus grand / plus petit / moins cher? – Do you have something bigger / smaller /

cheaper Quelle taille? – what size? / Quelle pointure? – what shoe size?

If you are thinking of buying clothes or shoes, check conversion tables on the Internet so you know your size.

Quelque chose d’autre? - Anything else? C’est tout? – is that everything?

des timbres – stamps un crayon – a pencil une écharpe – a scarfDes cartes postales - postcards un stylo – a pen un sweat – a jumperde la lavande - lavender une casquette – a cap un calendaire – a calendarUn aimant de frigo – fridge magnet

une nappe – table cloth un verre – a glass

un porte-clés – a key-ring Un T-shirt – a T-shirt une tasse – a cup/mug

Eating Out

If you’re ordering from a menu board in a café or fast-food restaurant, keep your order simple and go up one at a time. If you confuse the server by ordering lots at one time, would you be able to put it right in French?Think of the kinds of questions you’ll be asked

avec/sans sucre? – with/without sugar? Avec salade – with saladavec/sans glaçons? – with/without ice? frites – chipsavec/sans lait? – with/without milk? fricandelle – Belgian style burgerbeurre – butter mitraillette– baguette with kebab meat and chipshuile d’olive – olive oil Jus d’orange – orange juiceQuelle taille? – what size? Vous désirez? – what are you having?Quelle boisson? – what drink? Qu’est-ce que vous voulez comme boisson? – what do you want

to drinkRemember, DIET drinks in French are known as LIGHT

Buying Food

Remember to use quantifiers as appropriate to ask for what you want:

Un kilo de ~ - a kilo of ~ Un sac de ~ - a bag of ~Un litre de ~ - a litre of ~ Un verre de ~ - a glass of ~Cent grammes de ~ - a hundred grams of ~ Une canette de~ - a can of ~Un paquet de ~ - a packet of ~ Un carton de ~ - a carton of ~Une bouteille de ~ - a bottle of ~ Une barre de ~ - a bar/loaf of ~Una boîte de ~ - a tin/box of ~ Une portion de ~ - a portion of ~NOTE NEW WORDS

Look around you. Look at signs, shops, posters, information displays, menus… try and find new words. Can you work them out from the context? Note new vocabulary.


Ja – Yes / Nee – No Hej - Hi Goeiedag – Hello Goede avond – Good evening Dank U – Thank you Alstublieft – please / you’re welcome Tot ziens - Goodbye



Kit List

It could be hot or cold!

Medication – you must notify us if you have any you need to take, and collect a form if you need help. Otherwise we cannot give anything, including suncream or bandages!

Waterproofs – it might rain, and we’ll keep walking. Shoes- that are comfortable Hot weather clothing Cold weather clothing Something a bit smarter for the evening / WWI day memorial day A bit of money – for lunch on the way home... or for some presents.


1 – I agree to participate fully in all aspects of the programme during the visit and to obey instructions issued by staff at all times.2 – I will be on time and be dressed appropriately for all activities.3 – I agree to act in a responsible manner at all times during the journey to and from Spain, and on excursions.4 –I will show respect for others by: a – being polite and helpful to others b – respecting the hotel and other people’s property c – keeping vehicles and accommodation clean and tidy d – not using language or behaving in a manner which might cause offence to others 5 –I agree to keep to a group of at least three students. I understand that no one should wander off alone and that staff should know where I am at all times.6 –I will be vigilant with my money and valuables at all times.7 –I understand that smoking and drinking alcohol will not be permitted under any circumstances.8 –I agree that no sexual relationships or illegal drug taking will take place.9–I will observe any rules regarding the use of mobile phones when in attractions such as places of worship, and when travelling by plane. Please be aware that the costs for data-roaming and receiving and making calls abroad can be high.10 –I will not purchase or handle any inappropriate or offensive items or materials. I will respect the personal privacy of others and agree that no inappropriate filming or taking of photographs will take place.11-If I feel anxious or uncomfortable about anything during the visit I will immediately inform a member of staff from Newbattle Community High School.

We have read and discussed the Code of Conduct at home. We fully understand the importance of keeping to a pre-agreed contract of conduct in order to ensure the smooth running of the trip as well as the safety and enjoyment of all participants. We further understand and agree that a student’s failure to comply with these terms will possibly result in that student being sent home prior to the trip’s official end and at the parents’ expense.

Name of Student: _______________________ Class: _______Signature of Student: _______________

Signature of Parent/Carer: ___________________

Date: ______________

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