CoCom Lists - 1989

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"Consolidated List of Goods Subject to Security Export Control"



Consolidated listof goods subject to


con roBritish Business supplementMarch 1989


PageA Metal-working machinery 4IL 1001-1093B Chemical and petroleum equipment 9IL III0-1145C Electrical and power-generating 9equipmentIL 1203-1206D General industrial equipment 11IL 1301-1399E Transportation equipment 26IL 1401-1485F and G Electronic equipment including 34communications, radar, computerhardware and software IL 1501-1595H Metals, minerals and their manufactures 91IL 1601-1675I Chemicals, metalloids and petroleum 92productsIL 1702-1781



ATOMIC ENERGY LIST ­GROUP 2A. Nuclear materialsA1-A14B. Nuclear facilitiesB1-B6C. Nuclear-related equipmentC1-C6


Published byBritish BusinessDTI, 7th Floor, Bridge Place,88-89 Eccleston Square,London, SWIV IPT







Security export control March 1989 1

ocon roIntroductionThis booklet is prepared for information and guidance to exporters. These lists reflect agreements reached inCOCOM on goods and technologies which should be controlled for strategic reasons. They do not, in this form,have the force of law, nor do they cover all goods which may be subject to export control. Legalprohibition on the export of goods subject to licensing by the Department of Trade and Industry is enforced underThe Export of Goods (Control) Order (1989), which also imposes control on the export of other goods. This Orderis available from Government Bookshops. Amendments to the Order (and consequently these lists) may be madefrom time to time and will be publicised in British Business.

What is COCOM?The Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Control. An informal non-treaty organisation of 16 countriesoperating according to the rule of unanimity. It comprises members of NATO, less Iceland plus Japan.

Which are the proscribed countries?Afghanistan, Albania, Bulgaria, People's Republic of China, Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic,Hungary, Mongolia, North Korea, Poland, Romania, the USSR and Vietnam.

Why does the People's Republic ofChina receive different treabnent?COCOM agreed in 1985 to maintain a differential in the application of controls of strategic goods to the People'sRepublic of China, which reflected improved relations wilh COCOM countries.

How can you influence changes to the controls?COCOM reviews the lists on a regular rolling-review basis, covering all items at least once every four years. TheDepartment consults trade associations, other industry groups and individual companies with a known interest inforthcoming review items. If you wish to propose any changes and are not currently consulted on these matters,piease write to the Policy Unit (address on back cover).

Do you need a licence?The inclusion of goods in these lists does not mean necessarily a complete prohibition on their export, even to theproscribed countries. But it does mean that you require a licence before exporting them to any country. If you areuncertain whether you require a licence for your proposed export you should contact the Department's ExportControl Organisation, Sensitive Technologies Unit (STU) (Telephone Inquiries: see back cover). If a technicalrating is necessary, you must provide full supporting documentation, including a precise description of the goodsto be exported, complete technical specifications and, if the goods contain any computer or digital processingelement. a completed computer questionnaire. Technical Officers will then assess your goods against the Exportof Goods (Control) Order and provide a formal statement on their licensing status.

If you need a licenceYou should fully complete an 'Application for an export licence - form A' and send, together with full supporting .

2 Security export control· March 1989

documents, to the appropriate address on the back cover. Where the export involves a computer or digital pro­cessing element and the export is to a proscribed country, a completed computer questionnaire and blockdiagram of the complete computer system must be provided. (This applies to any equipment using micropro­cessor control. For a comprehensive description of the controls on computers and equipment containing them,see IL 1565, taking into account the definitions in Note 16 to that item).

Who do you apply to?Where the export is for goods and technologies on the Industrial List to a proscribed country (ie. Afghanistan,Albania, Bulgaria, People's Republic of China, Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic, Hungary,Mongolia, North Korea, Poland, Romania, the USSR and Vietnam) applications and inquiries should be addressedto: Cocom Licensing Unit, Room 640 Kingsgate House, 66-74 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6SW (Telephone In­quiries: see back cover).

Applications for export licences for goods on the Industrial List to other (non-proscribed countries and for goodsand technologies on the Munitions and Atomic Energy Lists to any country and related inquiries should be ad­dressed to: Export Licensing Unit, Room 501, Kingsgate House, 66-74 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6SW(Telephone Inquiries: see back cover).

Export to the proscribed countriesIt is the general policy of Her Majesty's Government to consult its COCOM partners before deciding whether toissue a licence for the export of controlled goods to a proscribed country. However, for administrative reasons,there are some controlled goods where this is not done. This procedure is called 'National Discretion' and goodsthat are agreed as suitable for such treatment are indicated in this booklet by coloured printing on a whitebackground. National Discretion or Favourable Consideration notes which apply only for exports to the People'sRepublic of China are in black print on a colour-tinted background.

The treabnent of technologyIn the case of the proscribed destinations a licence is necessary for the export of technical data, and any othertangible technology applicable to the design, production and use of items as defined in these lists. This appliesequally to technology specific to the integration or use of components in items defined in these lists, even whenthe components are themselves unembargoed.

The above does not apply to that technology which is the minimum necessary for the installation, operation,maintenance (checking) and repair of products whose export has been authorised.

Export for exhibitions etcProcedures exist for the treatment of applications to export goods temporarily for exhibitions and demonstrationpurposes, where any export licences issued will be subject to certain conditions. For further information contacteither Export Licensing Unit or Cocom Licensing Unit (see back cover) depending on the country concerned. Inall cases applications should be submitted on an 'Application for export licence - form A' and as far in advance ofshipment as practicable.

United States re-export controlsExporters should be aware that the United States Authorities claim control over many exports from other coun­tries, including the United Kingdom, where the goods are of US origin, include components of US origin, or wereproduced using US-origin technology. In such cases, under US export regulations, a US- re-export licence is re­quired whether or not a UK export licence is needed or has been granted.

Although such US regulations are not valid in UK law the US authorities commonly penalise foreign companieswhich do not comply, by denying them access to US goods or technology in the future. Where a company has apresence in the US, legal action may lead to the imposition of fines and other penalties.

Exporters should note that the US regulations changed in 1988. UK exporters seeking guidance on licensableitems or restricted countries under US regulations should contact the Commercial Section, US Embassy, 24Grosvenor Square, London W1A lEA (tel 01-499 9000 ext 2433). Copies of the US Export Administration Regula­tions are available for reference at the Embassy, and a summary of the regulations and licence application formsmay be obtained from the Embassy or from the Office of Export Administration, US Department of Commerce,Washington DC 20230.

Applications for re-export licences may be made direct to the US Department of Commerce; alternatively UKexporters may prefer to contact their US supplie~s who should be able to advise whether a licence is requiredunder US law and, if so, whether or not they can apply for such a licence on behalf of their UK principals.

There are additional US licensing requirements for defence equipment of US origin and these are administeredby the Office of Munitions Controls, US Department of State, 22nd and C Streets, NW Washington DC 20521. In­quiries can also be made at the US Embassy in London.

British companies requiring general advice on US export controls or experiencing difficulties with US regula­tions should contact the DTI, OT2/1B, Room 576, 1 Victoria Street, London SW1H OET (tel 01-2154611).


Security export control March 1989 3



IL 1001Technology for metal-working manufacturingprocesses and specially designed "software", asfollows:

I. Definitions of terms used in this Item:

(a) "Hot die forging" is a deformation process where dietemperatures are at the same nominal temperature as theworkpiece and exceed 850K (577°C, 10700 F);

(b) "Superplastic forming" is a deformation process using heat formetals that are normally characterised by low values ofelongation (less than 20 per cent) at the breaking point asdetermined at room temperature by conventional tensilestrength-testing, in order to achieve elongations duringprocessing which are at least 2 times those values;

(c) "Diffusion bonding" is a solid-state molecular joining of atleast two separate metals into a single piece with a jointstrength equivalent to that of the weakest material;

(d) "Metal powder compaction" is a process capable of yieldingparts having a density of 98 per cent or more of thetheoretical maximum density;

(e) "Direct-acting hydraulic pressing" is a deformation processwhich uses a fluid-filled flexible bladder in direct contact withthe workpiece;

(f) "Hot isostatic densification" is a process of pressurizing acasting at temperatures exceeding 375K (102°C, 215.6°F) in aclosed cavity through various media (gas, liquid, solidparticles, etc.) to create equal force in all directions to reduceor eliminate internal voids in the casting;

(g) "Vacuum hot pressing" is a process which uses a press withheated dies to consolidate metal powder under reducedatmospheric pressure into a part;

(h) "High pressure extrusion" is a process yielding a single-passreduction ratio of 4 to 1 or greater in a cross-sectional area ofthe resulting part;

(i) "Isostatic pressing" is a process which uses a pressurizingmedium (gas, liquid, solid particles, etc.) in a closed cavity tocreate equal force in all direction upon a metal powder*filledcontainer for consolidating the powder into a part.

11. Listed 8S follows:

(a) Technology for the design of tools, dies and fixtures speciallydesigned for the following processes:(I) "Hot die forging";(2) "Superplastic forming";(3) "Diffusion bonding";(4) "Metal powder compaction" using:

(i) "Vacuum hot pressing";(ii) "High pressure extrusion"; or(Hi) "Isostatic pressing";

(5) "Direct-acting hydraulic pressing";(b) Technical data consisting of process parameters as listed

below used to control:(1) "Hot die forging":

(i) Temperature;

4 Security export control March 1989

(ii) Strain rate; ,(2) "Superplastic forming" of aluminium alloys, titanium

alloys and superalloys:(i) Surface preparation;(H) Strain rate;(Hi) Temperature;(iv) Pressure;

(3) "Diffusion bonding" of superalloys and titanium alloys:(i) 'Surface preparation;(H) Temperature;(Hi) Pressure;

(4) "Metal powder compaction" using:(i) "Vacuum hot pressing":

(a) Temperature;(b) Pressure;(c) Cycle time;

(H) "High pressure extrusion":(a) Temperature;(b) Pressure;(c) Cycle time;

(Hi) "Isostatic pressing":(a) Temperature;(b) Pressure;(c) Cycle time;

(5) "Direct*acting hydraulic pressing" of aluminium alloys,and titanium alloys:(i) Pressure;(H) Cycle time;

(6) "Hot isostatic densification" of titanium alloys,aluminium alloys- and superalloys:(i) Temperature;(H) Pressure;(Hi) Cycle time.

IL 1075Spin-forming and flow-forming machinesspecially designed or adapted for use withnumerical or computer controls and speciallydesigned components and software therefore

IL 1080(I) Specially designed equipment, tooling andfixtures for the manufacture or measuring of gasturbine blades or vanes, as follows, and speciallydesigned components and accessories and"specially designed software" for the equipment,components and accessories:

(a) Blade or vane aerofoil or root automatic measuring equipment;(b) Precision vacuum investment casting equipment, including

core*making equipment;(c) Small*hole drilling equipment for producing holes having

depths more than four times their diameter and less than0.76mm (0.03 inch) in diameter;

(d) Directional solidification casting equipment and directionalrecrystallization equipment;

(e) Segmented cast blade or vane bonding equipment;(f) Integral blade-and*disc casting equipment;(g) Blade or vane coating equipment, except furnaces, molten*

metal baths and ion*plating baths;(h) Ceramic blade or vane moulding and finishing machines;(i) Moulds, cores and tooling for the manufacture and finishing

of:(I) Cast hollow turbine blades or vanes;(2) Turbine blades or vanes produced by powder

compaction;u) Composite metal turbine blade or vane moulding and

finishing machines;(k) Inertial blade or vane welding machines.

(11) Technology (except installation, operationand maintenance technology) for use of thefollowing unembargoed equipment:

(a) Blade or vane belt grinding machines;(b) Blade or vane edge radiusing machines;(c) Blade or vane aerofoil milling or grinding machines;(d) Blade or vane blank preforming machines;(e) Blade or vane rolling machines;(f) Blade or vane aerofoil shaping machines except metal

removing types;(g) Blade or vane root grinding machines;(h) Blade or vane aerofoil scribing equipment.

Technical Note:Manufacture (making) includes refurbishing.

NOTE:This definition also covers machinery and equipment for themanufacture of blades or vanes in the compressor section ofaircraft or aircraft-derived gas turbine engines where thetechnology is the same as for the manufacture of blades or vanesin the turbine section.

IL 1081Specially designed or modified equipment, tools,dies, moulds and fixtures for the manufacture orinspection of aircraft, airframe structures oraircraft fasteners, as follows, and speciallydesigned components and accessories and"specially designed software" for the equipment,components and accessories:

(a) Equipment, tools, dies, moulds or fixtures for:(1) Hydraulic stretch forming:

(i) Whose machine motions or forces are digitallycontrolled or controlled by electrical analoguedevices; or

(ii) Which are capable of thermal-conditioning theworkpiece;

(2) The milling of aircraft skins or spars except if they do notpresent an improvement on machinery in production tenyears preceding the year of export;

(b) Tools, dies, moulds or fixtures for:(1) "Diffusion bonding";(2) "Superplastic forming";(3) "Hot die forging";(4) Metal powder compaction by vacuum hot pressing, high­

pressure extrusion or isostatic pressing;(5) Direct-acting hydraulic pressing of aluminium alloys and

titanium alloys;(6) The manufacture, inspection, inserting or securing of

specially designed high-strength aircraft fasteners.

NOTE:For the definition of the processes and control of the metalworking manufacturing technologies mentioned above, see ItemIL 1001.

IL 1086Specially designed or modified equipment, tools,dies, moulds, fixtures and gauges for themanufacture or inspection of aircraft andaircraft-derived gas turbine engines, as follows,and specially designed components andaccessories and "specially designed software"for the equipment, components and accessories:

(a) Equipment, tools, dies, moulds, fixtures and gauges:(1) For automated production inspection;(2) For automated welding;

(b) Tools, dies, fixtures and gauges:(1) For solid-state joining by inertial welding or thermal

bonding;(2) For manufacture and inspection of high-performance gas

turbine bearings;(3) For rolling specially configured rings such as nacelle

rings;(4) For forming and finishing turbine discs;

(c) Compressor or turbine disc broaching machines.

NOTE:This sub-item embargoes only broaching machines speciallydesigned for the manufacture of aircraft or aircraft derivedgas turbine engines, and not general purpose broachingmachines specially adapted for that purpose.

IL 1088Gear making or finishing machinery, as follows:

(a) Bevel gear making machinery:(1) Gear grinding machinery (non-generating type);(2) Other machinery capable of the production of bevel

gears of module finer than 0.5mm (diametrical pitchfiner than 48) and meeting a quality standard better thanDIN 58405 Class 6;

NOTE:If rated in AGMA or Admiralty standards and not rated inDIN 58405, AGMA 11 or Admiralty Class 1 shall beconsidered to be the equivalent of DIN 58405 Class 6.

(b) Machinery capable of producing gears in excess of AGMAquality level 13 or equivalent.

NOTE:If not rated in AGMA standards, DIN 3963 Class 4 shall beconsidered equivalent to AGMA quality level 13.

IL 1091Numerical control units, numerically controlledmachine-tools, dimensional inspection machines,direct numerical control systems, speciallydesigned sub-assemblies, and specially designed"software", as follows:

(a) Units for numerically controlling simultaneously coordinated(contouring and continuous path) movements of and dimensional inspection machines in two or moreaxes, except those having all of the following characteristics:(i) No more than three cO!ltouring interpolating (any

mathematical function including linear and circular) axescan be simultaneously coordinated. Units may have:(1) One or more additional axes for which rate of

movement is not coordinated, varied or modulatedwith that of another axis;

(2) One additional set of up to three contouring axesprovided a separate feed rate number, standard oroptional, does not control more than any threecontouring axes; or

(3) Up to three contouring axes switchable out of anynumber of axes;

(ii) Minimum programmable increment equal to or greaterthan 0.001 mm;

(Hi) Interfaces limited as follows:(1) No integral interface designed to meet ANSI/IEEE

standard 488··1978, IEC publication 625-1; or anyequivalent standard; and

(2) No more than two interfaces meeting EIA standardRS-232-C or (tny equivalent standard;

(iv) On-line (real-time) modification of the tool path, feed rateand spindle data limited to the following:(1) Cutter diameter compensation normal to the

centreline path;(2) Automatir~ acceJ,eration and dec.eleration for

starting,corrlt!rinl~ and stopping;

Security export control March 1989 6

IL 1091 (a) (Iv) (3)

(3) Axis transducer compensation including lead screwpitch compensation (measurements on one axismay not compensate another axis);

(4) Constant surface speed with or without limits;(5) Spindle growth compensation;(6) Manual feed rate and spindle speed override;(7) Fixed and repetitive cycles (does not include

automatic cut vector generation);(8) Tool and fixture offset;(9) Part programme tape editing, excluding source

programme language and centre-line location data(CLDATA);

(10) Tool length compensation;(11) Part programme storage;(12) Variable pitch threading;(13) Inch/metric conversion;(14) Feed rate override based on spark voltage' for

electrical discharge machines;(v) Word size equal to or less than 16 bits (ex<;luding parity

bits);(vi) "Software" or "firmware", including "software" or

"firmware" of any programmable unit or devicefurnished, shall not exceed control unit functions asprovided in (i) to (v) above, and is restricted as follows:(1) Only the following application programmes can be

furnished which shall be executable without furthercompilation, assembly, interpretation, orprocessing, other than control unit parameterinitialization, and memory storage loading, andeach shall be supplied as an entity rather than inmodular form:(a) An operating programme to allow the unit to

perform its normal functions;(b) One or more diagnostic programmes to verify

control or machine performance and permitlocalization of hardware malfunctions;

(c) A translator programme with which the end­user can programme the control-to-machineinterface;

(2) Programme documentation for applicationprogrammes shall not contain the following:(a) Listing of programme instructions (except that

necessary for diagnostics for routine hardwaremaintenance);

(b) Description of programme organization orfunction beyond that required for programmeuse and for maintenance of hardware withwhich these programmes operate;

(c) Flow charts, logic diagrams or the algorithmsemployed (except those necessary for use ofdiagnostics for routine hardware maintenance);

(d) Any reference to specific memory storagelocations (except those necessary fordiagnostics for routine hardware maintenance);

(e) Any other information about the design orfunction of the "software" which would assist inthe analysis or modification of all or part of it.

NOTES:1 For "digital computers" either "incorporated" in or

"associated" with, but not "embedded" in,controllers, see Item IL 1565.

2 Technology for the design and production (exceptassembly and testing) of two-axis numerical controlunits with an "embedded" computer remainsembargoed.

3 Not used.

(b) Machine-tools and dimensional-inspection machines which,according to the manufacturer's technical specifications, canbe equipped with numerical control units covered by sub-item(a) above, except:(i) Boring mills, milling machines, and machining centres

having all of the following characteristics:(l) (a) Not more than three axes capable of

simultaneously coordinated contouring motion,ie the total number of linear plus rotarycontouring axes cannot exceed three. (Asecondary parallel contouring axis, eg W axis

8 Security export control March 1989

on horizontal ooring mills, is not counted in thetotal of three contouring axes. A secondaryrotary table, the centreline of which is parallelto the primary rotary table, is also not countedin the total of three contouring axes. Machinesmay have non-contouring parallel or non­contouring, non-parallel rotary axes in additionto the three axes capable of simultaneouslycoordinated contouring motion. Machineshaving the capability of being simultaneouslycoordinated in more than three axes are notexcluded from embargo even if the numericalcontrol unit attached to the machine limits it tothree simultaneously coordinated contouringaxes. For example, a machine with a controlunit switchable between any three out of fourcontouring axes is not excluded fromembargo); or

(b) Not more than three linear axes plus one rotaryaxis, but no tilting axis, capable ofsimultaneously coordinated contouring motion,ie the total number of linear plus rotarycontouring axes cannot exceed four. (Asecondary parallel contouring axis, eg W axison horizontal boring mills, is not counted as anadditional contouring axis. A secondary rotarytable, the centreline of which is parallel to theprimary rotary table, is also not counted as anadditional contouring axis. Machines may havenon-contouring parallel or non-contouring,non~parallel rotary axes in addition to the fouraxes capable of simultaneously coordinatedcontouring motion. Machines having thecapability of being simultaneously coordinatedin more than four axes are not excluded fromembargo even if the numerical control unitattached to the machine limits it to threesimultaneously coordinated contouring axes.For example, a machine with a control unitswitchable between any three out of fivecontouring axes is not excluded fromembargo);

(2) Maximum slide travel in any axis equal to or lessthan 3,000 mm;

(3) Spindle drive motor power equal to or less than35kW;

(4) Single working spindle (the machine may havemultiple tool heads or turrets as standard oroptional, but only one working spindle may beoperative at a time). A spindle capable of driving amultiple drill head is considered as a single spindle;

(5) Axial and radial motion measured at the spindleaxis in one revolution of the spindle equal to orgreater than D x 2 x 10-5 mm TIR (peak-to-peak)where D is the spindle diameter in mm;

(6) An incremental positioning accuracy equal to orgreater (coarser) than ±. 0.002 mm in any 200 mmof travel;

(7) Overall positioning accuracy in any axis ~qual to orgreater (coarser) than:(a) ±. 0.01 mm for machines with total length of

axis travel equal to or less than 300 mm;(b) ±. (0.01 + (0.0025/300) x (L -300» mm for

machines with a total length of axis travel, L,greater than 300 mm and equal to or less than3,300 mm;

(c) ±.0.035 mm for machines with a total length ofaxis travel greater than 3,300 mm.

NOTE:Positioning accuracy is that accuracy which wouldbe obtained in a temperature-controlledenvironment of 20°C ±. 2°C with any mechanicalcompensation techniques shipped with the machineor any electronic compensation described in sub­item (a) (iv). Positioning accuracy of machinesshipped without numerical control units will be thatattained with a control unit used during checkout ofthe machine and with feedback systems identical tothose that will be used with the machine, or byaccuracy previously obtained with an identicalmachine and feedback system and control unit

N.B.Numerical control units exported separately fromequipment must be for use with and specially configuredfor equipment permitted by paragraph (b) below.Exporters must· submit specifications. of equipment towhich the numerical control units will be lnterf4lced.(1) No more than four contouring' interpolating (any

mathematical function including linear and circUlar)axes can be simultaneously·.coQrdinated,,·Unltl, mayhave: " "(I) One·or·more additional axes in which the rate

of Movement·· is not· coordinated. varied, ormodulated witbtbatof another axis; or

(H) One additional··.. set:of> four' .co~fOtlnB8'~.a~.provided separate ~eedratenumbers,ltandard

or optional,~ ll()tcontrolD;t0te 'tbatt .4Q, toutcontouring' axe,; '..

(2) Minimum' "'programmable '. increment .. equal" to 'orgreater than ttOOlmm;'" "

(3) Intetfaces as· follows: .(t) Nomote"tnari .···OI1e 'integraJ:illterfaee, desillled

to . meet .ANSfIIEEE· ~tan~ard .48&-1~16••,JE~publication :625..1i ·or· ~Ilt~e,uivalent itt_ard;and ... . . ,,:.,c':'( ".<"J' '>.':';'

(il) An unlimitedl1umberof.,if1t.rfac~sl11,ttetin~2~stan~d ~ RS-232..e.()raft,;,~ui\falent$tal1aard;

(4) On..tine(r••tln1~ mEldHi~~itm).~of;.t~,tOQr .', lb*feed t~te d,>,p~n~ledlt~tl~it~,.·t.';~\,;.H.•. :t.II,:t.tWiusa:;

.(1) Cutt di.metar.eomPtJttatiOn>~'.~Y(1t.;'.cent· .. ', ,jDe):~~~.i."/',:'f,.{;:,:·':t~:c<'::' ·•••~ ..•• ;.":>"}i;:.;;.,;,;:,:.'·~:.;<;~.,o

(ti) .. '.Aut()ntatj(~c, ..·.ecel~~;· ....at1d,·•.•'~~.~»f~~$tarti,*'u~..eri.I· ..cJ"'~~I!IP ," ,,e~'

'(lii) Axi~'~ra~ef:""'.," "~~~~'Jli.t!/',,'

,;;~e:;_.~~,: ..'<~::(i!) "(;0' '


,.:;),;:;)i. ':':'lyt~~:'.«t

FOR PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC IF CHINA ONLY:4 The' shipment .. of numerical· control units•.. numerit;aUy

controlled machine. tools, dimensional inspection machinesand specially designed UsoftwareUtheretor, to civil-end users,other tban nuclear and aerospace,: as follows, and speciallydesigned sub-assemblies therefor: .. . i

(a) Numerical control .units haVing all of the' followin8characteristics:

one axis. National standards may be used for this measuringmethod: eg the German standard VDI "Statistical testing ofthe operational and positioning accuracy of machine-toolsVDI - DGQ3441, March, 1977". .

7 A tilting axis is defined as an axis which alters the angularposition of the rotary table centreline with respect to thespindle centreline during the machining process.

NOTES:1 This Item does not embargo floor-type horizontal boring mills

embargoed by sub-item (b) (i) above provided all the followingconditions are met:(a) Maximum transverse (X-axis) travel equal to or less than

15,000 mm;(b) Maximum vertical (V-axis travel equal to or less than

5,000 mm;(c) Maximum Z-axis travel equal to or less than 3,000 mm;(d) Spindle-drive motor power equal to or less than 75 kW;(e) Meeting the requirements of sub-items (b) (i) (I) and (b) (i)

(4) to (7) above.2 Jig grinders covered by sub-itern (b) (ii) above to non-nuclear

end-users, provided all of the following conditions are met:(a) Overall positioning accuracy in any axis equal to or

greater (coarser) than:(1) 0.002 InIn for jig grinders with total length of axis

travel equal to or less than 300 mnl;(2) ±_ (0.002 + (0.001/300) (L-300)) nlm for jig

grinders with total length of axis travel, L, greaterthan 300 Inn};

(b) Not rnore than two axes capable of simultaneouslycoordinated contouring nlotion.

3 Not used.

NOTE:Specially designed printed circuit board sub-assemblies areembargoed by this sub-item.(For machine-tool parts and components, see also ItemIL 1093.)

which will be connected to the machine. (SeeTechnical Note 6). _

(H) Jig grinders having all of the following characteristics:(1) Overall positioning accuracy in any axis equal to or

greater (coarser) than:(a) .±.. 0.005 mm for machines with total length of

axis travel equal to or less than 300 mm;(b) .±.. (0.005 + (0.002/300) (L-300» mm for

machines with total length of axis travel, L,greater than 300 mm;

(2) Not more than two axes capable of simultaneouslycoordinated contouring motion;

(Hi) Machine-tools (other than boring mills, milling machines,machining centres and jig grinders described in (i) and (H)above and dimensional inspection machines described in(iv) below) having all of the following characteristics:·(1) Radial-axis motion measured at the spindle axis

equal to or greater than 0.0008 mm TIR (peak-to­peak) in one revolution of the spindle (for lathes,turning machines, contour grinding machines, etc.);

(2) Meeting the requirements of (i) (1) (a), (i) (6) and (i) (7)above;

(iv) Dimensional inspection machines, having all of thefollowing characteristics:(1) A linear positioning accuracy equal to or worse

than:(a) .±..(3 + L/300) micrometre for L shorter than or

equal to 3,300 mm;(b) .±..14 micrometre for L longer than 3,300 mm;

(2) A rotary accuracy of equal to or worse than 5second in every 90 degrees; and

(3) Meeting the requirements of (i) (1) above;(For high precision turning machinery, see also ItemIL 1370.)

(c) "Direct numerical control systems" (ONC) consisting of adedicated stored programme computer acting as a hostcomputer and controlling, on-line or off-line, one or morenumerically controlled machine-tools or inspection machines,as defined in sub-item (b) above, related "software", andinterface and communication equipment for data transferbetween the host computer memory, the interpolationfunctions, and the numerically controlled machine-tools;

(d) Specially designed sub-assemblies and "software" which,according to the manufacturer's technical specifications, canupgrade the capabilities of numerical control units andmachine-tools either so that they would become embargoedby sub-items (a), (b) or (c) above, or so that they would ceaseto be eligible for consideration for export at nationaldiscretion.

TECHNICAL NOTES:1 "Numerical control" is defined as the "automatic control of a

process performed by a device that makes use of numericdata usually introduced as the operation is in progress" (Ref.ISO 2382).

2 "Contouring control" is defined as: "two or more numericallycontrolled motions operating in accordance with instructionsthat specify the next required position and the required feedrates to that position. These feed rates are varied in relationto each other so that a desired contour is generated" (ReI.ISO/DIS 2806).

3 For computer-related terms, see Item IL 1565 or IL 1566.4 A "direct numerical control system" (ONC) is defined as "a

system connecting a set of numerical~y controlled machinesto a common memory for part programme or machine pro­gramme storage with provision for on-demand distribution ofdata to the machines" (Ref. ISO/DIS 2806.2).

5 Axis nomenclature shall be in accordance with internationalstandard ISO 841, "Numerical Control Machines - Axis andMotion Nomenclature".

6 The value of the positioning accuracy does not include thewidth of backlash. The value is determined by the usualstatistical methods (random tests); ie by approaching fromonly one direction a minimum of 5 measurement points up toa maximum of 25 measurement points as random tests along

Security export cortrol March 1989 7

IL 1091 NOTE 4 (a) (4) (vii)

(<vIDP& 'cycles, including auto­,"rDat~~utveetot generation;

,';,~(yiii) T~·landfi.tureoff$et;;:(ix) Partprogtamme 'tape editing, 'including source

programme language and centreline locationdata.(CLDATA);

(x):Toollengtb compensation;(xi)' Part programme storage;(xii) Variable pitch threading;(xiii)InchImetric convers,ion; and(xiv) Feed rate o\'erride based on spark voltage for

electrical discharge machines;(5) Word size equal to or less than 32 bits (excluding

parity bits);(6) "Software" or "firmwareH

, including Hsoftware" or"firmwarett of any programmable unit or devicefurnished, not exceeding control unit functions asprovided in (a) (1) to (a) (5) above, and restricted asfollows:(I) Application programmes executable without

further compilation, assembly, interpretationor processing, other than control unitparameter initialisation, and storage loading,and each supplied as an entity rather than inmodular form, as follows:(a) An operating programme to allow the unit

to perform its normal functions;(b) One or more diagnostic programmes to

verify control or machine performanceand to permit localisation of hardwaremalfunctions; and

(c) A translator programme for programmingthe control·to-machine interface;

(U) Documentation for application programmesnot containing the following:(a) Listing of programme instructions, except

that necessary for diagnostics for routinehardware maintenance;

(b) Description of programme organisation orfunction beyond that required for pro­gramme use and for maintenance of ex­ported hardware and "software";

(c) Flow charts, logic diagrams or algorithmsemployed except those necessary for useof diagnostics for routine hardware main­tenance;

(d) Any reference to specific memory storagelocations except those necessary for diag­nostics for routine hardware maintenance;and

(e) Any other information,which would assistin tbe analysis or modification of all or ofpart of the "software";

(b) Machine tools, and dimensiollal inspection machineswbich, according to the manufacturers' technical specifi­cations, .can. be equipped with numerical control unitscovered by paragrapb (a) above, as follows:(1) Boring mills. ,milling ll)achines and machining

centres haVing all of the following characteristics:(i) No more than four axes capable of

simultaneously coordinated contouring motion,~ of, •which no more than three axes shall belinear' and nQrnore than, one axis shall berotary;

N.B.AseCODdary contouring ,axis. parallel with a;ptkriary,.axis1 e.g~W.axis on horizontal boring' not,counted in' the totatof four con-touringa~esrA8etondary rotary table with the"centreUl1e.,atallelto the primary rotary' table,::,~'alSO'";rtot-c()unted in the total of four;',~ent~~ft': ,.xesf{~achines "may' have non·

),'",':' ;'"con~~rinl, ."parallet, ',or ",Don-contouring",non-r:::;:<:; ";'.'; , :: ·'~:PIt~t.1l;r:()t.rr.esin:addition to the four axes

';~t,; '::J:j; ;"~:,, ' ·.~~e.~f:,.mllltlftet)utl,Y ,c",aordinated 'con.., ~ , i':IOt!i":;Jll~ti~n~,,:'!,.'

(::':::":';''',i}i:;~uil;k ",,",: ,:', ~~!_a~,;,,,;..~it)~lt.v,,l,equal', to or'",' ',' ' 'leat:ttfti.'SO:OOOmmf"';: '1,<\':

8 Security export control March 1989

(Ui) "MaximUm vertical (Y-axis) travel equal, tOQfless.than8,OO~,mll1;

(iv) Maximum horlzontal(~-axis) travel equal to orless than 5,000 mm;

(v) Unlimited spitldle dlivernotor power;(vi) No ,more ,tl'lan 'two simultaneously working

spindles (the, machine may have multiple toolhead$ or turrets;, a spindle capable of driVing amultiple drill'head is considered as a singlespindle);

(vii) Axial and radial axis' motions measured at thespindle axis in one, revolution of the spindleequal to or greater than,0 x 2 x 10-5 mm TIR(peak-ta-peak) where' D is the spindle diameterin mm;

(viii) An incremental positioning accuracy equal toor, greater (coarser) than .±... 0.002 mm in any200 mm of travel;

(ix) An overall positioning accuracy in any axisequal to or greater (coarser) than:(a) .±... 0.003 mm for machines with a total

length of axis travel equal to or less than300 mm;

(b) .±..(0.OO3 + (0.001/300) x (L-300» mm formachines with a total length of axis travel,L, greater than 300 mm and equal to orless than 3,300 mm;

(c) .±.. 0.013 mm for machines with a totallength of axis travel greater than 3,300mm;

(2) Machine tools, other than boring mills, millingmachines and machining centres described in sub­paragraph (b) (1) above, and dimensional inspectionmachines, having all the following characteristics:(i) No more than four axes capable of

simultaneously coordinated contouring motion,of which no more than three axes shall belinear and no more than one axis shall berotary;

N.B.Up to four secondary contouring axes parallelwith the primary axis but not simultaneouslycoordinated with the four primary axes may bepermitted~

(H) No more than two simultaneously workingspindles (t~e machine may have multiple toolheads or ttlrrets);

(ili) Radial axis motion measured at the spindle axisequal to or greater than 0.0008 mm TIR (peak­to-peak) in one revolution of the spindle (forlathes, turning machines, contour grindingmachines, etc.);

(iv) An incremental positioning accuracy equal toor greater 'coarser) than.±.. 0.002 mm in any200 mm of travel;

(v) An overall positioning accuracy in any axisequal to or greater (coarser) than:(a) ..±... 0.005 mm for machines with a total

length of axis travel equal to (lr less than300 mm; /

(b) .±..(0.005 + (0.002/300) x (L-300)) mm formachines with a total length of axis travel,L, greater than 300 mm ~nd equal, to orless than 3,300 mm; ,

(c) .±... 0.025 mm for machines with a totallength of axis travel greater than 3,300RIm. I)

It is understood that software embargoed by Item 1091 is definedas follows:

Control "programmes" (*) used with CNC or ONC systems,which are stored in a memory of an electronic computer andimplement numerical functions including, but not limited to,velocity and path generation, on-line adaptive control and specialpurpose data distribution, recall, and editing "programmes" forONC applications. "Software" used in part programming, eg, APT,EXAPT, IFAPT, postprocessing and similar "programmes" are notconsidered among the control "programmes" used for CNC andONC systems.*For computer-related terms, see Items 1565 & 1566.

Point-to-Point Computerised Numerical Control (CNC) systemsare not covered by Item 1091.

IL 1093Components and specially-designed parts formachine tools and dimensional insp.ectionmachines embargoed by Item IL 1091, as follows:

(a) Spindle assemblies, consisting of spindles and bearings as aminimal assembly, except those assemblies with axial andradial axis motion measured along the spindle axis in onerevolution of the spindle equal to or greater (coarser) than thefollowing:(i) 0.0008 mm TIR (peak-to-peak) for lathes and turning

machines; or(ii) D x 2 X 10-5 mm TIR (peak-to-peak), where D is the

spindle diameter in millimetres, for milling machines,boring mills, jig grinders, and machining centres;

(b) Lead screws, including ball nut screws, except those havingall of the following characteristics:(i) Accuracy equal to or greater (coarser) than 0.004

mIn/300 mm;(ii) Overall accuracy equal to or greater (coarser) than

(0.0025 + 5 x 10-6 X L) mm, where L is the effectivelength in millimetres of the screw; and

(Hi) Concentricity of the centre line of the journal bearingsurface and the centre line of the major diameter of thescrew equal to or greater (coarser) than 0.005 mm. TIR(peak-to-peak) at a distance of three times the diameterof the screw or less from the journal bearing surface;

(c) Linear and rotary position feedback units including inductivetype devices, graduated scales, and laser systems, except:(i) Linear types having an accuracy equal to or greater

(coarser) than (0.0004 + 13 x 10-6 x L) mm, for L equalto or less than 100 mm and (0.0015 + 2 x 10-6 X L) mm,for L greater than 100 mm, where L is the effectivelength in millimetres of the linear measurement; and

(ii) Rotary types having an accuracy equal to or greater(coarser) than two seconds of arc;

(d) Linear induction motors used as drives for slides, having allthe following characteristics:(1) Stroke greater than 200 mm;(2) Nominal force rating greater than 45 N; and(3) Minimum controlled incremental movement less than

0.001 mm.

Group BChemical andpetroleum equipmentIL 1110Equipment for the production of liquid Ouorine,and specially designed components therefore

IL 1129Vacuum pump systems, as follows, and speciallydesigned components, controls and accessoriestherefor:

(a) Cryopump systems (Le. systems in which the circulation ofcooled or liquefied gas is used to achieve a vacuum, static ordynamic, by lowering the temperature of the environment)designed to operate at temperatures of less than -200°C(-328°F) measured at atmospheric pressure;

(b) Vacuum pump systems capable of evacuating a chamber ofvolume greater than one (1) litre to pressures below 10-8 torr(1.3 x 10-6 pascals) while the temperature in the chamber ismaintained above 800°C (I,472°F).

IL 1131Pumps (except vacuum pumps - see Item 1129)designed to move molten metals by electro­magnetic forces.

IL 1142Reinforced tubing (including connectors andfittings for use with such tubing) incorporatingcoagulated dispersion grades of polytetrafluoro­ethylene, copolymers of tetrafluoroethylene andhexafluoropropylene, or any of the fluorocarbonmaterials embargoed by Item IL 1754 (a) (2) anddesigned for operating (working) pressures of210.9 kg/cm2 (3,000 psi) or greater, whether ornot specially processed to make the flowsurfaces electrically conductive.

IL 1145Containers, jacketed only, specially designed forthe storage or transportation of liquid fluorine.

Group CElectrical and power­generating equipmentIL 1203Electric furnaces, as follows, specially designedcomponents and controls therefor, and"specially designed software" for such furnaces,components or controls:

(a) Consumable electrode vacuum arc furnaces with a capacity inexcess of 20,000 kg (44,092 lb);

(b) Skull type vacuum arc furnaces;(c) "Vacuum induction furnaces" allowing the molten metal to be

poured into a mould within the same vacuum chamberwithout breaking the vacuum and having all of the followingcharacteristics:(1) A capacity in excess of 2,275 kg (5,014 lb);(2) Designed to operate at pressures lower than 6.67 Pa

(0.0667 mbar)~ and(3) Designed to oI)erate at temperatures in excess of 1,373K


NOTE:"Vacuum induction furnaces" include all portions of thefurnace system within the vacuum chamber.

(d) Induction furnaces haviag both of the followingcharacteristics:(1) A diameter ir.,side the induction coil (If 155 mm or more

(6.1 inches Ot more); and

Security export control March 1989 9

IL 1203 (cl) (2)

(2) Designed to heat a workpiece with a diameter of 130 mmor more (5.1 inches or more) to a temperature in excessof 2,273K (2,OOOOC);

NOTE:This item does not embargo susceptors made of graphite notembargoed elsewhere in these Lists.

2 This item also covers vacuum furnaces capable of operatingwith protective atmospheres.

(See also items IL 1080 and IL 1301.)

;f(lJt,:~~,~~t':;::R£PY8L_C<;~Qr:·'~IlJNA.?ON'LY1 .. '.'~ .....:')/~::::; ;':SlQIIltype·,y,cuum,.c6J"naeel witb acapacity not exceeding

~'•.," .,'... ,

IL 1205Electro-chemical, semi-conductor and radio­active devices for the direct conversion ofchemical, solar or nuclear energy to electricalenergy, as follows:

(a) Electro-chemical devices, as follows and specially designedcomponents therefor:(I) Fuel cells operating at temperatures of 523K (250°C,

482°F) or less, including regenerative cells, ie cells forgenerating electric power, to which all the consumablecomponents are supplied from outside the cell:

NOTE:The temperature of 523K or less is intended to refer tothe fuel cell and not to the fuel conditioning equipment,which may be either an ancillary or an integral part ofthe fuel cell battery and which may operate at over523K.

(2) Primary cells and batteries having any of the followingcharacteristics:(i) Reserve (water, electrolyte or thermally activated)

batteries possessing a means of activation andhaving a rated unactivated storage life of threeyears or more at an ambient temperature of 297K(24°C, 75°F);

(H) Utilizing lithium or calcium (including alloys inwhich lithium or calcium are constituents) aselectrodes and having an energy density at adischarge current equal to C/24 hours (C being thenominal capacity at 297K (24°C, 75°F) in ampere­hours) of more than 250 watt-hours per kilogramme(114 watt-hours per pound) at 297K (24°C, 75°F)and more than 80 watt-hours per kilogramme (36watt-hours per pound) at 244 K (-29°C, - 20°F);

NOTE:Energy density is obtained by multiplying theaverage power in watts (average voltage in voltstimes average current in amperes) by the durationof the discharge in hours to 80 per cent of the open­circuit voltage and dividing by the total mass of thecell (or battery) in kilogrammes;

(Hi) Using an air electrode together with either lithiumor aluminium counter-electrodes and having apower output of 5 kilowatts or more or an energyoutput of 5 kilowatt-hours or more;

(3) Secondary (rechargeable) cells and batteries having anyof the following characteristics after more than 20chargeldischarge cycles at a discharge current equal toC/5 hours (C being the nominal capacity in amperehours);(i) Utilizing nickel and hydrogen as the active

constituents and having an energy density of 55watt-hours per kilogramme (25 watt-hours perpound) or more at 297K (24°C, 75°F);

(H) Utilizing lithium or sodium as electrodes or

10 Security export control March 1989

reactants and having an energy density of 55 watt­hours per kilogramme (25 watt-hours per pound) ormore at the rated operating temperature;

NOTE:Energy density is obtained by multiplying theaverage power in watts (average voltage in voltstimes average current in amperes) by the durationof the discharge in hours to 75 per cent of the open­circuit voltage and divided by the total mass of thecell (or battery) in kilogrammes.

(4) Molten salt electrolyte cells and batteries which normallyoperate at temperatures of 773K (500°C, 932°F) orbelow;

(b) Photo-voltaic cells as follows, and specially designedcomponents therefor:(I) With a power output of 14mW or more per sq cm under

100mW per sq cm tungsten 2,8000 K (2,527°C, 4,581°F)illumination;

(2) All gallium arsenide photo-voltaic cells excluding thosehaving a power output of less than 4mW measured bythe above techniques;

(3) With a power output of 450mW or more per sq cm under10 watts per sq cm silicon carbide at 1,750 K (1,477°C,2,691°F) illumination;

(4) Electromagnetic (including laser) and ionized particleradiation resistant;

(c) Power sources based on radio-active materials systems otherthan nuclear reactors, except:(i) Those having an output power of less than 0.5 Wand a

total weight (force) of more than 890 N (90.7 kg, 200 Ib);(H) Those specially designed and developed for medical use

within the human body;

NOTES:1 See also Item IL 1570.2 This Item does not embargo the following cells and power

source devices, and specially designed components therefor(nothing in this Note shall be construed as permitting theexport of technology for such cells, power source devices orspecially designed components):(a) Fuel cells embargoed by sub-item (a) (1) above, provided

they are not "space qualified", with a maximum outputpower more than 10 kilowatts and which use gaseouspure hydrogen and oxygenlair reactants, alkalineelectrolyte and a catalyst supported by carbon eitherpressed on a metal mesh electrode or attached to aconducting porous plastic;

(b) Lithium primary cells or batteries embargoed by sub­item (a) (2) (H) which:(1) Are specially designed for consumer applications

and used in watches, pacemakers, calculators orhearing aids; or

(2) Are specially designed for consumer or civilindustrial applications and have a nominal capacityless than or equal to 35 ampere-hours and dischargecurrent of less than Cl 10 hours (C as defined in (a)(2) (H);

(c) Lithium secondary (rechargeable) cells and batteriesembargoed by sub-item (a) (3) (H) above which:(I) Are specially designed for consumer applications

which will have been previously determined by theDepartment of Trade and Industry; or

(2) Have a nominal capacity less than or equal to 0.5ampere-hour and an energy density of less than 40watt-hours per kilogramme (18 watt-hours perpound) at 273K (OOC, 320°F) and a dischargecurrent of less than Cl 10 hours (C as defined in (a)(3»;

(d) Sodium secondary (rechargeable) cells and batteriesembargoed by sub-item (a) (3) (H) above which arespecially designed for consumer or civil industrialapplications which are not "space qualified".

N.B.The term "space qualified" used in this Item refers toproducts which are stated by the manufacturer asdesigned and tested to meet the special electrical,mechanical or environmental requirements for use inrockets, satellites or high-altitude flight systemsoperating at altitudes of 100 km or more.

IL 1206Electric arc devices (or plasma torches) andequipment, as follows, and specially designedcomponents, accessories, and controls and"specially designed software" therefor:

(a) Electric arc devices for generating a flow of ionized gas inwhich the arc column is constricted except:(i) Devices using less than 100 kW arc power for welding,

melting, plating or spraying; or(H) Devices with less than 235 kW arc power for cutting;

(b) Equipment incorporating electric arc devices with aconstricted arc column and capable of having aprogrammable increment (for the continuous movement ofthe device) less (finer) than 0.01 mm;

(c) Test equipment incorporating electric arc devices embargoedby sub-item (a) above.

NOTE:This Item does not embargo plasma torches for industrial gasheating which use a non-constricted arc column with an operatingpressure of 1 to 15 bar inclusive.

Group DGeneral industrialequipmentIL 1301Equipment and technology for the production of"superalloys", as follows:

(a) Equipment specially designed for the production of"superalloys";

NOTES:(1) Sub-item (a) does not include the following equipment:

(a) Electric arc and induction furnaces, basic oxygenfurnaces and remelting equipment using othertechniques for the production of carbon steels, low­alloy steels and stainless steels;

(b) Degassing equipment used for the production ofcarbon steels, low-alloy steels and stainless steels;

(c) Hot and cold rolling mills, extrusion presses, andswaging and forging machines;

(d) Decarburizing and annealing and picklingequipment;

(e) Surface finishing equipment;(t) Slitting and cutting equipment

(2) Vacuum induction furnaces used in the production ofsuperalloy powders, however, are embargoed by thissub-item.

(3) For the embargo status of other electric vacuumfurnaces, see Item IL 1203;

(b) Technology specific to the production of "superalloys",regardless of the type of equipment with which it may beintended to use such technology.

NOTES:1 Sub-item (b) does not include technology on the

equipment excluded by Note 1 to sub-item (a) above.2 Melting, remelting and degassing technology specific to

the production of superalloys, however, is embargoed bysub-item (b).

3 This item embargoes equipment specially designed forand technology specific to the production of "super­alloys" in the crude and semi-fabricated forms listedbelow:CRUDE FORMS:Anodes, balls, bars (including notched bars and wirebars), billets, blocks, blooms, brickets, cakes, cathodes,

crystals, cubes, dice, grains, granules, ingots, lumps,pellets, pigs, powder, rondelles, shot, slabs, slugs,sponge, sticks.SEMI-FABRICATED FORMS (whether or not coated,plated, drilled or punched):(i) Wrought or worked materials fabricated by rolling,

drawing, extruding, forging, impact extruding,pressing, graining, atomising and grinding, i.e.angles, channels, circles, discs, dust, flakes, foils andleaf, forging, plate, powder, pressings andstampings, ribbons, rings, rods (including barewelding rods, wire rods, and rolled wire), sections,shapes, sheets, strip, pipe and tubes (including tuberounds, squares, and hollows), drawn or extrudedwire.

(H) Cast material produced by casting in sand, die,metal, plaster or other types of moulds, includinghigh pressure castings, sintered forms, and formsmade by powder metallurgy.

4 For materials and manufacturing processes at laterstages in the production process, see also other items, forexample, Items IL 1431 and 1460 for gas turbineengines.

TECHNICAL NOTE:"Superalloys" are nickel-, cobalt-, or iron-base alloys havingstrengths superior to the AISI 300 series (as of the 1st May 1982) attemperatures over 922 K (649°C) under severe environmental andoperating conditions. Excluded are carbon steels, low-alloy steelsand stainless steels having strengths inferior to the AISI 300 series(as of the 1st May 1982).

IL 1305Metal rolling mills, as follows, and speciallydesigned components, accessories and controlsand "specially designed software" therefor:

(a) Isothermal rolling mills, except those capable of operatingonly at ambient temperatures.

TECHNICAL NOTE:In an isothermal rolling mill a constant instantaneoustemperature profile is maintained in the contact area betweenthe workpiece and the rolls.

(b) Other mills specially designed or re-designed for the rolling ofmetals and alloys with a melting point exceeding 1,900oC(3,452°F).

IL 1312"Isostatic presses", as follows, and speciallydesigned dies and moulds (except those used in"isostatic presses" operating at ambienttemperatures), components, accessories andcontrols and "specially designed software"therefor:

(a) Capable of achieving a maximum working pressure of138MPa (20,000 psi) or more and possessing a chamber cavitywith an inside diameter in excess of 406 mm (16 inches); or

(b) Having a controlled thermal environment within the closedcavity and possessing a chamber cavity with an insidediameter of 127 mm (5 inches) or more.

TECHNICAL NOTE:"Isostatic presses" are equipment capable of pressurizing a closedcavity through various media (gas, liquid, solid particles, etc.) tocreate equal pressure in all directions within the cavity upon aworkpiece or material.

NOTES:1 "Isostatic presses" embargoed by sub-items (a) or (b) above,

provided the equipment will be used for specific non-strategicapplications and will not be used for any nuc:ear or aerospaceapplications and provided that:(a) "Isostatic presses" having controll\~d thermal

Security export control March 1989 11

IL 1312 NOTE I (a) continued

environment within the closed cavity are limited asfollows:(1) Maximum working pressure not exceeding 207 MPa

(30,000 psi);(2) Chamber cavity with an inside diameter (ie the

maximum inside diameter of the working chamber)not exceeding 406 mm (16 inches), when the con­trolled thermal environment which can be achievedand maintained does not exceed 1,500°C;

(3) Having no facility for hydrocarbon impregnationand removal of resultant gaseous degradationproducts; and

(b) "Isostatic presses" other than those dealt with under sub­paragraph (a) above are limited as follows:(1) Maximum working pressure not exceeding 414 MPa

(60,000 psi); and(2) Chamber cavity with an inside diameter (ie the

maximum inside diameter of the working chamber)not exceeding 508 mm (20 inches).

FOR 'PE()PLE'S~REPUBLlC OF CHINA ONLY:21ll~.$~i~rnel1t ~fpr~~havln.nG:conuoDed thermal

envko~~t~jlhip·the·dOJed:~vitr. 'n<J. Whlc~.·ar~>us~ fQ(tie1.~ ufaetunl :01 .',indJ;tStriat· .'. "reftaetory, .aD9·.·..ceramic"~ "

NB:The inside chamber dimension referenced in sub-paragraphs (a) (2)and (b) (2) above is the chamber in which both the workingtemperature and the working pressure are achieved. Thatdimension will be the smaller of either the inside diameter of thepressure chamber or the inside diameter of the insulated furnacechamber, depending on which of the two chambers is locatedinside the other. For "isostatic presses" having a controlledthermal environment, the insertion of fixturing leaves a diameterof less than 406 mm (16 inches) in the chamber for the piece to bepressed. For "isostatic pressestt operating at ambienttemperatures, the insertion of fixturing leaves a diameter of lessthan 508 mm (20 inches) in the chamber for the piece to bepressed.

IL 1352Nozzles, dies and extruder barrels speciallydesigned for the processing of the fluorocarbonmaterials covered by Item IL 1754 (a) (2).

IL 1353Manufacturing and testing equipment for opticalfibre, optical cable and other cables, as follows,and specially designed components and"specially designed software" therefor:(a) Equipment specially designed to manufacture cable

embargoed by Item IL 1526 (a) or (e);(b) Equipment specially designed to manufacture optical fibre or

optical cable embargoed by Item IL 1526;(c) Equipment specially designed to manufacture optical

preforms embargoed by Item IL 1767;(d) Optical fibre and preform characterisation equipment using

semiconductor lasers for the testing of optical fibres or opticalpreforms at operating wavelengths exceeding 850 nm;

NB:The status of optical fibre and optical preformcharacterisation equipment which contain lasers is defined inthis Item.

NOTES:1. This Item does not embargo equipment specially designed for

the manufacture of cable embargoed by Item IL 1526 (b).2. Equipment specially designed for the insertion of optical

fibres in an optical cable embargoed by Item IL 1526 (c).

12 Security export control March 1989

f0lt,5;~~~~,;J.~IJM~,9f,r;~· ,,~Lr;:~,:',3; ,;Ca) , '<;f9ri1Jc:th~il~ter-i, . equipm,erit~."t' "t~D~~~~~~c .•~.).,~??

'1'~e~i~~t1'ft)r:tfte rnan{jf8ctitre·()f~d dptt'•.l.prefOt1lffl.:ftbre'o~~ble>·"

IL 1354Equipment designed for the manufacture ortesting of printed circuit boards, as follows, andspecially designed components and accessories,and "specially designed software" therefor:

(a) Equipment specially designed for removal of resists or printedcircuit board materials by dry (eg plasma) methods;

(b) Computer-aided design (CAD) equipment for printed circuitboards, having any of the following functions:(1) Generation of artwork design with an interactive

capability;(2) Generation of test string lists for multi-layer boards;(3) Generation of data or "programmes" for "stored­

programme controlled" printed circuit board drillingequipment;

(4) Generation of data or "programmes" for "stored­programme controlled" printed circuit board shapingand profiling equipment; or

(5) Generation of data for control of the sequencing ofprocesses of the equipment for printed circuit boardmanufacture embargoed by (c) below;

(c) High-speed autorpated continuous panel processors forplating capable of delivering more than or equal to 860 A/m2

(80 A/ft2) of plate current. (This does not include processorsspecially designed for, and restricted to, plating tab (edge)connectors);

(d) "Stored-programme controlled" inspection equipment for thedetection of defects in printed circuit boards using opticalpattern comparison or other machine scanning techniques;

(e) "Stored-programme controlled" electrical test equipment forthe identification of open and short circuits on bare printedcircuit boards, capable of:(1) Continuity testing (less than or equal to 4 ohm) at a rate

of 2,500 or more measurements per second; or(2) High voltage testing (greater than or equal to 50 volts) at

a rate of 10,000 or more measurements per minute;(t) "Stored-programme controlled" multi-spindle drills and

routers having any of the following characteristics:(1) Absolute positioning accuracy of .±.. 10 micrometres

(0.0004 inch) or better;(2) Minimum time needed for drill bit changes less than or

equal to 5 seconds; or(3) X and Y positioning speeds higher than or equal to 0.125

m/sec (300 inch/min) for drilling or for routing;(g) "Stored-programme controlled" cyclic voltametric stripping

equipment specially designed for printed circuit board platingbath monitoring and analysis.

TECHNICAL NOTE:"Stored-programme controlled" is defined as a control usinginstructions stored in an electronic storage which a processor canexecute in order to direct the performance of predeterminedfunctions.

NB:Equipment may be "stored-programme controlled" whether theelectronic storage is internal or external to the equipment.

NOTES:(1) See also Item IL 1522 (b) for the embargo of printed circuit

board manufacturing equipment incorporating a laser.

poa(PEOJlLE'SREPU8UC:OFC~A,ONLY:(2),~9t1i,~'Jltfortpe.•.JP~~~acture~,p~i~te~ .cirCuit boards, as

f~I"'lf~';, ><, <,>,'>.i> '. .',. '" ...; .:...'t«Il) ·r~tt~~t'.~~~lr,·.,.:,~: .,.~.~ ...;f()rt~~ ..remo~al .. of·resists.. .ot'printed~dretllt ·ooarclrnllterials by dry{,~g:. plasma)

< ~ods; ,'" : ~ ',.., .> , '.

"{.,..~:,:. ~)i' ··:'..,.e,.~~.~l~~·~~iij ..spifldl~drnl$ With',;;,,0' ~~t~~~~.,~ti~>,',.'<>'··' "•.. ':

(1) Ab~lute positi()ning accuracy of .:t....5 micromettesor Wors~;· ana

(2) XandY politioninglpeed$of 0.210 metre/secondor slower for drilling·or for roUting.

(c) "Stored programme c()ntroUedU routers. which are notcapable of three..dimeusional contouring,operations;

(d) Work-table positioning systems for digiti~i,ng and editingdrilling positions from. printed circuit arf work for thegeneration of data or "programmes" for "stored­programme-controlled" printed circuit board drillingequipment;

(e) "Stored programme controlled" electrical test equipmentembargoed by sub-item (e), for the identification of openand short circuits on bare printed circUit boards.

IL 1355Equipment for the manufacture or testing ofelectronic components and materials, as follows,and specially designed components, accessoriesand "specially designed software" therefor:

(a) Equipment special1y designed for the manufacture or testingof electron tubes, optical elements and specially designedcomponents therefor embargoed by Items IL 1541, 1542,1555, 1556, 1558 or 1559;

(b) Equipment specially designed for the manufacture or testingof semiconductor devices, integrated circuits and"assemblies", as follows, and systems incorporating or havingthe characteristics of such equipment:(1) Equipment for the processing of materials for the

manufacture of devices and components as specified inthe heading of this sub-item;

NOTE:This item does not embargo quartz crucibles speciallydesigned for equipment embargoed by (b) (1).

(2) Masks, mask substrates, mask-making equipment andimage-transfer equipment for the manufacture of devicesand components as specified in the heading of this sub­item;

NOTE:The term 'masks' refers to those used in electron beamlithography, X-ray lithography, and ultra-violetlithography, as well as the usual ultra-violet and visiblephotolithography.

(3) "Stored programme controlled" inspection equipmentfor the detection of defects in processed wafers,substrates or chips using optical pattern comparison orother machine scanning techniques;

NOTE:Conventional scanning electron microscopes, exceptwhen specially designed and instrumented for automaticpattern inspection, are not embargoed by this sub-item.

(4) Specially designed "stored programme controlled"measuring and analysis equipment;

(5) Equipment for the assembly of integrated circuits;(6) "Stored programme controlled" wafer probing

equipment;(7) Test equipment as follows (for standard test instruments,

see Item IL 1529):(i) "Stored programme controlled" equipment

specially designed for testing discrete semi­conductor devices and unencapsulated dice, capableof performing any of the following functions:(a) Measurement of time intervals of less than

10 ns;(b) Measurement of parameters (eg fT, S-para­

meters, noise figure) at frequencies greaterthan 250 MHz;

(c) Resolution of currents of less than 100 pico­amperes; or

(d) Measurements of spectral response at wave­lengths outside the range from 450 to 950 nm;

TECHNICAL NOTE:Discrete semi-conductor devices include, for

example, diodes, transistors, thyristors, photocellsand solar cells.

(ii) "Stored programme controlled" equipmentspecially designed for testing integrated circuits,and "assemblies" thereof, capable of performingany of the following functions:(a) Functional (truth table) testing at a pattern rate

greater than 2 MHz;(b) Resolution of currents of less than 1 nano­

ampere;(c) Testing of integrated circuits (not mou,nted on

circuit boards) in packages haVing more than atotal of 24 terminals; or

NOTE:(b) (7) (ii) (c) does not embargo equipmentspecially designed for and dedicated to thetesting of integrated circuits not embargoed byItem It 1564.

(d) Measurement of rise times, fall times and edgeplacement times with a resolution of less than20 ns;

TECHNICAL NOTE:The terms "integrated circuits" and "assembly" aredefined in Item IL 1564.

NOTES:1 Test equipment which is not of a general­

purpose nature and which is specially designedfor, and dedicated to, testing "assemblies" or aclass of "assemblies" for home and enter­tainment applications is not embargoed by (b)(7) (ii).

2 Test equipment which is not of a general­purpose nature and which is specially designedfor, and dedicated to, testing electroniccomponents, "assemblies" and integratedcircuits specifically excluded by Item It 1564 isnot embargoed by (b) (7) (H), provided such testequipment does not incorporate computingfacilities with user-accessible programmingcapabilities;

(Hi) Equipment specially designed for determining theperformance of focal-plane arrays at wavelengthsmore than 1,200 nm, using "stored programmecontrolled" measurements or computer aidedevaluation and having any of the followingcharacteristics:(a) Using scanning light spot diameters of less than

0.12 mm (0.005 inch);(b) Designed for measuring photosensitive

performance parameters and for evaluatingfrequency response, modulation transferfunction, uniformity of responsivity or noise; or

(c) Designed for evaluating arrays capable ofcreating images of greater than 32 x 32 lineelements;

(iv) Specially designed for bubble memories;(8) Class 10 filters capable of providing an environment of

10 or less particles of 0.3 micrometre or more per0.02832 m3 (1 cubic foot) and filter materials therefor;

NOTE:This sub-item also embargoes such equipment used ormodified for use in the manufacture or testing of otherdevices such as: imaging devices, electro-optical devices,acoustic wave devices, film memory devices.

NOTES:(1) For equipment which is used in the manufacture and

processing of semiconductors and semiconductormaterials and which is specially designed to employlasers or laser technology, see Item It 1522.

(2) For the purpose of this item "stored programmecontrolled" is defined as a control using instructionsstored in an electronic storage which a 'processor canexecute in order \0 direct the performance ofpredetermined fWlctiO(lS.

Security export control March 1989 13

IL 1355 NOTE 2 continued

NB:Equipment may be "stored programme controlled"whether the electronic storage is internal or external tothe equipment.

(3) Equipment embargoed by sub-item (b) (l) above isdefined as fonows:(a) Equipment for producing polycrystaUine silicon

embargoed by Item IL 1757 (l) having a purity of99.99 per cent or more in the form of rods (ingots,boules), peUets, sheets, tubes or small particles;

(b) Equipment specially designed for purifying orprocessing 111-V and 11-VI semiconductor materialscovered by Item IL 1757, except crystal puUers, forwhich see (c) below;

(c) Crystal pullers, furnaces, and gas systems, as foUows:(l) Types with specially designed "stored pro­

gramme controUed" temperature, power inputor gas, liquid or vapour flow;

(2) Diffusion, oxidation and annealing furnaces foroperation at pressures above 1 atmosphere(nominal);

(3) Annealing or re-crystallizing equipment otherthan constant temperature furnaces employinghigh rates of energy transfer capable ofprocessing wafers at a rate greater than 50 cm2

per minute;(4) Plasma-enhanced or photo-enhanced chemical

reactor equipment;(5) Equipment for automatic control of crystal

taper and diameter, except taper and diametercontrol mechanisms using any of the foUowingequipment techniques:(i) Radiation pyrometers;(H) Thermocouples;(Hi) RF power sensors; or(iv) Mass weighing (without digital or anomaly

control permitting the growth of semicon­ductors);

(6) Crystal pullers having any of the followingcharacteristics:(i) Rechargeable without replacing the

crucible container;(H) Capable of operation at pressures above

2.5 x 105 pascal (2.5 atmospheres absolute)or below 1 x 105 pascal (1 atmosphereabsolute);

(Hi) Capable of puUing crystals of a diametergreater than 76.2 mm (3 inches);

(iv) Specially designed to minimize convectioncurrents in the melt by the use of magneticfields or multiple crucibles; or

(v) Capable of pulling sheet or ribbon crystals;(7) Vacuum induction-heated zone-refining equip­

ment for operation at a pressure of 0.01 pascalor less;

(d) Equipment for epitaxial growth having any of thefollowing characteristics:(1) Operation at pressures below 1 x 105 pascal (1

atmosphere absolute); ,(2) "Stored programme controUed";(3) Rotating vertical-support, radiant-heated

reactors;(4) SpeciaUy designed for processing bubble

memories;(5) Metal-organic chemical vapour deposition

reactors; or(6) For liquid phase epitaxy;

(e) Molecular beam epitaxial growth equipment;(l) "Magnetically-enhanced" sputtering equipment;

TECHNICAL NOTE:"Magnetically-enhanced" refers to equipmentincorporating a cathode assembly having anintegral magnetic structure for enhancing theplasma intensity.

(g) Equipment designed for ion implantation, or for ion­enhanced or photo-enhanced diffusion;

(h) Equipment for selective or non-selective removal by

14 Security export control March 1989

dry methods of passivation layers, dielectrics,semiconductor materials, resists or metals excepthorizontal, cylindrical plasma etchers without"stored programme controlled", end-pointdetection, automatic loading or rotatingmechanisms and not having the capability forparallel plate etching as used in semiconductordevice manufacture;

NB:This sub-paragraph does not include vacuumsputtering equipment designed to operate in thesputter etch mode.

(i) Equipment for semiconductor device fabrication-operating below 1 x 105 pascal (1 atmosphereabsolute) for the chemical vapour deposition ofoxides, nitrides, metals and polysilicon;

NB:This sub-paragraph does not cover reactivesputtering equipment.

0) Electron beam systems (including scanning electronmicroscopes), capable of mask making orsemiconductor device processing and having any ofthe following characteristics:(1) Electrostatic beam deflection;(2) Shaped, non-Gaussian beam profile;(3) Beam blanking capability;(4) Digital-to-analogue conversion rate greater

than 3MHz;(5) Digital-to-analogue conversion accuracy

greater than 12 bits; or(6) Target-to-beam position feedback control

precision of 1 micrometre or finer;NB:This sub-paragraph does not cover electron beamdeposition systems, and (3) above does not coverscanning electron microscopes equipped for Augeranalysis.

(k) Surface finishing equipment, speciaUy designed forthe processing of semiconductor wafers and havingany of the foUowing characteristics:(I) Waxless or non-adhesive mounting;(2) Double-sided simultaneous polishing or

lapping;(3) Capable of polishing and lapping wafers

exceeding 76.2 mm (3 inches) in diameter; or(4) Lapping or polishing in two stages on the same

machine;(I) Interconnection equipment which may include

common single or multiple vacuum chambersspecially designed to permit the integration ofequipment embargoed by this Item into a completesystem.

(4) Equipment embargoed by sub-item (b) (2) above isdefined as follows:(a) Finished masks, reticles and designs, therefor;(b) Hard surface (eg chromium, silicon, iron oxide)

coated "substrates" (eg glass, quartz, sapphire) forthe preparation of masks having dimensionsexceeding 76.2 x 76.2 mm (3 x 3 inches);

(c) Computer-aided design (CAD) equipment, fortransforming schematic or logic diagrams intodesigns for producing semiconductor devices orintegrated circuits, having any of the followingfunctions:(I) Storage of pattern cells for subdivision of

integrated circuits;(2) Scaling, positioning, or rotation of pattern cells;(3) Interactive graphic capabilities;(4) Design rule and circuit checking; or(5) Circuit layout modification of the arrangement

of the elements;

NB:"Software" which performs any of the functions inthis sub-paragraph, or which can be used fortransient analysis, for logic analysis or logicchecking, for automatic routing or cell placement,for the generation of test vectors or for processsimulation is "specially designed software"

embargoed by the heading of this Item.(d) Mask fabrication machines using photo-optical

methods as follows:(1) Step and repeat cameras capable of producing

arrays larger than 63.5 x 63.5 mm (2.5 x 2.5inches), or capable of producing a singleexposure larger than 3.75 x 3.75 mm (0.15 x0.15 inch) in the focal plane, or capable ofproducing useful line widths of 3.5 micrometresor less;

(2) Pattern generators specially designed for thegeneration or manufacture of masks or thecreation of patterns in photosensitive layersand with placement precision finer than 10micrometres;

(3) Mask fabrication equipment containingautomatic adjustment of focus or adjustment ofthe mask material into the focal plane;

(4) Equipment and holders for altering masks orreticles or adding pellicles to remove defects;(For electron-beam systems, see note (3) (j)above.)

(e) Mask, reticle or pellicle inspection equipment, asfollows:(1) For comparison with a precision of 0.75

micrometre or finer over an area of 63.5 x 63.5mm (2.5 x 2.5 inches) or more;

(2) "Stored programme controlled" equipmentwith a resolution of 0.25 micrometre or finerand with a precision of 0.75 micrometre orfiner over a distance in one or two coordinatesof 63.5 mm (2.5 inches) or more;

(3) "Stored programme controlled" defectinspection equipment;

NB:Conventional scanning electron microscopes,except when specially designed andinstrumented for automatic pattern inspection,are not covered by this sub-paragraph.

(f) Align and expose equipment using photo-opticalmethods, including projection image transfer equip­ment, capable of performing any of the followingfunctions:(1) Production of useful pattern size of less than 5

micrometres;(2) Alignment with a precision finer than 1

micrometre;(3) Field coverage exceeding 76.2 x 76.2 mm (3 x

3 inches);(4) Wafer backside alignment;(5) Automatic alignment by the sensing of patterns

or index marks on the substrate;(6) Projection image transfer for processing slices

(wafers) of 50.8 mm (2 inches) or larger indiameter;

NB:Non-eontacting (proximity) image transferequipment is embargoed only by (1) to (5)above.

(g) Electron beam, ion beam, or X-ray equipment forprojection image transfer;(For laser equipment, see Note 1 above).

(h) Photo-optical or non-photo-optical step and repeator partial field equipment for the transfer of theimage on to the wafer;

(i) Mask contact transfer equipment for imaging a fieldlarger than 76.2 x 76.2 mm (3 x 3 inches).

(5) Equipment embargoed by sub-item (b) (4) above isdefined as follows:(a) Specially designed for the measurement of oxygen

or carbon content in semiconductor materials;(b) Equipment for concurrent etching and doping

profile analysis (employing capacitance-voltage orcurrent-voltage analysis techniques);

(c) Equipment for linewidth measurement with aresolution of 1.0 micrometre or finer;

(d) Specially designed flatness measurementinstruments capable of measuring deviations fromflatness of 10 micrometres or less with a resolution

of 1 micrometre or finer.(6) Equipment covered by sub-item (b) (5) above is defined

as follows:(a) "Stored programme controlled" die (chip) mounters

and bonders with a positioning accuracy finer than50 micrometres or incremental steps finer than 6.4micrometres;

(b) "Stored programme controlled" wire bonders andwelders for performing consecutive bondingoperations;

(c) Equipment for producing multiple bonds in a singleoperation (eg beam lead bonders, chip carrierbonders, tape bonders);

(d) Semi-automatic or automatic hot cap sealers, inwhich the cap is heated locally to a higher tem­perature than the body of the package, speciallydesigned for ceramic microcircuit packages em­bargoed by Item IL 1564 (b) and which have athroughput equal to or greater than one packageper minute.

NB:1 General purpose resistance type spot welders are

not covered by sub-item IL 1355 (b) (5).2 Thermal compression bonders, also known as

nailhead bonders, are embargoed under the termsof this Item.

(7) Equipment embargoed by sub-item (b) (6) above isdefined as that which has any of the following:(a) Positioning accuracy finer than 50 micrometres, or

incremental steps finer than 6.4 micrometres;(b) Individual die location read-out (X-Y position

information) during testing;(c) Capable of testing devices having more than a total

of 24 terminals;(d) Automatic slice (wafer) alignment.

FOR PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ONLY:(8) (a) Equipment for the production of polycrystalline

silicon;(b) Crystal pullers, except those whicb:

(1) Are rechargeable witbout replacing thecrucible; or

(2) Operate at pressures above 2.5 x lOS pascal (2.5atmosphere absolute) and. have any of thefollOWing features:

NB:No process technology to be supplied.(i) Two or more temperature zones;(ii) "Stored programmecontrolledU


(iii) Anomaly shape control;(iv) Produce ingots of more than· 50.8 mm (2

inches) in diameter: or(v) Produce ingots of more than 1 kg in mass;

(c) Diffusion furnaces, except those which .usecomputer .feedback control operated from an"associated" computer;

NB:UAssociated" with equipment or, systems means:(a) Cart. feasibly be·eitber:

(i) Removed from the equipment or system$;or

(ii) Used for other purposes;, ahd(b) Is not essential to theoperati()n .of such

equipment.or systems. .,.'(d) Vacuum induction-heated zone refining equipment;(e) Epitoial reactors, excepttbose which 4re:

(1) For mo\ecularbeamepitaxy;'or(2) Special!ydesigned.' ~?r .'~r,ano.tnetllni~

deposititn 01' tiquid-pbaseepitaxy.. ' . "(f) Magneticall)'i enbanced rnultipfe-wafe~sputt~rlbg

equipment;·,·.....·.'(8) Ion implattt~tioJl,ion ..enhahced·or .p~oto-err~~llced

diffu$~()n' ..equip~~t~ ...~C~f ...•~~~~: .•~~~~~~,';~~'~J,,~f.;~~foUowlng,cbarCl,~~t[$t~::, . " ': .'.~" : ",;",;','~ ': .... '. :';;':;"""':;~'?;'fi,\>(1) P~tte!rring ea~JjiI~~;·. .... ':',";;s',":';'J/:,;';;"

(2) Ace~ra\l , .lta~,ft?t ... ' t,l\a,~ ..... ,;_e; .,;{.'(3lCa~bl~6f';'I*,:~¥fjt!~;i~~t*~~t~'tt~\~'heated IU <;:;'/"',.,,,,:,.;.;:'. , .. ' .. "':.'.' .. , ... ,'C;~

Security export control March 1989 16

equipment or drive circuitry other than thoseidentified in (u) or (v) below;

(u) Test equipment for:(I) Television circuit testing;(2) Operational amplifier testing;(3) Voltage regulator testing;(4) Analogue-to-digital and digital-to-analogue

converter testing; or(5) Discrete semiconductor testing at frequencies

of 18 GHz or less;(v) "Stored programme controlled" equipment for

functional testing (truth table) of integrated circuitsor integrated circuit assemblies capable of either:(1) Generating a basic pattern rate of 10 MHz or

less; or(2) Generating a basic pattern rate of more than 10

MHz but not more than 20 MHz and limited totesting integrated circuits with 64 or fewer pins.

(9) Licence applications for the following equipment, for thePeople's Republic of China only, will receive favourableconsideration:Equipment embargoed by sub-items (b) (1) or (2) whichcan produce patterns finer than 3 micrometres but notfiner than 2 micrometres.

NOTE:Equipment embargoed by this sub-item includes but is notlimited to rollers, tension stretchers, coating equipment,cutting equipment and clicker dies.

IL 1357

IL 1356

Equipment for the production of fibresembargoed by Item IL 1763 or their composites,as follows, and specially designed componentsand accessories and "specially designedsoftware" therefor:(a) Filament winding machines of which the motions for

positioning, wrapping and winding fibres are coordinated andprogrammed in three or more axes, specially designed tofabricate composite structures or laminates from fibrous andfilamentary materials; coordinating and programmingcontrols therefor;

(b) Tape-laying machines of which the motions for positioningand laying tape and sheets are coordinated and programmedin two or more axes, specially designed for the manufactureof composite airframes and missile structures;

(c) Multidirectional, multidimensional weaving machines andinterlacing machines, including adapters and modificationkits, for weaving, interlacing or braiding fibres tomanufacture composite structures, except textile machinerywhich has not been modified for the above end-uses;

(d) Specially designed or adapted equipment for the productionof fibrous and filamentary materials covered by Item IL 1763(a) or (b), as follows:(I) Equipment for converting polymeric fibres (such as

polyacrylonitrile, rayon, or polycarbosilane) includingspecial provision to strain the fibre during heating;

(2) Equipment for the vapour deposition of elements orcompounds on heated filamentary substrates; and

(3) Equipment for the wet-spinning of refractory ceramics(such as aluminium oxide);

(e) Specially designed or adapted equipment for special fibresurface treatment or for producing prepregs and preformscovered by Item IL 1763 (c):

Equipment specially designed or incorporatingmodifications for the continuous coating ofpolyester-base magnetic tape embargoed by ItemIL 1572, and specially designed componentsthereforeNOTE:This Item does not embargo general purpose continuous coatingequipment.

NOTES:1. Specially designed or adapted components and accessories

Goods described can be licenced at nationaldiscretion for export to the proscribedcountries.

.:\~i~··#f(.oPtltaJ:'" .;J.1~<:

~fat, pumps;;~~¥i..,:;.,

/·~i.Ol ::;~~.~~tban optical'/ .....;.,. .:. . .. '~trP~;' .. '

." <:ry9••~~::or·nt"borrto"cutarptlmps;'or'" ~;·Jo'«'loerc.: · :" .,. ", .,:,.' "<~!>~~!i:i..··'X:,··t<,('.•...·

~: .~,.:,l.~~:~.!( tefer!t(),dr;y~et~in8,!Bachines which':,,:'~l\~~'"d~y,~si8J1edfor:,prqd\l~ionprocessing

; ...; .. ,... ' ,J',>~ff!1s.:SU~h~~C~i~JE~s:~anprocess two or, l110rewafets simultaneou.lywit~cQm.monprocess

parameters. eSt RF.powet,·'temperatur~, etcb gasspecies.•. flow rates.,'SW81~'W'afer ,types" J1}fers tf} ~ry ettbins machines'Wliic,~;<ar~$pedauy' desit{ned .. for productionproceSSihg' of:'sinBle wafers.Th~semacbines. may

, 'tlSe.l1ufotnati£ 'w~e~ban~~inS4~?~niques toload aslnglewilferinto:the: equiplllent fl:;)f J)rocessing. The~efinition ,iJlcltt(Jesequipment .... that ',can •load. and»ro~," several' wafers but.,. wher:e '.• the etchingpar~~et"St'. eg, .. IF )X>,wer' or. 'end . point, . can .bernde~ndentl;y "determined for each individualwafer. "

(I) Low-pressure' chemical ;vapour depositionequipl1lel1t, < except equipment.. capable of. metaldeposition:;

0) Not used;(k) Singl~side .lapping and .polishing equipment for

"ater,surface ftniebl~l;(1) Hardsutface (e.8~chromium. siUcon. itonoxide)

. coatedsubstrates(e.g. glass.' quartz, sapphire) forthe prepara~j()nof masks baving dimensions greatertban 12.5 cm x 12'.5 cm;

(m): Mask .fabrication equipment '. using pnoto-opticalmethods, \yhich .Was.eithe~commercially availablebeforetbelst J~U~.1980torhas a performanceno better than such equi.,ment;

en) Manually.operated .rnaskinjpection equipment;(o) (1) Photo-optiealcontact an<Jproximity mask align

and expose equipment, defined in. Note. (l);(2}Projectionaligners.defined in Note 4: (f).

provJd", .Iueb, .. equipment .. cannot producepatterns Jtzesfinerthan 3 micrometres;

(3) Wafer steppers. defined., in Note 4 (h), providedthey 'allot .thefoUowingcharacteristics:(I) ·Cannot· produce',pattern ·sizes finer than 3

micrometres;An.Ugnment<accuracy no better than .:t:..O~25lDicromettes(3s.igma);. andMachine-to-~acbine' . ()verlay .; no betterthen .. .;l:..c.O.3',mi~roDletres;

~~ntaetbnal~,transf~~e<Juipment; ... '!W~fer ..,aQ~.cbip,ins~tion •• equJpment ..wlllch waseit~w ·.,e(>rnlJl~dall~i; .av4iJablebefore the. tst

:;Jfl{lUlfr~,l~lt'~rlt.,A~tform$ncenobetter tban~~cq eq~pment; .'. ,; < .: <:~

(tr' ,~~ '.. '.~t:;,for"f0r\~W'J:ent. etching .8fld doping,,>:;j,;pr. ..... ,:~Il~,~iS:0.:~p~ying,~a~cit~te~voltage ,or, '~'eu,re~t~'Q~;:~a1y'i$t~~n!qu~;

',' ~.) i.·... . ..... . ..:;·;,;pr.~gte,:'(9~(rtlU~(r:;·.. wir:~ ··.:·or •.. die. {j~ep~;"2' ;,',\\. . ". .. , "

',(~) ,~p~r())I~~~"wuer'proQing.';>;';<'i:; ¥;J\::"<'" ;:;~'s<nQtipeludea&sodated test

IL 1355 NOTE 8 (h)


16 Security export control March 1989

for the machines embargoed by this item include, but are notlimited to, moulds, mandrels, dies, fixtures and tooling forpressing, curing, carbonising, graphitising, casting, sinteringor bonding of preforms, composite structures, laminates andmanufactures thereof embargoed by Item IL 1763 (d).

2. Not used.

IL 1358Equipment specially designed for the manufac­ture or testing of devices and assemblies thereofembargoed by Item IL 1588 or magneticrecording media described in Item IL 1572, asfollows, and specially designed components and"specially designed software" therefor:

TECHNICAL NOTE:For this Item, single aperture forms described in Item IL 1588 (b)with a maximum dimension less than 0.76 mm (30 mils) areconsidered embargoed types.

(a) Equipment for the manufacture of single and multi-apertureforms embargoed by sub-items IL 1588 (b), (c) or (d), asfollows:(1) "Automatic" presses to produce embargoed types;(2) Press dies to produce embargoed types;(3) "Automatic" equipment for monitoring, grading, sorting,

exercising or testing of embargoed types;(b) Equipment for the manufacture of thin film memory storage

or switching devices having square hysteresis loops and"automatic" equipment for monitoring, grading, sorting,exercising or testing of devices embargoed by sub-item IL1588 (e);

(c) "Automatic" equipment for monitoring, exercising or testingassemblies of devices embargoed by sub-items IL 1588 (b),(c), (d) or (e);

(d) Equipment which incorporates specially designedmodifications for the application of magnetic coating toflexible disk recording media with a "packing density"exceeding 2,460 bit per cm (6,250 bit per inch);

NOTE:This sub-item does not embargo general purpose coatingequipment.

(e) Equipment specially designed for the application of magneticcoating to non-flexible (rigid) disk type recording media asdescribed in Item IL 1572 (d);

(f) "Stored programme controlled" equipment for monitoring,grading, exercising or testing recording media, other thantape, embargoed by Item IL 1572 (d).

NOTES:1 The term "automatic" refers to machinery not requiring the

assistance of a human operator to complete its "function(s)"during each complete cycle of operations.

NB:The term "function(s)" does not include the initial loading orfinal unloading of material from the machine.

2 Equipment embargoed by sub-item (d) above, provided:(a) The equipment is used for a legitimate civil end-·use and

is reasonable for that use;(b) Not used.(c) The equipment cannot produce recording media for

computer flexible disk cartridges exceeding a "grosscapacity" of 17 million bit.


(a) "Automatic" equipmel1t . for monitoring, ~adingf

exerci~ing or testing. recording media .·eUt~,oe~'l)y

Item IL 1572 (d)·having the folJowins .. cbaracteristics:(1) F()r.Pigit~tecortliI,l8tapet;;ia ·lUaximw:nt~rtiing

_ q~Il~ty,ofJ~~t~~3,93? ~it,per~tn; or(~l·foran~~8tie ... r~C?f~ins JCipe,. ,a ;:c~.~nlJ',~9iS~Jl~s\\greaterttian~~~4 ~i9()m~tres;':' ... ' .. ' ",.;':-

(bJ"Dlskette unit test equipment. "(ForJP~ 4efinJtioQQf Usto,e4prqgramtlle. e()ntrQtI~dt •.,s~I'~m'L13S')~·: ,,' . i .; , i' ,~ -,.:':.; '.

IL 1359Specially designed tooling and fixtures for themanufacture of fibre-optic connectors .ndcouplers embargoed by Item IL 1526 (f).

,f014:,PEG.ThtFshi~.'$\~\t<:.op~ :eot1lt~'"proVide<ltbe t~1imMuf8cture;fib~~;~ntt,

(a) ..·:.'Non,t~:"'~~;t)f;~;, ..· V~~~;f:1t?j;/';;u:.;"<., .....••' " ;.' ,}',,;, ,(b).•' .Pi~e.oPtit.tildW1eador'ibulJ·~.~~tO~c;.1;~J1I·;~~j':··, .,

IL 1360"Stored-programme controlled" equipmentcapable of automatic X-ray orientation and anglecorrection of double-rotated stress-compensated(Se) quartz crystals embargoed by Item IL 1587with a tolerance of 10 seconds of arc maintainedsimultaneously in both angles of rotation.

(For the definition of "stored-programme controlled" see Item IL1355.)

IL 1361Test facilities and equipment for the design ordevelopment of aircraft or gas turbine aero­engines, as follows, and specially designedcomponents, accessories and "speciallydesigned software" therefor:

(a) Supersonic (Mach 1.4 to Mach 5), hypersonic (Mach 5 to Mach15) and hypervelocity (above Mach 15) wind tunnels, except:(i) Supersonic (Mach 1.4 to Mach 5) wind tunnels not

specially designed for, or fitted with means of,preheating the air; or

(ii) (ii)Wind tunnels specially designed for educationalpurposes and having a "test section size" (measuredinternally) of less than 25 cm (10 inches).

TECHNICAL NOTE:By "test section size" is understood the diameter of thecircle, or the side of the square, or the longest side of therectangle constituting possible shapes of the test section.

(b) Devices for simulating flow-environments of Mach 5 andabove, regardless of the actual Mach number at which thedevices operate, including hot shot tunnels, plasma arctunnels, shock tubes, shock tunnels, gas tunnels and light gasguns;

(c) Wind tunnels and devices, other than two dimensional (2-D)sections, that have unique capabilities for simulatingReynolds number flow in excess of 25 x 106, at transonicvelocities;

(d) Automated control systems, instrumentation (includingsensors), and automated data-acquisition equipment, speciallydesigned for use with wind tunnels and devices embargoedby (a), (b) or (c) above;

(e) Models, specially designed for use with wind tunnels or withthe devices covered by (b) or (c) above, of embargoed aircraft,helicopters, airfoils, spacecraft, space-launch vehicjes, rocketsor surface-effect vehicles.

NOTE:Specially designed models are those equipped with sensorsand a means of transmitting data from the sensors to the data­acquisition system, or equipped with features for using non­intrusive sensors (ie not directly connected to the model.-ornot located in the flow adjacent to the model).

(f) Specially designed electromagnetic Interference andelectromagnetic pulse (EMI/EMP) simulators;

(g) Specially designed test facilities and equipment for thedevelopment of gas turbine aero-engines and components, asfollows: 1

Security export control March 1989 17

IL 1361 (g) (I)

(1) Special test facilities capable of applying dynamic flightloads, measuring performance or simulating the designoperating environments for rotating assemblies or aero­engines;

(2) Test facilities, test rigs and simulators for measuringcombustion system and hot gas flow path performance,heat transfer and durability for static assemblies andaero-engine components;

(3) Specially designed test rigs, equipment or modified gasturbine engines which are utilized for development ofgas turbine aero-engine internal flow systems (gas pathseals, air-oil seals and disc cavity flow fields).

NOTE:Specially designed components embargoed by this Item, for windtunnels and for facilities and equipment covered by sub-item (g)previously licensed for export provided that such components willnot upgrade the performance of the wind tunnel, facilities orequipment and, for normally-consumable replacementcomponents, the quantity will not exceed a 6-month supply.

IL 1362Vibration test equipment as follows:(a) Vibration test equipment using digital control techniques and

specially designed ancillary equipment and "speciallydesigned software" therefor, except:(i) Individual exciters (thrusters) with a maximum thrust of

less than 100 kN (22,500 Ib);(H) Analogue equipment;(Hi) Mechanical and pneumatic exciters (thrusters);(iv) Vibrometers;(v) Ancillary equipment not covered by Items IL 1529, IL

1531,IL 1565 or IL 1568;(b) High intensity acoustic test equipment capable of producing

an overall sound pressure level of 140 dB or greater (refer­enced to 2 x 10-5 N/m2) or with a rated output of 4kW orgreater and specially designed ancillary equipment and"specially designed software" therefor, except:(i) Analogue equipment;(H) Ancillary equipment not covered by Items IL 1529, IL

1531, IL 1565 or IL 1568;(c) Ground vibration (including modal survey) test equipment

that uses digital control techniques and specially designedancillary equipment and "specially designed software" there­for, except:(i) Analogue equipment;(ii) Ancillary equipment not covered by Items IL 1529, IL

1531,IL 1565 or IL 1568.

EXPLANATORY NOTES:Vibration and acoustic test systems typically consist· of one ormore exciters (thrusters), or acoustic noise generators, togetherwith ancillary equipment for instrumentation, control, dataacquisition and analysis. This Item covers only the vibration andacoustic test equipment itself. The ancillary equipment, e.g. digitaland logic instrumentation, computers, FIT's, etc, are to be judgedin their own right against the relevant items of these Lists.

IL 1363Specially designed water tunnel equipment,components, accessories and "databases" for thedesign and development of vessels, as follows,and "specially designed software" therefor:(a) Automated control systems, instrumentation (including

sensors) and data acquisition equipment specially designedfor water tunnels;

(b) Automated ~quipment to control air pressure acting on thesurface of the water in the test section during the operation ofthe water tunnel;

(c) Components and accessories for water tunnels, as follows:(1) Balance and support systems;(2) Automated flow or noise measuring devices; and(3) Models of hydrofoil vessels, surface-effect vehicles,

SWATH vessels and specially designed equipment and

18 Security export control March 1989

components embargoed by Item IL 1416 (a), (b), (c), (e),(I), (g) and (h) for use in water tunnels;

(d) "Databases" generated by use of equipment embargoed bythis Item.

NOTE:The water tunnels referred to in this Item are used for thehydrodynamic testing of a fixed model, using a moving fluid.

IL 1364Machinery and equipment for the manufacture ofhydrofoil vessel and surface-effect vehicle andSWATU -vessel structures and components, asfollows, and specially designed components andaccessories therefor:(a) Specially designed equipment for manufacturing anisotropic,

orthotropic or sandwich structures embargoed by Item IL1416 (h) (3);

TECHNICAL NOTES:1. Anisotropic construction is the use of fibre reinforcing

members aligned so that the load-carrying ability of thestructure can be primarily orientated in the direction ofexpected stress.

2. Orthotropic construction is a means of stiffening plates inwhich the structural members are at right angles to eachother.

3. Sandwich construction is the use of structural membersor plates which are fabricated and permanently affixedin layers to enhance their strength and reduce theirweight.

(b) Specially designed equipment for the production and testingof flexible materials for skirts, seals, air curtains, bags andfingers for surface-effect vehicles;

(c) Specially designed equipment for the production of water­screw propellers and hub assemblies and water-screwpropeller systems embargoed by Item IL 1416 (e) and (I);

(d) Specially designed equipment for the production, dynamicbalancing and automated testing and inspection of lift fans forsurface-effect vehicles;

(e) Specially designed equipment for the production of water-jetpropulsion pumps rated at 3,000 hp or greater, or multiple­pump system equivalents thereof;

(I) Specially designed equipment for the production, dynamicbalancing and automatic testing of AC-AC synchronous andAC-DC systems, sectored disc and concentric-drum rotors forDC homopolar machines.(See also Item IL 1416.)

IL 1365Equipment specially designed for in-servicemonitoring of acoustic emissions in airbornevehicles, or underwater vehicles embargoed byItem IL 1418, capable of discriminating acousticemissions related to crack growth frominnocuous noise sources and capable of spatiallocation of the crack, and specially designedcomponents, accessories and "speciallydesigned software" therefore

TECHNICAL NOTE:The methods used for discriminating acoustic emissions frominnocuous noise sources include pattern-recognition techniques.

This Item does not embargo general purpose acoustic emissionequipment.

IL 1370Machine-tools for generating optical qualitysurfaces, specially designed components andaccessories therefor, as follows, and "speciallydesigned software" therefor:(a) Turning machines using a single point cutting tool and having

all of the following characteristics:

(1) Slide positioning accuracy less (finer) than 0.0005 mmper 300 mm of travel, TIR (peak-to-peak);

(2) Slide positioning repeatability less (finer) than 0.00025mm per 300 mm of travel, TIR (peak-to-peak);

(3) Spindle run-out (radial and axial) less than 0.0004 mmTIR (peak-to-peak);

(4) Angular deviation of the slide movement (yaw, pitch androll) less (finer) than 2 seconds of arc (peak-to-peak) overfull travels; and

(5) Slide perpendicularity less than 0.001 mm per 300 mm oftravel, TIR (peak-to-peak);

(b) Fly cutting machines having both of the followingcharacteristics:(1) Spindle run-out (radial and axial) less than 0.0004 mm

TIR (peak-to-peak); and(2) Angular deviation of slide movement (yaw, pitch and

roll) less (finer) than 2 seconds of arc (peak-to-peak) overfull travel;

(c) Specially designed components, as follows:(1) Spindle assemblies, consisting of spindles and bearings as

a minimal assembly, except those assemblies with axialand radial axis motion measured along the spindle axisin one revolution of the spindle equal to or greater(coarser) than 0.0008 mm TIR (peak-to-peak);

(2) Linear induction motors used as drives for slides, havingall of the following characteristics:(i) Stroke greater than 200 mm;(H) Nominal force rating greater than 45N; and(Hi) Minimum controlled incremental movement less

than 0.001 mm;(d) Specially designed accessories, ie single point diamond

cutting tool inserts having all of the following characteristics:(I) Flawless and chip-free cutting edge when magnified 400

times in any direction;(2) Cutting radius between 0.1 and 5 mm; and(3) Cutting radius out-of-roundness less than 0.002 mm TIR


(d) Gas-lubricated foil bearings;(e) Bearing parts usable only for bearings embargoed by this

Item, as follows: outer rings, inner rings, retainers, balls,rollers and sub-assemblies.

NOTES:(1) This item is not intended to cover hollow bearings.(2) The shipment of reasonable quantities of bearings embargoed

by this Item to civil end-users who have furnished assurancesthat the bearings will be incorporated in equipmentpreviously imported from non-proscribed countries.

EXPLANATORY NOTES:A Balls as covered by item IL 1371 (e) may be identified

among balls manufactured to the tolerances in table 1 orcloser;

B Rollers 'as covered by item IL 1371 (e) may be identifiedamong non-standard rollers, that is, rollers falling outsideof the tolerances for graded rollers for standard bearingswhich are shown in table 2;

The above explanatory note applies to the rollers for bearingscovered by sub-items (a) (2) and (b) (2). It does not apply torollers for bearings covered by sub-items (a) (1) and (b) (1),because these are indicated by virtue of materials used.

Illustrative examples of tolerances for graded rollers for non­standard bearings are shown in table 3;

C Separable ball bearings are not viewed as includingthose bearings, one part of which serves as an integralpart of the equipment incorporating the bearing;

o Ceramic bearings as covered by Item IL 1371 consist ofbearing elements (e.g. balls, rollers or races) made fromceramic or hybrid (ceramic plus metal) materials anddesigned to operate at temperatures over 150°C and atON values equal to or greater than 1.5 x 106;

Table 1 (see IL 1371, explanatory note 2 A)

Table 2 (see IL 1371, explanatory note 2 B)

NB:ON is defined as the product of the bearing borediameter in millimetres and the bearing rotationalvelocity in revolutions per minute.

Roller diameter Outside diameter Maximum out of Maximum out oftolerance variation round tolerance round toleranceper shipment including taper of

cyUndrical roRerOver Including L±J C±.l C±J

Omm 26 mm 0.00004" 0.00004" 0.00008"26 mm 42 mm 0.00006" 0.00006" 0.00012"42 mm 64 mm 0.00008" 0.00008" 0.00016"64 mm 100mm 0.0001" 0.0001" 0.0002"



Sphericity or Diameter tolerance Diameter tolerancediameter variation per unit container per shipmentper baRL±.l C±J L±.l

Chrome steel such as 52100,51100 and 50100 0.000025"Carbon steel 0.0001"Monel metal 0.0002"Stainless steel 0.00005"Brass 0.0002"Bronze 0.0002"

Ball material

Table 3 (see IL 1371, explanatory note 2 B)

Roller diameter Outside diameter Maximum out of Maximum out oftolerance variation round tolerance round toleranceper shipment including taper of

cyHndricaI roRerOver Including L±.l C±J C±J

Example No. 1

0 mm 6.5 mm 0.00001" 0.00001" 0.00004" ,6.5 mm 18 mm 0.00D01" 0.00001" 0.00004"

18 mm 26 mm 0.00002" 0.00002" 0.00006" -26 mm 42 mm 0.00003" 0.00003" 0.00008"

Example 2

0 mm 6.5 mm 0.0000075" 0.000008" 0.00004"6.5 mm lB mm 0.0000075," 0.000008" 000004"

18 mm 26 mm 0.00#)(.1,1" 0.00001" 0.00006"26 mm 42 mm 0.000015" 0.000015" 0.00008"

Security export control March 1989 19

Sphericity or diameter variation per ball is the geometric quality which indicates themaximum permissible variation from absolute roundness in all planes through the centre ofthe ball.Diameter tolerance per unit container is the maximum degree to which the average diameterof the largest ball and the average diameter of the smallest ball, within the unit container, mayvary from the specific size for indicted grade.Diameter tolerance per shipment is the maximum permissible deviation from the specific sizewithin the shipment, for the grade indicated.

IL 1371

TECHNICAL NOTE:Machines will be evaluated under the conditions yielding the mostaccurate values, including but not limited to the incorporation ofcontrol systems which permit mechanical, electronic and"software" compensation.

Anti-friction bearings, as follows:

(a) Ball and roller bearings having an inner bore diameter of 10mm or less and tolerances of ABEC 5, RBEC 5 (or nationalequivalents) or better and either of the followingcharacteristics:(1) Made of special materials, ie with rings, balls or rollers

made irom any steel alloy or other material (includingbut not limited to high-speed tool steels, Monel metal,beryllium, metalloids, ceramics and sintered metalcomposites), except the following: low-carbon steel,SAE-521 00 high carbon chromium steel, SAE-4615nickel molybdenum steel, AISI-440C (SAE-51440C)stainless steel (or national equivalents); or

(2) Manufactured for use at normal operating temperaturesover 150°C (302°F) either by use of special materials orby special heat treatment;

(b) Ball and roller bearings (exclusive of separable ball bearingsand thrust ball bearings) having an inner bore diameterexceeding 10 mm and having tolerances of ABEC 7, RBEC 7(or national equivalents) or better and either of the followingcharacteristics:(1) Made of special materials, Le. with rings, balls or rollers

made from any steel alloy or other material (includingbut not limited to high-speed tool steels, Monel metal,beryllium, metalloids, ceramics and sintered metalcomposites), except the following: low-carbon steel,SAE-52100 high carbon chromium steel, SAE-4615nickel molybdenum steel, AISI-440C (SAE-51440C)stainless steel (or national equivalents); or

(2) Manufactured for use at normal operating temperaturesover 150°C (302°F) either by use of special materials or

I, by special heat treatment;

(c) Ball and roller bearings having tolerances better than ABEC 7(or national equivalents);

IL 1389

TECHNICAL NOTES:1. For the definitions of the coating processes specified in (A) to

(G) above, see Item IL 1389.2. Coating processes include original coating as well as coating

repair and refurbishing.3. For coating technologies, see Item IL 1389. It should be

noted that, while the equipment for "electrophoreticdeposition", "pack cementation" and "slurry deposition"processes is not considered sensitive because of its universaluse, the restrictions on the technology for use of thisequipment, as identified in Item IL 1389, are still in effect.

4. For the definition of "stored programme controlled", see ItemIL 1355.

5. The status of coating and surface modification equipment fornon-electronic substrates using lasers is defined in this Item.

3. Resultantcoating

Aluminides for internalsurfaces,Alloyed aluminides(2) or

2. Substrate

A. "Chemical SuperalloysVapourDeposition"

either of the following characteristics:(i) Incorporating power systems greater than 80 kW; or(ii) (1) Incorporating power systems greater than 50 kW;

and(2) Having both of the following characteristics:

(a) Incorporating a liquid pool level laser controlsystem which regulates precisely the ingotsfeed rate; and

(b) Incorporating a computer controlled ratemonitor operating on the principle of photo­luminescence of the ionised atoms in theevaporant stream to control the deposition rateof a coating containing two or more elements;

(D) "Stored programme controlled" "plasma spraying"production equipment having any of the following character­istics:(1) Operating at atmospheric pressure discharging molten or

partially molten material particles into air or inert gas(shrouded torch) at nozzle exit gas velocities greater than750 m/sec calculated at 293 K at 1 atmosphere;

(2) Operating at reduced pressure controlled atmosphere(less than or equal to 100 millibar (0.1 atm) meassuredabove and within 30 cm of the gun nozzle exit) in avacuum chamber capable of evacuation down to 10-4

millibar prior to the spraying process; or(3) Incorporating in situ coating thickness control;

(E) "Stored programme controlled" "sputter deposition"production equipment capable of current densities of 5mAlcm2 or higher at a deposition rate of 10 micrometres/hror higher;

(F) "Stored programme controlled" "cathodic arc deposition"production equipment with either of the followingcharacteristics:(1) Incorporating target areas larger than 45.6 cm2; or(2) Incorporating a magnetic field steering control of the arc

spot on the cathode;(G) Deposition process or surface modification equipment for

"stored programme controlled" production processing whichenables the combining of individual deposition processesembargoed by (A) to (F) above so as to enhance the capabilityof such individual processes.

Technology for application to non-electronicdevices to achieve:

inorganic overlay coatings or inorganicsurface modification coatings, specified incolumn 3 of the Table below;on substrates specified in column 2 of theTable below;by processes as defined in Technical Note (a)to (h) and specified in column 1 of the Tablebelow:

and specially designed "software" therefore-TABLE1. Coating


IL 1388

IL 1372

Specially designed production equipment forcompasses, gyroscopes (gyros), accelerometersand inertial equipment embargoed by Item IL1485.TECHNICAL NOTE:Production equipment embargoed by this Item includes thefollowing:(a) For ring laser gyro equipment, the following equipment used

to characterize mirrors, having the threshold accuracy shownor better:(1) Rectilfnear scatterometer (10 ppm);(2) Polar scatterometer (10 ppm);(3) Reflectometer (50 ppm);(4) Profilometer (5 angstroms);

(b) For other inertial equipment:(1) Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) module tester;(2) IMU platform tester; .(3) IMU stable element handling fixture;(4) IMU platform balance fixture;(5) Gyro tuning test station;(6) Gyro dynamic balance station;(7) Gyro run-in/motor test station;(8) Gyro evacuation and fill station;(9) Centrifuge fixture for gyro bearings;(10) Accelerometer axis align station;(11) Accelerometer test station.

IL 1385

EXPLANATORY NOTES:1. Core-section modules and specially designed components of

industrial gas turbine engines derived from gas turbine aero­engines embargoed by Item IL 1460 or marine gas turbineengines embargoed by Item IL 1431 shall be treated underthe provisions of those respective items.

2. Industrial gas turbine engines adapted as marine gas turbineengines are covered by Item IL 1431.

(a) Technology common to industrial gas turbine engines andgas turbine aero-engines is covered by Item IL 1460.

(b) Technology common to industrial gas turbine engines andmarine gas turbine engines is covered by Item IL 1431.

Technology for industrial gas turbine engines, asfollows:

Specially designed equipment for the deposition,processing and in-process control of inorganicoverlays, coatings and surface modifications, asfollows, for non-electric substrates by processesdefined in Item IL 1389 and specially designedautomated handling, positioning, manipulationand control components, and "specially designedsoftware" therefor:(A) "Stored programme controlled" "chemical vapour deposition"

(CVD) production equipment with both of the following:(1) Process modified for one of the following:

(a) Pulsating CVD;(b) Controlled nucleation thermal de'composition

(CNTD); or(c) Plasma enhanced or plasma assisted CVD; and

(2) Any of the following:(a) Incorporating high vacuum (less than or equal to

10-7 atm) rotating seals;(b) Operating at reduced pressure (less than 1 atm); or(c) Incorporating in situ coating thickness control;

(B) "Stored programme controlled" "ion implantation" pro­duction equipment having beam currents of 5 mA or higher;

(C) "Stored programme controlled" "electron beam physicalvapour deposition" (EB-PVD) production equipment with

20' Security export control March 1989

(CVO) Noble metal modified E. "Plasma Superalloys MCrAIX (except CoCrAIYaluminide~3) spraying" which contains less than

Titanium or Carbides, (high 22 weight per cent ofTitanium alloys Aluminides or velocity chromium and less than 12

Alloyed aluminide~2) or low weight per cent of

Ceramics Silicides or Carbidespressure aluminium and less than 2only) weight per cent of

Carbon-carbon, Silicides, Carbides, yttrium'S),Carbon-ceramic, or Mixtures thereo~4) or Modified zirconia (exceptMetal matrix Dielectric layers calcia-stabilized zirconia) orcomposites Mixtures thereo~4)

Copper or Tungsten or Aluminium alloy~6) MCrAIX (except CoCrAIYCopper alloys Dielectric layers which contains less than 22Silicon carbide or Carbides, Tungsten, weight per cent ofCemented tungsten Mixtures thereo~4) or chromium and less than 12carbide Dielectric layers weight per cent of

aluminium and less than 2B. "Electron- Superalloys Alloyed silicides, weight per cent of

Beam Alloyed aluminide~2), yttrium'S),Physical MCrAIX (except CoCrAIY Modified zirconia (exceptVapour which contains less calcia-stabilized zirconia),Deposition" than 22 weight per Silicides or(EB-PVD) cent of chromium and less Mixtures thereo~4)

than 12 weight per cent of Corrosion resistant MCrAIX (except CoCrAIYaluminium and less than 2 steeJ(7) which contains less than 22weight per cent of weight per cent ofyttrium'S), chromium and less than 12Modified zirconia (except weight per cent ofcalcia-stabilized zirconia) or aluminium and less than 2Mixtures thereof (including weight per cent ofmixtures of the above with yttrium'S),silicides or aluminidesJ4) Modified zirconia (except

Ceramics Silicides or calcia-stabilized zirconia) orModified zirconia (except Mixtures thereo~4)

calcia-stablized zirconia) Titanium or Carbides orAluminium alloys(6) MCrAIX (except CoCrAIY Titanium alloys Oxides

which contains less than 22weight per cent of F. "Slurry Refractory metal~8) Fused silicides orchromium and less than 12 Deposition" Fused aluminidesweight per cent of Carbon-earbon, Silicides,aluminium and less than 2 Carbon-eeramic or Carbides orweight per cent of Metal matrix Mixtures thereo~4)yttriumJS), compositesModified zirconia (exceptcalcia-stabilized zirconia) or

G. "Sputtering" Superalloys Alloyed sUicides,Mixtures thereo~4)

Corrosion resistant MCrAIX (except CoCrAIY(high rate, Alloyed aluminide~2),

reactive or Noble metal modifiedsteeJ(7) which contains less than 22 radio aluminide~3) ,weight per cent of frequency MCrAIX (except CoCrAIYchromium and less than 12 only) which contains less than 22weight per cent of weight per cent ofaluminium and less than 2 chromium and less than 12weight per cent of weight per cent ofyttriumJS) or aluminium and less than 2Modified zirconia (except weight per cent ofcalcia-stabilized zirconia) yttriumJS),

Carbon-carbon, Silicides, Carbides, Modified zirconia (exceptcarbon-ceramic, or Mixtures thereo~4) or calcia-stabilized zirconia),Metal matrix Dielectric layers Platinum orcomposites Mixtures thereof (includingCopper or Tungsten or mixtures of the above withcopper alloys Dielectric layers silicides or aluminidesJ4)Silicon carbide or Carbides, Tungsten, Ceramics SUicides, Platinum orCemented tungsten Mixtures thereo~4) or Mixtures thereof(4)carbide Dielectric layers Aluminium alloy~6) MCrAIX (except CoCrAIY

C. "Electro- Superalloys Alloyed aluminide~2) or which contains less than 22weight per cent ofphoretic Noble metal modified chromium and less than 12Deposition" aluminides(3) weight per cent of

D. "Pack aluminium and less than 2Superalloys Alloyed aluminide~2) or weight per cent of

cemen- Noble metal modified yttriumJS),tation"(9) alulninides(3) Modified zirconia {except(see also A Carbon-carbon, SUicides, Carbides or calcia-stablized zirconia) orabove) Carbon-eeramic or Mixtures thereof(4) Mixtures thereof(4)

Metal matrix Corrosion resistant MCrAIX (except CoCrAIYcomposites steel~7) which contains less than 22Aluminium Aluminides or weight per cent ofalloy~6) Alloyed aluminide~) chromium and less than 12

Security export control March 1989 21

Additions of Chromium,Tantalum or NiobiumColumbium


IL 1389 Table G continuedweight per cent ofaluminium and less than 2weight per cent ofyttrium~5)

Modified zirconia (exceptcalcia-stabilized zirconia) orMixtures thereo~4)

Titanium or Borides orTitanium alloys NitridesCarbon-earbon, SUicides,Carbon-eeramic or Carbides,Metal matrix Mixtures thereof(4) orcomposites Dielectric layersCopper or Tungsten orCopper alloys Dielectric layers

Silicon carbide or Carbides,Cemented tungsten Tungsten orcarbide Dielectric layers

H. "Ion Im- High temperatureplantation" bearing steels

Beryllium orBeryllium alloysCarbon-carbon, Silicides, Carbides,Carbon-ceramic or Mixtures thereof(4) orMetal matrix Dielectric layers

Titanium or Borides orTitanium alloys Nitrides

Silicon nitride or Nitrides,Cemented tungsten Carbides orcarbide Dielectric layers

Sensor window Dielectric layersmaterials transparentto electromagneticwaves, as follows:silica, alumina,silicon, germanium,zinc sulphide, zincselenide or galliumarsenide

FOOTNOTES:(1) Coating process includes coating repair and refurbishing as

well as original coating.(2) Multiple-stage coatings in which an element or elements are

deposited prior to application of the aluminide coating, evenif these elements are deposited by another coating process,are included in the term 'alloyed aluminide' coating, but themultiple use of single-stage "pack cementation" processes toachieve alloyed aluminides is not included in the term'alloyed aluminide' coating.

(3) Multiple-stage coatings in which the noble metal or noblemetals are laid down by some other coating process prior toapplication of the aluminide coating are included in the term'noble metal modified aluminide' coating.

(4) Mixtures consist of infiltrated material, graded compositions,co-deposits and multilayer deposits and are obtained by oneor more of the coating processes specified in this table.

(5) MCrAlX refers to an alloy where M equals cobalt, iron, nickelor combinations thereof and X equals hafnium, yttrium,silicon or other minor additions in various proportions andcombinations.

(6) Aluminium alloys as a substrate in this Table refers to alloysusable at temperatures above 500 K (227°C).

(7) Corrosion resistant steel refers to AISI (American Iron andSteel Institute) 300 series or equivalent national standardsteels.

(8) Refractory metals as a substrate in this Table consist of thefollowing metals and their alloys: niobium (columbium),molybdenum, tungsten and tantalum.

(9) This Item does not embargo technology for single-stage "packcementation" of solid airfoils.

TECHNICAL NOTE:The definitions of processes specified in column 1 of the Table areas follows:

22 Security export control March 1989

(a) "Chemical Vapour Deposition" (CVD) is an overlay coating orsurface modification coating process wherein a metal, alloy,composite or ceramic is deposited upon a heated substrate.Gaseous reactants are reduced or combined in the vicinity ofa substrate resulting in the deposition of the desiredelemental, alloyed or compounded material on the substrate.Energy for this decomposition or chemical reaction process isprovided by the heat of the substrate.

NB:1 CVD includes the following processes: out-of-"pack",

pulsating, controlled nucleation thermal decomposition(CNTD), plasma enhanced or plasma assisted processes.

2 "Pack" denotes a substrate immersed in a powdermixture.

3 The gaseous material utilized in the out-of-"pack"process is produced using the same basic reactions andparameters as the "pack cementation" process, exceptthat the substrate to be coated is not in contact with thepowder mixture.

(b) "Electron-Beam Physical Vapour Deposition" (EB-PVD) is anoverlay coating process conducted in a vacuum chamber,wherein an electron beam is directed onto the surface of acoating material causing vapourization of the material andresulting in condensation of the resultant vapours onto asubstrate positioned appropriately.

NB:The addition of gases to the chamber during the processing isan ordinary modification to the process.

(c) "Electrophoreti~ Deposition" is a surface modification coatingor overlay coating process in which finely divided particles ofa coating material suspended in a liquid dielectric mediummigrate under the influence of an electrostatic field and aredeposited on an electrically conducting substrate.

NB:Heat treatment of parts after coating materials have beendeposited on the substrate, in order to obtain the desiredcoating, is an essential step in the process.

(d) "Pack Cementation" is a surface modification coating oroverlay coating process wherein a substrate is immersed in apowder mixture, a so-called "pack", that consists of:(1) The metallic powders that are to be deposited (usually

aluminium, chromium, silicon or combinations thereof);(2) An activator (normally a halide salt); and(3) An inert powder, most frequently alumina.The substrate and powder mixture is contained within aretort which is heated to between 1030 K to 1375 K forsufficient time to deposit the coating.

(e) "Plasma Spraying" is an overlay coating process wherein agun (spray torch), which produces and controls a plasma,accepts powdered coating materials, melts them and propelsthem towards a substrate, whereon an integrally bondedcoating is formed.

NB:1 High velocity means more than 750 metres per second.2 Low pressure means less than ambient atmospheric

pressure.(f) "Slurry Deposition" is a surface modification coating or

overlay coating process wherein a metallic or ceramicpowder with an organic binder is suspended in a liquid and isapplied to a substrate by either spraying, dipping or painting;subsequently air or oven dried, and heat treated to obtain thedesired coating.

(g) "Sputtering" is an overlay coating process wherein positivelycharged ions are accelerated by an electric field towards thesurface of a target (coating material). The kinetic energy ofthe impacting ions is sufficient to cause target surface atomsto be released and deposited on the substrate.

NB:Triode, magnetron or radio frequency sputtering to increaseadhesion of coating and rate of deposition are ordinary modi­fications to the process.

(h) "Ion implantation" is a surface modification coating processin which the element to be alloyed is ionized, acceleratedthrough a potential gradient and implanted into the surfaceregion of the substrate. The definition includes processes inwhich the source of the ions is a plasma surrounding the


substrate and processes in which ion implantation isperformed simultaneously with "electron beam physicalvapour deposition" or "sputtering"."Cathodic arc deposition" employs a cathode which is con­sumable and has an arc discharge established on the surfaceby a momentary contact of ground trigger. Arc spots formand begin to erode randomly but uniformly the cathodesurface creating a highly ionised plasma. The anode can beeither a cone attached to the periphery of the cathodethrough an insulator or the chamber can be used as an anode.Substrates appropriately positioned receive deposits from theionised plasma. Substrate biasing is used for non-Iine-of-sightdeposition. A gas can be introduced in the vicinity of thesubstrate surface in order to react during deposition tosynthesise compound coatings.

NOTE:It is understood that technology embargoed by Item IL 1389consists of technical information, data or know-how regardingcriteria or parameters as follows:I. Technology for pretreatments of the substrates listed in the

Table, as follows:(A) Chemical stripping and cleaning bathcycle parameters,

as follows:(i) Bath composition

(a) For the removal of old or defective coatings,corrosion product or foreign deposits;

(b) For preparation of virgin substrates;(H) Time in bath;(Hi) Temperature of bath;(iv) Number and sequences of wash cycles;

(B) Visual and macroscopic criteria for acceptance of thecleaned part;

(C) Heat treatment cycle parameters, as follows:(i) Atmosphere parameters, as follows:

(a) Composition of the atmosphere;(b) Pressure of the atmosphere;

(ii) Temperature of heat treatment;(iii) Time of heat treatment;

(D) Substrate surface preparation parameters, as follows:(i) Grit blasting parameters, as follows:

(a) Grit composition;(b) Grit size and shape;(c) Grit velocity;

(ii) Time and sequence of cleaning cycle after grit blast;(Hi) Surface finish parameters;

(E) Masking technique parameters, as follows:(i) Material of mask;(H) Location of mask.

11. Technology for in situ quality assurance techniques forevaluation of the coating processes listed in the Table, asfollows:(A) Atmosphere parameters, as follows:

(i) Composition of the atmosphere;(H) Pressure of the atmosphere;

(B) Time parameters;(C) Temperature parameters;(D) Thickness parameters;(E) Index of refraction parameters.

Ill. Technology for post deposition treatments of the coatedsubstrates listed in the Table, as follows:(A) Shot peening parameters, as follows:

(i) Shot composition;(ii) Shot size;(Hi) Shot velocity;

(B) Post shot peening cleaning parameters;(C) Heat treatment cycle parameters, as follows:

(i) Atmosphere parameters, as follows:(a) Composition of the atmosphere;(b) Pressure of the atmosphere;

(H) Time-temperature cycles;(D) Post heat treatment visual and macroscopic criteria for

acceptance of the coated substrates.IV. Technology for quality assurance techniques for the

evaluation of the coated substrates listed in the Table, asfollows:(A) Statistical sampling criteria;(B) Microscopic criteria for:

(i) Magnification;(H) Coating thickness and thickness uniformity;(Hi) Coating integrity;(iv) Coating composition;

(v) Coating and substrates bonding;(vi) Microstructural uniformity. ,

V. Technology and parameters related to specific coating andsurface modification processes listed in the Table, as follows:(A) For "Chemical Vapour Deposition":

(i) Coating source composition and formulation;(ii) Carrier gas composition;(Hi) Substrate temperature;(iv) Time-temperature-pressure cycles;(v) Gas control and part manipulation;

(B) For "Electron-Beam Physical Vapour Deposition":(i) Ingot composition;(ii) Substrate temperature;(Hi) Reactive gas composition;(iv) Ingot feed rate;(v) Time-temperature-pressure cycles;(vi) Beam and part manipulation;

(C) For "Electrophoretic Deposition":(i) Liquid dielectric formulation, as follows:

(a) Composition;(b) Temperature;(c) Specific gravity;

(H) Particle size, distribution and composition;(Hi) Bath composition;(iv) Electric field strength;(v) Time cycle;(vi) Part fixturing;

(D) For "Pack Cementation":(i) "Pack" composition and formulation;(H) Carrier gas composition;(Hi) Time-temperature-pressure cycles;

(E) For "Plasma Spraying":(i) Powder composition, preparation and size dis-

tributions;(H) Feed gas composition and parameters;(iii) Substrate temperature;(iv) Gun power parameters;(v) Spray distance;(vi) Spray angle;(vH) Cover gas composition, pressure and flow rates;(vHi) Gun control and part manipulation;

(F) For "Slurry Deposition":(i) Slurry composition and formulation;(ii) Slurry application techniques;(iii) Time-temperature cycles;(iv) Part manipulation;

(G) For "Sputtering":(i) Target composition and fabrication;(ii) Geometrical positioning of part and target;(Hi) Reactive gas composition;(iv) Electrical bias;(v) Time-temperature-pressure cycles;(vi) Triode power;(vii) Part manipulation;

(H) For "Ion Implantation":(i) Beam control and part manipulation;(H) Ion source design details;(Hi) Control techniques for ion beam and deposition rate

parameters;(iv) Time-temperature-pressure cycles.

IL 1391"Robots", "robot" controllers and "robot" "end­effectors", as follows, and specially designedcomponents and. "specially designed software"therefor:

NOTES:1. Mechanical structures for "robots" are included in specially

designed components for the above.2. For simulation "" used in the evaluation, design and

optimisation of robotk systems, see Item IL 1566.

(a) "Robots" having any of the following characteristics:(I) Capable of employing feedba,ck inform'alion in "real-time

processing" from one or more "sensors" to generate ormodify "prograln'fne~\~," or to generate or modifynumerical programme data;

Security export control March 1989 23

IL 1391 (a) (1) NOTES

NOTES:1. This sub-item does not embargo "robots" capable of

using information derived only from "sensors"which can be used to measure:(a) The internal state of the "robot", Le., velocity,

position (by other than inertial positionmeasuring systems), drive motor current orvoltage, fluid or gas pressure or temperature;

(b) Through-the-arc current (or voltage) for weldseam tracking; or

(c) Binary or scalar values for:(1) Determining the position of the "robot"

relative to a work piece;(2) Tool drive motor voltage or current or

hydraulic/pneumatic pressure for deter­mination of force or torque; or

(3) External safety functions.2. This sub-item does not embargo "robots" capable of

using information derived only from vision systemslimited as follows:(a) Capable of processing no more than 100,000

pixels using an industrial television camera, orno more than 65,536 pixels using a solid-statecamera;

(b) Using a single scene analysis processor havingneither a word size of more than 16-bit(excluding parity bits) nor parallel processingfor the same task;

NB:Systems with a 16-bit word length and notmore than a 32-bit architecture are regarded as16-bit systems for the purposes of this sub­paragraph.

(c) "Software" not capable of full three­dimensional mathematical modelling or fullthree-dimensional scene analysis;

NB:This scene analysis limitation precludes neitherapproximation of the third dimension byviewing at a given angle, nor limited grey scaleinterpretation for the perception of depth ortexture for the approved tasks (2 1/2 D);

(d) Having no "user-accessible programmability"other than by input reference images throughthe system's camara; or

(e) Capable of no more than one scene analysisevery 0.1 second.

3. This sub-item does not embargo "robots" capable ofusing information derived only from "end-effectors"not embargoed by sub-item (c).

4. "Software" provided for "robots" released by Notes2 or 3 above shall be in "object code" only.

5. Documentation provided for "robots'i released byNotes 2 or 3 above shall not exceed that necessaryto perform the operation, repair or maintenance ofthe "robot".

(2) Specially designed to comply with national safetystandards applicable to explosive munitions environ­ments;

(3) Incorporating means of protecting hydraulic linesagainst externally induced punctures caused by ballisticfragments (e.g. incorporating self-sealing lines) anddesigned to use hydraulic fluids with flash points higherthan 839 K (566°C, I050°F);

(4) Specially designed for underwater use (Le., incorporatingspecial techniques or components for sealing, pressurecompensation or corrosion resistance);

"NOTE:"For underwater manipulator mechanisms, see Item IL1417.

(5) Operable at altitudes exceeding 30,000 metres;(6) Specially designed for outdoor applications and meeting

military specifications therefor;(7) Specially designed or rated for operating in an electro­

magnetic pulse (EMP) environment;

24 Security export control March 1989

(8) Specially designed or rated as radiation-hardened"beyond that necessary to withstand normal industrial(Le., non-nuclear industry) ionising radiation;

(9) Equipped with "robot" manipulator arms which containfibrous and filamentary materials embargoed by Item IL1763;

(10) Equipped with precision measuring devices embargoedby Item IL 1532; or

(11) Specially designed to move autonomously its entirestructure through three-dimensional space in asimultaneously coordinated manner, except systems inwhich the "robot" moves along a fixed path;

NOTE:This sub-item does not embargo "robots" speciallydesigned for household use or those modified fromhousehold "robots" for educational purposes (pre­university) if not embargoed by the other provisions ofthis Item.

(b) Electronic controllers for "robots" having any of thefollowing characteristics:

NOTES:1. For controllers capable of controlling numerically

controlled machine-tools or dimensional-inspectionmachines, see Item IL 1091.

2. For "digital computers" not "embedded" in controllers,see Item IL 1565.

(1) Controllers specially designed to be part of a "robot"embargoed ,by (a) (2) to (8), (a) (10) or (11) above;

(2) Minimum programmable increment less (finer) than0.001 mm per linear axis;

(3) Having more than one integral interface which meets orexceeds ANSI/IEEE standard 488-1978, IEC publication625-1 or any equivalent standard for parallel dataexchange;

(4) Capable of being programmed by means other than lead­through, key-in (Le., without processing, on-line or off­line) or teach-pendant techniques;

(5) Word size exceeds 16 bit (excluding parity bits);

NB:Systems with a 16-bit word length and not more than a32-bit architecture are regarded as 16-bit systems for thepurposes of this sub-item.

(6) Incorporating interpolation algorithms for an order ofinterpolation higher than two;

(7) Generation or modification of the programmed path,velocity and functions other than the following. by on­line, "real-time processing":(i) Manual velocity override;(H) Linear, rotary or Cartesian offset;(Hi) Manual "robot" path editing (including manual path

compensation) excluding "source language" used toprogramme automatically the "robot" path, velocityor function;

(iv) Branching to pre-programmed modification of"robot" path, velocity or function;

(v) Fixed cycles (e.g., macro instructions or pre­programmed sub-routines); or

(vi) Key-in or teach-in modifications;

NOTE:Sub-item (b) (7) does not embargo controllers limited tooperations with "robots" described in Notes 1, 2 or 3 tosub-item (a) (1).

(c) "End-effectors" having any of the following characteristics:(1) Having integrated computer-aided data processing,

except those using "sensors" used to measure the para­meters or values specified in Note 1 to sub-item (a) (1);

(2) Equipped with an integral interface which meets orexceeds ANSI/IEEE Standard 488-1978, IEC publication625-1, or any equivalent standard for parallel dataexchange;

(3) Having any of the characteristics in (a) (2) to (8) and (a)(10) above.

NOTES:1. Definitions of the terms used in this Item:

(a) For the purposes of this Item, a "robot" is a manipulation

mechanism, which may be of the continuous path or ofthe point-to-point variety, may use "sensors", and has allthe following characteristics:(1) Is multifunctional;(2) Is capable of positioning or orienting material, parts,

tools or special devices through variablemovements in three dimensional space;

(3) Incorporates three or more closed or open loopservo-devices which may include stepping motors;and

(4) Has "user-accessible programmability" by means ofteach/playback method or by means of anelectronic computer which may be a programmablelogic controller, Le., without mechanical inter­vention.

NB:The above definition does not include the followingdevices:(1) Manipulation mechanisms which are only

manually/teleoperator controllable;(2) Fixed sequence manipulation mechanisms

which are automated moving devices, oper­ating according to mechanically fixedprogrammed motions. The programme ismechanically limited by fixed stops, such aspins or cams. The sequence of motions and theselection of paths or angles are not variable orchangeable by mechanical, electronic orelectrical means;

(3) Mechanically controlled variable sequencemanipulation mechanisms which areautomated moving devices, operatingaccording to mechanically fixed programmedmotions. The programme is mechanicallylimited by fixed, but adjustable stops, such aspins or cams. The sequen«e of motions and theselection of paths or angles are variable withinthe fixed programme pattern. Variations ormodifications of the programme pattern (e.g.,changes of pins or exchanges of cams) in one ormore motion axes are accomplished onlythrough mechanical operations;

(4) Non-servo-controlled variable sequence mani­pulation mechanisms which are automatedmoving devices, operating according tomechanically fixed programmed motions. Theprogramme is variable but the sequenceproceeds only by the binary signal frommechanically fixed electrical binary devices oradjustable stops;

(5) Stacker cranes defined as Cartesian coordinatemanipulator systems manufactured as anintegral part of a vertical array of storage binsand designed to access the contents of thosebins for storage or retrieval.

(b) "End-effectors" include grippers, "active tooling units"and any other tooling that is attached to the baseplate onthe end of the "robot's" manipulator arm(s). An "activetooling unit" is a device for applying motive power,process energy or sensing to the workpiece;

(c) For the purposes of this Item, a "sensor" is defined as adetector of a physical phenomenon, the output of which(after conversion into a signal that can be interpreted bya controller) is able to generate "programmes" or modifyprogrammed instructions or numerical programme data.This includes "sensors" with machine vision, infraredimaging, acoustical imaging, tactile feel, inertial positionmeasuring, optical or acoustic ranging or force or torquemeasuring capabilities.

NB:For computer related terms, see Item IL 1565 or IL1566.

FORTlJEPEOPL~tS.~~UBLlCOFCHIN~~~LY:2. 'The' 'm-nt<>f'tlt., f()1I0WiD8~ui~!'ient:·.'<

(ar,,, .. , ..... ,ts"embars~}jys~b-~'(~J\VbjCft{~ef()~'~dvit;·•.••···~:(~dp~:·'IfI~~:I?,. ..~t~:(al:(2)to,(~)(8).• (a)

'(I),(11tt,'·;·.\ ·.,:i ~." ..~' ••. '; ",,~., .... ;.' ••.•. ';;','."X' .., ' •...... " .,p<~"

€b) D"ft)nic·~f>Dtrolle,,·'embarlbed:'l)y'~i_,;tI)f6r,the

NB:This' precludes.' the 'use of Visio.fSY~~"for:Weldseam '. tracking'dl.lfiDa .·the .. !eldin_,..'oper~n '.' bUtdoesBot:p~I~lttaig~t.lIne·. weldseam trackinll'uslna.~ftt€,llepua~,· ...~ .... ,... ',

(4) Capa~le ofRomor~' tJ:1~ 'one '~en~anatysiseyeryO~02 second; " ,

(5) The'~software» pro .~ tbevisiol1' prQCessor.shall be in. "obJed .. ett,only arr4"'aJfriot Rtapable .' ·.of full thre&dim~ionill' matbeJ1latit81modelling or fUD tbree-dimenslonal,scene analysis;

NB:This .sce~eanalysis .limitation does" n~fpr~ludeapproxilnation of the·third dimension'by viewing ata given angle, nor .Iimited greyseale interpretatiOnfor the perception of 'd~pth or texture for theapproved tasks (2 1/20).

IL 1399"Software" and technology for "automaticallycontrolled industrial systems", as follows, toproduce assemblies or discrete parts:

(a) "Software" with all the following characteristics:(1) Specially designed for "automatically controlled

industrial systems" which include at least eight pieces ofthe equipment enumerated in Technical Note (b) (1) to (9)below;

NOTES:1. The "digital computers" of the "automatically

controlled industrial system" do not share acommon "main storage" but exchange informationby transmitting messages through a "local areanetwork".

2. This sub-item does not release "software" in sourcecode.

(2) Integrating, in a hierarchical manner, while havingaccess to data which may be stored outside the super­visory "digital computer", the manufacturing processeswith:(i) Design functions; or(ii) Planning and scheduling functions; and

(3) (i) Automatically generating and verifying the manu­facturing data and instructions, including selectionof equipment and sequences of manufacturingoperations, for the manufacturing processes, fromdesign and manufacturing data; or

(ii) Automatically reconfiguring the "automaticallycontrolled industrial system" through reselectingequipment and sequences of manufacturing oper­ation by "real..time processing" of data pertaining toanticipated but unscheduled events; and

NOTE:This sub-item does not embargo "software" which onlyprovides rescheduling of functionally identical equipmentwithin "flexible maflufaeturfng units" using prestored '-part"programmes and a pre:stored strategy for the distribution ofthe "part" programmes.

Security export control March 1989 26

IL 1399(b)(b) Technology for the design of Uautomatically controlled

industrial systems" which will be used with the usoftware"embargoed by (a) above, regardless of whether or not theconditions of (a) (1) are met.

TECHNICAL NOTE:For the purposes of this Item:(a) An Uautomatically controlled industrial system" is a

combination of:(1) One or more uflexible manufacturing units"; and(2) A supervisory "digital computer" for coordination of the

independent sequences of computer instructions to, fromand within the uflexible manufacturing units";

(b) A "flexible manufacturing unit" is an entity which comprisesa combination of a "digital computer" including its own "mainstorage" and its own "related equipment", and at least one ofthe following:(1) A machine tool or a dimensional inspection machine

embargoed by Item IL 1091 or IL 1370;(2) A urobot" embargoed by Item IL 1391;(3) A digitally controlled spin-forming or flow-forming

machine embargoed by Item IL 1075;(4) A digitally contro~d equipment embargoed by Item IL

1080, IL I a8 I , ILl 086 0 r ILl088;(5) A digitally controlled electric arc device embargoed by

Item IL 1206;(6) Digitally controlled equipment embargoed by Item IL

1354 or IL 1355 (b);(7) Digitally controlled equipment embargoed by Item IL

1357;(8) Digitally controlled electronic equipment embargoed by

Item IL 1529; or(9) A digitally controlled measuring system embargoed by

Item IL 1532;

NB:For the definitions of other terms in quotation marks, see Item IL1391, IL 1565 or IL 1566.

EXPLANATORY NOTE:Sub-item (a) above does not embargo Usoftware" (in "machineexecutable form" only) for industrial sectors other than nuclear,aerospace, shipbuilding, heavy vehicles, machine building,microelectronics and electronics. It is also understood that thisNote does not release design technology specified in sub-item (b)above.

NOTE:The phrase "in a hierarchical manner" refers to the "software"relationship between a supervisory computer and at least one"flexible manufacturing unit" as defined in Technical Notes (a) and(b). The "software" has an overall management function thatsubordinates the manufacturing process to the design or planningand scheduling function regardless of the physicalcommunications link or of the equipment configurations.

Group ETransportationequipmentIL 1401Reciprocating diesel engine development andproduction technologies, including "speciallydesigned software", as follows:(a) Development and production technology, including

"specially designed software", for reciprocating diesel engineground vehicle propulsion systems having all of the followingspecifications:(1) A box volume of 1.2m3 or less;

26 Security export control March 1989

(2) An overall power output of more than 750 kW based on80/1269/EEC, ISO 2534 or national equivalents;

(3) A power density of more than 700 kW1m3 of boxvolume.

NOTES:1. The box volume is defined as the product of three

perpendicular dimensions measured in the followingway:Length: The length of the crankshaft from front flange toflywheel face;Width: The greatest of the following:(a) The outside dimension from valve cover to valve

cover;(b) The dimension of the outside edges of the cylinder

heads; or(c) The diameter of the flywheel housing;Height: The greater of the following:(a) The dimension of the crankshaft centreline to the

top plane of the valve cover (or cylinder head) plus2 times the stroke; or

(b) The diameter of the flywheel housing.2. Not used.3. Not used.

(b) Development and production technology for solid or dry filmcylinder wall lubrication permitting operation at tempera­tures in excess of 723 K (450°C) measured on the cylinderwall at the top limit of travel of the top ring of the piston.

IL 1416Vessels, surface-effect vehicles, water-screwpropellers and hub assemblies, water-screwpropeller systems, moisture and particulateseparator systems and specially designedcomponents, as follows:(a) Hydrofoil vessels with automatically controlled foil systems

which are capable of speeds of above 40 knots in rough water(Sea State Five);

(b) Surface~effect vehicles, Le. hovercraft, air cushion vehicles(both sidewall and skirted varieties) and all variations ofvehicles using the wing-in-ground effect for positive lift;

(c) Small waterplane area twin-hull (SWATH) vessels havingunderwater hulls whose cross-sectional area varies along thelongitudinal axis between points two major diameters fromthe bow and two major diameters from the stern;

TECHNICAL NOTE:SWATH vessels are those which maintain buoyancy bymeans of submerged hulls using slender struts to support thedeck and superstructure of the vessel above the waterline.

(d) Vessels incorporating:(I) Equipment covered by any Munitions List Item, or by

any of the following Items IL 1485, IL 1501, IL 1502and IL 1510;

(2) Degaussing facilities; or(3) Closed ventilation systems designed into the vessel

which are designed to maintain air purity and positivepressure regardless of the conditions external to thevessel except where those closed ventilation systems arespecially designed for and incorporated in the vessel'smedical facilities only;

NOTE:This sub-item does not apply to vessels containing equipmentcovered by Items IL 1485, IL 1501, IL 1502 or IL 1510whose export has been previously authorized.

(e) Water-screw propellers and hub assemblies, as follows:(I) Supercavitating propellers rated at greater than 10,000

hp;(2) Controllable-pitch propellers and hub assemblies rated at

above 40,000 hp capacity;(t) Water-screw propeller systems, as follows:

(1) Contrarotating propeller systems rated at greater than20,000 hp,

(2) Ventilated, base-ventilated and super-ventilatedpropeller systems;

(3) Systems employing pre-swirl and post-swirl techniquesfor smoothing the flow into a propeller so as to improvepropulsive efficiency of:

.IL 1417Submersible systems (even when incorporated in8 submersible vehicle), 8S follows, and speciallydesigned components therefor:

NOTES:1. .. This item does not embargo specially designed components

for equipment which would not have been embargoed had itnot been modified:.

2. Sub-item (a) above embargoes equipment using light metal

Enable the vehicle to move within ten metres of apredetermined point in the water column;Maintain the position of the vehicle within ten metres ofa predetermined point in the water column; orMaintain the position of the vehicle within ten metreswhile following a cable on or under the sea bed;

(c) Underwater vision systems, as follows:(1) Television systems (comprising camera, lights, monitor

and signal transmission equipment) specially designed ormodified for remote operation with a submersiblevehicle, having a "limiting resolution", when measuredin the air, more than 500 lines, using IEEE Standard208/1960 or any equivalent standard;

TECHNICAL NOTE:"Limiting resolution" in television is a measure ofresolution usually expressed in terms of the maximumnumber of lines per picture height discriminated on a testchart.

(2) Systems specially designed or modified for remoteoperation with a sub'mersible vehicle employing tech­niques to minimize the effects of back-scatter, such asrange-gated illuminators;

(d) Remotely controlled articulated manipulators speciallydesigned or modified for use with submersible vehicles andhaving any of the following characteristics:(1) Systems which control the manipulator using infor­

mation from sensors which measure force or torqueapplied to an external object, distance from an externalobject, or tactile sense between the manipulator and anexternal object;

(2) Controlled by proportional master-slave techniques or byusing a dedicated stored-programme computer; or

(3) Capable of exerting a force of 250 Newtons or more or atorque of 250 Newton-metres or more and using titaniumbased alloys or fibrous and filamentary compositematerials in their structural members;

(e) Photographic cameras and associated equipment speciallydesigned or modified for use underwater, having a filmformat of 35 mm or larger, and capable of any of thefollowing:(1) Film advancement of more than 5 frames per second;(2) Annotating the film with data provided by a source

external to the camera;(3) Taking more than 250 full frame exposures without

changing the film;(4) Autofocusing specially designed or modified for use

underwater; or(5) Operating at depths of more than 1,000 metres;

(f) Light systems specially designed or modified for use underwater, as follows:(1) Stroboscopic lights capable of:

(i) Light output energy of more than 150 joules perflash; or

(ii) Flash rates of more than 5 flashes per second at alight output energy of more than 10 joules per flash;

(2) Other lights and associated equipment, capable ofoperating at depths of more than 1,000 metres;

(For underwater "robots", see Item IL 1391).

(a) Automatically-eontrolled atmosphere-regeneration systemsspecially designed or modified for submersible vehicleswhich, in a single chemical-reaction cycle, ensure carbondioxide removal and oxygen renewal;

(b) Systems specially designed or modified for the automatedcontrol of the motion of a submersible vehicle usingnavigation data and having closed-loop servo-control(s) so asto:(1)



TECHNICAL NOTE:For the K factor, see AGMA tables of K factor values(based on tooth profile, pinion and gear materials andsurface endurance limits).

(8) Water-cooled electrical propulsion machinery (motorand generator), including AC-AC synchronous and AC­DC systems, sectored-disc and concentric-drum rotors forDC homopolar machines, for SWATH vessels, hydrofoilvessels and surface-effect vehicles;

(9) Superconducting electrical propulsion machinery forSWATH vessels, hydrofoil vessels and surface-effectvehicles;

(10) Lift fans for surface-effect vehicles, rated at greater than400 hp;

(11) Waterjet propulsor systems rated at 3,000 input hp orgreater for hydrofoil vessels and surface-effect vehicles;

(See also Item ML 9 on the Munitions List.)

(For marine gas turbine engines, see also Item IL 1431.)

TECHNICAL NOTES:1. Anisotropic construction methods relate to the use

of fibre reinforcing members aligned so that theload-carrying ability of the structure can beprimarily orientated in the direction of expectedstress.

2. Orthotropic construction methods relate to meansof stiffening plates, in which the structural membersare at right angles to each other.

3. Sandwich construction methods relate to the use ofstructural members or plates which are fabricatedand permanently affixed in layers to enhance theirstrength and reduce their weight.

(4) Flexible skirts, seals and fingers for surface-effectvehicles;

(5) Systems for automatically controlling the stability ofSWATH vessels, hydrofoil vessels or surface-effectvehicles;

(6) Power transmission shaft systems which incorporatecomposite material components, for SWATH vessels,hydrofoil vessels or surface-effect vehicles;

(7) Lightweight, high capacity (K factor greater than 150)gearing (planetary, cross-connect and multiple inputloutput gears and bearings) for SWATH vessels, hydrofoilvessels and surface-effect vehicles;

NOTE:Technology control for the moisture and particulate separatorsystems covered by this sub-item above is limited to thefollowing:(1) Technology for preventing water leakage around the

filter stages; and(2) Technology for integrating the components of such a

system.(h) Specially designed components for vessels covered by sub­

items (a), (b) and (c) above, as follows:(1) Advanced hull forms which incorporate any of the

following:(i) Stepped hulls for hydrofoil vessels;(ii) Hulls for air cushion vehicles with trapezoidal

planforms;(Hi) Hulls for surface-effect vehicles with catamaran-like

sidewalls;(iv) Hulls for wing-in-ground effect vehicles;(v) Underwater hulls and struts for SWATH vessels;

(2) Fully submerged subcavitating or supercavitatinghydrofoils;

(3) Lightweight structural components for SWATH vessels,hydrofoil vessels and surface-effect vehicles, constructedusing anisotropic, orthotropic or sandwich constructionmethods.

(i) SWATH vessels, hydrofoil vessels, and surface­effect vehicles; or

(ii) Other vessels whose propeller rotational speed isabove 200 rpm, or having propellers with a ratingexceeding 50,000 hp per shaft;

(g) Moisture and particulate separator systems which are capableof removing 99.9 per cent of particles larger than 2 micro­metres in diameter with a maximum pressure loss of 1.6 kPa(16 millibar) for gas turbine engine air inlets.

Security export control March 1989 21

IL 1417 NOTE 2 continued

peroxides such as K~ without covering the shipment of K~itself.

3. Sub-item (b) above does not embargo automated controlsystems incorporated in underwater bulldozers or trench­cutters not capable of operating at depths greater than 100metres and possessing only negative buoyancy.

4. Sub-item (c) above does not embargo television cameras usedmerely through a porthole.

5. Sub-item (d) (1) above does not embargo systems where forceor torque are only measured and then displayed to theoperator.

IL 1418Deep submergence vehicles, manned orunmanned, tethered or untethered, capable ofoperating at depths exceeding 1,000 metres, andspecially designed or modified associatedsystems, equipment, components and materialstherefor, including but not limited to thefollowing:

(a) Pressure housings or pressure hulls;(b) Propulsion motors and thrusters;(c) Hull penetrators or connectors.

(For syntactic foam, see Item IL 1759.)

(For hull penetrators for military use, see Item ML 9 on theMunitions List.)

(For manned underwater vehicles which may be discretelyoperated with an autonomy equal to or greater than 10 hours, seeItem ML 9 on the Munitions List.)

IL 1425Floating docks, "software" and technologytherefor, as follows:

(a) Floating docks specially designed for use at remote locations(i.e. without support from shore bases).

the three types of facilities described in the Note to thatsub-item; and

(2) Design, production and use of onboard floating dockfacilities covered by sub-item (b) above which permit theoperation, maintenance and repair of nuclear reactors.

IL 1431Marine gas turbine engines (marine propulsionor shipboard power generation engines),whether originally designed as such or adaptedfor such use, and specially designed componentstherefor:

NOTES:1. Embargo of aero or industrial gas turbine engines and their

specially designed components which have been adapted formarine propulsion or shipboard power generation does notre-embargo (or embargo, for industrial gas turbine engines)the unmodified version of such engines and their speciallydesigned components (see also Item IL 1460).

2. Shipboard power generation does not include offshoreplatform applications.

3. Engines and their specially designed con1ponents covered bythis Item for non-marine propulsion or non-shipboard civilend-use, provided that:(a) The numbers to be exported are appropriate for the

stated end-use;(b) Only the minimum necessary technology for

maintenance and repair is transferred; and(c) None of the following technologies is transferred:

(1) Technology which is common to aero-enginetechnology embargoed by Item IL 1460 and is noteligible for national discretion treatment under thatItem;

(2) Technology for liquid-cooled turbine blades orvanes and nozzles capable of operating in hot gastemperature environments greater than 1OOooC andtheir "associated systems";

TECHNICAL NOTE:"Associated systems" are closely connected to theengioe and consist of the specially designed coolingfluid and fuel control systems, pumps, condensersand fluid purification systeIns.

NOTE:These docks incorporate the following three facilities at least:(1) Welding and pipe fitting repair shop(s);(2) Electrical and electronic repair shop(s);(3) Mechanical repair or metal working (machine) shop(s);and normally contain more than 3,000 kW (4,000 hp) ofelectrical power generation equipment.

(b) Floating docks specially equipped to permit the operation,maintenance or repair of nuclear reactors;

(c) Floating docks having all the following characteristics:(1) A lifting capacity of more than 40,000 short tons (36,364

metric tons).(2) Larger tqan 120 metres in length and 30 metres in width,

measured between the pontoons;(d) "Specially designed software" for computer-eontrolled

pumping and flooding systems for the above floating docks,to permit the docking of listing vessels;

(e) Technology covered by this Item is limited to the following:(1) That portion of the design of a floating dock covered by

sub-item (a) above which relates to the incorporation of


Goods described can be licenced at nationaldiscretion for export to the proscribedcountries.

(3) Technology for fuel nozzles, combustors and gasturbine engine-mounted fuel-handling systems (fuel .pumping, metering and controls) which permitmarine gas turbines to burn heavy residual fuel oils(ASTM grades 5 and 6 or equivalent);

TECHNICAL NOTE:ASTM grade 5 residual fuel-oil has a maximumkinematic viscosity of 81 centistokes at 50°C(122°F), and ASTM grade 6 residual fuel-oil has akinematic viscosity range of 92 to 638 centistokes at50°C (122°F). Kinematic viscosity is measured bythe Saybolt-furol viscosimeter (the test n1easures thetime in seconds for 60 cc of the oil to pass throughthe furol orifice).

(4) Technology for high-temperature (above 700°C gastemperature) heat exchangers for pre-heating C001­pressor exit air;

(5) Technology for lightweight, compact cornbined gasturbine and steam (COGAS) systems having heatrecovery rates of more than 40,000 BTU/hr. percubic foot of waste heat boiler volume, or more than1000 BTUIhr. per pound of waste heat boilerweight, designed for use with gas turbine enginesfor marine propulsion or shipboard powergeneration.

4. Core-section modules and specially designed componentscovered by Item IL 1460 shall be treated under theprovision$ of that Item even if the gas turbine aero-engine hasbeen modified for use in marine propul~ion or shipboardpower generation.

'28 Security export control March 1989

IL 1460Aircraft and helicopters, aero-engines and air­craft and helicopter equipment, and technologytherefor, as follows:

NOTE:The provisions of this Item, do not release technology forcomputer-aided design (CAD) or computer-aided design/manufac­turing (CAD/CAM); or technology relating to manufacturingequipment or hardware, embargoed by Items IL 1080, IL 1081,IL 1086, IL 1088, IL 1091, IL 1312, IL 1357, IL 1361, IL 1362,IL 1371, IL 1522, IL 1529 or any other Item, for the productionor evaluation of aero-engines, APUs, "helicopter power transfersystems" or their specially desigped components, or technologyspecific to production of superalloys as embargoed by Item IL1301.

(a) Aircraft and helicopters, except those which do not containequipment covered by the Munitions List or Items IL 1485 orIL 1501 (unless the export of such equipment is elegible fornational discretion treatment under IL 1485 and IL 1501)and which are of types which are in bona fide normal civiluse;

(b) Technology for aircraft and helicopter airframes, for aircraftpropellers, and for aircraft and helicopter airframe aircraft­propeller, and "helicopter-rotor-systems" components, asfollows, and "specially designed software" therefor:

TECHNICAL NOTE:"Helicopter-rotor-systems" consist of hubs, blades, bladeattachments and upper controls. Upper controls are thosecontrol elements located in the rotating system including theswashplate if used.(1) Design technology using computer-aided aerodynamic

analyses for integration of the fuselage, propulsionsystem and lifting and control surfaces to optimizeaerodynamic performance throughout the flight regimeof an aircraft;

(2) Technology for the design of active flight controlsystems, as follows:(i) Technology for configuration design for inter­

connecting multiple microelectronic processingelements (on-board computers) tOo achieve high­speed data transfer and high-speed data integrationfor control law implementation;

(H) Technology for control law compensation for sensorlocation and dynamic airframe loads, Le. compen­sation for sensor vibration environment and forvariation of sensor location from centre of gravity;

(Hi) Technology for electronic management of systemsredundancy and data redundancy for faultdetection, fault tolerance and fault isolation;

NOTE:This sub-item does not embargo technology for thedesign of physical redundancy in hydraulic ormechanical systems or in electrical wiring.

(iv) Technology for design of flight controls whichpermit in-flight reconfiguration of force andmoment controls;

TECHNICAL NOTE:Active flight control systems function to preventundesirable aircraft motions or structural loads byautonomously processing outputs from multiplesensors and then providing necessary preventativecommands to effect automatic control.

(3) Design technology for integration of flight control,navigation and propulsion control data into a flightmanagement system for flight path optimization;

(4) Design technology for protection of avionic andelectrical sub-systems against electromagnetic pulse(EMP) and electromagnetic interference (EMI) hazardsfrom sources external to the aircraft, as follows:(i} Technology for design of shielding systems;(ii) Technology for the configuration design of

hardened electrical circuits and sub-systems;(iii) Determination of hardening criteria for the above;

(5) Technology for the design, production and recon­struction of adhesively bonded airframe structuralmembers designed to withstand operational tempe­ratures in excess of 120°C (248°F);

NOTE:Airframe structural members mentioned in this sub-itemdo not include engine nacelles and thrust reversers.

(6) Technology for the design and production of propellerblades constructed wholly or partly of compositematerials, and specially designed hubs therefor;

NOTE:This sub-item does not embargo technology for theproduction of propeller blades:(a) Constructed wholly of wood or glass-fibre­

reinforced plastics; or(b) Which are constructed mainly of wood or glass­

fibre-reinforced plastics; and which use othermaterials only in the leading edge or tip.

(7) Technology for the design and production of digitalelectronic synchrophasers specially designed forpropellers; technology for the design of digital electroniccontrols for propellers; and technology for theproduction of digital electronic controls for the

..propellers described in (6) above;(8) Technology for the design and production of active

laminar flow control lifting surfaces;

NOTE:Design technology covered by this sub-item includes thedata used to substantiate the design approach.

(9) Technology for the development of helicopter multi-axisf1y-by-light or fly-by-wire controllers which combine thefunctions of at least two of the following into onecontrolling element:(i) Collective controls;(ii) Cyclic controls;(iii) Yaw controls.

(10) Technology for the development of "circulation­controlled" anti-torque or directional control systems forhelicopters;

TECHNICAL NOTE:"Circulation-controlled" anti-torque and directionalcontrol systems utilise air blown over aerodynamicsurfaces .to increase or control the forces generated bythe surfaces. Buried fan-in-fin anti-torque designs fittedor not fitted with guide vanes such as the "fenestron" areexcluded from this category.

(11) Technology for the development of helicopter rotorblades incorporating variable geometry airfoils;

TECHNICAL NOTE:Variable geometry airfoils utilise trailing edge flaps oftabs, or leading edge slats or pivoted nose droop, whichcan be controlled in position in flight.

(12) Technology for the development of active control ofhelicopter blades and other surfaces used to generateaerodynamic forces and moments;

TECHNICAL NOTE:Active control (of helicopter blades and other surfacesused to generate aerodynamic forces and moments)functions to prevent undesirable helicopter vibrations,structural loads, or helicopter rotor dynamic behaviourby autonomously processing outputs from multiplesensors and then providing necessary preventivecommands to effect automatic control.

(c) "Helicopter power transfer systems" and technology therefor,except:(i) Those "helicopter power transfer systems" destined for

use in "civH helicopters" only~ as follows:(1) Those which have been in civil use in bona fide

"civil helicopters" for more than eight years;(2) Those which it is tonsidered do not contain, and

were qot fabricated utilizing, any of thetechn04o'gief~shown in Note 9;

Security export control March 1989 29

IL 1460 (c) (I) (3)

(3) Not used.(4) Those for replacement in or servicing of specific,

previously exported helicopters;(ii) Data not in the public domain resulting from "helicopter

power transfer system" performance and installationdesign studies; fabrication technology, or overhaul andrefurbishing technology for specific "helicopter powertransfer systems" in civil use in bona fide "civilhelicopters" for more than eight years, unless theyremain listed in Note 9;

NOTE:"Helicopter power transfer system" performance andinstallation design data do not include technology for:computer-aided design (CAD); computer-aideddesign/manufacturing (CAD/CAM); or parametricperformance analysis, engine analysis and selection, orcomponent design utilizing unpublished technical data.

(d) Gas turbine engines and auxiliary power units (APUs) for usein aircraft or helicopters and technology therefor, except:(i) Those destined for use in "civil aircraft" or "civil

helicopters" only, as follows:(l) Jet, turboprop and turboshaft aircraft engines in

civil use in bona fide "civil aircraft" or "civilhelicopters" for more than eight years, or which it isconsidered do not contain, and were not fabricatedutilizing, any of the technologies shown in Note 8;

(2) Not used.(3) Gas turbine powered aircraft APUs in civil use in

bona fide "civil aircraft" or "civil helicopters" formore than eight years, or where it is considered donot contain, and were not fabricated utilizing, anyof the technologies shown in Note 8;

(ii) Data not in the public domain resulting from aircraftperformance and installation design studies; fabricationtechnology, or overhaul and refurbishing technology forspecific gas turbine aero-engines or gas turbine poweredaircraft APUs in civil use in bona fide "civil aircraft" or"civil helicopters" for more than twelve years, unlessthey remain listed in Note 8;

NOTE:Aircraft performance and installation design data do notinclude technology for: computer-aided design (CAD);computer-aided design/manufacturing (CAD/CAM); orparametric engine performance analysis, engine cycleanalysis and selection, or component aerodynamicdesign utilizing unpublished technical data.

(e) Specially designed components for gas turbine engines, APUsand "helicopter power transfer systems", embargoed by (c)and (d) above, as follows:(1) Embodying technologies listed under Notes 8 or 9;(2) Hot-section components;(3) Engine control system components;(4) Gas turbine engine or APU rotor system components

(including bearings);

NOTE:(Aero-engines, APUs or "helicopter power transfer systems" whichhave any special feature designed for a military application areembargoed by the Munitions List. See also Items IL 1485 and IL1501. For technology relating to industrial gas turbine engines,see Item IL 1372; for marine gas turbine engines and relatedtechnology, see Item IL 1431.)

NOTES:1. "Civil aircraft" and "civil helicopters" are defined under Note

10.2. The period of bona fide civil use referred to in sub-items (c)

and (d) above begins with the date that the particular engineor "helicopter power transfer system" (model andspecifications) or its most recent modification was certified asairworthy for commercial service or commercial navigabilityunder the standards and requirements of the government ofthe country in which it was manufactured. However, it isrecognized that many modifications which may requirerecertification may pertain to minor safety or operational

30 Security export control March 1989

changes which do not significantly enhance the performanceof a particular gas turbine aero-engine or improve itsreliability. It is the intent for control purposes, that:(a) A gas turbine aero-engine which is recertified as the

result of incorporating any technology listed in Note 8will be treated as a newly certified engine.Recertification which does not result from incorporationof such technology, or modifications which do notrequire recertification by national authorities, will notaffect the current period of civil use of the engine;

(b) Modification of a gas turbine APU by incorporation ofany technology listed in Note 8 will cause it to be treatedas a new APU. Other modifications will not affect thecurrent period of civil use of the APU;

(c) Modification of a "helicopter power transfer system" byincorporation of any technology listed in Note 9 willrestart the control period for the "helicopter powertransfer system" as though it were newly certified in ahelicopter. Other modifications will not affect the currentperiod of civil use of the "helicopter power transfersystem".

3. "Helicopter power transfer systems" referred to in sub-item(c) above are defined as all those components which transferpower from the engine to the. main and tail rotor blade(s).

4. Exports of technology, including transfer of skills and data,necessary for the design, fabrication, assembly andproduction testing of gas turbine engines embargoed by sub­item (d) above or of the specially designed componentsembargoed by sub-item (e) are subject to the embargo except,for civil use only, as provided in (a) to (g) below and in Notes 7and 8. It is intended that export of any of these technologiesto a military end-user or for military end-use be subject to theembargo. This Note does not remove from embargocomputer-aided design (CAD) or computer-aideddesign/manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology. Onlytechnology which is non-CAD, non-CAD/CAM may beshipped as provided for in the appropriate sub-paragraph(s).This Note also does not release technology relating tomanufacturing equipment or hardware, covered by Items IL1080, IL 1086, IL 1088, IL 1091, IL 1312, IL 1357, IL1361,IL 1522, IL 1529 or any other Item, for the productionor evaluation of gas turbine engines or their speciallydesigned components, or technology specific to production ofsuperalloys as embargoed by Item IL 1301.(a) Technology, including transfer of skills and technical

data, necessary for aircraft performance analyses andinstallation design studies of specific gas turbine aero­engines or aircraft gas turbine APUs embargoed by sub­item (d) above or of their specially designed componentsembargoed by sub-item (e) above shall be subject to theembargo for a period of twelve years, as defined in Note2, after those engines have entered into bona fide civiluse. From the end of the embargo period, the abovetechnology may be shipped to civil end-users for civilend-uses.

(b) Fabrication technologies listed in Note 8 for gas turbineaero-engines or aircraft gas turbine APUs embargoed bysub-item (d) above or for their specially designedcomponents embargoed by sub-item (e) above shallremain embargoed until those engines or APUs havebeen in civil use for more than twelve years, as definedin Note 2, unless they remain listed in Note 8.Fabrication technologies (other than CAD/CAM) to civilend-users for civil end-uses provided that such enginetechnologies have been in engines or APUs in civil usefor more than eight years, as defined in Note 2.

(c) Fabrication technology for gas turbine aero-engines oraircraft gas turbine APUs embargoed by sub-item (d)above, or for specially designed components embargoedby sub-item (e) above, which do not embody anytechnology listed in Note 8.Fabrication technologies (other than CAD/CAM) to civilend-users for civil end-uses.

(d) Technology for assembly and production testing of gasturbine aero-engines or aircraft gas turbine APUsembargoed by sub-item (d) above, or of their speciallydesigned components embargoed by sub-item (e) above.Technology (other than CAD/CAM) to civil end-users forcivil end-uses.

(e) Technology for on-site installation, operation,maintenance and repair of gas turbine engines or APUs

embargoed by sub-item (d) above.Technology (other than CAD/CAM) to civil end-users forcivil end-uses.

(f) Overhaul and refurbishing technologies for gas turbineengines or APUs embargoed by sub-item (d) above or forspecially designed components embargoed by sub-item(e) above, which embody any technology listed in Note8, shall remain embargoed until those engines or APUshave been in civil use for more than twelve years, asdefined in Note 2.Overhaul and refurbishing technologies (other than CADor CAD/CAM) to civil end-users for civil end-usesprDvided that such engines or APUs have been in civiluse for more than eight years, as defined in Note 2.

(g) Overhaul and refurbishing technologies for gas turbineengines or APUs embargoed by sub-item (d) above or forspecially designed components embargoed by sub-item(e) above, which do not embody any technology listed inNote 8, shall remain embargoed until those engines orAPUs have been in civil use for more than eight years, asdefined in Note 2.Know-ho"'! (other than CAD or CAD/CAM) to civil end­users for civil end-uses.

NB:The provisions of (a) to (g) above apply provided that:(a) Technology as described in this Note, including

unpublished data (all data other than those generallyavailable to the public), to be provided will be theminimum necessary in content and quality for thepurposes of the transaction; and

(b) It is considered that the specially designed componentsto be assembled into gas turbine engines or APUsproduced by the recipient with technology suppliedunder this Note, and all the gas turbine engines andAPUs thereby assembled, will be for civil use asdescribed in Note 10.

5. Exports of technology including transfer of skills and data,necessary for the design, fabrication, assembly and pro­duction testing of "helicopter power transfer systems"embargoed by sub-item (c) above, or of the specially designedcomponents embargoed by sub-item (e) above, shall besubject to the embargo except, for civil use only, as providedin (a) to (g) below and in Note 9. It is the intent that export ofany of these technologies to a military end-user or for militaryend-use be subject to embargo. This Note does not removefrom embargo computer-aided design (CAD) or computer­aided design/ manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology. Onlytechnology which is non-CAD, non-CAD/CAM may beshipped as provided for in the appropriate sub-paragraph(s).This Note also does not release technology relating tomanufacturing equipment or hardware, covered by Items IL1088,IL 1091, IL 1312, IL 1357, IL 1371, IL 1522, IL 1529or any other Item, for the production or evaluation of"helicopter power transfer systems" or their speciallydesigned components.(a) Technology, including transfer of skills and technical

data, necessary for "helicopter power transfer systems"performance analyses and installation design studies ofspecific "helicopter power transfer systems" embargoedby sub-item (c) above or of their specially designedcomponents embargoed by sub-item (e) above shall besubject to the embargo for a period of eight years, asdefined in Note 2, after those systems have entered intobona fide civil use. From the end of the embargo period,the above technology may be shipped to civil end-usersfor civil end-uses.

(b) Fabrication technologies listed in Note 9 for "helicopterpower transfer systems" embargoed by sub-item (c)above or for specially designed "helicopter powertransfer system" components embargoed by sub-item (e)above shall remain embargoed until those technologieshave been in bona fide "civil helicopters" in civil use formore than eight years, as defined in Note 2, unless thetechnology remains listed in Note 9.Those fabrication technologies (other than CAD/CAM) tocivil end-users for civil end-uses, provided that such"helicopter power transfer system" technologies havebeen in bona fide "civil helicopters" in civil use for morethan six years, as defined in Note 2.

(c) Fabrication technology for "helicopter power transfer

systems" embargoed by sub-item (c) above or ,forspecially designed "helicopter power transfer system"components embargoed by sub-item (e) above, whic~ donot embody any technology listed in Note 9.Fabrication technology (other than CAD/CAM) to civilend-users for civil end-uses.

(d) Technology for assembly and production testing of"helicopter power transfer systems" embargoed by sub­item (c) above or of their specially designed componentsembargoed by sub-item (e) above.Technology (other than CAD/CAM) to civil end-users forcivil end-uses.

(e) Technology for on-site installation operation,maintenance and repair of "helicopter power transfersystems" embargoed by sub-item (c) above.Technology (other than CAD/CAM) to civil end-users forcivil end-uses.

(f) Overhaul and refurbishing technologies for "helicopterpower transfer systems" embargoed by sub-item (c)above, or for specially designed components embargoedby sub-item (e) above, which embody any technologylisted in Note 9, shall remain embargoed until those"helicopter power transfer systems" have been in civiluse for more than eight years, as defined in Note 2.Overhaul and refurbishing technologies (other than CADor CAD/CAM) to civil end-users for civil end-uses,provided that such "helicopter power transfer system"technologies have been in bona fide "civil helicopters" incivil use for more than six years, as defined in Note 2.

(g) Overhaul and refurbishing technologies for "helicopterpower transfer systems" embargoed by sub-item (c)above, or for specially designed components embargoedby sub-item (e) above, which do not embody any tech­nology listed in Note 9, shall remain embargoed untilthose "helicopter power transfer systems" have been incivil use for more than eight years, as defined in Note 2.Overhaul and refurbishing technologies (other than CADor CAD/CAM) to civil end-users for civil end-uses.

NB:The provisions of (a) to (g) above apply provided that:(a) Technology as described in this Note, including

unpublished technical data (all data other than thatgenerally available to the public), to be provided will bethe minimum necessary in content and quality for thepurposes of the transaction; and

(b) It is considered that the specially designed componentsto be assembled into "helicopter power transfer systems"produced by the recipient with technology suppliedunder this Note, and the "helicopter power transfersystems" thereby assembled will be for civil use asdescribed in Note 10.

6. The shipment, for civil end-uses by civil end-users, of:(a) "Helicopter power transfer systems" embargoed by sub­

item (c) above when incorporated in bona fide "civilhelicopters" as defined in Note 10;

(b) Gas turbine engines or APUs embargoed by sub-item (d)above for incorporation into or incorporated in bona fide"civil aircraft" or "civil helicopters" as defined in Note10;

(c) Specially designed cornponents ernbargoed by sub-item(e) above, for use in engines, APUs or "helicopter powertransfer systems" authorized for production inproscribed destinations or previously exported under (a)or (b) above, provided that:(1) The specially designed components will only be

incorporated in engines, APUs or "helicopter powertransfer systems" produced for use in bona fide"civil aircraft" or "civil helicopters" as defined inNote 10; and

(2) It is conSidered that exports of specially designedcomponects for "helicopter power transfer systems"embodying technologies listed in Note 9, or for gasturbine aero-engines or aircraft gas turbine APUsembodying technologies listed in Note 8, only inquantities appropriate:(i) To support the assembJy of that number of

"helicopter power transfer systems", engines orAPUs .. required for installation in, and asstan(k4rd ~pares for, bona fide "civil aircraft" or"civil helicopters" in current production; or

(ii) To support current civil fleet operati()ns.

Security export control March 1989 31

IL 146ONoTE 7Table 1 (see It 1460 NOTE 8)

I. Materials and manufacturing procedures Initial certifi- Enginecation date

Type certi­ficate number

7. This Item does not embargo for civil use gas turbine engines,APUs and "helicopter power transfer systems" and modifi­cations (and technology therefor) certified or re-eertified forcivil use, as described in Note 2 prior to the 1st January 1979,and not embargoed by the following definitions:Helicopters over 4530 kg (10,000 Ib) empty weight, andpower transmissions systems therefor;

FOR PEl?!U:'S;REPti8IJCO'CHlrfAONLY:10» The" ,sbipnient', ", of '",aircraft:a.nd,' .'. belicopters which are

COil$i.«t,~be.,oflypes wbicb·are'in,bonafidenormal civilU$e, wbich.cofltain equipmentcovered by.ltemsIL1485 orlL1501, provided that:.(a) ,M,eJQbarl~deomponent$. in'$l.ldlair~aft or

:belicopters.'ar~' lim.~edtotl1o..n~Y;installedby thentallukcturer;

(b) and maintenan~.· of,4tm~rloed' "inertialfla)'j8ation$y&teJJ1.~ ':ao,t ,,complete: ,·:overbaul, ofembargoed ',' ,ensines 'wiUbeperifurme6 in ,·a .non..pJ:oseribed country or by repre$eotative& of tbeWesterns~pplierl; :and

(cl Embarloed parts win be'replaced,onaone·for-one basis.11. The terms "civil aircraft" and "civil helicopters" are

understood to include only those types of civil aircraft andhelicopters which are listed by designation in publishedairworthiness certification lists by the civil aviationauthorities to fly commercial civil internal and externalroutes or for legitimate civil, private or business use. The totalnumber of aircraft or helicopters (and aero-engines or"helicopter power transfer systems") by type which may beincluded within the terms "civil aircraft" and "civilhelicopters" shall not exceed that number which appears toconstitute a reasonable requirement for operation ofpublished scheduled services or for legitimate civil, private orbusiness use.

NOTE:Empty weight is understood to include normal installationand normal minimum crew, but does not include fuel or pay­load.Aero-engines, as follows:(i) Piston engines;(H) Jet engines of less than 2,265 kg (5,000 Ibs) thrust;(Hi) Turboprop or turboshaft engines of less than 2,500

hors~power or with a residual thrust of less than 453 kg(I,OOOlbs).

8. Sub-item (d) above does not embargo for use in bona fide"civil aircraft" or "civil helicopters" those engines which it isconsidered contain none of the technologies listed. Gasturbine engines embodying any of these technologies shallremain under embargo until the technology has been in civiluse for eight years, as defined in Note 2, after the initialcertification date (shown in table 1). The followingtechnologies shall remain under control for twelve years afterthe initial certification date of the engine in (shown in table 1),unless the expiration date of the embargo period is extended:

9. Sub-item (c) above does not embargo for use in bona fide"civil helicopters" those "helicopter power transfer systems"which it is considered contain none of the technologies listedbelow. "Helicopter power transfer systems" embodying anyof these technologies, and these technologies themselves,shall remain under control for eight years after the initialcertification date (shown in table 2), unless the expirationdate is extended:

(.. ) Embargo period extended by three years to 30th September 1989.(**) Embargo period extended by three years to 16th September 1988.(** .. ) Embargo period extended by three years to 7th April 1989.

Type certi­ficate number

























Initial certifi- Helicoptercation date

30/09174 JT9D-7F E20EANone


01178 JT8D-17 E2EA


30/09174 JT9D-7F E20EA16/09/70 (.... ) CF6-6 E23EA


13/01/78 TFE-731 E6WE

07/04/71(* .... ) JT8D-15 E2EA

I. Materials and manufacturing procedures

Adjustable flow path geometry andassociated control systems for:• fans None• gas generator turbine(s) None• fan/power turbine(s) None• propelling nozzles None

(Adjustable flow path geometry and associated control systems do not include: inlet guidevanes, variable pitch fans. variable stators or bleed valves for compressors.)

Full authority or hybrid digital electroniccontrol and respective sensor equipment

High temperature (capable of utilizinggases heated above 1,100° C) heatexchangers for preheating compressor exitair

Combustors with combustion in severalstages

Maintenance of compressor or turbine tipclearance through methods employingactive compensating casing technology:• compressor alone• turbine alone• compressor and turbineCeramic bearings

Nozzles with thrust vectoring (not includingreverse thrust) None

NB: Technology for computer-aided design/manufacturing (CAD/CAM) is not released bythe deletion of any technology from the above list.

A. Rotor heads, containing:• Hot-isostatically pressed materialsB. Gear boxes, containing:• Novikoff-type gears

• Gears or gear support structures basedon materials applying directionalsolidification or monocrystal technology

• High contact-ratio double-helical (arrow-shaped) gears

• Fibre technology

• Hot-isostatically pressed components

• Gear tooth surfaces hardened byvacuum carburizing or ion nitriding

C. Drive shaft systems containing super­critical drive shafts

11. Construction methods

11. Construction methods

Ceramic, ceramic-composite or compositehot-section components (combuster, tur­bine blades and vanes, seals, discs, flowpath)

Turbine blades on basis of directionalsolidification or monocrystal technology• directional solidification 30/09/74"• monocrystal technology 25/11/80Turbine blades consisting of several partsconnected by diffusion bonding

Fibre technology in frames or in highlystressed discs, casings, blades and vanes

Protective coating technology for air­cooled turbine blades and vanes with inter­nal and external cooling passages and theirrelated flow paths capable of operating inhigh gas temperatures environments (in ex­cess of 1,499°C), irrespective of the ac­tual gas temperature environment in whichthey will be used, involving applications ormetallic or ceramic materials by vapour,pack, plasma, electron beam, sputtering orsintering processes

Metallic coatings• plasma sprayed• otherCeramic coatings

Application of powder metallurgy for fancompressor and turbine blades or vanes;discs, wheels, reduction gears, enginemain shafts and frames• discs• fan, compressor and turbine blades or

vanes, wheels, reduction gears, enginemain shafts and frames

Cooled components on basis of elec­trostream or laser drilling methods;• electrostream drilling• laser drillingElectron beam drilling for small holes in tur­bine blades and vanes (Item IL 1080 I csets out the parameters for small holes)

Titanium or superalloy-casting on basis ofcentrifugal techniques

Ceramic core casting technology forcasting holes in turbine blades and vanes

Table 2 (see IL 1460 NOTE 9)

Goods described can be licenced at nationaldiscretion for export to the proscribedcountries.


A. Components fabricated by diffusionbonding None

B. High-survivability loss-of-Iubricationtechnology for high-speed bearings (ONequal to or greater than 2.4 millionwhere 0 is expressed in millimetres andN in rpm) None _

NB: Technology for computer-aided design/manufacturing (CAD/CAM) is not released bylhe deletion of any technology from the above list.

32 Security export control March 1989

NOTE:The intention of Note 2 to Item IL 1460 is to ensure an eight-yearembargo on gas turbine aero-engines, gas turbine powered aircraftAPUs, and "helicopter power transfer systems". A twelve-yearcontrol of technologies for aero-engines and APUs, and an eight­year control of technologies for "helicopter power transfersystems" applies. It is intended that, even after these time periodshave elapsed, the aero-engines, APUs and "helicopter powertransfer systems" and technology therefor shall be exported onlyfor use in bona fide "civil aircraft" or "civil helicopters".Computer-aided design (CAD) or computer-aideddesign/manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology is not removedfrom embargo, nor authorised for national discretion, by anyprovision of Item IL 1460.

The technology which shall be treated according to Notes 4 and5 to Item IL 1460 is defined as follows:1) On-site maintenance, component/sub-assembly replacement

or repair;On-site installation;On-site assembly and related testing;Operational limitations;System specifications;Tooling drawings 'tor on-site maintenance and moduleseparation;Illustrated parts catalogue;Operations engineering bulletins;On-site maintenance manual;

2) Fabrication:Production line assembly and test;Heat treating;Drilling processes;Chemical processes;Materials composition;Foundry practices;Protective coating application techniques;Powder metallurgy;Joining techniques;Complex machining techniques;Direction solidification and single-crystal blade/vanefabrication technology;

3) Design:(a) Aircraft performance analyses and installation design

studies not in the public domain including data specific toa particular engine:Tabulated performance data for installation design use;Structural and heat transfer analysis;Vibration analysis;Bearing and seal design;Durability and heat analysis;Engine skin temperatures, engine cycle pressures, andengine thruster nozzle coefficients;Mounting system analysis;Lubrication system analysis;Fuel system analysis;Control system analysis;Exhaust system analysis;Engine noise characteristics;Dimensions/tolerances;Airfoil shapes;

(b) Helicopter power transfer system performance analysesand installation design studies not in the public domain(including data specific to a particular helicopter powertransfer system):Dimensions/tolerances;Mounting system analysis;Structural analysis;Vibration analysis;Bearing and seal design;Durability and heat transfer analysis;Lubrication systems analysis;Gear-box noise characteristics;

4) Other design technologies, not released on the basis of age,including but not limited to:(a) For engines or APUs:

CAD or CAD/CAM (including design and analysiscomputer programmes, parametric engine performanceanalysis);Engine cycle analysis and selection;Component aerodynamic design;Airfoil cooling and seal design;

(b) For "helicopter power transfer systems":

CAD or CAD/CAM (including parametric helicoptergear-box performance analysis and helicopter load-cycleanalysis and selection). .

IL 1465"Spacecraft" and launch vehicles, as follows:

(a) "Spacecraft", manned or unmanned (not including theirpayloads);

NOTE:For controls applicable to products contained in "spacecraft"payloads, see the appropriate List items.

(b) Launch vehicles;(c) Propulsion systems, guidance equipment, attitude control

equipment and on-board communications equipment forremote control of the equipment embargoed by sub-items (a)or (b) above;

(d) Specially designed components for the above.

TECHNICAL NOTE:"Spacecraft" are defined as active and passive satellites and spaceprobes.

NOTE:Scientific-mission space probes which do not contain equipmenteither covered by sub-item (c) above or covered by any other itemon these Lists are not covered by this Item.

IL 1485Compasses, gyroscopes (gyros), accelerometersand inertial equipment, and specially designed"software" therefor, as follows; and speciallydesigned components therefor:

(See also Items IL 1385 and IL 1465.)

(a) Gyro compasses with provision for determining andtransmitting ship's level reference data (roll, pitch) in additionto own ship's course data;

(b) Integrated flight instrument systems which include gyro­stabilisers or automatic pilots for aircraft and speciallydesigned integration "software" therefor, except:(1) Flight instrument systems integrated solely for VOR/ILS

navigation and approaches; or(2) Integrated flight instrument systems which:

(i) Have been in normal civil use for more than twoyears; and

(H) Are standard equipment and "software" of aircraftexcluded from embargo under Item IL 1460;

NOTE:An integrated flight instrument system is a primary instru­ment display system of attitude and azimuth with facilities forgiving manoeuvre guidance information to the pilot and oftenintegrated with an autopilot to the extent of embodying acommon unit for setting up the required demands.

(c) Gyro-astro compasses and other devices which deriveposition or orientation by means of automatically trackingcelestial bodies;

(d) Gyro-stabilisers used for other purposes than aircraft controlexcept:(1) Those for stabilising an entire surface vessel; or(2) Those which have been in normal civil used for more

than two years;(e) Automatic pilots used for purposes other than aircraft control

and specially designed integration "software" therefor,except marine types for surface vessels:

(t) Accelerometers with a threshold of 0.005 g or less or alinearity error within 0.25 per cent of full scale output or both,which are designed fo~ use in inertial navigation systems or inguidance systems of at) t)pes;

(g) Gyros with a rated free directional drift rate (rated freeprecession) of less than 0.5 degree (1 Sigma or r.m.s.) per hourin a 1 g environment;

Security export cpntrol March 1989 33

IL 1485(h)(h) Continuous output accelerometers which utilize 'servo' or

'force balance' techniques and gyros, both specified tofunction at acceleration levels greater than 100 g;

(i) Inertial or other equipment using accelerometers embargoedby (I) or (h) above or gyros embargoed by (g) or (h) above, andsystems incorporating such equipment, and speciallydesigned integration "software" therefor;

0) Specially designed test, calibration and alignment equipmentfor commodities embargoed by any of the above sub-items.


NOTE:~qujPfJleot,etn~ar8ged,by sulritem'.(b), as fonows:R~asonablequan~~i,ti.of-integratetJ fUghtinstrumentation systems·spare parts,con$lilUtin.~P t() a six-mQnthsupply 0.1 such parts at I'lormalratesof consumption "for aircraft previously exported',to .. tbe,"People'sRepublic:'ofCbina. underNQte 10 to Item 1460. providedtbey arereplacementp~ for equipment previously instal'ed..

Groups F and GElectronic equipmentincludingcommunications, radar,computer hardwareand software

See also Item ML 11

NB:Broadcast and television receivers of the domestic type are 'expressly exempt from control.

IL 1501Navigation, direction finding, radar and airbornecommunication equipment, as follows:(See also Items IL 1485 (b) and (i), IL 1573 and IL 1574.)

(a) Airborne communication equipment having any of thefollowing characteristics, and specially designed componentsand "specially designed software" therefor:(1) Designed to operate at frequencies greater than 156

MHz;(2) Incorporating facilities for:

(i) The rapid selection of more than 200 channels perequipment; or

(ii) Equipment using frequency synthesis techniques(see also Item IL 1531);except equipment operating in the frequency rangeof 108 to 136 MHz with 720 channels or fewer at notless than 25 kHz spacing, and which has been innormal civil use for at least one year;

(3) Rated for continuous operation over a range of ambienttemperatures extending from below -55°C to above+55°C;

(4) Designed for modulating methods employing any formof digital modulation using time and frequencyredundancy such as 'Quantized Frequency Modulation'(QFM);

NOTE:This sub-item does not embargo airborne communicationequipment which is not embargoed by (4) above and:

34 Security export control March 1989

(a) Is needed to equip "civil aircraft"; or(b) Is normal standard equipment incorporated in "civil

aircraft";(b) Navigation and direction finding equipment, as follows,

specially designed components and "specially designedsoftware" therefor, and specialised testing, calibrating andtraining/simulating equipment therefor:(1) Airborne navigation equipment and direction finding

equipment, as follows:(i) Designed to make use of "Doppler" frequency

phenomena, except navigation equipment to beinstalled in "civil aircraft" or "civil helicopters", andwhich, is normal standard equipment of a typeinstalled in "civil aircraft" or "civil helicopters" in aWestern country.

N.B.:Technology for navigation equipment usingDoppler frequency phenomena remains underembargo.

(ii) Utilising the constant velocity or the rectilinearpropagation characteristics of electro-magneticwaves having frequency less than 4 x 1014Hz (0.75microns);

(iii) Radio altimeters, the following:(a) Pulse modulated;(b) Frequency modulated having a displayed

electrical output accuracy better than ± 0.914m (±3 ft) over the range between 0 and 30.4 m(100 ft) or better than±,3 per cent above 30.4m (100 ft), except standard commercialairborne equipment needed to equip "civilaircraft" or "civil helicopters" or as normalstandard equipment incorporated in "civilaircraft" or "civil helicopters" being exportedfor civil commercial use, provided suchequipment is equivalent in all characteristicsand performance to standard equipment ofaircraft not subject to embargo, and which arefrequency-modulated radio altimeters whichhave been in normal civil use for a period ofmore than one year.

N.B.:Technology of these radio altimeters remainsunder embargo.

(c) Frequency modulated which have been innormal civil use for less than one year;

TECHNICAL NOTE:The accuracy is related to that provided by theelectrical output circuits of the altimeter at anyaltitude. The word accuracy also refers to the equip­ment's accuracy over time. This accuracy over timeis defined for the instrument itself without referenceeither to a calibrated value or to a designatedelectrical value.

(iv) Direction finding equipment operating atfrequencies greater than 5MHz;

(v) Rated for continuous operation over a range ofambient temperatures extending from below-55°C to above + 55°C.

NOTES:1. Sub-item (b) (1) (ii) does not embargo Loran-C

equipment having all of the followingcharacteristics:(a) It has been in normal civil use for a period of

more than one year;(b) It is standard commercial equipment:

(1) Needed to equip "civil aircraft"; or(2) Incorporated in "civil aircraft";

(c) It is equivalent in all characteristics and per­formances to standard equipment of aircraftnot subject to embargo;

(d) It is in conformity with IeAO standards;(e) It is not designed to make use of hyperbolic

grids at frequencies higher than 3MHz; and(f) It does not contain electronic equipment which:

(1) Can compute the position of the aircraftin one coordinate system when furnishedposition information in another coordinate

system (Le., "coordinate conversion equip­ment");

(2) Could not be shipped under the provisionsof Item IL 1565; and

(3) Has been in normal civil use for a periodof less than one year.

2. Direction finding equipment specially designed forsearch and rescue purposes and operating at afrequency of 121.5 MHz or 243 MHz is not coveredby this sub-item. This exclusion also applies topersonallocator beacons operating in this form andwhich may also have an additional channelselectable for voice mode only.

(2) Ground and marine equipment for use with airbornenavigation equipment utilising the constant velocity orthe rectilinear propagation characteristics of electro­magnetic waves having frequency less than 4 x 1014Hz(0.75 micron);

(3) Ground and marine direction finding equipmentoperating at frequencies greater than 30 MHz;

NOTE:This sub-item does not embargo equipment, other thansingle side band equipment, operating at frequencies upto 157 MHz and employing a loop system or a systememploying a number of spaced vertical aerials uniformlydisposed around the circumference of a circle, excludingelectronically commutated types.

(4) Timing receivers whose only function is automaticallyproviding time derived from satellite signals to within 1millisecond of Universal Coordinate Time (UCT) orbetter;

(5) Ground or marine navigation and geodetic positioningsystems designed for use with satellite-provided timingpositioning or navigation information;

(c) Radar equipment as follows, and specially designedcomponents, specialised testing, calibrating andtraining/simulating equipment, and "specially designed soft­ware" therefor:(For lidar equipment see Item IL 1522)(1) Airborne radar equipment;

NOTE:This Item does not embargo airborne civil weather radarconforming to international standards for civil weatherradars provided they they not include any of thefollowing:(a) Phased array antennas;(b) "Frequency agility";(c) "Spread spectrum"; or(d) Any signal processing specially designed for

tracking of vehicles.(2) Ground and marine radar equipment having one or

more of the following features:(i) Operating at a frequency not in normal civil use or

at a frequency of more than 10.5 GHz;(ii) Operating at a frequency of less than 1.5 GHz and

having a peak output power from the transmittergreater than 2.5 MW; or operating at a frequencywithin the range of 1.5 to 3.5 GHz and having apeak output power from the transmitter greaterthan 1.5 MW; or operating at a frequency within therange of 3.5 to 6 GHz and having a peak outputpower from the transmitter greater than 1 MW; oroperating at a frequency within the range of 6 to10.5 GHz and having a peak output power from thetransmitter greater than 500 kW;

(iii) Operating at a frequency of less than 3.5 GHz andhaving an 80 per cent or better probability ofdetection for a 10 sq.m. target at a free space rangeof 250 nautical miles; or operating at a frequencywithin the range of 3.5 to 10.5 GHz and having an80 per cent or better probability of detection for 10sq.m. target at a free space range of 100 nauticalmiles;

(iv) Utilising other than pulse modulation with aconstant or staggered pulse repetition frequency, inwhich the carrier frequency of the transmittedsignal is not changed deliberately between groupsof pulses, from pulse to pulse, or within a singlepulse; except civil commercial airport radars using a

carrier frequency that may change from pulse topulse between two fixed frequencies separated intime and in frequency ~y constant magnitudes;

(v) Utilising a Doppler technique for any purpose otherthan M.T.I. systems using a conventional double ortriple pulse delay line cancellation technique; exceptthose utilised for surveillance and control radars foraerial navigation in civil airports;

(vi) Including any digital signal processing techniquesused for automatic target tracking, or having afacility for electronic tracking;

(vii) Including signal processing techniques other thanthose covered by sub-item (vi) above, which havebeen in normal civil use for a period of less than twoyears;

(viii) In the case of ground radar, having been incommercial use for a period of less than one year.

TECHNICAL NOTE:Probability of detection is determined according to thefollowing parameters:(a) Radial closing velocity of the target: 610 metres per

second (2,OOO feet per second);(b) Probability of false alarm: 10-8;

(c) Operator factor: 3dB; and(d) Fluctuation of the target in accordance with Rayleigh


NOTE:(a) Radar equiprnent embargoed only by (2) (i), (ii) or (Hi)

above, provided that both of the following conditions aremet:(1) It is specially designed for the surveillance and

coordination of airfield surface traffic; and(2) It is to be installed at airports operating scheduled

commercial flights;(b) Radar equipment embargoed only by (2) (ii) or (Hi) above,

or by both, provided that all the following conditions aremet:(1) Operating at a frequency of not more than 1.5 GHz

and having a peak output power from the trans­mitter not greater than 5 MW; or operating at afrequency within the range of 1.5 to 3.5 GHz andhaving a peak output power not greater than 2.5MW;

(2) Having an 80 per cent or better probability ofdetection for a 10 sq.m. target at a free space rangeof 270 nautical miles;

(3) Having a pulse repetition frequency exceeding 300pulses per second;

(4) It is to be installed for air traffic control of scheduledinternational commercial flights;

(c) Radar equipment covered only by (2) (iv) or (v) above,provided it is to be installed for air traffic controlpurposes in international airports and has been innonnal civil use for a period of not less than three years;

(d) Radar equipment covered by (2) (vi) above, provided it isspecially designed for marine, harbour or meteorologicaluse, or has been in normal civil use for not less thanthree years;

(e) Radar equipment covered only by (2) (vii) above,provided it is specially designed for marine (or harbour)use, or radar equipnlent embargoed only by (2) (vii) or(viii) above, or both, provided it is specially designed formeteorological observation.

TECHNICAL NOTES:1. The term "civil aircraft" and "civil helicopters" are

understood to include only those types of "civil aircraft"and "civil helicopters" which are listed by designation inpublished a.irworthiness certification lists by the civilaviation authorities to fly commercial civil internal andexternal routes or for legitimate civil, private or businessuse.

2. By "coordinate conversion equipment" is meantelectronic equipment designed to compute the positionof the aircraft in one coordinate system when furnishedposition information in another coordinate system.

NOTES:1. Nothing in the following shall be construed as permitting the

Security export control March 1989 36

IL 1501NOTE 1 continued

export of specially designed "software" or technology fornavigation, direction finding, radar and airbornecommunication equipment, or technology for speciallydesigned components therefor, except for the minimum"software" and technology for the use (Le. the installation,operation and maintenance) of the following equipment. ThisItem does not embargo the following:(a) Standard commercial airborne equipment listed in sub­

item (b) (1) (ii) above needed to equip "civil aircraft" or"civil helicopters" or as normal standard equipmentincorporated in "civil aircraft" or "civil helicopters"being exported for civil commercial use provided, suchequipment is in conformity with ICAO standards andassures no function exceeding those resulting from suchstandards, is not designed to use satellite-broadcastednavigation signals and is not designed to make use ofhyperbolic grids at frequencies greater than 3 MHz.(Standard commercial airborne equipment designed tomake use of hyperbolic grids at frequencies of less than 3MHz may be exported if coordinate conversionequipment, which has been in normal civil use for lessthan one year, or which could not be shipped under theprovisions of Item IL 1565, is not included and is notseparately supplied.) Normal civil equipment released bythis paragraph consists of: Marker beacons, ILS, VOR("OMNI"), Omega, Loran A and B;

(b) Ground and marine equipment listed in sub-item (b) (2)above, for use with airborne navigation equipment usingthe constant velocity or rectilinear propagationcharacteristics of electromagnetic waves having afrequency less than 4 x 1014 Hz (wavelength 0.75 micro­metre), provided the ground equipment is for use at civilairports or for civil use in association with civil airborneequipment, and:(1) Is in conformity with ICAO standards and assures no

function exceeding those resulting from suchstandards;

(2) Is not designed to make use of hyperbolic grids atfrequencies greater than 3 MHz;

(c) Equipment listed in sub-item (b) (5) above which isrestricted to use with TRANSIT satellite systems or otherunembargoed systems and which is not also embargoedby sub-item (b) (4) above;

(d) Secondary radar equipment embargoed by sub-item (c)above specially designed for civil air traffic identificationand control purposes;

(e) Equipment assemblies for civil marine automatic radarplotting aids or electronic relative motion analyzersdesigned to achieve the requirements published by theInternational Maritime Organization in accordance withthe Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) conventions, providedthe designed tracking speeds do not exceed relativevalues of greater than 150 knots (77.1 metres/second);

(f) Ground radar of the hand-held and automobile-mountedtype used for vehicle speed monitoring by policeauthorities and operating in the frequency band from10.5 to 10.55 GHz.

(g) Global positioning satellite receivers listed in sub-items(b) (4) and (b) (5) above which have all of the followingcharacteristics:(1) Capable only of processing the Ll channel (also

called the Standard Positioning Service (SPS)channel);

(2) Capable of only the Short-Term Code (CoarseAcquisition Code (C/A) code) with short termgeneration cycle;

(3) No decryption capabilities;

(4) Including no cesium beam standards; and(5) Including no null steerable antennae.

2. Specialised testing or calibrating equipment shipped pursuantto the various exclusion clauses in this Item shall be limited toequipment:(a) Shipped with operational equipment for which the

exclusion clause is intended; or(b) Specifically for such operational equipment which has

previously been exported.

IL 1502Communication, detection or trackingequipment of a kind using ultra-violet radiation,infrared radiation or ultrasonic waves, andspecially designed components and "speciallydesigned software" therefore1. Infrared or ultra-violet sensing devices not otherwise

embargoed by Munitions List Item ML 15 and which containimage intensifiers embargoed by Item IL 1555 are dealt within this Item.

2. This Item does not embargo ultrasonic devices which operatein contact with a controlled material to be inspected, or whichare used for industrial cleaning, sorting or materials handling,industrial and civilian intrusion alarm, traffic and industrialmovement control and counting systems, medical appli­cations, emulsification, homogenisation, or simpleeducational or entertainment devices.

NB:Simple educational devices are defined as devices designedfor use in teaching basic scientific principles anddemonstrating the operation of those I;:inciples ineducational institutions.

3. This Item does not embargo underwater ultrasoniccommunications equipment designed for operation withamplitude modulation and having a communications range of500 m or less (Sea State 1), a carrier frequency of 40 to 60 kHzand a carrier power supplied to the transducer of 1 W or less.

4. This Item does not embargo the following:(a) Industrial equipment employing cells not embargoed by

Item IL 1548;(b) Industrial and civilian intrusion alarm, traffic and

industrial movement control and counting systems;(c) Medical equipment;(d) Industrial equipment used for inspection, sorting or

analysis of the properties of materials;(e) Simple educational or entertainment devices which

employ photo cells;(I) Flame detectors for industrial furnaces;(g) Equipment for non-eontact temperature measurement

for laboratory or industrial purposes utilising a singledetector cell with no scanning of the detector;

(h) Instruments capable of measuring radiated power orenergy having a response time constant exceeding 10ms;

(i) Equipment designed for measuring radiated power orenergy for laboratory, agricultural or industrial purposesusing a single detector cell with no scanning of thedetector and single detector cell assemblies or probesspecially designed therefor, having a response timeconstant exceeding 1 microsecond;

0) Infrared geodetic equipment, provided that equipmentuses a lighting source other than a laser and is manuallyoperated or uses a lighting source (other than a laser or aIight-emitting diode) remote from the measuringequipment.


Goods described can be licenced at nationaldiscretion for export to the proscribedcountries.

NB:Simple educational devices are defined as devices designedfor use in teaching basic scientific principles anddemonstrating the operation of those principles ineducational institutions.

5. This Item does not embargo:(a) Infrared thermal imaging equipment having all the

following characteristics:(1) The detector is a single element;(2) The detector is neither a charge coupled device

36 Security export control March 1989

(CCD) nor an integrate-while-scan device;(3) The detector is either:

(i) Not cooled; or(ii) Cooled by using a liquid nitrogen Dewar vessel;


NB:This sub-paragraph does not release Joule­Thompson coolers, cooling engines or thermoelectric coolers.

(4) The equipment is:(a) Non-ruggedised, medical equipment; or(b) Has both of the following:

(i) A resolution not exceeding 22,500resolvable elements; and

(ii) A Noise Equivalent Temperature Differ­ence (NETD) (or temperature sensitivity) ofno less than I.O°C;

(b) Infrared viewing equipment having all the followingcharacteristics:(1) The detector is a pyroelectric vidicon without

reticle;(2) The equipment is designed for fire fighting and

buried body detection; and(3) The optimal sensitivity is in the wavelength range

from 8 to 14 micrometres.

NB:Nothing in this Note shall be construed as releasing anytechnology from embargo.

FOR THE PEOPLE'S REPlJBUC;OF CHINA ONLY:6. Underwater ultrasoniceommunicatiol1$equipmenlwhich

does not:(a) Use electronic beam steering;(b) Incorporate any encryption·· technique; or(cl Have a carrier frequency outside the range of 20 to 60


IL 1510Marine or terrestrial acoustic or ultrasonicsystems or equipment specially designed forpositioning surface vessels or underwatervehicles, or for detecting or locating underwateror subterranean objects or features, andspecially designed components of such systemsor equipment, including but not limited tohydrophones, transducers, beacons, towedhydrophone arrays, beamformers andgeophones (except moving coil or movingmagnet electromagnetic geophones) and"specially designed software" therefor, except:

(i) Marine systems or equipment, as follows:(A) Active (transmitting, or transmitting and receiving)

systems or equipment, including but not limited to depthsounders and fish-finders and their associatedbeamformers, as follows:(1) Depth sounders used solely for measuring the depth

of water or the distance of submerged or buriedobjects vertically below the apparatus;

(2) Horizontally-operated object detection or locationsystems, having all of the following characteristics:(a) Transmitting frequency of 15 kHz or greater;(b) Sound pressure level less than 250 dB

(reference 1 micropascal at 1 metre) forequipment with operating frequency between15 an(j 30 kHz, with no decibel limitation forequipment operating at frequencies of 30 kHzor higher;

(c) Transmission capability limited to ±. 10 percent of the design centre frequency;

(d) Not designed to withstand pressure duringnormal operation at depths greater than 1,000metres;

(e) Displaying a range of 5,000 metres or less;(3) Electronic noise sources for vertically directional

use only, or mechanical (eg air gun or vapour-shocltgun) or chemical (eg explosive) noise sources;

(4) Acoustic systems or equipment for positioningsurface vessels or underwater vehicles, provided:(a) Their control capability is limited to release and

basic transponder capabilities;(b) They are not capable of processing responses

from more than four beacons in the calculationof a single point, and have neither devices norsoftware for correcting automatically velocity­of-propagation errors for point calculation, norany coherent signal processing means;

(c) They are capable only of operating within arange of less than 1,000 metres or, if capable ofoperating beyond a range of more than 1,000metres, are not capable of achieving positionalaccuracy of better (less) than 20 metres whenmeasured at a range of 1,000 metres;

(d) Transducers, acoustic modules or hydrophonestherefor are not designed to withstand pressureduring normal operation at depths greater than1,000 metres; and

(e) Beacons therefor are not designed to withstandpressure during normal operation at depthsgreater than 1,000 metres, do not haveoscillators with a stability greater than 10-5

over periods of 24 hours, and do not usecomplex codes or beamformers which haveshaded or formed beams;

(B) Passive (receiving, whether or not related in normalapplication to separate active equipment) acoustichydrophones or transducers having all of the followingcharacteristics:(1) Independently mounted or configured and not

reasonably capable of assembly by the user into atowed hydrophone array;

(2) Incorporating sensitive elements made of piezo­electric ceramics or crystal:(a) With a sensitivity no better than -180 dB

(reference 1 volt per micropascal) when notdesigned for operation at depths of more than100 m and not acceleration compensated;

(b) With a sensitivity no better than -192 dB(reference 1 volt per micropascal) when notdesigned for operation at depths of more than100 m;

(c) With a sensitivity no better than -204 dB(reference 1 volt per micropascal) when notdesigned for operation at depths of more than1000 m;

(ii) Terrestrial systems or equipment having both the followingcharacteristics:(a) Not reasonably capable of conversion by the user to

underwater or marine applications embargoed by thisItem;

(b) Not employing geophones or other transducersembargoed by this Item.

NOTES:1. Signal- and data-processing parameters for related

equipment are defined in Items IL 1529 and IL 1565,and parameters for related cable in Item IL 1526.

2. Magnetic detection and locating apparatus are coveredby Item IL 1571.

3. Nothing in this Item shall permit the export oftechnology or technical data associated with the design,manufacture or upgradJng of an item excepted fromembargo by this definition, when such technology ortechnical data are also relevant to equipment embargoedby this definition.

4. With respect to repairs and alterations to ships ownedand controlled by organisations in proscribeddestinations, t.hen those systems or equipmentembargoed by Item IL 1570 shall not be installedpursuant to such repair or alterations, unless previouslyapproved.(See also 'tern IL 1416.)

5. Acoustic syst"ms or equipment embargoed by this Itemfor use in positioning surface vessels or underwatervehicles are systems or equipment using acoustic traveltime differences between beacons operating as

Security export control March 1989 37

IL 1510NOTE 5 continued

responders, transponders or independent transmittersand one or more hydrophones carried by a surfacevessel or underwater vehicle.

6. Passive hydrophone sensitivities cited in this item arebased on sensitivity being defined as 20 times thelogarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of rms outputvoltage to a 1 volt reference, hydrophonesensor is placed in a plane wave acoustic field haVing anrms pressure of 1 micropascal.. For example, ahydrophone of -160 dB (reference 1 volt permicropascal) would yield an output voltage of 10-8 voltsin such a field, while one of -180 dB sensitivity wouldyield only 10-9 volts output.

7. Nothing in the following shall be construed as permittingthe export of technology for the following equipment.This Item does not embargo towed acoustic hydrophonearrays having all of the following characteristics:(a) Not specially designed for operation at greater than

100 metres depth or at tow speeds in excess of 8knots;

(b) Not incorporating temperature or heading sensors;(c) Having hydrophone groups uniformly spaced at not

less than 25 metres and not more than 60 metres;(d) Having an assembled diameter of 40 mm or greater

and using metallic strength members only;(e) Not having multiplexed hydrophone group signals;(f) Not having a configuration for multiple or

overlapping acoustic aperture operation;(g) Not having characteristics better than those

specified in sub-items (i) (B) (I) and (2) above; .(h) Not having associated processing equipment which

provides any of the following features: .(1) Electronically-steerable beamformlng

capabilities;(2) Side-lobe suppression techniques such as

shading coefficients;(3) On-line real-time processing or off-line batch

pre-processing capabilities exceeding the limitsspecified in Items IL 1529 and IL 1565.

FOR PEOPLE'S' REPUBUC ·OF CHINA ONLY:8. TbeshiPment .of 'the following equipment: .

(a) Ac()Usticsystems or equipment for positioning, surface i. vesselS ·ot underwater vehicles, providedthat:(1) They.·are·not capable ofproceS$ing r~ponses

from more than 8 beacon$ in tbe calculation ofa singJepoint;

(2) ;They.have neither de~ice$'nor·"software" forcorrecting ... au~omatically velocity..()f­propagation err()rsfor~ntc.lculatio~;.Th~y have. no calter-ent' .signal .proceSSIngmeans; and . .' ..' .'.~.. •.... .••. ,. . i

(4) Transducers, acoustic modules;' .beacons .or,:;N.hydrophooe$/ therefor~ arenotdesignrd .toi':,,:\ nonnaloperatlonat

,', ;.' ·.'dePths greatertban 1,OOOmelres;Cttl $J~ansu~ttom· Pfoflle$yaems 'QQ.·portion of

~iehls specially designed fori QPefatioD at d~pths.r~t.,r, :tban l,()OO ",elres.

IL 1514Pulse modulators capable of providing electricimpulses of peak power exceeding 20 MW or of aduration of less than 0.1 microsecond, or with aduty cycle in excess of 0.005; and pulsetransformer, pulse-forming equipment or delaylines being specially designed components ofsuch modulators.

IL 1516Receivers, as follows, and specially designedcomponents, accessories and "speciallydesigned software" therefor:(For instruments using time compression of theinput signal or FFf techniques associated withreceivers, see Item IL 1533 (i».

(a) Panoramic radio receivers (which search or scanautomatically a part of the electromagnetic spectrum. andindicate or identify the received signals); except ancdlaryequipment for commercial receivers with which thefrequency searched does not exceed a band~idth of 20 ~Hzor does not incorporate a raster or storage display capablhty;

(b) Digitally-controlled radio receivers, whether or not computercontrolled, which search or scan automatically a part of theelectromagnetic spectrum, in which t~e s~it~hing o~erati?n

takes less than 10 milliseconds, and which Indicate or IdentIfythe received signals, except non-ruggedized, digitally­controlled, pre-set type radio receivers designed for use incivil communications which have 200 selective channels orfewer (for digitally-controlled radio receivers using frequencysynthesizers, see also Item IL 1531);

(c) Receivers for "spread spectrum" and "frequency agile"systems having a total transmitted bandwidth w~ich is:(I) 100 or more items greater than the bandWidth of any

one information channel; and(2) In excess of 50 kHz;

(d) Receivers which incorporate digital signal processing, exceptreceivers specially designed for internationally allocated civilfrequency bands only and 'Yhich .d? n~t permit u~er­

accessible reprogrammability of the digital Signal-processingcircuits.

TECHNICAL NOTES:1. "Spread spectrum" is defined as the tec~ni~ue whereb.y

energy in a relatively narrow-band communication channel ISspread over a much wider energy spectrum under the controlof a random or pseudo-random bit stream. On receipt, thesignal is correlated with the same bit str~am to ~chiev.e .thereverse process of reducing the bandWidth to ItS ?nglnalform. By allocating different bit streams to differentsubscribers transmitting simultaneously, significantly greateruse can be made of available bandwidth.

2. "Frequency agility" (or frequency hopping) is another form of"spread spectrum" in which the transmission frequen~y of asingle communication channel is made to change by discretesteps under the control of a similar bit stream.

(See also Item IL 1517 (c).)

NOTE:This Item is not intended to cover signal analysers (see ItemIL 1533) or field strength meters (see Item IL 1529).


Goods described can be licenced at nationaldiscretion for export to the proscribedcountries.

IL 1517Radio transmitters, except radio relay 'com­munications equipment (for which see Item IL1520), as follows, and specially designed com­ponents therefor:

(a) Transmitters or transmitter-amplifiers designed to operate atoutput frequencies greater than 960 MHz;

(b) Transmitters or transmitter-amplifiers designed to provideany of the following features:

38 Security export control March 1989

(1) Any system of pulse modulation (this does not includeamplitude-, frequency- or phase-modulated televisions ortelegraphic transmitters or pulse-width modulated soundbroadcasting transmitters);

(2) Rated for operation over a range of ambienttemperatures extending from below -40°C to above+60°C;

(c) Transmitters for spread spectrum and frequency agilesystems having a total transmitted bandwidth which is:(For the definition of "spread spectrum" and "frequencyagility", see Technical notes 1 and 2 to Item IL 1516.)(1) 100 or more times greater than the bandwidth of any

one information channel; and(2) In excess of 50 kHz.

(For quartz crystals, see Item IL 1587; and for radiotransmitters incorporating transmitter drive units,exciters and master oscillators using frequencysynthesis, see also Item IL 1531.)

NOTE:This item is not intended to cover the following transmitters ortransmitter-amplifiers, or systems containing such equipment,accessories and sub-assemblies therefor:(a) Specially designed for medical applications and operating at

ISM frequencies;(b) Having an output power of not more than IOW, which are

specially designed for:(1) Industrial or civil intrusion detection and alarm;(2) Industrial and traffic detection, counting, speed

measurement, identification and movement control;(3) Carrying the information from the equipment above, or

the information of environmental, air or water, pollutiondetection or measurement systems.

(c) Transmitters using wideband amplifiers designed for non­frequency agile civil applications, such as television andmobile service.

IL 1518Telemetering and telecontrol equipment suitablefor use with aircraft (piloted or pilotless), spacevehicles or weapons (guided or unguided), andtest equipment specially designed for suchequipment.

NOTE:This item is not intended to cover equipment specially designed tobe used for remote control of toys such as model planes and boatsand having electric field strength of not more than 200 microvoltsper metre at a distance of 500 metres.

IL 1519"Telecommunication transmission equipment"and measuring and test equipment, as follows,and specially designed components, accessoriesand "specially designed software" therefor:(a) "Telecommunication transmission equipment" employing

digital techniques (including the digital processing ofanalogue signals) and having at least one of the followingcharacteristics:(1) Designed for a total digital transfer rate which, at the

highest multiplex level, exceeds:(A) 45 million bitls (including when designed for under­

water use); or(B) 8.5 million bitls for stored programme controlled

digital crossconnection equipment;

NOTE:The maximum of 45 million bitls for the highestmultiplex level does not preclude total digital transferrates of maximally a factor two (2 times) higher for:(a) Line terminating equipment;(b) Intermediate amplifier equipment;(c) Repeater equipment;(d) Regenerator equipment; or(e) Translation encoders (transcoders);

(2) Designed for a "data sign.alling rate" which exceeds:

(A) 1,200 bitls when:(a) Employing an automatic error detectioq and

correction system; and(b) Retransmission is not required for correction;

(B) 9,600 bitls when using the, "bandwidth of one voicechannel"; or

(C) 64,000 bitls when using baseband;

NOTE:For statistical multiplexers, which satisfy the definitions ofeither "data (message) switching" or "stored programmecontrolled circuit switching", and for the definitions of theseterms, see Item IL 1567.

(b) Electronic measuring or test equipment specially designed forthe equipment embargoed by sub-item (a) (1) above;

TECHNICAL NOTE:Definition of terms"bandwidth of one voice channel" -

In the case of data communication equipment designed tooperate in one voice channel of 3,100 Hz, as defined in CCITIRecommendation G. 151;

"data signalling rate" -As defined in ITV Recommendation 53-36, taking intoaccount that, for non-binary modulation, -baud' and -bit persecond' are not equal. Bits for coding, checking andsynchronisation functions are to be included.

NB:When determining the "data signalling rate", servicing andadministrative channels shall be excluded.

"Telecommunication transmission equipment" ­For the purpose of this Item is:(a) Categorised as follows, or combinations thereof:

(1) Line terminating equipment;(2) Intermediate amplifier equipment;(3) Repeater equipment;(4) Regenerator equipment;(5) Translation encoders (transcoders);(6) Multiplex equipment;(7) Modulatorsldemodulators (modems);(8) Transmultiplex equipment (see CCITT Rec. G701; or(9) Stored programme controlled digital crossconnection

equipment; and(b) Designed for use in single or multi-channel communication

via:(1) Wire (line);(2) Coaxial cable;(3) Optical fibre cable; or(4) Radio.

NOTES:1. Nothing in this Item shall be construed as sanctioning the

export of technology for the development or production ofequipment employing digital transmission techniques foroperation at a total digital transfer rate' at the highestmultiplex level exceeding 8.5 million bitI s;

2. This Item does not embargo:(a) Telemetering, telecommand and telesignalling

equipment designed for industrial purposes, togetherwith data transmission equipment not intended for thetransmission of written or printed text;

NB:Telemetering, telecommand and telesignalling equip­ment consists of:(a) Sensing heads for the conversion of information into

electrical signals;(b) The systems used for the long-distance transmission

of these electrical signals; and(c) The process used to translate electrical signals into

coded data (telemetering), into control signals(telecommand) and into display signals(telesignalling);

(b) Facsimile equipment which is not embargoed by Item IL1527; or

(c) Equipment emploving exclusively the direct currenttransmission 'technique.

Security export control March 1989 39

IL 1519NoTE3FOR'PEOPLE·S ··REPUBLIC-OF CHINA ONLY:3. The sbipmentof tbefollowing communication, measuring or

test equipment: ,', \(a) ·'Telecommunication transmissio~equipment" provided

it is:(1) Intended for general commercial traffic in a civil

communication system;(2) Designed for operation ala total digital transfer rate

at the highest multiplex level of 140 million bit/s orless;

(3) Installed under the supervision of the seller in apermanent circuit; and

(4) To be operated by the civilian authorities of theimporting country;

(b) Me~uring andlor test equipment necessary for the use(i.e., installation, operation, and maintenance) ofequipment exported under the conditions of this Note,provided:(1) It is designed for use with communication

transmission equipment operating at a Udatasignalling rate" of 140 million bit/sor less; and

(2) It will be supplied in the minimum quantity requiredfor the transmission equipment eligible for admin­istrative exception treatment:

NB:Where possible, built-in test equipment (BITE) willbe provided for installation or maintenance oftransmission equipment eligible for administrativeexception treatment under this Item rather thanindividual test equipment;

NB:1. For communication equipment using optical fibre as the

communication medium,~the 'transmission wavelengthmust not exceed 1,370 nm.

2. A statement is provided identifying the following:(i) Locations of the connection points;(H) Types of equipment being connected; and(Ui) Transmission rates.

4. The shipment of modems and multiplexers embargoed bysub-item (a) (2) above designed for operation at "datasignalling rates" of 19,200 bitls or less.

IL 1520Radio relay communication equipment, speciallydesigned test equipment and "software" asfollows, and specially designed components andaccessories therefor:(a) Radio relay communication equipment designed for use at,

frequencies exceeding 960 MHz, except when having any of '"the following sets of characteristics:(i) Microwave radio links for fixed civil installations fixed frequencies not exceeding 19.7 GHzJ

employing analogue transmission with a capacity of upto 2,700 voice channels of 4 kHz each or of a televisionchannel of 6 MHz maximum nominal bandwidth andassociated sound channels;

(H) Microwave radio links for fixed civil installationsoperating at fixed frequencies not exceeding 19.7 GHz,employing digital transmission techniques designed foroperation at a total bit rate not exceeding 8.5 millionbit/s;

(Hi) Ground communication radio equipment for use withtemporarily fixed services operated by the civilianauthorities of the importing country and designed to beused at fixed frequencies not exceeding 15 GHz with apower output of not more than 5 W;

(iv) TV-receive-only (TVRO) stations for satellite receptionspecially designed for use at fixed frequencies meetingITU standards in civil television or sound radio systemsin the following frequency ranges:(I) S-band: 2.5 - 2.69 GHz(2) C-band: 3.4 - 4.2 GHz

4.5 - 4.8 GHz

40 Security export control March 1989

(3) Ku- and Ka-band: 10.7 - 12.75 GHz.(v) The equipment is specially designed for the transmission

of television signals:(I) Between camera and studio or between studio and

television transmitter; and(2) Not exceeding a line-of-sight distance with respect

to anyone installation;(vi) The equipment is specially designed to be installed and

operated in communication satellite earth stations using:(I) INTELSAT;(2) MARISAT;(3) EUTELSAT; or(4) INMARSAT;

(vii) The equipment is tropospheric scatter communicationequipment which:(1) Is designed for civil fixed use;(2) Operates at fixed frequencies of 2.7 GHz or less;(3) Uses frequency modulation; and(4) Has a power amplifier output of 10 kW or less;

NOTES:1. Nothing in the above shall be construed as

permitting the export of technology for equipmentemploying quadrature-amplitude-modulation (QAM)techniques, except technology for installation,operation or maintenance.

2. Nothing in the above shall be construed aspermitting the export of technology for equipmentreleased by (vi) above, other than technology forinstallation, operation or maintenance.

(b) Stand-alone radio transmission media simulators/channelestimators and "specially designed software" therefor,specially designed for testing equipment embargoed by (a)above, except those in which the adjustments are only mademanually.

NOTES:1. This Item does not embargo equipment permanently installed

in a circuit operated by the civilian authorities of theimporting country for civil television transmission or forgeneral commercial traffic or technology for the installation,maintenance and operation therefor, provided:(a) The equipment is not designed for operation at a total bit

rate exceeding 45 million bit/s;(b) The equipment does not employ quadrature-amplitude­

modulation (QAM) techniques; and(c) Associated or integrated multiplex equipment is con­

sidered separately under the provisions of Item IL 1519.2. This Item does not embargo equipment for civil industrial use,

eg, remote supervision, control and metering of oil and gaspipelines, civil public utility services (eg, electricity networks)including telephone channels for the operation of suchnetworks and the engineering service circuits required for themaintenance of telecommunication links, or technology forthe installation, maintenance and operation therefor,provided:(a) Microwave radio links employing analogue transmission

techniques have a capacity not exceeding 2,700 voicechannels of 4 kHz each;

(b) Microwave radio links employing digital transmissiontechniques operate at a frequency not exceeding 19.7GHz and are designed to operate at a total digital bit ratenot exceeding 45 million bit/s;

(c) The equipment does not employ quadrature-amplitude­modulation (QAM) techniques;

(d) Associated or integrated multiplex equipment is con­sidered separately under the provisions of Item IL 1519.

FOR PEOPLE'S,REPUBLIC OF CHINA ONLY:3. The shipment of the follOWing radio relay communication

equipment:(a) Digitalrnicrowave radio l~nks for. fixedcivU installations

operating at fixed frequencies not exceeding 19.7 GHzwith a capacity ()fupto 1.920 voice channels of 3.1 kHzor four television channels of6 MHzmaximum nominalbandwidth and associated sound 'channels;

(b) Groundcommunicati0l.l ~radio '. equipment for use withtemporarily fixed ~,,'•.~ryices: "operated,' ,'br the civilianauthodti~s~J1d,'designed to ,be us.edat',fixed frequenciesl10t ~xceedil'1.2()'OH~~." ,.. ',,' ".' .'

(cl Radiottansmi8$ionmedia simulators/channel estimators

desiluedfor thete4ting of equipmenteovered by (a) or,.(b).&bo'Ve;·,

(d) Power •. amplifiers .nOt ..exceeding ·.10, 'fl.·'aDd6/4-GHz..traD$lllitterslreceiversforcommunicadon satellites;

(e) Equipment specially. designed' to .receiv~civil· meteoro-logical· data provided: \(1) The equipment or systems are designed and used

for fixed civil meteorological applications;(2) The equipment has all the following characteristics:

(i) It is specially designed. t9 receive and processWeather· Facsimile (WEFAX) or receive andprocess·meteorological data· from civil weathersatellites such as: . GOES (GeostationaryOperating·. Environmental Satellite), NOAA(National Oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration) polar orbiting satellites, or theARGOS meteoroligical satellite;

(ii) "Frequency agility" techniques are notincorporated; and

(Ui) The. weather satellite ground system fre­quencies do not exceed 1,750 MHz.

IL 1521Solid-state amplifiers having any of the followingcharacteristics, and specially designedcomponents and accessories therefor:(a) Exceeding a maximum output power of 2 kW at operating

frequencies between 10 and 35 MHz inclusive;(b) Exceeding a maximum output power of 50 W at operating

frequencies between 35 and 400 MHz; or(c) A product of the maximum output power times tyo maximum

operating frequency of more than 2 x 10 W.Hz atoperating frequencies above 400 MHz.

NOTES:1. This Item does not embargo solid state amplifiers:

(a) Specially designed for community television distributionsystems; or

(b) Having a "bandwidth" of 10 MHz or less.2. For amplifiers designed to operate at frequencies above 1

GHz, see Item IL 1537.3. For amplifiers specially designed for and intended to work

with oscilloscopes, see Item IL 1584.4. For amplifiers specially designed for transmitters, see Item IL


TECHNICAL NOTE:"Bandwidth" is defined as the range of frequencies over which thepower amplification does not drop to less than one half of itsmaximum value.

IL 1522"Lasers" and "equipment containing lasers", asfollows:(a) "Lasers" and specially designed components, therefor,

including amplification stages, except the following when notspecially designed for equipment covered by (b) below:(i) Argon, krypton and non-"tunable" dye "lasers" having

one of the following sets of characteristics:(1) An output wavelength in the range from 0.2 to 0.8

micrometre, a pulsed output energy not exceeding0.5 joule per pulse and an average or continuous­wave maxirnum rated single- or multi-mode outputpower not exceeding 20W; or

(2) An output wavelength between 0.8 and 1.0micrometre, a pulsed output energy not exceeding0.25 joule per pulse and an average or continuous­wave maximum rated single- or multi-mode outputpower not exceeding 10 watts;

(ii) Helium-cadmium, nitrogen and multigas "lasers" nototherwise specified in this item with both of thefollowing characteristics:(1) An output wavelength shorter than 0.8 micrometre;(2) A pulsed output not exceeding 0.5 joule per pulse

and an average or continuous-wave maximum ratedsingle- or multi-mode output power not exceeding120 watts;

(Hi) Helium-neon "lasers" with an output wavelength shorterthan 0.8 micrometre; .

(iv) Ruby-"Iasers" with both of the following characteristics:(I) An output wavelength shorter than 0.8 micrometre;(2) An energy output not exceeding 20 joules per pulse;

(v) C~, CO or CO/C~ "lasers" having either of thefollowing characteristics:(I) An output wavelength in the range of 9 to 11

micrometres and a pulsed output energy notexceeding 2 joules per pulse and a maximum ratedaverage single- or multi-mode output power notexceeding 1.2 kW or a continuous..wave maximumrated single- or multi-mode output power notexceeding 5.0 kW; or

(2) An output wavelength in the range of 5 to 7micrometres and having a continuous..wavemaximum rated single- or multi-mode output powernot exceeding 50 watts;

(vi) Nd:YAG "lasers" having an output wavelength of 1.064micrometres with either of the following characteristics:(I) A pulsed output not exceeding 0.5 joule per pulse

and maximum rated average single- or multi-modeoutput power not exceeding 10 watts or acontinuous-wave maximum rated single- or multi­mode output power not exceeding 50 watts;

(2) A pulsed output not exceeding 10 joules per pulsewith a pulse width not less than 50 microsecondsand a maximum rated average single-or multi-modeoutput power not exceeding 50 watts;

(vii) Nd:Glass "lasers" with both of the followingcharacteristics:(1) An output wavelength in the range of 1.05 to 1.06

micrometres; and(2) A pulsed output not exceeding 2 joules per pulse;

(viii) "Tunable" CW dye "lasers", with both of the followingcharacteristics:(I) An output wavelength shorter than 0.8 micrometre;

and(2) An output not exceeding an average or continuous­

wave maximum rated single- or multi-mode outputpower of 1 W;

(ix) "Tunable" pulsed "lasers" (for argon and krypton"lasers", see (a) (i) above), including dye, having all of thefollowing characteristics:(I) An output wavelength between 0.15 and 0.8

micrometre;(2) A pulse duration not exceeding 100 nanoseconds;(3) A pulsed output energy not exceeding 0.5 joule per

pulse; and(4) An average power not exceeding 10 watts;

(x) Single-element semiconductor "lasers" with a wave­length shorter than 1 micrometre designed for, and usedin, equipment as defined in (b){xiii), (xiv), (xix) or (xx)below;

NOTE:This sub-item does not embargo semiconductor "lasers"having:(1) An output wavelength no longer than 1,000 nm;

and. (2) A continuous wave (CW) output power not

exceeding 100 mW.(b) "Equipment containing lasers", and specially designed

components therefor, except the equipment listed belowwhich contains "lasers" excluded from embargo by sub-item(a):(i) Specially designed for industrial and civilian intrusion

detection and alarm systems;(H) Specially designed for medical applications;(Hi) Equipment for educational and laboratory purposes;

NB:The educational equipment referred to "in this sub..item isdefined as devices designed for use in teaching basicscientific principles and demonstrating the operation ofthose principles in educational institutions.

(iv) Specially designed ~or traffic and industrial movementcontrol and cOiUntin~ systems;

~v) Specially designed for detection of envirQnmentalpollution;

(vi) Optical spectrometers and densitometers;

Security export control March 1989 41-

IL 1522 (b)(vU)

(vii) Equipment containing continuous-wave helium-neon gas"lasers" (but see sub-item (c) below);

(viii) Textile-cutting and textile-bonding equipment;(ix) Paper cutting equipment;(x) Equipment containing "lasers" for drilling diamond dies

for the wire drawing industry;(xi) Electronic scanning equipment with auxiliary electronic

screening unit specially designed for printing processes,including such equipment when used for the productionof colour separations;

(xii) Laser-radar (lidar) equipment specially designed forsurveying or meteorological observation;

(xiii) Consumer-type reproducers for video and audio discs,employing non-erasable media;

(xiv) Price scanners (point of sale);(xv) Equipment designed for surveying purposes, provided

there is no capability of measuring range;(xvi) Equipment specially designed for the marking of

components;(xvii) Specially designed gravure (printing plate) manufac­

turing equipment;(xviii) Equipment specially designed for visual entertainment

purposes ("laser" light shows) provided it has noholographic capability;

(xix) Electronic printers, including those capable of being usedwith "digital computers", not exceeding 2,000 lines (30pages) per minute or 300 characters per second;

(xx) Electronic copiers, including those capable of being usedwith "digital computers", not exceeding 30 pages perminute and which do not include any of the following:(I) Optical character recognition (OCR) equipment

which is not released by item IL 1565 (h) (2) (iv) (k);(2) Digitising equipment which is not released by item

IL 1565 (h) (2) (iv) (h);(3) "Image enhancement" capability; or

(c) Measuring systems which have both of the followingcharacteristics:(I) Contain a "laser"; and(2) Maintain for at least 48 hours, over a temperature range

of .±...IOK around a standard temperature and at astandard pressure:(i) A resolution over their full scale of .±...O.I

micrometre or better; and(H) An accuracy of.±...1 part per million or better;

TECHNICAL NOTE:Standard temperatures and standard pressures asindicated in IEC Publication 160.

(d) Particle measuring systems employing helium-neon "lasers",designed for measuring particle size and concentration ingases, which have both of the following characteristics:(I) Capable of measuring particle sizes of 0.3 micrometre or

less; and(2) Capable of characterising Class 10 clean air or better.

TECHNICAL NOTES:1. "Tunable" refers to the ability of a "laser" to produce an

output at any wavelength within its tuning range. A line­selectable "laser" which can operate only on discretewavelengths is not considered tunable.

2. The term 'specially designed components' is intended, amongother things, to include active and passive components insemi-fabricated forms as well as in fabricated forms.

3. A "laser" is an assembly of components to produce a coherentlight which is amplified by stimulated emission of radiation.

4. "Equipment containing lasers" uses coherent light in theequipment for a certain application.

NOTES:1. Nothing in the following shall be construed as permitting the

export of technology for the following equipment, except forthe minimum technology for their use (Le., installation,operation and maintenance):(a) Sub-item (a) does not embargo uncooled, unsegmented

mirrors with glass or dielectric substrates for use as endreflectors for "laser" resonators.(For segmented mirrors, see Item IL 1556.)

(b) This Item does not embargo equipment listed in sub-item

42 Security export control March 1989

(b) containing "lasers" described in (a) (vi) (1) and (vii)provided the "lasers" have a maximum pulsed output notexceeding 2 joules per pulse;

(c) This Item does not embargo Nd. YAG "lasers" used forpumping "tunable" pulsed dye "lasers" excluded fromembargo under (a) )ix), and having all of the followingcharacteristics:(1) An output wavelength of 1.064 micrometre;(2) A pulsed output energy not exceeding 1.5 joule per

pulse; and(3) A maximum rated average single- or multi-mode

output power not exceeding 25 w.2. This item is intended to cover semiconductor "lasers" but not

non-eoherent light-emitting diodes and assemblies orintegrated circuits containing such light-emitting diodes. (seeItems IL 1544 and IL 1564).

3. For "laser" feedback systems'and "laser" interferometers, seealso Item IL 1093 (c).

4. For the status of optical fibre and optical preform character­isation equipment which contains lasers, see Item IL 1353.

5. Not used.

FOR PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ONLY:6. 'The shipment otthe following:

(a) Tunable pul~d ._. flowing-dye "lasers" __ having all 01 .thefollowing _characteristics, and specially designedcomponents theretor:(1) An output- wavelength sborterthao'0.8 micrometre;(2) A,pulse duration-not exceeding lOOns; and(3) A peak output power not exceeding 15 MW;

(b) CO2 CO or CO/C02 ulasersHhaving an outputwavelength-in tbe range from 9 to Ilmicrometres-and apulsed output not exceeding 2 joules per pulse and amaximum rated average single- or multi-mode outputpower not exceeding 5 kW or a continuous...wavemaximum rated single- or multi-mode output power notexceeding-lO kW;

(c) Equipment specially_ designed for medical- applicationsusing "lasers" not freedJrom embargo by sub-item (a) (vi)above;

(d) "Laser" systems for trimming resistors or thick/thin filmelectronic circuits;

(e) Equipment incorporating CO2 ulasers" -with -average orcontinuous-wave ou~put power not~xceeding5 kW. notexceeding the parameters of Item IL 1091 and speciallydesignedJor welding~ cutting, bonding or drilling metalsfor civil·applications.

(f) Minimum quantiUesof semiconductor "laser" designedand destined for,use with a civilian fibre optic communi­catioIls systeJl!:which would be either unembargoed or

. eligible for n.oonal-discretion treatment for China underItem·IL 15 _,8 ,or It 1528. having an output wavelengthno longer /than 1370 nm and a power output notexceeding 100 mW CW.

IL 1526Optical fibres, optical cables and other cablesand components and accessories, as follows:(a) Unarmoured or single-armoured ocean cable having an

attenuation of 1.62 dB/km (3.0 dB per nautical mile) or less,measured at a frequency of 600 kHz;

(b) Optical-fibre communication cable or optical fibres therefor,having any of the following characteristics:(I) The optical fibre is designed for single mode light

propagation;(2) The optical fibre:

(i) Is designed for muItirnode light propagation; and(ii) Has an attenuation of less than 1.0 dB/km at a

wavelength of 1300 nm; or(3) Optical fibres capable of withstanding a "proof test"

tensile strength of 1.1 x 109 N/m2 or more;

TECHNICAL NOTE:"Proof Test" consists of on-line or off-line productionscreen testing that dynamically applies a prescribed

tensile stress over a 0.5 to 3 m length of fibre at a:running rate of 2 to 5 m/s while passing betweencapstans approximately 15 cm in diameter. The ambienttemperature is a nominal 20°C and relative humidity40%.

NB:Equivalent national standards for executing the "prooftest" may be used.

(4) Specially designed for underwater use; or(5) Specially designed to be insensitive ot nuclear radiation;

(c) Optical fibres for sensing purposes, having any of thefollowing characteristics:(1) Specially fabricated either compositionally or struc­

turally, or modified by coating to be acoustically,thermally, inertially, electromagnetically or nuclearradiation sensitive;

(2) Modified structurally or by coating to have either:(i) A "beat length" of more than 50 cm (low

birefringence), except if designed for operation atwavelengths of less than 650 nm; or

(H) A "beat length" of less than 5 cm (highbirefringence);

TECHNICAL NOTE:"Beat length" is defined as the distance over which twoorthogonally polarised signals, initially in phase, mustpass in order to achieve 2 Pi radian(s) phase difference;

(d) Secure communication cable, being either coaxial ormulticonductor communication cable protected bymechanical or electrical means from physical damage orintrusion in such a manner that communications security ismaintained between terminals without the necessity forencryption;

(e) Components and accessories specially designed for the aboveoptical fibres or cable, including fibre-optic bulkhead or hullpenetration connectors impervious to leakage at any depthfor use in ships or vessels, and multiport fibre-optic couplers(including but not limited to T, star, bidirectional and wave­length division multiplexing and demultiplexing couplers),except connectors for use with optical fibres or cable with arepeatable coupling loss of 0.5 dB or more.(See also Item ML 9 (g) on the Munitions List).

NOTES:1. Sub-item (e) above does not embargo cable that is armoured

by only either a tough outer sheath or by an electromagneticscreen.

2. Associated equipment for sub-items (a), (b), (c) and (d), andspecially. designed components therefor, are consideredunder Item IL 1519.

3. For military type cable (shear-resistant, etc) see Item ML 11on the Munitions List.

4. Silica-based optical fibres and optical cable, other cable,connectors and couplers eInbargoed by sub-items (a), (b), (c)(1) to (4) or (f) above, provided:(a) The cable, optical fibres, connectors or couplers are for a

specific civil end-use;(b) The quantities of cable, optical fibres, connectors or

couplers are normal for the purpose;(c) The optical fibres specially designed for underwater use:

(i) Are not enlbargoed by sub-item (c) (1) above; and(ii) Have performance characteristics inferior to those

described in sub-items (c) (2) or (c) (3); and(d) Connectors and couplers embargoed by sub-item (f) are

not:(i) Fibre-optic bulkhead or hull penetration connectors,

specially designed for use in ships or vessels; or(ii) Wavelength division multiplex type fibre-optic


FORPEOPL£'$·,REPUBUC .OFCHlNAONLYc5~ Q~icalfibrett¥mbar~ed bY.J~b-iteJJl.'(~)(2)~, .wb~:e:tCported

fo~~idenUfiable·~ivil·applicatiot1s,.ham8 'allsof tbef9ltowing~lir.~e~~: ' :.....••.•...:..•..•••....•.•....•.....•..............,.: ,.•.•....... .•......•··.. :...•.··...............,..>i. if

¥t:). :f!ot····fabrie.ted·cto':be~~r·:tadiatjon·~nsil¥e;'(b) ::/t. tfbeat lengthtt. bf;~re·;tban:~O·>crn{lowbirefrinlell~~);

f· ::'If!rt1?'? .' ..:.: ''LfY:',;:;,,·t, :"

(~1"·,~':;~i)~\t.:ifit:~/.·~~~~~~;:'·~t',\,~1~,:;'WJ~8llatb, ;':'exc~lrtI.;·lt!1011anQm~i;·'T'ii{;;>'<?·

IL 1527Cryptographic equipment and specially designedcomponents therefor, designed to ensuresecrecy of communications (such as telegraphy,telephony, facsimile, video, and data communic­cations) or of stored information; and "software"controlling or computers performing thefunctions of such cryptographic equipment.

NOTES:1. This Item also covers video systems which, for secrecy

purposes, use digital techniques (conversion of an analogue,ie video or facsimile, signal into a digital signal).

2. This Item is not intended to cover simple cryptographicdevices or equipment only ensuring the privacy ofcommunications, as follows:(a) Equipment for voice transmission making use of fixed

frequency inversions or fixed band scramblingtechniques in which the transposition changes occur notmore frequently than once every 10 seconds;

(b) Standard civil facsimile and video equipment designed toensure the privacy of communications by an analoguetransmission using non-standard practices for intendedreceivers only (video system equipment effecting thetransposition of analogue data);

(c) Video systems for pay television and similar restrictedaudience television, including industrial and commercialtelevision equipment using other than standardcommercial sweep systems;

3. "Digital computers" and digital differential analysers(incremental computers) designed or modified for, orcombined with, any cypher machines, cryptographicequipment, devices or techniques including "software","microprogramme" control ("firmware") or specialized logiccontrol (hardware), associated equipment therefor, andequipment or systems incorporating such computers oranalysers are covered by this Item or Munitions List Item ML11.

IL 1529Electronic equipment for testing, measuring (egtime interval measurement), calibrating orcounting, or for microprocessor/microcomputerdevelopment, as follows, and specially designed"software" therefor:

(a) Equipment, as follows:(1) Designed as reference frequency standards for

laboratory use and having either of the followingcharacteristics:(i) A long-term drift (ageing) over 24 hours or more of

1 part in 1010 or better; or(ii) A short-term drift (stability) over a period from 1 to

100 seconds of 1 part in 1012 or better;(2) Containing frequency standards having any of the

following characteristics:(i) Designed for mobile use and having a long-term

drift (ageing) over 24 hours or more of 1 part in 1()9or better;

(ii) Designed for fixed ground use and having a longterm drift (ageing) over 24 hours or more of 5 partsin 1010 or better; or

(Hi) A short-tenTI drift (stability) over a period from 1 to100 seconds of 1 part in 1012 or better;

(b) Instruments, as follows (see also Note 1 below):(1) Instruments designed for use at frequencies exceeding

18 GHz;(2) "Comb frequency generators" designed and rated for use

at frequencies exceeding 12.5 GHz;(3) Instruments designed for use at frequencies exceeding 1

GHz, as follows,:(i) "Swept-frequency network analyzers" for the

automatic measurement of ;complex equivalentcircuit \parameters over a range of frequencies;

(ii) Specially calibrated microwave instrumentation

Security export control March1989 43

IL 1529 (b) (3) (U) continued

receivers capable of measuring amplitude andphase simultaneously;

(Ui) Automatic "frequency (heterodyne) converters" and"transfer oscillators";

(iv) Instruments in which the functions can becontrolled by the injection of digitally-codedelectrical signals from an external source;

(4) Instruments having both of the following characteristics:(i) "User-accessible programmability"; and(H) A user-alterable 'programme" and data storage of

more than 65,536 bit;

NOTES:1. This sub-item does not embargo;

(a) Instruments, the "user-accessible programmability"of which is provided by, or with the legal agreementof, the original "manufacturer" and limited to:(1) The replacement of fixed storage devices (eg

ROMs) which do not change the embargo statusof the instrument; or

(2) The selection of pre-programmed functionsfrom a menu.

NB:The instrument concerned must be designed to ensurethat any "software" (ROM replacement) would notenable the instrument to be enhanced to a level where itwould become embargoed.(b) Instruments which:

(I) Have been designed for non-strategic use andby nature of design, "software",umicroprogramme" control (Ufirmware"),specialised logic control (hardware) orperformance are substantially restricted to theparticular application for which they have beendesigned; and

(2) Are not covered by any other part of this Itemand do not exceed the limits of Note 6 to ItemIL 1565.

2. For the purposes of this Item, the "manufacturer" is theindividual or organisation designing the instrument forthe intended application (in contrast to an individual ororganisation merely programming an instrument at, orin accordance with, a user's request).

(5) Test instruments with "user-accessible programmability"and having any of the following characteristics:(i) Specially designed to examine or compare one or

more binary coded streams of electrical signals;(H) A maximum sampling rate of more than 100 MHz;(Hi) A maximum of more than 32 channels excluding a

maximum of 6 qualifier channels;(iv) A "figure of merit" of more than 400;(v) A capability of state coupled timing analysis (Le.

synchronized mode state/timing analysis);(vi) A total acquisition memory for word storage

exceeding 32,768 bit with an acquisition memoryfor bit storage per channel exceeding 1,024 bit; or

(vii) A total acquisition memory for word storageexceeding 16,384 bit with an acquisition memoryfor bit storage per channel exceeding 2,048 bit;

TECHNICAL NOTE:The above "figure of merit" is defined as the product ofthe maximum sampling rate (in MHz) and the number ofinput channels (excluding qualifier channels).

NOTES:1. This sub-item includes instruments such as:

(a) Digital circuit testers;(b) Logic state analysers, logic timing analysers

and logic state and logic timing analysers;(c) Bus analysers;(d) Serial data analysers; or(e) Digital word generators.

2. This sub-item does not embargo:(a) Logic probes, logic pulsers, digital current

tracers (current 'sniffers'), signature analysersand other digital circuit testers for observing

44 Security export control March 1989

single events or providing stimuli at single testpoints;

(b) Logic clips and logic comparators;(c) Digital word generators capable of operating at

a maximum clock rate of 2 MHz or less withword lengths of 8 bit or less.

(6) Microprocessor or microcomputer developmentinstruments or systems, capable of developing"software" for, or capable of, programming microcircuitsembargoed by Item IL 1564;

NOTES:1. This sub-item does not embargo microprocessor or

microcomputer development instruments or systemswhich can be used to develop "software" for, or toprogramme, a "family" of microprocessor microcom­puter microcircuits not designed or produced within aproscribed area, provided:(a) The instruments or systems can be used only for

microprocessor or microcomputer microcircuitshaving an operand (data) word length of less than orequal to 8 bit and not having an arithmetic logic unit(ALU) wider than 8 bit; and

(b) The "family" contains at least one microprocessoror microcomputer microcircuit which is notembargoed by Item IL 1564.

NB:For the purposes of this sub-item, a "family" consists ofmicroprocessor or microcomputer microcircuits whichhave:(a) The same architecture;(b) The same basic instruction set; and(c) The same basic technology (eg only NMOS or only

CMOS).2. This sub-item includes accessories specially designed for

microprocessor or microcomputer instruments orsystems such as:(a) "Cross-hosted" assemblers, "cross-hosted"

compilers;(b) Adapter interfaces for prototypes or emulation

probes;(c) Debuggers;(d) Programmable read-only memory (PROM)

programmers;(e) Programmable read-only memory (PROM) copiers;(t) So-called 'personality' modules which contain more

than one of the accessories enumerated under (a) to(e).

3. "Cross-hosted" compilers or "cross-hosted" assemblers,needed for use with a particular microprocessor ormicrocomputer development instrument or system notembargoed by this sub-item must contain only theminimum "software" in machine executable form toperform the functions for which they were designed. Tomake other incompatible instruments or systemsperform the same functions must require:(a) Modification of this "software";(b) Addition of "programmes".

4. For "cross-hosted" compilers or "cross-hosted"assemblers, which are not specially designed for use withmicroprocessor or microcomputer development instru­ments or systems described in this sub-item, see Item IL1566.

(c) Digital counters, as follows:(1) Capable of counting successive input signals with less

than 5 nanoseconds time difference without prescaling(digital division) of the input signal (for counter/timershaving a time interval measurement mode, see also (d)below);

(2) Employing prescaling of the input signal, in which theprescaler is capable of resolving successive input signalswith less than 1 nanosecond time difference;

(3) Capable of measuring burst frequencies exceeding 100MHz for a burst duration of less than 5 milliseconds;

(d) Time interval measuring equipment employing digitaltechniques, capable of measuring time intervals of less than 5nanoseconds on a single shot basis;

(e) Testing equipment rated to maintain specified operating datawhen operating over a range of ambient temperatures frombelow -25°C to above +55°C;

(f) Digital voltage measuring apparatus, with or withoutelectrical outputs, irrespective of the physical units in whichcalibrated, with a reading speed (from zero to the measuredvalue) faster than 25 accesses per second and having any ofthe following characteristics:(1) A digital resolution at all points on the scale greater than

one part in 200,000;(2) An accuracy, measured without reference to an external

standard, better than 1 part in 50,000 (0.002%) ofreading over an ambient temperature range of ±.5°C ormore, or a stability better than 10-6 of reading over aperiod of 24 hours or more;

(3) Capable of more than 500 independent measurementsper second;

NOTES:1. Reading speed is assumed not to include changes in

range or polarity.2. This sub-item does not embargo:

(a) Visual quantization apparatus capable of providingan average value, displayed or not, of the results ofthe measurement;

(b) Multichannel analyzers of all types used in nuclearexperimentation;

(c) Industrial telemeasuring devices in which a pre-setstorage value is used as a basis for measuring.

(g) Transient recorders, utilizing analogue-to-digital conversiontechniques, capable of storing transients by sequentiallysampling single input signals at successive intervals of lessthan 50 nanoseconds.

TECHNICAL NOTES:1. "Comb frequency generators" (sub-item (b) (2)) are generally

understood to be devices which generate a spectrum ofharmonics.

2. "Swept-frequency network analyzers" as understood in sub­item (b) (3) (i) above involve the automatic measurement ofequivalent circuit parameters over a range of frequencies.This involves swept-frequency measurement techniques butnot CW point-to-point measurements.

3. "Amplitude and phase receivers" (sub-item (b) (3) (ii)) areinstruments capable of measuring the amplitude of amicrowave signal or the amplitude of two microwave signalsand the relative phase between them. The principalapplication of these instruments is the measurement of nearand far zone phase and amplitude antenna patterns. They canalso be used for measurement of microwave device andcomponents characteristics. In general, they are moresophisticated and sensitive (better than -100 dBm) thanphase and impedance measuring instruments such as RFvector impedance meters and vector voltmeters. They alsofeature wide dynamic range (80 dB) and very good linearity(approximately ±. 0.25 dB).

4. "Frequency (heterodyne) converters" (sub-item (b) (3) (iii))down convert an unknown frequency by mixing with anaccurately known frequency. The accurately knownfrequency is developed by multiplication of a crystal-derivedreference which is passed through a harmonic generator. Bymixing the appropriate harmonic and the unknownfrequencies, an accurate third frequency results.

5. "Transfer oscillators" (sub-item (b) (3) (iii)) are based also onthe property of harmonic mixing. Differences exist in that alocal oscillator is utilized whereas a crystal-derived referencefrequency is utilized in the case described in Note 4 above.The unknown frequency is mixed with the local oscillator(LO) and the two are phase-locked by tuning the LO. The LOcan then be measured by a counter.

6. "User-accessible programmability" as used in sub-items (b) (4)and (b) (5) above is meant defined as the facility allowing auser to insert, modify or replace "programmes" by meansother than:(a) A physical change in wiring or interconnections; or(b) The setting of function controls including entry of

parameters.7. "Burst frequency measurement" counters (sub-item (c) (3))

contain special gating circuits which start only when the inputsignal is present and stop counting at the completion of theburst.

8. "Pulse frequency profiling" is the capability of measuring thechanges of frequency (or phase) within a pulse as a function oftime; such changes in frequency would be present in a

transmitted pulse-eompression radar pulse ('chirp radar'). Thisprofiling may be achieved by internal or external gating."Pulse frequency profiling" is not intended to include'frequency modulation tolerance' while it is being frequencymodulated and is of interest to the communication field. Theability to perform measurement of the time interval of thepulse itself (pulse width) as opposed to frequencymeasurements within a pulse is covered under time intervalinstruments in sub-item (d) above.

NOTES:1. For signal analyzers, see Item IL 1533;

For microwave equipment, see also Item IL 1537;For analogue-to-digital converters, other than digital voltagemeasuring instruments, see Item IL 1568;For frequency synthesizers, see Item IL 1531.See also Items IL 1355, IL 1485 0) and Item ML 18 on theMunitions List.

FOR PEOPLE'S REPUBUC OF CHINA ONLY:2. The shipment of the follOWing equipment:

(a) Quartz or rubidium frequency standards not speciallydesigned for military use;

(b) "Swept frequency network analysers" or sweepgenerators for use at frequencies not exceeding 400Hzand which cannot be controlled remotely; .

(c) Noise meters, power meters, microwave bridges andnoise generators embargoed by sllb-item (b) (1) or (b) (3)(iv) above for use at frequencies not exceeding 26.5 GHz;

(d) "Swept frequency network analy-sers". for the automaticmeasurement of complex equivalent circuit parametersover a range of frequencies where the maximumfrequency does not exceed 20 GHz;

(e) Instruments in which the functions can be controlled bythe injection of digitally coded electrical signals from anexternal source where the maximum frequency does notexceed 20 GHz;

(f) Instruments incorporating computing facilities with"user-accessible programmability" embargoed by sub­item (b) (4) above;

(g) Digital test instruments with "user-accessibleprogrammeability" embargoed by sub-item (b) (5).required for the use (installation. operation ormaintenance) of microcircuits or computers exported tothe People's Republic ,of China under the nationaldiscretion notes to Items IL 1584 or IL 1585;

(h) Microprocessor and microcomputer developmentinstruments for microcircuits which are eitherunembargoed or exportable to the People's Republic ofChina under the national discretion notes to Item IL1564;

(i) Digital counters not haVing any of the followingcharacteristics:(1) Capable of performing frequency measurements

above 20 GHz;(2) Capable of measuring' either the frequency or the

change in phase or frequency within a pulse ("pulsefrequency profiling"), using either internally orexternally.gated sampling intervals of 100 ns or less;or

(3) Capable of measuring burst frequencies'exceeding250 MHz for a burst duration of less than ,2 ms;

0) Time· interval measuring· equipment employing digitaltechniques•.not capable.of. ~easuring time intervals ofles than 1 ns. on Cl single shot basis;

(k) Instruments embargoed by su~item. (f)" .not capable ofmore than 1,000 independent measuremenls,per second;

(1) Transient recordel'$, Dot capable 9fsarnplin" si~gle inputsisnals at sqccessive Intervals of less than .10 ns.

(m) PRQM pro4ram~ersembarsoed by sub-item (b) .. (6)above. .~~ .. i·.· ... ..< .. ,

IL 1531"Frequency synthesizers" (and equipmentcontaining such "frequeacy synthesizers") 8S

follows:(a) "Frequency synthesizers" containing frequency standards

embargoed by Item IL 1529 (a) (1) or temperature­compensated ci'ystal oscillators covered by Item IL 1587 (c)

Security exportcoir'ltrol March1989 46

IL 1531 (b)

(b) Instrument "frequency synthesizers" and synthesized signalgenerators, and specially designed components andaccessories therefor, designed for ground use, producingoutput frequencies whose accuracy and short- and long-termstability are controlled by, derived from, or disciplined by theinput frequency or internal master standard frequency, andhaving any of the following characteristics:(1) A maximum synthesized output frequency of more than

550 MHz;(2) Any of the following noise characteristics:

(i) A single sideband (SSB) phase noise better than-120 dBc/Hz when measured at a 20 kHz offsetfrom the carrier frequency;

(ii) A single sideband (SSB) phase noise better than-106 dBc/Hz when measured at a 100 Hz offsetfrom the carrier frequency;

(iii) An integrated phase noise better than -60 dBc/Hzreferred to a 30 kHz band centred on the carrier andexcluding the 1 Hz band centred on this carrier; or

(iv) An integrated AM phase noise better than -70dBc/Hz referred to a 30 kHz band centred on thecarrier and excluding the 1 Hz band centred on thiscarrier;

NOTE:Synthesized signal generators which are embargoed only by(b) (1) or (b) (2) (i) above may be exported up to a maximumsynthesized output frequency of 1,400 MHz or down to asingle sideband phase noise of -136 dBc/Hz when measuredat an offset of 20 kHz from a carrier frequency of 100 MHz,provided the technology supplied is only the minimumnecessary for the use (Le. installation, operation andmaintenance) of such generators.

(3) Electrically programmable in frequency (in that theoutput frequency can be controlled or selected by theinjection of digitally coded electrical signals from anexternal control source) with a "frequency switchingtime" of less than 10 milliseconds;

(4) Electrically programmable in phase (in that the phase ofthe output frequency can be varied relative to theinternal or external reference standard, or selected inaccordance with an externally supplied code or signalwith a switching speed from one selected phase value toanother of less than 10 milliseconds) except thoseequipments incorporating pre-emphasis networks forfrequency modulation;

(5) Having a level of spurious components in the output,measured relative to the selected output frequencybetter than:(i) -60 dB harmonic; or(ii) -92 dB non-harmonic;

(6) Having more than three different selected synthesizedoutput frequencies available simultaneously from one ormore outputs;

(7) With facilities for pulse modulation of the outputfrequency;

(c) Airborne communication equipment using "frequencysynthesizers", as follows, and specially designed componentsand accessories therefor:(,1) Designed to receive or transmit frequencies greater than

156 MHz;(2) Incorporating facilities for the rapid selection of more

than 200 channels per equipment, except those equip­ments operating in the frequency range of 108 to 137MHz incorporating facilities for the rapid selection of 760channels or fewer at not less than 25 kHz channelspacing, which have been in normal civil use for at leastone year;

(3) With a "frequency switching time" of less than 10milliseconds;

(4) "Frequency synthesizers", designed for the aboveequipment, whether supplied separately or with the saidequipment, exceeding the parameters specified in (b)above;

NOTE:See also Item IL 1501 (a).

48 Security export control March 1989

(d) Digitally-controlled radio receivers, whether or not computer­controlled, which search or scan automatically a part of theelectromagnetic spectrum, using "frequency synthesizers", asfollows, and specially designed components and accessoriestherefor:(1) Digitally-controlled receivers in which the switching

operation takes less than 10 milliseconds, except non­ruggedized digitally-controlled preset type radioreceivers designed for use in civil communications,which have 200 selective channels or fewer;

(2) "Frequency synthesizers" designed for the aboveequipment, whether supplied separately or with the saidequipment, exceeding the parameters specified in (b)above, except those specially designed for receiversfreed from embargo under (d) (1) above;

NOTES:1. This sub-item does not embargo "frequency

synthethisers" specially designed for use in tuners forentertainment type receivers.

2. See also Item IL 1516.

(e) Radio transmitters incorporating transmitter drive units,exciters and master oscillators using frequency synthesis, asfollows, and specially designed components and accessoriestherefor:(1) Having an output frequency of up to 32 MHz with a

frequency resolution of better than 10Hz and with a"frequency switching time" of less than 10 milliseconds;

(2) Having an output frequency from 32 MHz to 235 MHzwith a frequency resolution of better than 250 Hz andwith a "frequency switching time" of less than 10milliseconds;

(3) Having an output frequency of more than 235 MHz,except:(i) Television broadcasting transmitters having an

output frequency from 470 MHz to 960 MHz with afrequency resolution of not better than 1 kHz andwhere the manually-operated "frequencysynthesizer" incorporated in or driving the trans­mitter has an output frequency not greater than 120MHz;

(H) FM and AM ground communication equipment foruse in the land mobile service and operating in the420 to 470 MHz band, with a power output of 50 Wor less for mobile units and 300 W or less for fixedunits, with a frequency resolution of not better than6.25 kHz and with a "frequency switching time" ofmore than 50 milliseconds;

(Hi) Portable (personal) or mobile radiotelephones forcivil use, eg for use with commercial civil cellularradiocommunications systems having all of thefollowing characteristics: .(a) Operating in the 420 to 960 MHz range;(b) A power output of 25 W or less; and(c) A "frequency switching timeH of 10 ms or


NOTE:For stored programme controlled communicationsswithing equipment used with cellular radio basestations, see Item IL 1567.

(4) Having more than three different selected synthesizedoutput frequencies available simultaneously from one ormore outputs;

(5) With facilities for pulse modulation of the outputfrequency of the transmitter or of the incorporated"frequency synthesizer";

(6) "Frequency synthesizers" designed for the aboveequipment, whether supplied separately or with the saidequipment, exceeding the parameters specified in (b)above;

NOTE:See also Item IL 1517.

TECHNICAL NOTES:1. "Fr~quency synthesizer" means any kind of frequency source

or Signal generator, regardless of the actual technique used,providing a multiplicity of simultaneous or alternative output

NOTES:1. This Item does not embargo equipment in which the output

frequency is produced by the addition or subtraction of two ormore crystal oscillator frequencies which may be followed bymultiplication of the result.Equiprrlent covered by sub-item (b) (3), above, with a"frequency switching time" not less than 5 milliseconds.

frequencies, from one or more outputs, controlled by, derivedfrom or disciplined by a lesser number of standard (or master)frequencies.

2. "Frequency switching time" means the maximum time (Le.delay), when switched from one selected output frequency toanother selected output frequency, to reach:(a) A frequency within 100 Hz of the final frequency; or(b) An output level within 1.0 dB of the final output level.

3.FOlt"PEOPLE'SRE~QLICO' C.llfNJ\:Q~t Y:The .bipmentof .t~ .foUowiOI, ·.andsl*i.Uy$illledcomponents and.. ac(~orie$. tber~for: .• ;................ ..... ... "(a) ~'Frequenty .•yntbesiz,rs~'.ml)"g()ed::onlyby<sub-iteJJl

(a)· and not incorporating c~$ium; bea~:standards;(b) ,Instrument .. ··"frequen~Y.·$YIJ~hesil~rs'; .A!ldy.ynlltesized

signal generator."l).item(b) (lland(b). (3) and having a maximum QutPttt •frequency of 18GHz, provided the "frequency switching time"is 2.0 msor more;

(c) Instrument "frequency' synthesizers" and. synthesizedsignal generators not.embargoed by sub-item(b) (4) andhaving a maximum .output frequency of .'·2.6·· GHz,provided tlte "frequenc.y $witcbing.timen :isO.3 .MS .ormore;

(d) Conventional synthesizer based. digitally.· .controlled,civil land or marine mobile radio receivers and trans­mitters, provided: '(1) The operate at frequencies·not exceeding 960. MHz;(2) The. power output anti frequency resolution para..

meters specified in sub-item (e) (3) (ii) above remainin force;

(3) The equipment has a "frequency switching time" of5 ms or more;

(4) The equipment does not employ either frequencyagility or other.spread spectrum· techniques; and

(5) The synthesizers must be embedded in tberadioreceivers or transmitters;

(e) Radio receivers embargoed by sulritem (d)(l) abovewhich have 1000 selective channels.or fewer.

NOTE:This sulritem does not embargo optical comparators.

(c) Angular measuring systems having an "accuracy" equal to orbetter than .±.. 1 second of arc;

NOTE:This sub-item does not embargo optical instruments, such asautocollimators, using collimated light to detect angulardisplacements of a mirror.

(d) Non-contact type measuring systems having, at a standardambient test room temperature.±.. 1 K, either of the followingpairs of characteristics:(1) Effective probe measurement diameter less than 0.5 mm

and drift less than 0.5 per cent per day; or(2) "Linearity" better than.±..0.3 per cent and drift less than

0.5 per cent per day;(e) Contact type measuring systems specially designed for

combined, simultaneous linear-angular inspection ofhemishells, having both the following characteristics:(1) Linear "accuracy" equal to or better than .±..0.005 mm in

any 5 mm; and(2) Angular "accuracy" equal to or better than.±.. 1 minute

in any 90° of arc.

TECHNICAL NOTES:1. "Accuracy" is usually measured in terms of inaccuracy. It is

defined as the maximum deviation, positive or negative, of anindicated value from an accepted standard or true value.

2. "Linearity" is usually measured in terms of non-linearity. It isdefined as the maximum deviation of the actual character­istics (average of upscale and downscale readings), positive ornegative, from a straight line so positioned as to equalise andminimise the maximum deviations.

NOTE:Equipment covered by sub-items (a) or (d) above to civil end-usersnot engaged in aerospace activities.

IL 1533Signal analysers (including spectrum analysers),with any of the following characteristics, andspecially designed components, accessories and"specially designed software" therefor:

IL 1532Precision linear and angular measuring systems,as follows and specially designed componentsand "specially designed software" therefor:

(a) Contact-type systems or linear voltage differential trans­formers (LVDT) therefor, as follows:(1) Contact type measuring systems having all of the

following characteristics:(i) Range equal to or less than 5mm;(H) "Linearity" equal to or better than.±.. 0.1 per cent;

and;(Hi) Drift equal to or less than 0.1 per cent per day at a

standard ambient test room temperature.±.. 1K;(2) Linear voltage differential transformers with no

compensation networks and having either of thefollowing characteristics:(i) Range equal to or less than 5 mm; or(ii) "Linearity" equal to or better than.±.. 0.2 per cent;

NOTE:"Linearity limits apply to measurements made in the staticmode.

(b) Linear measuring machines having all of the followingcharacteristics:(1) Two or more axes;(2) Range in any axis greater than 200 mm;(3) "Accuracy" (including any compensation) better than

.±..0.0008 mm per any 300 mm segment of travel;

(a) Non-programmable and capable of operating at frequenciesover 12.5 GHz;

(b) Programmable and capable of operating at frequencies over 1GHz;

(c) Having a display bandwidth in excess of 125 MHz;(d) Including a scanning preselector for analysing frequencies of

more than 1 GHz;(e) Incorporating a tracking signal generator for analysing

frequencies of more than 1 GHz;(f) Radio frequency analysers having an overall display dynamic

range of better than 80 dB;(g) Employing time compression of the input signal;(h) Employing Fast Fourier Transform techniques

TECHNICAL NOTE:Signal analysers are instruments capable of measuring the basicproperties of a signal in the time or frequency domain.

NOTES:1. This Item is not intended to embargo optical spectrum

analysers.2. Fast Fourier Transforms are described in eg 'Gauss and the

History of the Fast Fourier Transform' by MT Heideman, 0 HJohnson and C S Burrus in IEEE ASSP Mag. I, No 4 (October),12-21, 1984.

3. This Item does not ,embargo instruments embargoed only bysub-item (c), provided that the instrument is not capable ofoperating at frequencies over 2 GHz.

4. If the signal analyser is an oscrJloscope plug-in, see Item IL1584 for associated f!ah"lframe.

5. The shipment of eqjit>mt~nt embargoed by sub-items (g) or (h)~aving any of the following characteristics:(a) Capable of .computing 512 complex spectral lines in 200

Security export control March 1-989 47'

IL 1533 NOTE 5 (a) continued

milliseconds or more;(b) Capable of computing 512 real spectral lines in 100 milli­

seconds or more; or(c) Having no zoom capability and capable of computing

512 complex spectral lines in 100 milliseconds or more,or capable of computing 512 real spectral lines in 50milliseconds or more.

TECHNICAL NOTE:Zoom capability (range translation) permits a spectrum analysisstarting from an arbitrary frequency rather than at frequencyzero, leading to an improved resolution.

l£'••i,~I·~~~~fV~C:~!CHJNAONLY:Y~" " ' , ":f~1J9Wln_~~9Uip~~~t:t '< ,,', ,~

(itJ·,'<.,j';, ,~JEr; " ~~~. ;~l1~Y~l"Sin~I~~,:,~g\ ~ose,;;"t .... ,.StJl~r,a!~r pro!.~qtb.e;di~play.t)',: ,." :",.,,: ,',: " .'. "'."," ,,~!~fress; c,,',' ',",.'",'",' "

.~08';~t:p~~.,.&1g11at,aM}y~rs,Jncludin~ ,~hose with, a~.nqinIPt~l~br: ":or 'Jl t!~kil'lg '••i8~al ',~enetator,1ul:vi111.~ 9ft~e:;foU(rWingth~a<:terlstic$: ''(l):~~tj~g:a~ ,fr~uenciesof,4~.4(ltlzi,~rl~~;(2) ''qle 9veraU display dynamic range 'not' exceeding

'··'lOO'·dB;'" ".' :,'" ."',.", '; ~

;(~'St~~lh~~$ ern~o)'ingtiltl~c0lt1pr~ion of the:=.:~o;FatrFourier·TranSfo~·techniques not

" "(tl' ';AJl~t,'II~g'liln~Wt,thf.l!tequencY higher than lOOt~zJf:!bei~strutne~rusestimeeOJ\1pre$Sion, or

'(2) 'Qltculafing512'corrtplexUnes'in 'lessthari50' ms.

(For logic and network analysers and transient recorders, see ItemIL 1529).

IL 1534FIatbed microdensitometers (except cathode-raytypes), having any of' the following character­istics, and specially designed componentstherefor:

(a) A recording or scanning rate exceeding 5,000 data points persecond;

(b) A figure of merit better (less) than 0.1, defined as the productof the density resolution (expressed in density units) and thespatial resolution (expressed in micrometres);

NOTE:This sub-item does not embargo equipment with a spatialresolution not better (less) than 2 micrometres and a densityresolution not better (less) than 0.01 density unit.

(c) An optical density range greater than 0 to 4.

TECHNICAL NOTE:Density resolution (expressed in density units) is measuredover the optical density range of the instrument.

NOTE:Equipment specially designed for medical applications.

IL 1537Microwave (including millimetric-wave)equipment, including parametric amplifiers, asfollows, capable of operating at frequencies overI GHz(other than microwave equipment em­bargoed by Items IL 150I,lL 1517, IL 1520 and IL1529):

(a,) Rigid and flexible waveguides designed for use at frequenciesin excess of 18 GHz;

(b) Waveguides having a bandwidth ratio greater than 1.7:1;(c) Waveguide components, as follows:

(1) Directional couplers having a bandwidth ratio greater

48 Security export control March 1989

than 1.7:1 and directivity over the band of 20 dB ormore;

(2) Rotary joints capable of transmitting more than oneisolated channel or having a bandwidth greater than 5per cent of the centre mean frequency, except those usedin air traffic control equipment carrying combinations offrequencies suitable for secondary surveillance radarantennae co-mounted on a primary radar antenna andwhich do not have a bandwidth exceeding 5 per cent ofthe centre mean frequency;

(3) Magnetic, including gyro-magnetic, waveguidecomponents;

(4) Diode waveguide components using diodes embargoedby Item IL 1544;

(d) Transverse electromagnetic mode TEM devices:(1) Using magnetic, including gyro-magnetic, properties; or(2) Using diodes embargoed by Item IL1544;

(e) TR and anti-TR tubes and specially designed componentstherefor, except those designed for use in waveguides andhaving any of the following characteristics, which are innormal civil use for ground or marine radar:(i) Operating at a peak power not exceeding 3 MW and at a

frequency of 1.5 GHz or less;(ii) Operating at a peak power not exceeding 1.2 MW and at

a frequency over the range of 1.5 to 6 GHz;(Hi) Operating at a peak power not exceeding 300 kW and at

a frequency over the range of 6 GHz to 10.5 GHz;(t) Assemblies and sub-assemblies in which the isolating base

material functions as a dielectric (as used in stripline,microstrip or slotline) except for those items specificallydesigned for use in civil television systems to meet ITUstandards and using as an isolating material paper basephenolics, glass cloth melamine, glass cloth epoxy resin,polyethylene terephthalate or other isolating material with anoperating temperature not exceeding 150°C (302°F);

(g) Phased array antennae and sub-assemblies, designed topermit electronic control of beam shaping and pointing (seeMunitions List Item ML 15), and specially designedcomponents therefor (including but not limited to duplexers,phase shifters and associated high-speed diode switches);

(h) Other antenna~ specially designed for operation atfrequencies above 30 GHz having a diameter of less than 1metre, and specially designed components therefor;

(i) Microwave assemblies and sub-assemblies capable of beingused at frequencies above 3 GHz and having circuitsfabricated by the same processes used in integrated circuittechnology, which include active circuit elements.(For acoustic wave devices, see Item IL 1586).(For integrated circuits and related technology, see also ItemIL 1564).

0) Microwave assemblies and sub-assemblies which containband-pass or band-stop filters and are capable of operating at3 GHz or greater;

(k) Amplifiers, except parametric or paramagnetic amplifiershaving any of the following characteristics:(1) They are specially designed for medical applications;(2) They are specially designed for use in "simple

educational devices" and operate at industrial, scientificor medical (ISM) frequencies; or

(3) They have an output power of not more than IOW andare specially designed for:(a) Industrial or civilian intrusion detection and alarm

systems;(b) Traffic or industrial movement control and counting

systems;(c) Environmental pollution of air or water detection

systems; or(d) "Simple educational devices";

TECHNICAL NOTE:"Simple educational devices" are defined as devicesdesigned for use in teaching basic scientific principles anddemonstrating the operation of those principles ineducational institutions.

NOTE:See also Item IL 1521.

(I) Modulators using PIN (positive-intrinsic-negative) transistortechnology.

NOTE:see also Item IL 1544.

NOTES:1. Equiprnent covered by sub-iten1s (c) (~{) and (d) above required

as replacement parts in specific civil equipment notexceeding the capability of that which could be exportedunder Items It 1501 or It 1520, provided such parts do notupgrade the initial perforrnance of that equipnlent.Equiprnent covered by sub-itern (e) above required asreplacement parts in specific civilian equipment notexceeding the capability of that which could be exportedunder Henl It 1501, provided such parts do not upgrade theinitial perforrnance of that equipment.EquipITlent covered by sub-item (f) above designed andintended for use in civil telecommunication systerns atfrequencies allocated by the ITU for that purpose.

4. Sub-item (g) above is not intended to cover duplex,ers andphase shifters specifically designed for use in civil televisionsystems or in other civil radar or communication systems notcovered elsewhere in these Lists.

5. Nothing in the following shall be construed as permitting theexport of technology, except the minimum technol6'gy for theuse (Le. installation,· operation and maintenace) of thefollowing equipment.Sub-items u) and (k) do not embargo microwave assemblies,sub-assemblies or amplifiers (or combinitions therefor)having all of the following characteristics: '(a) Fixed tuned at the time of manufl,lcture to operate only

within the ITV satellite broadcasting band from 11.7 to12.5 GHz;

(b) Not caJiable of being retuned to a new frequency bandby the user; and

(c) Specially designed for use with, or in, civil televisionreceivers.

FOR PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ONLY:6. The shipment of microwave equipment embargoed by sub­

items (a), (b) or (c), when designed for use at frequencies notexceeding 40 GHz and when specially designed for use withconventional commercial instruments described in Items IL1529, IL 1531 or IL 1533, provided the equipment does notin any way extend the frequency range of the basicinstrument.

7. Amplifiers and modulators, as follows:(a) Amplifiers embargoed by sub-item (k), when designed

for use with signal analysers described in Note 3 to ItemIL 1533 and designed for a maximum operatingfrequency not ex~eeding 2 GHz, provided theseamplifiers are not radiation hardened or "space­qualified."

NB:The term uspace qualified" used in this.lternrefers. toproducts which are 'stated by the manufacturer .' ..,designed and tested to meet the special electrical,mechanical. or environmental' .requirements .for .use inrockets, satellites orhigh..altitude fUgbt. $yst~m$operating at altitudes of 100 km or m~)l:e... .... ,_

(b) PIN modulators embargoed by sub-item (1), designed foruse at frequencies not exceeding 10.5 GHz.

IL 1541Cathode-ray tubes having any of the followingcharacteristics:(a) A resolving power of 32 lines per mm (800 lines per inch) or

more, using the shrinking raster method of measurement;(b) With travelling wave or distributed deflection structure using

delay lines, or incorporating other techniques to minimisemismatch of fast phenomena signals to the deflectionstructure, except when using segmented plate (sectionedY-plate) structure;

(c) Incorporating microchannel-plate electron multipliers, exceptcathode-ray tubes having all of the following characteristics:(i) The microchannel-plate electron multipliers have a hole

pitch of 25 micrometres or more;(ii) The tubes are not ruggedised for military use;(Hi) The tubes have a horizontal sweep slower than 200

ns/cm; and(iv) The electron gun is mounted parallel to the screen


NOTE:Technology for the design or production of cathode-ray 'tubesincorporating microchannel-plate electron multipliers is notreleased under this sub-item.

IL 1542~old cathode tubes and sWitch~,as f~llows:

(a) Triggered spark-gaps, having an anode delay time of 15microseconds or less and rated for a peak current of 3,000 Aor more; specially designed parts therefor, and equipment'incorporating such devices;

(b) Cold cathode tubes, whether gas-filled or not, operating in amanner similar to a spark gap, containing three or moreelectrodes and having all the following characteristics:(1) Rated for an anode peak voltage of 2,500 volts or more;(2) Rated for peak currents of 100 A or more;(3) An anode delay time of 10 microseconds or less; and(4) An envelope diameter of less than 25.4 mm (1 inch).

TECHNICAL NOTES:1. Triggered spark-gaps are tubes with a structure consisting of

two opposed anodes with shapes resembling flattened hemis­pheres, and with one or more triggering probes placedapproximately in the centre of one anode. The structure issealed and contains a mixture of gases, principally nitrogen,under less than atmospheric pressure.

2. Sub-item (b) above covers gas 'krytron' tubes, vacuum'krytron' tubes and similar tubes.

NOTE:Sub-item (a) does not embargo cold cathode relay tubes ordecade counter tubes.Sub-item (b) does not embargo ignitrons.

IL 1544Semiconductor diodes, as follows, and dice andwafers therefor:

NOTE:This item does not cover semiconductor diodes based upongermanium, selenium or copper oxide.

(a) Semiconductor diodes, designed or rated for use at input oroutput frequencies exceeding 12.5 GHz;

(b) Mixer and detector diodes designed or rated for use at inputor output frequencies greater than 3 GHz, except:(i) Point contact diodes designed or rated for use at input or

output frequencies of 12.5 GHz or less;(H) Schottky diodes designed or rated for mixer use at input

or output frequencies of less than 12.5 GH~ and having anoise figure of more than 6.5 dB; " ,

(Hi) Schottky diodes designed or rated for detector use atinput or output frequencies of less than 12.5 ,9Hz andhaving a minimum rated tangential sensitivity of eitherworse than -45 dBm under unbiased conditions orworse than -50 dBm under biased conditions;

(c) Oscillator and amplifier devices such as Gunn, Impatt,Trapatt, TED, and LSA (including those used for the directconversion of de to rf power) designed or rated for use at:(1) Output frequencies above 1 GHz but not exceeding 4

GHz with a peak power more than 2 W or a maximumCW power more than 200 mW; or

(2) Output frequencies above 4 GHz but not exceeding 12.5GHz with a pea.k power more than 1 W or a maximumCW power more than 100 mW;

(d) Voltage variable capacitance diodes designed or rated for useat input or output frequencies greater than 1.7 GHz;

(e) Fast recovery diodes, as follows;(1) Having a rated maximunl reverse recovery time of less

than 1 nanosecc.uld;or(2) Having both a rated forward rectified current over 5 A

and a rated Inaximum reverse recovery time of less than20 nanosec()nds;

Security export control March 1989 49

IL 1544(e) NOTES

NOTES:1. When average reverse recovery time is quoted instead of

maximum reverse recovery time, the maximum may beregarded as two times the average.

2. When reverse recovery time is not quoted, diodes ratedfor a stored charge of less than 25 pico-coulombs shall beregarded as embargoed by this sub-item

(I) PIN diodes designed or rated for use at input or outputfrequencies above 1.7 GHz, with a peak power of greaterthan 5 W or a maximum CW power of greater than 500 mW;

NOTES:1. Diodes constructed with a rectifying deposited metal semi­

conductor junction or barrier, such as hot-carrier or Schottky­barrier diodes, will normally be considered under sub-items(b) and (e) above.

2. For photodiodes see Item IL 1548.3. For light emitting diocles, see Item IL 1522.4. Varactor diodes embargoed by sub-item (d) for bona fide civil

use, as follows:(a) Silicon tuning varactor diodes for use at input or output

frequencies not exceeding 9 GHz;(b) Silicon Inultiplier varactor diodes for use at input or

output frequencies not exceeding 5 GHz; or(c) Silicon multiplier varactor diodes for use at input or

output frequencies above 5 GHz and not exceeding 9GHz with a power output of 0.5 W or less.

IL 1545Transistors, as follows, and dice and waferstherefor:

(a) Transistors based upon silicon and having any of thefollowing characteristics:(1) An "operating frequency" exceeding 1.5 GHz;(2) An "operating frequency" not exceeding 1.5 MHz and a

"maximum collector dissipation" of more than 300 W;(3) An "operating frequency" exceeding 1.5 MHz and a

"maximum collector dissipation" of more than 250 W;(4) An "operating frequency" exceeding 200 MHz and a

product of the "operating frequency" (in GHz) times the"maximum collector dissipation" (in watts) or more than10; or

(5) Being majority carrier-type transistors, including but notlimited to junction field-effect transistors (FETs) andmetal-oxide semiconductors transistors (MOS), exceptfield-effect transistors having any of the followingcharacteristics:(a) A maximum power dissipation of no more than 6W

and an "operating frequency" not exceeding 1.0GHz; or

(b) A maximum power dissipation of no more than IWand an "operating frequency" not exceeding 2.0GHz; or

(c) Designed for audio frequency applications;(b) Transistors based upon gallium arsenid~ and having any of

the following characteristics:(1) An "operating frequency" exceeding 1 GHz;(2) A maximum power dissipation of more than 1 W; or(3) A noise figure of less than 3 dB;

NB:Nothing in this sub-item is intended to release any technologyunique to transistors based upon gallium arsenide.

(c) Transistors based upon any semiconductor material otherthan germanium, silicon or gallium arsenide.

TECHNICAL NOTES:1. The "maximum collector dissipation" is defined as the

continuous dissipation measured under the optimum coolingconditions specified by the manufacturer.

2. "Operating frequency" is defined as the frequency used inmeasuring any of the following:(a) Output power;(b) Power gain (q,E' Opa, Ope, G"s or Gpo);(c) Gain bandwidth product (fT); or

60 Security export control March 1989

(d) Noise figure.

NOTES:1. Transistors embargoed by sub-iteIns (a) (2), (a) (3) or (a) (4) and

having the following characteristics:(a) Specially designed for:

(1) Television transposers; or(2) Civil mobile conlnlunications equipment; and

(b) Having a product of the "operating frequency" (in GHz)times the "maximum collector dissipation" (in watts) ofno more than 20.

2. The shipment of transistors embargoed by sub-itelll (a) (5)above.

(For Phototransistors, see Item IL 1548.)

IL 1547Thyristors, as follows, and dice and waferstherefor:

(a) Designed ,for use in pulse modulators having a rated turn-ontime of less than 1 microsecond where the rated peak currentexceeds 150 A;

(b) Having a rated turn-off time of less than 1 microsecond;(c) Having a rated turn-off time of from 1 microsecond to less

than 2.3 microseconds, except those having a rated peakcurrent of 50 A or less and encapsulated in non-hermeticallysealed packages;

(d) Having a rated turn-off time of from 2.3 to 1. 0 microsecondsand a "figure of merit" more than 100.

TECHNICAL NOTES:1. The "figure of merit" is here defined as the product of the

repetitive peak off-state voltage (V drm) in kilovolts and therepetitive peak on-state current (I trm) in amperes as shownon the thyristor data sheets.

2. The turn-off time for gate-turn-off thyristors is defined as thesum of the gate controlled delay time TDQ and the gatecontrolled fall time Tfq to reach 10 per cent of the initial on­state current.

NOTES:1. Thyristors required as replacernent parts in specific

equipnlent exported by a nlernber country, provided theynot upgrade the initial perfornlance of that equiprnent.

2. Thyristors covered by this iten1, when for use in civilapplications other than in radar or laser 111odulators.

IL 1548Photosensitive components, including linear andfocal-plane arrays, as follows, and dice andwafers therefor:

(a) Photosensitive components (including photodiodes,phototransistors, photothyristors, photoconductive cells andsimilar photosensitive components):(1) Having 'a peak sensitivity at a wavelength longer than

1,200 nanometres or shorter than 190 nanometres; or(2) Having a peak sensitivity at a wavelength shorter than

300 nanometres and having an efficiency of less than 0.1per cent relative to peak response at wavelengths longerthan 400 nanometres;

NOTE:Vacuum photodiodes specially designed for use inspectrophotometry having a peak response at a wave­length shorter than 300 nanometres are not covered bythis sub-item.(For photomultiplier tubes which contain microchannelplates, see Item IL 1549.)

(b) Semiconductor photodiodes and phototransistors with aresponse time constant of 95 ns or less measured at theoperating temperature for which the time constant reaches aminimum, except semiconductor photodiodes which are not"space qualified" with a response time constant of 0.5 ns ormore and with a peak sensitivity at a wavelength neither

longer than 920 nm nor shorter than 300 nm;(c) Specially designed or rated as electromagnetic (including

laser) and ionized-particle radiation resistant;(d) Linear and focal plane arrays (hybrid or monolithic) having

the characteristics in (a) or (b) above, and specially designedcomponents therefor;

TECHNICAL NOTE:The term "space qualified" used in this Item refers to productswhich are stated by the manufacturer as designed and testedto meet the special electrical, mechanical or environmentalrequirements for use in rockets, satellites or high-altitudesflight systems operating at altitudes of 100 km or more.

NOTES:1. The time constant is defined as the time taken from the

application of a light stimulus for the current increment toreach a value of 1-1/e times the final value (Le. 63 per cent ofthe final value).

2. This Item does not embargo the following:(a) Germanium photo devices with a peak sensitivitiy at a

wavelength shorter than 1,750 nanometres;(b) Infrared single-element encapsulated photoconductive

cells or pyroelectric detectors intended for civilapplications and using any of the following:(1) Evaporated lead sulphide;(2) Triglycine sulphate with a surface area of 20 mm2 or

less;(3) Lead-lanthanum-zirconium titanate ceramic.

(c) Single-element encapsulated mercury-cadmium-telluride(HgCdTe) uncooled (295K ambient temperatureoperation) photo-electromagnetic (pem) orphotoconductive (pc) mode photo detectors with a peaksensitivity at a wavelength shorter than 11,000nanometres.

FOR PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ONLY:3. The shipment of semiconductor photodiodes for previously

approved and installed Western civil communicationequipment with a response time constant of 0.5 ns or moreand· with a peak sensitivity at a wavelength neither longerthan 1,350 nm nor shorter than 300 nm.

NB:The photodiodes will be supplied on a replacement basis withno enhancement of the system.

IL 1549Photomultiplier tubes, as follows:

(a) For which the maximum sensitivity occurs at wavelengthsshorter than 300 nanometres;

NOTE:Photomultiplier tubes specially designed for use inspectrophotometry having a peak sensitity at a wavelengthshorter than 300 nanometres are not covered by this sub­item.(For photosensitive components, see Item IL 1548.)

(b) Having an anode pulse rise time of less than 1 nanosecond;(c) Those which contain microchannel~lateelectron multipliers.

NOTES:1 Non-ruggedised tubes covered by sub-item (a) above required

as replacement parts for specific civil equipment notexceeding the capability of that which could be exportedunder the present List, provided that these parts do notupgrade the initial performance of such equipment.For microchannel-plate electron olultipliers see Iteln IL 1556.

IL 1553Flash discharge type X-ray systems, includingtubes, having all of the following characteristics:

(a) Peak power greater than 500 MW;(b) Output voltage greater than 500 kV;(c) Pulse width less than 0.2 microsecond.

IL 1555Electron tubes, as follows, and speciallydesigned components therelor:

(a) Electron tubes for image conversion or intensification,incorporating:(1) Fibre-optic face-plates covered by Item IL 1556 (a);(2) Microchannel-plate el~ctron multipliers; or(3) Gallium arsenide or other epitaxially grown semi­

conductor photocathodes covered by Item IL 1556 (c);

NOTE:Nothing in this sub-item shall be construed as sanctioning theexport of technology for image intensifiers or convertersincorporating fibre-optic face-plates or microchannel-plateelectron multipliers, or electron tubes for camerasincorporating such intensifiers or converters.

(b) Electron tubes for television/video cameras:(1) Incorporating fibre-optic face-plates covered by Item

IL 1556 (a);(2) Incorporating microchannel-plate electron multipliers;

or(3) Coupled with electron tubes covered by (a) above;

(c) Ruggedised electron tubes for television/video camerashaving a maximum length-to-bulb diameter ratio of 5: 1 orless.

NOTES:1. This Item does not cover:

(a) Commercial standard television/video camera tubes notincorporating fibre-optic face-plates covered by Item IL1556 (a); or

(b) Commercial standard X-ray amplifier tubes.2. Reasonable quantities of non-ruggedised tubes covered by

this itern, provided they are satisfied that the tubes will beused for bona fide Inedical applications.

3. Electron tubes embargoed only by sub-itetTI (a) (1) abovewhich are specially designed for electron streak or fran1ingcalneras embargoed by Item IL 1585 (c), provided that thequantities requested, in additjon to those previously approvedunder this Note, are reasonable for specifically identified civilapplications.

4. Television/video camera tubes covered by sub-HelTI (b) or (c)above which incorporate fibre-optic face-plates but notn1icrochannel-plate electron multipliers, provided that thetubes will be used for bona fide civil applications.

FOR PEOPLE'SREPtJBlJCOF>CHINJ\. ONl.Y:5. The shipment ofelectron,tuoes, • follows:

(a) Image. intensifier ... and lm~se:conver8iQI1·tubeswhlchincorporate fibre-optic'ace-plates, or,microcbannel...plates, except. im,.ge tu~ .. ,speticdly:,designed .forcameras ~tnbarg0e9 .bylt~h) JL .. 158S~, "

(b) Teleyisional1d vide<.l·eamera., tUbes,,\Vb!dlJneorP9rat~:'(1) Fibr~ptic face-plates; or.(2) Microchannel~pl't~>~le~~rQtt ;81q;~tjplj;etl/nQt

embargo~d bylteD) 1l.1S~I~~:

NB:This Note.·doea'not-apply> lo·et,eetron tubes':ifla.tJ)Oratllll;'gallilJmars.,niete(or:.imu.rsemi(onauaoll:f1h.toc.tho~,; •.

NOTE:Any electron tube embargoed by this Item will be consideredthe principal element of any electronic video camera inwhich it appears. The phrase 'Electron tubes for imageconversion or intensification in sub-item (a)' is understood toinclude tubes employed in streaking or framing camerasdescribed by Item IL 1585.

IL 1556Optical elements and elements for optical tubes,as follows:

(a) Non-flexible fused fibre-optic plates or bundles, having all ofthe following characteristics:

Security expo~ contr~ March,1989 &1

IL 1558

IL 1556 (a) (1)

Electronic vacuum tubes (valves) and cathodes,as follows, and other components speciallydesigned for those tubes:

pulse power of 20 MW or more (see also Item It 1514);(b) Tubes which utilize interaction between a beam of electrons

and microwave elements and in which the electrons travel ina direction perpendicular to the applied magnetic field,including but not limited to magnetrons, crossed-fieldamplifier tubes and crossed-field oscillator tubes, except:(i) Fixed frequency and tunable pulsed magnetrons and

crossed-field amplifier tubes which are in normal civiluse in equipment which may be exported under theterms of these Lists, as follows:(1) Magnetrons designed to operate at frequencies

below 3 GHz with a maximum rated peak outputpower of 5 MW or less, or between 3 to 12 GHz withthe product of the maximum rated peak outputpower (expressed in kilowatts) and the frequency(expressed in Gigahertz) less than 4,200 and a"frequency tuning time" of more than 100 milli­seconds;

TECHNICAL NOTE:"Frequency tuning time" is the time required tochange the operating frequency from a startingfrequency, through the maximum frequency,through the minimum frequency, and return to thestarting frequency Le. one complete tuning cycle.("Frequency tuning time": T _1_

2fDfD: dither rate.)

(2) Crossed-field amplifier tubes designed to operate atfrequencies below 4 GHz with a maximum ratedaverage output power of 1.2 kW or less, a bandwidthof 200 MHz or less and a gain of less than 15 dB;

(ii) Fixed frequency continuous wave magnetrons designedfor medical use or for industrial heating or cookingpurposes operating at a frequency of 2.375 GHz .±.. 0.05GHz or 2.45 GHz .±.. 0.05 GHz with a maximum ratedoutput power not exceeding 6 kW or, at a frequencylower than 1 GHz, with a maximum rated output powernot exceeding 35 kW;

(c) Tubes which utilise interaction between a beam of electronsand microwave elements or cavities and in which theelectrons travel in a direction parallel to the applied magneticfield (eg klystrons or travelling wave tubes), except:(i) Continuous wave tubes having all of the following

characteristics:(I) Designed for use in civil ground communication;(2) An instantaneous bandwidth of half an octave or

less, Le. the highest operating frequency is nothigher than 1.5 times the lowest operatingfrequency;

(3) The product of the rated output power (expressed inW) and the maximum operating frequency(expres~ed in GHz) of no more than 300;

(4) An operating frequency no higher than 20 GHz;(5) No multiple grid electron guns; and(6) Collectors with no more than two depressed stages;

(H) Pulsed tubes, having all of the following characteristics:(1) For civil applications;(2) An instantaneous bandwidth of half an octave or

less, Le. the highest operating frequency is nothigher than 1.5 times the lowest operatingfrequency;

(3) Collectors with no more than two depressed stages;and

(4) Either of the following:(a) A peak saturated output power not ex~eeding 1

kW, an average output power not exceeding40 Wand the operating frequency notexceeding 10 GHz; or

(b) A peak saturated output not exceeding 100 W,an average output power not exceeding 20 Wand the operating frequency between 10 and20GHz;

(Hi) Pulsed tubes, having all of the following characteristics:(1) For civil applications;(2) Designed for fixed frequency operation;(3) Operating frequencies below 3.5 GHz;(4) A peak output power of 1.6 MW or less; and(5) An operating bandwidth of less than 1 per cent;

(iv) Tubes, having all of the following characteristics:(1) Used as fixed-frequency or voltage-tunable

Goods described can be licenced at nationaldiscretion for export to the proscribedcountries.


(a) Tubes in which space charge control is utilized as the primaryfunctional parameter, including but not limited to triodes andtetrodes, as follows:(1) Tubes rated for continuous wave operation having either

of the following characteristics:(i) Above 4 GHz at maximum rated anode dissipation;

or(H) Within the frequency range 0.3 to 4 GHz and for

which, under any condition of cooling, the productof the maximum rated anode dissipation (expressedin watts) and the square of the maximum frequency(expressed in Gigahertz) at the maximum ratedanode dissipation is greater than 104, except fortubes specially designed for television transmittersoperating in the frequency range of 0.47 to 0.96GHz and rated for operation without a grid current,for which the product of the rated anode dissipation(expressed in watts) and the square of the maximumfrequency (expressed in Gigahertz) nJay reach 2 x104;

(2) Tubes rated only for pulse operation having either of thefollowing characteristics:(i) Above 1 GHz, with maximum peak pulse output

power greater than 45 kW; or(ii) Between 0.3 and 1 GHz and for which, under any

condition of cooling, the product of the peak pulseoutput power (expressed in watts) and the square ofthe maximum frequency (expressed in Gigahertz) isgreater than 4.5 x 104;

(3) Tubes specially designed for use as pulse modulators forradar or similar applications, having a peak anodevoltage rating of 100 kV or more, or rated for a peak

(1) A fibre pitch (centre-to-centre spacing) of less than 10micrometres;

(2) A light-absorbing medium surrounding each fibre, orinterstitially placed between fibres;

(3) A diameter greater than 13mm (Y2 inch);(b) Microchannel-plates for electron image amplification having

both of the following characteristics:(1) 15,000 or more hollow tubes per plate; and(2) Hole pitch (centre-to-centre spacing) of less than 25

micrometres;(c) Semi-transparent photocathodes incorporating epitaxially

grown layers of compound semiconductors, such as galliumarsenide;(For associated starting materials see Item It 1757.)

(d) Diffractive type optical elements specially designed fordisplay screens with any of the following characteristics:(1) A transmission of more than 90 per cent outside the

reflection band and a reflection of more than 75 per centinside the reflection band, which has less than 15nanometres bandwidth and is matched to the frequencyof the display light source;

(2) A rear projection screen brightness gain of more than 10times the gain of a Lambertian scatterer with anequivalent area, and less than 10 per cent variation inbrightness across the exit aperture;

(3) Specially designed for use in helmet-mounted displays.

62 Security export control March 1989

oscillator tubes;(2) Designed to operate at frequencies below 20 GHz;

and(3) A maximum output power of less than 3 W;

(d) Tubes which utilize interaction between an electron beamand microwave elements or cavities but do not require amagnetic field to control or focus the electron beam, exceptlow power reflex oscillator klystrons designed to operate atfrequencies below 20 GHz and at a maximum output power ofless than 3 W;

(e) Tubes which utilize interaction between a beam of electronsand microwave elements or cavities in which the electronsdrift in a direction parallel to the applied magnetic field butalso require for their operation a large component of velocitytransverse to the direction of the applied magnetic field,including but not limited to gyrotrons, ubitrons andpeniotrons;

(f) Tubes designed to withstand on any axis an acceleration ofshort duration (shock) greater than 1,000 g;

(g) Tubes designed for operation in ambient temperaturesexceeding 200°C;

(h) Tubes of the types described in (c), (d) or (e) above, which aredesigned to operate with no filament or cathode heatingelement (as indicated by the absence of heating supplyconnections);

(i) Tubes which utilize a modulated beam of electrons strikingone or more semiconductor diodes to provide power gain.(see also Item IL 1544);

0) Cathodes for electronic vacuum tubes, as follows:(1) Specially designed for tubes embargoed by sub-items (a)

to (i) above; or(2) Impregnated cathodes capable of producing a current

density exceeding 0.5 AIcm2 at rated operatingconditions.

NOTES:1. Nothing in the following shall be construed as permitting the

export of technology for electronic vacuum tubes or speciallydesigned components therefor (for manufacturing equipment,see Item IL 1355 (a». This item does not embargo thefollowing electronic vacuum tubes and specially designedcomponents therefor;

2. Nothing in the following shall be construed as permitting theexport of technology. Sub-items (b) and (c) above do notembargo magnetrons and klystrons specially designed forparticle accellerators for medical radiation therapy, having allof the following characteristics:(1) Capable of operation only at a frequency of 3,000 MHz ±

15 MHz or at a frequency of 2,856 MHz ± 15 MHz;(2) Not capable of being tuned mechanically or electronic­

ally outside the above bands;(3) Mechanically tuned within the above bands; and(4) Having a peak output power not exceeding 10 MW and

an average output power not exceeding 15 kWI'll{' follo\'ving tu~)es:

(a) Tubes enlbargoed by sub-itenls (a), (b) or (c) aboverequired as replacernent parts for specific civilian

not exceeding the capability of that whichhe L>vr-.,,rl in the context of this List, provided

tht'se parts not upgrade the initial perfornlance of thatequiplnent;

(b) Pulsed o.lnplifier klystrons and fixed frequency andrnechanically tunable pulsed magnetrons enlbargoed bysub-HeIns (b) or (c) above intended for civil radarequipInent previously exported, provided they do notup~rade the initial perfornlance of that equiprnent.

IL 1559Hydrogen/hydrogen isotope thyratrons ofceramic-metal construction and having any ofthe following characteristics, and accessoriestherefor:

(a) A peak pulse power output exceeding 20 MW;(b) A peak anode voltage greater than 25 kV;(c) A peak current rating greater than 1.5 kA.

NOTE:For thyratrons rated for both single-shot (crowbar) and

modulator service, the figure for modulator service should·beused. .

Ceramic-metal structured hydrogen thyatrons to replace suchthyratrons in specific civil radar equipment previously exportedby a member country; provided they do not upgrade the initialperformance of that equipment.

IL 1560Capacitors designed for or capable ofmaintaining their rated electrical andmechanical characteristics during their specifiedoperating lifetime, and technology therefor, asfollows:

(a) Monolithic ceramic capacitors (other than boundary layeredcapacitors) using non-ferro-electric strontium titanate (SrTi03)dielectric rated for operation over the whole range ofambient temperatures from below -55°C to above + 85°C;

(b) Technology for the design and production of tantalumcapacitors rated for operation at ambient temperaturesexceeding 125°C, except sintered electrolytic types having acasing made of epoxy resin or which are sealed or coatedwith epoxy resin.

NOTE:Capacitors rated for operation during their specified lifetime atambient temperatures below -55°C or above + 200°C arecovered by Munitions List Item ML 11.

IL 1561Materials specially designed and manufacturedfor use as absorbers of electromagnetic waveshaving frequencies greater than 2 x 108 Hz andless than 3 x 1012 Hz, except materials as follows:

(i) "Hair" type absorbers, whether constructed of natural orsynthetic fibres, with non-magnetic loading to provideabsorption;

(ii) Absorbers whose incident surface is non-planar in shape,including pyramids, cones, wedges and convoluted surfaces,and which have no magnetic loss; and

(iii) Absorbers having all of the following characteristics:(1) Made of:

(a) Plastic foam materials (flexible or non-flexible) withcarbon-loading to provide absorption; or

(b) Organic binders with magnetic material loadingwhich do not provide "broad-band absorptionperformance with low reflectivity";

TECHNICAL NOTE:"Broad-band absorption performance with lowreflectivity" is defined as less than 5 per cent echocompared with metal over a bandwidth greater than± 15 per cent of the centre frequency of theincident energy;

(2) The incident surface is planar;(3) Their tensile strength is less than 7xl06 N/m2 (1,016 psi)~

(4) Their compressive strength is less than 14 x 106 N/m(2,032 psi); and

(5) They cannot withstand more than 450 K (177°C, 350°F).

NOTE:Nothing in the above releases magnetic materials to provideabsorption when contained in paint.

IL 1564"Assemblies" of electronic components,"modules", printed circuit boards with mountedcomponents, "substrates" and integratedcircuits, including packages therefor, as follows:

NOTE:Integrated circuits are categorized as follows:

"monolithic intiegrated circuits"

Security export COi1trol March ,198963

IL 1564NOTE continued

"microcomputer microcircuits""microprocessor microcircuits""multichip integrated circuits""film type integrated circuits""hybrid integrated circuits""optical integrated circuits"For a list of definitions of terms used in this Item, seeTechnical Note below.

(a) "Substrates" for printed circuit boards, including ceramic"substrates" and coated metal "substrates" (single-sided,double-sided or multilayer) and thin copper foils therefor,except:(1) Printed circuit boards manufactured from any of the

following materials:(A) Paper base phenolics;(B) Glass cloth melamine;(C) Glass epoxy resin uncoated or coated with copper

foil of a thickness of 18 micrometre (0.00071 inch)or more;

(D) Polyethylene terephthalate; or(E) Any other insulating material having all of the

following characteristics:(a) A maximum continuous rated operating

temperature not exceeding 423 K (l500C);(b) A dissipation factor equal to or more than 0.009

at 1 MHz;(c) A relative dielectric constant equal to or less

than 8 at 1 MHz; and(d) A coefficient of expansion equal to or more

than ±. 10-5/K over a temperature range of273 K to 393 K (OOC to 120°C);

(2) Ceramic "substrates" having no more than two layers ofinterconnections, including the ground plane; or

(3) Copper foil having a thickness of 18 micrometre (0.00071inch) or more;

(b) Ceramic packages for integrated circuits which are designedfor hermetically sealed pin or pad grid array, leadless carrieror surface-mounted configurations, except when having all ofthe following characteristics:(1) Single-in-Iine, dual-in-Iine or flat-pack configuration;(2) Pin, pad or lead spacings of 2.50 mm or more, or 100 mil

or more; and(3) 40 leads or less;

(c) "Assemblies", "modules" and printed circuit boards withmounted components, with any of the following character­istics:(1) They include "substrates" for printed circuit boards

embargoed by sub-item (a) or(2) They contain embargoed components, except when:

(A) The only embargoed components they contain arecapacitors;

(B) They are power supply "assemblies";(C) They are non-eoherent light-emitting alphanumeric

displays, of which incorporated "monolithic inte­grated circuits" having both the followingcharacteristics:(a) Used for decoding, controlling or driving the

display; and(b) Not integral with the actual display device; or

(D) They are simple encapsulated photo-coupler(transC'pter) "assemblies", having both of thefollowing characteristics:(a) Electrical input and output; and(b) Any incorporated light-emitting diode can only

emit non-eoherent light;

NOTE:Sub-item (c) (2) does not embargo "assemblies", "modules"or printed circuit board with mounted components,having both of the following characteristics:(a) Designed for equipment not embargoed by any

other Item of these Lists; and(b) Substantially restricted to the particular application

for which they have been designed by nature ofeither:(1) Design;(2) Performance;(3) Lack of "user-accessible microprogramma­


54 Security export control March 1989

(4) Lack of "user-accessible programmability";(5) "Software";(6) "Microprogramme" control; or(7) Specialized logic control.

NOTES:1. For the embargo status of "assemblies", "modules" or

printed circuit boards with mounted components whichare designed for, or which have the same functionalcharacteristics as, electronic computers or "relatedequipment", see Item IL 1565.

2. "Assemblies", "modules" or printed circuit boards withmounted components which are designed for, or whichhave the same functional characteristics as, embargoedequipment shall be rated against the parameters of theappropriate equipment Item. In such cases, however, therelevant temperature parameters have to be changedinto: below 218 K (-55°C) or above 358 K (85°C).

(d) "Monolithic integrated circuits", "microcomputer micro­circuits", "microprocessor microcircuits", "multichipintegrated circuits", "film type integrated circuits", "hybridintegrated circuits" and "optical integrated circuits", except:(1) Encapsulated passive networks;

NOTE:Technology for the manufacture of thin film passivenetworks is not released from embargo by this sub-item.

(2) Encapsulated integrated circuits, having all of thefollowing characteristics:(A) Not designed or rated as radiation hardened;(B) Not rated for operation at an ambient temperature

below 233 K (-40°C) or above 358 K (85°C);(C) Packaged in any of the following casings:

(a) TO-5 outline cases (diameter 7.7 to 9.4 mm, Le.0.305 to 0.370 inch);

(b) Hermetically sealed dual in-line cases; or(c) Non-hermetically sealed cases; and

(D) Being any of the following types:(a) Bipolar "monolithic integrated circuits", having

all of the following characteristics:(1) Designed to perform a single digital logic

function or a combination of digital logicfunctions;

(2) Encapsulated in packages having 24terminals or less;

(3) A "basic gate propagation delay time" ofno less than 3 ns;

(4) A "basic gate power dissipation" of no lessthan 2 mW; and

(5) A product of the "basic gate propagationdelay time" and the "basic gate powerdissipation" per gate of no less than 30 pJfor types having a "basic gate propagationdelay time" of 3 ns or more and less than 5ns;

(b) Bipolar "monolithic integrated circuits", havingall of the following characteristics:(1) Designed for operation in civil

applications;(2) Being either:

(A) Electronic switches, externallycontrolled by inductive, magnetic oroptical means; or

(B) Threshold value switches; and(3) With switching times of 0.5 microsecond

or more;(c) Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor

(CMOS) "monolithic integrated circuits", havingall of the following characteristics:(1) Designed for operation as digital logic

circuit elements but limited to gates,inverters, buffers, flip-flops, latches, multi­vibrators, bilateral switches, displaydrivers, fixed counters, fixed frequencydividers, storage registers, decoders,voltage translators, encoders, Schmidttriggers, delay timers, carry generators,clock generators, and any combination ofthe above digital logic functions;

(2) Encapsulated in packages having 24terminals or less; and


(3) A mInImum value of the "basic gatepropagation delay time" under any ratedcondition of no less than IOns;

(d) Positive-ehannel type or negative-ehannel typemetal-oxide semiconductor (PMOS or NMOS)"monolithic integrated circuits", having all ofthe following characteristics:(1) Designed for and by virtue of circuit

design limited to use as serial digital shiftregisters;

(2) A maximum clock rate of 10 MHz; and(3) A maximum of 1,024 bit per package;

(e) Silicon "microcomputer microcircuits" havingall of the following characteristics:(1) Mask programmed by the "manufacturer"

for a civil application prior to shipment;(2) A word size to "speed" ratio of less than or

equal to 1.1 bit per microsecond;(3) A "speed-power dissipation product" of

more than or equal to 1.2 microjoule;(4) Not containing on-the-chip:

(A) A read-only storage (ROM) of morethan 8,192 byte;

NOTE:This does not include the storage spaceneeded for the "microprogramme".(B) A random access storage (RAM) of

more than 128 byte;(C) A programmable read-only storage

(PROM);(D) Multiplication capabilities;(E) General purpose operating systems

(e.g. CP/M); or(F) High order languages (e.g. Tiny

Basic);(5) An operand (data) word length of less than

or equal to 8 bit;(6) Not capable of using storage off-the-chip

for "programme" storage; and(7) Not rated for operation at an ambient

temperature below 253 K (-20°C) orabove 348 K (75°C);

NOTE:Bit-slice "microcomputer microcircuits" are notreleased by this sub-item.

(f) Silicon "monolithic integrated circuits", "micro­computer microcircuits", "microprocessormicrocircuits", "multichip integrated circuits","film type integrated circuits", "hybrid inte­grated circuits", or "optical integrated circuits",having both of the following characteristics:(1) No "user-accessible microprogramma-

bility"; and(2) Designed or programmed by the "manu­

facturer" for any of the followingapplications, only:(A) Car electronics (e.g. entertainment,

instrumentation, safety, comfort,operations, or pollution);

(B) Home electronics, (e.g. audio andvideo equipment, appliances, safety,education, comfort, remote con­trolled toys or amusement);

(C) Timekeeping applications ( or clocks);

(D) Personal communications up to 150MHz, including amateur radio com­munication and intercom;

(E) Unembargoed cameras including cinecameras but excluding imagingmicrocircuits; or

(F) Medical electronic prostheses (e.g.cardiac pacemakers, hearing aids);

NOTE:The temperature limits specified in (d) (2)(B) above do not apply to sub-section (A) or(F).

(g) "Monolithic integrated circuits" or "hybrid

integrated circuits", having all of the followingcharacteristics:(1) Not capable of addressing off-the-chip

storage;(2) No "user-accessible microprogramma­

bility"; and(3) Designed for and by virtue of circuit

design limited to use in simple calculators,having both of the following character­istics:(A) Performing a single function in

response to a keystroke; and(B) Capable of performing floating point

additions of a maximum of 13decimal digits (mantissa only) in noless than 20 ms;

(h) "Monolithic integrated circuits" or "hybridintegrated circuits", having both of thefollowing characteristics:(1) No "user-accessible microprogramma­

bility"; and(2) Designed for and by virtue of circuit

design limited to use in simple keyprogrammable calculators, having both ofthe following characteristics:(A) Capable of executing a sequence of

no more than 256 "programme" stepsintroduced into a "programme"storage on-the-chip by a sequence ofkeystrokes; and

(B) Capable of performing floating pointadditions of a maximum of 13decimal digits (mantissa only) in noless than 20 ms;

(i) Silicon "microprocessor microcircuits", havingall of the following characteristics:(1) A word size to "speed" ratio of less than or

equal to 1.25 bit per microsecond;(2) A "speed-power dissipation product" of

more than or equal to 2 microjoule;(3) Not containing on-the-chip:

(A) Read-only storage (ROM);(B) Programmable read-only storage

(PROM);(C) Random-access storage (RAM) of

more than 1,024 bit; or(D) Multiplication instructions;

(4) Capable of addressing storage off-the-chipof no more than 65,536 byte;

(5) An operand (data) word length of less thanor equal to 8 bit;

(6) An arithmetic logic unit (ALU) not widerthan 8 bit; and

(7) Not rated for operation at an ambienttemperature below 253 K (-20°C) orabove 348 K (75°q;

NOTE:Bit-slice "microprocessor microcircuits" are notreleased by this sub-item.

0) Storage "monolithic integrated circuits" or"multichip integrated circuits", as follows:(1) Read-only (ROMs), having all of the

following characteristics:(A) Mask programmed by the "manufac­

turer" for a civil application prior toshiplnent;

(B) A maximum of 8,192 bit per package;(C) A maximum access time of no less

than 450 ns; and(0) Not rated for operation at an ambient

temperature below 253 K (-20°C) orabove 348 K (75°C);

(2) Positive-channel type or negative-channeltype metal-oxide senliconductor read-only(PMOS- or NMOS-ROMs), having all of thefollowing characteristics:(AY; Mask programmed hy the "manufac­

I, turer" for a civil application prior toshipment;

(B) A maximum of 32,768 bit perpackage;

Security export Conltrol March 1989 66

NOTE:For audio amplifiers, the 358 K (85°C)

upper temperature limit specified in (d) (2)(B) is not applicable. The lower limit of 233K (-40°C) is applicable.

(2) Instrumentation amplifiers, having all ofthe following characteristics:(A) A best-case rated linearity of no

better than.±.. 0.01 per cent at a gainof 100;

(B) A maximum gain-bandwidth productof no more than 7.5 expressed in MHz(e.g. a maximum bandwidth of 75kHz at -3 dB and a gain of 100); and

(C) A typical slew rate at unity-gain notexceeding 3 VImicrosecond;

(3) Isolation amplifiers;(4) Operational amplifiers, having all of the

following characteristics:(A) A typical unity-gain open-loop

bandwidth of no more than 5 MHz;(B) A typical open-loop voltage gain of no

more than 1()6, Le. 120 dB;(C) Either:

(a) A maximum intrinsic rated inputoffset voltage of no less than 1.0mY; or

(b) A maximum input offset voltagedrift of no less than 5microvolt/K;

(D) A typical slew rate at unity-gain notexceeding 6 VInlicrosecond; and

(E) A typical power dissipation of morethan 10 mW per amplifier, if thetypical slew rate at unity-gain exceeds2.5 VImicrosecond; or

(5) Un tuned alternating current (AC)amplifiers, having both of the followingcharacteristics;(A) A bandwidth of less than 3 MHz; and(B) A maximum rater power dissipation

of 5 W or less at an ambienttemperature of 298 K (25°C);

(I) Analogue multiplier or divider "monolithicintegrated circuits", "multichip integratedcircuits", "film type integrated circuits" or"hybrid integrated circuits", having both of thefollowing characteristics:(1) A best-case rated linearity of no better

than.±.. 0.5 per cent of full scale; and(2) A -3 dB small signal bandwidth of no

more than 1 MHz;(m) Converter "monolithic integrated circuits",

"multichip integrated circuits", "film typeintegrated circuits" or "hybrid integratedcircuits", as follows:(1) Analogue-ta-digital converters, having

both of the following characteristics:(A) A maximum conversion rate to raterl

accuracy of no more than 50,000complete conversions per second, Lea conversion time to maximurr'~

resolution of no less than 20 micro­second; and

(B) An accuracy of no better than ±­0.025 per cent of full scale over thespecified operating temperaturerange;

(2) Analogue-ta-digital convertors, havingboth of the following characteristics:(A) Designed for digital voltmeter

applications; and(B) Permitting characteristics corre­

sponding to those of instruments freefrom embargo under Item IL 1529 (f);

(3) Digital-to-analogue converters, havingboth of the following characteristics:(A) A maximum settling time to rated

linearity of no less than:(a) 5 microsecond for voltage output

converters; or(b) 250 n s for cur r e n t 0 utput

converters; and(B) A non-linearity (i.e. deviation from an

A maximum access time of no lessthan 450 ns; andNot rated for operation at an ambienttemperature below 253 K (-20°C) orabove 348 K (75°C);

(3) Positive-channel type or negative-channeltype metal-oxide semiconductor read-only(PMOS- or NMOS-ROMs), having all of thefollowing characteristics:(A) Mask programmed or designed as

character generators for a standardcharacter font;

(B) A maximum access time of no lessthan 250 ns; and

(C) Not rated for operation at an ambienttemperature below 253 K (-20°C) orabove 348 K (75° C);

(4) Programmable (non-erasable) read-only(PROMs) having all of the followingcharacteristics:(A) Programmed by the "manufacturer"

for a civil application prior toshipment;

(B) A maximum of 2,048 bit per package;(C) A maximum access time of no less

than 250 ns; and(D) Not rated for operation at an ambient

temperature below 253 K (-20°C) orabove 348 K (75°C);

(5) Programmable (non-erasable) read-only(PROMs) having all of the followingcharacteristics:(A) Programmed by the "manufacturer"

for a civil application prior toshipment;

(B) A maximum of 8,192 bit per package;(C) A maximum access time of no less

than 450 ns; and(D) Not rated for operation at an ambient

temperature below 253 K (-20°C) orabove 348 K (75°C);

(6) Bipolar random-access (RAMs), having anyof the following pairs of characteristics:(A) A maximum of 64 bit per package

and a maximum access time of no lessthan 30 ns;

(B) A maximum of 256 bit per packageand a maximum access time of no lessthan 40 ns; or

(C) A maximum of 1,024 bit per packageand a maximum access time of no lessthan 45 ns;

(7) Metal-oxide-semiconductor dynamicrandom access (MOS-DRAMs), having allof the following characteristics:(A) A maximum of 4,096 bit per package;(B) A maximum access time of no less

than 250 ns; and(C) Not rated for operation at an ambient

temperature below 253 K (-20°C) orabove 348 K (75°C);

(8) Metal-oxide semiconductor static randomaccess (MOS-SRAMs), having both of thefollowing characteristics:(A) A maximum of 1,024 bit per package;

and(B) A maximum access time of no less

than 450 ns;(k) Amplifier "monolithic integrated circuits",

"multichip integrated circuits", "film type inte­grated circuits" or "hybrid integrated circuits",as follows:(1) Audio amplifiers, having a maximum

rated continuous power output of 50 W orless at an ambient temperature of 298 K(25°C);

IL 1564 (cl) (2) (D) 0) (2) (C)



56 Security export control March 1989

ideal straight line) of equal to orworse than.±.. 0.025 per cent of fullscale over the specified operatingtemperature range;

(4) Voltage (rms-to-DC) converters; or(5) Voltage-to-frequency converters having

all of the following characteristics:(A) Not employing delta or delta/

sigma modulation techniques;(B) A rated accuracy of no better than .±..

0.01 per cent of full scale; and(C) A 'gain drift' of no less than

.±.. 50 x 10-6/K at rated frequency;

NOTE:'Gain drift' specifies the maximumchange in gain over a specified tem­perature range.

NOTE:See Item IL 1527 for coders, decoders orcoders/decoders (codec), all when designed forvoice.

(n) Interface "monolithic integrated circuits","multichip integrated circuits", "film typeintegrated circuits" or "hybrid integratedcircuits", as follows:(l) Line drivers and line receivers having a

'typical propagation delay time' from datainput to output of no less than 15 ns;

(2) Peripheral or display drivers, having all ofthe following characteristics:(A) A maximum rated output current of

500 mA or less;(B) A 'typical propagation delay time'

from data input to output of no lessthan 20 ns; and

(C) A maximum rated output voltage of80 V or less;

(3) Sense amplifiers, having both of thefollowing characteristics:(A) A 'typical propagation delay time'

froln data input to output of no lessthan 15 ns; and

(B) A typical input threshold voltage ofno less than 10 mV; or

(4) Storage or clock drivers, having all of thefollowing characteristics:(A) A maximum rated output current of

500 mA or less;(B) A maximum rated output voltage of

30 V or less; and(C) A 'typical propagation delay time'

from data input to output of no lessthan 20 ns;

NOTE:When the 'typical propagation delay time' isnot specified, the typical turn-on or turn-offtime, whichever is less, should be used.

(0) Peripheral positive-channel type or negative­channel type metal-oxide-semiconductor(PMOS or NMOS) "monolithic integratedcircuits" or "multichip integrated circuits",designed only for:(1) The support of "microprocessor micro­

circuits" which are excluded fromembargo by (d) (2) (D) (i) above; and

(2) Any of the following functions:(A) Parallel input/output controller (PlO);(B) Serial input/output controller (SIO);(C) Dual asynchronous receiver/trans-

mitter (DART); or(D) Counter/timer circuit (CTC);

(p) Sample and hold "monolithic integratedcircuits", "hybrid integrated circuits", "filmtype integrated circuits" or "multichipintegrated circuits", having both of thefollowing characteristics:(1) An acquisition time of no less than 10

microsecond; and

(2) A non-linearity, (Le. a deviation from anideal straight line), of equal to or Worsethan .±..O.OI per cent of full scale for a holdtime of 1 microsecond;

(q) Timing "monolithic integrated circuits","hybrid integrated circuits", "film typeintegrated circuits" or "multichip integratedcircuits", having both of the followingcharacteristics:(1) A typical timing error of no less than .±..0.5

per cent; and(2) A typical rise time of no less than 100 ns;

(r) Voltage "monolithic integrated circuits","multichip integrated circuits", "film typeintegrated circuits" or "hybrid integratedcircuits", as follows:(1) Voltage comparators, having both of the

following characteristics:(A) A maximum input offset voltage of no

less than 2 mV; and(B) A 'typical switching speed', Le. typical

response time of no less than 30 ns;(2) Voltage references, having both of the

following characteristics:(A) A rated accuracy of no better than .±..

0.1 per cent; and(B) A temperature coefficient of the

voltage of no less than 15 x 10-6/K;(3) Linear type voltage regulators, having

both of the following characteristics:(A) A rated nominal output voltage of 50

V or less; and(B) A maximum output current of 2 A or

less; or(4) Switching type voltage regulators, having

both of the following characteristics:(A) A rated nominal output voltage of 40

V or less; and(B) A maximum output current of 150

mA or less;

NOTES:1. For voltage regulators, the 358 K (85°C)

upper temperature limit specified in (d) (B)(2) above is not applicable. The lower limitof 233 K (-40°C) is applicable.

2. See (d) (2) (D) (m) (4) for rms-to-DC voltageconverters and (d) (2) (D) (m) (5) forvoltage-to-frequency converters.

(s) Non-coherent light-emitting alphanumericdisplays, which do not incorporate other"monolithic integrated circuits";

(t) Non-coherent light-emitting alphanumericdisplays, which incorporate "monolithic inte­grated circuits" having both of the followingcharacteristics:(1) Used for decoding, controlling or driving

the display; and(2) Not ~ntegral with the actual display device;

(u) Simple encapsulated photocoupler (transopter)"optical integrated circuits", having both of thefollowing characteristics:(1) Electrical input and output; and(2) Any incorporated light-emitting diodes

can only emit non-coherent light;(3) Unencapsulated integrated circuits, having all of the

following characteristics:(A) Based exclusively upon silicon;(B) Not designed or rated as radiation hardened; and(C) Being any of the following types:

(a) Bipolali "monolithic integrated circuits", havingall of the following characteristics:(1) Designed to perform a single digital logic

function or a combination of digital logicfunctions;

(2) A "basic gate propagation delay time" ofno less than 5 ns;

(3} A product of the "basic gate propagationdelaytimeH and the "basic gate powerdissipation" per gate of not less than 70 pJ;and

(4) No more than 24 input/output pads;

Security export control March 1'989 57

IL 1564 (d) (3) (q (a) NOTE

NOTE:Sub-item (d) (3) (C) (a) does not permit shipmentof complex custom-built bipolar digital"monolithic integrated circuits".

(b) Bipolar "monolithic integrated circuits", havingall of the following characteristics:(1) Designed for operation in civil appli­

cations;(2) Being either:

(A) Electronic switches, externally con­trolled by inductive, magnetic oroptical means; or

(B) Threshold value switches;(3) With switching times of 0.5 microsecond

or more; and(4) No more than 24 input/output pads;

NOTE:Sub-item (d) (3) (C) (b) does not permit shipmentof complex custom-built bipolar digital"monolithic integrated circuits".

(c) "Monolithic integrated circuits" having all ofthe following characteristics:(1) No "user-accessible microprogramma­

bility";(2) Designed for and by virtue of circuit

design limited to use in civil radio ortelevision receivers;

(3) Rated for operation at 11 MHz or less;(4) Not designed for station scanning appli­

cations;(5) Not utilizing charge-coupled device (CCD)

technology;(6) Not intended for beam lead bonding; and(7) If intended for video or luminance

amplifiers, having both of the followingcharacteristics:(A) A maximum rated supply voltage not

exceeding 30 V; and(B) A typical bandwidth not exceeding

7.5 MHz;(d) "Monolithic integrated circuits" having all of

the following characteristics:(1) No "user-accessible microprogramma­

bility";(2) Not utilizing charge-coupled device (CCD)

technology;(3) Not intended for beam lead bonding; and(4) Designed or programmed by the "manu­

facturer" for any of the following appli­cations only:(A) Timekeeping applications (e.g.

watches or clocks); or(B) Cardiac pacemakers or hearing aids;

(e) Amplifier "monolithic integrated circuits" asfollows:(1) Audio amplifiers, having a maximum

rated power output of 25 W or less at anambient temperature of 298 K (25°C); or

(2) Operational amplifiers, having all of thefollowing characteristics:(A) A typical unity-gain open-loop

bandwidth of no more than 5 MHz;(B) A typical open-loop voltage gain of no

more than 562,000 Le. 115 dB;(C) A maximum intrinsic rated input


Goods described can be licenced at nationaldiscretion for export to the proscribedcountries.

offset voltage of no less than 2.5 mY;and

(D) A typical slew rate at unity-gain notexceeding 2.5 V/microsecond;

(f) Voltage "monolithic integrated circuits" asfollows:(1) Voltage comparators, having both of the

following characteristics:(A) A maximum input offset voltage of no

less than 5 mV; and(B) A 'typical switching speed', Le. typical

response time of no less than 50 ns.(2) Linear type voltage regulators, having

both of the following characteristics:(A) A rated nominal output voltage of 40

V or less; and(B) A maximum output current of 1 A or

less; or(3) Switching type voltage regulators, having

both of the following characteristics:(A) A rated nominal output voltage of 40

V or less; and(B) A maximum output current of 150

mA or less;(4) Encapsulated integrated circuits having all of the

following characteristics:(A) Not designed or rated as radiation hardened;(B) Not rated for operation at an ambient temperature

below 233 K (-40°C) or above 358 K (85°C);(C) Packaged in hermetically sealed ceramic packages

excluded from embargo under sub-item (b); and(D) Containing unencapsulated integrated circuits

excluded from embargo under sub-item (d) (3).

NOTES:1. Nothing in the above shall be construed flS permitting the

export of wafer or chip design or processing informationinherent in the manufacture of any embargoed class of"assembly", "module", integrated circuit or "circuit element",irrespective of any release of devices in any of these classes.This restriction also applies to technology embodied both inthe equipment embargoed by Item It 1355 and in its use.

2. Integrated circuits having no "user-accessible micropro­grammability" (e.g. mask programmed) are only eligible forrelease from embargo if:(a) The design or "programme" are originated either by the

"manufacturer" alone or in concert with the user of theintegrated circuit;

(b) The "programme" is unalterably fixed at the time ofmanufacture; and

(c) The "manufacturer" established that the design, basicfunctions and performance of the integrated circuit areonly for the intended end-use.

NB:Integrated circuits, including gate arrays and programmablelogic arrays, based only or primarily on customer-suppliec'circuit design or "programmes" do not meet the criteria 0

this Note and are therefore not released under this Item.3. Devices covered by sub-iteln (c) and not released frol'

enlbargo by virtue of sub-itenls (d) (1) or (2) above, providetthat:(a) They consist of, or are incorporated in, plug-in

circuit boards with mounted cornponents or"modules", for use in identifiable equipnlent nYC~l.TH·\ll,":I'

exported by a lnenlber country;(b) They do not upgrade the initial of

previously exported equipment;(c) The plug-in printed circuit boards with mounted

components or the plug-in "rnodules" are not operableindependently froIlI the equiptnent in which they are tobe inserted.

4. "Assemblies", "rnodules" or printed circuit boards withInounted components, embargoed by sub~itenl (c) (2), whichby nature of their design or performance:(a) Are substantially restricted to the particular civil appli~

cation for which they have been designed; and(b) Contain only components which are either free fronl

embargo or eligible for national discretion treatment.5. Devices (encapsulated or unencapsulated) not released by

sub-items (c) or (d) above, provided that:(a) They have been designed for identifiable civil appli~

58 Security export control March 1989

cations;(b) They are, by nature of design or performance, sub­

stantially restricted to the particular application forwhich they have been designed.

FOR PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF cHINA ONLY:6. Thesbipment of "assembli~su, printed circuit boards and

integrated circuitsnot specially.designed to military standardsfor radiation hardening or temperature, as folloW's!(a) "Substrates" for printed circuit boards, except those

exceeding the limit of sub-item (a) (2);(b) Patterned "substrates" for ,printed circuit boards which

exceed the limits of sub..item ({l) (1) (E), when speciallydesigned for use in civil applications listed in .sub-items(d) (2) (D) (f) (2), (d) (2) (D) (g) (3) or (d) (2) (D) (h) (2);

(c) Silicon-based devices exceeding the limits of:(1) Sub-items (d) (2)(D) (a), (b) or (c), except tbose with

more than 28 terminals;(2) Sub-items (d) (2) (D) (g) or (h);(3) Sub-items (d) (2) (D) (k), (1), (m) (4) and (5), (n), (r), (s)

or (u); or(4) Sub-items (d) (2) (D) (t) or (q);

(d) Silicon-based 8-bit or less umicrocomputermicrocircuits"exceeding the limits of sub-items (d) (2) (D) (e) (1) to (4),(6) and (7);

(e) Silicon-based "microprocessor microcircuits" with anoperand length of 16 bit or less and an arithmetic logicunit (ALU) not wider than 32 bit and exceeding the limitsof sub-items (d) (2) (D) (i) (1) to (6), except:(1) Those with a total processing data rate exceeding

28 million bit per second;(2) Bit-slice "microprocessor microcircuits";

(t) Silicon-based memory devices, as follows:(1) MOS DRAMs with no more than 256 kbit;(2) MOS SRAMs with no more than 64 kbit;(3) Mask PROMs with no more than 512kbit;(4) UV-EPROMs except keyed access EPROMs with no

more than 256 kbit;(5) EAROMS with no more than 64 kbit;(6) EEROMS with no more than 64 kbit;

NB:1kbit = 1,024 bits.(g) Operational amplifiers· exceeding the limits of sub-item

(d) (2) (D) (k) (4) which do not have a slew rate exceeding100 volt per microsecond;

(h) Analogue-to-digital and digital-to-analogue convertersexceeding the limits of sub-item (d) (2) (D) (m) (1) to (3),except:(1) Analogue-to-digital converters with less than a 500

. ns conversion time to a maximum resolution of 12bit;

(2) Digital-to-analogue converters with less than 500 nssettling time for voltage output and a maximumresolution of 12 bit;

(3) Digital-to-analogue converters with less than 25 nssettling time for current output and a maximumresolution of 12 bit;

(i) Silicon based 8-bif or less user-programmable single chip"microcomputer microcircuits" embargoed by sub-item(d);

0) "Optical integrated circuits":(1) Embargoed by sub-item (d);(2) With no more than 2,048 elements; and(3) Not exceeding the limits of Item IL 1548 (a) and (b);

(k) Non..reprogrammable silicon. based integrated circuitsspecially designed or programmed by the "manu..fac-turer'· for business or office use.

(I) Sample and hold integrated circuits exceeding the limitsof sub-item (d) (2) (D) (P) with an -acquisition tim,e olnoless than 500 ns. '

7. Definition of terms:"assembly" -

A number of electronic components (Le. "circuit elements","discrete components", integrated circuits etc.) connectedtogether to perform (a) specific function(s), replaceable as anentity and normally capable of being disassembled.

'basic gate power dissipation" -The power dissipation value corresponding to the basic gateutilized within a family of "monolithic integrated circuits".This may be specified, for a given family, either as the power

dissipation per typical gate or as the typical power dissipationper gate.

"basic gate propagation delay time" -The propagation delay time value corresponding to the basicgate utilized within a family of "monolithic integratedcircuits". This may be specified, for a given family, either asthe propagation delay time per typical gate or as the typicalpropagation delay time per gate.

NB:"Basic gate propagation delay time" is not be be confusedwith input/output delay time of a complex "monolithicintegrated circuit".

"circuit element" -A single active or passive functional part of an electroniccircuit, such as one diode, one transistor, one resistor, onecapacitor, etc.

"discrete component" -A separately packaged "circuit element" with its ownexternal connections.

"film type integrated circuit" -An array of "circuit elements" and metallic interconnectionsformed by deposition of a thick or thin film on an insulating"substrate".

"hybrid integrated circuit" -Any combination of integrated circuits, "circuit element" or"discrete components" connected together to perform (a)specific function(s).

"manufacturer" -For the purposes of this Item the individual or organizationdesigning an integrated circuit or a "programme" for anintended application, in contrast to an individual ororganization merely programming an integrated circuit at, orin accordance with, a user's request.

"microcomputer microcircuit" -A "monolithic integrated circuit" or "multichip integratedcircuit" containing an arithmetic logic unit (ALV) capable ofexecuting general purpose instructions from an internalstorage, on data contained in the internal storage.

NB:The internal storage may be augmented by an externalstorage.

"microprocessor microcircuit"-A "monolithic integrated circuit" or "multichip integratedcircuit" containing an arithmetic logic unit (ALV) capable ofexecuting a series of general purpose instructions from anexternal storage.

NB:The "microprocessor microcircuit" normally does not containintegral user-accessible storage, although storage present on­the-chip may be used in performing its logic function.

"microprogramme" -A sequence of elementary instructions, maintained in aspecial storage, the execution of which is initiated by theintroduction of its reference instruction into an instructionregister.

"module" -A number of electronic components (Le. "circuit elements","discrete components", integrated circuits etc) connectedtogether to perform (a) specific function(s), replaceable as anentity and not normally capable of being disassembled.

"monolithic integrated circuits" -A combination of passive or active "circuit elements" or bothwhich:(a) Are formed by means of diffusion processes, implan­

tation proceSSl~S or deposition processes in or on a singlesemiconducting piece of material, a so-called 'chip';

(b) Can be considered as indivisibly associated; and(c) Perform the function(s) of a circuit.

"multichip integrated circuit" -Two or more "monolithic integrated circuits" bonded to acommon "substrate".

"optical integrated circuit" -A "monolithic integrated circuit" or ,a "hybrid integratedcircuit", containin~l 9ne or more parts desilned to function asa photosensor or phott1emitter or to perform (an) optical or(an) electro-optical function(s).


A sequence of instructions to carry out a process in. or

Security export cc~ntrol March -1989 59

TECHNICAL NOTES:1. The percent~ge to (b) (1) above applies to the actual output

voltage; all the other percentages apply to full scale, that isfrom maximum negative to maximum positive referencevoltages.

2. Total errors at 1 kHz to (b) (2) and (c) (2) above are to bemeasured with those resistors incorporated in the inverter,summer or integrator which provide the last error.

3. Total error measurements include all errors of the unitresulting from, for example, tolerances of resistors andcapacitors, tolerances of input and outplit impedances of



NOTE:"Related equipment" which contains an "embedded" or"incorporated" electronic computer, but which lacks "user­accessible programmability", does not thereby fall within thedefinition of an electronic computer.

2. This Item includes:(a) "Assemblies", "modules", or printed circuit boards with

mounted components referred to this Item by Item It1564;

(b) Assemblies of materials or thin film devices or devicescontaining them referred to this Item by Item It 1588;

(c) Central processing unit - "main storage" combinations;(d) Digital differential analyzers (incremental computers);

and(e) Processors for stored-programme control.

(This ends the Technical Notes. For a complete list of definitions ofterms used in this Item, see Note 16 below.)

Usted as follows:(a) "Analogue computers" and "related equipment" therefor,

which are designed or modified for use in airborne vehicles,missiles or space vehicles and rated for continuous operationat temperatures from below 228 K (-45°C) to above 328 K(+ 55°C);

(b) Equipment or systems containing "analogue computers"embargoed by sub-item (a);

(c) "Analogue computers" and "related equipment" therefor,other than those embargoed by sub-item (a), except:(i) Those which neither:

(a) Are capable of containing more than 20 summers,integrators, multipliers or function generators; nor

(b) Have facilities for readily varying theinterconnections of such components; or

(H) Those which are limited as follows:(a) They use neither:

(1) Optical computation devices; nor(2) Acoustic wave devices embargoed by Item It

1586 other than those exportable at NationalDiscretion pursuant to Note 1 to Item It 1586;

(b) The rated errors for summers, inverters andintegrators are not less than:(1) Static : 0.01 %;(2) Total at 1 kHz : 0.15%;

(c) The rated errors for multipliers are not less than:(1) Static : 0.025%;(2) Total at 1 kHz : 0.25% ;

(d) The rated errors for fixed function generators (logand sine/cosine) are not less than:

Static : 0.1 %(e) No more than 350 operational amplifiers; and(f) No more than four integrator time scales switchable

during one programme.

representations; and(c) Provide output of data.

"related equipment" -Equipment "embedded" in, "incorporated" in, or "associated"with electronic computers, as follows:(a) Equipment for interconnecting "analogue computers"

with "digital computers";(b) Equipment for interconnecting "digital computers";(c) Equipment for interfacing electronic computers to "local

area networks" or to "wide area networks";Communication control units;Other input/output (I/O) control units;Recording or reproducing equipment referred to thisitem by Item It 1572;Displays; orOther peripheral equipment.

IL 1565

IL 1564NOTE 7 continued

convertible into, a form executable by an electroniccomputer.

"software" -A collection of one or more "programmes" or "micropro­grammes" fixed in any tangible medium of expression.

"speed"The time to fetch an operand C and another operand D, bothfrom an external storage outside any work register, add theseoperands and put the result back in storage. The addressingmode which yields the shortest execution time shall be used.The result of the add operation shall' be stored in either thesame location as one of the addends or in some otherlocation. This choice shall be made to give the shortestexecution time at the highest specified clock frequency.

"speed-power dissipation product" -The product of the "speed" and the typical power dissipationwhich shall be taken at the clock frequency used in the"speed" computation. The typical power dissipation may beany of the following, but must be the lowest value specified:(a) The specified typical internal power dissipation; ,(b) One half the maximum internal power dissipation;(c) The product of the nominal supply voltage and typical

total supply current; or(d) One half of the product of the nominal supply voltage

and maximum total supply current."substrate" -

A sheet of base material with or without an interconnectionpattern and on which or within which "discrete components",integrated circuits or both can be located.

"user-accessible microprogrammability" -The facility allowing a user to insert, modify or replace"microprogrammes".

"user-accessible programmability" -The facility allowing a user to insert, modify or replace"programmes" by means other than:(a) A physical change in wiring or interconnections; or(b) The setting of function controls including entry of


TECHNICAL NOTES:1. Electronic computers and "related equipment" are

categorised as follows:"analogue computer" -

Equipment which can, in the form of one or more continuousvariables:(a) Accept dafa;(b) Process data; and(c) Provide output of data.

"digital computer" -Equipment which can, in the form of one or more discretevariables:(a) Accept data;(b) Store data or instructions in fixed or alterable (writable)

storage devices;(c) Process data by means of a stored sequence of

instructions which is modifiable; and(d) Provide output of data.

NOTE:Modifications of a stored sequence of instructions includereplacement of fixed storage devices, but not a physicalchange in wiring or interconnections.

"hybrid computer" ­Equipment which can:(a) Accept data;(b) Process data, in both analogue and digital

Electronic computers, "related equipment",equipment or systems containing electronic com­puters, and technology therefor, as follows; andspecially designed components and accessoriesfor these electronic computers and "relatedequipment":(For the embargo status of "software", see Item It 1566)

60 Security export control March 1989

amplifiers, the effects of loading, the effects of phase shift orthe generating of functions.

(d) "Hybrid computers" and "related equipment" therefor, withall the following characteristics:(1) The analogue section is embargoed by sub-item (c);(2) The digital section has an internal fixed or alterable

storage of more than 2,048 bit; and(3) Facilities are included for processing numerical data

from the analogue section in the digital section or viceversa;

(e) "Digital computers" or embargoed "analogue computers"containing equipment for interconnecting "analoguecomputers" with "digital computers";

(f) "Digital computers" and "related equipment" therefor, withany of the following characteristics:(1) Designed or modified for use in airborne vehicles,

missiles or space vehicles and rated for continuous oper­ation at temperatures from below 228 K (-45QC) toabove 328 K (+ 55QC);

(2) Designed or modified to limit electromagnetic radiationto levels much less than those required by governmentcivil interference specifications;

(3) Designed as ruggedized or radiation-hardenedequipment and capable of meeting military specificationsfor ruggedized or radiation-hardened equipment;

(4) Modified for military use; or(5) Designed or modified for certifiable multi-level security

or certifiable user isolation applicable to governmentclassified material or to applications requiring anequivalent level of security;

(g) Equipment or systems containing "digital computers"embargoed by sub-item (f);

(h) "Digital computers" and "related equipment" therefor, otherthan those embargoed by sub-items (e) or (f), even when"embedded" in, "incorporated" in, or "associated" withequipment or systems:

NOTE:The embargo status of these "digital computers" and "relatedequipment" therefor is governed by the appropriate Itemprovided that:(a) They are "embedded" in other equipment or systems;(b) The other equipment or systems are described in other

Items in these Lists; and(c) The technology for these "digital computers" and

"related equipment" is governed by sub-item (j) below.

(1) Including "digital computers" and "related equipment",as follows:(i) Designed or modified for:

NOTE:"Digital computers" and "related equipment"containing equipment, devices or logic control forthe following functions are also included.(a) "Signal processing";(b) "Image enhancement";(c) "Local area networks";

NOTE:For the purpose of this sub-item, data com­munication systems when located within asingle piece of equipment (eg television set, car)are not considered to be designed or modifiedfor "local area networks".

(d) "Multi-data-stream processing";

NOTE:For the purpose of this sub-item, "digitalcomputers" and "related equipment" are notconsidered to be designed or modified for"multi-data-stream processing", if they:(a) Utilize staged (pipelined) instruction

interpretation for conventional singleinstruction - single data sequenceprocessing; or

(b) Have an arithmetic unit implemented withbit-slice microprocessor microcircuits.

(e) Combined recognition, understanding andinterpretation of image, continuous (connected)

speech or connected word text other. than"signal processing" or Uimage enhancement"described in sub-item (h) (I) (i) (a) or (b);

(f) "Real time processing" of sensor data:(1) Concerning events occurring outside the

"computer using facility"; and(2) Provided by equipment embargoed by

Items IL 1501, IL 1502, IL 1510 or IL1518;

NOTE:This does not include digital radar signalprocessing by equipment which is:(a) Embargoed by Item IL 1501 (c) (2) (vi)

only, for which the conditions of ItemIL 1501 apply; or

(b) Freed from embargo by the two-yearlimit in Item IL 1501 (c) (2) (vii).

(g) Microprocessor or microcomputer develop­ment systems;

NOTE:For microprocessor or microcomputerdevelopment systems, see Item IL 1529 (b) (6);

(h) "Fault tolerance";

NOTE:For the purpose of this sub-item, "digitalcomputers" and "related equipment" are notconsidered to be designed or modified for "faulttolerance", if they utilize:

(a) Error detection or correction algorithms in"main storage";

(b) The interconnection of two "digitalcomputers" so that, if the active centralprocessing unit fails, an idling butmirroring central processing unit can con­tinue the system's functioning;

(c) The interconnection of two centralprocessing units by data channels or byuse of shared storage to permit one centralprocessing unit to perform other workuntil the second central processing unitfails, at which time the first central pro­cessing unit takes over in order to con­tinue the system's functioning; or

(d) The synchronization of two centralprocessing units by "software" so that onecentral processing unit recognizes whenthe other central processing unit fails andrecovers tasks from the failing unit.

(i) Not used;(j) "User-accessible microprogrammability":

NOTE:For the purpose of this sub-item, "digitalcomputers" and "related equipment" are notconsidered to be designed or modified for"user-accessible microprogrammability", if thisfacility is limited to:(a) Loading, reloading or inserting of

"microprogrammes", provided by thesupplier; or

(b) Simple loading of "microprogrammes",which mayor may not be provided by thesupplier, but which are neither designed tobt~ accessible to the user nor accompaniedby training or "software" for user accessi­bility.

(k) "Data (message) switching";(I) "Stored programme controlled circuit

switching"; or(m) "Wide area networks";

(ii) Having the following characteristics:(a) Size, w~ight, power consumption and reliability

or other cllaracteristics (e.g. bubble memory),which allow easy application in mobile tacticalmilitary systems; and

(b) Ruggedised above the level required for anormal commercialI ~ffice environment, but

Security export control March 1'989 81

IL 1565 (h) (I) (il) (b) continued

not necessarily up to levels specified in sub­item (l);

(2) Except:(i) "Digital computers" or "related equipment"

therefor, provided:(a) They are "embedded" in other equipment or


NOTE:This does not preclude:Input/output control unit - disk drivecombinations having all of the followingcharacteristics:(1) "Total transfer rate" not exceeding 5.5

million bit per second;(2) Total connected "net capacity" not ex­

ceeding 320 million bit;(3) No more than two independent drives;

and(4) "Total access rate" not exceeding 80

accesses per second with a maximum"access rate" of 40 accesses per second perdrive;

(b) They are not the "principal element" of theother equipment or systems in which they are"embedded";

(c) The other equipment or systems are notdescribed by other Items in these Lists;

(d) They have been designed and used for non­strategic applications;

(e) They are by nature of design or performancerestricted to the particular application forwhich they have been designed;

(f) The "total processing data rate" of anyone"embedded" "digital computer" does notexceed 54 million bit per second;

(g) The sum of the "total processing data rate" ofeach "embedded" "digital computer" does notexceed 100 million bit per second;

(h) They do not include equipment or systemsembargoed by sub-item It 1519 (a) (2) or byItem It 1567;

(i) Not used; and(j) They do not include equipment described in

sub-item (h) (1) (i) (a) to (m), other than for:(1) "Signal processing" or "image

enhancement" when lacking "user­accessible programmability" and when"embedded" in medical imagingequipment; or

(2) "Local area networks" which are excludedfrom embargo;

(H) "Digital computers" or "related equipment"therefor, provided:(a) They are "incorporated" in other equipment or

systems;(b} They are not the "principal element" of the

other equipment or systems in which they are"incorporated";

(c) The other equipment or systems are notembargoed by other Items in these Lists;

(d) The "total processing data rate" of anyone"incorporated" "digital compu~r" does notexceed 15 million bit per second;

(e) The "total internal storage available to theuser" does not exceed 9.8 million bit;

(t) They do not include embargoed "relatedequipment" other than input/output controlunit - disk drive combinations having all of thefollowing characteristics:(1) "Total transfer rate" not exceeding 5.5

million bit per second;(2) Total connected "net capacity" not

exceeding 320 million bit;(3) No more than two independent drives;

and(4) "Total access rate" not exceeding 80

accesses per second with a maximum

82 Security export control March 1989

"access rate" of 40 accesses per second perdrive;

(g) They do not include equipment or systemsembargoed by sub-item It 1519 (a) (2) or byItem It 1567;

(h) They do not include equipment described insub-item (h) (1) (H);

(i) Not used;(j) They do not include equipment described in

sub-item (h) (1) (i) (a) to (m), other than for:(1) "Signal processing" or "image en­

hancement" when lacking "user-accessibleprogrammability" and when "embedded"in medical imaging equipment; or

(2) "Local area networks" which are excludedfrom embargo;

NOTE:"Digital computers" or "relatedequipment" "incorporated" in equipmentexportable under the provisions of ItemsIt 1501, IL 1502, IL 1510 or IL 1518,which are for internal functions whichincidentally might be considered to bedescribed by sub-item (h) (1) (i) (f), areexportable as part of that equipment."Digital computers" or "related equip­ment" for the "real-time processing" of theoutputs of the equipment embargoed byItems IL 1501, IL 1502, It 1510 or IL1518 and for Air Traffic Control systemsare covered by this Item.

(Hi) "Digital computers" other than those described insub-item (h) 0) above, and "related equipment",having all the following characteristics:(a) Shipped as complete systems;(b) Designed and announced by the manufacturer

for identifiable civil use;(c) Not specially designed for any equipment

embargoed by any other Item in these Lists;(d) "Total processing data rate" not exceeding 6.5

million bit per second;(e) "Total internal storage available to the user"

not exceeding 6.2 million bit; and(f) They do not include a central processing unit

implemented with more than two micro­processor or microcomputer microcircuits;

NOTE:This limit does not include any dedicatedmicroprocessor or microcomputer microcircuitused solely for display, keyboard or input/output control, or any bit-slice microprocessormicrocircuit.

(g) They do not include a microprocessor or micro­computer microcircuit with more than 16-bitword length or a bus architecture with morethan 16 bit;

(h) They do not include analogue-to-digital ordigital-to-analogue converter microcircuitsexceeding the limits of Item IL 1568;

NOTE:This does not apply in the case of direct drivenvideo monitors for normal commercialtelevision;

(i) Not used;(j) They do not include embargoed "related equip­

ment" other than input/output control unit ­disk drive combinations having all of thefollowing characteristics:(1) "Total transfer rate" not exceeding 5.5

million bit per second;(2) Total connected "net capacity" not

exceeding 200 million bit;(3) No more than one independent drive; and(4) "Total access rate" not exceeding 40

accesses per second; and(k) They do not include equipment embargoed by

sub-item IL 1519 (a) (2) or by Item IL 1567;(iv) Peripheral equipment, as follows, provided it lacks

"user-accessible programmability":(a) Card punches and readers;(b) Paper tape punches and readers;(c) Manually operated keyboards and teletype

devices;(d) Manually operated graphic tablets not having

more than 1,024 resolvable points along anyaxis;

(e) Impact printers;(f) Non-impact printers, not embargoed by Item IL

1572 (b) or (c), which do not exceed:(1) 2,000 lines (30 pages) per minute; or(2) 600 characters per second;

(g) Plotting equipment, not embargoed by Item IL1572 (b) or (c), producing a physical record byink, photographic, thermal, or electrostatictechniques, which has:(1) A linear accuracy worse than or equal to

.±..0.004%; and(2) An active plotting area less than or equal

to 1,700 mm (66.9 inch) by 1,300 mm (51.2inch);

(h) Digitising equipment, generating rectilinearcoordinate data by manual or semi-automatictracing of physical records, which has:(1) A linear accuracy worse than or equal to

.±.. 0.004 per cent; and(2) An active digitising area less than or equal

to 1,700 mm (66.9 inch) by 1,300 mm (51.2inch);

(i) Not used;0) Optical mark recognition (OMR) equipment;(k) Optical character recognition (OCR) equipment

Which:(1) Does not contain "signal processing" or

"image enhancement" equipment; and(2) Is only for:

(i) Stylised OCR characters;(ii) Other internationally standardised

stylized character fonts; or(iii) Other characters limited to non­

stylised or hand printed numerics andup to 10 hand printed alphabetic orother characters;

(1) Displays or monitors having all of the followingcharacteristics:

(1) Not including equipment described in sub­item (h) (1) (ii) above;

(2) Not containing cathode ray tubesembargoed by Item IL 1541;

(3) If capable of other than alpha-numericcharacters, graphs and symbols, in fixedformats:(i) Not more than 1,024 resolvable

elements along any axis;(ii) Not more than 16 shades of grey or

colour; and(Hi) The maximum bit transfer rate from

the electronic computer to the displaydoes not exceed 19,200 bit persecond;

NOTE:(ii) and (iii) above do not apply in thecase of direct driven video monitors.

(m) Displays or monitors having all of the followingcharacteristics:(1) They do not contain cathode ray tubes;(2) They are not capable of displaying more

than 3 levels (Le. off, intermediate and fullon); and

(3) They do not have as an integral part of thedisplay device:(a) circuitry; or(b) non-mechanical character generation

devices;(n) Displays having all of the following

characteristics:(1) Not containing cathode ray tubes

embargoed by Item IL 1541;(2) Being part of industrial or medical

equipment; and(3) Not specially designed for use' with

electronic computers;(0) Graphic displays specially designed for

signature or security checking having an activedisplay area not exceeding 150 sq. cm (23.25sq. inch);

(p) Not used;(q) Light gun devices or other manual graphic

input devices which are:(1) Part of unembargoed displays; and(2) Limited to 1,024 resolvable elements

along any axis;(r) Disk drives for non-rigid magnetic media

(floppy disks) which do not exceed:(1) A "gross capacity" of 17 million bit;(2) A "maximum bit transfer rate" of 0.52

million bit per second; or(3) An uaccess rate" of 12 accesses per

second; or(s) CassetteI cartridge tape drives or magnetic tape

drives which do not exceed:

(1) A "maximum bit packing density" of 131bit per mm (3,300 bit per inch) per track;or

(2) A "maximum bit transfer rate" of 2.66million bit per second;

(v) Inputloutput interface or control units, as follows,provided they lack "user-accessibleprogrammability":(a) Designed for use with peripheral equipment

free from embargo under sub-item (h) (2) (iv)above;

(b) Designed for use with digital recording orreproducing equipment specially designed touse magnetic card, tag, label or bank chequerecording media, free from embargo accordingto Item IL 1572 (a) (ii); or

(c) Designed to meet ANSIIIEEE Standard488-1978 or IEC Publication 625-1;

(vi) "Equipment for ulocal area networks" which do notexceed any of the following characteristics:(a) Interfaces and protocols up to or including

Layer 2 of the Open System Interconnection(OSI) reference model, that is ISO logical linkcontrol Draft International Standard (DIS)8802/2, IEEE 802.2, 802.3, 802.4, 802.5, orequivalents;

(b) Implementations that contain functions of, orequivalent to those provided by, CCIIT X.25,Level 3, protocols - none;

(c) Maximum "data signalling rate" on thecommon transmission medium - 2 million bitper second; or

(d) "Internetwork gateways" - none;(i) Not used;0) Technology, as follows:

(1) Technology applicable to the:(i) Development, production or use (Le. installation,

operation and maintenance) of electronic computersor "related equipment", even if these electroniccomputers or "related equipment" are notembargoed by this Item; except(a) Technology which is unique to "related

equipment" free from embargo under sub-item(h) (2) (iv) (a) to (c), (e), (f), (m), (n) or (q) andwhich is not otherwise embargoed by anyother Item in these Lists; or

(b) The minimum technical information necessaryfor the use of electronic computers or urelatedequipment" free from embargo; or

(ii) Development, production or use of equipment orsystems embargoed by sub-item (b) or (g); or

(2) Technology for the integration of:(i) Embargoed electronic computers or embargoed

"related equipmem" into other equipment orsystems ~h~~ther or not the other equipment orsystems are embargoed; or

NOTE:Nothing in the above should be construed to

S.ecurity export control Marth'1989 83'

IL 1565 (j) (1) (I) NOTE continued

embargo technology for the integration which isunique to the other equipment or systems if they arefree from embargo.

(ii) Un embargoed electronic computers orunembargoed "related equipment" into embargoedequipment or systems.

NOTE:This does not, however, release from embargo tech­nology for the integration of electronic computersor "related equipment" which are freed fromembargo only by sub-item (h) (2) (i) or only by sub­item (h) (2) (ii).

NOTES:1. "Digital computers" or "related equipment" therefor

embargoed by sub-item (h), provided:(a) They are "incorporated" in other equipment or systems;(b) They are not the "principal element" of the equipment or

systems in which they are "incorporated";(c) The other equipment or systems are embargoed by other

Items in these Lists, and they are permitted for exportaccording to the provisions of 'the appropriate Item;

(d) The "total processing data rate" of any "incorporated""digital computer" does not exceed 28 million bit persecond;

(e) All other parameters do not exceed the relevant limits ofNote 9 (b) (1) (ii) to (iv) and (b) (2) to (9) to this Item; and

(f) The "incorporated" "digital computers" or "relatedequipment" therefor do not include:(1) Equipment embargoed by sub-item IL 1519 (a) (2)

or by Item IL 1567;(2) Equipment described in sub-item (h) (1) (ii); or(3) Equipment described in sub-item (h) (1) (i) (a) to (m),

other than for:(i) "Signal processing" or "image enhancement"

when lacking "user-accessible programma­bility" and being "embedded" in medicalimaging equipment; or

(ii) "Local area networks" which are excludedfrom embargo;

NB:"Digital computers" or "related equipment" "incor­porated" in equipment exportable under theprovisions of Items IL 1501, IL 1502, IL 1510 or IL1518, which are for internal functions whichincidentally might be considered to be described bysub-item (h) (1) (i) (f), are exportable as part of thatequipment. "Digital computers" or "relatedequipment" for the "real-time processing" of theoutputs of the equipment embargoed by Items IL1501, IL 1502, IL 1510 or IL 1518 and for AirTraffic Control systems are covered by this Item.

2. The minimum technical information for the use(Le.installation, operation and maintenance) of electroniccomputers or "related equipment" authorized for export,when shipped together with or solely for use with theseelectronic computers or "related equipment".

3. Not used.

4. Not used.

5. "Digital computers" or "related equipment" therefor,embargoed by sub-item (h), provided:(a) The "digital computers" or the "related equipment":

(1) Have been designed and announced by a manufac­turer for identifiable and dedicated medicalapplications;

(2) Are substantially restricted to the area of medicalapplications by nature of design and performance;

(3) Are the equipment necessary for the medicalapplication;

(4) Are exported as complete systems;(5) Will be located within one "computer using facility";


M Security export control March 1989

(6) Do not include communication control unit ­"communication channel" conlbinations;

(b) Equipment for "signal processing", "imageenhancement", or "multi-data-stream processing":(1) Is "embedded";(2) Is designed or modified specially for the identifiable

and dedicated medical applications;(3) Does not have "user-accessible microprogramrna­

bility"; and(4) Does not have "user-accessible programmability"

other than allowing for insertion of the original ornlodified "programmes" supplied by the originalmanufacturer;

(c) The "total processing data rate" of anyone"incorporated" "digital computer" does not exceed 43million bit per second;

(d) The "digital computers" or "related equipment" therefordo not include:(1) Equipment or systems embargoed by sub-henl IL

1519 (a) (2) or Itenl IL 1567; or(2) Equipment described in sub-item (h) (1) (i) (c) or (e) to


6. "Digital computers" or "related equipment" therefor,embargoed by sub-item (h), provided that:(a) They have been approved by the Department of Trade

and Industry as eligible for export under the conditionsof this Note;

(b) They are described in sub-itern (h) (1) only by an accidentof definition; and

(c) They fulfil anyone of the following conditions:

(1) They are shipped as complete systems and do notexceed:(i) A "total processing data rate" of 43 million bit

per second; and(ii) Any of the limits for parameters in Note 9 (b) (1)

(ii) to (iv) and (b) (2) to (9) to this Itern;(2) They fail to nleet the conditions of sub-iteITIS (h) (2)

(iii), (iv) or (v) only by an accident of definition; or(3) They:

(i) Are designed for identifiable commercial!office or personal use and substantiallyrestricted to the particular application forwhich they have been designed by nature ofdesign and performance;

(ii) Are of a type 'generally available to the public'in non-proscribed areas; and

NB:For the purpose of this Note 'generallyavailable to the public' means:(a) Also available at retail selling points, other

than those specialized in selling electroniccomputers to the genera.! public in modelseries exceeding the lirriits in (1) above;and

(b) Selling from stock by means of;(1) Over-the-counter transactions;(2) Mail order transactions;(3) Telephone call transactions;

(iii) Fulfil the conditions of (c) (1) above.

7. Spare parts for exported electronic computers or "relatedequipment", provided:(a) The parts are:

(1) "Related equipment" or specially designedcomponents embargoed by this Item; or

(2) Equiprrlent or components embargoed by otherItems in this List;

(b) The parts:(1) Are destined for embargoed equipment previously

authorized for export under a National Discretionnote or under Note 12 to this Item or for equipmentfree from embargo;

(2) Are shipped in the minimum quantities necessaryfor the types and quantities of exported equipmentbeing serviced; and

(3) Do not upgrade the performance of the exportedequipment beyond the level:(i) Specified in the relevant National Discretion

note or Note 12 to this Item or

(ii) Specified as free from embargo;(c) If the parts are 'advanced technology parts', and not

eligible for export at National Discretion under anotherItem in this List, the Western supplier's organisationmust:(1) Guarantee that parts will be replaced on a one-for­

one basis;(2) Take measures to obtain custody of the defective

parts; and(3) If custody is not obtained, certify that the defective

parts are destroyed;

TECHNICAL NOTE:For the purpose of this sub-paragraph, 'advancedtechnology parts' are either:(a) Parts embargoed by Item It 1564 (c) (2);(b) Microprocessor, microcomputer, storage,

programmed logic array or arithmetic logicunit microcircuits embargoed by Item It 1564(d);

(c) Magnetic tape heads, magnetic disk heads,magnetic drum heads, or non-exchangeablemagnetic disk or drum recording media,embargoed by Item It 1572; or

(d) Acoustic wave devices embargoed by Item It1586, other than those exportable at NationalDiscretion pursuant to the Note 1 to Item It1586.

8. Not used.

9. "Digital computers" or "related equipInent" thereforembargoed by sub-item (h), provided that:(a) The "digital com,puters" or "related equipment" therefor:

(1) Are not described in sub-items (h) (1) (i) (d) to (m);(2) Are not used with "digital computers" produced in

proscribed areas;

NB:This does not preclude the exchange of data media.

(3) Are exported as:(i) Complete systems; or(ii) Enhancements to a previously exported system

provided that the enhanced system does notexceed the limits of paragraph (b) of this Note;

(4) Have not been designed for any equipment:(i) Embargoed by any other Item in this List; and(H) Not eligible for consideration for export at

National Discretion to such an Item;(5) Have been primarily designed and used for non­

strategic applications;(6) Do not have any of the following characteristics:

(i) They fall within the scope of both sub-iteITIS (h)(1) (H) (a) and (b); or

(ii) They fall within the scope of sub-item (h) (1) (ii)(a) and are microprocessor-based systen1shaving a word length of more than 8 bit; or

(Hi) They are ruggedized above the level requiredfor a normal commercial/civil environment,but not necessarily up to the levels specified insub-item (f), and are microprocessor-basedsystems having a word length of more than 8bit; and

NB:Microprocessor based systems with 8-bit wordlength and not more than a 16-bit architectureare regarded as 8-bit systems for the purpose ofthis sub-paragraph.

(7) Do not have all of the following characteristics:

NB:This sub-paragraph does not apply to workstationsdesigned for and limited to graphic arts (e.g.printing, publishing).(i) They are stand-alone graphics work stations

designed or modified for the generation,transformation, and display of 2 or 3dimensional vectors;

(ii) They have a "total processing data rate" of thecentral proceSsing unit exceeding 28 million bit

per second;(Hi) They have a central processing unit with a

word length exceeding 16 bit; and

NB:Microprocessor based systems with 16-bitword-length and not more than a 32..bitarchitecture are regarded as 16-bit systems forthe purpose of his sub-paragraph.

(iv) They exceed either of the following limits:(a) "Block move data rate" - 800,000

pixels/sec; or(b) Maximum bit transfer rate of the channel

for direct access to the "main storage"(Direct Memory Access or DMA channel)- 11 million bit per second;

(b) The "digital computers" or "related equipment" therefordo not exceed any of the following limits:(1) Central processing unit - "main storage"

combinations:(i) "Total processing data rate" - 43 million bit

per second;(ii) "Total connected capacity" of "main storage"

- 39 million bit;(iii) "Non-volatile storage" with "user-accessible

programmability" including bubble memory ­none;

NB:Magnetic core "main storage" may however beincluded.

(iv) Number of microprocessor or microcomputermicrocircuits implementing the centralprocessing unit - three;

NB:This limit does not include any dedicatedmicroprocessor or microcomputer microcircuitused solely for display, keyboard orinput/output control, or any bit-slicemicroprocessor microcircuit.

(v) "Virtual storage" capability - 512 MByte;

NB:1. Supermini "digital computers" with a

"virtual storage" capability exceeding thelevel in this sub-paragraph will not beeligible for consideration under this Note.It is recognized, however, that other"digital computers" (e.g. main frames) mayhave a "virtual storage" capabilityexceeding this limit and in such cases theymay be considered under this Note.

2. If the "total processing data rate" does notexceed 28 million bit per second this sub­paragraph will not apply.

(2) Input/output control unit - drum or disk drivecombinations:(i) "Total transfer rate" - 16 million bit per

second;(ii) "Total access rate" - 200 accesses per second;(iii) Total connected "net capacity" - 5,120 million

bit;(iv) "Maximum bit transfer rate" of any drum or

disk drive -- 16 million bit per second;(v) Number of independent drum or disk drives ­

six, of which five must not exceed a "maximumbit transfer rate" of 10.3 million bit per second;

(vi) Exchangeable disk packs which containmagnetic heads:'(a) "Access rate" of an independent seek

mechanism .- 20 accesses per second;(b) "Net capacity" - 240 million bit;

(3) Input/output control unit - bubble memorycombinations:(i) Tota\ connectea "net capadty" for point of sale

dev\'JesJsed by cashiers - 9.8 million bit;(ii) Total connected "net capacity" for "digital

computers" or "related equipment",~otherthan

'those in (i) above ~ 2.1 million bit;(4) Inpu.t/output control '1Pit - magnetic tape or

Seourity eJtport control March;19,89" e."

IL 1565 NotE 9 (b) (4) continued

NB:Special consideration will be given to the activities ofproposed end users of "digital computers" which have a"total processing data rate" exceeding 28 million bit persecond.

NB:When calculating the "cumulative totalprocessing data rate", the "total processingdata rates" of any stand-alone microcomputersare not to be included.

(ii) The Department of Trade and Industry shall:(a) Be reasonably satisfied that:

(l) The equipment will be used primarilyfor the specific non-strategicapplication for which the exportwould be approved; and

(2) The equipment will not be used forthe design, development orproduction of embargoed items,especially not in microelectronics;and

(b) Be supplied with the full name and addressof the end-user and details of the end-useof the equipment.

NB:This does not preclude the exchange of data media.

(3) Are exported as:(1) Complete systems; or(ii) Enhancements to a previously exported system

NB:If the maximum "data signalling rate" on thecommon transmission medium does not exceed2 million bit per second, this sub-paragraph willnot apply.

(8) "Other peripheral devices";(i) Maximum bit transfer rate of any "terminal

device" located remote from the "computerusing facility" - 19,200 bit/s;

(ii) Displays or graphic input devices:(a) Resolvable elements along any axis ­

1,024, and shades of grey or colour - 64;or

(b) Resolvable elements along any axis ­320, and shades of grey or colour - 256;

(9) "Equivalent multiply rate" for "signal processing" or"image enhancement" equipment - 800,000operations per second;

(c) Exports covered by this Note are subject to the followingconditions:(1) The number, type and characteristics of the

equipment are reasonable for the application;(2) When the parameters of the equipment do not

exceed:(i) "Total processing data rate" - 20 million bit/s;

and(ii) "Maximum bit transfer rate" of any

independent drum or disk drive - 10.3 millionbit per second;

Then, subject to the equipment not being destinedfor military end-use, there are no limitations onnumber of systems which may be licensed pertransaction;

(3) When the parameters of any equipment involved inone transaction exceed any limit of (2) above:(i) The "cumulative total processing data rate"

must not exceed 285 million bitls: and

10. Not used.

11. Not used.

12. Favourable consideration will be given to the export of"digital computers" or "related equipment" therefor embar­goed by sub-item (h), provided that:(a) The "digital computers" or "related equipment" therefor:

- (1) Are not described in sub-items (h) (1) (i) (d) to (m);(2) Are not used with "digital computers" produced in

proscribed areas;

NB:For the purpose this sub-paragraph all "local areanetworks" interconnected within a "computer usingfacility" are considered as a single "local areanetwork".(i) Maximum "data signalling rate" on the

common transmission medium - 10 millionbit/s;

(H) Interfaces and protocols up to and includingLayer 2 of the Open System Interconnection(OSI) ref~rence model, ie logical link controlDraft International Standard (015) 8802/2,IEEE 802.2, 802.3, 802.4, 802.5 or equivalents;

(Hi) Implementations that contain functions of, orequivalent to those provided by, CCITT X.25,Level 3, protocols - none;

(iv) "Internetwork gateways" - none;(v) "Communications channels" from such

combinations to one "digital computer" locatedoutside the "computer using facility" - one,provided that:(a) the "communication channel" is dedicated

full time to the given application;(b) the maximum "data signalling rate" does

not exceed 9,600 bitIs; and(c) the "digital computer" is not designed or

modified for "local area networks";(vi) The sum of the "total processing data rate" of

all embargoed "digital computers" directly con­nected to a "local area network" - 285 millionbit/s.

cartridge-type streamer tape drive combinations:(i) Magnetic tape drives: ~

(a) "Maximum bit packing density" - 246 bitper mm (6,250 bpi);

(b) Maximum readlwrite speed - 508 cm persecond (200 ips);

(c) "Maximum bit transfer rate" - 10 millionbit per second;

(d) Number exceeding 131 bitlmm (3,300 bpi)- four;

(ii) Cartridge-type streamer tape drives;(a) Maxirnum "total transfer rate" - 16

million bitls;(b) Number - two;

(5) Communication control unit "communicationchannel" combinations:(i) "Total data signalling rate" of all

"communication channels" terminating remotefrom the. "computer using facility" - 19,200bitIs;

(H) Maximum Udata signalling rate" of any"communication channel" - 9,600 bit/s;

(Hi) Number of "communication channels" notdedicated full time to the given application ­three, provided:(a) They are connected to the public switched

network;(b) They have a "data signalling rate" not

exceeding 1,200 bitls at the interfacebetween the "digital computer" and thepublic switched network; and

(c) Number of "communication channels" notlimited to Telex interfaces for servicesconforming to CCITT recommendationsF60 to F79 - one.

(6) Inputloutput or communication control unit ­directly connected data channel combinations:(i) "Total transfer rate" - 1.6 million bit/s;(H) "Transfer rate of any data channel" - 1.6

million bitls;(Hi) Terminations of such combinations or any

extensions thereto outside the ';computer usingfacility" - none;

(7) Communication control unit - "local area network"combinations:

provided that the enhanced system does notexceed the limits of paragraph (b) of this Note;

(4) Have not been designed for any equipment:(i) Embargoed by any other Item in this List; and(ii) Not eligible for export at National Discretion to

such an Item;(5) Have been primarily designed and used for non­

strategic applications;(6) Do not have any of the following characteristics:

(i) They fall within the scope of both sub-items (h)(1) (ii) (a) and (b); or

(ii) They fall within the scope of sub-item (h) (I) (ii)(a) and are microprocessor-based systemshaving a word length of more than 16 bit; or

(iii) They are ruggedized above the level requiredfor a normal commercialI civil environment,but not necessarily up to the levels specified insub-item (t) and are microprocessor-basedsystems having a word length of more than 16bit; and

NB:Microprocessor-based systems with 16-bitword-length and not more than 32-bitarchitecture are regarded as 16-bit systems forthe purpose of this sub-paragraph.

(7) Do not have all the following characteristics:

NB:This paragraph does not apply to workstationsdesigned for and limited to graphic arts (e.g.printing, publishing).(i) They are stand-alone graphics work stations

designed or modified for the generation,transformation and display of 2 or 3dimensional vectors;

(ii). They have a "total processing data rate" of thecentral processing unit exceeding 48 million bitper second;

(iii) They have a central processing unit, with aword-length exceeding 16-bit; and;

NB:Microprocessor based systems with 16-bitword-length and not more than a 32-bitarchitecture are regarded as 16-bit systems forthe purpose of this sub-paragraph.

(iv) They exceed either of the follow limits:(a) "Block move data rate" - 1,500,000

pixelslsec; or(b) Maximum bit transfer rate of the channel

for direct access to the "main storage"(Direct Memory Access or DMA channel)- 15 million bitls;

(b) The "digital computers" or "related equipment" therefordo not exceed any of the following limits:(I) Central processing unit - "main storage"

combinations:(i) "Total processing data rate" - 78 million bit/s;(ii) "Total connected capacity" of "main storage"

- 76.7 million bit;(iii) "Non-volatile storage" with "user-accessible

programmability" including bubble memory ­none;

NB:Magnetic core "main storage" may however beincluded.

(iv) "Virtual storage" capability - 512 MByte

NB:Supermini "digital computers" with a "virtualstorage" capability exceeding the level in thissub-pjlragraph will not be eligible forconsideration under this Note. It is recognized,however, that other "digital computers" (e.g.mainframes) may have a "virtual storage"capability exceeding this limit and in such casesthey may be considered under this Note.

(2) Inputloutput control unit - drum or disk drivecombinations:

(i) "Total transfer rate" - 22 miW<m bit/s;. .:(il) "Total access rate"":" 360 accesses per secoft~(iii) Total connected "net capacity" - 14,000

million bit;(iv) "Maximum bit transfer rate" of any drum or

disk drive - 20.6 million bit/s;(v) Number of dron or disk drives exceeding a

"maximum bit transfer rate" of 10.3 millionbitls - four;

(vi) Exchangeable disk packs which containmagnetic heads:(a) "Access rate" of an independent seek

mechanism - 29 accesses per second;(b) "Net capacity" - 640 million bit;

(3) Inputloutput control unit - bubble memorycombinations:(i) Total connected "net capacity" for point of sale

devices used by cashiers - 9.8 million bit;(ii) Total connected "net capacity" for "digital

computers" or "related equipment" other thanthose in (i) above - 2.1 million bit;

(4) Inputloutput control unit - magnetic tape or~artridge-typestreamer tape drive combinations:(i) Magnetic tape drives

(a) "Maximum bit packing density" - 246 bitper mm (6,250 bpi);

(b) Maximum readlwrite speed - 508 cmls(200 ips);

(c) "Maximum bit transfer rate" - 10 millionbit/s;

(d) Number exceeding 131 bitls (3,300 bpi) ­four;

(ii) Cartridge-type streamer tape drives;(a) Maximum "total transfer rate" - 16

million bitls;(b) Number - two;

(5) Communication control unit - "communicationchannel" combinations:(i) "Total data signalling rate" of all

"communication channels" terminating remotefrom the "computer using facility" - 38,400bitIs;

(ii) Maximum "data signalling rate" of any"communication channel" - 19,200 bit/s;

(iii) Number of "communication channels" notdedicated full time to the given application ­six, provided that:(a) They are connected to the public switched

network;(b) They have a "data signalling rate" not ex­

ceeding 1200 bit per second at theinterface between the "digital computer"and the public switched network; and

(c) Number of "communication channels" notlimited to telex interfaces for servicesconforming to CCITT recommendationsF60 to F79 - two.

(6) Inputloutput or communication control unit ­directly connected data channel combinations:(i) "Total transfer rate" - 3.6 million bit/s;(ii) "Transfer rate of any data channel" - 3.6

million bitls;(iii) Terminations of such combinations or of any

extensions thereto outside the "computer usingfacility" - none;

(7) Communication control unit - "local area network"combinations:

NB:For the pllrpose of this sub-paragraph all "local areanetworks" interconnected within a "computer usingfacility" are considered as a single "local areanetwork".(i) Maximum "data signalling rate" on the common

transmission medium - 10 million bitl$;(ii) Irllerf.ces and p~otocols '. up to and including

Layetl 2 ')f ~the Open System Interconnection(OSI) teference m9del, that' is ISO logical linkcontrol Draft IntetnatioQaI Standartt(DlS)

t, $802/2, IEEE 802.~ ~2~3, 802.4, 802.5 orequivalent; t . .

· security1!lport COntrol.: MIrt)t(>; "J ~ ~.. I

IL 1565 NOTE 12 (b) (7) (ill)

(ill) Implementations that contain functions of, orequivalent to those provided by, CCIIT X.25,Level 3, protocols - none;

(iv) Internetwork gateways - none;(v) "Communications channels" from such

combinations to one "digital computer" locatedoutside the "computer using facility" - one,provided that:(a) the "communication channel" is dedicated

full time to the given application;(b) the maximum "data signalling rate" is

19,200 b/s; and(c) the "digital computer" is not designed or

modified for "local area networks";(vi) The sum of the "total processing data rate" of

all embargoed "digital computers" directlyconnected to a "local area network" - 285million bit per second.

NB:1. Only one "digital computer" may exceed

54 million bit per second.2. If the maximum "data signalling rate" on

the common transmission medium doesnot exceed 2 million bitls, this sub­paragraph does not apply.

(8) "Other peripheral devices":(i) "Maximum bit transfer rate" of any "terminal

device" located remote from the "computerusing facility" - 19,200 bit/s:

(ii) Displays or graphic input devices:(a) Resolvable elements - 512 x 640, and

shades of grey or colour - 256; or

NB:Paragraph (a) does not prohibit the exportunder this Note of displays for systemsspecially designed for and limited tographic arts (eg printing, publishing) whichhave displays not exceeding 576 x 900resolvable elements and 256 shades ofgrey or colour.

(b) Resolvable elements - 1024 x 1280, andshades of grey or colour - 64;

NB:Paragraph (b) does not prohibit the exportunder this Note of displays for systemsspecially designed for and limited tographic arts (eg printing, publishing) whichhave displays not exceeding 1560 x 1024resolvable elements and 64 shades of greyor colour.

(9) "Signal processing" or "image enhancement"equipment:(i). "Equivalent multiply rate" - 1,500,000

operations per second;(ii) Output - 10 million image elements per

second;(c) Applications under this Note must comply with the

following:(1) Provide information which includes:

(i) A signed statement by a responsiblerepresentative of the end-user(s) or theimporting agency describing the end-use andcertifying that:(a) The "digital computers" or "related

equipment" will:(1) Be used only for civil applications;

and(2) Not be reexported or otherwise

disposed of without permission fromthe Department of Trade andIndustry;

(b) Responsible Western representatives ofthe supplier will:(1) Have the right of access to the

t4computer using facility" and all

equipment, wherever located, duringnormal working hours and at anyother time the equipment isoperating; and

(2) Be furnished informationdemonstrating continued authorizedapplication of the equipment; and

(c) These Western representatives will benotified of any significant change of appli­cation or of other facts, on which thelicence was based;

(ii) A full description of:(a) The equipment; and(b) Intended application and workload; and

(iii) A complete identification of all end-users andtheir activities:

(2) Not used.(3) When the parameters of the equipment do not

exceed:(i) "Total processing data rate" - 54 million bit

per second; and(ii) "Total connected capacity" of "main storage"

- 39 million bit;Then there is no visitation requirement;

(4) When the parameters of the equipment exceedeither limit in (3) above, the supplier will:(i) Have a responsible Western representative

visit and inspect the "computer using facility"and all equipment, wherever located, at leastquarterly for three years; and

(ii) Report periodically to the licensing authoritieswhether the "digital computers" and "relatedequipment" therefor are still being used for theapproved purposes at the authorized location;

NB:The visitation requirements of this sub­paragraph will be waived for remote "terminaldevices" if they consist only of peripheralequipment freed from embargo by sub-item (h)(2) (iv) above.

13. Not used.14. A limited range of equipment covered by Item IL 1565 for

use with "digital computers" or "related equipment"produced in proscribed areas, or the export of minimumtechnology, including the transfer of skills and data necessaryfor fabrication, assembly and checkout of equipment, butexcluding design technology, which is necessary to manu­facture such equipment in those areas.

15. Not used.16. Definitions of terms used in this Item"access rate" -

(a) Of an input/output control unit - drum or disk drivecombination (Road) -Either the "access rate" of an inputloutput control unit(Rac) or the sum of the individual "access rates" of allindependent seek mechanisms (Ras)' whichever issmaller.Thus: Rad = min (Rac; SUM Ras);

(b) Of an input/output control unit (Rac) -(1) With rotational position sensing (rps), the sum of the

individual "access rate~" of all independent seekmechanisms (Ras) connected to the control unit.Thus: Rac = SUM Ras (with rps); or

(2) Without rotational position sensing (rps), thenumber (C) of independent read/write channelsconnected to the control unit divided by the least'latency time' (~min) of any connected independentseek mechanism.

Thus: Rac =~ (without rps)~min

(c) Of il seek mechanism (Ras)-The reciprocal of the 'average access time' (t88) of theseek mechanism.

Thus: Ra =_1-t88

'average access time' of a seek mechanism (t88) -

The sum of the 'average seek time' (tu) and the'latency time' (~).

Thus: taa = tsa + ~

'average seek time' (lsa) -The sum of the 'maximum seek time' (lsmax) andtwice the 'minimum seek time' (lsmln), divided bythree.Thus: !sa = lsmax + 2lsmin

3'maximum seek time' (lsmax) -(1) For fixed head devices, it is zero; or(2) For moving head or moving media devices, the

rated time to move between the two most widelyseparated tracks.

'minimum seek time' (tsmln)-(1) For fixed head devices, it is zero; or(2) For moving head or moving media devices, the

rated time to move from one track to an adjacenttrack.

'latency time' (tt) - "\The rotational period divided by twice the number ofindependent read/write heads per track.

"analogue computer" -Equipment which can, in the form of one or more continuousvariables:(a) Accept data;(b) Process data; and(c) Provide output of data.

"associated" with equipment or systems ­(a) Can feasibly be either:

(i) Removed from such equipment or systems; or(ii) Used for other purposes; and

(b) Is not essential to the operation of such equipment orsystems.

"block move data rate" -The maximum number of pixels which can be moved persecond from one location to another in the storage whichfunctions as the frame buffer.

"communication channel" -The transmission path or circuit including the terminatingtransmission and receiving equipment (modems) fortransferring digital information between distant locations.

"computer operating area" -The immediate contiguous and accessible area around theelectronic computer, where the normal operating, support andservice functions take place.

"computer using facility" -The end-users contiguous and accessible facilities:(a) Housing the "computer operating area" and those end­

user functions which are being supported by the statedapplication of the electronic computer and its "relatedequipment"; and

(b) Not extending beyond 1,500 metres in any direction fromthe centre of the "computer operating area".

"cumulative total processing data rate" -The sum of all "total processing data rates" in a giventransaction.

"data device" -Equipment capable of transmitting or receiving sequences ofdigital information.

"data (message) switching" -The technique, including but not limited to store-and-forwardor packet switching, for:(a) Accepting data groups (including messages, packets, or

other digital or telegraphic information groups which aretransmitted as a composite whole);

(b) Storing (buffering) data groups as necessary;(c) Processing part or all of the data groups, as necessary, for

the purpose of:(1) Control (routing, priority, formatting, code conver­

sion, error control, retransmission or journaling);(2) Transmission; or(3) Multiplexing; and

(d) Retransmitting (processed) data groups when transmissionor receiving facilities are available.

"data signalling rate"-The rate as defined in ITU Recommendation 53-36, taking intoaccount that, for non-binary modulation, baud and bit persecond are not equal. Binary digits for coding, checking, andsynchronization functions are included.

NB:It is the maximum one-way rate, i.e" the maximum rate iDeither transmission or reception.

"digital computer" -Equipment which can, in the form of one or more discretevariables:(a) Accept data;(b) Store data or instructions in fixed or alterable (writable)

storage devices; .(c) Process data by means of a stored sequence of instructions

which is modifiable; and(d) Provide output of data.

NB:Modifications of a stored sequence of instructions includereplacement of fixed storage devices, but not a physical changein wiring or interconnections.

"embedded" in equipment or systems ­Can feasibly be neither:(a) Removed from such equipment or systems; nor(b) Used for other purposes.

"equivalent multiply rate" -The maximally achievable number of multiplicationoperations which can be performed per second consideringthat, in the case of simultaneous multiplication operations, allmultiplication rates have to be summed in order to arrive atthe "equivalent multiply rate":(a) Assuming

(I) Optimal operand locations in the "most immediatestorage"; and

(2) Operand lengths at least 16 bit, or more if thisallows for faster operation; and

(b) Neglecting(I) Set-up operations;(2) Pipeline filling operations;(3) Initialization;(4) Interrupts; and(5) Data reordering times.

NB:Simultaneous multiplication operations can occur because of:(a) Multiple arithmetic units for operations such as complex

multiplication, convolution or recursive filtering;(b) Parallel pipelining;(c) More than one arithmetic unit in one data processing

unit; or(d) More than one data processing unit in one system.

"fault tolerance" -The capability to perform correctly without humanintervention after failure of any 'assembly', so that there is nosingle point in the system the failure of which could causecatastrophic failure of the system's functioning.

'assembly' -A number of components (Le. circuit elements, discretecomponents, microcircuits) connected together toperform a specific function or functions, replaceable asan entity and normally capable of being disassembled.

"firmware" -See "microprogramme".

"gateway" -The function, realised by any combination of equipment and"software", to carry out the conversion of conventions forrepresenting, processing or communicating information usedin one system into the corresponding but differentconventions used in another system.

"gro~ capacity" ­The product of;(a) The maximum number of binary digit (bit) positions per

unformatted track; and(b) The total number of tracks including spare tracks and

tracks not accessible to the user."hybrid computer" - .

Equipment which can:(a) Accept data;(b) Process datf' in b()th analogue and digital

representati0O!; and(c) Provide outpuf';of data.

"image digitiser" - . ., 'A device for directly converting ah analogue representationof an imag'e into a digital represelftatiori.

"image enhancement"~· I.'·

IL 1565 NOTE 16 continued

The processing of externally derived information-bearingimages by algorithms such as time compression, filtering,extraction, selection, correlation, convolution or trans­formations between domains (e.g. Fast Fourier Transform orWalsh Transform). This does not inclUde algorithms usingonly linear or rotational transformation of a single image,such as translation, feature extraction, registration or falsecolouration.

"incorporated" in equipment or systems-'(a) Can feasibly be either:

(i) Removed from such equipment or systems; or(H) Used for other purposes; and

(b) Is essential to the operation of such equipment orsystems.

"internetwork gateway" -A "gateway" for two systems which are themselves "localarea networks", "wide area networks" or both.

"local area network" -A data communication system which:(a) Allows an arbitrary number of independent "data

devices" to communicate directly with each other; and(b) Is confined to a geographical area of moderate size (eg

office building, plant, campus, warehouse)."main storage" -

The primary storage for data or instructions for rapid accessby a central processing unit. It consists of the interned storageof a "digital computer" and any hierarchical extensionthereto, such as cache storage or non-sequentially accessedextended storage.

umaximum bit pack;n~ density" -The density of recording specified in accordance with theappropriate A~SI or ISO Standard (eg ANSI X3.14-1979, ISO1863-1975; A!':S! X3.22-1973; ISO 1873-1976; ANSIX3.39-1973; I. -0 3788-1976; ANSI X3.48-1977; ISO3407-1976; Al\~l X3.56-1977; ISO 4057-1979; ANSIX3.54-1976).

umaximum bit transfer rate" -(a) Of a drum or disk drive (~dmax) is the product of:

(1) The maximum number of binary digit (bit) positionsper unformatted track; and

(2) The number of tracks which simultaneously can beread or written, divided by the rotational period;

(b) Of a magnetic tape drive ~tmax), is the product of:(1) The Umaximum bit packing density";(2) The number of data bits per character (ANSI) or per

row (ISO); and(3) The maximum tape read/write speed.

"microprogramme" -A sequence of elementary instructions, maintained in aspecial storage, the execution of which is initiated by theintroduction of its reference instruction into an instructionregister.

"most immediate storage" -The portion of the "main storage" most directly accessible bythe central processing unit:(a) For single level "main storage", this is the internal

storage; or(b) For hierarchial "main storage", this is:

(1) The cache storage;(2) The instruction stack; or(3) The data stack.

"multi-data-stream processing" -The "microprogramme" or equipment architecture techniquewhich permits processing two or more data sequences underthe control of one or more instruction sequences by meanssuch as:(a) Parallel processing;(b) Stru~tured arrays of processing elements;(c) Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) operations; or(d) Multiple Instruction Multiple Data (MIMD) operations;

"net capacity" -Of a drum, disk or cartridge-type streamer tape drive, or abubble memory:The total capacity designed to be accessible to the "digitalcomputer" excluding error control bits.

"non-volatile storage" -A storage device the contents of. which are not lost whenpower is removed.

"other peripheral device" -

~O Secur~ty export control March 1989

A "data device" which is:(a) Peripheral to a central processing unit - "main storage"

combination; and(b) Not an inputloutput control unit - drum, disk or

magnetic tape drive or bubble memory combination."principal element" -

A "digital computer" or "related equipment" which is:(a) Either "embedded" or "incorporated" in another

equipment or system; and(b) In replacement value more than 35% of the replacement

value of the total equipment or system, ie including the"digital computer" or "related equipment".

"programme" -A sequence of instructions to carry out a process in, orconvertible into, a form executable by an electroniccomputer.

"real time processing" -Processing of data by an electronic computer in response toan external event according to time requirements imposed bythe external event.

"related equipment" -Equipment "embedded" in, "incorporated" in, or "associated"with electronic computers, as follows:(a) Equipment for interconnecting "analogue computers"

with "digital computers";(b) Equipment for interconnecting "digital computers";(c) Equipment for interfacing electronic computers to "local

area networks" or to "wide area networks";(d) Communication control units;(e) Other input/output (1/0) control units;(f) ,Recording or reproducing equipment referred to Item IL

1565 by Item IL 1572;(g) Displays; or(h) Other peripheral equipment.

NB:"Related equipment" which contains an "embedded" or"incorporated" electronic computer, but which lacks "user­accessible programmability", does not thereby fall within thedefinition of an electronic computer.

"signal processing" -The ·processing of externally derived information-bearingsignals by algorithms such as time compression, filtering,extraction, selection, correlation, convolution or transfor­mations between domains (eg Fast Fourier Transform orWalsh Transform).

"software" -A collection of one or more "programmes" or"microprogrammes" fixed in any tangible medium of ex­pression.

"stored-programme-controlled circuit switching" -The technique for establishing, on demand and until released,a direct (space-division switching) or logical (time-divisionswitching) connection between circuits based on switchingcontrol information derived from any source or circuit andprocessed according to the stored "programme" by one ormore electronic computers.

"terminal device" -A "data device" which:(a) Does not include process control sensing and actuating

devices; and(b) Is capable of:

(1) Accepting or producing a physical record;(2) Accepting a manual input; or(3) Producing a visual output.

NB:Normal groupings of such equipment (e.g. a combination ofpaper tape punch/reader and printer), connected to a singledata channel or "communication channel", shall beconsidered as a single "terminal device".

"total access rate" (Ratot) -The sum of the individual "access rates" of all input/outputcontrol unit-drum or disk drive combinations (RaJ providedwith the system which can be sustained simultaneously as­suming the configuration of equipment which wouldmaximize this "total access rate".

Thus: Ratot =SUM Rad"total connected capacity" -

The storage capacity excluding error control bits, wordmarker bits, and flag bits.

"total data signalling rate" -The sum of the individual "data signalling rates" of all"communication channels" which:(a) Have been provided with the system; and(b) Can be sustained simultaneously assuming the

configuration of the equipment which would maximizethis sum of rates.

"total internal storage available to the user" -The sum of the individual capacities of all internal user­alterable or user-replaceable storage devices. which may be:(a) Included in the equipment at the same time; and(b) Used to store "software" instructions or data.

"total processing data rate" -(a) Of a single central processing unit. is its 'processing data

rate';(b) Of multiple central processing units which do not share

direct access to a common "main'storage", is:The individual 'processing data rate' of each centralprocessing unit, Le., each unit is separately treated as asingle central processing unit as in (a) above; or

(c) Of multiple central processing units, which partially orfully share direct access to a common "main storage" atany level, is the sum of:(1) The highest of the individual 'processing data rates'

of all central processing units; and(2) 0.75 times the 'processing data rate' of each

remaining central processing unit, sharing the same"main storage";

assuming the configuration of equipment, which wouldmaximize this sum of rates.

'processing data rate' -The maximum of either:(a) the 'floating point processing data rate' (Rf); or(b) The 'fixed point processing data rate' (R,J.

NB:The 'processing data rate' of a central processing unitimplemented with two or more microprocessor microcircuits,not including any dedicated microprocessor microcircuit usedsolely for display, keyboard or input/output control, is thesum of the individual 'processing data rates' of all thesemicroprocessor microcircuits.'floating point processing data rate' (Rf) ­

The sum of:(1) 0.85 times the 'number of bits in a fixed point

instruction' (nixl or 0.85 times the 'number of bits ina floating point instruction' (nif), if no fixed pointinstructions are implemented;

(2) 0.15 times the 'number of bits in a floating pointinstruction' (nif);

(3) 0.40 times the 'number of bits in a fixed pointoperand' (noX> or 0.40 times the 'number of bits in afloating point operand' (nof), if no fixed pointinstructions are implemented; and

(4) 0.15 times the 'number of bits in a floating pointoperand' (nof);

Divided by the sum of:(1) 0.85 times the 'execution time' for a fixed point

addition (tax) or for a floating point addition (taf), if nofixed point instructions are implemented;

(2) 0.09 times the 'execution time' for a floating pointaddition (taf); and

(3) 0.06 times the 'execution time' for a floating pointmultiplication (tmf) or for the fastest availablesubroutine (tmsub) to simulate a floating pointmultiplication instruction, if no floating pointmultiplication instructions are implemented.


(0.85)nix + (0.15)nif + (0.40)nox + (0.15)nof

(0.85)tax + (0.09)taf + (0.06)tmfor if no fixed point instructions are implemented. then:

Rf =(1.00)nif + (0.55)nof

(0.94)t.f + (0.06)tmfor if 00 floating point multiplication instructions are implemented(tmf = tmsub) then:

Rf =(0.85)Oix + (0.15)nirnf + (0.40)nox + (0.15)00f

(0.85)tax + (0.09) taf + (0.06)tmsub

NB: t' ; , _"'. _ _ _," _.: ':, ,'c>{:' :~~ }f1¥ ~If a "digital ~putertt has neitherfloatiil«'poinf8dclitloftnor floating' point multiplication instruction~, then its''floating point protes8ing data-rate' is equal to zero.

'fixed point processing data rate' (R,J . .The sum of:(1) 0.85 times the 'number of bits in a fixed point

addition instruction' (nwJ;(2) 0.15 times the 'number of bits in .. a fixed point

multiplication instruction' (DmuJ; and(3) 0.55 times the 'number of bits in a fixed point

operand' (noJ;divided by the sum of:(I) 0.85 times the 'execution time' for a fixed point

addition (tax>; and(2) 0.15 times the 'execution time' for a fixed point

multiplication (tmJ or for the fastest availablesubroutine (tmsub) to simulate a fixed point multi­plication instruction if no fixed point multiplicationinstructions are implemented.

Thus:Rx =

(0.85)niax + (0.15)nirnx + (0.55)00x

(0.85)to + (0.15)tmxor if no fixed point multiplication instructions are implemented(tmx = tmsub). then:

Rx =(0.85)niax + (0.15)nimX + (0.55)nox

(0.85)tax + (0.15)tmsub

NB:If a "digital computer" has neither fixed point additionnor fixed point multiplication instructions, then its 'fixedpoint processing data rate' is equal. to zero.

'number of bits in a:Fixed point addition instruction' (nial -Fixed point multiplication instruction' (nirn,J ­Floating point addition instruction' (nial) ­Floating point multiplication instruction' (nimf) -

The appropriate shortest single fixed or floating pointinstruction length which permits full direct addressing ofthe "main storage".

NB:I. When multiple instructions are required to simulate

an appropriate single instruction, the number of bitsin the above instructions is defined as 16 bits plusthe number of bits (blax, bimx, biaf, bim,) which permitsfull direct addressing of the "main storage".

Thus:niax = 16 + biax;nimx = 16 + bimx;niaf = 16 + bia,;nimf- = 16 + bim,;2. If the addressing capability of an instruction is

expanded by using a base register, then the 'numberof bits in an instruction, fixed or floating point,addition or multiplication' is the number of bits inthe instruction with the standard addr~ lengthincluding the number of bits necessary to use thebase register.

'number of bits in a fixed point operand' (no,J -(a) The shortest fixed point operand length; or(b) 16 bit;whichever is greater.

'number of bits in a floating point operand' (nod -(a) The shortest floating point operand length; or(b) 30 bit;whichever is greater.

'execution time'(a) The time certified or openly published by the

manufacturer for the execution of the fastest appro­priate instruction, under the' following conditions:(1) No indexing or indirect operations are

included;(2) The instruction is in the "most immediate -,

storage";(3) One operand is in the .accumulator or in a

l~atidn of, the "most ':irmnediate storage",Yihichtis acting as :the accumulator;

SeCUrityexpo-:t contro',Maretfl989d

' '<,~l~"

IL 1565 NOTE 16 continued

(4) The second operand is in" the "most immediatestoragetJ

; and(5) The result is left in the accumulator or the same

location in the "mqst immediate storage",which is acting as the accumulator;

(b) If only the maximum and minimum execution timesof the instructions are published, the sum of:(1) The maximum execution time of an instruction

(tmaJ; and(2) Twice the minimum execution time of this

instruction (tmin);Divided by three

Thus: t = tmax + 2tmin

3(t stands for any of the values tax, tat, tmx, or tmt);

(c) For central processing units which simultaneouslyfetch more than one instruction from one storagelocation:The average of the 'execution times' whenexecuting instructions fetched from all possiblelocations within the stored word.

(d) If the longest fixed point operand length is smallerthan 16-bit, then use the time required for the fastestavailable subroutine to simulate a 16 bit fixed pointoperation.

NB:1. If the addressing capability of an instruction is

expanded by using a base register, then the'execution time' shall include the time for addingthe content of the base register to the address partof the instruction.

2. When calculating 'processing data rate' forcomputers with cache sizes smaller then 64 K Bytes,the 'execution time' of the appropriate instructionswill be calculated as follows:

(cache hit rate) x ('execution time' when bothinstruction and operand are in cache storage)+ (1 - cache hit rate) x ('execution time' whenneither instruction nor operand are in cachetorage),

The cache hit rate being:1.00 for cache size of 64 K Byte0.95 for cache size of 32 K Byte0.90 for cache size of 16 K Byte0.85 for cache size of 8 K Byte0.75 for cache size of 4 K Byte

"total transfer rate" -(a) Of the input/output control unit - drum, disk or

cartridge-type streamer tape drive combinations (Rtdtot):The sum of the individual 'transfer rates' of allinput/output control unit - drum, disk or cartridge-typestreamer tape drive combinations (Rtd) provided with thesystem which can be sustained simultaneously assumingthe configuration of equipment which would maximizethis sum of rates.Thus: Rtdtot = SUM Rtd;

'transfer rate' -(1) Of an input/output control unit - drum or disk

drive combination (Rtd), the smaller of either:

NB:For the 'transfer rate' of an input/output controlunit - cartridge-type streamer tape drivecombination, see (b) below.(i) The input/output control unit 'transfer rate'

(RtJ; or(ii) The sum of the individual 'transfer rates' of all

independent seek mechanisms (Rts).Thus: Rtd =min (Rtc; SUM Rts);

(2) Of an input/output control unit (Rtc):(i) With rotational position sensing (rps), is the

product of:(a) The number of independent read/write channels (C); and(b) The greatest "maximum bit transfer

72 Seourity export control March 1989

.ratetJ (Rtsmaxmaxl of all independent seekmechanisms; or

(H) Without rotational position sensing (rps), is two-thirds of this product.

Thus:Rtc =C. Rtsmaxmax (with rps); or

Rtc = 2 C. Rtsmaxmax (without rps);3

(3) Of an independent seek mechanism (Rts):The product of:(i) The "maximum bit transfer rate" (Rtsmaxl; and(H) The rotational period (tr);

Divided by the sum of:(i) The rotational period (tr);

(H) The 'minimum seek time' (tsmin); and(Hi) The 'latency time' (t1);

Thus: Rts = Rtsmax x tr

tr + tsmin + tl'minimum seek time' (tsminl-

(1) For fixed head devices, it is zero; or(2) For moving head or moving media devices, the

rated time to move from one track to anadjacent track.

'latency time' (tl) -The rotational period divided by twice the number ofindependent read/write heads per track.

(b) Of the input/output control unit - magnetic tape drivecombinations (RutoJ:The sum of the individual 'transfer rates' of allinput/output control unit - magnetic tape drivecombinations (Rtt) provided with the system which canbe sustained simultaneously assuming the configurationof equipment which would maximize this sum of rates.Thus: Rtttot =SUM Rtt ;

'transfer rate' -Of an input/output control unit - cartridge-typestreamer or magnetic tape drive combination (RtJ:The product of:(1) The number of independent read/write channels

(C); and(2) The greatest "maximum bit transfer rate" (RttmaxmaJ

of all tape drives.Thus: Rtt = C.Rttmaxmax.

(c) Of the input/output or communication control unit ­directly connected data channel combinations:The sum of the individual "transfer rates of all datachannels" provided with the system which can besustained simultaneously assuming the configuration ofequipment which would maximize this sum of rates.

"transfer rate of any data channel" -The sum of the individual bit transfer rates of all the "otherperipheral devices", excluding "terminal devices", which canbe sustained simultaneously on the data channel.

"user-accessible microprogrammability" -The facility allowing a user to insert, modify or replace"microprogrammes".

"user-accessible programmability" -The facility allowing a user to insert, modify or replace"programmes" by means other than:(a) A physical change in wiring or interconnections; or(b) The setting of function controls including entry of

parameters."virtual storage" -

The storage space that may be regarded as addressable "mainstorage" by the user of a computer system in which virtualaddresses are mapped into real addresses.NB:The size of "virtual storage" is limited by the addressingscheme of the computer system and not by the actual numberof "main storage" locations.

"wide area network" -. A data communication system which:

(a) Allows an arbitrary number of independent "datadevices" to communicate with each other;

(b) May include "local area networks; and(c) Is designed to interconnect geographically dispersed


Add LHD HE. MEM 3 16DAD 1 11

Totals 4 27Multiply (Emulation 747


(iv) Floating Point PDR (FP PDR)FP PDR =0 million bits per second (no floatingpoint addition nor multiplication instruction).

(v) "Total PDR""Total PDR" (Z80 at 8 MHz) = 2.42 million bitsper second.

2. 8088/8087 at 4.77 MHz clock frequency(i) Instruction lengths and cyclEis

Instr.Instruc- Length Cycles

Operation tions(s) (bytes) (OPN +EA +BUS)

(H) Execution TimesAdd 27 cycles divided by 8 MHz = 3.37

microsecondsMultiply 747 cycles divided by 8 MHz = 93.37

microseconds(Hi) Fixed Point PDR (XPDR)

XPDR = .85(32) + .15(16+ 16) + .55(l6}.85(3.37) + .15(93.37)

=2.42 million bits per second

NOTE:Direct addressing capability of the Z80 is 16 bit,which means 65,536 addresses of storage.

Fixed point:Add ADD 4 9 + 5 + 4 = 18Multiply MUL 4 129 + 5 + 4 = 138

Floating point:Add FADD 4 100 + 5 + 16 = 121Multiply FMUL 4 115 + 5 + 16 = 136

(H) Execution timesFixed point:

ADD 18 cycles divided by 4.77 MHz = 3.77microseconds

MUL 138 cycles divided by 4.77 MHz = 28.93microseconds

Floating point:FADD 1~!1 cycles divided by 4.77 MHz =25.37

microsecondsFMUL 136 cycles divided by 4.77 MHz =28.51

microseconds(iii) 'Fixed~po~nt PDR (XPDR)

EXPLANATORY NOTESA. Conversion of Byte to bit in computing storage limits:

(a) 1 MByte =(1024)2 Byte =1.048,576 Byte(b) 1 KByte = 1,024 Byte . .(c) 1 Byte: usually equals 8 bit or 9 bit.

B. Limits on "total connected capacity" of "main storage":The limits in the various Notes to Item 1565 assume a9-bit Byte and an appropriate amount of cache storage(16, 32, 48 or 64 kByte), as follows (although othercombinations within these limits would be permissible):

Internal Cache "Total ConnectedStorage Storage Capacity"(MByte) (KByte) (million bit)

0.25 16 2.50.5 16 4.90.75 32 7.41.0 32 9.81.5 48 14.62.0 48 19.42.5 64 24.24.0 64 39.08.0 128 76.7

C. Total Processing Data Rate:Two examples of applying the Note 16 definition of"fixed point processing data rate" and "floating pointprocessing date rate"1. Z80 at 8 MHz clock frequency:

(i) Instruction lengths and cyclesOperation Instruction(s) Instr. Length Cycles


".,·:pr~Vi""i''''''· ..SU••"'Qtf~(bJOI

(3) )Jtta~~>:z~~:<pIi~Iti :tlnlt'lle;a.·WI.J."c.atl.'o.n..·•.·,·..~.·.\.•.mI.•··..···,.{;..'.· ...·\.. <.•. L},' ;;J')i~;(.·>\.;i'·' .

(4) l.lO·"Bot.·'f"I;:\!itbinStlJl:.~'-8ft .. .,·:ttil;8i'.' ,"(li) (al~d(l)f·i:'; c•••• >;i;::.':.(.~;<: ;:k!W/f':)~'i:/ .; .,¥

(Ill Tb.....•.·c.·.e.• ··.~d..... i.__...t!·II.·.. '..··~.oo.···.·.•. ·m.:.....:put.•::...• ·..e.'.. j .• f'.·.··.:·.or.;.•. !Ar._.•·. :.. c.' ent'·"dier.f.:A;; . . _~,A '-~. J.:~; ~ .~: .• ' :~:.:~.",;:,~~~.;.:.•;~.l':;~?'~~·e~.:.,

·wn6leac~'~'tft'~le:~() •..,. ." ..:..... . '., ,; ..(Il' tellt,.)··· ..c;ptoc.in_·dRitn •..~... ;,·~.ain··. ·~totale'f

. comb~tiolt8" Witfi.a:~t~II'prt>eessi~ •.•..~~.t~~!·,,~'550 mGli()~;.blt/~~·: . . .." ,: ' :.. ,

(2) J\rra'tran$f~~ proc~~~r\ .. ?::C'::','(i)··~Equivalent. m~ltjp~y tate';~ ~: .;8~9!{)(}O

operations.·.per··.8e(on<t"(ii) Fast FootleI' 'TranSform of 1~02.<~mplex;

pOints~40msr ..;.. >... : .••. ,...... :,::<".,(c) The' u~italcomputersn;or A·rel~ted,~Qtti.,tIlent"ther~~()r,

dtrnot b&Ve,'t~efoltowinlJ ..characteri~cs:;" ."'. .... '.' '.~

,(1) Those identified in 'sub4tettlS(tiltit '(i) (d)toJltJand(m); . '. ..... . '. . '. ~. .' ' . '. .'. ..•... '.' '. '.' .' •... < .. '

(2) ThoseldeJ:ltified insul>4tem.~)~)(i>'(bl,having annequivale~t·, mUltiply .ratetf ·.ofmore thaJl2miUioooperatio,fts per·;setond; ,

NB: .. • .Equipment .which exceeds this •. 1~ll1it .IJl~Y .qualify ,Iorexport under the conditi()n~.of .tb~s t:l~~~.·.i,f apprQy~d. bythe Department of.Trad~ aildlndustt"f"

18. "Digital computers" or urelated<:equipmenf' .' tbereft?r' 'loaccordance with Note 5 above. QD th~,~standillJ. that:(a) 'sub-para (b) (1)01 NoteS d~s ~ot apply; '.. .••.. :.:(b) the "totalprocessingdata'ratet'underN~ote 5{c)doe~not

exceed 155 million bit/s.' '

19. IndividqaJ or bulk .shipments 'of periphe~al·.eq\.lipm~~t•.,asfonows. and input/output interfaces or control u~.t$ther~for:(a) ·Cathode ray tube graphi~ dispJaY$rwhicp~;notexceed

(1) 1,024'resolvable elelllents a!'1e 8:X~.~ and ·1,280resolvable.elements alon8;·tb~~rpendi~~ar ..aXis;.o,

(2) 256 shades of 8(eyot colo~..(8bjtperpi.~).':j .(b) Plottin8equiJ.lmentatlddilitlz.n8·~ipm~~t,whie~ has

an accuracy of O~OO2%.or wQr8e, Md(M active area·of254 cm x 254 cm or'smaller.

(c) Disk ,drives.'whk;hdo not.exce~d: .. ' •.......Ol '·Maximumbittr~sf~rrate'f~'J9.~,~lIiol1 bitla; or(2) ."Net~pacityff .-<;}.•2210'lil1{()~bit.~,· ... "

(d) Non~impa4 type .printers,"""., luez:~:printerlbavi~gareSQlutiOD .. not e;xceedina·300.~t$.pe"ifl~h;;

(e) Optic~Lc~~a<:~er recognit1on(0GR}~~4\lipmerit;

(f) Light gttn;Cievices Of otbclr JJ,llUl~sr~mput 4ey1C:$.20. Bulk .• shiP~ent$;ofper~~C()f9Ptltf,7~'>:~ ·•.t~t bu$,,~

co~put~ sYst~msern~argoe(lbrs~i~~~,~>wbith dp notexcee~ 811Y ~ft!J,e ~o}Joi1ng.~~(4er~:\ '~i •

NB:.... ";:>d .d,..,,::,>.",;.'TbisNot~'may .. ~()~' ·.~~ed:·fo~·'~~~i~' ~()r1(,~t.U()~Sexc~nflthe :litnits"'()f.l\lo,e'9'~al,'~;J;·,:':' ::':' (' '(a) . ~7GtalprGCes&inl" dat~;·r~e'~:.:-'::'l~~Illi~I~,I>~·~t

second" '. ..' .'. ...' .. ..'~ .... ..' '; .•. '.... ' .(b) "Virtuai storage" ·~a~'''~t~, ..·~·.~t.~<,M~Yt~i

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Security expor~ control Marc",989 73

IL 1565 EXPLANATORY NOTE C 2 continued

XPDR = .85(32) + .15(32) + .55(16).85(3.77) + .15(28.93)

= 5.41 million bits per second(iv) Floating point PDR (FP PDR)

FP PDR = .85(32) + .15(32) + .4(16) + .15(32).85(3.77) + .09(25.37) + .06(28.51)

= 6.01 million bits per second.(v) "Total PDR"

"Total PDR" (8088/8087 at 4.77 MHx) = 6.01million bits per second.

IL 1566"Software" and technology therefor, as follows:

NOTE:The embargo status of "specially designed software" for the use ofequipment described in other Items in these Lists (except Item IL1565) is dealt with in the appropriate Item, and the embargo statusof "software" for equipment described in Item IL 1565 is dealtwith in the present Item.

TECHNICAL NOTES:1. "Software" is defined as follows:"software" -

A collection of one or more "programmes" or "micro­programmes" fixed in any tangible medium of expression.

"programme" -A sequence of instructions to carry out a process in, orconvertible into, a form executable by an electroniccomputer.

"microprogramme" -A sequence of elementary instructions, maintained in aspecial storage, the execution of. which is initiated by theintroduction of its reference instruction into an instructionregister.

2. "Software" is categorized as follows (there is a closerelationship and possible overlap among these categories):

"development system" -"Software" to develop or produce "software". This includes"software" to manage those activities. Examples of a"development system" are programming supportenvironments, software development environments, andprogrammer-productivity aids.

"programming system" -"Software" to convert a convenient expression of one ormore processes ('source code' or 'source language') intoequipment executable form ('object code' or 'objectlanguage').

"diagnostic system" -"Software" to isolate or detect "software" or equipmentmalfunctions.

"maintenance system" -"Software" to:(a) Modify "software" or its associated documentation in

order to correct faults, or for other updating purposes; or(b) Maintain equipment.

"operating system" -"Software" to control:(a) The operation of a "digital computer" or of "related

equipment"; or(b) The loading or execution of "programmes".

"application software"-"Software" not' falling within any of the other definedcategories of "software".

3. "Specially designed software" is defined as:The minimum "operating systems", "diagnostic systems",:'maintenance systems" and "application software" necessaryto be executed on a particular equipment to perform thefunction for which it was designed. To make other,incompatible equipment perform the same function requires:(a) Modification of this "software"; or(b) Addition of "programmes".

(This ends the Technical Notes. For a complete list of definitions ofterms used in the Item, see Note 12 below; see also Item IL 1565for additional definitions relating to electronic computers.)

74 Security export control March 1989

LISTED AS FOLLOWS:(a) "Software" of whatever category, as follows:

(1) "Software" designed or modified for any computer that ispart of a computer series designed and produced withina proscribed area; except "application software"designed for and limited to:(i) Accounting, general ledger, inventory control,

payroll, accounts receivable, personnel records,wages calculation or invoice control;

(H) Data and text manipulation such as sort/merge, textediting, data entry or word processing;

(Hi) Data retrieval from established data files forpurposes of report generation or inquiry for thefunctions described in (i) or (H) above; or

(iv) The non "real time processing" of pollution sensordata at fixed sites or in civil vehicles for civilenvironmental monitoring purposes;

(2) "Software" designed or modified for the design,development or production of items embargoed in theseLists;

(3) "Software" designed or modified for:(i) Embargoed "hybrid computers";(H) One or more of the functions described in Item IL

1565 (h) (I) (i) (a) to u) or (m) or (h) (2) (vi) or for"digital computers" or "related equipment"designed or modified for such functions, except theminimum "specially designed software" in machine­executable form for "digital computers" and"related equipment" therefor which are freed fromembargo only by Item IL 1565 (h) (2) (i) or (H), andonly when supplied with the equipment or systems;

NOTE:"Software" for equipment which is freed fromembargo only by Item 1565 (h) (2) (vi) may containfile server or printer server functions above layer 2of the Open System Interconnection (OSI) referencemodel provided the protocols do not contain level 3of CCITT X.25 or equivalent functions.

(4) "Software" for computer-aided design, manufacture,inspection or test of items embargoed in these Lists;

(5) "Software" designed or modified to provide certifiablemulti-level security or certifiable user-isolationapplicable to government-classified material or toapplications requiring an equivalent level of security, or"software" to certify such "software";

(b) Categorized "software'" as follows:(1) "Development systems" as follows:

(i) "Development systems" employing "high-levellanguage" and designed for or containing"programmes" or "databases" special to thedevelopment or production of:(a) "Specially designed software" embargoed by

any other Item in these Lists;(b) "Software" embargoed by sub-items (a) (2) or

(a) (3) of this Item; including any subsetdesigned or modified for use as part of such a"development system";

(H) "Development systems" employing "high-levellanguage" and designed for or containing the"software" tools and "databases" for thedevelopment or production of "software" or anysubset designed or modified for use as part of a"development system" such as, or equivalent to:(a) Ada Programming Support Environment

(APSE);(b) Any subset of APSE, as follows:

(1) Kernel APSE;(2) Minimal APSE;(3) Ada compilers specially designed as an

integrated subset of APSE; or(4) Any other subset of APSE;

(c) Any superset of APSE; or(d) Any derivative of APSE;

(2) "Programming systems" as follows:(i) "Cross-hosted" compilers and "cross-hosted"


NOTE:For "cross-hosted" compilers and "cross-hosted"assemblers which have to be used in conjunction

designed to handle "distributed databasesu Jor:(a) Fault toleranc~byusingtechnique8sueh'.

maintenance of duplicated "databases";(b) Integrating data at a single site from

independent remote "databases"; .(iv) "Software" designed to adapt "software" resident on

one "digital computer" for use on another "digitalcomputer", except "software" to adapt between twolegally exported Hdigital computers";,

(c) Technology applicable to the development, production or use(ie installation, operation and maintenance) of "software",even if the "software" is unembargoed, except:(1) Technical data in the public domain; or(2) The minimum technical information necessary for the

use of "software" free from embargo.

with microprocessor or microcomputerdevelopment instruments or systems described inItem IL 1529, see that item.

(H) Compilers or interpreters designed or modified foruse as part of a "development system" embargoedby (1) above;

(Hi) Disassemblers, decompilers or other "software"which convert "programmes" in object or assemblylanguage into a higher level language, exceptsimple debugging "application software", such asmapping, tracing, check-point/restart, breakpoint,dumping and the display of the storage contents ortheir assembly language equivalent;

(3) "Diagnostic systems'-' or "maintenance systems"designed or modified for use as part of a "developmentsystem" embargoed by (1) above;

(4) "Operating systems" as follows:(i) "Operating systems" designed or modified for

"digital computers" or "related equipment"exceeding any of the following limits:(a) Central processing unit - "main storage"

combinations:(1) "Total processing data rate" - 48 million

bit per second;(2) "Total connected capacity" of "main

storage" - 25.2 million bit;(3) "Virtual storage" capability - 512 MByte

(for MByte, Note 17 of Item IL 1565);(b) Input/output control unit - drum, disk or

cartridge-type streamer tape drive combi­nations:(1) "Total transfer rate" - 15 million bit per

second;(2) "Total access rate" - 320 accesses per

second;(3) Total connected "net capacity" - 7,000

million bit;(4) "Maximum bit transfer rate" of any drum

or disk drive - 10.3 million bit per second;(c) Input/output control unit - bubble memory

combinations:Total connected "net capacity" - 2.1 millionbit;

(d) Input/output control unit - magnetic tapedrive combinations:(1) "Total transfer rate" - 5.2 million bit per

second;(2) Number of magnetic tape drives - twelve;(3) "Maximum bit transfer rate" of any

magnetic tape drive - 2.6 million bit persecond;

(4) "Maximum bit packing density" - 63 bitper mm (1,600 bit per inch) per track;

(5) Maximum tape read/write speed - 508cm (200 inch) per second;

NOTE:This sub-item does not embargo "operatingsystems" designed or modified for "digitalcomputers" or "related equipment":(a) Not exceeding the above limits even when

the "operating systems" can also be usedon "digital computers" or "relatedequipment" exceeding the above limits; or

(b) Belonging to a series containing modelsexceeding the above limits, if the "oper­ating systems" are used on "digitalcomputers" or "related equipment" of theseries which do not exceed the abovelimits.

(ii) "Operating systems" providing on-line transactiondata processing which permit integrated tele­processing and "on-line updating" of "databases".

(5) "Application software" as follows:(i) "Software" for cryptologic or cryptanalytic

applications;(ii) Artificial intelligence "software", including

"software" normally classified as expert systems,which enables a "digital computer" to performfunctions that are normally associated with humanperception and reasoning or learning;

(Hi) "Database management systems" which are







NOTE:For the purposes of this sub-item, technology does notinclude "software".

NOTES:This Item does not embargo "software" not exceeding 5,000statements in "source language", excluding data, provided:(a) The "software" is neither designed nor modified for use

as a module of a larger "software" module or systemwhich in total exceeds this limit; and

(b) The "software" is not embargoed by sub-item (b) (5)above.

This Item does not embargo "software" initially exported to aproscribed destination prior to 1st January, 1984, provided:(a) The "software" is identical to and in the same language

form (source or object) as initially exported, allowingminor updates for the correction of errors which do notmodify the initially exported functions;

(b) The accompanying documentation does not 'exceed thelevel of the initial export; and

(c) The "software" is exported to the same proscribeddestination as the initial export.

Minimum technical information for the use (ie installation,operation and maintenance) of "software" authorised forexport, when shipped together with or solely for use with this"software".Not used."Application software" embargoed by sub-item (a) (1) above,but not otherwise embargoed by this Item or any other Itemin these Lists, provided that:(a) The "application software" is designed for and limited to

the following:(1) The approved end-use of legally exported

equipment or systems in conjunction with anycomputer that is part of a computer series producedwithin a proscribed area and based on a designoriginating in a member country; or

(2) The monitoring and control of industrial processeslimited to the production of items not described inthese Lists; and

(b) No embargoed technology is provided.The provisions of this Item may allow the export of"software" which is either:(a) "Standard commercially available" "software":

(1) Designed for installation by the user without furthersupport by the supplier;

(2) Designed for use on "digital computers" and"related equipment" therefor which do not exceedthe performance limits in Item IL 1565 Note 9 (b)with the substitution in Item IL 1565 Note 9 (b) (I) (i)of a "total processing data rate" of 15 million bit persecond; and

(3) 'Generally available to the public'; or

NB:For the purpose of this Note 'generally available tothe public' means:(a) Also available at retail selling points, other than

those specialised in selling electroniccomputers to the general public in model seriesexceeding the limits in (2) above; and

(b) Selling by means ot over-the-countertransactions frOITi stock.

(b) "Software'· in t~epublic domain.Not used. ~

Security expor~ control March 1989 16

n..1566NOTE88. Normal commercial "software" for civil Air Traffic Control

(ATC) systems approved for export, provided that:(a) The "software" is commonly used by civil Air Traffic

Control authorities outside proscribed areas, but notprecluding the personalization of certain parameters forcivil Air Traffic Control authorities wherever located;

(b) The "software" is not designed or modified for any"digital computer" which is part of a "digital computer"series designed and produced within a proscribed area;

(c) The "software" is the minimum necessary to accomplishthe normal civil Air Traffic Control functions outsideproscribed areas;

(d) The "software" will not contain or be capable ofaccomplishing any of the following functions:(1) Electronic Counter Counter Measures (ECCM);(2) Weapon display, allocation or operation;(3) Intercept guiding capability; or(4) Interfacing with altitude determining radars, except

secondary search radars;(e) The "software" is further limited by the amount of

"source code", which is to be the minimum necessary forthe use (ie installation, operation and maintenance) ofthe "software";

(f) In addition to the above limitations, the only othersystem "software" allowed is the minimum "pro­gramming system" for the maintenance of the"software";

(g) The information to accompany each case will include asigned statement of the end-user or importing agency, afull description of the "software" and its characteristicsvis-a-vis the sub-paragraphs above, its intendedapplication and workload and a complete indentificationof all end-users and their activities; and

(h) It is considered that:(1) The "software" will not be used to provide or

process data associated with military control centresor military radars, or otherwise be associated withsuch radars or centres; and

(2) The type and characteristics of the "software" arereasonable for the specific civil Air Traffic Controlapplications.

9. "Operating systems" embargoed only by sub-item (b) (4) (ii)above when supplied with "digital computers" and "relatedequipment" exported under the provisions of Item IL 1565,Notes 9 and 12, provided that these "operating systems" are:(a) For use with a "digital computer" exported under the

provisions of Item IL 1565;(b) In machine-executable version;(c) Limited to the minimum "standard commercially

available" "software"; and(d) Not designed or modified for "database management

systems" embargoed by sub-item (b) (5) (Hi) above.1O. "Software" embargoed by sub-item (a) (3) (ii) above for

"digital computers" and "related equipment" exported underthe provisions of Item IL 1533, Note 6 or Item IL 1565, Notes5 or 9 provided that:(a) The "software" is limited to:

(1) The minimum necessary for the approvedapplication;

(2) Machine-executable form; and(3) "Specially designed software" for:

(i) Equipment approved for export as solely underItem IL 1533, Note 6;

(H) Equipment approved for export under Item IL1565, Note 5, for one or more of the functionsdescribed in Item IL 1565 (h) (I) (i) (a), (b) or (d);or

(Hi) Equipment approved for export under Item IL1565, Note 9, for one or more of the functionsdescribed in Item IL 1565 (h) (I) (i) (a), (b) or (c);

(b) The "specially designed software" for "signalprocessing" and "image enhancement" does not providefor more than one of the following:(I) Time compression; or(2) Transformations between domains (e.g. Fast Fourier

Transform or Walsh Transform).11. Favourable consideration will be given to applications for the

export of "software" embargoed by sub-item (a) (3) (ii) abovefor "digital computers" and "related equipment" exported

78 Security export control March 1989

under the provisions of Item IL 1565, Note 12, provided thatthe "software" is limited to:(a) "Software" for one or more of the functions described in

Item IL 1565 (h) (I) (i) (a), (b) or (c);(b) The minimum necessary for the approved application;

and(c) Machine-executable form.

12. Definitions of terms used in this Item:"analogue computer" -

Equipment which can, in the form of one or more continuousvariables:(a) Accept data;(b) Process data; and(c) Provide output of data.

"application software" -"Software" not falling within any of the other definedcategories of "software"

"cross-hosted" -For "programming systems", those which produce"programmes" for a model of electronic computer differentfrom that used to run the "programming system", Le. theyhave code generators for equipment different from the hostcomputer.

"database" -A collection of data, defined for one or more particularapplications, which is physically located and maintained inone or more electronic computers or "related equipments".

"database management system" -"Application software" to manage and maintain a "database"in one or more prescribed logical structures for use by other"application software" independent of the specific methodsused to store or retrieve the "database".

"development system"-"Software" to develop or produce "software". This includes"software" to manage those activities. Examples of a"development system" are programming supportenvironments, software development environments, andprogrammer-productivity aids.

"diagnostic system"-"Software" to isolate or detect "software" or equipmentmalfunctions.

"digital computer" -Equipment which can, in the form of one or more discretevariables:(a) Accept data;(b) Store data or instructions in fixed or alterable (writable)

storage devices;(c) Process data by means of a stored sequence of

instructions which is modifiable; and(d) Provide output data.

NB:Modifications of a stored sequence of instructions includereplacement of fixed storage devices, but not a physicalchange in wiring or interconnections.

"distributed database"-A "database" which is physically located and maintained inpart or as a whole in two or more interconnected electroniccomputers or "related equipment", such that inquiries fromone location can involve "database" access in otherinterconnected electronic computers or "related equipment".

"firmware" -See "microprogramme".

"high-level language" -A programming language that does not reflect the structureof anyone given electronic computer or that of anyone givenclass of electronic computers.

"hybrid computer" ­Equipment which can:(a) Accept data;(b) Process data, in both analogue and digital

representations; and(c) Provide output of data.

"maintenance system"-"Software" to:(a) Modify "software" or its associated documentation in

order to correct faults, or for other updating purposes; or(b) Maintain equipment.

"microprogramme" -A sequence of elementary instructions, maintained in j

special storage, the execution of which is initiated by th-

introduction of its reference instruction into an instructionregister.

"object code" or "object language"­See "programming system".

'on-line updating" -Processing in which the contents of a "database" can beamended within a period of time useful to interact with anexternal request.

'operating system" ­"Software" to control:(a) The operation of a "digital computer" or of "related

equipment"; or(b) The loading or execution of "programmes".

"programme" -A sequence of instructions to carry out a process in, orconvertible into, a form executable by an electroniccomputer.

"programming system" -"Software" to convert a convenient expression of one ormore processes ('source code' or 'source language') intoequipment executable form ('object code' or 'objectlanguage').

"related equipment" -Equipment "embedded" in, "incorporated" in, or "associated"with electronic computers, as follows:(a) Equipment for interconnecting "analogue computers"

with "digital computers";(b) Equipment for interconnecting "digital computers";(c) Equipment for interfacing electronic computers to "local

area networks" or to "wide area networks";(d) Communication control units;(e) Other input/output (I/O) control units;(f) Recording or reproducing equipment referred to Item IL

1565 by Item IL 1572;(g) Displays; or(h) Other peripheral equipment.

NB:"Related equipment" which contains an "embedded" or"incorporated electronic computer", but which lacks "user­accessible programmability", does not thereby fall within thedefinition of an electronic computer.

"self-hosted -For "programming systenls", those which produce"programmes" for the same model of electronic computer asthat used to run the "programming system", Le. they onlyhave code generators for the host computer.

"software"A collection of one or more "programmes" or"microprogrammes" fixed in any tangible medium ofexpression.

'source code" or "source language" ­- See "programming system".

'specially designed software" -The minimum "operating systems", "diagnostic systems","maintenance systems" and "application software" necessaryto be executed on a particular equipment to perform thefunction for which it was designed. To make otherincompatible equipment perform the same function requires:(a) Modification of this "software"; or(b) Addition of "programmes".

standard commercially available" ­For "software", that which is:(a) Commonly supplied to general purchasers or users of

equipment outside proscribed areas, but not precludingthe personalization of certain parameters for individualcustomers wherever located;

(b) Designed and produced for civil applications;(c) Not designed or modified for any "digital computer"

which is part of a "digital computer" series designed andproduced within a proscribed area; and

(d) Supplied in a commonly distributed form.

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NOTE:The embargo status of "software" specially designed for "data(message) switching" or "stored programme controlled circuitswitching" described in Item IL 1567 is dealt with exclusivelyin Item IL 1567.In the case of "software" for mainframe "digital computers"which may have a "virtual storage" capability exceeding thelimit of sub-item (b) (4) (i) (a) (3) and which may be consideredfor export under the conditions of Item IL 1565 (Notes 9 and12), the limitation of the "virtual storage" capability of 512MByte does not apply.

IL 1567Stored-programme-controlled communicationswitching equipment or systems and technologytherefor, as follows; and specially designedcomponents therefor and "specially designedsoftware" for the use of these equipment orsystems:

TECHNICAL NOTES:1. Stored-programme-controlled communication switching

equipment or systems are categorised as follows:(a) Communication equipment or systems for "data

(message) switching":"data (message) switching"

The technique, including but not limited to store­and-forward or packet switching, for:(a) Accepting data groups (including messages,

packets, or other digital or telegraphicinformation groups which are transmitted as acomposite whole);

(b) Storing (buffering) data groups as necessary;(c) Processing part or all of the data groups, as

necessary, for the purpose of:(1) Control (routing, priority, formatting, code

conversion, error control, retransmissionor journaling);

(2) Transmission; or(3) Multiplexing; and

(d) Retransmitting (processed) data groups whentransmission or receiving facilities areavailable.

"local area network" -A data communication system which:(a) Allows an arbitrary number of independent

"data devices" to communicate directly witheach other; and

(b) Is confined to a geographical area of moderatesize (eg office building, plant, campus,warehouse).

"wide area network" -A data communication system which:(a) AllGws an arbitrary number of independent

"dat.a devices" to communicate with eachother;

(b) May include "local area networks"; and(c) Is designed to interconnect geographically

dispersed facilities.(b) Communication equipment or systems for "stored­

programme-controlled circuit switching":"stored-programme-contr,olled circuit switching" -

The technique for establishing, on demand and untilreleased, ~ a direct (space-division switching) or

Security export control March 1989 77

IL 1567 TECHNICAL NOTE 1 (b) continued

logical (time-division switching) connectionbetween circuits based on switching controlinformation derived from any source or circuit andprocessed according to the stored programme byone or more electronic computers.

2. "Digital computers" or "affiliated equipment" when:(a) "Embedded" in stored-programme-controlled communi­

cation switching equipment or systems are to beregarded as specially designed components therefor;

(b) "Incorporated" in stored programme controlledcommunication switching equipment or systems arecovered by this Item provided they are the standardmodels customarily supplied by Western manufacturersof the stored programme contro~led communicationswitching equipment or systems; or

(c) "Associated" with stored programme controlledcommunication switching equipment or systems arecovered by Item IL 1565 or Item IL 1567.

3. This Item includes statistical multiplexers, with digital inputand digital output, referred to this Item by Item IL 1519 (a), ifthey satisfy the definitions of either "data (message)switching" or "stored-programme-controlled circuitswitching".

NB:See Item IL 1519 (a) for statistical multiplexers which provideonly fixed routing, Le. routing which is neither:(a) Determined when the circuit is established; nor(b) Dynamically alterable.

(This ends the Technical notes. For a complete list of definitions ofterms used in this Item, see Note 8 below; see also Item IL 1565for additional definitions relating to electronic computers and ItemIL 1566 for additional definitions relating to '~software".)

LISTED AS FOLLOWS:(a) Communication equipment or systems for "data (message)

switching", including those for "local area networks'" or for"wide area networks", except:

NOTE:For "data (message) switching" equipment or systems for"local area networks" that can be used in conjunction withelectronic computers, see Item IL 1565.

"Data (message) switching" equipment or systems,provided:

(I) The equipment or systems are designed for fixed civiluse according to the requirements of either:(i) CCITT Recommendations F.1 to F.79 for store-and­

forward systems (Volume 11 - Fascicle 11.4, Vllthplenary assembly, 10th-21st November, 1980); or

(H) ICAO Recommendations for store-and-forward civilaviation communication networks (Annex 10 to theConvention on International Civil Aviation,including all amendments agreed up to andincluding 14th December, 1981);

(2) The number, type and characteristics of such equipmentor systems are normal for the application;

(3) Such equipment or systems will be limited as follows:(i) The maximum "data signalling rate" of any circuit

does not exceed 4,800 bitls; and(H) The sum of the individual "data signalling rates" of

all circuits does not exceed 27,500 bitls;. (4) The equipment or systems do not contain "digital

computers" or "related equipment" embargoed by:(i) Item IL 1565 (t);(H) Item IL 1565 (h){I)(i) (a) to (j), (1) or (m)(Hi) Item IL 1565 (h) (1) (ii);

(5) The "software" supplied:(i) Is limited to:

(a) The minimum "specially designed software"necessary for the use (Le., installation,operation and maintenance) of the equipmentor systems; and

(b) Machine-executable form; and(H) Does not include "software":

(a) Embargoed by Items IL 1527 or IL 1566 (a) (5)or Item ML lion the Munitions List; or

(b) To permit user-modification of generic

78 Security export control March 1989

"software" or its associated documentation;and

(6) If the equipment or systems are not designed forinstallation by the user without support from thesupplier, then the "software" necessary forcommissioning is:(i) Exported on a temporary basis only; and(H) Kept under the control of the supplier;

(b) Communication equipment or systems for "stored­programme-controlled circuit switching"; except:(1) Key telephone systems, provided that:

(i) Access to an external connection is obtained bypressing a special button (key) on a telephone,rather than by dial or key-pad as on a "PABX";

(H) They are not designed to be upgraded to "privateautomatic branch exchanges" ("PABXs");

(Hi) The "software" supplied:(a) Is limited to:

(1) The minimum "specially designedsoftware" necessary for the use (Le.installation, operation and maintenance)of the equipment or systems; and

(2) Machine-executable form; and(b) Does not include "software":

(1) Embargoed by Items IL 1527, IL 1566 (a)(5) or Item ML lion the Munitions List; or

(2) To permit user-modification of generic"software" or its associated documen­tation; and

(iv) If the equipment or systems are not designed forinstallation by the user without support from thesupplier, then the "software" necessary forcommissioning is:(a) Exported on a temporary basis only; and(b) Kept under the control of the supplier;

(2) "Stored programme controlled circuit switching"equipment or systems, provided:(i) The equipment or systems are designed for fixed

civil use in "stored programme controlled telegraphcircuit switching" for data;

(H) The number, type and characteristics of suchequipment or systems are normal for theapplication;

(Hi) The equipment or systems do not contain "digitalcomputers" or "related equipment" embargoed by:(a) Item IL 1565 (t);(b) Item IL 1565 (h) (1) (i) (a) to (k), or (m); or(c) Item IL 1565 (h) (1) (H);

(iv) The equipment or systems do not have either of thefollowing features:(a) Multi-level call pre-emption including

overriding or seizing of busy subscriber lines,"trunk circuits" or switches; or

NOTE:This does not preclude single level call pre­emption (e.g. executive override).

(b) "Common channel signalling",;(v) The maximum internal bit rate per channel does not

exceed 9,600 bit/s;(vi) The telegraph circuits, which may be telephone

circuits, may carry any type of telegraph or telexsignal compatible with a voice .channel bandwidthof 3,100 Hz as defined in CCITT RecommendationG.151;

(vii) The "software" supplied:(a) Is limited to:

(1) The minimum "specially designedsoftware" necessary for the use (Le.installation, operation and maintenance)of the equipment or systems; and

(2) Machine-executable form; and(b) Does not include "software":

(1) Embargoed by Item IL 1527, IL 1566 (a)(5) or Item ML lion the Munitions List; or

(2) To permit user-modification of generic"software" or its associateddocumentation; and

(viii) If the equipment or systems are not designed forinstallation by the user without support from thesupplier, then the "software" necessary for

commissioning is:(a) Exported on a temporary basis only; and(b) Kept under the control of the supplier; or

(3) "Stored programme controlled telephone circuitswitching" equipment or systems, provided:(i) The equipment or systems are designed for fixed

civil use as "space-division analogue exchanges" or"time-division analogue exchanges" which fulfil thedefinition of "private automatic branch exchanges"("PABXs");

(H) The equipment or systems do not contain "digitalcomputers" or "related equipment" embargoed by:(a) Item IL 1565 (f);(b) Item IL 1565 (h) (1) (i) (a) to (k) or (m); or(c) Item IL 1565 (h) (1) (ii);

(Hi) "Communication channels" or "terminal devices"used for administrative and control purposes:(a) Are fully dedicated to these purposes; and(b) Do not exceed a maximum "data signalling

rate" of 9,600 bit per second;(iv) Voice channels are limited to 3,100 Hz as defined in

CCITT Recommendation G.151;(v) Not used.(vi) The "PABXs" do not have either of the following

features:(a) Multi-level call pre-emption including

overriding or seizing of busy subscriber lines,"trunk circuits" or switches; or

NOTE:This does not preclude single-level call pre­emption (eg. executive override).

(b) "Common channel signalling";(vH) The "software" supplied:

(a) Is limited to:(1) The minimum "specially designed

software" necessary for the use (Le.installation, operation and maintenance)of the equipment or systems; and

(2) Machine-executable form; and(b) Does not include "software":

(1) Embargoed by Items IL 1527, IL 1566 (a)(5) or Item ML lIon the Munitions List; or

(2) To permit user-modification of generic"software" or its associated documen­tation; and

(viii) If the equipment or systems are not designed forinstallation by the user without support from thesupplier, then the "software" necessary forcommissioning is:(a) Exported on a temporary basis only: and(b) Kept under the control of the supplier;

le) Technology applicable to the development, production or use(Le. installation, operation and maintenance) of stored­programme-controlled communication switching equipmentor systems, even if these equipment or systems are notembargoed by this Item, except:The minimum technical information necessary for the use ofstored-programme-co"ntroIIed communication switchingequipment or systems which are free from embargo.


The mininlum technical information for the use (Le.installation, operation and maintenance>, of storedprogramme controlled communication switching equipmentor systenls authorised for export, when shipped together withor solely for use with these stored programme controlledcommunication switching equipment or systems.Spare parts for exported stored programme controlledcommunication switching equipment or systems, providedthat:(a) The parts are:

(1) Specially designed cornponents embargoed by thisItem; or

(2) Equipment or components embargoed by otherItems in this List;

(b) The parts:(1) Are destined for embargoed equipment authorised

for export at national discretion or for equipmentfree from embargo;

(2) Are shipped in the minimum quantities· necessa~for the types and quantities of exported· equipmentbeing serviced; and

(3) Do not upgrade the performance of the exportedequipment beyond the level:(i) Specified in the relevant national discretion

Note; or(ii) Specified as free from embargo;

(c) If the parts are 'advanced technology parts' and noteligible for export at national discretion under anotherItem, the Western supplier's service organisation must:(1) Guarantee that parts will be replaced on a one-for-

one exchange basis;(2) Take measures to obtain custody of the defective

parts; and(3) If custody is not obtained, certify that the defective

parts are destroyed.

TECHNICAL NOTE:For the purpose of this sub-paragraph, 'advancedtechnology parts' are either:(a) Parts embargoed by Item IL 1564 (c) (2);(b) Microprocessor, microcomputer, memory,

programmed logic array or arithmetic logic unitmicrocircuits embargoed by Item It 1564 (d);

(c) Magnetic tape heads, magnetic disk heads, magneticdrum heads, or non-exchangeable magnetic disk ordrum recording media, embargoed by Item It1572; or

(d) Acoustic wave devices embargoed by Item It 1586,other than those exportable at national discretionpursuant to Note 1. to Item IL 1586.

3. Not used.

4. "Stored programme controlled telephone circuit switching"equipment or systems embargoed by sub-item (b), providedthat:(a) The equipment or systems are designed for fixed civil

use as "space-division digital exchanges" or "time­division digital exchanges" which fulfil the definition of"private automatic branch exchanges" ("PABXs");

(b) It is considered that the equipment or systems:(I) Are designed and used for fixed civil "stored­

programme-controlled telephone circuit switching"applications; and

(2) Will be operated in the importing country by a civilend-user who has furnished to the supplier a signedstatement, certifying that the equipment or systemswill be used for the specified end-use at a specifiedlocation only;

(3) Do not support any form of Integrated ServicesDigital Network (ISDN);

(c) The number, type and characteristics of such equipmentor systems are normal for the approved application;

(d) The equipment or systenls do not contain "digitalcomputers" or "related equipment" embargoed by:(1) Item It 1565 (f);(2) Item It 1565 (h) (1) (i) (a) to (k), or (m); or(3) Item It 1565 (h) (1) (ii);

(e) The "PABX's" do not have any of the following features:(1) Multi-level call pre-emption, including overriding or

seizing of busy subscriber lines, "trunk circuits" orswitches;

NOTE:This does not preclude single level call pre-emption(e.g., executive override).

(2) "Common channel signalling";(3) Dynamic adaptive routing;(4) Interconnections which 'are specially designed for

multi-RF channel radio equipment embargoed byItem It 1531 (d) or (e) or specially designed formulti-RF channel cellular radio equipment;

(5) Digital subscriber line interfaces;(6) Digital synchronisation circuitry which uses

equipm/~nt embargoed by Item IL 1529 (a) (2);(7) Not used; or(8) Centralized network control having all of the

follo~'ing,characteri,stics:(i) is barec on a network management protocol;

and .,

Security export c1ontroJ March 1989. 79

IL 1567 NOTE 4 (e)(8)(ll)

(ii) Does all the following:(a) Receives data from the nodes; and(b) Processes these data in order to;

(1) Control traffic; and(2) Directionalise paths;

(f) "Communication channels" or "terminal devices" usedfor administrative and control purposes:(1) Are fully dedicated to these purposes; and(2) Do not exceed a maximum "data signalling rate" of

9,600 bit per second;(g) Voice channels are limited to 3,100 Hz as defined in

CCITT Recommendation G.151;(h) Not used.(i) Not used.u) The "software" supplied:

(1) Is limited to:(i) The minimum "specially designed software"

necessary for the use (Le. installation,operation and maintenance) of the equipmentor systems; and

(ii) Machine-executable form; and(2) Does not include "software":

(i) Embargoed by Items IL 1527, IL 1566 (a) (5) orItem ML lIon the Munitions List; or

(ii) To permit user-modification of generic"software" or its associated documentation;

(k) If the equipment or systems are not designed for instal­lation by the user without support from the supplier, thenthe "software" necessary for commissioning is:(1) Exported on a temporary basis only; and(2) Kept under the control of the supplier;

(I) Not used.(m) The exporter must supply a statement identifying:

(1) The equipment or system to be provided;(2) The intended application, including the number of

lines, number of trunks and traffic load; and(3) The operating authority; and(4) The location of the equipment or system.

NB:The above "National discretion" note applies solely toequipment which has been submitted by DTI to COCOM for aone-time review by that Committee.

5. Not used.

6. "Stored programme controlled circuit switching" equipmentor systems, embargoed by sub-item (b), provided that:(a) The equipment or systems are designed for fixed civil

use as "stored programme controlled telephone circuitswitching" exchanges which fulfil the definitions ofeither "terminal exchange" or "transit exchange";

(b) The equipment or systems:(1) Were in service in public networks before

January, 1984; and(2) Were approved as such by the Department of Trade

and Industry before 15 April 1986;(c) The equipment or systems:

(1) Are designed and used for fixed civil "storedprogramme controlled telephone circuit switching"applications;

(2) Will be operated in the importing country by a civilend-user who has furnished to the supplier a signedstatement, certifying that the equipment or systemswill be used for the specified end-use at a specifiedlocation only; and

(3) Do not support any form of Integrated ServicesDigital Network (ISDN);

(d) The number, type and characteristics of such equipmentor systems are normal for the approved application;

(e) The equipment or systems cannot be adapted to mobileuse or security use, as described in Item IL 1565 (f) (I) to(4), (g), or (h) (1) (ii) (a) and (b);

(f) The equipment or systems do not exceed any of thefollowing limits:(1) A termination capacity of either:

(i) 50,000 subscriber lines; or(ii) 13,000 "trunk circuits";

80 Security export control March 1989

(2) Designed or modified for a maximurp capacity of225,000 busy hour call attempts; or

(3) Designed or modified for switched traffic limited to5,000 erlang;

(g) The equipment or systems do not have any of thefollowing features:(1) Multi-level call pre-emption including overriding or

seizing of busy subscriber lines, "trunk circuits" orswitches;

NOTE:This does not preclude single level call pre-emption(eg, executive override);

(2) "Common channel signalling";(3) Dynamic adaptive routing;(4) Interconnections which are specially designed for

multi-RF channel radio equipment embargoed byItem IL 1531 (d) or (e) or specially designed formulti-RF channel cellular radio equipment;

(5) Digital subscriber line interfaces;(6) Digital synchronisation circuitry which uses

equipment embargoed by Item IL 1529 (a) (2);(7) Centralised network control having all of the

following characteristics:(i) Is based on a network management protocol;

and(ii) Does all the following:

(a) Receives data from the nodes; and(b) Processes these data in order to;

(1) Control traffic; and(2) Directionalise paths;

(h) "Communication channels" or "terminal devices" usedfor administrative and control purposes:(1) Are fully dedicated to these purposes; and(2) Do not exceed a "total data signalling rate" of 9,600

bit per second;(i) Not used.u) Voice channels are limited to 3,100 Hz as defined in

CCITT Recomnlendation G.151;(k) The "software" supplied:

(1) Is limited to:(i) The minimum "specially designed software"

necessary for the use (ie installation, operationand maintenance) of the equipment or systems;and

(ii) Machine-executable form; and(2) Does not include "software":

(i) Embargoed by Item IL 1527, IL 1566 (a) (5) orItem ML lIon the Munitions List; or

(ii) To permit user-modification of generic"software" or its associated documentation;

(I) If the equipment or systems are not designed forinstallation by the user without support from thesupplier, then the "software" necessary forcommissioning is:(1) Exported on a temporary basis only; and(2) Kept under the control of the supplier; and

(m) The exporter must supply a statement identifying:(1) The equipment or system to be provided;(2) The intended application, including the

number of lines, and number of trunks andtraffic load;

(3) The operating authority; and(4) The location of the equipment or system.

(7) "Stored programme controlled circuit switching" equipmentor systems, embargoed by sub-item (b), provided:(a) The equipment or systems are designed for fixed civil

use as "stored-programme-controlled telephone circuitswitching" exchanges which fulfil the definitions ofeither "terminal exchange" or "transit exchange"; ,

(b) The equipment or systems:(1) Are designed and used for fixed civil "stored

programme controlled telephone circuit switching"applications;

(2) Will be operated in the importing country by a civiloperating authority who has furnished to thesupplier a signed statement, certifying that theequipment or systems will be used for the specifiedend-use at a specified location only; and

(3) Do not support any form of Integrated ServicesDigital Network (ISDN);

(c) The number, type and characteristics of such equipmentor systems are normal for the approved application;

(d) The equipment or systems cannot be adapted to mobileuse or security use, as described in Item IL 1565 (f) (1) to(4), (g) or (h) (1) (ii) (a) and (b);

(e) The equipment or systems do not have any of thefollowing features:(1) Multi-level call pre-emption including overriding or

seizing of busy subscriber lines, "trunk circuits" orswitches;

NB:This does not preclude single level call pre-emption(e.g., executive override).

(2) "Common channel signalling";(3) Dynamic adaptive routing;(4) Interconnections which are specially designed for

multi-RF channel radio equipment embargoed byItem IL 1531 (d) or (e) or specially designed formulti-RF channel cellular radio equipment;

(5) Digital subscriber line interfaces;(6) Digital synchronisation circuitry which uses

equipment embargoed by Item IL 1529 (a) (2);(7) Not used; or(8) Centralised network control having all of the

following characteristics:(i) Is based on a network managerYlcnt protocol;

and(ii) Does all the following:

(a) Receives data from the nodes; and(b) Processes these data in order to;

(1) Control traffic; and(2) Directionalise paths;

(f) "Communication channels" or "terminal devices" usedfor administrative and control purposes:(1) Are fully dedicated to these purposes; and(2) Do not exceed a maximum "data signalling rate" of

9,600 bit per second;(g) Voice channels are limited to 3,100 Hz as defined in

CCITT Recomrnendation G.151;(h) The "software" supplied:

(1) Is limited to:(i) The minirrlunl "specially designed software"

necessary for the use (ie installation, operationand maintenance) of the equipment or systems;and

(ii) Machine-executable form; and(2) Does not include "software":

(i) Errlbargoed by Items IL 1527, It 1566 (a) (5) orItem ML lIon the Munitions List; or

(ii) To permit user-modification of generic"software" or its associated documentation;

(i) Not used.U) If the equipment or systems are not designed for

installation by the user without support from thesupplier, then the "software" necessary forcommissioning is:(1) Exporied on a temporary basis only; and(2) Kept under the control of the supplier;

(k) Not used, and(I) The exporter must supply a statement identifying:

(1) The equipment or system to be provided;(2) The intended application including the number

of lines, number of trunks and traffic load;(3) The operating authority; and(4) The location of the equipment or system.

NB:The above "National Discretion" note applies solely toequipment which has been submitted by DTI to COCOM for aone-time review by that Committee.

8 Definitions of terms used in this Item:Cl ,Jffiliated equipment" _

Equipment, as follows:(a) Input/output (I/O) control units;(b) Recording or reproducing equipment;(c) Displays; or(d) Other peripheral equipment.

u( ammon channel signalling" -A signalling method in which a single channel betweenexchanges conveys, by means of labelled messages,

signalling information relating to a mulipJicity ofcirCUits, orcalls and other information such as that used for networkmanagement.

"communication channel" -The transmission path or circuit including the terminatingtransmission and receiving equipment (modems) fortransferring digital information between distant locations.

"data device" -Equipment capable of transmitting or receiving sequences ofdigital information.

"datagram" -Is a self-contained, independent entity of data carryingsufficient information to be routed from the source to thedestination data terminal equipment without reliance onearlier exchanges between these source and destination dataterminal equipments and the transporting network.

"data (message) switchingU-

The technique, including but not limited to store-and·forwardor packet switching, for:(a) Accepting data groups (including messages, packets, or

other digital or telegraphic information groups which aretransmitted as a composite whole);

(b) Storing (buffering) data groups as necessary;(c) Processing part or all of the data groups, as necessary,

for the purpose of:(1) Control (routing, priority, formatting, code

conversion, error control, retransmission orjournaling);

(2) Transmission; or(3) Multiplexing; and

(d) Retransmitting (processed) data groups whentransmission or receiving facilities are available.

"data signalling rate"-The rate as defined in ITU Recommendation 53-36, takinginto account that, for non-binary modulation, baud and bitper second are not equal. Binary digits for coding, checking,and synchronization functions are included.

NB:It is the maximum one-way rate, Le., the maximum rate ineither transmission or reception.

"digital computer" -Equipment which can, in the form of one or more discretevariables:(a) Accept data;(b) Store data or instructions in fixed or alterable (writable)

storage devices;(c) Process data by means of a stored sequence of

instructions which is modifiable; and(d) Provide output of data.

NB:Modifications of a stored sequence of instructions includereplacement of fixed storage devices, but not a physicalchange in wiring or interconnections.

"embedded" in equipment or systems ­Can feasibly be neither:(a) Removed from such ~quipment or systems; nor(b) Used for other purposes.

"fast select" -A facility applicable to virtual calls which allows a dataterminal equipment to expand the possibility to transmit datain call set-up and clearing "packetsU beyond the basiccapabilities of a virtual call.

"local area networkU-

A data communication system which:(a) Allows an arbitrary number of independent "data

devices" to communicate directly with each other; and(b) Is confined to a geographical area of moderate size (e.g.

office building, plant, campus, warehouse)."PABX"-

See "private automatic branch exchange"."packet" -

A group of binary digits including data and call control signalswhich is switched as a composite whole. The data, call controlsignals and possibly error control information are arranged ina specified format.

"Packet-mode operation" -The transmission of data by means of addressed "packets"whereby a transmission chaooel is occupied for the durationof the "packet" only. The charmel is then available for use by"packets" being trinsterred between different data terminal

Security export control March 1989 81

IL· 1567 NOTE 8 continued

NB:A "space-division analogue exchange" with a widebandswitching matrix can be converted to a "space-division digitalexchange" by modifying some or all of the input interfacecircuitry.

"space-division digital exchange"-A "space-division exchange" which accommodates thetransmission through the switching matrix of digital signalsrequiring a bandwidth wider than a voice channel of 3100 Hzas defined in CCITT Recommendation G.151.

equipments.In certain data communication networks the data may beformatted into a "packet" or divided and then formatted intoa number of "packets" (either by the data terminal equipmentor by equipment within the network) for transmission andmultiplexing purposes.

"private automatic branch exchange" - .. .An automatic telephone exchange, typically Incorporating aposition for an attendant, designed to provide access to thepublic network and serving extensions in an institution suchas a business, government, public-service or similarorganization.

"software" -A collection of one or more "programmes" or"microprogrammes" fixed in any tangible medium ofexpression.

"space-division analogue exchange" - ..A "space-division exchange", using an analogue (Includingsampled analogue) signal within the switching matrix. Suchexchanges can route digital signals, subject to the bandwidthlimitations of the equipment. Thus, such exchanges in publicnetworks commonly pass digital data at rates of severalkilobit per second per voice channel of 3100 Hz as defined inCCITT Recommendation G.151.

circuits based solely on a subscriber-type of signallinginformation.

"stored programme controlled telephone circuit switching" -The technique for establishing within an exchange, ondemand and until released, an exclusive direct (space-divisionswitching) or logical (time-division switching) connectionbetween calling and called telephone circuits:(a) Based solely on a subscriber-type of telephone signalling

information, derived from the calling circuit; and(b) Processed according to the stored "programmes" by one

or more electronic computers.The telephone circuits may carry any type of signal, e.g.telephone or telex, compatible with a voice channelbandwidth of 3,100 Hz or less.

"terminal device" -A "data device" which:(a) Does not include process control sensing and actuating

devices; and(b) Is capable of:

(1) Accepting or producing a physical record;(2) Accepting a manual input; or(3) Producing a visual output.

NB:Normal groupings of such equipment (e.g. acombination of paper tape punch/reader andprinter), connected to a single data channel or"communication channel", shall be considered as asingle "terminal device".

"terminal exchange" -(a) A local exchange used for terminating subscribers' li~es;(b) A remote switching unit which performs some functions

of a local exchange and operates under a measure ofcontrol from the parent exchange;

(c) A local exchange, typically 2-wire, used as a switchingpoint for traffic between subordinate local exchanges,which may also provide 4-wire connections to and fromthe national long-distance network; or

(d) An exchange which performs any combination offunctions in (a), (b) or (c) above.

"time-division analogue exchange" -A "time-division exchange" in which the parameter,associated with an individual segment of a stream of data orvoice signals, varies continuously.

"time-division digital exchange"-A "time-division exchange" in which the parameter,associated with an individual segment of a stream of data orvoice signals, is one of a finite number of digitally codedvalues.

"time-division exchange" -An exchange in which segments of different streams of dataor voice signals are interleaved in time and routed throughthe switching matrix along a common physical path. Thematrix may also include one or more stages of space-divisionswitching. The signal being routed through the matrix can beanalogue (e.g. pulse amplitude modulation) or digital (e.g.pulse code modulation, delta modulation or data).

"total data signalling rate" - .The sum of the individual "data signalling rates" of all"communication channels" which:(a) Have been provided with the system; and(b) Can be sustained simult~neously assuming the

configuration of the equipment which would maximizethis sum of rates.

"transit exchange" -(a) An exchange, typically 4-wire, used as a switching point

for traffic between other exchanges in the nationalnetwork (historically known as a 'trunk exchange');

(b) A 4-wire exchange serving outgoing, incoming or transitinternational calls; or

(c) An exchange which performs any combination offunctions in (a) or (b) above or those of a "terminalexchange".

"trunk circuit" -A circuit with associated equipments terminating in twoexchanges.

"trunk exchange" -See "transit exchange".

"wide area network" -A data communication system which:(a) Allows an arbitrary number of independent "data

Goods described can be licenced at nationaldiscretion for export to the proscribedcountries.


NB:A "space-division digital exchange" can be converted to a"space division analogue exchange" by modifying some or allof the input interface circuitry.

"space-division exchange" - .An exchange in which different streams of data or vOicesignals are routed through the switching matrix alongphysically different paths. The signal being routed throughthe matrix can be analogue (e.g. conventional amplitudemodulation, pulse amplitude modulation) or digital (e.g. pulsecode modulation, delta modulation or data).

"specially designed software" -The minimum "operating systems", diagnostic systems","maintenance systems" and "application software" necessaryto be executed on a particular equipment to perform thefunction for which it was designed. To make other,incompatible equipment perform the same function requires:(a) Modification of this "software"; or(b) Addition of "programmes".

"stored programme controlled circuit switching" -The technique for establishing, on demand and until released,a direct (space-division switching) or logical (time-divisionswitching) connection between circuits based on switchingcontrol information derived from any source or circuit andprocessed according to the stored "programme" by one ormore electronic computers.

"stored programme controlled telegraph circuit switching" ­Techniques essentially identical to those for "stored­programme-controlled telephone circuit switching", forestablishing connections between telegraph (e.g. telex)

82 Security export control March 1989

Security export control March 1989" 83

" , '-'<:, ,

NB; iq,

This does DotprecltJ~sil\lJel~e1.'~lpr~.Pttotl(e~g.executive override).

.(2) "Commoncnannelsign••tt;

(3) DYnamic.adaptive r~tinl;'(4) (Not used}; "(5) (Notused);. .: ..' .... .•.... ' ......• . '.'.(6) Digi~al 8ynchroni~tio~.cir~ib1 t<>.r Whicb uses

equipment elllbargoes by ItemJL· __• (a)f2);(7) (Not~;.:,. . ,.;.i; .. :(8) Centralised· network oontrol.~vingaU ofth(!

following charapteriStiCf:' ..... .. '" ..... . ....,;. ','(i),. .•.. )& bued •protoeol;

and{ii} Does·'411. tbefollowillR:(a) ~eceives g~fromttleQOdeS;CUld .(b) Pro~s tbesedata in.order, to;

(1) .C()ntrol traffic; and(2) l)irectional~zeP'th&; . ." ...•.•........... ....'. .... '.. '. .' '

(I) uCommunicatioD ehannels" or ~JterminaJ.Qeviees't,.:uaedfor administrative and~Q:~"oI2P1Jr~:",:<.,';(1) Arefully dedicatedto,these,plltpOHS;.ond(2) Donol exc~amaximum, "datasig~aIlin8 rate" of

19,200 bit per secon<J;,.(g) (Not used)

(h) (Not·used)(i) (Not used)0) The "so~ware'Jsupplied: ....•.,' h ......;~:

(I) Is Iimitedt~:' ........ '.' . ' . .·'h ,., ",

(I) The' ·minimum···.pecially..'delig~:'fkJft~at~tfnecessary... for the ·use·Jte.. ··!BltaDptit?A.oper.tionan~lllaf~~en~_CE!J~;of.;~, ' ,ipl!t~t()r·"Y.l~8; aft(j : .....•...... ", :'.\ .';~h'~;; ;'.:;.

~ii) ·.·'~~·;·.·',i:"(2) Doe! not inel~ u.ttWare<t'ii·," ;'v, :':. " i;

(i) EntbarS<J,ed~yJt.ems,1t 'I~~~!~'I :;(_fCSJorItem.ll0n'tJt~Mtf """.

(Ur T()~i~:~~~o~i~f .'\'. .waref~orJt',~ia~erl'~e

(I) '(Not used)( '.,~< I

(I) (Not~Jed); ,;. '. . "n;

(11)·.Tht:~tter·:m~"'.','.:,'. ·;·(l)';,;,;·''fhe equipn1et1f.

'(2»Tlie .' . .... .'" ..,', .... ,... ':':,--


devices" to communicate with each other;(b) May include "local area networks"; and(c) Is designed to interconnect geographically dispersed


FOR·PE()Pl.E~SREPUBUC OF~~~Q~Y:9. Theshiplll~nti.of JJdat•• (t;n~le).~itc~.k\s;:';equipnle~tor

syst(!lTls embargoed by.stl~item~a)fproyide~;(a) The equipment or systems are c:t~silned to meet the

requirements 01 either: ."':' ..•.... . .'., '. ...•. .. '. '...•. <(1) CCIIT ..Reco~llnendat1on~ F.I·.·. to .. 19·for··.stor~d-

forw~rd systetns(Volume.lI-- FUcjcle 1I.4,VUtbplenary assembly, UJth..21st·November,.1980); or

(2) ICAD Recommendations for,store-and..forward tivU8viationcomrnunicatioti networks (Anne" 16 to theConvention on International Civil Aviation,including aUaraendnieUls. agreed up to .andincluding 14thpetember, 1981);

(b) The equipment or systems:(1) Are designed and used for fixed civil "data

(message) switching" applications;(2) Will be used primarily for the specified . civil

application; and(3) Will be operated in the importing country by:

(i) The Post, Telegraph' and Telephone Authorityin· order to provide public JJdata (message)switching" services for:(a) Domestic civil use; or(b) International civil use with Western

countries;(U), A civil authority, which is a member of an

intergovernmental organisation includingWestern countries (e.g. ITU or ·ICAD), in orderto provide an extension of international "data(message) switching" services in the importingcountry to fulfil a commitment to theintergovernmental organization; or

(iii) An approved civil public' service organization,in order to provide J'data (message)' switching"services in a densely populated, commercialarea for:(a) Private domestic civil use; or(b) Private international civil use with

Western countries;(c) The number, type and characteristics ofsuch equipment

or systems are normal for the approved application;(d) Not used;(e) The equipment or systems do not contain "digital

computers" or "related equipment" embargoed by:(1) Item IL 1565 (I):(2) Item IL 1565 (h) (1) (i) (a) to (i), (I) or (m);or(3) Item IL 1565 (h) (1) (ii);

(t) The "software" supplied:(1)' Is limited to:

(i) The minimum uspecially' designed software"necessary for the use (i.e. . installation,operation and' maintenance) of the equipmentor systems; and

(U) Machine-executable' form; and(2) Does not include usoftwareu


(i) Embargoed by ItemlL J:S~7,IL 1$68 (a) (5) orItem ML lion the Munitions List; or

(ii)Topermit :user-modiflcation of generic', nsoft­ware" or its associated documentation;

(g) If the ~uipmentorsystems ~re not~i8nedforinstallation by the user without support from thesupplier, then the Usoftware"necessary forcommissioning is:(I) Exportedonatemporatybasis only; and(2) Kept under the control of the supplier;

(h) (Notused);(i) (Not.used); andu1 The exporter mU$tsupply:

,"(1) A ·statemettt·identi4dlig:(i) The·equipment~or syst~m to"e,~ovided;(I'!tI

;·(it) 1lteJntendet1'applie.ti~R·altdtta~c)~:'f!ntl'(2) ,. A'~e9mpleteideDtiftcaUwlj()f '~'en~userSAmd>t,heir

a~YitieS~ .... . ':. ..:. .; . <;"> h', '. '.. .•.. '>, "

1(i. Theslripmt!ntiof···,UstQred:.:pro8faRlme~:{~~~.d{:I~~e.neCirttdt·.swltdhb:lI'·eqttipmenJ·Qt:S)f••";"'o8d::b'.~.·item :(b);:proVided:.. i.·· •. ,.•···;' ~i···\·r;:'·~·h:if.·; ~,./::!i,:'; ')0:)

IL 1567 NOTE 11 (b) (2) continued

,,':,8Jtd~~~Wb~~h&$Jurlusb~:tO"tbe'UPPJier ··a. signed, ~atett\ ~.rtif)tinltbat~~equipment·orSM_ems

wiD, i>eused.for.tbesReCifi~,~us,.ta· specifiedlotalion .only;" .' .::<,,,' ':.,

(c) The number? type~a~ charaeted$ti~ QfsUchequipmentof systems are normal for the 4lpprovedapplication;

(d} The> equipment or. systellls! do not .• contain .. '-digitalcomputers"or '~relatedequipmentUembargoed .by:(1) Item IL 1565 (I);(2) Item It ISIS (b) (1) (i) Ca) t()(k) or (m); or(3) Item IL IBa (h) (1) (ii);

(e) The equipment or systems do not have thefoUowingfeatures:(1) Multi-level call pre-emption inclUding overriding or

seizing of busy subscriber ·lines.Utrunkcircuits" orswitches;

NB:This does not preclude single level call pre..emption(e.g. executive override).

(2) "Common channel signalling";(I) The maximum internal bit rate per channel does not

exceed 19.200 bit per second;(g) Not used;(h) The "software" supplied:

(1) Is limited to:(i) The minimum··specially designed software"

necessary" for the use (Le. installation,operation and maintenance) of the equipmentor systems; and;

(ii) Machine-executable form; and(2) Does not include ··software":

(i) Embargoed by Items IL 1527, IL 1568 (a) (5) orItem ML lIon the Munitions List; or

(H) To permit user-modification of genericHsoftware" or its associated documentation;

(i) Not used(j) If the equipment or systems are not designed for instal·

lation by the user without support from the supplier, thenthe "software"necessary for commissioning is:(1) Exported on a temporary basis only;(2) Kept under the control of the supplier;

(k) Not used; and(I) The exporter must supply:

(1) A statement identifying:(i) The equipment or system to be provided; and(il) The intended application and traffic load; and

(2) A complete identification of all end-users and theiractivities.

12. The shipment of Ustored programme controlled circuitswitching:' equipment or systems. embargoed by $ub·item·(b),provided:(a) The equipment or systems are designed for fixed civil

use as "stored programme controlled. telephone circuitswitching" eX<:hange~ whicbfulfil the definitions ofeither "terminal e,xchansenor ·'transit exchange";

(b) (Not used). .'(c) The' Departmel1t of Trade and Industry is reasonably

satisfiedthllt· or systems:(l)A~e designed and used for fixed civil "stored

programme controlled telephoneclrcuit SWitching"applications; and

(2) ,Will bepperatedintb~importin8 ~ountry tlY a civileqd-user wbQbasflJrnished IQ ~be supplier a signedstatement, cerUfying that ~b~iequipm;entQt systemswill be ·used for the specified end·useat a.specified

:..locationpnly;;;(0) ,(N'~tuled); ." .'. '> ••.. .' ....',(e) ,The eqUipment orsystemscannf>t be ~apt~Jo Jll~bile

"'fe;()r~urit)'I1~,.~,~ib~d ~nlt,.,~,1L 1511 {f):tl) tol{ll(U) (aland!(ll);

., .~(~:·~s •...• ; .... ;;./ .......• :.....•.••,...••..•.. , .. ,.' .·(: ..:.·1 •.•. ;,'; .·.·;::·;·L/·:,':«<J"; ':Ttie;eqJ.l.1PIt,ie~t,~r Iylt~.~::~.:'.~!e,~~~·;fo~"ing

·.,:i, ,·;:;.·~a. '.. .. i;<;> \::"<.>" ":'., •.. ·{;;i·./:: '.(/ .r,:'

<;~··~,~.r~· "'~f1C~l ~t: .. f"> . '. ;.<~I':~~ltPt.~IJMJi"dUt3~I;overridinsor• 0 ' .;.:;:'.':I.~~''''''1U$1'sUb~~t<UQ''_~'._kcif~J.tit$!t.or

"H"~,;!,"'"'' ;:.J ·;;~·j:,~._lJ.f;:""!'Y'~2':;:' ,.~:~:.;:':i:' :. r:;",';6if; ,;' ",,;;." ....~ <.../.;{;..; xC<:

84 Security export control March 1989

NB:,Ttlis~o~s notpr~cJudesinlle level" call'pre-eDl,ption(e:I~: execUtive ovemde).. , '

(2)UContD'loJlchannel signalDllg";(3) !>ynaulic:adaptive routing;(4) (No~~);

(5) (Notused); .'. .'. . '. '(6) Digital .sync;hronis8tion. circu~try uses

eqUiP.ment embargoed by Item IL 1529 (a) (2);(7) (Not used);(8) Centrali$ed . control baving all of the

following characteristics:(i) Is, based on a network management protocol;

and(ii) Does all the following:

(a) Receives data from the nodes; and(b) . Processes these data in order to;

(I) Control traffic; and(2) Directionalise paths;

(h) nCommunication channels" or "terminal devices" usedfor administrative and control purposes:(1) Are fully dedicated to these purposes; and(2) Do not exceed a maximum "data signalling rate" of

19.200 bit per second;(0 (Not.used); .0) The Usoftware" supplied:

(1) Is Iimitedlo:(i) The minimum "specially designed software"

nec~ssary for the use (i.e. installation,operation and maintenance) of the equipmentor systems; and

(ii) Machine-executable form; aRd(2) Does not include usoftware":

(l) Embargoed by Items IL 1527, IL 1566 (a) (5) orItem ML lion the Munitions List; or

(U) To permit user·modification of generic··software" or its associated documentation;and

(k) (Notused);(I) (not used);(m) The exporter must supply a statement identifying:

(1) The equipment or system to be provided;(2) The intenqed application.(3) The operating authority; and(4) The location of the equipment or system.

13. Not used;

14. Equipment or "software" for ucommon channel signalling".contrary to the provisions in Notes 10 or 12. provided that:(a) The ucommon channel signalling' is restricted to "quasi..

associated" or uassociated mode of operation" accordingtoCCITT Red Book, Volume X. fascicle X.l;

(b) No functions. other than those described in the followingrecommendations in·the Red Book of CCITT: Q701·toQ709, Q721 to Q725. Q791 and Q795, are included;

NB:Only functions described in paragraph 21 of Q795 are tobe inclUded. These Q795 functions may not providecentralized.·network control· functions as defined in Note10 (e) (8) or Note 12 (g) (8).

(c) No forl11 of Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) isprovided; ,

(d) Equipment or "software" is restricted to those necessaryfor the operation within a city or, for ·'PABXs·" within aradius of 100 km; /;

(e) No means are provided which will, 'allow "commonchannel signalling" via.analogue transmission links;

(f) All' the· applicable' conditions enumerated in' (a) to (e)above are accomplished by:(1) Omission or· physical'" removal of·· equipment of

coding;(2) .....'. Over-writing with non-funetionillIJ statements; or

,..(3) ;,a.80nablynon-reversibJemodificati()l1s.15. TecllnoJoIY'<lF: "ep~r,lacilitiesembargoed bytbis Item for

.~air .. Qf;/sto~ed.· pt()gramme .... controlled., .communication'."itchinl~qu~pment or systems, provide~tbat~

'. '~.l, ....·.~ I~~ttnolo~t,obf! tran~rredis'strictly llmitedtothat.'",> .•... ,.'.~; ..·~iNd:ktrr.~r;~ork: .

e>r· 'rlkftetlllirfacBtties:'

(1) Are.e~allY~lned.ip~~~fqtfe. ....(,X"L: i} ... ':

fI~ Ar!!:.·.to :;,'be ,uteQ',to';:repab' .ernblr'8Id':';.qQIP~_~f'autnorlseH .·:f~J ·,,i.:':Natt~aI>"Ili~Il} 01equipm~ntfreefrom' embar90: ''',;. •... .,:,,::::,~ ,,<':i~

(3) Are sbipped in reasonabl~quantitiesn~~'\fOf;the •. types... and .·quantities".,of·,:exp;orted,,:eq\lipmeDlbeio8 ser:viced; > .' :'~: :}:,~/:

(4) Do·not provi<;le loeal prt)QuetiQnfaqlitieJjlJlltL(5) DC) not :provide .f()rtestin8.oflndjvidqalel~h'onic

CO.-nPOIlents . . .' .c .:, ';(c) The. repair does Dot .upgrade tbeequipmentQr~ystefl)s

beyond the performance tbreshold$()fNotes 10;Of, 12;(d) All the records of repair activity ·are. kept ,by a

representative of tbe Western supplier;(el The exporter must supply a statement identifying:

(1) The equipment to be provided; and(2) The users and their activities; and

(t) Technology for general purpose. computersi, noteJi8ibl~for treatment under this Note, Le. it remains to be treatedunder sub-item IL 1565 O}. '

NB:Nothing in this Note shall be construed as overridingcontrols elsewhere' in these Lists.

16 Applications for the following equipment for the People'sRepublic of China only will receive favourable consideration,subjectto the conditions.specified:"Data (message)sWitchingft .equipment·or systems embargoedby sutJ.;.item (a), provided that:(a) The equipment or. systems are designed. for fixed ..civil

use and stored programme controlled "packet-modeoperationft;

(b) The equipment or systems do not have any. of thefollowing features:(1) "Datagramtt service;'(2) "Fast select";(3) Dynamic adaptive routing;(4) Precedence, priority override or multilevel call

preemption;(5) Centralised. network control having all of the

fonowing characteristics:(i) Is based on a network management'protocol;(ii) Does all the following:

(a) Receives data from the nodes: and(b) Processes these data in order to;

(1) Control traffic; and(2) Directionalise paths;

(c) The ·'software" supplied:(1) Is limited to:

(i) The minimum "specially designed software"necessary for .the use (i.e. installation.operation and maintenance) of the equipmentor systems; and .

(U) Machine-executable form; and(2) Does not include~Usoftware":

(I) Embargoedby Items IL 1527.IL 1566(a)(5) orItem ML lIon the MunitiQns List; or

(ii),To permit user·modificatIon'of· g.eneric"software" or its associated documentation;

(d) If the equipment or sY$tems are qot '.. :ctesianed. forinstallation by the user' without .support from thesupplier, then the "software" necessary forcominissioningis:(1) Exported on a temporary basis only;a"d(2) Kept under the control of the,supplier;

(e) Systems for Upacket·mode. operation,t are limited to fivenodes;

(f) No ·'internetworlCgateways"are provided other tltanformessqesoriginatingfrom or terminating, 'in Westerncountries;

NB:Connection$ of.·.. ,private .'..n~works '. to.internatioIudde~natJon$·~u.tb~vi~publi~nint,rrU!l\Vork·lat.ways"~

(8) Each nodein:a~ystem i.lirnit~dt9,6.:~ttl;· ' '.• ;(hl Node,tbr:oughputdoeJnotexceed l~:~~()ctets',per

se~ond;; ,". ., '"

~:; •.,.' .• ·•.·.,· /.··, ..\>.1·", O~e' ~etet :in;~ ~~:.t,l,yJ¥1ttl·I}'\lS'~I}~~~loutlaiso,at ant

port, 'equala<atbrougbput:.of; fJnEf ·'octet> Oae:QCtet ;is

17;~~~f::~~~il IQ.'forttie' ex().l~' ; .... '...,' t .'.'. H •• ••;. ~~Olt~c~Il()~~sem,JM'~.d:<.bf:,.....~:, ;'iJ~Jlt' ..•• '(~)';~ and' of·Iriltr~.e.~,,/;':~t; '.,~t~v;~(Jm· ";~~*j,Qr,"{_iaUydesigned' usoftwar . 0: .......Dre;i~9~t:t!9dl rt~ 'p~uetion:orus~ofeq~ipQ1~~~(l, ... ~$teIt1$t pf()Vi9eatba~ ,(a) T~~ ·~~~a~teri~~~s.'?f .·.~e~ufP~ent·or\ sx#ems are

IbniteUto'tbOlt whlcb make,UU.=!Dl eligible' for treatment11l1derN()t~)Oor}2t,,: '

(b) T~hno~o~fotg~.t.u;:purpOse :ciJrnputersJ$nOt eligib)~I<>r,treall11ent,under thlsNote, I.e.·itremairi$ to be treatedtlndersuD:-tt~m.IL 156S(j)t: .. '. '.. '.' ' .'.... '

(c) TechflolQgyforte$tini o~ .I.fle .SCIlle. lnteS!"aU!d(LSJ)'circuit.s .• ()r., tbose~ith: bllb~r .comPQnent ... densiti~s isIimitedtQ so{no-Iatest';', . . '. ' '

(d) Gen~rlc"~software"l$ exported ip machine execlJtableformol1ly; ' .....•... , ".: . '. ".•.. ,.. ' .' ':

Ce) No technology for the design or development ofptitltedcitcuit b()8rds ~r integrated.eircuits is 5upplted;

(f) Tecll..nology a~dtrainin8for ·'s()ftware.·~· ar~ Ihldte(j to 'thecreation of. maintenance of customer'specific data basesand site parameters; . .' .... '

(g) Modification of .the" .equipment or systems is not~rrnitted .if any aspecloftbe. design. would result inexceeding the performance. thresholds or features ofNotes 10 or 12;

(h) The contract includes explicit conditions to ensure that:(1) The tecbnologyor eq~ipm~nt or. systems. are not

reexported or exported, either directly or indirectly,to another '. proscribed destination without the,agreement of the Department of Trade andIndustry;

(2) The'suppUet may appoint a representative in Chinawho could verify tbat the manufactured equipmentwas serving its intended use; ,

(3) Any modification. of the capabilities or functions ofthe equipment has been agreed by both parties;

(i) The Western' personnel have right of access to' all· thefa~ilities directly. invQlved in "the .mQdification ,AQdproduction of the equipment or syStems;

{J) Not used;(k) Favourable consideration win also be.given to the export

of the minimally required associated materials andcomponen~·,elllbargQedby this.Item or .other Items intbis List and specially designed "software", formodification, production '. or .testing,· of equipment orsystems.

,NB:No eJeportunder the favourablecansideration provisionsof this'. sub-paragraph shall establish a precedent forexport approval under otberentries in tbisLIst.

NB: .,.... <', .,.'i'

Sub-paragraphs (cl. or (e)' 'above .d() .~otpreclUde,exPorts ..hitechnology which would be p<>ssi~leaccordin'.,to' thepr():vi$lol1s~fother Itemsj ~.,.. . . ....

IL 1568Analogue-to-digital and digital-to-analogueconverters, position encoders and transducers,as follows, and specially designed componentsand test equipment therefor:

NOTE:For digital voltmeters or counters, see Item IL 1529.(a) Electrical input type converters having

any of the folloWing tooracteristics:(1) A conversion rate of more than 200,000 complete

conversions per second at rated ac:curacy;

Security export co,ntrof March 1989 86

IL 1568(a) (2)

(2) An accuracy in excess of 1 part in more then 10,000 offull scale over the specified operating temperaturerange; or

(3) A figure of merit of 1 x 1()8 or more (derived from thenumber of complete conversions per second divided bythe accuracy);

(b) Electrical input type digital-to-analogue converters havingany of the following characteristics:(1) A maximum "settling time" of less than 3 microseconds

for voltage output devices and less than 250 ns forcurrent output devices;

(2) An accuracy in excess of 1 part in more than 10,000 offull scale over the specified operating temperaturerange;

(3) A figure of merit (defined as the reciprocal of the productof the maximum "settling time" in seconds and theaccuracy) of more than' 2 x 109 for voltage outputconvertors or 1 x 1010 for current output converters;

(c) Solid-state synchro-to-digital or digital-to-synchro convertersand resolver-to-digital or digital-to-resolver converters(including multipole resolvers) having a resolution of betterthan.±.. 1 part in 5,000 per full synchro revolution for singlespeed synchro systems or .±.. 1 part in 40,000 for dual speedsystems;

(d) Mechanical input type position encoders and transducers, asfollows, excluding complex servo-follower systems:(1) Rotary types having:

(i) A resolution of better than 1 part in 265,000 of fullscale; or

(ii) An accuracy better than.±.. 2.5 arc-seconds;(2) Linear displacement types having a resolution of better

than 5 micrometres;

TECHNICAL NOTE:Sub-item (d) includes absolute and incremental shaft positionencoders, linear displacement encoders and inductosyns.

(e) Any equipment described above which is designed to operatebelow 218 K (-55°C) or above 398 K (+ 125°C); •

TECHNICAL NOTE:"Settling time" is defined as the time required for the output tocome within one-half bit of the final value when switchingbetween any two levels of the converters.

FOR PltQPWS.uPUlJUqOFOIINA,Of4IrV:The. shipment of ..·analo8Ue-to«Ji~italor .•.. di.itaJ..t~nal()gtJe.converters._ folJow.t. •... ... .'

. (a} ',Analogue-ttMI.ital'COll.v~~r$',~lth··rtI()!~;tb~fl ..200q~s,'(ooversioa'tilfteto8tr.t.~~trKlm~"'°ltittoh:.of'I~~~it;

(b) ,DigJtai-to--analogu"cot:lvettets" ~itb ,~.>~~,all.2()(), .~~~·$~t~tlg,:.·ti~~·f .'.:fQr·.· ,vo~t,ce "'~~~~""/~~?<f,:~'.'~~~~j~~~r~$Qluti0t1(J.f.12,lJit; ".••...•••............ '. . ~..•.•....••, '.,." ••..•.' :.•'.: ::"., " ...•.....•.... , ':

(c} ,'DiflltaJ-ttHWalogtte'oonvetter•. witb ..·lesl~~~11 ..·¥5 .•~.~., .··~_~,n8.:'i~e"fo' .. eqt~en~ "pute~t.~nll.·.~;·,m~im~"·re$Olut,iOtl~I(1:2itiit:i::r '"

IL 1570Thermoelectric materials and devices, asfollows:

(a) Thermoelectric materials with a maximum product of thefigure of merit (Z) and the temperature (T in degrees K) inexcess of 0.75;

(b) Junctions and combinations of junctions using any of thematerials in (a) above;

(c) Heat absorbing or electrical power generating devicescontaining any of the junctions in (b) above, and speciallydesigned components therefor;

(d) Other power generating devices, and specially designedcomponents therefor, which generate in excess of 22 W perkg (IOW per pound) or of 17.70kW per cubic metre (500 Wper cubic foot) of the device's basic thermoelectric compon­ents;

86 Security export control March 1989

TECHNICAL NOTE:The figure of merit (Z) equals Seebeck coefficient square dividedby the product of electrical resistivity and thermal conductivity.

NOTES:1. See also Item IL 1205 (c).2. The weight and cubic measurements in sub-item (d) above are

not intended to encompass the complete device but to includeonly the thermoelectric elements and assembly and thecomponents for pumping calories. Other components, such asheating and cooling sources or containers, device frames orstands and control equipment are not to be included in thecalculations.

IL 1571Magnetometers, magnetometer systems andrelated equipment, as follows, and speciallydesigned components therefor:

(a) Magnetometers and magnetometer systems having orcapable of having a sensitivity better than.±.. 1.0 gamma (.±..10-50ersteds), except magnetometers having sensitivities notbetter than .±.. 0.1 gamma(.±.. 10-6 ' oersteds) where thereading rate capability is no faster than once per half-second;

(b) Magnetometer test facilities able to control magnetic fieldvalues to an accuracy of 1.0 gamma (10-5 oersteds) or less;

(c) Magnetic compensation systems utilizing "digital computers",non-magnetic platforms and calibration systems;

(For optical fibres, see Item IL 1526 (c) and (d».

TECHNICAL NOTES:(1) Sensitivity is defined as the visually recognized minimum

sinusoidal signal in the frequency range of 0.025 Hz to 1.5 Hzwhen signal-to-noise ratio is higher than 1.

(2) The. term 'specially designed components therefor' isintended to include non-magnetic pumping lamps andheating coils, cryogenic magnetic componentry, enhancedresonance gases, and any form of dynamic signal-processinggradient compensation provided as part of, or designed foruse with, magnetometers embargoed by this Item. Enhancedresonance gases are gases of isotopes of cesium, rubidium andother metals which exhibit very sharp bands of response topumping frequencies in optically pumped magnetometers.

(3) Magnetometer systems use magnetic sensors, including thosedesigned to operate at cryogenic temperatures, compensationsystems, displays, recorders and associated electronics forsignal processing, target parameter detection, gradientcompensation and dynamic range control.

IL 1572Recording or reproducing equipment,"recording media" and technology, as follows,and specially designed components, accessoriesand "software" theJ!efor:NOTE:For equipment which may be used in conjunction with electroniccomputers, see Item IL 1565.~a) Recording or reproducing equipment using magnetic

techniques, except:(i) When specially designed for:

(1) Audio programmes on tape or disk;(2) Analogue recording or reproducing of video

programmes on tape or disk; orNOTE:This does not apply to magnetic heads mounted onservo-mechanisms which include piezoelectrictransducers and have a gap width less than 0.75micrometre (29.5 microinches);NB:Gap width is the dimension of the gap parallel to therelative movement between tape and head.

(3) Digital reproducing (ie play-back only) of videoprogrammes from tape or disk;

(ii) When specially designed to use magnetic card, tag, labeior bank cheque "recording media" with a magneticsurface area not exceeding 85 cm2 (13;

(iii) Analogue magnetic tape recorders having all of thefollowing characteristics:(a) Bandwidth at maximum speed not exceeding 300

kHz per track;(b) "Recording density" not exceeding 2,000 magnetic

flux sine waves per linear cm (5,080 magnetic fluxsine waves per linear inch) per track;

(c) Not including recording or reproducing headsdesigned for use in equipment with characteristicssuperior to those defined in (a) or (b) above;

(d) Tape speed not exceeding 155 cm/s (61 inches persecond);

(e) Number or recording tracks (excluding audio voicetrack) not exceeding 28;

(f) Start-stop time not less than 25 ms;(g) Equipped with tape-derived (off-tape) servo speed

control and with a time displacement (base) error,measured in accordance with applicable IRIG or EIAdocuments, of no less than .±.. 5 microsecond;

(h) Using only direct or FM recording;(i) Not ruggedized for military use;u) Not rated for continuous operation in ambient

temperatures from below 233 K to above 328 K(from below -40°C to above + 55°C); and

(k) Not specially designed for underwater use;NB:Analogue instrumentation recording equipmentpermitting the recording of digital signals (eg usinga high density digital recording (HDDR) module)and having all the characteristics in sub-item (a) (Hi)above are not embargoed by this Item.

(iv) Digital recording or reproducing equipment having all ofthe following characteristics:(a) Cassette/cartridge tape drives or magnetic tape

drives which do not exceed:(1) A "maximum bit packing density" of 131 bit

per mm (3,300 bit per inch) per track; or(2) A "maximum bit transfer rate" of 2.66 million

bit per second(b) Not ruggedized for military use;(c) Not specially designed for underwater use; and(d) Not rated for continuous operation in ambient

temperatures from below 233 K to above 328 K(from below -40°C to above +55°C);

(b) Recording or reproducing equipment using laser beams,which produce patterns or images directly on the recordingsurface or reproduce from such surfaces, except(i) When specially designed for the production of audio and

video disk masters for the replication of entertainment­or education-type disks;

(H) Facsimile equipment such as used for commercialweather imagery and commercial wire photos and text;

(iii) Consumer-type reproducers for audio or video disksemploying non-erasable media; or

(iv) When specially designed for gravure (printing plate)manufacturing;

(c) Graphics instruments capable of continuous direct recordingof sine waves at frequencies exceeding 20 kHz;

(d) 'Recording media' used in equipment embargoed by (a) or (b)above, except:(i) Magnetic tape having all of the following characteristics:

(a) Specially designed for television recording andreproduction or for instrumentation;

(b) Being a standard commercial product;(c) Not designed for use in satellite applications;(d) Been in use in quantity for at least two years;(e) A tape width not exceeding 25.4 mm (1 inch);(f) A magnetic coating thickness not less than:

(1) 2.0 micrometres (0.079 mill if the tape lengthdoes not exceed 1,450 m (4,760 feet); or

(2) 5.0 micrometres (0.1975 mill if the tapa lengthdoes not exceed 6,000 m (19,710 feet);

(g) A magnetic coating material consisting of doped orundoped gamma-ferric oxide or chromium dioxide;

(h) A base material consisting only of polyester;(i) A rated intrinsic coercivity not exceeding 64 kA/m

(804 oersted); andu) A retentivity not exceeding 0.16 T (1,600 gauss);

(ii) Magnetic tape having all of the following characteristics:(a) Specially designed for television recording. and

reproduction or for instrumentation;(b) Being a standard commercial product; and(c) Having either of the following sets of characteristics:

(1 )(i) A tape width not exceeding 50.8 mm (2 inches);(H) Not designed for use in satellite applications;(Hi) Been in use in quantity for at ·.Ieast two years;(iv) A magnetic coating material consisting of

doped or undoped gamma-ferric oxide orchromium dioxide;

(v) A rated intrinsic coercivity not exceeding 64kA/m (804 oersted); and

(vi) A tape length not exceeding 1,096 m (3,600feet); or

(2Xi) A tape width not exceeding 25.4 mm (1 inch);(H) A magnetic coating material consisting of

chromium dioxide;(Hi) A base material consisting only of polyester;

and(iv) A rated intrinsic coercivity not exceeding 60

kA/m (750 oersted);(Hi), Video or audio magnetic tape in cassette having all of the

following characteristics:(a) Specially designed for television or audio recording

and reproduction;(b) Being a standard commercial product;(c) A rated intrinsic coercivity not exceeding 120 kA/m

(1,500 oersted);(d) A retentivity not exceeding 0.30 T (3,000 gauss);(e) A tape length not exceeding 550 m (1,805 feet); and(f) A magnetic coating thickness not less than 2.0

micrometres (0.079 mill;(iv) Computer magnetic tape having all of the following

characteristics:(a) Designed for digital recording and reproduction;(b) A magnetic coating certified for a maximum

"packing density" of 2,460 bit per cm (6,250 bit perinch) or 3,560 flux changes per cm (9,042 fluxchanges per inch) along the length of the tape;

(c) A magnetic coating thickness not less than 3.6micrometres (0.142 mill;

(d) A tape width not exceeding 25.4 mm (1 inch);(e) A tape length not exceeding 1,100 m (3,609 feet);(f) Been in civil use for at least two years; and(g) The base material consists only of polyester; .

(v) Computer flexible disk cartridges havingi}oth of thefollowing characteristics:(a) Designed for digital recording and reproduction;

and(b) Not exceeding a "gross capacity" of 17 million bit;

(vi) Rigid magnetic disk "recording media" having all of thefollowing characteristics:(a) Being a standard commercial product;(b) Non servo-written;(c) A "packing density" not exceeding 866 bit per cm

(2,200 bit per inch);(d) Not exceeding 80 tracks per cm (200 tracks per

inch); and(e) Conforming to any of the following specifications:

(1) Unrecorded single disk cartridges (frontloading (2315-type» designed to meet ANSIX3.52-1976;

(2) Unrecorded single disk cartridges (top loading(5440-type» designed to meet InternationalStandard ISO 3562-1976;

(3) Unrecorded six-disk packs (2311 type) designedto meet ANSI X3.46-1974 or InternationalStandard ISO 2864-1974(E); or

(4) Unrecorded eleven-disk packs (2316 type)designed to meet ANSI X3.58-1977 or Inter­national Standard ISO 3564-1976;

(e) Technology for the development, production or use ofrecording or reproducing equipment described in this Item,except:(i) Technology which is unique to equipment released

under sub-items (a) (i) (1), (a) (i) (2) or (a) (ii), (b) or (c)above;NOTE:This does not apply to technology for the design orproduction of:

Security exportcontrol March 1989 87

IL 1572 (e) (I) (a)

(a) Cylindrical structures used to record or reproducevideo signals in a helical scan system recorder orreproducer, and

(b) Recorded alignment tapes used in the production ofrecording or reproducing equipment

(ii) The minimum technology necessary for the use of equip­ment which may be exported under the provisions of thisItem.

(f) Technology for continuous coating of magnetic tapedescribed in this Item as follows:(1) Technology for the formulation of coating material;(2) Technology for the application of coating material to the

backing;(g) Technology for the manufacture of flexible disk recording

media described in this Item as follows:(1) Technology for the formulation of coating material;(2) Technology for the application of coating material to the

flexible backing;(h) Technology for the development or production of rigid disk

"recording media" described in this Item.

NOTES:1. The shipment of reasonable quantities of equipment embar­

goed by sub-item (a) above, as follows, or "recording media"in reasonable quantities for use with this equipment,embargoed by sub-item (d) above;(a) Analogue magnetic tape recorders:

(1) Errlbargoed by sub-item (a) (iii) (h); or(2) Equipped with tape-derived (off-tape) servo speed

control and with a time displacement (base) error,measured in accordance with applicable IRIG or EIAdocuments, of no less than ±..1.0 microsecond;

(b) Systems having all of the following characteristics:(1) Designed for use in civil aircraft or helicopters to

record flight data for safety or maintenancepurposes;

(2) Been in normal civil use for more than one year;(3) No more than 100 input channels; and(4) A sum of the individual, channel recording band­

width not exceeding 500 Hz;(c) Incremental recorders or reproducers having all of the

following characteristics:(1) Designed for discontinuous sampling or collection of

data in an incremental manner;(2) The maximum tape speed, at the maximum

stepping rate, does not exceed 50.8 mm (2 inches)per second;

(3) Not ruggedized for military use;(4) Not rated for continuous operation in ambient

temperatures from below 233 K to above 328 K(from below -40°C to above +55°C);

(5) Not specially designed for underwater use; and(6) Not including recording or reproducing heads

designed for use in equipment with characteristicssuperior to those defined in (a) (1) or (a) (2) above;

(d) Digital magnetic recorders having both of the followingcharacteristics:(1) Specially designed for seismic or geophysical appli­

cations; and(2) Operating in the frequency range from 5 Hz to 800

Hz.2. The shipment of computer tape in cassettes or cartridges

having all of the following characteristics:(a) Designed for digital recording and reproduction;(b) A magnetic coating certified for a "packing density" of

3,940 bits per cm (10,008 bits per inch) along the lengthof the tape;

(c) A tape width not exceeding 2.54 cm (1 inch);(d) A tape length not exceeding 1,100 n1 (3,608 feet); and(e) In civil use for at least two years.

3. The shipment of magnetic tape embargoed by sub-item (d)above having all of the following characteristics:(a) Intended for being put into cassettes or cartridges under

a commercial agreement;NB:Tape exported under this Note is to be used only forinsertion into cassettes or cartridges specially designed

88 Security export control March 1989

for television or audio recording or reproduction.(b) Being a standard commercial product;(c) Not designed for use in satellite applications;(d) Been in use in quantity for at least two years;(e) A tape width not exceeding 25.4 mm (1 inch);(f) A magnetic coating thickness not less than 2 micro­

metres (0.079 mill;(g) A magnetic coating material consisting of doped or

undoped gamrna-ferric oxide;(h) A base material consisting only of polyester;(i) A rated intrinsic coercivity not exceeding 64 kA/m (804

oersted);0) A retentivity not exceeding 0.16 T (1,600 gauss); and(k) A tape length not exceeding 6,500 m (21,320 feet).

4. The shipment of reasonable quantities of magnetic tapeembargoed by sub-item (d) above, having all of the followingcharacteristics:(a) It is for use in civil television recording and reproducing I

applications;(b) The magnetic coating Iuaterial consists of undoped

gamma-ferric oxide;(c) The rated intrinsic coercivity not exceeding 28 kA/m

(350 oersted);(d) The tape width not exceeding 50.8 mm (2 inches); and(e) A base material consisting only of polyester.

5. Not used.

'FOR PEOPLE·S·REPUBLIC' OF CHINA ONLY:6~The shipment of recording and reproducing equipment, as

.follows:(a) Graphic instruments capable' of. continuous direct

recording of sine waves at frequencies exceeding 20kHz, ,not containing a cathode-ray tube with, a fibre-opticface plate;

(b) ,Analogue magnetic tape recorders with all the following.characteristics:(1) Bandwidth of up to:

(i) 4 MHzper track and having up to 28 tracks; or(ii)2 MHzper track and haVing up to 42 tracks;

(2) Tape speed of 610 cm per second or less;(3) Not designed for underwater use;(4) Notru8gediz~for military u,e; and(5) Recording .'d~$itynotexceeding 6,532. 'magnetic

flux sinewav~ per cm; ,(c) Instrumentati()n digital . recorders . haVing allot the

~o11()~i~g charact~risti~:(1) "packi~,(densityU of 13, 125 bit per cm or less;(2) ..'Maxi~Jlmof28 tracks;(3J ..·,peedof '305,cm per second or less;(4) Notc:lesigned f()r underwater use; and(5) Not ruggedizedfor mUitary use;

(d)r.t~g",~tic, t~peappropdate",oruse witbmagnetic .. taperec()rders,~ree from eplbarSo 'or ~xJ?Ort~ble under this;Note \oluqder .~qy .... otber .. Item, pr()vl{;l\l1g. !18tionaldiscreti()n trea~~nt~9r e~P9rts,JotbePe~,Je;$ ~epublicofCb~n.j,pr~}iidedthetape If!n~f;' upack'tt~ density" or··recor(lin_.detlSity" '. do ·note~eed< t~e.p~r,f()rmance

lI~it,.~fJfr~xnaaneti~t_perecorde,s;. .'(e) DiskS appr()J)~Ui~e'for use~ttbdiskAlrives free from,~i~,,~oteor under anyottterl!ernpro!idingnationaldiscreti9ntreatm.ent for~:l:goTtst()tbe;,p(!opl~ts.~ep\lb1icQ,fChin.,providedthe'&Il~Cldn,q~fl;Wff~ndinn~r~Jld~ute~diam~t~rsdo'notexcee<l:~ep~tJo,m~~<:elimit •..QJ't~~ .~kdrives;Yid~,.~~~~~~ ••..t~~r~Qr~ers •...;.speCiAll:V d~igned ..fort.~ff~.tJ,ft r~~'P:8·( ..........( .. ;: .

7. Definition of terms used in this Item:"Recording media" -

All types and forms of specialised media used in recordingtechniques, including but not limited to tapes, drums, disksand matrices.

"Recording density" for direct recorders -The recording bandwidth divided by the tape speed.

"Recording density" for FM recorders -The sum of the carrier frequency and the deviation dividedby the tape speed.

"Packing density" for digital recorders -The number of bits per second per track divided by the tapespeed.

NB:For the definition of the terms related to "digital computers"or "software", see Items It 1565 or 1566.

NOTE:Forms of removable media other than tape (e.g., removable diskpacks) not released by sub-item (d) (vi) are nevertheless consideredto be free from embargo when shipped in reasonable quantities inconjunction with electronic computers under the provisions ofItem It 1565.

IL 1573Superconductive electromagnets and solenoids,as follows:

(a) Those which have a non-uniform distribution of current­carrying windings, measured along the axis of symmetrywhen specially designed for gyrotron application, exceptthose rated for both:(1) Magnetic induction of less than 1 tesla; and(2) "Overall current density" in the windings of less than

10,000 A/cm2;

(b) Those which are specially designed to be fully charged ordischarged in less than one minute, provided that:(1) The maximum energy delivered during discharge

divided by the duration of the discharge is more than 500kJ per minute;

(2) The inner diameter of the current-carrying windings ismore than 6 cm; and

(3) They are rated for magnetic induction of more than 8tesla or "overall current density" in the windings of morethan 10,000 A/cm2•

TECHNICAL NOTE:"Overall current density" is defined as the total number of ampere­turns in the coil (Le. the sum of the number of turns multiplied bythe maximum current carried by each turn) divided by the totalcross-section of the coil (comprising the superconductingfilaments, the metallic matrix in which the superconductingfilaments are embedded, the encapsulating material, any coolingchannels, etc.).

IL1574Electronic devices, circuits and systemsspecially designed for or capable of operation attemperatures below 103 K (-170°C, -274°F) andcontaining components manufactured fromsuperconducting materials which performfunctions such as electromagnetic sensing andamplification, current switching, frequencyselection or electromagnetic energy storage atresonant frequencies above 1 MHz. Theseinclude the following:

(a) Josephson-effect devices;:b) "Dayem bridges";IC) Weak-link devices;!d) "Proximity-effect devices";i,e) Phase slip devices;.t) SNS (super-normal-super) bridges;\g) SIS (superconductor-insulator-superconductor) devices;rh) Quasiparticle devices or detectors.

'fECHNICAL NOTES:By "Dayem bridges" are meant superconducting thin filmdevices with a reduced section area which acts as aconductive weak link. This weak link has a much lowercritical current than the areas it joins. Dayem bridges can actas superconducting switches and may be employed insuperconducting quantum interference devices (squids).

2 By "proximity-effect devices" are meant superconductingweak link devices whose low critical current is due to anoverlay of normal metal rather than a small area. Thesedevices can be used for the same purpose as Dayem bridges.

IL 1584Cathode-ray oscilloscopes and speciallydesigned components therefor, includingassociated plug-in units, external amplifiers, pre­amplifiers and sampling devices, having any ofthe following characteristics:

(a) An amplifier or system bandwidth greater than 250 MHz(defined as the band of frequencies over which the deflectionon the cathode-ray tube does not fall below 70.7 per cent ofthat at maximum point measured with a constant inputvoltage to the amplifier);

(b) A horizontal sweep speed faster than 1 nanosecond per cmwith an accuracy (linearity) better than 2 per cent;

(c) Containing or designed for use with cathode-ray tubescovered by Item It 1541 (c);

(d) Ruggedized to meet a military specification;(e) Rated for operation over an ambient temperature range of

from below -25°C to above +55°C;(f) Using sampling techniques for the analysis of recurring

phenomena which increase the effective bandwidth of anoscilloscope or time-domain reflectometer to a frequencygreater than 4 GHz;

(g) Digital oscilloscopes with sequential sampling of the inputsignal at an interval of less than 50 nanoseconds.

EXPLANATORY NOTES:1. Nothing in the above shall be construed as sanctioning the

export of technology, except technology for maintenance,repair and operation of oscilloscopes excluded from embargounder sub-item (a) above, which:(a) Use cathode-ray tubes embargoed by Item It 1541 (b);

or(b) Exceed an amplifier bandwidth of 200 MHz.

2. In the case of systems, the characteristics of individual plug­ins, probes or mainframes must not be in excess of what isrequired for overall system bandwidth.

FOR PEOftL£'SREPUBLJCQ~,CHINA,()~~ V: ,The shipment ofcathod&rayoscill()8Copesnolba~itllany:qftbefollowing characteristics:(a) An amplifier bandwidth exceedillg35~MHZ;

(b) A borizontalsweepspeed .faste~.tbanl.llspetcm' artd .~lfl'accurac~ (linearity)better than 2percehti <.' . .... . .

(c) Usin~. sampling .techniques:,:for~' ~tte .al1~ysis .of .:r~curringphenom~nawbic~ in~reaSe>theef~tive) ~al1dWjdtb) Of an~scill(Jscope .or .time..domainrefleetometer: ·to afrequepcygreater than 5 GHJ; .... .'.... . )". "

(d) DigitalosciUoscopes' '" with, seq~en~i,l. sllmpling ..~fthe)inptltsignalatinterval~ ofl~sstb(lfl ~() DS;:,,' ' ....•.. ><".".

(e) Ruggedited to meet D1i1itarys~~jeati()nS;()r;~.'· '....•. :. ",' .:", ..':: :'(l) Rated for operation:over a)t~mper~t~reran~;~f~I()W ..~5GC:

to above+55°C..' . ..

IL 1585Photographic equipment as follows:

(a) High speed cinema recording cameras and equipment asfollows:(1) Cameras in which the film is continuously advanced

throughout the recording period, and which are capableof recording at framing rates exceeding 13,150 framesper second, using any camera and film combination fromthe standard 8mm to the 90mm size inclusive;

(2) Special optical or electronic devices which supplement,replace or are interchangeable with standard cameracomponents for the purpose of increasing the number offrames per second; .

(b) High speed cameras in which the film does not move, andwhich are capable of recording at rates exceeding 1,000,000frames per second fpr the fuU framing height of standard35mm wide phatogr"plrP'C film, or at proportionately higherrates for lesser frcune heights, or at proportionately lowerrates for greater frame heights;.

(c) Cameras incorporating electron tubes covered by Item IL1555 (a);

Security export control March 1989 89

IL 1585(d)(d) Streak cameras having writing speeds of 10mm/microsecond

and above;(e) Camera shutters with speeds of 50 nanoseconds or less per

operation, and specialized parts and accessories therefor;(f) Film, as follows:

(1) Having an intensity dynamic range of 1,000,000:1 ormore;

(2) Having a speed of ASA 10,000 (or its equivalent) orbetter; or

(3) Colour film having a spectral sensitivity extendingbeyond 7,200 Angstroms or below 2,000 Angstroms;

(g) High speed plates having an intensity dynamic range of1,000,000:1 or more.

f'()I,{P~0I'L~~~REPIjQU~()J1~lIlNA.O~LY:.·The sI1ipm~nt'of: . .(a)NQn~rugledize(tcin~ma ;r~cording. ~amerQ,··~mbar.oed~ by

$\JlHtem,:(a)@Pve,f9" n()rmaJ civil Ptlfposes;(b) Mecbani<:al. frarilill• ,,·cameras·.embargoed:bY .su~item (b)

,Itove. wbieh ar~, ,ge$ignedfQr· dvUpurp05eS (ie.non..nuclearuse) with .•. n-CJJl1ing speed of, n()t more than 2 x ·1()6.. frames,per

·-'COrtd;, .', :(c) Electtonicstreak andlor framing cameras having alLofthe

fol1o\Vil)g charllcteristics:(1) Not ·ltiggedized;,(2) Capable' in the framing mode of speeds of no more' than

1()6, frames per second; ,(3) Capable in the streal( mode of w,riUng speeds of no more

than.!0 mm:per ,rnicrpsecond;(~) Design~dfor civU u~;(5) The performance of· the' camera'is notfield..upgradable

egthrough. the SUll$titutionofelectronic plug~ins;(6) . Exported for non~nuclear use;(7) Not using an electron tube having agalliulll arseQide

(GaA-s) photo-cathode.

IL 1586Acoustic wave devices, as follows, and speciallydesigned components therefor:

(a) Surface acoustic wave and surface skimming (shallow bulk)acoustic wave devices (Le. signal-processing devicesemploying elastic waves in materials, including but notlimited to lithium niobate, lithium tantalate, bismuth ger­manium oxide, silicon, quartz, zinc oxide, aluminium oxide(sapphire), gallium arsenide and alpha-aluminium phosphate(berlinite», which permit direct processing of signals,including but not limited to, convolvers, correlators (fixed,programmable and memory), oscillators, bandpass filters,delay lines (fixed and tapped) and non-linear devices havingany of the following characteristics:(1) A carrier frequency of greater than 400 MHz;(2) A carrier frequency of 400 MHz or less, except those

specially designed for home electronics andentertainment type applications, having any of thefollowing characteristics:(i) A side-lobe rejection of greater than 45 dB;(H) A product of the maximum delay time and the

bandwidth (time in microseconds and bandwidth inMHz) greater than 100;

(Hi) A dispersive delay of greater than 10 microseconds;(iv) An insertion loss of less than 10 dB;

(b) Bulk (volum·e) acoustic wave devices (Le. signal processingdevices employing elastic waves in the various materialsdescribed in (a) above) which permit direct processing ofsignals at frequencies over 1 GHz, including but not limitedto, fixed delay lines, non-linear and pulse compressiondevices;

(c) Acousto-optic signal-processing devices employing aninteraction between acoustic waves (bulk wave or surfacewave) and light waves which permit the direct processing ofsignals or images, including but not limited to spectralanalysis, correlation and convolution.

TECHNICAL NOTE:This sub-item embargoes devices made from acousto-optic

90 Security export control March 1989

materials, including but not limited to lithium niobate,bismuth germanium oxide, bismuth silicon oxide, galliumarsenide, gallium phosphide, tellurium oxide and leadmolybdenate.

NOTE:The shipment of the following devices embargoed by sub-item (a)(1) above which are specially designed for use in civil applicationsand which operate at frequencies below 1 GHz:

(a) Devices for civil television equipment;(b) Devices for video or AM and FM broadcasting equip­

ment;(c) Non-reprogrammable devices for pager, cellular radio

communication equipment, automobile radio communi­cation equipment of cordless telephone sets;

IL 1587Quartz cystals and assemblies thereof in anystage of fabrication (i.e. worked, semi-finished ormounted), as follows:

(a) For use as filter elements, and having either of the followingcharacteristics:(1) Designed for operation over a temperature range wider

than 125°C;(2) Crystals or assemblies of crystals which use the trapped

energy phenomenon and which have more than threeseries or parallel resonances on a single quartz element;

(b) For use as oscillator elements specially designed fortemperature-controlled crystal ovens or for TCXO's coveredby (c) below, and having an average ageing rate of ±. 1 x10-9 per day or better (less);

NOTE:Ageing rate shall be measured over a longer period at aconstant temperature of + 60°C or higher + 2°C.

(c) Temperature-compensated crystal oscillators (TCXO) havingany of the following characteristics:(1) A stability with respect to temperature of better than ±.

0.00015 per cent over their operating temperaturerange;

(2) An operating temperature range wider than 120°C;(3) Capable of reaching to within 1 x 10-7of normal

operating frequency or better in 3 minutes or less fromswitch-on at an ambient temperature of 25°C;

(4) Rated to have an acceleration sensitivity of less than 1 x10-9 of the operating frequency per g (where g = 981cm/sec2) over a vibration test frequency range from 10to 2,000 Hz sine wave and with a maximum level ofacceleration not exceeding 20 g;

(5) Designed to withstand a shock greater than 10,000 g(where g = 981 cm/sec2) over a period of l.millisecond;

(6) Radiation hardened to better than 10-10 of the operatingfrequency per gray (1 rad = 10-2 gray).

NOTES:1. This item does not embargo quartz crystals for use as filter

elements which have either of the following characteristics:(a) Designed for operation as intermediate frequency filters

operating from 10.5 to 11 MHz or from 21 to 22 MHzwith 3 dB bandwidths not exceeding 40 kHz; or

(b) Designed for operation as single side-band filtersoperating at from 1 to 10 MHz with 3 dB bandwidths notexceeding 4 kHz.

2. This item only covers quartz crystals having piezoelectricqualities. It is understood that this definition does not coveroptical grade quartz crystals.

3. Nothing in the Notes above shall be construed as sanctioningthe export of technology for quartz crystal elements orassemblies thereof.

:>.·.~:,:I~"'{t.~ ..•·~:~.1.1 •.. ,';><·.·.·.:\1,~l~ .•.• ·.per:,dlljf;:,oli.•.·..~r··.\ue~)~.";;j,·i;~,·~~Ceplstress<:ompen$8ted(SClcut ~ryst"$~ ,

IL 1588Materials composed of crystals having spinel,hexagonal, orthorhombic, or garnet crystalstructures, thin film devices, assemblies of theforegoing, and devices containing them, asfollows (for equipment which may be exported inconjunction with computer shipments, see ItemIL 1565):

(a) Monocrystals of ferrites and garnets, synthetic only;(b) Single aperture forms possessing either of the following

characteristics:(1) Switching rate of 0.3 microsecond or faster at the

minimum field strength required for switching at 40°C(l04°F); or

(2) A maximum dimension less than 18 mils (0.45 mm);

NOTE:For machinery and equipment associated with formshaving a maximum dimension less than 30 mils (0.76mm), see Item IL 1358.

NOTE:This sub-item does not embargo single aperture formsprovided they have:(a) A switching time equal to or more than 0.24 micro­

second; and(b) A maximum dimension of 0.30 mm (12 mils) or more.

(c) Multi-aperture forms with fewer than 10 apertures havingeither of the following characteristics:(1) Switching rate of 1 microsecond or faster at the

minimum field strength required for switching at 40°C(104°F); or

(2) A maximum dimension less than 100 mils (2.54 mm);(d) Multi-aperture forms having 10 or more apertures;(e) Memory storage or switching devices, as follows:

(l) Thin film (including plated wire and plated rods);(2) Single crystal or amorphous film magnetic bubble;(3) Moving domain; or(4) Crosstie;

(t) Magnetic ferrite materials having square loop characteristics,suitable for operations above 1 GHz and having all of thefollowing characteristics:(1) (i) A saturation magnetization of greater than 0.2 T

(2,000 gauss) for lithium-based ferrites;(H) A saturation magnetization of greater than 0.3 T

(3,000 gauss) for other than lithium-based ferrites;(2) A dielectric loss tangent of less than 0.001 measured at a

frequency of I GHz or greater;(3) A ratio of the remanent magnetization (Br) to the

saturation magnetization (4 Ms) equal to or greater than0.7;

(g) Rod forms having any of the following characteristics:(1) Switching rate of 0.3 microsecond or faster at the

minimunl field strength required for switching at 40°C(104°F);

(2) A minimum dimension less than 10 mils (0.254 mm).

IL 1595'Gravity meters (gravimeters), gravity gradio­",Deters and specially designed components-herefor, except:,a) Gravity meters for land use having any of the following

characteristics:(1) Static accuracies of not less than 100 microgal; or(2) Being of the Worden type;

0» Marine gravimetric systems having any of the followingcharacteristics:(1) Static accuracy of 1 milligal or more, or(2) An in-service (operational) accuracy of 1 milligal or more

with a time to steady state registration of two minutes orgreater under any combination of attendant corrective

compensations and motional influences.

NOTE:Nothing in this Item shall permit the export of technology ortechnical data associated with the design, manufacture orupgrading of equipment excluded from embargo by thisdefinition, when such technology or technical data is alsorelevant to equipment embargoed by this definition.

Group HMetals, mineralsand theirmanufactures(1) RAW MATERIALS

Where raw materials are covered by a definition the intent isto cover all materails from which can be usefully extracted,Le. ores, concentrates, matte, regulus, residues and dross(ashes).

(2) METALS AND ALLOYSUnless provision to the contrary is made in particular items ofthe definition, the words "metals" and "alloys" are intendedto cover all crude and semi-fabricated forms as mentioned inthe following list:Crude Forms:Anodes, balls, bars (including notched bars and wire bars),billets, blocks, blooms, brickets, cakes, cathodes, crystals,cubes, dice, grains, granules, ingots, lumps, pellets, pigs,powder, rondelles, shot, slabs, slugs, sponge, sticks.Semi-fabricated forms (whether or not coated, plated,drilled or punched):(i) Wrought or worked materials fabricated by rolling,

drawing, extruding , grinding, Le.: angles, channels,circles, discs, dust, flakes, foils and leaf, forging, plate,powder, pressings and stampings, ribbons, rings, rods(including bare welding rods, wire rods, and rolled wire),sections, shapes, sheets, strip, pipe and tubes (includingtube rounds, squares, and hollows), drawn or extrudedwire;

(H) Cast material produced by casting in sand, die, metal,plaster or other types of moulds, including high pressurecastings, sintered forms, and forms made by powdermetallurgy.

IL 1601Inert gas and vacuum atomizing technology toachieve sphericity and uniform size of particlesin metal powders regardless of the type of metaland the embargo status of the powder.

IL 1602Pyrolitic deposition technology and speciallydesigned compoDents therefor, as follows:

(a) Technology for producing pyrolitical1y derived materialsformed on a mould" mandr~l .or other substrate fromprecursor gase.5 wh4:th decompose in the 1,573 K (1 ,300°C) to3,173 K (2,900oq temperature range at pressures of 133.3 Pato 19.995 kPa :{including the composition of precursor gases,flow rates, and process control schedules and parameters);

(b) Specially designed nozzles for the above processes.

Security export control March 1989 91

IL 1631Magnetic metals of all types and of whateverform possessing one or more of the followingcharacteristics:

(a) Initial permeability: 0.15 henry/m (120,000 gauss/oersteds)or more calculated at induction 0 and magnetic field strengthoor the equivalent;NOTE:Measurement of initial permeability must be carried out onmaterials which:(a) Have a thickness between 0.076 mm (3 mill and 2.54 mm

(100 mill; and(b) Are fully annealed.

(b) Remanence: 98.5 per cent or over of maximum magnetic fluxfor materials having magnetic permeability;

(c) Capable of an energy product of 200,000 J/m3 (25 x 106

gauss-oersteds) or more;(d) Grain-oriented iron alloy sheets or strips of a thickness of 0.1

mm (0.004 inch) or less;(e) Magnetostrictive alloys as follows;

(1) Saturation magnetostriction more than 5 x 10-4; or(2) Magnetomechanical coupling factor (k) more than 0.8.

(f) Amorphous alloy strips having both of the followingcharacteristics:(1) Composition having a minimum 75 weight per cent of

one or more of the elements iron, cobalt and nickel; and(2) Saturation magnetic induction (88) of 1.6 tesla or more,

and either:(i) Strip thickness of 0.020 mm (0.0008 inch) or less; or(ii) ElectrJcal resistivity of 2 x 10-4 ohm -cm or more.

IL 1635Steel alloys in crude or semi-fabricated form, which contain acombination of the following major alloy elements in the amountslisted:(a) 4.5 to 5.95% nickel by weight;(b) 0.3 to 1.0% chromium;(c) 0.2 to 0.75% molybdenum;(d) 0.04 to 0.15% vanadium;(e) Less than 0.19% carbon.

(See also Item IL 1672.)

IL 1648Cobalt-based alloys (ie containing a higherpercentage by weight of cobalt than of any otherelement), as follows:

(a) Dispersion strengthened containing more than 1% of oxidesof thorium, aluminium, yttrium, zirconium or cerium; or

(b) Containing 0.05% or more of scandium, yttrium, didymium,cerium, lanthanum, neodymium, or praseodymium.(See also Item IL 1672.)

IL 1661Nickel-based alloys (i.e. containing a higherpercentage by weight of nickel than of any otherelement), as follows:

(a) Dispersion strengthened containing more than 1% of oxidesof thorium, aluminium, yttrium, zirconium, cerium, orlanthanum;

(b) Containing 0.05 per cent or more scandium, yttrium,didymium, cerium, lanthanum, neodymium, or praseo­dymium.

(c) Containing 10 weight % or more of aluminium in the form ofnickel a aluminide in crude or semi-fabricated forms andscrap thereof.

92 Security export control March 1989

IL 1672Titanium-based alloys containing 12 weight % ormore of aluminium in the form of titaniuma1uminide in crude or semi-fabricated forms andscrap thereof.

IL 1675Superconductive materials of all types andprocessed conductors containing at least onesuperconducting constituent, which are designedfor operation at temperatures below 103 K(-170°C, -274°f), except processed conductorshaving superconducting filaments embedded in acopper or copper-based mixture matrix and anyof the following characteristics:(a) Set 1:

(i) The superconducting constituent, when evaluated insample lengths of less than one metre, does not remain inthe superconducting state when exposed to a magneticinduction in excess of 12 T at a temperature of 4.2 K(-268°C, -451.8°F);

(H) The superconducting constituent or filament has a cross­section area greater than 3.14 x 1(}-4 mm2 (20-micrometrediameter for circular filaments);

(Hi) The conductor is either non-coated or insulated withvarnish, glass fibre, polyamide or polyimide; or

(b) Set 2:(i) Containing niobium-titanium wire;(H) Having a filament cross-sectional area of more than 9.5 x

1(}-5 mm2 (11-micrometre diameter for circular filaments)or greater; and

(Hi) A mass of each processed conductor including the matricnot exceeding 10 kg.

TECHNICAL NOTE:Superconductive materials are metals, alloys and compounds whichlose electrical resistance near absolute zero of temperature, Le.,they have infinite electrical conductivity and can carry very largeelectrical currents without Joule heating. The superconducting statefor each material is individually characterised by a critical tem­perature, a critical magnetic field (which is a function oftemperature) and a critical current density (which is a function ofboth magnetic field and temperature). Materials remain in thesuperconducting state provided temperature, magnetic field andcurrent density are all less than the critical values.

Group IChemicals, metalloidsand petroleumproductsIL 1702Hydraulic fluids which contain as the principalingredient's, petroleum (mineral) oils, synthetichydrocarbon oils, non-fluorinated silicones orf1uorocarbons, and which have all of thefollowing characteristics:(a) A flash point of greater than 477 K (204°C, 400°F);(b) A pour point of 239 K (-34°C, -30°F) or lower;(c) A viscosity index of 75 or greater; and(d) Thermally stable at 616 K (343°C, 650°F).

TECHNICAL NOTES:1. For the purpose of this Item, 'flash point' is determined using

the 'Cleveland Open.Cup Method' as shown in ASTM 0-92 ornational equivalents.

2. The following is the test procedure for determining thermalstability:Twenty cc of the fluid under test shall be placed in a 46 cctype 317 stainless steel chamber containing one each of .5inch (nominal) diameter balls of M-IO tool steel, 52100 steeland naval bronze (60 per cent Cu, 39 per cent Zn, 0.75 percent Sn). The chamber shall be purged with nitrogen, sealedat atmospheric pressure and the temperature raised to 644.±.6 K (371 .±.6°C, 700 .±.IOOF) and maintained at this tempera­ture for six hours.The specimen will be considered thermally stable if at thecompletion of the above procedure all of the followingconditions are met:(1) The loss in weight of each ball is less than 0.1 mg/sq. cm

of ball surface (0.65 mg/sq. inch);(2) The change in original viscosity as determined at 38°C is

less than 25 per cent when measured in the centistokessystem of units;

(3) The total acid or base number is less than .40.

NOTE:The viscosity index is a term used to express the ratio of theviscosity values measured at 311 K (37.8°C) and 372 K(98.9°C) in accordance with ASTM Standard 168.


NOTE:Reasonable quantities of hydraulic fluids embargoed by this Itemto civil end..users t except hydraulic fluids containing:(a) Super-dewaxed refined mineral oil;(b) Non-fluorinated silicones (silica-hydrocarbons); or(c) Synthetic hydrocarbons (poly';'alpha hy~rocarbons).

IL 1715Boron, as follows:(a) Boron element (metal) in all forms;(b) Boron compounds, mixtures, and composites containing 5

per cent or more of boron (except pharmaceutical specialitiespackaged for retail sale), as follows:(I) Non-ceramic boron-nitrogen compounds (eg borazanes,

borazines and boropyrazoyls);(2) Boron hydrides (eg boranes), except sodium boron

hydride, potassium boron hydride, monoborane,diborane and triborane;

(3) Organoboron compounds, including metallo­organoboron compounds;

IL 1733Base materials, non-composite ceramicmaterials, ceramic-ceramic composite materialsand precursor materials for the manufacture ofhigh temperature fine technical ceramicproducts, as follows:(a) Base materials having all the following characteristics:

(I) Any of the following compositions:(i) Single or complex oxides of zirconium, and

complex oxides of silicon and aluminium;(H) Single or complex borides of zirconium;(Hi) Single or complex carbides of silicon or boron; or(iv) Single or complex nitrides of silicon, boron,

aluminium, or zirconium;(2) Total metallic impurities, excluding intentional

additions, of less than:(i) 1,000 ppm for single oxides or carbides; or(H) 5,000 ppm for complex compounds, single borides

or single nitrides; and(3) Average particle size less than or equal to 5 micrometres

and no more than 10% of the particles larger than 10micrometres.

NOTE:For zirconia, these limits are 1 micrometre and 5 micro­metres respectively.

(b) Non-"composite" ceramic materials, in crude or semi­fabricated form composed of the materials embargoed by (a)

above, except abrasives; ,(c) Ceramic-ceramic "composite" materials containing finely

dispersed particles or phases or any non-metallic fibrous orwhisker-like materials, whether externally introduced orgrown in situ during processing, where the followingmaterials form the host "matrix":(1) All oxides, including glasses;(2) Carbides or nitrides of silicon or boron;(3) Borides or nitrides of zirconium or borides, carbides or

nitrides of hafnium; or(4) Any combination of the materials enumerated in (1) to

(3) above;

NOTE:This sub-item does not embargo manufactured products orcomponents not embargoed by these Lists.

.(d) Precursor materials, Le., special-purpose polymeric ormetallo-organic materials for producing any phase or phasesof the materials embargoed by sub-items (b) or (c) above, asfollows:(1) Polycarbosilanes and polydiorganosilanes (for producing

silicon carbide);(2) Polysilazanes (for producing silicon nitride); or(3) Polycarbosilazines (for producing ceramics with silicon,

carbon and nitrogen components).

TECHNICAL NOTE:For the purpose of this Item:(a) A "matrix" is defined as a substantially continuous

phase that fills the space between particles,whiskers or fibres;

(b) A "composite" is defined as a "matrix" and anadditional phase or additional phases consisting ofparticles, whiskers, fibres or any combinationthereof, present for a specific purpose or purposes.

NOTES:1. For compounds of hafnium, see also Item A 8 on the

Atomic Energy List.2. For compounds of tantalum, see also Item IL 1760.3. For carbon-carbon materials, see Item IL 1763.

IL 1734Low density rigid, carbon-bonded, fibrous ornon-fibrous carbon thermal insulating materialshaving all of the following characteristics:(a) A capability of operating at temperatures greater than 2273 K'

(20000 C);(b) A density greater than 100 kg/m3 and less than 300 kg/m3;

(c) A compressive strength greater than 0.1 MPa and less than1.0 MPa;

(d) A flexural strength greater than 1.0 MPa; and(e) A carbon content of greater than 99.9% of total solids.


NOTE:~urnaceinsW~~lo11·in:tbe;.tornt·,of;. fUlt.I\Q~t$.,~q,,:~. J~~; ..~~,lS~2~~m (~illc~esltll~c~l t():~;b~n.;fl~~,civit~~d .', ': 't;.~9V~~~::iti~ .• .itis~aUe~}llUler ···tne.··· sll~V1li9ft'J)i;<' >r~I@O!1. .l~r: -W"tf!~representative~· ".- - '--. -'j,'.

IL 1746Polymeric substances, as follows, and manufac­tures thereof:(a) Polyimides (including maleimides);

NOTE:This sub-item is not intended to cov~r fully cured polyimideor polyimide-based film t sheet, tape or ribbon having amaximum thickness of 10 mils (0.010 inch or 0.254 mm)whether ornotcbated or laminated with heat or pressure­sensitive resinous substances of an adhesive nature, whichcontain no fibrous reinforcing materials and which 'have notbeen coated or laminated with carbon, graphite, metals ormagnetic substances.

Security export control March 1989 93

IL1746 (b)

(b) Polybenzimidazoles;(c) Aromatic polyamides, including heterocyclic aromatic

polyamides characterized as aromatic due to the presence ofa benzene ring, except:(i) Filament yarns, staple fibres, chopped fibres, spun yarns

or threads, having both of the following characterist.ics:(1) A "fibre modulus" of 22.075 N per tex or less; and(2) A "tenacity" of 0.970 N per tex or less;

(H) Pulp made from materials described under (c) (i) above;(d) Polybenzothiazoles;(e) Polyoxadiazoles(t) Polyphosphazenes (Polyphosphonitriles);(g) Polystrylpyridine (PSP);(h) Thermoplastic liquid crystal copolyesters, as follows:

(1) Ethylene copolyesters of terephthalic acid and para­hydroxybenzoic acid, except manufactures therefor,having both of the following characteristics:(i) A tensile modulus of less than 15 GPa; and(H) Specially designed for non-aerospace, non­

electronic civil applications;(2) Phenylene or biphenylene copolyesters of terephthalic

acid and parahydroxybenzoic acid.(i) Polybenzoxozoles;0) Aromatic polyether ether ketones (PEEK);(k) Butadiene polymers as follows:

(1) Carboxyl terminated polybutadienes (CTPB); hydroxylterminated polybutadienes (HTPB); thiol terminatedpolybutadienes (TTPB); vinyl terminated polubutadiene(VTPB); cyclised 1-2 polybutadiene;

(2) Mouldable copolymers of butadiene and acrylic acid;(3) Mouldable terpolymers of butadiene, acrylonitrile and

acrylic acid or any of the homologues of acrylic acid;(I) Carboxyl terminated polyisoprene.

TECHNICAL NOTE:The characteristics referred to in sub-item (c) are defined asfollows, in accordance with the ASTM Standard O2 101-72:

(a) "Tenacity": is defined as tensile stress expressed as foiceper unit linear density of the unstrained specimen, Le.Newton per tex.

(b) "Fibre modulus" (secant modulus): the ratio of change instress to change in strain between two points on a stress­strain curve, particularly the points of zero stress andbreaking stress, and is expressed in Newton per tex.

NB. "Tex" is the number of grams in 1,000 metres ofmaterial.

NOTE:This item does not embargo manufactured articles where thevalue of the polymeric component together with materialsembargoed by other items is less than 50 per cent of the totalvalue of the materials used. ·

IL 1749Polycarbonate sheet of 1.5 mm (0.060 inch) to25.4 mm (1 inch) thickness, having no "majordefects" and having all of the following opticalcharacteristics:

(a) Less than 2 per cent haze as determined by method ASTMDI003;

(b) An angular deviation, as determined by method ASTM 0637,as follows:(1) Not more than 12 minutes at any location more than

25.4 mm (I inch) from the edge of the sheet for sheetthickness of 1.5 mm (0.060 inch) to 9.5 mm (0.375 inch);or

(2) Not more than 20 minutes at any location more than25.4 mm (I inch) from the edge of the sheet for sheetthickness over 9.5 mm (0.375 inch) to 25.4 mm (I inch);

(c) Total number of minor optical defects (excluding those within25.4 mm (I inch) of the sheet edge) as follows:(1) Not exceeding 1 per 0.368 m2 (4 ft2) for sheet which is

12.7 mm (0.5 inch) or less in thickness; or

94 Security export control March 1989

(2) Not exceeding 2 per 0.092 m2 (1 ft2) for sheet over12.7 mm (0.5 inch) in thickness.

TECHNICAL NOTE:"Major defects" are defined as variations in the material whichcause angular deviations either side of the undeviated position inexcess of those listed in sub-item (b) above. Minor defects includeany embedded particles, bubbles, scratches or internalinhomogeneity with a major dimension of at least 0.250 mm, andthose localized imperfections which cause a variation in angulardeviation of more than 5 minutes within a distance of not morethan 508 mm (20 inches) on the screen when tested by methodASTM 0637. (It is not intended that the entire sheet bequantitatively surveyed for such variation in deviation, but thatlocalized imperfections which are suspected of being detrimentalbe evaluated by means of this test). _(For manufactures thereof, see Item ML 10 on the Munitions List.)

IL 1754Fluorinated compounds, materials and manufac­tures thereof, as follows:

(a) Compounds, as follows:(1) Oibromotetrafluoroethane, except when having a purity

of 99.8 per cent or less and containing at least 25particles, of 200 micrometres or larger in size, per 100ml;

(2) Perfluoroalkylamines;(b) Polymeric materials and intermediates, unprocessed, as

follows:(1) Polychlorotrifluoroethylene, oily and waxy modifi­

cations only;(2) Fluoroelastomeric compounds composed of at least 95

per cent of a combination of two or more of thefollowing monomers: tetrafluoroethylene, chlorotri­fluoroethylene, vinylidene fluoride, hexafluoro­propylene, bromotrifluoroethylene, iodotrifIuoro­ethylene, perfluoromethylvinylether and perfluoro­propoxypropylvinylether;

(3) Polybromotrifluoroethylene;(4) Copolymers of vinylidene fluoride having 75 per cent or

more beta crystalline structure without stretching;(5) Fluorinated silicone rubber and intermediates for their

production containing 10 per cent or more of combinedfluorine;

(c) Manufactures, as follows:(1) Greases, lubricants and dielectric, damping and flotation

fluids made wholly of any of the materials in (a) and (b)above;

(2) Electric wire and cable coated with or insulated with anyof the materials in (b) (2) above, except oil well loggingcable;

(3) Seals, gaskets, rods, sheets, sealants 'or fuel bladdersmade, of more than 50 per cent of any of the materials in(b) (2) above, specially designed for aerospace andaircraft use;

(4) Piezoelectric polymers and copolymers made fromvinylidene fluoride having both of the followingcharacteristics:(i) In sheet or film form; and(H) With a thickness of more than 200 micrometres.

(For hydraulic fluids using these elements, see also Item IL 1702.)

NOTE:This Item does not embargo the shipment of up to 19 litres (5 USgallons) of polychlorotrifluoroethylene-based lubricating oils.Nothing in this Note shall be construed as permitting the export oftechnology.

IL 1755Silicone fluids and greases, as follows:

(a) Fluorinated silicone fluids, except those with kinematicviscosity of 5,000 centistokes or higher measured at 25°C;

(b) Silicone and fluorinated silicone lubricating greases capableof operating at temperatures of 478 K (205°C, 400°F) or

higher and having a drop point (method of test being ASTM02265 or ITP) of 493 K (220°C, 428°F) or higher.

(For hydraulic fluids using these elements, see also Item IL 1702.)

IL 1757Compounds and materials, as follows:

(a) Monocrystalline silicon, except(i) Metallurgical-grade monocrystalline silicon having a

purity not better than 99.97 per cent; or(ii) Monocrystalline silicon having a purity not better than

99.999 per cent and containing at least 0.5 part in 1Q6each of iron, carbon, boron and phosporous, plus otherimpurities.

NOTE:Favourable consideration may be given to N type 1-1-1 siliconwafers with a resistivity of 50 ohm (m or less).

(b) Gallium of a purity equal to or greater than 99.9999 per centand gallium III/V compounds of any purity level except:(i) Gallium phosphide; or(ii) Other gallium III/V compounds having a dislocation

density (etch pit density-EPD) greater than 500,000 percm2;

NOTE:The shipnlent of galliunl Ill/V compounds intended for light­ernitting diodes and having all of the followingcharacteristics:(a) Dislocation density (etch pit density - EPD) greater than

10.000 per crnL ;

(b) Carrier concentration greater than 1 x 1017 per cm:3; and(c) Carrier rnobility less than 3,000 rm2/V.sec.;

(c) Indium of a purity greater than 99.9995 per cent and III-Vindium compounds containing more than 1 per cent indium;

(d) Hetero-epitaxial materials consisting of a monocrystallineinsulating substrate epitaxially layered with silicon,compounds of gallium or compounds of indium;

(e) Elemental Cd and Te of purity levels equal to or more than99.9995 per cent and CdTe compounds of a purity level equalto or more than 99.99 per cent or single crystals of CdTe ofany purity level;

(f) Polycrystalline silicon, except polycrystalline silicon having apurity not better than 99.99 per cent and containing at least0.5 part in 1Q6 each of iron, carbon, boron and phosphorus,plus other impurities;

(g) Compounds having a purity level based upon the amount ofthe primary constituents of 99.5 per cent or better and used inthe synthesis of the materials covered by sub-item (f) above,or used as the silicon source in the deposition of epitaxiallayers of silicon, silicon oxide or silicon nitride;

NOTE:SiC12H2 is embargoed by this sub-item when having a puritylevel of 97.0 per cent or better;

(h) Single crystals sapphire substrates;(i) ~03 with a purity of 99.9 per cent or greater, containing

1,000 parts per million of H20 or less, in powder or cast form;m Monocrystalline germanium with a resistivity greater than;~k) Resist materials as follows:

(I) Negative resists whose spectral response has beenadjusted for use below 350 nanometres;

(2) All positive resists;(3) All resists for use with E-beams or ion beams with a

sensitivity of 100 microcoulomb/cm2 or better;(4) All resists for use with X-rays with a sensitivity of 500

millijoules/cm2 or better; or(5) All resists specified or optimized for dry development;

,.1) Single-crystal forms of bismuth germanium oxide havingpiezoelectric properties and single-crystal forms of lithiumniobate, of lithium tantalate and of aluminium phosphate.

Cn) Metal-organic or hydride compounds of beryllium andmagnesium (Group IIA), zinc, cadium and mercury (GroupliB), aluminium, gallium and indium (Group IliA), phosphorus,arsenic and antimony (Group VA) and .selenium and tellurium(Group VIA) having a purity (metal basis) of 99.999 per cent orbetter.

IL 1759Syntactic foam for underwater use formulatedfor applications at depths greater than 1,000metres or with a density of 0.561 gfcm' (35 Ibs/cnft) (specific gravity 0.561) or less.

NOTES:(1) Syntactic foam consists of hollow plastic or glass spheres less

than 100 micrometres in diameter uniformly embedded in aresin matrix.

(2) For deep submergence vehicles, see Item IL 1418.

IL 1760Tantalates and niobates having a purity of 99%or better e.xcept fluorotantalates;

NOTE:This item does not embargo single-crystal lithium niobate andsingle-crystal lithium tantalate, for which see Item IL 1757 (1).

IL 1763Fibrous and filamentary materials which may beused in organic "matrix", metallic "matrix orcarbon "matrix" "composite" structures orlaminates, and such "composite" structures andlaminates and technology therefor, as follows,and "specially designed software" therefor:

(a) "Fibrous and filamentary materials" with "specific modulus"greater than 3.18 x l()6m (1.25 x 1()8 in) and "specific tensilestrength" greater than 7.62 x 1()4m (3 x 1()6 in), except silicateglass fibres;

(b) "Fibrous and filamentary materials" having both of thefollowing characteristics:(1) "Specific modulus" greater than 2.54 x lQ6m (I x 1()8 in)

and;(2) Melting or sublimation point higher than 1,992 K

(1,649°C) (3,0000F) in an inert environment except:(i) Carbon fibres having a "specific modulus" less than

5.08 x IQ6m (2 x IOS in) and a "specific tensilestrength" less than 2.54 x l()4m (1 x 106 in);

(ii) Discontinuous, multiphase, polycrystalline aluminafibres in chopped fibre or random mat form,containing three% by weight or more silica, havinga "specific modulus" less than 10 x l()6m (3.92 xIOS in.)

(iii) Molybd,enum and molybdenum alloy fibres;(c) Resin or pitch-impregnated fibres (prepregs), metal or carbon­

coated fibres (preforms) or "carbon fibre preforms" madewith materials embargoed by ~ub-items(a) or (b) above;

(d) Composite strJjctu~s, !aminates and manufactures thereof forproducts and cCfn\ponents made either with an organic"matrix", a carbon "matrix" or a metal "matrix" utilisingmaterials embargoed by sub-item ,(a), (b) or (c) above;

NOTE:This sub-item does not embargo manufactured products or

Security ~)(POrt control March 1989 96,

IL 1781

IL 1767Preforms of glass or of any other materialspecially designed for the fabrication of opticalfibres covered by Item IL 1526 (c) and (d).

Synthetic lubricating oils and greases which areor which contain, as their principal ingredient,the following:

for rnultirnode fibresCOIIlIllUnicat ion purposes at

NOTES:1. Not used.2, Prefornls specially

optirnized to operatenanOlnetres,

embargo carbon fibres having both of the followingcharacteristics:(a) "Specific modulus" less than 11.43 x 106 m (4.5 x 108 in);

and(b) "Specific tensile strength" less than 10.16 x 1()4 m (4 x

106 in).

TECHNICAL NOTE:Optical fibre preforms are defined as bars, ingots, or rods of glass,plastic or other materials which have been specially processed foruse in fabricating optical fibres. The characteristics of the preformdetermine the basic parameters of the resultant drawn opticalfibres.

FOR PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ONLY:3. The shipment of optical fibre preforms specially designed for

the manufacture of silicon-based optical fibres, provided theyare designed to produce non-militarised silicon-based opticalfibres which are optimised to operate at a wavelength of1,350 nm or less.

(a) Monomeric and polymeric forms of perfluorotriazines,perfluoroaromatic ethers and esters, and perfluoroaliphaticethers and esters;

(b) Polyphenyl ethers or thio ethers containing'more than threephenyl or alkyl phenyl groups.

FOR PEOPLE'S· REPUBLIC OF CHINA ONLY:5. Discontinuous· ceramic fibres· embargoed· by. SUb-item (b),

having a melting or sublimation point lower than 2,043 K(1,770°C) (3,218°F) in an inert environment.

"composites" not embargoed by the International Lists.(e) Technology for "fibrous and filamentary materials" and for

"composite" structures and laminates as follows:(I) Technology which is unique to the spinning and sub­

sequent treatment of precursor materials into fibresspecially designed for processing into carbon filamentarymaterials embargoed by sub-items (a) or (b) above;

(2) Technology for the production of "fibrous andfilamentary materials" embargoed by sub-items (a) or (b)above;

(3) Technology for the production of prepegs embargoed bysub-item (c) above using pressure impregnation orchemical vapour deposition, and for preforms by sub­item (c) above using vacuum or pressure impregnation orchemical vapour depositation;

(4) Technology for the development and production of"composite" structures, laminates and manufacturesembargoed by sub-item (d) above; or

(5) Technology for rigidisation and densification processesspecially designed for the manufacture of carbon-carbon"composite" nlaterials as follows:(i) Impregnation, infiltration or deposition into "carbon

fibre preforms";(H) Carbonisation;(Hi) Graphitisation;(iv) Hot isostatic pressing.

IL 1763 (d) NOTE continued

TECHNICAL NOTES:I. The term "fibrous and filamentary materials" includes:

(a) Continuous monofilaments;(b) Continuous yarns and rovings;(c) Tapes, fabrics, random mats and braids;(d) Chopped fibres, staple fibres and coherent fibre blankets;(e) Whiskers, either monocrystalline or polycrystalline, of

any length.2. "Specific modulus" is Young's modulus in pascals, equivalent

to N/m2 (lbs force/sq. in) divided by specific weight in N/m3

(lbs force/ cu. in), measured at a temperature of (296 ±. 2) K«23 ±... 2)OC) «73.4 ±...3.6)OF) and a relative humidity of (50 ±.5)%.

3. "Specific tensile strength" is ultimate tensile strength in£pascals, equivalent to £N/m2 (lbs force/sq. in) divided byspecific weight in N/m3 (lbs force/cu. in) measured at atemperature of (296 ±.2) K «23 ±.2)OC) «73.4 ±.3.6)OF) and arelative humidity of (50 ±...5) %.

4. A "carbon fibre preform" is defined as an orderedarrangement of uncoated or coated fibres intended toconstitute a framework of a part before the "matrix" isintroduced to form a "composite".

5. For the purpose of this Item:(a) A "matrix" is defined as a substantially continuous phase

that fills the space between particles, whiskers or fibres;(b) A "composite" is defined as a "matrix" and an additional

phase or additional phases consisting of particles,Whiskers, fibres or any combination thereof, present fora specific purpose or purposes.

NOTES:1. For equipment used for the production of materials

embargoed by this Item, see Items IL 1203, IL 1312 and IL1357.

2. For coating technologies, see Items IL 1389 and IL 1602.3. For carbon-bonded carbon thermal insulating material, see

Item IL 1734.4. Nothing in the following shall be construed as permitting the

export of technology. Sub-items (a) and (b) above do not


Goods described can be licenced at nationaldiscretion for export to the proscribedcountries.

98 Security export control March 1989

MUNITIONS LISTNOTE:For computer-related terms, see Item IL 1565 or 1566

MLISmall arms and machine guns, as follows:

(a) Rifles, carbines, revolvers, pistols, machine pistols andmachine guns, except antique small arms dated earlier than1890 and their reproductions;

(b) Smooth-bore weapons specially designed for military use;(c) Specially designed components therefor, e.g. barrels,

cylinders and breeches.

TECHNICAL NOTE:Smooth-bore weapons specially designed for military use asspecified in sub-item (b) above are those which:(a) Are proof tested at pressures greater than 1,300 bars (19,117

psi); and(b) Operate normally and safely at pressures greater than 1,000

bars (14,706 psi); and(c) Are capable of accepting ammunition greater than 76.2 mm. in length (Le. commercial 12-gauge magnum shot gun shells).The parameters in this Technical note are to be measuredaccording to the standards of the Commission InternationalePermanente.

NOTES:Weapons ernbargoed by this Itern and specially designedcornponents therefor, provided that such weapons are not ofthe fully autonlatic firing type, as follows:(a) RifIed·bore weapons specially designed for sporting

target shooting as defined in the Olyrnpic Rules;(b) Rifled·bore weapons specially designed for hunting

having a rnagazine capacity not exceeding 5 rounds;(c) Multiple·barrelled hunting weapons having one or rnore

rifled-bore barrel and at least one smooth-bore barrel;(d) Clips or rnagazines for the above weapons with a

capacity not exceeding 5 rounds;(e) Weapons using non-centre fire arnnlunition.Prior to the Issuance of a licence for weapons described insub-paragraphs (a) to (d) above, the exporter will obtain frorna responsibl~ representative of the end-user or importingagency a SIgned statement describing the end-use andcertifying that the weapons will not be re-exported orotherwise disposed of without the permission of the supplier.This Item does not embargo smooth-bore weapons used forhunting or sporting purposes. These weapons must not bespecially designed for military use or of the fully automaticfiring type.This Item does not embargo firearms specially designed fordummy ammunition and which are incapable of firing anyembargoed ammunition.

TVlL2large calibre armament or weapons andprojectors, as follows, and specially designedc\)mponents and "specially designed software"therefor:

(a) Guns, howitzers, cannon, mortars, tank destroyers, projectileand rocket launchers, military flame throwers recoillessrifles; ,

(b) Military smoke, gas and pyrotechnic projectors.

ML3Ammunition, and specially designed componentsand "specially designed software" therefor, forthe weapons enumerated under Items 1 and 2.

NOTES:1. Specially designed components are understood to include:

(a) Metal or plastic fabrications such as primer anvils, bulletcups, cartridge links, rotating bands and munitions metalparts;

(b) S~fing and arming devices, fuses and exploding bridgewire connectors;

(c). Power supplies with high one-time operational output.2. ThiS Item does not cover ammunition crimped without a

projectile (blank star) and dummy ammunition with a piercedpowder chamber.

~t An1nlunition or cartridges, provided that they are forweapons allowed for export under the national discretionNote to Item ML 1 on the Munitions List:(a) Target anlffiunition or cartridges with an expanding

bullet of the type llsed for hunting or sport;(b) Anlmunition or cartridges specifically intended for the

testing of fireanns.

ML4Bombs, torpedoes, rockets and missiles guidedand unguided, as follows, and "speciallydesigned software" therefor:

(a) Bombs, to.rpedoes, grenades (including smoke grenades),smoke canisters, rockets, mines, missiles guided or unguided,depth charges, fire bombs, incendiary bombs and militarydemolition charges, devices and kits, pyrotechnic flare signalsfor military use, cartridges and simulators; and speciallydesigned components therefor;

(b) Apparatus and devices specially designed for the handling,control, activation, launching, laying, sweeping, discharging,detonation or detection of items enumerated in sub-item (a)'and specially designed components therefor;; ,

(c) Military fuel thickeners, including but not limited to:compounds (~ ..g. octal) or mixtures of such compounds (e.g.napal~) spec!flcally formulated for the purpose of producingmaterIals WhiCh, when added to petroleum products, providea gel-type incendiary material for use in bombs, projectiles,flamethrowers or other implements of war.

NOTE:Specially designed components in sub-items (a) and (b) aboveinclude:,(a) Guided missile propulsion systems;(b) Metal or plastic fabrications such as primer anvils, bullet cups

and other munition metal parts;(c) Sating and arming devices, fuses and exploding bridge wire

connectors;(d) Power supplies with high one-time operational output.

ML5Fire control equipment and range finders, asfollows, and specially designed components. 'accessories and "specially designed software"tberefor:

(a) Fire control, gun laying, night sighting. missile tracking andguidance equipment;

Secur;,v,xpertcontrol March 1989 97

ML 5 (b)

(b) Range, position and height finders, and spotting instrumentsspecially designed for military purposes;

(c) Aiming devices, electronic, gyroscopic, ;}coustic and optical,specially designed for military purpo~'

(d) Bomb sights, bombing computers, gun sights and periscopes,specially designed for military purposes;

(e) Television sighting units specially designed for military use.

ML6Tanks and vehicles specially designed formilitary purposes, as follows, and speciallydesigned components and "specially designedsoftware" therefor:

(a) "Enzymes'~;

(b) Antibodies, "monoclonal", "polyclonal" or "nati­idiotypic";

(c) Specially designed or specially processed "receptors".3. Definition of terms:

(a) "Enzymes" are biocatalysts for specific chemical orbiochemical reactions;

(b) "Monoclonal antibodies" are proteins which bind to oneantigenic site and are produced by a single clone of cells;

(c) "Polyclonal antibodies" are a mixture of proteins whichbind to the specific antigen and are produced by morethan one clone of cells;

(d) "Anti-idiotypic antibodies" are antibodies which bind tothe specific antigen binding sites of other antibodies;

(e) "Receptors" are biological macromolecular structurescapable of binding ligands, the binding of which affectsphysiological functions.

ML8(a) Tanks and self-propelled guns;(b) Military type armed or armoured vehicles, and vehicles fitted

with mounting for arms;(c) Armoured railway trains;(d) Military half-tracks;(e) Military type recovery vehicles;(f) Gun-carriers and tractors specially designed for towing

artillery;(g) Trailers specially designed to carry ammunition;(h) Amphibious and deep water fording military vehicles;(i) Military mobile repair shops specially designed to service

military equipment;(j) All other specially designed military vehicles.


Military explosives and fuels, as follows,additives, precursors and stabilizers therefor,and "specially designed software" therefor:

TECHNICAL NOTES:1. Additives are substances used in explosive formulations to

improve their properties;2. Stabilizers are substances used in explosive formulations to

improve their shelf-life;3. Precursors are speciality chemicals used in the manufacture

of military explosives. Except as they may be proscribed else­where, the term is not intended to cover industrial chemicalsthat are widely available in international markets;(a) Military high explosives;

NOTES:1. Sub-item (c) does not include personal radiation monitoring

dosimeters.2. "Biopolymers" in sub-item (e) are biological macromolecules

as follows:

NOTE:The technology and cultures of cells for sub-item (e) areexclusive and this sub-item does not embargo technology andcells for civil purposes, such as agricultural, pharmaceutical,medical, veterinary and environmental uses and in the foodindustry.

(a) Biological, chemical and radioactive materials adapted foruse in war to produce casualties in men or animals, or todamage crops;

(b) Equipment specifically designed and intended for the dis­semination of the materials described in (a);

(c) Equipment specifically designed and intended for defenceagainst the materials described in (a), and for their detectionand identification;

(d) Components specially designed for the items listed in (b) and(c) above.

(e) "Biopolymers" specially designed or processed for detectionand identification of chemical warfare materials described insub-item (a) and the cultures of specific cells used to producethem.

TECHNICAL NOTE:Military propellants are solid, liquid or gaseoussubstances or mixtures of substances used for propellingprojectiles and missiles, or to generate gases forpowering auxiliary devices for embargoed militaryequipment which, when ignited, burn or deflagrate toproduce quantities of gas capable of performing work,but in their application these quantities are required notto undergo a deflagration to detonation transition.

(c) Military pyrotechnics;

TECHNICAL NOTE:Military pyrotechnics are mixtures of solid or liquid fuelsand oxidizers which, when ignited, undergo an energeticchemical reaction at a controlled rate intended toproduce specific time delays, or quantities of heat, noise,smoke, visible light or infrared radiation. Pyrophoricsare a subclass of pyrotechnics, which contain nooxidizers but ignite spontaneously on contact with air.

(d) Military high-energy solid or liquid fuels, includingaircraft fuels specially formulated for military purposes;

TECHNICAL NOTE:Military high explosives are solid, liquid or gaseoussubstances or Iuixtures of substance which, in theirapplication as primary, booster, or main charges inwarheads, demolition and other military applications,are required to detonate.

(b) Military propellants;

NOTE:It is understood that this sub-item covers finished pro­ducts only and does not cover constituents.

NOTE:Certain explosive substances and nlixtures enlbargoed by thi~

Item in reasonable quantities for civilian or industrial purposes orwhen made into cartridges or charges of an exclusively civilian orindustrial nature, such as propellants for sporting purposes orshooting gallery practice; cartridges for rivetting guns; andexplosive charges for agricultural purposes, public works, nlines.quarries or oil-well drilling. The following are the substances ormixtures to which this procedure may apply:(a) Nitrate-based (40 per cent or nlore) and provided they do not

contain more than 40 per cent nitroglycol/nitroglycerin or no

tear gas, relatedand materials as

designed software"

Goods described can be licenced at nationaldiscretion for export to the proscribedcountries.


Toxicological agents andequipment, componentsfollows, and "speciallytherefor:

98 Security export control March 1989

rnore than 16 per cent TNT;I») Nitrocellulose with a nitrogen content of over 12.2 per cent;:,) Nitroglycerin;d) Single base nitrocellulose;

Sodiurn azide and other inorganic azides.

ML9Vessels of war and special naval equipment, asfollows, and "specially designed software"therefor: .

(a) Combatant vessels or vessels designed for offensive ordefensive action (surface or underwater) whether or notconverted to non-military use and regardless of current stateof repair or operating condition, and hulls or parts of hulls forsuch vessels;

(b) Engines, as follows:(1) Diesel engines of 1,500 h.p. and over with rotary speed

of 700 r.p.m. or over, specially designed for submarines;(2) Electric motors specially designed for submarines, Le.

over 1,000 h.p., quick reversing type, liquid cooled andtotally enclosed;

(3) Non-magnetic diesel engines, 50 h.p. and over, speciallydesigned for military purposes;

NOTE:An engine shall be presumed to be specially designed formilitary purposes if:(a) It has' non-magnetic parts other than crankcase, block,

head, pistons, covers, end plates, valve facings, gaskets,and fuel, lubrication and other supply lines; or .

(b) Its non-magnetic content exceeds 75 per cent of totalweight.

(c) Magnetic, pressure, and acoustic underwater detectiondevices specially designed for military purposes; controls andcomponents thereof;

(d) Submarine and torpedo nets;(e) Compasses and equipment therefor and ship's course

indicators, specially designed for submarines;(f) Specially designed components, accessories and attachments

to the foregoing, such as turrets, naval gun mounts, sub­marine batteries and catapults;

(g) Hull penetrators and connectors specially designed formilitary purposes that enable interaction with equipmentexternal to a vessel;

,h) Silent bearings for military purposes and equipmentcontaining these bearings.

MLIOAircraft and helicopters, of the pilot or pilotlesstypes, and aero-engines and aircraft orhelicopter equipment, associated equipment andcomponents, specially designed for militarypurposes, as follows, and "specially designedsoftware" therefor:

:a) Combat aircraft and helicopters and other aircraft andhelicopters specially designed for military purposes, includingmilitary reconnaissance, assault, military training and logisticsupport, and all aircraft and helicopters having specialstructural features such as multiple hatches, special doors,ramps, reinforced floors and the like, for transporting andairdropping troops, military equipment and supplies, aero­engines specially designed or adapted for use with suchaircraft and helicopters, with the exception of aero-enginesexcepted under Item IL 1460 (d) on these Lists; and speciallydesigned components therefor;

tb) Airborne equipment, including airborne refuellingequipment, specially designed for use with the aircraft andhelicopters and the engines of the types of aircraft andhelicopters covered °by sub-item (a) and specially designedcomponents therefor;

(c) Pressure refuellers, pressure refuelling equipment, equipmentspecially designed to facilitate operations in confined areasand ground equipment, not elsewhere specified, developed

specially for aircraft and helicopters, and aircraft andhelicopter engines covered by sub-item (a); .

(d) Pressurized breathing equipment and partial pressure suitsfor use in aircraft and helicopters, anti-Ug" suits, military crashhelmets, parachutes used for combat personnel, cargo­dropping, and aircraft deceleration, liquid oxygen convertersused for aircraft, helicopters and missiles, catapults andcartridge actuated devices utilized in emergency escape ofpersonnel from aircraft and helicopters.

MLIIElectronic equipment specially designed formilitary use and specially designed componentsand "specially designed software" therefore

MLl2Photographic and electro-optical imagingequipment, as follows, and specially designedcomponents and "specially designed software"therefor:

(a) (1) Air reconnaisance cameras and associated equipment·designed for military purposes;

(2) Film processing and printing machines designed formilitary purposes;

(b) Other cameras and electro-optical imaging devices, includinginfrared and imaging radar sensors, whether recording, ortransmitting via data link, designed for military (includingreconnaissance) purposes;

(c) Specialized equipment for the cameras and electro-opticalimaging devices embargoed by sub-item (b) above designedto make the recorded or transmitted information militarilyuseful.

NOTE:Specialized equipment covered by sub-item (c) above whichrelate to electro-optical imaging devices and imaging radarsensors includes but is not limited to digital image processorsand softcopy imagery display devices.

(See also Munitions List Item ML 15).

MLl3Special armoured equipment, as follows:(a) Armoured plate;(b) Combinations and constructions of metallic or non-metallic

materials specially designed to provide ballistic protection formilitary systems;

(c) Military helmets:

NOTE:This sub-item is not intended to embargo conventional steelhelmets not equipped with, modified or designed to accept anytype of accessory device;

(d) Body armour, flak suits and specially designed componentstherefor.

MLl4Specialised military training equipment andspecially designed components and accessoriesand "specially designed software" therefore

ML15Military infrared and thermal imaging equip­ment and image intensifier equipment, .andspecially designed compoJlents and "speciallydesigned software" .therefqr.(See also Items IL 1502, IL 1555, and UL 1556.)

SecfJr,'1 ~POFt control March 198999

ML16Forgings, castings and semi-finished productsspecially designed for the products embargoedby Items ML 1, 2, 3, 4 and' 6 on this List.

ML17Miscellaneous equipment and materials, and"specially designed software" therefor, asfollows:

(a) Self-contained diving and underwater swimming apparatus,as follows:(1) Closed and semi-closed circuit (rebreathing) apparatus;(2) Specially designed components for use in the conversion

of open-circuit apparatus to military use;(3) Articles exclusively designed for military use with self­

contained diving and underwater swimming apparatus;(b) Fire arms silencers (mufflers);(c) Power-controlled searchlights and control units therefor,

designed for military use and "specially designed software"therefor;

(d) Construction equipment built to military specifications,specially designed for airborne transport.

ML18Equipment and technology for the "production"of items referred to in this List, as follows, and"specially designed software" therefor:

(a) Specially designed "production" equipment;(b) Components specially designed for equipment embargoed by

(a) above;(c) "Production" equipment embargoed elsewhere on these Lists

including that subject to national discretion;(d) Specific "production" technology, even if the equipment with

which such technology is to be used is unembargoed;(e) Technology specific to the design of, the assembly of

components into, and the operation, maintenance and repairof complete "production" installations even if the componentsthemselves are unembargoed.

NOTES:1. Equipment used to determine the safety data of explosives, as

required by the International Convention on the Transport ofDangerous Goods (C.I.M.), articles 3 and 4 in Annex (1) RID,provided that governments are satisfied that such equipmentwill be llsed only by the railway authorities of current C.I.M.Inembers, or by govenul1ent-accredited testing facilities inthose countries, for the testing of explosives to transportsafety standards, as follows:(a) Equipment for deternlining the ignition and deflagration

temperatures;(b) Equipment for steel-shell tests;(c) Drop hammers not exceeding 20 kg in weight for

determining the sensitivity of explosives to shock;(d) Equipment for determining the friction sensitivity of

explosives when exposed to charges not exceeding 36kg in weight.

2. "Production" includes design, examination, manufacture,testing and checking.

ML19Environmental chambers capable of pressuresbelow 0.133 microbar (10-4 Torr) and speciallydesigned components therefor.

NOTE:This item is not intended to cover equipment fitted with suchindustrial machinery as is not embargoed by the Lists, for instancecoating machinery, not elsewhere specified, and equipment forthe casting of plastics.

100 Security export control March 1989

ML20Cyrogenic and superconductive equipment andcomponents, and "specially designed software"therefor, as follows:

(a) Equipment specially designed or configured to be installed ina vehicle for military ground, marine, airborne or spaceapplication and capable of operating while in motion and ofproducing or maintaining temperatures below 103 K(-170°C, -274°F), and specially designed accessories andcomponents and "specially designed software" therefor;

(b) Superconductive electrical equipment (rotating machineryand transformers) designed. for operation at temperaturesbelow 103 K (-170°C, -274°F), and that are speciallydesigned or configured to be installed in a vehicle for militaryground, marine, airborne or space applications and capable ofoperating while in motion, except direct-current hybridhomopolar generators that have single-pole normal metalarmatures which rotate in a magnetic field produced bysuper-conducting windings, provided those windings are theonly superconducting component in the generator, andspecially designed accessories and components and "speciallydesigned software" therefor;

ML22Electrically triggered shutters of the carboninjection or photochromic function type having aa shutter speed of less than 100 microseconds,and "specially designed software" therefor;except shutters which are an essential part of ahigh-speed camera.

ML23Directed energy weapons (DEW) systems, asfollows, and "specially designed software"therefor:

(a) Laser systems specially designed for destruction or effectingmission-abort of a target;

(b) Particle beam systems capable of destruction or effectingmission-abort of a target;

(c) High power radio-frequency (RF) systems capable ofdestruction or effecting mission-abort of a target;

(d) Specially designed components for systems embargoed by (a),(b) or (c) above, including but not limited to:(1) Prime power generation, energy storage, switching,

power conditioning and fuel-handling equipment;(2) Target acquisition and tracking sub-systems;(3) Sub-systems capable of assessing target damage,

destruction or mission-abort;(4) Beam-handling, propagation and pointing equipment;(5) Equipment with rapid beam slew capability for rapid

multiple target operations;(6) Adaptive optics;(7) Current injectors for negative hydrogen ion beams

which provide average injection currents over 50 mAwith beam brightness (defined as current divided by theproduct of orthogonal transverse, nor~~lised RMSemittances) greater than 40 A/(cm2 mrad ) at kineticenergies greater than 20 keY; or

(8) Specially designed components for the equipmentembargoed by (1) to (7) above.

(e) Equipment, and components thereof, specially designed andintended for defence against systems embargoed by (a), (b) or(c) above and for their detection and identification;

(f) Physical test models and related documentation for thesystems, equipment and components described in sub-items(a) to (e) above.

NOTE:For the embargo parameters of lasers or associated lasercomponents, see Item IL 1522.

ML24"Software" (as defined in Item IL 1566), as follows:

(a) "Software" specially designed for the modelling, simulationor evaluation of military weapons systems; and

(b) "Software" for determining the effects of conventional,nuclear, chemical or biological warfare weapons.

ML25"Biocatalysts" for decontamination anddegradation of chemical warfare (CW) agents,technology, and biological systems therefor asfollows:

containing the foregoing.4. "Effective gramme" of special or other fissile material is

defined as follows:(a) For plutonium istopes and uranium-233, the isotope

weight in grammes;(b) For uranium enriched 1 per cent or greater in the isotope

U-235, the element weight in grammes multiplied by thesquare of its enrichment expressed as a decimal weightfraction;

(c) For uranium enriched below 1 per cent in the istopeU-235, the element weight in grammes multiplied by0.0001.

(d) For americium-242m, curium-245 and -247, andcaliforium-249 and -251, the isotope weight in grammesmultiplied by 10.

5. For the purposes of this item the term "previously separated"is defined as the application of any process intended toincrease the concentration of the controlled isotope.

Special and other fissile materials, except;

(i) Shipments of one effective gramme or less;(H) Shipments of three effective grammes or less when contained

in a sensing component in instruments;(Hi) Special or other fissile materials contained in heart


Atomic EnergyList

(a) "Biocatalysts", specially designed for decontamination anddegradation of CW agents described in Item ML 7 (a) resultingfrom directed laboratory selection or genetic manipulation ofbiological systems;

(b) Technology exclusively for the incorporation of"biocatalysts", as covered in (a), into military carriersubstances or military material;

(c) Biological systems as follows:"Expression vectors", viruses or cultures of cells containingthe genetic information specific to the production of"biocatalysts" as covered under (a).


(i) Shipments having a natural uranium content of:(1) 10 kg or less for any application; or(2) 100 kg or less for civil non-nuclear applications;

(H) Uranium depleted in the isotope 235 in which the uranium235 isotope comprises less than 0.35 per cent of the totaluranium assay;

(Hi) Depleted uranium specially fabricated for the following civilapplications:(1) Shielding;(2) Packaging;(3) Ballasts;(4) Counter-weights.

Zirconium metal; alloys containing more than 50per cent zirconium by weight; compounds, inwhich the ratio of hafnium to zirconium is lessthan 1:500 parts by weight, and manufactureswholly thereof; except:(i) Zirconium metal and alloy in shipments of 5 kg or less;(H) Zirconium in the form of foil or strip having a thickness not

exceeding 0.025mm (0.00095 in.) and specially fabricated andintended for use in photo flash bulbs, in shipments of 200 kgor less;


A2Natural and depleted uranium, in any form orincorporated in any substance in which theconcentration of uranium exceeds 0.05 per centby weight, except:

Deuterium, heavy water, deuterated paraffins,and simple or complex lithium deuterides, andmixtures and solutions containing deuterium, inwhich the isotopic ratio of deuterium tohydrogen exceeds 1:5,000, except shipments of theabove having a deuterium content of 10 kg or less.

Nuclear MaterialsA.Al

NOTES:1. The technology and biological systems for sub-items (b) and

(c) are exclusive and these sub-items do not embargotechnology and biological systems for civil purposes, such asagriculturai, pharmaceutical, medical, veterinary,environmental and waste management uses, and in the foodindustry.

2. Definition of Terms:(a) "Biocatalysts" are enzymes or other biological

compounds which bind to and accelerate thedegradation of CW agents.

(b) "Expression Vectors" are carriers (e.g. plasmid or virus)which are used to introduce genetic material into hostcells.

TECHNICAL NOTES:1. "Special fissile material" is defined as plutonium-239,

uranium-233, uranium enriched in the isotopes 235 or 233,and any material containing the foregoing.

2. "Uranium enriched in the isotopes 235 or 233" is defined asuranium containing the isotopes 235 or 233, or both, in anamount such that the abundance ratio of the sum of theseisotopes to the isotope 238 is more than the ratio of theisotope 235 to the isotope 238 occurring in nature (isotopicratio: 0.72 per cent).

3. "Other fissile material" is defined as "previously separated"americium-242m, cJurium-245 and -247, californium-249 and-251, isotopes of plutonium-238 and -239, and any material

ASNickel powder and porous nickel metal, asfollows:

(a) Powder with a nickel purity content of 99 per cent or moreand a mean particle size of less than 10 micrometresmeasured by the ASTM B.330 standard;

(b) Porous ni,..;kel t. metal material produced from materialsembargoed by ,sub·item (a) above except single porous nic~elmetal sheets not exceeding 930 cm2 intended for use inbatteries for civil applications.

Security export control March 1989 101


NOTE:Sub-item (b) above refers to porous nickel metal manufac­tured from nickel powder defined in sub-item (a) above whichhas been compacted and sintered to form a metal materialwith fine pores interconnected throughout the structure.

A6Nuclear-grade graphite, i.e. graphite having apurity level of less than one part per millionboron equivalent and with a density greater than1.5 g/cm3, except individual shipments of 100 kgor less.

A7Lithium, as follows:

(a) Metal, hydrides or alloys containing lithium enriched in the 6isotope to a concentration higher than the one existing innature (7.5 per cent on an atom percentage basis);

(b) Any other materials containing lithium enriched in the 6isotope (including compounds, mixtures and concentrates),except lithium enriched in the 6 isotope incorporated inthermoluminescent dosimeters.

(For the deuteride of natural lithium or of lithium enriched in the 7isotope, see Item A.3.).

A8Hafnium, as follows: metal, alloys andcompounds of hafnium containing more than 60per cent hafnium by weight, and manufacturesthereof, except shipments of the above having ahafnium content of 1 kg or less.

A9Beryllium, as follows: metal, alloys containingmore than 50 per cent beryllium by weight,compounds containing beryllium andmanufactures thereof, except:(i) Metal windows for X-ray machines;(H) Oxide shapes in fabricated or semi-fabricated forms specially

designed for electronic component parts or as substrates forelectronic circuits;

(Hi) Shipments of 500 g or less of beryllium having a purity of 99per cent or less, or 100 g or less of beryllium having a purityof greater than 99 per cent, provided shipments excludesingle crystals;

(iv) Shipments of 5 kg or less of beryllium contained incompounds with a purity of less than 99 per cent.

AI2Tritium, compounds and mixtures containingtritium in which the ratio of tritium to hydrogenby atoms exceeds 1 part in 1,000, and productscontaining one or more of the foregoing, except:(i) Shipments of tritium, compounds, mixtures and individual

products containing one or more of the foregoing substancesnot exceeding 100 curies;

(ii) Tritium contained in luminous paint, self-luminous products,gas and aerosol detectors, electron tubes, lightning or staticelimination devices, ion generating tubes, detector cells of gaschromatography devices, and calibration standards;

(Hi) Compounds and mixtures of tritium, where the separation ofthe constituents cannot result in the evolution of an isotopicmixture of hydrogen in which the ratio of tritium to hydrogenby atoms exceeds 1 part in 1,000.

102 Security export control March 1989

AI3Materials for nuclear heat sources, as follows:(a) Plutonium in any form with a plutonium isotopic assay of

plutonium-238 of more than 50 per cent, except:(i) Shipments with a plutonium content of one gramme or

less;(H) Shipments of three effective grammes or less when

contained in a sensing component in instruments;(Hi) Plutonium-238 contained in heart pacemakers;

(b) "Previously separated" neptunium-237 in any form, exceptshipments with a neptunium-237 content of one gramme orless.

TECHNICAL NOTE:For the purpose of this Item, "previously separated" is defined asthe application of any process intended to increase theconcentration of the controlled isotope.

AI4Specially designed or prepared materials for theseparation of isotopes of natural uranium,depleted uranium and special and other fissilematerials, including specially designed chemicalexchange resins.(For isotopic separation plants, see Item 81.)

B. Nuclear facilities81Plants for the separation of isotopes of naturaluranium and depleted uranium, special andother fissile materials, and specially-designed orprepared equipment and components therefor,including:

(a) Units specially designed for separating isotopes of naturaluranium and depleted uranium, special or other fissilematerials, such as:(1) Gas centrifuges;(2) Jet nozzle separation units;(3) Vortex separation units;(4) Laser isotopic separation units;(5) Chemical exchange separation units;(6) Electromagnetic separation units;(7) Plasma separation units;(8) Gaseous diffusion separation units;

(b) Specially designed components for the above, including:(1) Valves wholly made of or lined with aluminium,

aluminium alloys, nickel or alloy containing 60 per centor more nickel, 0.5 cm or greater in diameter, withbellows seals, except valves not so defined;

(2) Blowers and compressors (turbo, centrifugal and axialflow types) wholly made of or lined with aluminium,aluminium alloys, nickel or alloy containing 60 per centor more nickel and having a capacity of 1,700 litres(1.7m3) per minute or greater, including compressorseals, except blowers and compressors not so defined;

(3) Gaseous diffusion barriers;(4) Gaseous diffusion housings;(5) Heat exchangers made of aluminium, copper, nickel or

alloys containing more than 60 per cent nickel, or com­binations of these metals as clad tubes, designed tooperate at sub-atmospheric pressure with a leak rate ofless than 10 pascal (0.1 millibar) per hour under apressure differential of 105 pascal (1 bar), except heatexchangers not so defined.

(For specially designed or prepared materials for the separation ofisotopes, see Item A14.)

82Plants for the reprocessing of irradiated nuclearreactor fuel elements, and specially designed orprepared equipment and components therefor,including:

(a) Fuel element chopping or shredding machines, Le. remotelyoperated equipment to cut, chop, shred or shear irradiatednuclear reactor fuel assemblies, bundles or rods;

(b) Criticality safe tanks (e.g. small diameter, annular or slabtanks) specially designed or prepared for the dissolution ofirradiated nuclear reactor fuel, which are capable ofwithstanding hot, highly corrosive liquids, and which can beremotely loaded and maintained;

(c) Counter-current solvent extractors and ion-exchangeprocessing equipment specially designed and prepared foruse in a plant for the reprocessing of irradiated naturaluranium, depleted uranium or special and other fissilematerials;

(d) Process control instrumentation specially designed orprepared for monitoring or controlling the reprocessing ofirradiated source and special and other fissile materials.

NOTE:A plant for the reprocessing of irradiated nuclear reactor fuelelements includes equipment and components which normallycome into direct contact with and directly control the irradiatedfuel and the major nuclear material and fission product processingstreams.

83Nuclear reactors, i.e. reactors capable ofoperation so as to maintain a controlled, self­sustaining fission chain reaction,and equipment and components speciallydesigned or prepared for use in connection witha nuclear reactor, including:

(a) Pressure vessels, Le. metal vessels as complete units or asmajor shop·fabricated parts therefor, which are speciallydesigned or prepared to contain the core of a nuclear reactorand are capable of withstanding the operating pressure of theprimary coolant, including the top plate for a reactor pressurevessel;

(b) Fuel element handling equipment, including reactor fuelcharging and discharging machines;

(c) Control rods, Le. rods specially designed or prepared for thecontrol of the reaction rate in a nuclear reactor, including theneutron absorbing part and the support or suspensionstructures therefor, and control rod guide tubes;

(d) Electronic controls for controlling the power levels in nuclearreactors, including reactor control rod drive mechanisms andradiation detection and measuring instruments to determineneutron flux levels;

(e) Pressure tubes, Le. tubes specially designed or prepared tocontain fuel elements and the primary coolant in a nuclearreactor at an operating pressure in excess of 50 bars(atmospheres);

(f) Coolant pumps, Le. pumps specially designed or prepared forcirculating the primary coolant of nuclear reactors;

(g) Internals specially designed or prepared for the operation of anuclear reactor, including but not limited to core supportstructures, thermal shields, baffles, core grid plates anddiffuser plates;

(h) Heat exchangers.

NOTE:A nuclear reactor includes the items within or attached directlyto the reactor vessel, the equipment which controls the level ofpower in the core, and the components which normally contain orcome into direct contact with or control the primary coolant of thereactor core. ~

84Plants specially designed for the fabrication ofnuclear reactor fuel elements and speciallydesigned equipment therefor.

NOTE:A plant for the fabrication of nuclear reactor fuel elementsincludes equipment which (1) normally comes into direct contactwith or directly processes or controls the production flow ofnuclear materials, (2) seals the nuclear material within thecladding, (3) checks ~he integrity of the cladding or the seal, and (4)checks the finish treatment of the solid fuel.

85Plants for the production of heavy water,deuterium, or deuterium compounds, andspecially designed or prepared equipment andcomponents therefore

86Plants for the production of uraniumhexafluoride (UF6) and specially designed orprepared equipment (including UF6 purificationequipment) and components therefore

c. Nuclear - relatedequipment

ClNeutron generator systems, including tubes,designed for operation without an externalvacuum system and utilizing electrostaticacceleration to induce a tritium-deuteriumnuclear reaction.

C2Power generating or propulsion equipmentspecially designed for use with military, space,marine or mobile nuclear reactors.

NOTE:This Item does not apply to conventional power generatingequipment which, although designed for use in a particularnuclear station, could in principle be used in conjunction withconventional systems.

C3Electrolytic cells for the production of fluorinewith a production capacity greater than 250 g offluorine per hour.

C4Equipment specially designed for the separationof isotopes of lithium.

Security export control March 1989 103

csEquipment specially designed for the productionor recovery of tritium.

C6Frequency changers (converters or invertors)specially designed or prepared to supply motor

stators for gas centrifuge enrichment, having allof "the following characteristics, and speciallydesigned components therefor:

(a) A multiphase output of 600 Hz to 2 kHz;(b) Frequency control better than 0.1 per cent;(c) Harmonic distortion of less than 2 per cent; and(d) An efficiency greater than 80 per cent.(See also Item B 1 on this List.)


A to D convertersADCATEAbsorbers, electromagnetic wavesAbsorbers, hair typeAbsorbers, non-planar and planarAbsorbers, paintAccelerometer manufactureAccelerometersAcoustic emissionAcoustic positioning systemsAcoustic test equipmentAcoustic wave devicesAdvanced technology parts (SPC switching)Advanced technology parts (digital computers)Aero-engine designAero-enginesAirborne communication equipmentAircraftAircraft manufacture or inspectionAirframe structure manufactureAlign and expose' equipmentAltimetersAluminides of titaniumAmplifiersAnalogue computers

Analogue divider integrated circuitsAnalogue exchangesAnalogue multiplier integrated circuitsAnalogue tape recordersAnalogue to digital convertersAnalogue transmission equipmentAngular measuring machinesAngular measuring systemsAnnealing furnacesAntennaAnti-TR tubesApplication softwareArc furnacesAromatic polyamidesAromatic polyether ether ketonesArtificial intelligenceAssembles, electronicAssembHes with mounted componentsAudio amplifiersAutomatic pilotsAutomatic test equipmentAutomatically controlled industrial systemsBare board testersBarrel etchersBase materialsBatteriesBearings, anti-frictionBipolar monolithic integrated circuitsBipolar random access memoriesBit-slice microcomputer microcircuitsBit-slice microprocessor microcircuitsBondersBoric oxideBoring millsBoronBragg cellsBroadband amplifiersBubble memoriesBubble memory processing equipmentBulk acoustic wave devicesBus analysersCCDCMOS monolithic integrated circuitsCNCCRT

104 Security export control March 1989

IL 1564 d and IL 1568IL 1564 d and IL 1568Il 1355 b 7IL 1561IL 1561IL 1561IL 1561IL 1385IL 1485IL 1365IL 1510IL 1362 bIL 1586IL 1567 Note 2IL 1565 Note 7IL 1361IL 1460IL 1501 a and IL 1531 cIL 1460IL 1081IL 1081IL 1355 b 2IL 1501 bIL 1672IL 1521 and IL 1564 dIL 1565 a, b, c, e, andNote 3IL 1564 dIL 1567 bIL 1564 dIL 1572 aIL 1564 d and IL 1568IL 1519IL 1532 cIL 1532IL 1355 b 1IL 1537 hIL 1537 eIL 1566 a, b and Note 4IL 1203IL 1746 cIL 1746 jIL 1566 bIL 1564IL 1564 cIL 1564 dIL 1485IL 1355 b 7IL 1399IL 1354 eIL 1355 b 1IL 1733IL 1205 aIL 1371IL 1564 dIL 1564 dIL 1564 dIL 1564 dIL 1355IL 1757 iIL 1091 bIL 1715IL 1586IL 1521IL 1588 eIL 1355 b 1IL 1586IL 1529 bIL 1564 dIL 1564 dIL 1091 aIL 1541


CableCable manufacturing equipmentCadmiumCalibrating equipmentCameras, underwaterCapacitorsCarboxyl terminated polyisopreneCathode-ray oscilloscopesCathode-ray tube displaysCathode-ray tubesCathodesCathodic arc depositionCeramic base materialsCeramic packages for integrated circuitsCeramic-ceramic composite materialsCeramic-metal structured hydrogen thyratronsChannel estimatorsCharacterisation equipmentCharge-coupled devicesChemical vapour deposition (CVD)

Cipher equipmentCivil aviation communication networksClean air filtersClean room equipmentClock driversCoating equipment for magnetic tapeCoating technologyCoaxial cableCobalt-based alloysCold cathode tubesColombium compoundsCombustion system testingCommunication equipmentComparatorsCompass manufactureCompassesCompilersComponents, electronicCompound semiconductor processingComputer disc cartridgesComputer disc packsComputer tapeComputer-aided design for PCBComputer-aided design of semiconductorsComputer-aided design softwareComputer-aided inspection softwareComputer-aided manufacture softwareComputer-aided test softwareComputersControllers, robotConverter integrated drcuitsConvertersCopolyestersCrossed-field amplifier tubesCrossed-field oscillator tubesCruciblesCryopump systemsCryptographic equipmentCrystal materialsCrystal materials, multi aperture formsCrystal materials, single aperture formsCrystal pullersCrystalsCyclic voltametric stripping equipmentD to A convertersDACDNCDRAMDVM

IL 1355, IL 1388and IL 1389IL 1526IL 1353IL 1757 eIL 1529IL 1417 eIL 1560IL 17461IL 1584IL 1565 hIL 1541IL 1558IL 1389 and IL 1388IL 1733IL 1564 bIL 1733IL 1559IL 1520 bIL 1353IL 1564 dIL 1355 blandIL 1388 aIL 1527 Note 3IL 1567 bIL 1355 b 8IL 1355 b 8IL 1564 dIL 1356IL 1389IL 1526 bIL 1648IL 1542IL 1760IL 1361IL 1519 and IL 1567IL 1564 dIL 1385IL 1485IL 1529 bIL 1564IL 1355 b 1IL 1572 dIL 1572 dJt 1572 dIL 1354 bIL 1355 b 2IL 1566 aIL 1566 aIL 1566 aIL 1566 aIL 1565IL 1391 bIL 1564 dIL 1568IL 1746 hIL 1558 bIL 1558 bIL 1355 b 1IL 1129IL 1527IL 1588IL 1588 c, dIL 1588 bIL 1355 b 1IL 1588IL 1354 gIL 1564 d and IL 1568IL 1564 d and IL 1568IL 1091 cIL 1564 dIL 1529 f

Data (message) switchingDayem bridgesDeep submergence vehiclesDefinitions, SPC communication switchingDegaussing, vesselDensitometerDepth soundersDesmear equipmentDetection equipmentDetector diodesDevelopment systems

Device testersDiagnostic systemsDie bondersDie mountersDiffractive type optical elementsDiffusion furnacesDigital circuit testersDigital computer definitionDigital computersDigital computers (licenced by HMG)Digital computers (favourable consideration)Digital computers (free from control)Digital computers (to China)Digital countersDigital exchanges

Digital instrumentsDigital oscilloscopesDigital tape recordersDigital to analogue convertersDigital voltage measuring apparatusDigital word generatorsDigitally controlled radio receiversDigitizersDimensional inspection machine (components)Dimensional inspection machinesDiodesDirect numerical control (DNC) systemsDirection finding equipmentDirectional couplersDisc cartridgesDisc drivesDisc packsDisplay driversDisplaysDoping profile analysisDoppler systemsDrills (peB)DriversDry etchersDynamic random access memoriesElectric arc devicesElectro-chemical devicesElectrolyte cellsElectron beam deposition systems

Electron beam microfabrication systemsElectron tubesElectron tubes for electron streak camerasElectron tubes for framing camerasElectron tubes for image conversionElectron tubes for image intensificationElectron tubes for television camerasElectron tubes for video camerasElectronic assembliesElectronic componentsElectronic components, manufacture and testElectronic instrumentsElectronic material, manufacture and testElectronic vacuum tubesElements for optical tubesEmbedded digital computersEmulatorsEncapsulated passive networksEncodersEncryption

End effectors, robotEpitaxial growth equipmentEtchers, plasmaEtching equipment (PCB)ExchangesExpert systemsFETFFT analysersFacsimile equipmentFast fourier transform analysersFast recovery diodesFault tolerance

IL 1565 h 1 and IL 1567IL 1574IL 1418IL 1567 Note 8IL 1416 dIL 1534IL 1510IL 1354 aIL 1502IL 1544 bIL 1565 h 1 andIL 1566 bIL 1355 b 7IL 1566 bIL 1355 b 5IL 1355 b 5IL 1556 dIL 1355 b 1IL 1529 bIL 1565 Note 16IL 1565 e, f and hIL 1565 Note 9IL 1565 Note 12IL 1565 h 2IL 1565 Notes 17 and 18IL 1529 cIL 1567 Note 4, Note 6and Note 7IL 1529 bIL 1584IL 1565 hand IL 1572 aIL 1564 d and IL 1568IL 1529 fIL 1529 bIL 1531 dIL 1565 hIL 1093IL 1091 bIL 1544IL 1091 cIL 1501 bIL 1537 cIL 1572 dIL 1565 hand IL 1572 aIL 1572 dIL 1564 dIL 1564 c and dIL 1355 b 4IL 1501 cIL 1354 fIL 1564 dIL 1355 b 1IL 1564 dIL 1206IL 1205 aIL 1205 aIL 1355 blandIL 1388 cIL 1355 b 1IL 1555IL 1555 Note 3IL 1555 Note 3IL 1555 aIL 1555 aIL 1555 bIL 1555 bIL 1564IL 1564IL 1355IL 1529IL 1355IL 1558IL 1556IL 1565 h 2IL 1529 bIL 1564 dIL 1568 dIL 1527, IL 1565 andIL 1566IL 1391 cIL 1355 b 1IL 1355 b 1IL 1354 aIL 1567 Notes 6 and 7IL 1566 bIL 1545 aIL 1533IL 1519 and IL 1572IL 1533IL 1544 eIL 1565 h 1

Fibre-optic bundlesFibre-optic cableFibre-optic connector manufactureFibre-optic connectorsFibre-optic couplersFibre-optic manufacturing equipmentFibre-optic platesFibre-opticsFibrous and filamentary material productionFibrous and filamentary materialsField-effect transistorsFilament winding machinesFilm type integrated circuitsFlash discharge type X-ray systemsFlash discharge type X-ray tubesFlatbed microdensitometersFlatness measurement intrumentsFlexible disc drivesFlexible disc mediaFlight data recordersFlight instrument systemsFloating docksFloppy disc drivesFloppy disc mediaFlow-forming machinesFluorinated silicone fluidsFluorinated silicone lubricating greasesFluorine production equipmentFluorine, containers forFluorocarbon coated electric wire and cableFluorocarbon compounds and manufacturesFluorocarbon greases, lubricants and dielectricFluorocarbon processing equipmentFluorocarbon tubingFocal plane arrayFrequency agile radio systemsFrequency generatorsFrequency network analysersFrequency standardsFrequency synthesizersFrequency (heterodyne) convertersFuel cellsFunction generatorsFunctional testersFurnaces, electric vacuumGalliumGas turbine blade manufactureGas turbine engine inspectionGas turbine engine manufactureGas turbine engine technologyGas turbine enginesGate arraysGear making machineryGeodetic equipmentGeophonesGermaniumGlass preforms for optical fibresGraphic displaysGraphic instrumentsGravimetersGravity gradiometersGravity metersGunn diodesGyro manufactureGyro-stabilizersGyrosGyrotronsHall field probesHelicoptersHetero-epitaxial materialsHigh speed camerasHigh speed shuttersHot cap sealersHovercraftHovercraft manufactureHullsHybrid computersHybrid integrated circuitsHydraulic fluidsHydrofoil manufactureHydrofoil vesselsHydrogen isotope thyratronsHydrogen thyratronsHydrophonesICImage enhancementImage transfer equipmentImpatt diodesIn-circuit testersIncorporated digital computersIncremental rer~orders

IL 1556 aIL 1526 c and dIL 1359IL 1526 fIL 1526 fIL 1353IL 1556 aIL 1526 band cIL 1357IL 1763IL 1545 aIL 1357IL 1564IL 1553IL 1553IL 1534IL 1355 b 4IL 1565 hand IL 1572 aIL 1572 dIL 1572 aIL 1485IL 1425IL 1565 hand IL 1572 aIL 1572 dIL 1075IL 1755 aIL 1755 bIL 1110IL 1145IL 1754 cIL 1754IL 1754 bIL 1352IL 1142IL 1548 dIL 1516 cIL 1529 bIL 1529 bIL 1529 aIL 1531IL 1529 bIL 1205 aIL 1529 bIL 1355 b 7IL 1203IL1757bIL 1080IL 1086IL 1086IL 1372IL 1431IL 1564 Note 2IL 1088IL 1502 Note 4IL 1510IL 1757 jIL 1767IL 1565 hIL 1572 cIL 1595IL 1595IL 1595IL 1544 cIL 1385IL 1485IL 1485IL 1558 e and IL 1573IL 15681IL 1460IL 1757 dIL 1585IL 1585IL 1355 b 5IL 1416 bIL 1364IL 1416 hIL 1565 dIL 1564IL 1702IL 1364IL 1416 aIL 1559IL 1559IL 1510IL 1564IL 1565 h 1IL 1355 b 2IL 1544 cIL 1355 b 7IL 1565 h 2 and Note 1IL 1572 a

Security expol"t control. March 1989 106

IL 1529 band IL 1565 h 1IL 1564IL 1564 dIL 1537 kIL 1537IL 1537IL 1529 bIL 1520 aIL 1537IL 1091 bIL 1544 bIL 1519 aIL 1564IL 1564 cIL 1355 b 1IL 1757 jIL 1757 aIL 1560 aIL 1564IL 1565 h 1IL 1564IL 1519IL 1564 dIL 1501 bIL 1529 bIL 1565 hIL 1661IL 1760IL 1733IL 1091 aIL 1565 hIL 1565 hIL 1526 aIL 1566 bIL 1564 dIL 1565 hIL 1556IL 1556 dIL 1526 cIL 1353IL 1526 fIL 1526 fIL 1353IL 1526 dIL 1526 band cIL 1564IL 1565 hIL 1370IL 1533IL 1587IL 1584IL 1355 b 1IL 1355 b 4IL 1567 b and Note 4IL 1564IL 1354 bIL 1354IL 1519 dIL 1544 fIL 1537 IIL 1564 Note 2IL 1564 dIL 1564 dH..· 1529 bIL 1564IL 1567IL 1354 cIL 1516 aIL 1537IL 1355 b 2IL 1355 b 2IL 1558 eIL 1564 dIL 1565 h 2IL 1565 Note 19IL 1565 Note 20IL 1574IL 1537 gIL 1355 b 1IL 1205 bIL 1556 cIL 1548IL 1564 c and dIL 1548IL 1585IL 1585IL 1585IL 1355 b 2IL 1549IL 1548IL 1548

Microprocessor development systemsMicroprocessor microcircuitsMicroprocessor support integrated circuitsMicrowave amplifiersMicrowave assembliesMicrowave equipmentMicrowave instrumentation receiversMicrowave radio linksMillimetric wave equipmentMilling machinesMixer diodesModemsModulesModules with mounted componentsMolecular beam epitaxy (MBE)Monocrystalline germaniumMonocrystalline siliconMonolithic ceramic capacitorsMonolithic integrated circuitsMulti-data.,.stream processingMultichip integrated circuitsMultiplex equipmentNMOS monolithic integrated circuitsNavigation equipmentNetwork analysersNetworking equipmentNickel-based alloysNiobatesNon-composite ceramic materialsNumerical control (NC) unitsOCROMROcean cableOperating systemsOperational amplifiersOptical character readersOptical elementsOptical elements, diffractive typeOptical fibre cableOptical fibre characterisation equipmentOptical fibre connectorsOptical fibre couplersOptical fibre manufacturing equipmentOptical fibre sensorsOptical fibresOptical integrated circuitsOptical mark recognitionOptical quality surface manufactureOptical spectrum analysersOscillators, crystalOscilloscopesOxidation furnacesOxygen/carbon content measuring equipmentPABXPCBPCB CADPCB manufacture and testPCM testersPIN diodesPIN modulatorsPLAPMOS monolithic integrated circuitsPROMPROM programmersPackagesPacket switchingPanel processors, PCBPanoramic radio receiversParametric amplifiersPattern generatorsPelliclesPeniotronsPeripheral driversPeripheral equipmentPeripheral equipment (to C.hina)Personal computers (to China)Phase slip devicesPhased array antennaPhoto-enhanced reactorsPhoto-voltaic cellsPhotocathodesPhotoconductive cellsPhotocouplersPhotodiodesPhotographic equipmentPhotographic filmPhotographic platesPhotolithographyPhotomultiplier tubesPhotosensitive componentsPhototransistors

IL 1355 b 1IL 1001IL 1733 dIL 1556 bIL 1529 band IL 1565 h 1IL 1564IL 1534

LPELVDTLaser equipmentLaser measuring systemsLaser systemsLasersLaunch vehiclesLidar equipmentLight emitting alphanumeric displaysLight emitting diodes

IL1757cIL 1203IL 1601IL 1485IL 1385IL 1502IL 1354 dIL 1531 bIL 1564 dIL 1572 aIL 1572 dIL 1529IL 1355 b 7IL 1564IL 1357IL 1355 blandIL 1388 BIL 1635IL 1564 dIL 1312IL 1574IL 1567 bIL 1558 c and dIL 1542IL 1544 g, IL 1564 cand dIL 1355 b 1IL 1532 aIL 1522 bIL 1522 cIL 1522 bIL 1522 aIL 1465 bIL 1522 bIL 1564 dIL 1544 g, IL 1564 cand d

Line drivers IL 1564 dLine receivers IL 1564 dLine-width measurement equipment IL 1355 b 4Linear array IL 1548 dLinear measuring machines IL 1532 bLinear measuring systems IL 1532Linear synchros IL 1568 dLinear type voltage regulators IL 1564 dLinear voltage differential transformers IL 1532 aLiquid phase epitaxy (LPE) IL 1355 b 1Lithographic equipment, semiconductor IL 1355 b 2Local area networks IL 1565 h I,lL 1567 aLogic analysers IL 1529 bLow temperature devices IL 1574Low temperature superconductive materials IL 1675Lubricating oils IL 1781MOCVD IL 1355 b 1MOS-DRAM IL 1564 dMOS-SRAM IL 1564 dMachine tools IL 1091 bMachine tools (components) IL 1093Machining centres IL 1091 bMagnetic disc coating equipment IL 1358Magnetic disc media IL 1572 dMagnetic ferrite materials IL 1588 fMagnetic metals IL 1631Magnetic recording media, manufacture and test IL 1358Magnetic tape IL 1572 dMagnetic tape coating equipment IL 1356Magnetic tape recorders IL 1565 hand IL 1572 aMagnetometer systems IL 1571Magnetometers IL 1571Magnetrons IL 1558 bMaintenance systems IL 1566 bMaleimides IL 1746 aMarine systems IL 1510Mask aligners IL 1355 b 2Mask fabrication equipment IL 1355 b 2Mask inspection equipment IL 1355 b 2Masks semiconductor IL 1355 b 2Measuring equipment IL 1529Medical applications (digital computers) IL 1565 Note 5Memory integrated circuits IL 1564 dMemory storage or switching devices IL 1588 eMetal oxide semiconductor memories IL 1564 dMetal rolling mills IL 1305Metal-organic chemical vapour deposition(MOCVD)Metal-working technologyMetallo-organic materialsMicrochannel platesMicrocomputer development systemsMicrocomputer microcircuitsMicrodensitometers

Iron and steel alloysIsolation amplifiersIsostatic pressesJosephson-effect devicesKey telephone systemsKlystronsKrytron tubesLED

IndiumInduction furnacesInert gas and vacuum atomizing technologyInertial equipmentInertial equipment manufactureInfrared systemsInspection equipment, PCBInstrument frequency synthesizersInstrumentation amplifiersInstrumentation recordersInstrumentation tapeInstruments, electronicIntegrated circuit testersIntegrated circuitsInterlacing machinesIon implantation

106 Security export control March 1989

Radio receiversRadio relay communication equipmentRadio transmittersRandom access memoriesReactive ion etchers (RIE)Read vnly memoriesReal time processingRechargeable batteriesRecording equipmentRecording mediaRegulatorsReproducing equipmentReserve batteriesResist materialsResist removal, PCBReticlesRobot ControllersRobotsRolling millsRouters, PCBRuggedized computersSAWsSEMSIS devicesSNS bridgesSPC circuit switchingSPC communication switchingSPC communication switching technologySPC telegraph circuit switchingSPC telephone circuit switchingSPC telephone circuit switching exchangeSRAMSWATH vessel manufactureSWATH vesselsSample and hold integrated circuitsSapphire substratesSatellite communications equipmentSatellite navigation equipment

Plasma etchers, semiconductor 11.. 1355 b 1Plasma etching, PCB 11.. 1354 aPlasma spraying 11.. 1388 DPlasma torches 11.. 1206Plasma-enhanced reactors 11.. 1355 b IPlating equipment, PCB 11.. 1354 cPlotters 11.. 1565 hPolybenzimidazoles 11.. 1746 bPolybenzothiazoles 11.. 1746 dPolybenzoxozoles 11.. 1746 iPolycarbonate sheet 11.. 1749Polycrystalline silicon 11.. 1757 fPolycrystalline silicon production 11.. 1355 b IPolyimides 11.. 1746 aPolymeric materials 11.. 1733 d and 11.. 1754 aPolymeric substances 11.. 1746Polyoxadiazoles 11.. 1746 ePolyphosphazenes 11.. 1746 fPolyphosphonitriles 11.. 1746 fPolystyrylpyridine 11.. 1746 gPositioning equipment 11.. 1501 bPositioning systems, acoustic 11.. 1510Power sources, radio-active 11.. 1205 cPrecursor materials 11.. 1733Preform characterisation equipment 11.. 1353Preforms of glass 11.. 1767Presses, isostatic 11.. 1312Primary cells 11.. 1205 aPrinted circuit board manufacture and test 11.. 1354Printed circuit board testers 11.. 1354 ePrinted circuit boards 11.. 1564Printed circuit boards with mounted components 11.. 1564 cPrinters 11.. 1565 hPrivate automatic exchanges 11.. 1567 b and Note 4Programmable logic arrays 11.. 1564 Note 2Programmable read only memories 11.. 1564 dProgramming systems 11.. 1566 bPropellors 11.. 1416Propulsion systems, spacecraft 11.. 1465 cProximity-effect devices 11.. 1574Pullers, semiconductor crystal 11.. 1355 b 1Pulse modulators 11.. 1514Pumps 11.. 1131Pyrolitic deposition technology 11.. 1602Pyrolitic detectors 11.. 1548Quartz crystal manufacture 11.. 1360Quartz crystals 11.. 1587Quasiparticle devices or detectors 11.. 1574RAM 11.. 1564 dROM 11.. 1564 dRadar equipment 11.. 1501 cRadio equipment 11.. 1520 a, 11.. 1516,

11.. 1517 and 11.. 153111.. 1516 and 11.. 1531 d11.. 1520IL 1517 and 11.. 1531 e11.. 1564 d11.. 1355 b 111.. 1564 d11.. 1565 h 111.. 1205 a11.. 157211.. 1572 d11.. 1564 d11.. 157211.. 1205 a11.. 1757k11.. 1354 a11.. 1355 b 211.. 1391 b11.. 1391 a11.. 130511.. 1354 f11.. 1565 f11.. 158611.. 135511.. 157411.. 157411.. 1565 h I and 11.. 156711.. 156711.. 1567 c11.. 1567 b11.. 1567 b11.. 1567 Notes 6 and 711.. 1564 d11.. 136411.. 1416 c11.. 1564 d11.. 1757h11.. 152011.. 1501 b

Sawing equipment, semiconductorScanning electron microscopesSeamless tubes and pipesSecondary cellsSeismic/geophysical recordersSemiconductor CADSemiconductor diodesSemiconductor photodiodesSemiconductor phototransistorsSemiconductor processing equipmentSemiconductor profilersSense amplifiersSensors, robotSeparator systems, ves~el

Serial data analysersSignal analysersSignal generatorsSignal processingSignal processing devicesSiliconSilicon microcomputer microcircuitsSilicon microprocessor microcircuitsSilicone fluidsSilicone greasesSilicone lubricating greasesSimulators, EMI/EMPSingle crystal sapphire substratesSkull furnacesSmall business computer systems (to China)SoftwareSoftware (civil air traffic control)Software (favourably considered)Software (licenced by HMG)Software (to China)Software definitionsSoftware for industrial systemsSoftware, technical informationSoftware, technologySolar cellsSonar systemsSource languageSpace-division analogue exchangesSpace-division digital exchangeSpacecraftSpare parts (SPC communication switching)Spare parts (digital computers to China)Spare parts (digital computers)Spectrum analysersSpin-forming machinesSpread spectrum receiversSputtering equipment

Static random access memoriesStatistical multiplexersSteel and iron alloysStep and repeat camerasStorage driversStorage integrated circuitsStore and forwardStored programme controlled circuit switchingStored programme controlled communicationsStreak camerasStreamer tape drivesSubmersible systemsSubmersiblesSubstratesSubstrates for printed circuit boardSuperalloy production equipmentSuperalloy production technologySuperconducting materialsSuperconductive electromagnetsSuperconductive materialsSuperconductive solenoidsSupport integrated circuitsSurface acoustic wave devicesSurface-effect vehicle manufactureSurface-effect vehiclesSwitches, electronicSwitching type voltage regulatorsSyntactic foamSynthesized signal generatorsSynthetic lubricating oilsTCXOsTEM mode devicesTR tubesTVROTantalatesTantalum capacitorsTantalum compoundrTape drives'Tape-laying machines

11.. 1355 b 111.. 1355 b 111.. 1603IL 1205 aIL 1572 aIL 1355 b 2IL 1544IL 1548 b11.. 1548 bIL 1355 b 111.. 1355 b 411.. 1564 dIL 1391 c11.. 141611.. 1529 bIL 153311.. 1529 and 11.. 1531IL 1565 h 1IL 1586IL 1757IL 1564 d11.. 1564 d11.. 175511.. 175511.. 1755 b11.. 136111.. 1757 h11.. 120311.. 1565 Note 2011.. 156611.. 1566 Note 8IL 1566 Note 1111.. 1566 Note 9IL 1566 Note 1311.. 1566 Note 1211.. 1399IL 1566 Note 111.. 1566 cIL 1205 bIL 151011.. 1566 Note 511.. 1567 b11.. 1567 Note 411.. 1465 aIL 1567 Note 211.. 1565 Note 2111.. 1565 Note 711.. 1533IL 1075IL 1516 c11.. 1355 blandIL 1388 eIL 1564 dIL 1519 and 11.. 1567IL 1635IL 1355 b 211.. 1564 dIL 1564 d11.. 1567 Notes 1 and 311.. 1565 h 1 and IL 156711.. 156711.. 158511.. 1565 hand 11.. 1572 aIL 1417IL 141811.. 1564IL 1564 a11.. 1301 a11.. 1301 b11.. 1574IL 1573IL 167511.. 157311.. 1564 d11.. 158611.. 1364IL 1416 b11.. 1564 dIL 1564 d11.. 175911.. 1531 bIL 1781IL 158711.. 1537 d11.. 1537 eIL 152011.. 1760IL 1560 b11.. 1760IL 1565 hand IL 1572 aIL 1357

Security eKport control March 1989 107

Technical information (communication switching)IL 1567 Note 1Technical information (digital computers) IL 1565 Note 2Technical information (software) IL 1566 Note 1Technology (computers) IL 1565 jTechnology for industrial systems IL 1399Technology, coating IL 1389Technology, communication switching IL 1567 cTechnology, inert gas and vacuum atomizing IL 1601Technology, pyrolitic deposition IL 1602Technology, software IL 1566 cTelecommunication transmission equipment IL 1519Telecontrol equipment IL 1518Telegraph circuit switching IL 1567 bTelemetering equipment IL 1518Telephone circuit switching IL 1567 bTellurium IL 1757 eTemperature compensated oscillators IL 1587Terminal exchange IL 1567 Notes 6 and 7Testing equipment IL 1529Tetrodes IL 1558 aThermoelectric materials and devices IL 1570Thermoplastic liquid crystal copolyesters IL 1746 hThin film devices IL 1588Thin film manufacture IL 1358Thrusters IL 1362 aThyratrons IL 1559Thyristors IL 1547Time interval measuring equipment IL 1529 dTime-division analogue exchanges IL 1567 bTime-division digital exchange IL 1567 Note 4Timing integrated circuits IL 1564 dTitanium aluminides IL 1672Titanium-based alloys IL 1661Towed hydrophone arrays IL 1510Tracking equipment IL 1502Tranducers IL 1510 and IL 1568Transfer oscillators IL 1529 bTransient recorders IL 1529 gTransistors IL 1545Transit exchange IL 1567 Notes 6 and 7Transmission equipment IL 1519Transmission media simulators IL 1520 bTransmitter-amplifiers IL 1517Transmitters IL 1517Transponders IL 1510Transopters IL 1564 c and dTrapaU diodes IL 1544 cTravelling wave tubes IL 1558 cTriggered spark gaps IL 1542Triodes IL 1558 aTropospheric scatter communication equipment IL 1520Tubes IL 1558Tubes and pipes, seamless IL 1603Tubing, fluorocarbon IL 1142Tubing, re-inforced IL 1142Ubitrons IL 1558 eUltrasonic equipment IL 1502Underwater cameras IL 1417 eUnderwater communication cable IL 1526 aUnderwater vehicles IL 1418Underwater vision systems IL 1417 cUnencapsulated integrated circuits IL 1564 dUntuned alternating current amplifiers IL 1564 dVacuum photodiodes IL 1548 aVacuum pump systems IL 1129Valves IL 1133Vanadium IL 1674Varactor diodes IL 1544 dVernistats IL 1568 gVessels models IL 1363Vessels IL 1416Vibration test equipment IL 1362Video recorders IL 1572 aVideo tape IL 1572 a and dVision systems, robot IL 1391Voltage (rms-to-DC) converters IL 1564 dVoltage comparators IL 1564 dVoltage references IL 1564 dVoltage to frequency converters IL 1564 dVoltage variable capacitance diodes IL 1544 dWafer defect inspection equipment IL 1355 b 3\Vafer polishers IL 1355 b 1\A'afer probers IL 1355 b 6\A,'ater tunnels IL 1363Waveguides IL 1537 aWeak-link devices IL 1574Weaving machines IL 1357Wide area networks IL 1565 h 1 and IL 1567 aWideband amplifiers IL 1521Winchester disc drives IL 1565 hand IL 1572 aWind tunnel, instrumentation IL 1361

108 Security export control March 1989

Wind tunnel, modelsWind tunnelsWire bondersX-ray systemsX-ray tubesZone-refining equipment

MUNITIONS LISTAdditives, explosivesAirborne equipmentAmmunitionAmphibious vehiclesArmoured plateArmoured railway trainsArmoured vehiclesBiocatalystsBiological systemsBody armourBombsBreathing equipmentCameras, reconnaissanceCannonCarbinesCastingsCompassesCrash helmetsCryogenic equipmentDemolition chargesDetection devices, underwaterDepth chargesDirected energy weaponsDiving apparatusElectronic equipment, militaryEnvironmental chambersExplosivesFire bombsFire control equipmentFlame throwersFuelsFuel thickenersGas projectorsGrenadesGunsGun-carriersHalf-tracksHelmetsHowitzersImage intensifiersImaging equipmentIncendiary bombsInfrared equipmentLarge calibre armamentsLasersMachine gunsMachine pistolsMicrowave weapon systemsMinesMissiles, guided or unguidedMobile repair shopsMortarsNaval equipmentParachutesParticle beam systemsPhotographic equipmentPistolsPrecursors, explosivesPressure suitsProduction equipment, militaryProduction technology, militaryProjectile launchersPropellantsPyrotechnicsPyrotechnic flare signalsPyrotechnic projectorsRange findersRecoilless riflesRecovery vehiclesRefuellingRevolversRiflesRocketsRocket launchersSearchlightsSelf-propelled gunsShutters, electronically triggeredSilencers, firearmSmoke canistersSmoke grenades

IL 1361IL 1361IL 1355 b 5IL 1553IL 1553IL 1355 b 1

ML 8ML 10 bML 3ML 6ML 13 aML 6ML 6ML 25ML 25ML 13 dML 4 aML 10 dML 12ML 2 aML 1 aML 16ML 9ML 10 dML 20ML 4 aML 9ML 4 aML 23ML 17ML 11ML 19ML 8ML 4 aML 5ML 16ML 8ML 4 cML 2 bML 4 aML 2 aML 6ML 6ML 13 cML 2 aML 15ML 12ML 4 aML 12 and ML 15ML 2ML 23ML 1 aML 1 aML 23ML 4 aML 4 aML 6ML 2 aML 9ML 10 dML 23ML 12ML 1 aML 8ML 10 dML 18ML 18ML 2 aML 8ML 8ML 4 aML 2 bML 5ML 2 aML 6ML 10 cML 1 aML 1 aML 4aML 2 aML 17 cML 6ML 22ML 17 bML 4 aML 4 a

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