Cobalt Assignment

Post on 17-Jan-2015






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Robert Coveny Patrick O’Connor Patrick Darcy

Over the centuries Cobalt has been used in an array of different areas.

Ancient civilisations used cobalt in ceramics and glazes for pottery as well as in dyes.

Georgius Agricola, in the 16th Century successfully supplied Cobalt as raffre

Cobalt was used throughout the 1800’s as a blue pigment in glassware

Cobalt was first isolated by Swedish chemist Georg Brant in 1735.

Cobalt is also used in broad range of other devices

Uses of Cobalt up until 1998

Cobalt is generally found in ores combined with Arsenic, Oxygen or Sulfur.

Pure Cobalt does not exist in nature Cobalt is normally extracted as a by-

product of refining other ores The ore is first roasted to remove slag

material, leaving a mixture of metals and oxides

The compound is reduced through electrolysis and heat

aluminium is added to sulphuric acid to dissolve the iron, cobalt, nickel Lime is used to precipitate the iron, while sodium hypochlorite is used to precipitate cobalt as the hydroxide The cobalt hydroxide is then heated to give the oxide, which is then reduced the metal by heating with charcoal

Cobaltite~ CoAsS

Erythrite~ (Co3(AsO4)2)

Glaucodot~ (Co,Fe)AsS

Skutterudite~ CoAs3

Alnico~ containing iron, nickel, aluminium and cobalt.

• Is used to make magnets that keep their magnetism even at very high temperatures.

• Are found in loudspeakers, microphones, pick-ups

Paper containing Cobalt-Chloride is used in laboratories to detect water

Lithium- Cobalt Oxide is used in batteries Cobalt Oxides are used in paints and glazes

The invention of machines

The discovery of new elements

The development of more effective techniques

development of technology

Brian Knapp, B. P. (2002). Actinium to Fluorine. Unknown: Atlantic Europe Publishing Company Ltd.

Hill, H. C. (2003). The Transition Metals 2. London - Oxford: Heinemann Library.

Unknown. (2005, August Wednesday). Cobalt - Wikipedia. Retrieved March Thursday, 2008, from Wikipedia:

Pope, R. (2003, March 24). Cobalt. Retrieved March unknown, 2008, from Web Elements:

unknown. (2006, October unknown). unknown. Retrieved 03 unknown, 2008, from Cobalt—Its Recovery,Recycling and Application: 

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