Coach Lukk's Football Playbook Template

Post on 13-Apr-2015






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Template for a basic high school football playbook (i.e. team rules, expectations, etc.), with space for team specific offense, defense and special teams formations and executions.


Copyright MikeRight Productions, 2013 All rights reserved. Any reproduction of this work – in whole or in part – and in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means now known or hereafter invented including xerography, photocopying, and recording, and in any information storage and retrieval system, is forbidden

without the expressed written permission of the author.

The NFHS Coaches Code of Ethics

The function of a coach is to educate students through participation in interscholastic competition. An interscholastic program should be designed to enhance academic achievement and should never interfere with opportunities for academic success.

Each student should be treated with the utmost respect, and his or her welfare should be considered in decisions by the coach at all times. Accordingly, the following guidelines for coaches have been adopted by the NFHS Board of Directors.

• The coach shall be aware that he or she has a tremendous influence, for either good or ill, on the education of the student and, thus, shall never place the value of winning above the value of instilling the highest ideals of character.

• The coach shall uphold the honor and dignity of the profession. In all personal contact with students, officials, athletic directors, school administrators, the state high school athletic association, the media, and the public, the coach shall strive to set an example of the highest ethical and moral conduct.

• The coach shall take an active role in the prevention of drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse.

• The coach shall avoid the use of alcohol and tobacco products when in contact with players.

• The coach shall promote the entire interscholastic program of the school and direct his or her program in harmony with the total school program.

• The coach shall master the contest rules and shall teach them to his or her team members. The coach shall not seek an advantage by circumvention of the spirit or letter of the rules.

• The coach shall exert his or her influence to enhance sportsmanship by spectators, both directly and by working closely with cheerleaders, pep club sponsors, booster clubs, and administrators.

• The coach shall respect and support contest officials. The coach shall not indulge in conduct which would incite players or spectators against the officials. Public criticism of officials or players is unethical.

• The coach should meet and exchange cordial greetings with the opposing coach to set the correct tone for the event before and after the contest.

• The coach shall not exert pressure on faculty members to give student special consideration.

• The coach shall not scout opponents by any means other than those adopted by the league and/or state high school athletic association.

Reprinted with permission from the National Federation of State High School Associations

How to approach “Winning” in Education-based Athletics

By David Hoch, CMAA

It is difficult to imagine anyone in interscholastic athletics who hasn’t heard about the philosophical concept of education-based athletics. Whether one has or hasn’t, education-based athletics is the approach in which the interests of the student-athlete come first. Therefore, this also means that winning is not the most important outcome in high school athletics.

Young people should learn life-long values and qualities, develop and grow as a person, and understand and embrace sportsmanship. These are just a few of the outcomes that are ultimately much more important than winning. This doesn’t mean that

coaches and teams shouldn’t prepare and strive to win, because they should as long as this is not the singular or ultimate objective.

If continuing to prepare and striving to win finds its right place in the equation, what does this mean and what is involved?

Good coaches should:

• Prepare well-thought out, sound and comprehensive practice plans. This step is akin to classroom teachers preparing a solid lesson plan for each class every day. A good practice plan ensures the efficient use of time for the appropriate drills that are within the proper scope and sequence for the athletes and covers all of the necessary details to prepare for the next opponent. Good instruction starts with a sound plan. Often it may take twice as long to plan for a practice session as it does to conduct one. And student-athletes in education-based athletics deserve the best instruction.

• Provide simple, clear and consistent instructions during practice sessions and games when correcting mistakes. This can go a long way toward eliminating communication gaps that may cause mistakes or prolong the learning curve or improvement period. It is vital to remember that a key objective in coaching is for the athlete to understand what the coach expects in terms of execution.

• Try to keep instruction as positive and encouraging as possible. Not all athletes learn at the same rate and they often need repetition, helpful corrections, and a supportive and nurturing atmosphere. Berating and abusing athletes does not enhance retention or the mastery of skills and concepts.

• Use video for instructional purposes when possible. It has been determined by educational research that there are various learning styles and video images may be the visual component which ultimately helps some athletes. Being able to see the mistakes in skill work or in the execution of an offensive or defensive concept can be invaluable for an athlete to understand. Verbal instruction simply doesn’t reach all athletes.

• Scout opponents whenever possible. In some sports such as football and basketball, scouting is a well-established effort. It’s an advantage to preparation and its utilization is more readily understood. But scouting is also important for most sports not just for a select few.

Depending upon the size of a coaching staff, coaches may have to be creative in order to find a way to scout opponents. Consider sending an assistant, who leaves practice early, in order to see an upcoming opponent, or send one a parent to video tape a match that features a team appearing on the schedule later in the season. There’s always a way to scout.

Scouting will provide tendencies, strengths, weaknesses and details of individual athletes and the team’s execution. These factors can and should be incorporated into the practice and game plans in order to prepare more completely for an upcoming opponent. Better preparation puts the players in a position to play more effectively and can help produce more wins.

• Continually learn more about the skills and strategies of a sport. Staying abreast of the latest developments is essential in order to best prepare athletes. This may mean attending clinics, reading books, watching videos and observing college practice sessions. Professional development will directly help the players and team.

• Get feedback from their athletic director and ask what suggestions he or she may have for the development as a coach in education-based athletics. Usually, most schools have a formal evaluation process at the completion of the season, but coaches don’t have to wait to get solid advice which can help them improve through the year.

• Avoid becoming negative or abusive with the players after a loss. Losses, just like wins, can usually be easily explained. The apparent reasons are usually that the opponent was much bigger, faster and more skilled, or athletes made mistakes at critical junctures of the game.

It is, therefore, important to carefully and honestly analyze why a team lost. If it was a better opponent, move on to prepare for the next game. If there are correctible mistakes, plan practice sessions to incorporate drills that will continue to help the players develop the necessary skills. Go back to the drawing board and work hard.

In education-based athletics, coaches definitely should be using “teachable moments” with their teams. They should also promote academic achievement, help their athletes learn to persevere, teach good sportsmanship and many other valuable life-long lessons and qualities.

But, this doesn’t mean that coaches should neglect or forgo the preparation and effort to win. As long as winning doesn’t become the

sole purpose of an approach to coaching, coaches should also strive to win. Simply provide the best effort and a nurturing environment, and the young people will benefit from the experience.

About the Author: Dr. David Hoch recently retired as the athletic director at Loch Raven High School in Towson, Maryland (Baltimore County). He assumed this position in 2003 after nine years as director of athletics at Eastern Technological High School in Baltimore County. He has 24 years experience coaching basketball, including 14 years on the collegiate level. Hoch, who has a doctorate in sports management from Temple University, is past president of the Maryland State Athletic Directors Association, and he formerly was president of the Maryland State Coaches Association. He has had more than 350 articles published in professional magazines and journals, as well as two textbook chapters. Hoch is a member of the NFHS High School Today Publications Committee.


knowing WHERE YOU ARE TO BE on the football field everytime you’re ON the football field…


knowing WHAT YOU ARE TO DO from WHERE YOU ARE TO BE on the football field

everytime you’re ON the football field…



from WHERE YOU ARE TO BE on the football field everytime you’re ON the football field…


simply DOING each of these things – as well as YOU can – every chance you get… everytime you’re on the football field!

Four Basics for 4 Quarters

On Offense… on Defense… and on Special Teams… at EVERY Practice… and in EVERY Game!

Team Rules

• NO use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs!

• School comes first (before sports).

• Attend all practices, games & team functions.

• Report any and all injuries to coaching staff.

• Treat all teammates, coaches, opponents, officials, and fans with dignity and respect.

General Operating policies:

These team rules will serve as a guideline for determining individual standing and continued participation of players, cheerleaders, coaches, staff, and volunteers within our football team. Transgressions of these team rules will be handled on a case by case basis.

Among the determining factors involved in each individual case decision will be the overall well-being and positive long term development of the individuals involved in each particular situation, as well as the continued positive growth and development of our football program.

Our Football team will also strive to work in concert with school, community, and municipal agencies in determining any club administration of consequence for each individual case and situation.

Coach’s Points

• Your helmet is on your head for protection – it is NEVER to be used as a weapon. If you attempt to use it as a weapon, you will be removed from our team!

• Never use your helmet to block or tackle. The main point and force of all contact must be your shoulder or chest.

• Remember – at all times on the football field (in all practices and games) – MOUTHPIECES IN and CHINSTRAPS BUCKLED!!

• ALWAYS remember: NEVER block an opponent if you cannot look him in the EYES. Or, in the words of an immortal coach: “If you can see his crack, you must hold back!” (or, “If you only have his side, ya gotta let him slide…”).

• Always play through the whistle, never after it.

• In every pile – after every play has been whistled dead – always push off the ground, not off your opponent.

• Always strive to play as COMPLETE a football game as you can (in practices and on Game Day). Recognize your weaker areas and work hard to improve them – don’t simply try to hide them away! Remember: the more complete YOU are as a football player, the more complete WE are as a football team!

• Our football players are ALWAYS responsible for maintaining and demonstrating a high level of courteous and sportsmanlike conduct on the field of play (this includes: sidelines, practice fields, fieldhouses, locker rooms, etc.). ANY and ALL unsportsmanlike conduct penalties thrown against a Jr. Buccaneer player WILL result in that flagged player’s IMMEDIATE removal from the game for NO LESS than the next four plays from scrimmage. After those four plays, it will be at the discretion of the Head Football Coach as to when (or if) that player returns to the game.

• Any players who commit thoughtless penalties and/or executions on a continual basis may also be removed from game situations. In these cases, those players will remain on the sidelines until the situation can be positively addressed and remedied – either through sideline component coaching or individualized attention in a practice setting.

Our players are directly and soley responsible for maintaining a courteous and respectful

relationship with game officials at all times. Absolutely NO displays of disrespect of any kind will be tolerated at any time. Players in violation of this policy will be immediately removed

from the game and will not return.

It is further expected that every member of the our football team will conduct themselves with utmost regard for decency, fair play, courtesy,

and good sportsmanship at all times, and under all circumstances, while engaged in any activity as a representative of the our football team.

Nothing less is expected – nothing less can be accepted.

General Team Policies

• We believe in the “Do Right” Principle. This means we expect our participants to know “right” from “wrong”… and to DO RIGHT in any situation! There are instances when following – or failing to follow – this principle may be the deciding factor involving determinations concerning any individuals, their actions (or inactions), and their continued participation in our program.

Remember: There’s never a “wrong” time to do the right thing… More importantly, there’s never a right time to do the wrong thing!

• NEVER, EVER walk on the football field!!!!!!! o RUN onto the field to start every practice! o RUN to all stations, groups… and breaks! o RUN into all huddles; RUN from all huddles to the line of scrimmage! o RUN onto the field; RUN to the sidelines! o RUN off the field to end every practice! o NEVER, EVER walk on the football field… PERIOD!!!

• PRACTICE like you PLAY… PLAY like you PRACTICE! o If you can’t give the effort at practice, you won’t give it in a game! o Remember: we have 1 scrimmage, 10 regular season games and three possible

playoff games (Yes, going to States is something we plan for each year…!) = 14 total possible “game” situations o We have 14 pre-season practices, 49 regular season practices, and 15 post season

practices scheduled = 78 total possible practice situations

PRACTICE is where we LEARN, EARN, and IMPROVE… Games allow us to showcase what our PRACTICES instill in us!!

• NEVER “talk the talk”… ALWAYS “walk the walk”! o You don’t ever need to talk about it – you only ever need to just DO it. o Let your actions speak more completely and totally than words ever could… o Never give an opponent more reason than he already has to elevate his game.

• We follow the “ABLE” approach to problem solving. Learn it, appreciate it… and USE it to help YOU help US get from where we ARE to where we NEED TO BE!!

FIRST: Make NO excuses!!! (An “excuse” is an attempt to explain away a problem without owning up to it!)

We need to fix the problem! If you communicate honestly what happened (what you saw, what you did, etc.) we can begin the “FIXING” process… If you only offer excuses, the problem only remains – and gets worse!


Accept that something did happen. Believe that YOU can make it better.

Learn how to correct it. Execute that correction from then on.

If we can all follow this approach we will be ABLE to improve as football players and football coaches, and THAT will improve us as a football TEAM!


• We must work consistently to eliminate ALL penalties, most importantly the really sloppy, lazy, “non-judgement” calls like:

o Illegal participation o Illegal formation o Illegal motion o False starts/offsides o Holding o Block in the back/clipping

• We will NOT tolerate unsportsmanlike penalties of ANY kind (on the field or on the sideline!) o Late hits o Spearing o Taunting o Foul/abusive/disrespectful action and/or language

• We must also strive to eliminate ALL mental mistakes as possible. Some very positive ways to achieve this are to constantly and consistently emphasize proper and complete:

o ALIGNMENT, ASSIGNMENT, TECHNIQUE, & EXECUTION o Game situation knowledge and awareness (Field position, down & distance,

quarter/half, time remaining, etc.) o Preparation = staying focused on your responsibilities so that you can have the

most positive impact on our team effort when you’re on the field.

• We must work to eliminate as many physical mistakes as possible, as well. Some positive ways to achieve this are:

o By using proper ALIGNMENT, ASSIGNMENT, TECHNIQUE, & EXECUTION = doing YOUR job as thoroughly and effectively as YOU can on each and every play

o By consistently demonstrating a dogged determination to be a positive part of every play – by never giving up, and never giving in – and by never settling to simply stand by and become a spectator (or cheerleader!).

We believe we stand a much greater chance of being successful – in whatever pursuit we’re engaged in –

if we work together to eliminate as many mistakes as possible.

Player Responsibilities

• Participants are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from ALL team functions where school based transportation is not provided). While arrangements can be made through our team for car pools and such, no team coaching personnel will be responsible for the transport of participants (whom they are not in the direct care/supervision of).

• Participants are responsible for attending all team functions (outside of practices and games). Participants are expected to follow all team guidelines, policies, and rules when involved in these functions.

• Participants are directly responsible for maintaining and displaying a high level of courteous and socially acceptable behavior at ALL times – most especially whenever they are involved in any activity in which they are wearing our team colors and/or logos! Remember: each of you represents the very best our program has to offer, and our program – our ENTIRE program – will be judged by the behavior of every one of its participants!

ALWAYS know who and what you are –

and let your behavior reflect that at all times.


Take PRIDE in that – and make us PROUD of YOU!!

(Everywhere you go, and in everything you do!)


• All participants are expected to dress appropriately for all practice situations and conditions (i.e. in all required equipment, in weather specific clothing, etc.)

• ALL personal business (bathroom breaks, equipment repair, etc.) is to be taken care of BEFORE practice STARTS.

• Team Practice STARTS at 3:30 PM!!! If you’re not ON THE FIELD, WITH YOUR TEAMMATES by 3:15 PM – YOU’RE LATE!!!

(Those requested for “Pre-Practice” please make the previous times 3:10 and 3:05 PM!!!)

• Helmets go ON at the opening whistle of football practice. They come off only at the closing whistle of football practice – or if a coach asks you to take them off!

• ALL participants are expected to remain alert and attentive to all coaches’ instruction and requests throughout football practice.

• All participants will be given water and rest breaks when appropriately scheduled or warranted, as a group or individually.

• All participants are expected to practice earnestly and enthusiastically.

• “Bring it in” means simply that. While gathering together, participants will give the coaches their UNDIVIDED attention, and will refrain from any lounging, talking, clowning, or any other displays of disrespect.

• Practice is over ONLY after the final whistle of the day.

• All equipment is to be worn until practice has ended, unless specifically directed otherwise by a member of the coaching and/or medical staff.

• All participants are expected to egress the practice facility – in a clam and rational manner – at the conclusion of each practice.

• Participants are SOLEY and directly responsible for their belongings while at football practice – and are discouraged from bringing any and all non-essential gear.

3:30 – 5:30 pm

3:10 – 3:30 = Pre-Practice

3:30 – 3:45 = Team Lap/Stretch/Form Running

3:45 – 4:05 = Individual Technique Stations

- Offense:

• Line

• Ends

• Backs

• QB’s

4:05 – 4:30 = Group Technique

- Offense

- Defense

4:30 – 4:50 = Game Situation Skellie

- Our Offense vs. their defense

• Kick Return – kickoff

• Offense vs. defense

• PAT on score (or FG)

• Punt

4:50 – 5:00 = Team PAT/Field Goal

5:00 – 5:20 = Game Situation Skellie

- Our Defense vs. their offense

• Kickoff – kickoff return

• Defense vs. offense

• Punt Return

• PAT/Field Goal defense

5:20 - 5:30 = Perfect Play

General Practice Timeline

- Defense:

• Line

• DE’s

• LB’s

• DB’s

Football Team Goals:


- Drive whenever we have the ball. - Always come away from the “Green Zone” with points. - Finish every touchdown with a successful try. - Score points in every quarter. - Do not turn the ball over. Ever.


- Do not allow our opponent to mount any sustained drives. - Do not allow “the BIG Play”. - Never allow a two point conversion. - Allow NO points in the 4

th Quarter

- Force at least 1 turnover a game.


- Never allow an opponent to score a TD on special teams. - Limit their return yardage – maximize ours. - Maintain COMPLETE ball maintenance. - Never allow our kicks to be blocked. Ever. - Execute all our fakes properly – deny them theirs working at all.

PRACTICE like you PLAY… PLAY like you PRACTICE…!

Four Quarters

You hear your coaches talk time and time again about the ingredients neccessary to produce a successful football program:


While these are the essential four cornerstones our program has been built on, they will not guarantee success unless they are applied for FOUR QUARTERS!

And we can’t ever PLAY for FOUR QUARTERS

if we don’t always PRACTICE for FOUR QUARTERS!

This type of commitment and dedication is not something that cam be turned on and off like a faucet.

It IS – it MUST BE – a constant…


Every chance we get…

This is what will separate us from our opponents…

This will be the strength we draw from…

This is something we will HAVE that they WILL NOT…

THIS is what makes us WHO and WHAT we are!!

Referee - General oversight and control of game (Head Official). Gives signals for all fouls and is final authority for rule interpretations. Takes a position in backfield 10 to 12 yards behind line of scrimmage, favors right side (if quarterback is right-handed passer). Determines legality of snap, observes deep back(s) for legal motion. On running play, observes quarterback during and after handoff, remains with him until action has cleared away, then proceeds downfield, checking on runner and contact behind him. When runner is downed, Referee determines forward progress from wing official and, if necessary, adjusts final position o up legality of blocks by near linemen. Changes to complete concentration on quarterback as defenders approach. Primarily responsible to rule on possible roughing action on passer and if ball becomes loose, rules whether ball is free on a fumble or dead on an incomplete pass. During kicking situations, Referee has primary responsibility to rule on kicker’s actions and whether or not any subsequent contact by a defender is legal. The Referee stays wide and parallel on punts and will announce on the microphone when each period has ended.

Football Officials Positioning & Responsibilities








Umpire - Primary responsibility to rule on players’ equipment, as well as their conduct and actions on scrimmage line. Lines up approximately four to five yards downfield, varying position from in front of weakside tackle to strongside guard. Looks for possible false start by offensive linemen. Observes legality of contact by both offensive linemen while blocking and by defensive players while they attempt to ward off blockers. Is prepared to call rule infractions if they occur on offense or defense. Moves forward to line of scrimmage when pass play develops in order to insure that interior linemen do not move illegally downfield. If offensive linemen indicate screen pass is to be attempted, Umpire shifts his attention toward screen side, picks up potential receiver in order to insure that he will legally be permitted to run his pattern and continues to rule on action of blockers. Umpire is to assist in ruling on incomplete or trapped passes when ball is thrown overhead or short. On punt plays, Umpire positions himself opposite Referee in offensive backfield - 5 yards from kicker and one yard behind.

Head Linesman - Primarily responsible for ruling on offside, encroachment, and actions pertaining to scrimmage line prior to or at snap. Generally, keys on closest setback on his side of the field. On pass plays, Linesman is responsible to clear his receiver approximately seven yards downfield as he moves to a point five yards beyond the line. Linesman’s secondary responsibility is to rule on any illegal action taken by defenders on any delay receiver moving downfield. Has full responsibility for ruling on sideline plays on his side, e.g., pass receiver or runner in or out of bounds. Together with Referee, Linesman is responsible for keeping track of number of downs and is in charge of mechanics of his chain crew in connection with its duties. Linesman must be prepared to assist in determining forward progress by a runner on play directed toward middle or into his side zone. He, in turn, is to signal Referee or Umpire what forward point ball has reached. Linesman is also responsible to rule on legality of action involving any receiver who approaches his side zone. He is to call pass interference when the infraction occurs and is to rule on legality of blockers and defenders on plays involving ball carriers, whether it is entirely a running play, a combination pass and run, or a play involving a kick. Also assists referee with intentional grounding.

Line Judge - Straddles line of scrimmage on side of field opposite Linesman. Keeps time of game as a backup for clock operator. Along with Linesman is responsible for offside, encroachment, and actions pertaining to scrimmage line prior to or at snap. Line Judge keys on closest setback on his side of field. Line Judge is to observe his receiver until he moves at least seven yards downfield. He then moves toward backfield side, being especially alert to rule on any back in motion and on flight of ball when pass is made (he must rule whether forward or backward). Line Judge has primary responsibility to rule whether or not passer is behind or beyond line of scrimmage when pass is made. He also assists in observing actions by blockers and defenders who are on his side of field. After pass is thrown, Line Judge directs attention toward activities that occur in back of Umpire. During punting situations, Line Judge remains at line of scrimmage to be sure that only the end men move downfield until kick has been made. He also rules whether or not the kick crossed line and then observes action by members of the kicking team who are moving downfield to cover the kick. The Line Judge will advise the Referee when time has expired at the end of each period. Also assists referee with intentional grounding and determines whether pass is forward or backward.







Visitors Sideline

Home Sideline

Field Judge - Operates on same side of field as Line Judge, 20 yards deep. Keys on wide receiver on his side. Concentrates on path of end or back, observing legality of his potential block(s) or of actions taken against him. Is prepared to rule from deep position on holding or illegal use of hands by end or back or on defensive infractions committed by player guarding him. Has primary responsibility to make decisions involving sideline on his side of field, e.g., pass receiver or runner in or out of bounds. Field Judge makes decisions involving catching, recovery, or illegal touching of a loose ball beyond line of scrimmage; rules on plays involving pass receiver, including legality of catch or pass interference; assists in covering actions of runner, including blocks by teammates and that of defenders; calls clipping on punt returns; and, together with Back Judge, rules whether or not field goal attempts are successful.

Side Judge - Operates on same side of field as Head Linesman, 20 yards deep. Keys on wide receiver on his side. Concentrates on path of end or back, observing legality of his potential block(s) or of actions taken against him. Is prepared to rule from deep position on holding or illegal use of hands by end or back or on defensive infractions committed by player guarding him. Has primary responsibility to make decisions involving sideline on his side of field, e.g., pass receiver or runner in or out of bounds. Side Judge makes decisions involving catching, recovery, or illegal touching of a loose ball beyond line of scrimmage; rules on plays involving pass receiver, including legality of catch or pass interference; assists in covering actions of runner, including blocks by teammates and that of defenders; and calls clipping on punt returns. On field goals and point after touchdown attempts, he becomes a double umpire.

Back Judge - Takes a position 25 yards downfield. In general, favors the tight end’s side of field. Keys on tight end, concentrates on his path and observes legality of tight end’s potential block(s) or of actions taken against him. Is prepared to rule from deep position on holding or illegal use of hands by end or back or on defensive infractions committed by player guarding him. Back Judge times interval between plays on 40/25-second clock plus intermission between two periods of each half; makes decisions involving catching, recovery, or illegal touching of a loose ball beyond line of scrimmage; is responsible to rule on plays involving end line; calls pass interference, fair catch infractions, and clipping on kick returns; together with Field Judge, rules whether or not field goals and conversions are successful; and stays with ball on punts.



Team Football Officials Policy

Our football team realizes that the relationship we build and maintain with the dedicated men and women who officiate our games is paramount to our entire program working positively to achieve

all of the successes we espouse to strive for.

We – as team administrators, coaches, players, and supporters – can never afford to have any shade of hypocrisy sour or blemish that essential relationship.

In order to create, foster, and maintain as positive, respectful, sportsmanlike and consistent a relationship as possible, we must strive to uphold not only the letter of all our stated team rules, responsibilities and attitudes, but also the very spirit of those essential ideals, as well. And we

must do so on a continuous basis.

For these and other obvious reasons, our team policy regarding game officials shall be as follows:

• Our Head Football Coach will be the only representative of our football team to speak (either directly or indirectly) to any game official on the field during the course of a game regarding any game situation/ruling/decision/call/etc.

• Whenever the head coach does speak to any game official, he shall do so in as courteous and respectful a tone and manner as possible.

• All team representatives will refrain from addressing or speaking any and all game officials anywhere off the field of play, other than to greet or thank them as graciously as possible.


• Game officials are our equals – they are here to provide and perform just as valuable and important role as any team administrator, coach, player, or supporter.

• As we err, so might they… in that instance, we must afford them the same respect, understanding, empathy and support we would hope to have reserved for ourselves!

• The game officials are the neutral parties!!! We (the team administrators, coaches, players and supporters) are the ones with the “vested interests”, so theirs must be the

benefit of any doubt!!!

Always bear in mind, as well:

“You don’t know what they know… and you didn’t see what they saw…”


Football is a very simple game. And it has always been the teams that execute their basic offense effectively who have enjoyed the most success. Just good, old fashioned, hard nosed, down your throat, “stop us if you can” offense. And that’s exactly the way the we play offensive football! Every team has to start somewhere, and our team prides itself on running an established, basic offense – and running that offense WELL! It is an offense that demands proper execution through hard work, determination, and attention to detail. It is an offense that promises success on the filed through proper execution.

We would have it no other way… and we will get it no other way…

What it takes to play OUR Offense:

1. Know your ALIGNMENT, know your ASSIGNMENT. On each offensive play, you must know where you are to be – and what you are to do from there. If you can do this, we can effectively move the football. If YOU can’t… WE can’t, either!

2. ALWAYS use proper TECHNIQUE.

When carrying the ball, taking a fake, running a pattern, or throwing a block, PROPER TECHNIQUE is a must! Not only do we eliminate offensive breakdowns by eliminating poor technique across the board on each and every play, more importantly, we lessen the risk of serious injury by doing the right thing the right way!

3. Get where you’re going “Firstest with the Mostest”.

Offense always has the advantage of knowing the snap count. Use that advantage to our advantage by getting where you need to be as quickly and effectively as possible. (And always arrive in an ill temper!)

4. Drive until the whistle blows.

We play hard on every down – on each side of the ball – and nothing demonstrates this more than our entire offense driving until the whistle stops play – on EVERY play!

5. Stay focused – move ahead productively.

In order to move the football and score points we must operate together as a team. We must stay together – and stay on task – by not dwelling on what has happened (good or bad), but by focusing on what is happening – and on what we need to make happen to keep moving forward.


We approach each game we are to play as the ONLY game we are to play. We prepare for each game generally with proper conditioning and a focused attitude, and specifically by concentrating on whatever aspects of our overall team effort we must fine tune to be successful against that particular opponent. No matter what we may determine to be our most productive formations, plays, and/or executions for each of these specific opponents,

we have found that certain general offensive goals MUST be pursued against ALL opponents if we are to hold out any reasonable hope of being successful offensively.

Chief among these are the following five basics:

Our Offensive Goals:

1. Drive whenever we have the ball. It is the job of our offense to put points on the scoreboard. The most convincing way to do this is to simply drive the ball through our opponent and into the end zone – and to do so every time we have the ball!

2. Always come away from the “Green Zone” with points.

We call the area from the plus 20 yard line to the goaline the “Green Zone”.

(Conversely, we call the area from the minus 20 yardline to the goaline the “Red Zone”… Think about it… “Green” means “GO!”, “Red” means “STOP!”)

Whenever we have the ball in this area we must execute our offense as well as we possibly can – and come away with something positive (like POINTS!!). If not, it’s like setting the table… and throwing away the meal!

3. Finish every touchdown with a successful try.

Whether it’s one or two (especially two!) we must convert the try after we’ve gotten the touchdown. To put it simply – points are points are points, and our job on offense is to make sure we end up with more of them than our opponent does. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM COUNTS!!

4. Score points in each quarter.

Scoring points is a direct result of proper offensive execution – and proper offensive execution is our goal every time we have the ball. Therefore, if it can be assumed that we should have the ball at least once every quarter, it can then be assumed that we should generate offensive points in each quarter! (Think about it…!)

5. Do not turn the ball over. Ever.

Our offense can simply not score points without the football, gentlemen. Enough said…


Offensive Terminology

Concepts of: • Offensive “Right” and “Left” = mean as WE align (FACING our opponent)…

• “Playside” and “Backside” = PLAYSIDE means the side of the offense the play is designed to be run to… BACKSIDE means the opposite side (away from designed point of attack…!)

• INTERIOR Offensive Line = Center, Guards (left and right) and Tackles (left and tight). These positions are ineligible to go downfield to receive passes – and the last player on each side of the interior offensive line (usually the Tackles) MUST be “covered” on the line of scrimmage by an eligible receiver = our Offensive ENDS…

• Offensive ENDS = TIGHT(Y) and/or SPLIT(X) (on each end of the Interior Offensive Line)

• REMEMBER: we play TIGHT ENDS and/or SPLIT ENDS ONLY!!!! (we have no positions called “wide receiver”, or “wide out”… We call those positions “Slot Receiver” and/or “Flanker”…)

In ALL formations and at ALL times we need:

SEVEN ON THE LINE!* (and only FOUR in the backfield!!)

* no interior lineman should ever be “uncovered” (making the formation illegal by us having 5 in the backfield!), and no eligible ends should ever be “covered” (and thereby made ineligible) at ANY time for ANY reason**!!!

** see Coaching Points as related to “Over” call/set, and that relationship to “covering”

Offensive Backs: Quarterback (1), Slot/Wing back (Z), Fullback (F), Halfback (H),

Offensive Ends: Tight End (Y), Split End (X)






WING (wing right shown)






SLOT (slot left shown)






PRO* (pro right shown)


* Coaching Staff will explain subtleties of definitions for

“Pro”, “Over”, “Heavy” and “Special” formation types…



Some of you may have heard it said that “The best defense is a good offense.” While that may be the thinking of some of our opponents, it simply will not do for us.

We know that the best defense is THE BEST DEFENSE! That means THE best defense – second to none!! What is required to achieve that defense is each individual athlete on

defense playing to the best of their given ability and working well with each of their teammates to produce simply THE BEST DEFENSE.

You owe that to your team, you owe it to yourselves and we – as coaches – will accept nothing less.

What it takes to play Our Defense:

1. Know your ALIGNMENT, know your ASSIGNMENT. On every defensive play know where to be and what to do from where you are to be. If all eleven defenders do just that, basic defensive breakdowns are eliminated – and our defense plays like it’s capable of.

2. ALWAYS use proper TECHNIQUE. Again, you owe it to the team, to yourselves – and to your opponents. We will not tolerate sloppy, cheap, dangerous defensive technique! You can be just as tough, just as aggressive, just as effective within the rules of the game – and that is the only way we play the game!

3. Play with pride. Remember who and what you are – and let your play reflect that at all times.

4. Be a hitter. Be aggressive – take the initiative on EVERY defensive play. Remember, “It’s far better to give than to receive!”

5. NEVER say “Die”. “I can’t” means “I don’t want to”… No matter what the situation, no matter how bad things may appear – if YOU, as a player, refuse to give up, then WE – as a TEAM – will not…


As you know (from carefully having studied the “Offensive” section of your playbook already!), we enter each of our games with a set offensive game plan – meaning: we have a list of certain, specific things we feel we need to accomplish on offense to be successful against that particular opponent. Well, we do the same thing on DEFENSE, as well – and a key ingredient to our achieving success on the field is that the heart of our defensive game plan – our defensive goals – never vary from game to game, from opponent to opponent. We want our defense to dictate the flow of the game. We know that if the

following five defensive goals are achieved in each game and against each opponent, the result will be nothing short of success:

Our Defensive Goals:

1. Do not allow our opponent to mount any sustained drives. The best way to keep an opponent from scoring is to keep their offense off the football field. Simple enough.

2. Do not allow “the BIG play”.

Nothing hurts a defense more quickly or more deeply than keeping an opponent down, only to have them bust out with a large gain (or a long score!). Remember, each play is crucial – as soon as YOU let up, you let US down…

3. Never allow a two point conversion.

This comes down to pride, gentlemen… A touchdown hurts enough – don’t allow an opponent to add insult to injury with a successful two point try! We need to take whatever momentum they thought they got with the six by denying them the two!

4. Allow no points in the fourth quarter.

Again, this is a matter of pride. To control the game, we must control the final period of play. If we are behind, we cannot afford to fall further behind. If we are ahead, we cannot allow our opponent to get back in the game.

5. Force at least one turnover a game.

Average football teams wait for things to happen – good teams MAKE things happen! We can score points more quickly – and score more points! – with the ball than without it!


Defensive Huddle




Our DEFENSIVE huddle remains the same in principle regardless of the base defense we’re in, or the defensive variation called: MIKE facing huddle ½ yard off ball, Defensive Linemen, Linebackers, D-


All defensive players will face the ball (except M, who faces huddle).

The defensive unit will huddle @ 1 ½ yards off the football on the “HUDDLE! HUDDLE!” call

of the designated “huddle caller” (usually LT)…

**** “HUDDLE!” means SILENCE!!! ***** “HUDDLE!” means SILENCE!!! ****

After huddle is formed (as M gets defensive call from sideline) SAM will make the “Down and Distance call” (this must be done on every play!!)

Example: “Third and seven… Third and seven”

MIKE then steps to huddle, makes defensive call:

After making defensive call, M says, “Ready… BREAK!”, with the rest of the huddle clapping loudly and answering “BREAK!” on that command…

The defense then aligns in it’s proper set, any/all “read” calls are made… then PLAY DEFENSE!!

C.P. = In any “hurry up” or “No huddle” situations, M makes defensive calls FROM THE LINE!!





Your head should slide to the downfield side, and the MAIN POINT and FORCE of contact

MUST be your shoulder or chest!


NEVER hit with your head!!


In order to be an excellent and effective defensive football player it is necessary to practice the fundamentals of tackling on a frequent basis. A PROPER TACKLE is an aggressive, attacking action that incorporates the fundamentals of: APPROACH, COLLISION, and FINISH. THE APPROACH: Attack the ball carrier where he is – as you approach, keep your butt down, your knees bent, and your head up… keep your eyes open and at ball level. THE COLLISION: As you come to the point of contact, accelerate through the ball – make contact with your shoulder, and punch your arms up through the armpits, snap your butt and roll your hips into the ball carrier… and “bite the ball”!! THE FINISH: Wrap - squeeze with your arms – grab cloth… continue to drive your legs!!

Get after people on every play, and OUT HIT THEM! Once you see the ball, come full speed – not half speed!

You’ve got to want to get in on the hit on every defensive play!!

TACKLING – This is what defensive football is all about! You can’t beat a defender who’s going full speed

toward the ball carrier. This is where playing the best defense you’re capable of gains respect for you as a football player, and for us as a football team. If you can tackle

aggressively and effectively in every game, opponents will let down when they play us! Every part of every tackle is important – an assisted tackle is just as important as a solo tackle! If eleven defenders are flying to the ball on every play we’ll get as many of us as possible on

the ball carrier…

Proper Tackling = Safe, Effective, FUN!!

Basic Qualities of a Sound Tackler

Desire – Effort – Form - Ability

Proper Hitting Position

- Good base, neck bulled, elbows in. - Eyes open and feet accelerating on contact. - Ankles and knees flexed (power angles!) - Weight on balls of feet. - Shoulders square. - Slight forward lean (shoulders over balls of feet) - Target and aim point- aim point will be the football or the base of one number depending on approach angle - Be under control!!! - Attack!!! Shoot your arms and drive up through the ball carrier. Accelerate on contact and do not over stride. Carry your technique beyond the ball carrier, wrap your arms and grab cloth, drive your legs.

On Contact •Wrap, grab cloth and drive your legs •Stop the runners forward progress and take his legs away •If you lose your leg drive and the ball carrier is not on the ground, drop your weight straight to the ground and pull down.

Basic Techniques for Different Types of Tackles

- Angle- Get your head across in front of the ball carrier and deliver your blow using a shoulder tackle. Get shoulders square and drive ball carrier up field. If ball carrier tries to spin out work your back hip up field.

- Open Field- You must stop the TD run. Give ground if needed and take proper pursuit angle. Do not try and make the perfect tackle. Just get a hold of the ball carrier and wait for help.

- Head on- Use proper stalk/breakdown technique, sink and step, slide head on contact, roll the hips and punch the arms through, driving the same leg, same shoulder into the ballcarrier and keep driving your feet

- Rear- If you can get to the ball carrier on your feet, this is a position to strip the football. If needed dive and clip the heel of the ball carrier.

- Gang- Excellent team pursuit is what creates great gang tackling. Second or third man to the ball should be tackling and stripping the football. Never stop until you hear the whistle.

Tackling Tips:

- If you are the second or third man in on the tackle, go for the football! Your angle of attack will determine your technique for removing the football (strip or punch). Coaching Point: make sure the first tackler has secured the ball carrier.

- If you are being contained by a blocker and cannot get a good shot, reach out for the football with BOTH hands. Tackle the football!

- If you are approaching the ball carrier from behind and capable of tackling high, strip the football. This how a large percentage of fumbles are caused.

- Through film study and scouting reports we will pick up hints as to which ball carriers are more susceptible to having a forced fumble.

- When rushing the passer, go for his passing arm and slap at the football or arm.

- Gang tackling is the single best method of causing a fumble.

Specific Tackling Technique While Rushing the Passer

- Watch the QB’s eyes and tackle high – NEVER leave your feet!!!!!!

- Wait until you are about 2 yards from the QB before raising your arms – aiming point: the QB’s throwing arm.

- When you are in a position to tackle the QB, tackle high and squeeze him, pin his arms to the side. Don’t reach!

Defensive Communication

In all of our defensive sets COMMUNICATION is the key that will unlock the door to our greatest success. No matter how physically talented we are as a defense – no matter how

strong, how fast, how smart, how tough, or how nasty we may be – if we don’t COMMUNICATE (and communicate effectively!) we will never come close to realizing our full potential as a defensive unit. We’ll never be as good as we could be. We’ll never play

at the level we’re truly capable of achieving…

And that is certainly not what we’re about…!

One of the things that allows our defense to communicate effectively is making sure everyone is involved in that communication. And we do mean EVERYone! The players on the field… The players on the sideline… The coaches on the field… The coaches in the pressbox… EVERYONE!! As soon as you recognize a play, YELL!! If you see a sweep, yell “SWEEP!”. If you see the quarterback drop back to pass, yell “PASS!”. If you see a draw play, yell “DRAW!!”. Always remember: in order to play solid defensive football, we need to know what’s happening at all times!! As soon as you see something

happening – alert your teammates!!

Besides these obvious, recognition-type calls (i.e. “SWEEP!”, “COUNTER!”, “PASS!”, etc.) we also have a few other key defensive communications. Whenever the football is on the ground (no matter who put it there – or how it got there!) we ALL yell “BALL!!”. This

alerts our entire team that the football is free somewhere on the football field – and greatly increases our chances of falling on it…!! Whenever you HEAR “BALL!!”, YELL “BALL!!”

– whether you’ve actually seen it or not…!!! Footballs are well known for taking crazy bounces, and if there are eleven of us looking for it, chances are it’ll bounce our way…!!

Whenever the opposing quarterback drops back to pass, naturally the defense yells “PASS!!”. But what do we yell when he actually throws the football? We all yell “AIR!!” – this allows everyone on defense to make an immediate and seamless transition from

“pass rush/pass coverage” to “pass defense and pursuit”…

Since our defense is now more effectively defending the pass while it’s still in the air, we should naturally expect to produce a greater number of passes defensed… and

interceptions. Whenever we intercept a pass, the defender who made the interception yells “SCORE!!”. Once again, whenever you hear “SCORE!”, yell “SCORE!!” (whether you see the interception or not!). This allows our entire defensive unit to immediately and seamlessly transition to an OFFENSIVE UNIT – producing legal blocks and positive return

schemes that move the ball further up the field in the direction we need to go!!


To play quality defense… To play successful defense… To play OUR DEFENSE…

We ALL have to know what’s going on at all times!!


General Defensive Considerations:

• Opponents skills and abilities: � Size, strength, speed – and ability to use them effectively on the football field…

• Your own skills and abilities – strengths and weaknesses: � Size, strength, speed – and ability to use them effectively on the football field…

• Your knowledge (and application!) of correct and accurate game situation: down, distance, time…

• Your actual play = Alignment, Assignment, Technique, & Execution

• No dumb mistakes… (mental and physical!!)

• Know field and playing conditions – and play accordingly: � Wet = give a bigger cushion, strive for more controlled cuts, possibility that straight

ahead running replaces “edge” running, possibility that passes may not be thrown as accurately or with as much velocity…

� Windy = the football may carry when thrown with the wind, and hang when thrown into the wind… Cross winds may also affect movement of the ball in the air…





At first glance, special teams play may seem very unglamorous, unrewarding, unimportant, and unenviable. That may be how many of our opponents feel about special teams, but we know better. We, however, will always take a great deal of pride in the play of our special teams – and in our special teams players. We have seen time and time again how crucial this phase of the game truly is. To put it simply, special teams can make or break a game. Special teams plays executed properly can lead to a HUGE

momentum swing for us: possession of the football, great field position, and (best of all!) POINTS. Special teams play executed poorly can only hand these things to our

opponents – and take away from our total team effort…

Remember: Every phase of the game is important – and the team that dominates the most phases enjoys the most success.

What it takes to play Special Teams for us:

1. Know your ALIGNMENT, know your ASSIGNMENT. Knowing where to be and what you are to do every time you’re on the field – and then just doing it!!

2. ALWAYS use proper TECHNIQUE. Nothing kills a seemingly great special teams play more quickly or cruelly than an illegal block, a hold, or an arm tackle. And nothing can be more dangerous – to yourself, to your opponent… even to your teammates. Remember – we may only get one chance to do something, but we do it the right way every chance we get!

3. Desire. Wanting to make a positive impact on the game by making something good happen for us.

4. Determination. Knowing that it’s up to you to do your job for the play to turn out successfully – and letting no one and/or no thing stand in the way of your doing it.

5. Pride! Pride!! PRIDE!!! In one form or another, one of our special teams is always the first unit of our team that an opponent sees. ALWAYS let them know – right from the start – who we are, and what we’re about. Set the tone… Set the tempo… and follow through every chance you get…


Just as with our offensive and defensive units, our special teams units have an established group of gameday goals, which we are determined to meet – against every opponent we play, and in every game we play them. These are constant, consistent goals we strive to consistently achieve, with the knowledge that doing so will only improve our total team

effort to succeed… and that failing to meet them is not an option!

Our Special Teams Goals:

1. NEVER allow an opponent a touchdown on special teams. We need to dominate this area of the contest – totally and completely. Nothing demonstrates this ideal more concretely than denying any of their units the end zone.

2. Limit their return yardage – maximize ours. Our job is to set our offensive and defensive units up with the most advantageous field position possible. This means bottling our opponents up and not allowing them to establish better field position when we kick the ball to them – and moving the ball further back up the field from where they kicked it to us. Simple…

3. Complete ball maintenance. Whenever our opponent kicks us the ball we must maintain it. Whenever we kick it to them we must contain it – and cover it if they put it on the floor.

4. Have none of our kicks blocked. Ever. This is a matter of pride – and proper execution. Most blocked kicks are the direct result of improper and/or lazy execution on our part. We don’t teach football that way – you don’t play football that way.

5. Execute our “fakes” properly – deny their “fakes” the possibility of working AT ALL!.

We play hard-nosed, up front, “in your face and down your throat” football all the time. But, every once and awhile, we throw something “extra” in to the mix. If we ever do – when we do – that “something special” MUST work. Conversely, we cannot afford to EVER have those tables “turned” on us, so to speak. Much like blocked kicks, successful “fakes” by our opponents (onsides kicks, fake punt/PAT/field goals, etc) are the direct result of improper/lazy execution on our part. Again, we don’t TEACH football that way – you don’t PLAY football that way. EVER!




As soon as

YOU let up,

you let

US down.

“I can’t.”


“I don’t want to.”

If not YOU… WHO?

If not NOW…


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