
Slides 15-21

The voice of the company is important for it represents their identity in the market.

voice of the companies sounds very much identical and monotonous.

The mission vision just like their voices and brochures should be easily understood by its employees and all the people who will read it.

dog and pony show means “any type of presentation or display that is somewhat pathetically contrived or overly intricate, or put on for purposes of gaining approval for a program, policy, etc.” - wikipedia

If companies still continue the way they speak, they will lose their market, their audience,

companies advertised their products in radios, billboards, posters and most often in the televisions during mass media.

Companies should not think that markets from today and from the mass media era are the same

The people using the internet are more open compared to the people who watches tv.

Companies are still thinking that they are still in the era of mass media in which they were able to control the people and the market.

People are able to connect with each other making a wide community and conversations

People are getting smarter than never before because now they are able to get knowledge from the internet and at the same time from other people who use the internet.

The internet enables companies to communicate with their markets.

If they don’t use it, it might be too late for them to take advantage of it.

They just have to listen to the market to know what they need or want.

Companies are still thinking and still living in the past.

People are getting smarter.

People start to say “no” to companies and even laugh at them

Companies sound so serious and formal when talking to the public or to their market or people.

They too focused on their business plans that they forget the only plan that they need is for them to listen to what the market needs or wants and for them just to produce it and sell it to the people or the market.

Have a sense of humor for you to sound human and for people to trust and believe in you more.

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