Club Newsletter -

Post on 21-Dec-2021






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Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Newsletter Items, Idle Gossip, etc to (deadline midnight Monday)

Club Newsletter 7/5/19

Book Launch ~ May 9th

At 17 years of age, Peter Warner ran away to sea, commencing a lifetime of maritime adventure. From his early service with the Swedish and Norwegian navies and fishing fleets, to taking line honours in three Sydney to Hobarts

with , later establishing his own fishing fleet, and his rescue of teenage castaways in the Kingdom of Tonga, where (as a local hero to the castaways’ grateful community) he would relocate with his young family… RRSRC is proud to have Peter – who is our most senior Club member – share tales from his remarkable life.

Peter will be launching two volumes of his autobiography at the Club from

5pm on Thursday, May 9th. Nibbles and soft drinks provided. and

will be available to purchase at $22 each, or both volumes for $39.

Commodore Phill Robbins 0466668541 Vice Commodore Jonathan Horsley 0412798505 Rear Commodore Chris Hallett 0414866998 Secretary Nola Hallett 0414866999 Treasurer Norm Hunt 66291366 Class Reps Gennakers – Duncan Dey Catamarans – Col Woodbry Trailers – Ian Michie Monos – Graham Hams Rowing Officer Gerald Anderson Website Admin Mark Pierce Instagram/Facebook Admin Trent Morgan Training team Graeme Turner



1. Book launch – Peter Warner 2. Trailer Sailor report 3. Gennaker report 7. Monohull report 8. Catamaran report 14. Interview 26. Racing this weekend 26. Mr Wiley’s Winter Training Programme 27. Club weather station 28. Bird’s eye footage 29. Reminder/Race Q’s 31. Use of Club tractor 31. Club shirts 32. Idle gossip 32. Upcoming away events 32. Crew available/crew wanted 33. For sale/wanted/free

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Race Reports for May 5th

Trailer Sailor Report (Andrew McInnes)

Certainly a good looking kite, Shades making the best of it

Three trailers, (Matt & John), (Norm’s new boat purchased from Paul with Ian as crew)

and . , & were all up at Hervey Bay doing the Bay to Bay race (haven’t seen the results yet). Colin & Graeme AWOL. Fluctuating winds of 5 – 10kts predominantly from the south. Reverse course starting near the green mark down to Mobbs Bay entrance then down near Ramada and back through the gate in front of the club. Procession around the course and all over in about an hour. I used my keel as a depth sounder before the race in the area normally used by surfers but recovered for slightly late start. Finish order was

and . Nice day out.

eX Tango sailor in eX

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Gennaker Report (Michael Wiley)

Toxic on the fly

The light southerly breeze was kind but the attempt to include a true windward leg failed. Due to the low tide the leeward mark was kept south of the shallows off Missingham Park rather than down near the bridge itself. Six roundings of the windward mark off Mobbs Bay left various sailors doubting their maths. Barry has now invented the marine abacus (see Idle Gossip).

Laura & Francine avoided mishap in F15 to cream the fleet on handicap, second week in a row.

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Laura and Francine powering to victory in Numero Uno

Mike sailed an awesome second half of the race in F15 but two swims in the first half of the race cost him & Steffen dearly and saw them having to recover from behind the RS100's.

The loose reach to windward suited the two RS100's this time. Both planed for much of the race,

keeping those pesky Formula 15's within sight. Vince in stayed just ahead of Duncan

in but with Vince's slightly shorter handicap, Duncan pipped him by 1 second on handicap.

Duncan attempting to slide beneath Vince, another encounter among the many ongoing captivating RS100 duals they engage in

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Barry & Clare in F15 sailed with skill to win comfortably on scratch, and come second on corrected time.

Barry and Clare on the way to Mobbs

Tom & Brendan in were within reach for much of the race but faded at the end of the race.

Tom and Brendan had some great speedy runs

Dan & Ewan in F15 added to the pressure of the top three Fifteens until the spinnaker halyard took the bottom half of the jib with it into the boat giving a very sad DNF.

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Dan and Ewan in Mr Bond

Mere seconds separated the place getters from third to sixth. Well done everybody!

Numero Uno moving really well in what looks like minimal breeze

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Monohull Report (Roy Craven)

Des, Graham Hams, Graham Hodgins, Mark, Dave was on his moth, and myself.

Roy in Zephyr heading towards the river mouth

I didn’t see the start, missed it completely, but had a good close race with Graham Hodgins, finishing only a minute or so apart, Mark was up ahead by quite a ways in his D1, with Graham Hams a long way in front as usual. Des was not far behind but then must have pulled the petted lip, as he eventually finished way back, he needs a lot more wind with his displacement.

Olde Golde shining in the sun

Editor – Thanks to Roy for putting a report together. Dave did offer later, but wasn’t in the greatest position to observe things considering his race. He had thought there would be more wind (in line

with the forecast) and sailed . Unfortunately with the light air, at times he ended up going very slowly and in search of gusts to help him foil, eventually resulting in a DNF. Mark wrote he ‘was too far ahead of most of the fleet to see what was happening’. Graham Hodgins wrote that ‘Truth is, it was a bit boring, in that after the first 10 minutes there was no race position changes and ever expanding gaps except between Roy and I’

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


We started close to the green buoy beating to Mobbs, across to the club then back down stream, Got hooted when passing the club the last few laps, so we just followed what Graham did for a few more laps.

It was a nice sunny winters day, perfect light sailing, Mark said he had a nice relaxing sail, as did I.

Catamaran/(Trimaran) Report (Jonathon Horsley)

A small fleet of cats and one tri faced the starter with a light to moderate south to southwest breeze which was below the prediction of 25 knots. Michael followed Phill’s lead from last week an undertook duty when leading the cat class handicap competition, to his benefit. The course was set with a start midway between the green channel marker and Shaws Bay and the first buoy half way to Mobbs to try and get a windward leg.

Tony in First Strike dicing with the point near the green channel marker

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


As the cats lined up for the start, secured the prime position and was first across the

start line, closely followed by , , and .

This lead was short lived as both as and powered past to have a close tussle to the first mark and second mark.

The course favoured the 2 sail cats, with the short close-hauled legs and plenty of tight to broad reaches. The varying wind offered fun sailing with plenty of spray off the hulls

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


The race became a procession with leading chased by , ,

, and .

Yes folks, a trimaran was racing, steered by Hank Stanton – aptly named ‘Tri’

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


The leg past the club house was a tight reach with plenty fun sailing.

As the race progressed the wind lightened but it presented some windy sections. The short course made for some interesting buoy rounding’s with all different the boats arriving at varying speeds. The short laps allowed the two 5.8’s to lap all the other boats before they finished.

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


After the application personal handicaps won the race from and


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Seamus waving at the buzzing thing taking footage, whilst also on the way to race win!

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Many thanks to Michael and his son who volunteered to do the duty, Gunter for the tower and Ric and Roland on the starting/rescue boat.

Get To Know A Club Member

Every newsletter will feature an interview with a different club member The questions are designed with a focus on sailing experiences. This week we interview the flying Baz Bradford, skipper of Flying 15, sail number 06 - Trade Secret.

Name: Barry Bradford

Nickname: Baz

Name and type of boat/s sailed at the club:

Formula 15 – ‘

Role on Boat:

Skipper Number of Seasons at RRSRC:


Roles in the Club (now and previously):

Active Member

Where did you learn to sail? In what class/classes of boat?

Self taught in an old Enterprise dinghy on the Norfolk Broads in England

Have you been a member of other sailing clubs, if so, which?

Yes, Great Yarmouth and Gorleston Sailing Club and Rollesby Broad Sailing Club in England.

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


This is my first boat, an Enterprise and we had no idea how to sail or even rig it!

Sailing my favorite 505 at a Grafham SC regatta.

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


What class or type of boats have you sailed in your life?

Enterprise, Norfolk Punt, Wayfarer, 505, RS400, Merlin Rocket, Laser, Tasar, Byte C2, Albacore, International 14, Fireball, Javelin, Boss skiff, Buzz Skiff, 30'Cruising Catamaran and my current Formula 15 Skiff and Sonata 6.7.

Just finished a 7 month winter refit of my first 505 with a now very pregnant crew (wife) and that was the end of our racing partnership but not our marriage luckily!

The 505

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Favourite and why?

30' Cruising Catamaran because it took me and my family on an adventure of a lifetime for a year in 2004 and 2005 sailing up the East coast of Australia exploring 69 islands on the way.

Sailing up the East coast in our Cloud 10 Catamaran in 2004, Daniel and Adam were 8 and 10 and Asher was just a thought! Daniel is on left.

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Putting plaque up in the shelter of Middle Percy Island, it is a cruising tradition.

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Shelter from outside

Working on our boat.

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Me and my boys on board our Cat.

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Raising the anchor was a two man job to save battery power!

Best sailing experience?

Winning an Australian Championships with my son Daniel three times.

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Worst sailing experience?

Crossing the bar at 1770, QLD. while travelling up the East coast of Australia in our 30' Catamaran on a day when we should not have ventured out!

Have you sailed at any state or national titles? If so, what ones?

Many in England and Australia

Best results

Second, Third and Fourth in the Boss 16' Skiff UK Nationals.

Second and three firsts in the Formula 15 skiff Australian Championships with my eldest son Daniel.

Winning the Elephant Trophy in a 120 boat fleet.

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Me and Dave my crew at the time in our 16 foot Boss Carbon Skiff

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


One of my favorite pic's of me and Dan in the F15

Best results in a series at RRSRC?

V.Y.C winner, Handicap Winner

Suggestions on how sailing as a sport could be improved?

It's hard to improve! But the image it has could be improved for sure because it is anything from boring, as some none sailing folk think. Mike Wiley is doing a great job by getting people straight in to the fun end of sailing, as in hanging off the side of fast skiffs, and having great success!

Why do you go sailing?

The challenge of constantly learning how to improve my skills, tactics and work in harmony with my crew Anna (Hugenholtz) to get the best out of the boat and of course three sail blasting! Apart from the cheese/dips and crackers why do you sail at RRSRC on a Sunday?

I grew up in England, I now live, work and sail in paradise, where else would I sail?

Are there any sailing dreams you aspire to?

Keep learning and sail till I die!

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Barry and Anna earlier this season

Any boat you aspire to?

40' Cruising Catamaran designed and built by my eldest son Daniel who is a Naval Architect.

Any advice for up and coming sailors?

Sailing is not something that you master overnight but the effort you put in will be very well rewarded and never take yourself too seriously!

Any superstitions or customs in relation to your sailing?

When I go skiff sailing or windsurfing on a big wind day I always pray for the safety of myself and my crew.

Would you like to share one thing that people at the club might not know about you?

At the age of 18 and knowing nothing about sailing, my friend and I jumped into the sailing dinghy we had just bought and too our shock we only seemed capable of sailing it in reverse.

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Racing this weekend

As it is Mothers Day this Sunday there is no race – however, as per the calendar a Saturday Social race (11th) is scheduled - possibly a pursuit race; possibly up river. To be decided closer to date re wind. Sounds like a lot of fun!

Mr Wiley’s Winter Training Programme

Hi all As I’ve mentioned, I do intend to run a winter training program again this winter. It will consist of both theoretical sessions and on water sailing practice. In this case (with the permissions of the club), the on water sailing will include both skiff sailing and practice sessions steering a Laser to give more people time to just get some practice helming a sail boat. The theory will be very similar to last year, with the exception that there will be a stand alone class dealing with the racing rules (which I would guess some of last year’s attendees would like to come for). I normally let people know what will be covered in an upcoming class and provide written notes.

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Now I know a number of you (at least 3) are away in June and, in addition, I am having a small BCC removed from the top of my foot very late May for which my doctor tells me he will not countenance the usual early return to sailing because of the thinness of the skin there and the longer healing time.

So it is all likely to start mid to late June.

In the mean time, if those away could give me their dates of absence, I will do my best to minimise what you miss to the extent practical.

Any club member (or intending member) can attend the theory classes, regardless whether they are part of the skiff group. If you know of someone who would like to be added to this distribution group, please have them contact me by email.

Conversely, I don’t like to pointlessly clog up email in boxes. If anyone would like to be omitted from the distribution list or only notified of the rules day please let me know. Cheers Michael 0417 455 106

Club Weather Station

The clubhouse now has a Davis weather station on the roof, with a display panel in the clubhouse. There are two ways you can access our weather station.

Firstly, you can find our weather station online at Log in with the following:


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Password: (I will email out password)

Secondly, you can download the WeatherLink app for iPhone or Android.

Download this app, set up your account and search for our weather station by map of Ballina or by name:

“Richmond River Sailing Club.” Phill

Bird’s Eye Footage

More wonderful aerial footage, taken from last Sunday’s race by Jason McFadden. Many thanks also to Jason from the newsletter editor, for being able to pinch snap shots of some of the fleet for the newsletter!

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

29 - clip of the club in action. a selection of Formula 15 skiffs


A reminder please to our key holder members to return all the things they use or borrow or tell me!? In response to a missing club spinnaker pole.

Thanks cheers Chris Hallet


From Graeme Fleming

FYI We used this app at the Sail Paradise regatta as it was compulsory for all Yachts. Amazing playback of races.

Welcome to raceQs, the innovative sailing program that will change the way you sail!

To confirm you registration please click to link below

Check out this video for a quick demo of the raceQs sailing system.

Download It

Download and register the FREE raceQs app, available in the iPhone store or the Android market.

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Go Sailing

With just a push of a button, create your own 3D replays by recording a race with raceQs’ free smartphone app. The app is also a powerful race computer designed to help you sail

faster. Learn More

Watch It After you are done sailing, login to your raceQs account on a computer to view your

automatically generated 3D race replay. Learn more

Share It Easily share your replay with your crew, post it on Facebook, or replay it at the Yacht Club.

If you prefer, you can always choose to keep your replay private.

Need more help now? Check out our website and FAQ. We would love to hear from you with your questions and suggestions by email


The raceQs Team

Commonly Asked Questions

Do I need to keep my phone on deck, in view of "open sky" like my GPS?

No, the app will still work below decks, safely stowed in your bag. You can even set it to automatically shut-off when your phone battery reaches various levels.

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478



New Rules re Trailer:

1. At low tide you must ask one of 3 people to supervise (Chris Hallett, Jonathan Horsley or

Col Woodbry)

2. At high tide approved drivers are ok to retrieve or launch on the ramp.

We will find a process that works and is safe for the RIB. - Phill

Club Shirts

(As worn by Secretary Nola and Commodore Phill –

reflective safety vest optional)

Here’s your chance to wear the colours of your club, to proudly display what you do every Sunday – wear a club shirt! Royal Blue Club shirts payment required at time of order into RRSRC account with your name as reference BSB: 728728 ACC: 22288328 Email or text Nola with size or 0414 866999

Mens Long sleeve polo - $37 Short sleeve polo - $35 Cotton T-shirt - $20 Ladies Short sleeve polo - $31 Kids Cotton T-shirt - $17

Wotif Offer to our Club!

Book your next travel or accommodation with Wotif and quote this code: ASF043153 and we will receive a donation from Wotif. Support our club when you or your family or friends travel.

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Idle Gossip – Please send anything interesting sailing or club related to

Maths with the Gennaker division

Unfortunately with the high number of laps required for the Gennaker division on occasion, the accurate counting of laps is proving to be problematic. Barry has come up with a device to help the process – the ‘marine abacus’. Here is a photo:

Upcoming Away Events

If anyone knows of any more events or would like an event posted please let me know –

Crew Available/Crew Wanted

Seamus, an enthusiastic graduate from our last Learn to Sail course, is keen to continue his learning by crewing on any boat available. Seamus has already crewed on a NS14, Nacra 5.8 and Spider 550. Please help him continue his involvement with the club by giving him a place, if possible. Email his mother Jill at if you have a spot for him

If you need some crew or are wanting to have a sail in a race please make your intentions known here by contacting

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


For Sale/Wanted/Free to a Good Home

If you have any sailing related items for sale or if you want to buy something sailing related and want it put in the newsletter please let me know –


Details are:

Castle 650, Mr Squiggle, Sail Number 61.

Generally good condition.

New Doyle Main and No 1, near new No 2 and No 3. Older Main and No 1 (Still usable). Old

Dacron Main.

Spinnaker with launching shute.

Near new 8hp Tohatsu.

Trailer in good condition.

New complete storage cover/tarp.

Price $15,000.00 Neg.

Ph Todd Goldsmith 0427002571.

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478



Anyone interested in buying a Nacra Sirroco catamaran in excellent condition? Asking $4750 ono. Scott Lewin



PRICE $3500 - Fibreglass Melville hull

- Minimum weight

- 2 Polyester sails

- Magic Marine bag for spars

- Carbon tiller and rudder box

- Beach trolley

- Good boat cover

- Always stored under cover For any enquires and further information please call Georges on 0431 213 774

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


FOR SALE I550 Sports Boat. Baby Faced Assassin

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Professionally built in 2007. Ply with west system. The boat is light weight and in very good cond. Double spreader carbon mast Alm. Boom Square top mylar main, high aspect mylar jib. Plus smaller jib. Mast head spinnakers and fractional spinnaker. Fold away canting spinnaker pole. Near new alum. Trailer. April 2020 rego. Outboard. $9000.00 See Graham Hams at the Club or phone Michael Mills 0432 648 267

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


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