ClouT 2015 Field Trials latest · ICT business case studies. Swedish Parliamentarians were especially interested in integrating

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ClouT project was officially launched on April 1st

2013, on behalf of the European Commission and the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) in Japan. ClouT, which stands for “cloud of things”, is providing infrastructure, services, tools and applications that will be used by municipalities, citizens, service developers and application integrators to create, deploy and manage applications that take advantage of the latest advances in the Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud domains. The project aims at providing a reference Cloud + IoT architecture and developing its instances to be deployed in 4 pilot cities: Santander, Genova, Fujisawa and Mitaka. The ClouT project is bringing together prestigious private companies such as ST Microelectronics, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SpA, Panasonic, NTT East, NTT R&D as well as academic institutes such as CEA-LETI, University of Cantabria, Keio University and National Institute of Informatics, which are strongly committed to bring this first EU-Japan initiative to a success.

ClouT project has just entered into its final phase where the technical work has been transformed into concrete implementations and deployments. This third edition of the ClouT newsletter will give you the latest news on the project results including the status of the current ClouT field trials running in four pilot cities and the access to the 2


year public deliverables. It will also give you feedbacks from our interactions with various stakeholders such as IoT Home Alliance of Japan, FESTIVAL project, Swedish Embassy, etc. You can also explore the two successful international workshops organized: Self-IoT 2015 at the ICAC’15 conference and SmartCities’ 15 at the Ubicomp’15 conference. This month you can still meet ClouT at ICT 2015 in Portugal and IoT Conference 2015 in Seoul. Continue following ClouT via Twitter and LinkedIn accounts that have just been launched! Keep tuned for our final intercontinental trial!

Dr. Levent GÜRGEN (ClouT EU project coordinator) R&D Project Manager, Electronic and Information Technology Laboratory (CEA-LETI)

Satoshi YAMAGUCHI (ClouT JP project coordinator) General Manager, Public Sector Sales Division Corporate Sales Promotion Headquarters NTT East


// OCTOBER 2015

# 03 • 10/2015

ClouT 2015 Field Trials latest results

Field trials leverage on ClouT Reference Architecture for the implementation of a set of applications targeting different domains of the Smart City paradigm. The running applications aim at enabling end-users (citizens, municipality technicians, tourists, policy makers, etc.) to naturally interact with the city, its services and other end-users.

MITAKA - “Paw Collection”

Paw Collection societal impact evaluation

The application contributes to the prevention of isolation of elderly people, by encouraging them to go out and walk through suggested routes that match their interests. The trial has been finalised and the results have been evaluated. For instance 53% answered going out increased, 77% answered enjoyed going out more. Contact: More information:

GENOVA - “I don’t risk”

I don’t risk is one of the most popular mobile applications of Genova City

This application aims to inform citizens about good practices and general information about environmental risks and emergency situations by using environmental data from weather sensors, hydrometers, webcams, etc. With additional features added in 2015, it has become the top mobile application of the Genova City with more than 4000 downloads and average rating of 4/5 based on 51 reviews Contact: More information:

FUJISAWA - “Surfboard / Smiley Coupon”

Fujisawa surfboard and smiley Coupon field trials have been successfully

demonstrated on 27th May 2015 in Kamakura station

The Eno-kama Info Surfboard, and Smiley Coupon applications aim to change tourist behaviour by leveraging IoT. These two applications are based on ClouT architecture and are deployed in Kamakura station in cooperation with Enoshima Electric Railway Co., Ltd. While Surfboard provides city context information, Smiley coupons provides discounts at the local shops. The more you smile the more you have discount! Contact: More information:

FUJISAWA - “Sensorized garbage cars”

This application aims to collect atmospheric information by mobile sensor system installed on garbage collection cars in Fujisawa City. Fujisawa municipality can monitor the location and operational status of each garbage collection car through the Control Center application. Contact: More information:

Control Center application: Red circles indicate locations of each car and the color of a trajectory indicate the value level of the selected sensor type

SANTANDER - “Traffic Mobility Management”

New mobility application screenshots

This application is designed to enable citizens and visitors to get access to enhanced urban mobility experience and to leverage city transportation resources efficiently. Through a single application it is possible to obtain information related to public buses fleet, bikes, taxis, trains, traffic parameters as well as with environmental indicators. Contact: More information:

# 03 • 10/2015

Upcoming trials for the ClouT final phase

Replication of ClouT Smiley Coupon from Fujisawa to Santander!

After the successful trial of the Smiley Coupon in Fujisawa, ClouT replicates it in the Santander city. The application

aims at providing customized coupons for the citizens and visitors according to their degree of smile. Enhanced

shopping experience in Santander city will be achieved thanks to the participation of a wide range of commercial

establishments such as restaurants and shops (fashion, souvenirs, etc.).

Smiley Coupon in Fujisawa Smiley Coupon in Santander

Smiley Coupon will be running in Santander from December 2015 in the entrance of the tourism office within a public display the e-kiosk (500 visitors per month in the winter period). More information:

ClouT Sanpoki application now available in AppStore and Google Play

After the successful completion of the Mitaka “Paw Collection” trial, the feedbacks have been used to release

the next version of the application, called Sanpoki, which has been launched in September 26th

2015 for the

purpose of health improvement, local community activation and city attractiveness.

The participants can play “stamp rally” game with the distributed BLE beacons in

179 places, the deployed terminals automatically detect the participants’ visit to

those particular places. By the rules of the game, after visiting a place, participants

are requested to take photo of attractive things nearest the place. As the result of

this, many evidences of the attractiveness of the city can be collected and then

used for updating Mitaka’s long term plan. This trial will continue until November


2015. Within 2 weeks, 400 users used Sanpoki (> 6,000 pictures posted).

More information:

ClouT final intercontinental application

More information: to be coming soon on ClouT website and ClouT social networks #cloutsmarcity and ClouT group on LinkedIn

ClouT 2nd year deliverables published – September 2015

ClouT project has now published the public deliverables of the second year project including:

D2.3 CIaaS specification and reference implementation – 2nd


D3.3 CPaaS specification and reference implementation – 2nd


D4.2 Middle report of city application developments and in-lab evaluation and field trials

Deliverables can be downloaded at the following link:

ClouT is preparing a final intercontinental trial which will bring together four pilot cities under a common

collaborative and friendly competitive scenario aiming at validating the ClouT benefits for smart city stakeholders.

# 03 • 10/2015

Interactions with ClouT stakeholders

ClouT and FESTIVAL project joint meeting, 22nd

April 2015, Osaka

A joint meeting has been organized between ClouT and FESTIVAL projects in order to develop synergies and to

maximize the re-use of available ClouT results in FESTIVAL project.

More information:,

ClouT and FESTIVAL project members and Knowledge Capital representatives (hall of the Knowledge Capital premises)

ClouT and CLIPS project stakeholder meeting, 7th

October 2015, Leece, Italy

ClouT and CLIPS projects organized a stakeholder meeting “Cloud and IoT for smart

communities”. It was a great opportunity to present project results and collect

feedback on the use of Cloud computing in public administration and new ways of

reaching customers of IT services for smart cities. 23 people participated including

local public administrations, SMEs and representatives of citizens’ associations.

More information:

ClouT in IoT Home Alliance meeting, 10th

September, Tokyo

ClouT project has been presented to a large number of Japanese industrial

stakeholders which are getting prepared to build the future Japanese IoT Home

Alliance. The meeting took place on September 10th

at the French Embassy in Tokyo

with around 60 participants.

ClouT project and Swedish Parliamentarians discussion, 6th

October 2015, Tokyo

ClouT members and Delegation from the Committee on Transport and

Communication, Swedish Parliament exchanged opinions regarding smart city at

Swedish Embassy in Japan. ClouT members introduced ClouT solution and Japan’s

ICT business case studies. Swedish Parliamentarians were especially interested in

integrating ICT solutions to the government services.

ClouT project and Delegation from Taiwanese governmental institute, 9th

November 2015, Tokyo

ClouT members will organize a discussion session regarding smart city with Delegation from Industrial Technology

Research Institute of Taiwan. One of the requests from Taiwanese delegation is to exchange opinions with

municipalities in Japan. Fujisawa city and Mitaka city are planning to participate this meeting.

# 03 • 10/2015

ClouT towards standardisation

ClouT participates in OSGi alliance IoT Expert Group

After two workshops in May and June 2015, the first official meeting of the OSGi Alliance IoT Expert Group

was held on Thursday, 17th

September 2015 in Turin, Italy. There were 20+ participants from various

companies/organizations, including ClouT partner representatives from CEA for EU side and NTT for JP side. More information:

ClouT use cases referenced by AIOTI (Alliance for the Internet of Things)

ClouT partners Engineering, CEA and ST Microelectronics are members of the AIOTI and actively involved

in its various Working Groups. ClouT experience and expertise have been provided as inputs to several

recommendation documents that are being prepared by those Working Groups such as IERC, IoT

standardisation, smart cities and smart living environment for ageing well. More information:

ClouT participates in IPSO alliance

ClouT partner ST Microelectronics is one of the active members of the IPSO Alliance, which has the

mission of promoting the use of standard IP protocol and other open interoperable solutions to

move from Internet of Things towards the Web of Things. ST is developing a new firmware for its

new system based on STM32 Nucleo boards and communication and sensing expansion boards.

The firmware uses Smart Objects semantic defined by IPSO on top of the OMA LWM2M standard.

ST will soon release it as open source. More information:

Self-IoT 2015 and SmartCities’15 international workshops


Self-IoT 2015 workshop (7-10 July 2015), Grenoble, France

EU-Japan projects ClouT and IKaaS (Intelligent Knowledge-as-a-Service) have jointly

organized the 3rd

international workshop on Self-Aware Internet of Things (Self-IoT

2015) on 7th

July in Grenoble, France, in conjunction with ICAC 2015, the 12th


International Conference on Autonomic Computing. After the presentation of 6 high

quality papers, the workshop had very interactive and fruitful open discussions

about various existing challenges in the domain such as interoperability, dynamicity,

security and privacy and shared experiences and best practices on dealing with

those challenges. Following the success of this fourth edition, ICAC organizers invite

Self-IoT to be part of the 2016 edition.

More information:


SmartCities’ 15 workshop (7-11 September 2015), Osaka, Japan

ClouT and FESTIVAL partners jointly organized the 1st

International Workshop on

Smart Cities: People, Technology and Data (SmartCities ’15) in conjunction with the

UbiComp 2015 in Osaka, Japan. This workshop was one of the most attractive of the

week with more than 70 international researcher participants who shared their

latest research and experiences of smart city projects. Open discussion sessions

ranged from the use of data analytics through to business models for Smart City

services and led to future direction of smart city research.

More information: http://...workshop-on-smart-cities-people-technologies-and-data

# 03 • 10/2015

ClouT in the press and public communications

Dealing with two key technologies in the ICT domain, which are Internet of Things and Cloud Computing, ClouT project

has attracted a lot of attention from various communities, press, blogs, projects, etc.:

ClouT in EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation newsletter (October 2015 issue) The mission of the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation is to promote all forms of industrial, trade and

investment cooperation between Japan and the EU, and to strengthen the technological capabilities and the

competitiveness of the European and Japanese industrial systems.

ClouT Sanpoki application has been launched through AppStore and Google Play at the end of September

2015 in conjunction with the Stamp Rally event in Mitaka City (link for Japan, link for Europe )

ClouT chapter has been published in the NTT Technical Journal (June 2015 issue)

ClouT videos selected “iSGTW visual of the week” - International Science Grid This Week (April 2015 Issue)

Latest results from second and final year as well as intercontinental scenario progress will be posted in social

networks: #cloutsmarcity on Twitter and ClouT EU-Japan FP7 project group on LinkedIn

Major events Europe / Asia in Cloud, Internet of Things and Smart Cities

The ClouT Reference Architecture and ClouT field trials results have been also presented in two scientific joint papers:

Fi-Cloud 2015 Conference, the 3rd

International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud, 26 August

2015, Rome : C. Formisano, D. Pavia, L. Gurgen, T. Yonezawa, J. A. Galache, K.

Doguchi and I. Matranga: The advantages of IoT and Cloud applied to Smart Cities

RIoT 2015 Conference, the first International Conference on Recent Advances in

Internet of Things, co-located with IoT Asia 2015, 7-9 April 2015, Singapore :T.

Yonezawa; J. A. Galache; L. Gurgen; I. Matranga; H. Maeomichi, T. Shibuya: Citizen-

centric Approach towards Global-scale Smart City Platform [link]

ClouT booth held at the Kyoto Smart City Expo 2015, 20-22 May 2015, Kyoto.

Next events: come and meet ClouT!

ClouT partners will organize a networking session in ICT 2015 conference, “Europe – Japan collaboration, an

opportunity for world-leading research”, 21st

October 2015, Lisbon. Session agenda (14:50-15:35, Room 10):

1. Experiences and lessons learned on EU-JP cooperation 2. Highlights on EU/JP H2020 future cooperation opportunities 3. Pitch session – Present your new ideas!

ClouT is co-organising the “World-wide collaboration for global IoT solutions” workshop at IoT Conference 2015,

26-28 October, Seoul.

ClouT partners will participate to the event Smart Cities: Supporting an Innovative and Sustainable Development

of Urban Areas, 27 October, Brussels.

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