Cloud Computing to Internet of Things

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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A brief presentation on cloud computing explaining how IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS work and different kind of clouds. It also introduces to the new trend : Internet of Things.


1 What is cloud computing?

Different kind of clouds

You use clouding technology everyday!

Trend: Internet of things

A little bit on how they work

2 3 4 5

1 What is cloud computing?

Different kind of clouds

You use clouding technology everyday!

Trend: Internet of things

A little bit on how they work

2 3 4 5

What is cloud computing?

“Style of computing in which dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources are provided as a service over the internet” -Wikipedia

“ A mechanism for delivering scalable business services that execute on a decentralized computing fabric composed of commodity software and hardware.” -Todd Papaioannou

“Illusion of infinite computing resources, elimination of an up-front commitment by cloud users, pay for use as needed.” -UC Berkeley RADlabs

Summarized as:

Self-serviced Pay per use Reusable and virtualized resources Easy to use and deploy No initial investment

1 What is cloud computing?

Different kind of clouds

You use clouding technology everyday!

Trend: Internet of things

A little bit on how they work

2 3 4 5

Different kind of Clouds

When you look up the sky You will see something like ………

This is the most common one we see every day, they are made up by water. In computer world, there are different kind of cloud environments.

Different kind of Clouds

Public Cloud Private Cloud Hybrid Cloud

Community Cloud

Public Cloud

Service provider makes resources, such as platforms or applications Available to general public over internet

Proprietary computing architecture Provided hosted services to an organization or company Implemented within corporate firewall Manage by IT department or third party

Composition of at lease one private cloud and one public cloud Remain unique identity Share benefits and deployment model Provide and manage some resources in-house and has others provide externally

Share infrastructure between several organizations with common concerns Manage internally or by third party

1 What is cloud computing?

Different kind of clouds

You use clouding technology everyday!

Trend: Internet of things

A little bit on how they work

2 3 4 5

IaaS > Infrastructure as a Service PaaS > Platform as a Service SaaS >Software as a Service

What does IaaS do?

Physical or virtual machines

Support operation: storage, hardware, server, compute and networking

Load balancer

Virtual local area network

Service provider owns the equipment and is responsible for running and maintaining it. Amazon EC2, Google Compute Engine, HP Cloud, Joyent, Linode, NaviSite, Rackspace, Windows Azure, ReadySpace Cloud Services, Terremark, and Internap Agile

Rent hardware, operating systems, storage and network capacity over the Internet

Virtualized servers and its associated services for developers to run existing application, or test new ones

AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Cloud Foundry, Heroku,, Engine, Yard, Mendix, OpenShift, Google App Engine, AppScale, Windows Azure Cloud Services, OrangeScape, Jelastic

Applications or database offered to individuals or enterprises over the internet, instead of having the application installed on the local computers

Remote access servicing for the users of an enterprises

Off-premises local area network to which mobile users can be connected with common file server

Example: E-mail, Verizon home monitor control

Google Apps, Microsoft Office 365, Petrosoft, Onlive, GT Nexus, Marketo, Casengo, TradeCard, Rally Software, Salesforce, ExactTarget

1 What is cloud computing?

Different kind of clouds

You use clouding technology everyday!

Trend: Internet of things

A little bit on how they work

2 3 4 5

Social Media Network



How does “clouding” involve in Gmail?

Really? Even when I am using e-mail?

Case Study with Gmail

Let’s see what happens after you click “Send”

Internet Service provider

Google Data Center


After You Sent

After you pressed the Send button, you message will travel along the cable line, go to your Internet Service Provider (ISP).

Internet Service provider

Internet Service provider Google Data Center

After Google got the message

Google will pick up the message from ISP, and guide it to the closest Google data center. Once it arrives Google data center, it will redirect to the Gmail server.

Google Data Center

Google Data Center

Process The Message

Google process the message includes duplicating your message to create backups, scanning it for viruses, and filtering for spam. Then Google will pass it along to the receiver.

1 What is cloud computing?

Different kind of clouds

You use clouding technology everyday!

Trend: Internet of things

A little bit on how they work

2 3 4 5

Internet of Things

Internet of Things is





Anyone who wanted to be connected Anytime when wanted to be connected Anywhere where wanted to be connected


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HermesDDS @ UniSVR

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