
Guide :Prof. Farzana Fathima By:Fawaz ahamed

Cloud computing Components of cloud computing Services Working of cloud computing Properties Opportunity and challenges advantages Fog computing conclusion

Cloud Computing is a general term used to describe a new class of network based computing that takes place over the Internet

Google 101-Network

Microsoft’s Azure

Amazon’s Elastic Compute cloud

IBM’s Cloud Brust

Grid computing is the application of several computers to single specific problem at the same time usually to a specific or technical problem

Email communication

Google wave

Amazon’s EC2


flexibility and elasticity

pay as much as used and needed

always on!, anywhere and any place

• Use of cloud computing means dependence on others and that could possibly limit flexibility and innovation

• Security could prove to be a big issue

• There are also issues relating to policy and access

Lower computer costs

Improved performance:

Reduced software costs:

Instant software updates:

Improved document format compatibility.

Unlimited storage capacity:

Increased data reliability:

Universal document access:

Does not work well with low-speed connections:

Features might be limited:

Stored data might not be secure:

Stored data can be lost:

Fog Computing extends the Cloud Computing paradigm to the edge of the network, thus enabling a new breed of applications and services.

Cloud computing will promote the use of shared resources and when we are sharing the resources among different users it will definitely lower the costs and will help in keeping the environment clean.

Cloud computing will also help in e-learning by providing many services online for the students.

We need to strap up this technology in our daily lives by creating many applications on cloud.

[1] Anita Campbell (2008-08-31). “Cloud Computing-Get Used

to the Term” The App Gap.

[2] Williams John M. Chris sears (2008-21-31). “Who Coined the Phrase Cloud Computing?”.

[3]“Web Services Glossary” gloss.


[5] How to Secure Cloud Computing.,sid14_ gci1349551.html.

The base paper I submitted was written by Anita cambell

I am grateful to our HOD Prof. Mustafa B for helping me select the topic and assigning guides to lead us.

I am also indebted to Prof. Farzana Fathima who was the assigned guide for his valuable inputs.

Also thankful to all the faculty and friends for their support and cooperation.



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