Cloning and Super Powers Issue 2

Post on 07-Mar-2016






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cloning and super power short stories


Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

Super-duper Gum

by Matthew B

“Do you have any homework tonight?” Dad called out from the garage.

“I only have one assignment; I need to study for a geometry test

tomorrow,” I responded.

“Okay, get started now so you can finish before swim practice tonight.”

I enter my two-story house and begin studying for the test. My grade

in geometry is currently a ninety-three percent, which is barely an A. I know

this test is very important. If I don’t do well, I may lose my all A reputation

throughout middle school. I carefully look over examples from the chapter,

making sure I can do all the problems. I study theorems from the chapter

that I will need to apply for the critical test. After my boring but necessary

study session, I enjoy – or devour - a steak with mashed potatoes for dinner

with grapes and corn as well. Finally, it’s time for swim practice and then


I wake up in the morning at my normal time of 6:40 on school days.

Now, I cycle through my morning routine. I shower, brush my teeth, put

deodorant on, get dressed, and walk down the stairs. My breakfast is the

usual – whole-wheat toast, honey cereal, and apple juice. I watch

Sportscenter on ESPN and look over my notes during commercials.

“Okay, Mom, I’m going out to the car,” I yelled to Mom.

“Okay, I’ll be right down,” said Mom.

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

My mom drops me off in the parent loop at Saline Middle School. I get

out of the car and begin my busy day. First, I go to social studies. In science,

we did a fun lab where we flew paper airplanes and saw whose could go the

furthest. Lunch flew by like a rocket. Then, came third hour geometry. After

lunch, I stop by my locker to collect my textbook, notebook, and super-duper

gum for geometry. I make sure my super-duper gum is hidden in my pocket

so nobody can see it. After all, even regular gum is against the school rules,

nevertheless super-duper gum. I stride into math class slowly making sure

that I’m ready for my big test.

“All right, put your stuff under your desk except for a pencil,” Mrs.

Meloche yells over the nervously-chatting class. “I will pass out the test.

When I do so, I expect silence. As usual, you will have until the section is

over to complete the test.”

I wait for Mrs. Meloche to pass out the test. After she hands me the

test, I immediately begin. I keep the super-duper gum in my pocket until I

need it. If Mrs. Meloche catches me chewing the gum, she’ll ask me to spit it

out. Of course, she won’t know that the gum is super-duper gum, but this

doesn’t matter because if I get caught once, she’s sure to watch me like a

hawk while I complete the test. I cruise through the first nineteen problems

with ten minutes to spare. I turn to the last page of the test and to see the

proof. I skim the proof for about two minutes, and I can’t figure it out. I

watch Mrs. Meloche like a hawk. When I’m completely sure that she’s not

looking in my direction, I reach in my pocket and grab a piece of super-duper


Super-duper gum is a type of gum that I have invented. It allows you

to read anyone’s mind of your choice. However, I must say the person’s

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

name of whose mind that I’m going to read before I place the gum in my

mouth. Otherwise, the gum will scream, and this will alert the teacher. I

carefully think about whose mind I should read. My choice is the brilliant

Victor Chen. I think he will be able to do the proof. When Mrs. Meloche is

helping another student, I swiftly place the gum in my mouth after

whispering, “Victor Chen”.

I nervously look at the clock. There are six minutes left. After about ten

seconds, I feel Victor’s mind inside of my mind. It feels like my brain has

doubled in size. Luckily, the gum has super-duper sugar, which prevents the

chewer of the gum from getting terrible headaches. Victor’s voice suddenly

appears in my brain. “Having trouble, having trouble,” he is saying. I wonder

if I made a mistake in picking him. I notice there are four minutes left.

Suddenly, to my relief, a light bulb turns on inside his head. He figures

out the proof. I make sure to not use the exact words he uses, or else Mrs.

Meloche might suspect something. I frantically write down the answer to the

proof. One minute is left; I write like there’s no tomorrow. Just in the knick

of timing, I finish the test. The bell rings as I put the test in our section’s turn

in bin.

It’s four days later. Mrs. Meloche tells us that she has our tests back.

“May I have your attention please?” asks Mrs. Meloche. “I have graded your

tests. As usual, I will announce the best in the class. This male student

received full marks. The best in the class on this test is… Matthew Bartow.”

I smile as she passes back the tests. She congratulates me, and some

of my classmates tell me nice job. I smile proudly. Sure, I got full marks for

test. However, in the bigger scheme of things, I maintain my perfect 4.00

GPA. I head off to language arts and thank Victor in my brain, which

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

suddenly shifts back to normal after I spit the gum out secretly in the boys’

bathroom between classes.

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

Born on the Wrong Side

by Kera Y.

“Okay, I’m going to start injecting the anesthetic now. You will to expirience

a slight pinch and then a slight burning feeling. Don’t worry it will be over

soon.” The doctor said calmly. I knew he was lying. This has been my 9th

time altering my body, I know it hurts more than a slight pinch and it will

take at least ten minutes to inject the entire anesthetic from the extremely

obese needle. Sure, the dentist numbing your mouth doesn’t feel that bad,

but with a bounty hunter doctor numbs your whole body and injects the

liquid from your head, it burns like crazy. I clenched my jaw as the needle

was being inserted into my skin. My eyes focused on the clock, willing the

stinging from the anesthetic to terminate now. After 13 minutes, trust me, I

timed it, the doctor extracted the oversized needle out. They tested in

multiple places to check if I could sense pain by pinching me with tweezers.

Thankfully, I couldn’t notice a thing. 3 men rolled me on my stomach. I

already realized what the doctor was performing; he was peeling away the

layers of skin on my back to check on my chips. Inserted near my spine are 4

chips, one for memory, one for coordination, one for intelligence, and one for

common sense. A government network commanded the chosen kids to live

like this. Then authorities separated children with great potential and

embedded unique chips. The chips aids the brain to construct decisions

during tough dilemmas. When the brain releases stress the chips will sense

it. Then, depending on the chip, one will send the brain a message to assist

it. Basically, if I’m in trouble, the chips command me on what my next move

will be. I’ve been like this since I was 7 years old, sometimes I was grateful

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

for the chips, and other times they were a burden. My child hood was never

normal. For hours a day I practiced the traditional skills of hand to hand

combat. My trainers were basically teaching me to become a ninja. I know

what you’re imagining, but it’s not cool to be able to knock someone out in

one hit, to fling knives out of a hidden pocket, or to be able to walk as silent

as a cat. I desired to join the neighborhood kids in an intense game of street

hockey, but I was forced to study or practice combat 24/7 with hired tutors

or men in suits, I never spent much time with my family. Why am I like this?

It’s because I’m a bounty hunter.

I was coached to hunt one thing in particular, humans. You see,

humans are a copy of us tryguns. 7,000 years ago a team of scientists

delivered 2 clones to Earth, one male and one female. The experiment was to

see how they would survive. Our dictator at that time wanted to switch to a

larger planet. In order to test if we could survive on Earth, we sent the

clones, humans. No one had expected that would flourish in this planet. Our

new elected dictator had decided to dispose of these clones. He thought that

there should be no copies of tryguns, under his dictatorship, we had to

agree. Instead of killing the humans, he thought we should put them to good

use. Humans then became our slaves, we had just migrated to a larger

planet so there was the perfect amount of space. There were 9 billion

humans so each trygun could acquire their own. Slavery was just starting to

make a big impact on the globe, our economy was more efficient, but that

didn’t last. Pretty soon, hundreds of slaves were escaping and wreaking

havoc. That’s why they have me.He required every child of 7 years to take a

test. It was a test of strength, intelligence, and pressure. It tracked your

every weakness and try to make you give up in defeat. The kids who passed

got turned into me. We immediately had chips inserted into our backs and

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

were trained how to use them, then came the hours of workouts and

studying. Every time we complete a mission, we have another one. Our

mission is to hunt down the escapees.

The humans that escaped didn’t lie low, well most of them didn’t. They

created terrorist attacks and violent riots. It’s my job to make sure that these

humans stop. I’m not permitted to utilize lasers or guns because then I

wouldn’t be able to blend in with commoners, so my only other option was to

study the ancient styles of martial arts. My job was just to retrieve humans,

our government decided how to dispose of them and what price to pay me.

Usually, my salary is a generous price.

“Okay. All your chips seem to be in tip top shape. We’ll move on to

your alterations now.” The doctor said. I’m required to receive body

alterations performed on me every few years. Humans recognized me,

everyone did. I was the most extreme bounty hunter in the business. It was

preferred when the escapees didn’t realize who I am. I closed my eyes and

drifted off to sleep. I’ve had so many alterations I had forgotten what I

actually appeared to be with the features I was born with.

Following the operation, I teleported in front of my apartment.

Instinctively, I exposed my eye and waited for the eye scan to allow me in

my house. I stared the red laser as it traced my eye and the door unlocked. I

didn’t even bother glancing in the mirror, I flopped down on my couch and

acquired a long nap. *beep. beep. beep. beep. be--* I slammed the alarm

off. My boss’s hologram appeared.

“Aaron. Wake up now. I possess your latest mission. Meet me in the

Draken room.” He commanded.

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

“Yes sir, I’ll be there as soon as possible.” I replied groggily. Quickly, I

showered, changed and pressed some buttons into my watch. In a flash, I

was outside the Draken room. This is where every mission was assigned and

where every runaway’s files were kept. I pushed in the lock code and entered

the room where I encountered Mr. Resteul, my boss.

I wasn’t paying attention as Mr. Resteul was blabbling information

about my newest victim. I suddenly became interested when I opened the

human’s file and it revealed a girl’s picture. This was the first girl that I ever

hunted before, her name was Rosa. Mr. Resteul was underestimating me; I

could on capture a girl easily. Why couldn’t I have some strange, buff

wrestler? That would be more entertaining.

“This is too easy sir; I don’t want to do it.” I complained.

“She is possibly one of the toughest humans you’ll have to catch. I’ve

already sent everyone below you to capture her and they all failed. It’s up to

you.” He said annoyed.

“She’ll be easy. She’s a girl! What could she have possibly done?”

“If you were paying attention earlier you would know. You are to

capture her and you will not complain. Now go.” He commanded. I rolled my

eyes in boredom and headed out the door. I read her repeatedly. Nothing

gave a clue of where she might live now. Her attacks have been spread

around the globe, she could be anywhere. As my brain was getting more

frustrated, my intelligence chip kicked in, it ordered me to check the latest

attack. It was yesterday, in Yeltrokiv. Why didn’t I realize this? I angrily

punched some buttons in my watch to tract this girl and teleported to

Yeltrokiv. I questioned the commoners if they spotted the girl and they all

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

affirmed that she died in the explosion. Not a chance, a girl this sly wouldn’t

die in an explosion she planned. That would be stupid. Exhausted, I decided

to use my last resort. I wasn’t supposed to do this too often because it blew

my cover, but there was nothing else to do. I took a piece of her hair ribbon

found in an explosion out of her file and smelled it. During an operation the

surgeons decided to donate me a nose like a hound dog. I spun around in

circles attempting to catch her scent. When I finally found the trail, I followed

it only to be devastated to realize it led straight to the ocean. Was it possible

that she was underwater? When I was positive no one was looking, I dived in

to search. The surgeons also provided me the ability to breathe underwater. I

was practically superhuman, although none of my powers can hurt people.

When I was about to give up my water search, my head clanged against

metal. My hands groped around to comprehend what the hunk of metal was.

I discovered the metal was a little house underwater. This is where she must

be. I’ve found her.

I silently hijacked the lock and creeped inside. There was a small

mudroom by the door that drained all the water back into the ocean.

Interesting, this girl definitely knows how to survive. I tiptoed gracefully into

the main room. I surveyed the area—there was a small kitchen, a bed, and

I’m guessing there is a bathroom behind the wooden door. I searched for

Rosa until I found her sleeping on the queen bed. I didn’t realize that she

was under the heap of blankets. I whipped the covers off to reveal her

frightened face. Instinctively, my hand chopped at her neck, which

immediately knocked her out.

I analyzed at her body lying on her bed. This is definitely the girl I was

searching for. This hunt was extremely simple, I guess it’s because I was the

only bounty hunter that has a strong nose, can breathe underwater, has

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

night vision, and knows every foreign language fluently. I relaxed in her

cramped kitchen waiting for her to wake up. Kidnapping humans as hostage

without a fight is no fun. I must have dosed off when Rosa woke up because

when I opened my eyes she was pinned me to the ground How did she do

that? She probably weighs only 100 pounds yet she can pin a 150 pound 17

year old to the ground? It was amazing, but not good enough. With lightning

fast reflexes I spun around while grabbing her arms which caused her back

to slam into the ground.

“Don’t hurt me.” She pleaded.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t. You have been destroying

trygun’s government buildings, monuments, parks, etc. on MY planet.” I

demanded angrily. Humans should be grateful they’re alive, but they had to

rebel and ruin all of our nice buildings.

“You should let me go because I’m your sister.” She said softly. My grip

on her tightened with anger and I heard a little squeak of pain.

“That’s a lie. Why would you even think about saying that? I could

never be related to a filthy human.” I accused

“Please, listen to me. I can explain.” She spoke calmly

“No. You’re just going to escape and blow up our government building.”

I protested

“Then tie me up and let me explain. You need to know the truth about

your past.” She bargained.

Truth of my past? What was this chick talking about? Grudgingly I lifted her

into a wooden chair and tied her torso against the wood.

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

“Now explain.” I commanded

“It’s been so long, you’ve grown up so much.” She cooed.

“Don’t stall. Tell me what you know.”

“Okay, okay. So you know how kids were forced to take a test to see if they

had the skill to be a bounty hunter?”

“Duh. I took it.”

“Well the man who tested you didn’t notice you were a slave’s child. He

thought you were the child that lived with the owner of the house.”

“Well wouldn’t he realize it and then return me? Or even kill me?”

“No. You had one of the best test scores out of everyone they tested,

you were extremely valuable and they didn’t want to give you up just

because you were human.”

“So why can’t I remember anything before I took the test?”

“Exactly. Can you remember anything? No, you can’t. They wiped parts

of your memory so it would seem as if you were a trygun, not a human.”

Rosa explained. I sat and pondered the fact if I was actually I human or not.

“Believe me, I’m your older sister. I would never lie to you. We even

look alike –well we used to.” She spoke, trying to convince me.

“What do you mean we used to?” I questioned.

“Well you’re always switching your features so no one can recognize

you, but inside of all your fakeness, I can still see the same face you had

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

when you were 7.” She spoke kindly. Her face lit up as she recalled

memories of our childhood.

“You… you remember what I used to look like?” I talked quietly. It was

shameful that I couldn’t even remember what face I was conceived with.

“Don’t be ashamed. It’s not your fault, that’s the reason why I came to

rescue you.”

“You practically read my mind.”

“Oh, if you want me to be more specific we’re twins. We have the

stereotypical twin abilities.”

“You can read my mind?” I freaked out; does this mean none of my

thoughts are private anymore?

“No, we are incredibly similar. If I didn’t remember my original self I

would be ashamed too, that’s why I assumed you were. I can’t actually read

your mind. That would be strange.” She explained. I sighed in relief.

“Does this mean you did of those riots just to lure me here?”


“How are you capable of doing these things? You’re a girl.”

“HA! I can do anything you can. As I said, we’re very similar, if I took

the test the score would probably be the close to yours. So when they

realized I could do everything you could, they started training me too.”

“Oh… I see.”

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

“They were originally trying to train me just to blow up the

government, but I decided to use it to find you.”

“Who’s they?” I inquired. “Depends, can I trust you?” My heart and

chips were having a terrifying battle inside my body. My heart wanted to

trust her, she was my sister after all while my chips were accusing Rosa of

lying and messing with my head. Like all wars, this one had to come to an


“Only if you show me pictures of what I used to look like.”

“I can do better. I’ll show you videos, holograms, CD’s, etc.”

“Okay, you have my trust. Who’s they?”

“They are an underground organization that trains people to go against

the government. Also, we train to stop the unfair treatment of humans.”

“So you’re basically producing terrorists?”

“Sure, but you’re one of us. Please come back with me?” Rosa pleaded.

In a swift motion she revealed a knife in her back pocket and cut her way out

of the ropes binding her. I was stunned. Did she plan on doing this the whole

time? She loomed over me and stuck a hand out. Without even

comprehending what I was doing, I reached out and grabbed it. She pulled

me up and we strutted out of the underwater house –together.

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

Born on the Wrong Side

by Kera Y.

“Okay, I’m going to start injecting the anesthetic now. You will to expirience

a slight pinch and then a slight burning feeling. Don’t worry it will be over

soon.” The doctor said calmly. I knew he was lying. This has been my 9th

time altering my body, I know it hurts more than a slight pinch and it will

take at least ten minutes to inject the entire anesthetic from the extremely

obese needle. Sure, the dentist numbing your mouth doesn’t feel that bad,

but with a bounty hunter doctor numbs your whole body and injects the

liquid from your head, it burns like crazy. I clenched my jaw as the needle

was being inserted into my skin. My eyes focused on the clock, willing the

stinging from the anesthetic to terminate now. After 13 minutes, trust me, I

timed it, the doctor extracted the oversized needle out. They tested in

multiple places to check if I could sense pain by pinching me with tweezers.

Thankfully, I couldn’t notice a thing. 3 men rolled me on my stomach. I

already realized what the doctor was performing; he was peeling away the

layers of skin on my back to check on my chips. Inserted near my spine are 4

chips, one for memory, one for coordination, one for intelligence, and one for

common sense. A government network commanded the chosen kids to live

like this. Then authorities separated children with great potential and

embedded unique chips. The chips aids the brain to construct decisions

during tough dilemmas. When the brain releases stress the chips will sense

it. Then, depending on the chip, one will send the brain a message to assist

it. Basically, if I’m in trouble, the chips command me on what my next move

will be. I’ve been like this since I was 7 years old, sometimes I was grateful

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

for the chips, and other times they were a burden. My child hood was never

normal. For hours a day I practiced the traditional skills of hand to hand

combat. My trainers were basically teaching me to become a ninja. I know

what you’re imagining, but it’s not cool to be able to knock someone out in

one hit, to fling knives out of a hidden pocket, or to be able to walk as silent

as a cat. I desired to join the neighborhood kids in an intense game of street

hockey, but I was forced to study or practice combat 24/7 with hired tutors

or men in suits, I never spent much time with my family. Why am I like this?

It’s because I’m a bounty hunter.

I was coached to hunt one thing in particular, humans. You see,

humans are a copy of us tryguns. 7,000 years ago a team of scientists

delivered 2 clones to Earth, one male and one female. The experiment was to

see how they would survive. Our dictator at that time wanted to switch to a

larger planet. In order to test if we could survive on Earth, we sent the

clones, humans. No one had expected that would flourish in this planet. Our

new elected dictator had decided to dispose of these clones. He thought that

there should be no copies of tryguns, under his dictatorship, we had to

agree. Instead of killing the humans, he thought we should put them to good

use. Humans then became our slaves, we had just migrated to a larger

planet so there was the perfect amount of space. There were 9 billion

humans so each trygun could acquire their own. Slavery was just starting to

make a big impact on the globe, our economy was more efficient, but that

didn’t last. Pretty soon, hundreds of slaves were escaping and wreaking

havoc. That’s why they have me.He required every child of 7 years to take a

test. It was a test of strength, intelligence, and pressure. It tracked your

every weakness and try to make you give up in defeat. The kids who passed

got turned into me. We immediately had chips inserted into our backs and

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

were trained how to use them, then came the hours of workouts and

studying. Every time we complete a mission, we have another one. Our

mission is to hunt down the escapees.

The humans that escaped didn’t lie low, well most of them didn’t. They

created terrorist attacks and violent riots. It’s my job to make sure that these

humans stop. I’m not permitted to utilize lasers or guns because then I

wouldn’t be able to blend in with commoners, so my only other option was to

study the ancient styles of martial arts. My job was just to retrieve humans,

our government decided how to dispose of them and what price to pay me.

Usually, my salary is a generous price.

“Okay. All your chips seem to be in tip top shape. We’ll move on to

your alterations now.” The doctor said. I’m required to receive body

alterations performed on me every few years. Humans recognized me,

everyone did. I was the most extreme bounty hunter in the business. It was

preferred when the escapees didn’t realize who I am. I closed my eyes and

drifted off to sleep. I’ve had so many alterations I had forgotten what I

actually appeared to be with the features I was born with.

Following the operation, I teleported in front of my apartment.

Instinctively, I exposed my eye and waited for the eye scan to allow me in

my house. I stared the red laser as it traced my eye and the door unlocked. I

didn’t even bother glancing in the mirror, I flopped down on my couch and

acquired a long nap. *beep. beep. beep. beep. be--* I slammed the alarm

off. My boss’s hologram appeared.

“Aaron. Wake up now. I possess your latest mission. Meet me in the

Draken room.” He commanded.

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

“Yes sir, I’ll be there as soon as possible.” I replied groggily. Quickly, I

showered, changed and pressed some buttons into my watch. In a flash, I

was outside the Draken room. This is where every mission was assigned and

where every runaway’s files were kept. I pushed in the lock code and entered

the room where I encountered Mr. Resteul, my boss.

I wasn’t paying attention as Mr. Resteul was blabbling information

about my newest victim. I suddenly became interested when I opened the

human’s file and it revealed a girl’s picture. This was the first girl that I ever

hunted before, her name was Rosa. Mr. Resteul was underestimating me; I

could on capture a girl easily. Why couldn’t I have some strange, buff

wrestler? That would be more entertaining.

“This is too easy sir; I don’t want to do it.” I complained.

“She is possibly one of the toughest humans you’ll have to catch. I’ve

already sent everyone below you to capture her and they all failed. It’s up to

you.” He said annoyed.

“She’ll be easy. She’s a girl! What could she have possibly done?”

“If you were paying attention earlier you would know. You are to

capture her and you will not complain. Now go.” He commanded. I rolled my

eyes in boredom and headed out the door. I read her repeatedly. Nothing

gave a clue of where she might live now. Her attacks have been spread

around the globe, she could be anywhere. As my brain was getting more

frustrated, my intelligence chip kicked in, it ordered me to check the latest

attack. It was yesterday, in Yeltrokiv. Why didn’t I realize this? I angrily

punched some buttons in my watch to tract this girl and teleported to

Yeltrokiv. I questioned the commoners if they spotted the girl and they all

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

affirmed that she died in the explosion. Not a chance, a girl this sly wouldn’t

die in an explosion she planned. That would be stupid. Exhausted, I decided

to use my last resort. I wasn’t supposed to do this too often because it blew

my cover, but there was nothing else to do. I took a piece of her hair ribbon

found in an explosion out of her file and smelled it. During an operation the

surgeons decided to donate me a nose like a hound dog. I spun around in

circles attempting to catch her scent. When I finally found the trail, I followed

it only to be devastated to realize it led straight to the ocean. Was it possible

that she was underwater? When I was positive no one was looking, I dived in

to search. The surgeons also provided me the ability to breathe underwater. I

was practically superhuman, although none of my powers can hurt people.

When I was about to give up my water search, my head clanged against

metal. My hands groped around to comprehend what the hunk of metal was.

I discovered the metal was a little house underwater. This is where she must

be. I’ve found her.

I silently hijacked the lock and creeped inside. There was a small

mudroom by the door that drained all the water back into the ocean.

Interesting, this girl definitely knows how to survive. I tiptoed gracefully into

the main room. I surveyed the area—there was a small kitchen, a bed, and

I’m guessing there is a bathroom behind the wooden door. I searched for

Rosa until I found her sleeping on the queen bed. I didn’t realize that she

was under the heap of blankets. I whipped the covers off to reveal her

frightened face. Instinctively, my hand chopped at her neck, which

immediately knocked her out.

I analyzed at her body lying on her bed. This is definitely the girl I was

searching for. This hunt was extremely simple, I guess it’s because I was the

only bounty hunter that has a strong nose, can breathe underwater, has

Cloning and Superpower Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

night vision, and knows every foreign language fluently. I relaxed in her

cramped kitchen waiting for her to wake up. Kidnapping humans as hostage

without a fight is no fun. I must have dosed off when Rosa woke up because

when I opened my eyes she was pinned me to the ground How did she do

that? She probably weighs only 100 pounds yet she can pin a 150 pound 17

year old to the ground? It was amazing, but not good enough. With lightning

fast reflexes I spun around while grabbing her arms which caused her back

to slam into the ground.

“Don’t hurt me.” She pleaded.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t. You have been destroying

trygun’s government buildings, monuments, parks, etc. on MY planet.” I

demanded angrily. Humans should be grateful they’re alive, but they had to

rebel and ruin all of our nice buildings.

“You should let me go because I’m your sister.” She said softly. My grip

on her tightened with anger and I heard a little squeak of pain.

“That’s a lie. Why would you even think about saying that? I could

never be related to a filthy human.” I accused

“Please, listen to me. I can explain.” She spoke calmly

“No. You’re just going to escape and blow up our government building.”

I protested

“Then tie me up and let me explain. You need to know the truth about

your past.” She bargained.

Truth of my past? What was this chick talking about? Grudgingly I lifted her

into a wooden chair and tied her torso against the wood.

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“Now explain.” I commanded

“It’s been so long, you’ve grown up so much.” She cooed.

“Don’t stall. Tell me what you know.”

“Okay, okay. So you know how kids were forced to take a test to see if they

had the skill to be a bounty hunter?”

“Duh. I took it.”

“Well the man who tested you didn’t notice you were a slave’s child. He

thought you were the child that lived with the owner of the house.”

“Well wouldn’t he realize it and then return me? Or even kill me?”

“No. You had one of the best test scores out of everyone they tested,

you were extremely valuable and they didn’t want to give you up just

because you were human.”

“So why can’t I remember anything before I took the test?”

“Exactly. Can you remember anything? No, you can’t. They wiped parts

of your memory so it would seem as if you were a trygun, not a human.”

Rosa explained. I sat and pondered the fact if I was actually I human or not.

“Believe me, I’m your older sister. I would never lie to you. We even

look alike –well we used to.” She spoke, trying to convince me.

“What do you mean we used to?” I questioned.

“Well you’re always switching your features so no one can recognize

you, but inside of all your fakeness, I can still see the same face you had

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when you were 7.” She spoke kindly. Her face lit up as she recalled

memories of our childhood.

“You… you remember what I used to look like?” I talked quietly. It was

shameful that I couldn’t even remember what face I was conceived with.

“Don’t be ashamed. It’s not your fault, that’s the reason why I came to

rescue you.”

“You practically read my mind.”

“Oh, if you want me to be more specific we’re twins. We have the

stereotypical twin abilities.”

“You can read my mind?” I freaked out; does this mean none of my

thoughts are private anymore?

“No, we are incredibly similar. If I didn’t remember my original self I

would be ashamed too, that’s why I assumed you were. I can’t actually read

your mind. That would be strange.” She explained. I sighed in relief.

“Does this mean you did of those riots just to lure me here?”


“How are you capable of doing these things? You’re a girl.”

“HA! I can do anything you can. As I said, we’re very similar, if I took

the test the score would probably be the close to yours. So when they

realized I could do everything you could, they started training me too.”

“Oh… I see.”

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“They were originally trying to train me just to blow up the

government, but I decided to use it to find you.”

“Who’s they?” I inquired. “Depends, can I trust you?” My heart and

chips were having a terrifying battle inside my body. My heart wanted to

trust her, she was my sister after all while my chips were accusing Rosa of

lying and messing with my head. Like all wars, this one had to come to an


“Only if you show me pictures of what I used to look like.”

“I can do better. I’ll show you videos, holograms, CD’s, etc.”

“Okay, you have my trust. Who’s they?”

“They are an underground organization that trains people to go against

the government. Also, we train to stop the unfair treatment of humans.”

“So you’re basically producing terrorists?”

“Sure, but you’re one of us. Please come back with me?” Rosa pleaded.

In a swift motion she revealed a knife in her back pocket and cut her way out

of the ropes binding her. I was stunned. Did she plan on doing this the whole

time? She loomed over me and stuck a hand out. Without even

comprehending what I was doing, I reached out and grabbed it. She pulled

me up and we strutted out of the underwater house –together.

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Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

The Day It All Changed

by anonymous

Anna what are you still doing in bed? It is 7:00 in the morning. You have to

go to school. Let’s go, get up,” said Anna’s mom. Crap, Anna thought, I can’t

be ready to go in ten minutes. Then all of a sudden Anna started moving so

fast, she looked like a tornado. In three minutes she had taken a shower,

blow-dried her hair, straightened her hair, put on her make-up, ate breakfast

and was downstairs ready to go. Her mom has no idea what just happen.

“how--how did you get ready so fast?” she asked her daughter. I have no

idea all I no is that I am ready to go. So out the door they went.

When Anna got in her first class, she realized, she had forgotten to do

her homework over the weekend. So, just like she did this morning she did

everything super fast and in 15 seconds she had written a paper that would

have normally taken her an hour. She had no idea what was going on ,but

she thought it was kind of cool.

Later that day, when Anna got home from school, she was outside playing

with her dog. She keep thing about what had happened that day. Then she

got an idea. If she was moving at the speed that she thought she was, she

would be able to beat her dog in a race. So she, called her dog over to her

pick up the stick that was in her mouth and threw it as far as she could she

yelled “fetch” and off she and her dog went. When she got back to the place

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where she started her dog was still picking up the stick. So she had beaten

her dog with her speed. Amazing she thought.

Later that night, when Anna went to bed, she had a dream. “Anna you have

received your gift. You have super-human abilities. You have found your first

ability super speed. You have two more abilities yet to find in your self. You

can not let anyone no that you have them. If people are to find out you will

lose your abilities. But find people that you share thing in common with and

theses are the people that you will be with for all of the meetings you will go

to all of the missions you go on all on the trips everything that has to do with

you abilities.” Poof it was gone. Anna sat up and screamed. Her mom came

running down the hall. “Anna what is wrong.” “Mom I can not tell you but

strange things are going to start happening to me.”

The next morning when Anna got up she couldn’t stop thinking about what

was going to happen to her or when, she just hoped that they wouldn’t be

noticeable at school.

“I just don’t understand how to do this” said the person sitting behind Anna

“Oh here I will help you” Anna said

“I didn’t say anything” he said

“Oh sorry, I thought you said something.” Anna said

Weird, so thought I thought he said something. Then Anna thought about her

dream. The man in her dream said that she has two more abilities yet to

come. what if one of them was mind reading? She couldn’t be certain until it

started happening more and more. Sure enough, as the day went on Anna

could hear what people were saying, but in their head not out loud.

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That night, when she went to bed she had another dream, just like the one

she had had the night before. Only this time Anna wasn’t sure if she liked

what her dream was telling her.

“Anna, though the journey you will make to find you last gift, you will lose

some and gain some. Look high and look low but always look closest to you

heart.” What in the world did that mean? Anna thought lose some and gain

some. She didn’t know what that meant. Did it mean, lose a gift or lose

somebody? Anna wasn’t sure.

“Anna?” said a voice ,

“Yes” Anna said,

“You must come with me now, We have a task for you”

“Who is we?” she asked

“The people who you have things in common with”,

“Oh. Ok well where do I have to go, because I have school tomorrow”

“Don’t worry. On this task you, should find your last gift. That should take

care of that problem”

Anna got out of bed and sunk out her window and into the night. With a blink

of an eye Anna went from being on her roof, to being in some Chinese place.

“Where are we?” Anna asked

“We have just arrived at the palace for the gifted”said man from her dreams

“What does that mean? “ she asked

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“That means here you will be tested on how you have learned to use your


“But I just got them two days ago” anna said

“Well let’s just see how well you know how to use them”


Then Anna blacked out.Wen she woke up,she was back in her room.she

hadanother dream and all she remembered was

“Anna you have received you third gift.”

But I don’t remember getting my last gift she though but them she

remembered she had traveled back in time so she wouldn’t be late for


So in the end Anna had meet people at the palace for the gifted. And found

that some of them went to her school her last gift was time travel and Anna

still has to be careful with her gifts and where and when she uses them. But

all and all Anna ended up having a normal life.

The end

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by Chyanne A.

My vision was hazy, but it was clear enough to see that I was in a hospital.

The room looked like a recovery room on a TV show but instead of a twin

bed, there was a nursery crib with clear glass palates on each side of the

child that was screaming. A doctor scrambled in the room with a needle and

its container he filled the container with a liquid, clear like water but as he

put it in the needles container it was really thick. He injected the small

amount of substance in a bottle of milk it quickly dissolved and gave it to the

child --she stopped crying immediately--. Then, almost instantly the little

baby girls eyes turned from a nice chocolate brown to a icy blue. Overnight,

her hair was no longer blonde it was a dark rouge.

The next day the doctor took the mother in his office and said "We at

the hospital are pleased to say that SUPER-HUMAN ABILITIES TEST or SHAT

is complete, you may take your baby home now."

The mother looked at the doctor and asked "when will it take effect?"

"Puberty, so around 13."

"Thank you so much!" she exclaimed "she wouldn't have survived

without this."

"my--our pleasure, should I tell the father about this?"he asked

"No, I need to tell him, in my own time."

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she walked out of the room to see her husband, waiting for her with a smile.

"BEEP!"screamed the alarm clock that interrupted the strangely familiar

dream. I got up and walked to the bathroom to take my shower my dog,

Maggie, said "good morning Christal!" almost like a whisper "g-morning

mages." I said groggily she trotted off to be with my step mom. wait dogs

don't talk I thought, then how did I hear her. Groggy and tired I stumbled in

the bathroom I looked in the bathroom vanity mirror and saw the same dark

red headed girl with light icy blue eyes and a pale complexion. I looked at the

sink with a sigh and started to brush my teeth. I took my shower, went down

stairs and saw my step mom buried in her romance novel. After eating

breakfast I heard her whisper words.

"She looked deep in his eyes to find not her reflection, but the sea, his

true love disappointed she looked..."

I looked at her strangely and asked "did you say, or whisper


"No, why" she replied half heartedly

"okay, weird, earlier I thought Maggie said something to." I chuckled.

About a half an hour later meme took me to school. There awaited my three

best friends; Cassandra a tall blue eyed dish water blonde. Keira a tall skinny

gossip girl with sholder length black hair and Lilly a short bleach blonde, that

I could tell all my secrets to. All day I thought they'd be saying something

but, they weren't. At lunch I heard the normal noise from friends who haven't

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seen each other all weekend, and the whispers that I heard from my friends

and family. Something was not normal about this

I came home asked my Dad "dad I have a question"

"okay, shoot, dads advice open 24/7." referring to the plaque that hung

above the chair he sat in .

"Well all day I've been hearing voices, whispers of people, that I don't

even know"

"Christal." he sighed " when you were born you had an incurable lung

disease, you were put in a program to make you have super human abilities.

Because of the fact that you were actually dying a slow and painful, the only

way to save you was by putting you in the program and when you turned 13

the effects, powers would turn on. You can't tell anyone about the program."

"but, dad I need to have a venter and, well I am NOT venting to you"

" I'm sorry but you can't."

now that I had my answers unfortunately not answered the way i

hoped I could now sleep and try to ignore the small animal, and human

whispers, thoughts in my head.

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Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

Proper Parenting

by Anonymous

“You have few choices here,” Dr. Alexander Welari informs the couple in front

of him, as he’s done with various couples throughout the Experiment. He

fights back the constant feeling of annoyance when dealing with these

couples. The father fidgets with his wife’s hand while the woman looks close

to tears. Werali decides that this is the most annoying part of the

Experiment. It’s horridly awkward to watch them cry and it’s ridiculously

irritating when they beg him to find something for him to do. What was that

supposed to mean? If he ends up in this situation, it means everything

worked out medically, but then, it also means that they believe the couple

wouldn’t take another child rather than the one the Organization wants.

Mostly, it’s the couple’s fault, isn’t it? He heaves a sigh and pushes his

glasses up his nose, shutting the file on his desk that isn’t entirely for the

child. “Your first option is to leave the wings on your child. You probably

won’t even consider this, but…”

He rolled his eyes and tapped his fingers against his desk for a quick second.

“They are doing close to no psychical harm on your child. They’d grow like

his arms would, probably wouldn’t even bother him. But, considering

the…looks of the wings and how cruel some people can be, I wouldn’t be

surprised if you didn’t choice to let your son keep them.” He leans back in his

chair slowly, slightly bored, before continuing. “Now, your second choice is to

get them medically amputated. It would probably work just fine, again, the

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wings will act like arms or legs, it’d be simple enough to amputate them as if

they were, but —“

“Do you think there would be… a possibility that the wings could… grow

back?” The father interrupted rather rudely. They never bothering to listen to

the professionals do they? Werali raises his eyebrows, opens his mouth to

respond, only for the man to continue. “We didn’t…we didn’t see them in any

of the, uh, ultrasounds. How did our son get wings?” Werali examines the

man, attempting to figure out if he’s truly clueless or just stressed. He had

dark circles under his eyes- well, the one he could see. His bottle-blonde hair

— dyed badly, mind you, his roots visible — hung over his eyes in an unruly

sort of way, obviously still hasn’t grown up at all. Simply looking at him gave

Werali a headache. What were they thinking, picking this couple? They didn’t

seem like intelligent people. They were just normal, boring citizens. They

possibly could have chosen them because they were safe. So many couples

with high IQs were put into the Experiment and had their children taken that

it was beginning to look strange to the families of those couples. They

needed to keep this away from the public as much as possibly, they

demanded. Don’t screw up, they told him. He was nagged endlessly.

Everything about this was delicate and problematic.

“Ultrasounds don’t show everything,” the young doctor sighed softly, the life

coming to him easily. He couldn’t actually tell the family exactly what he was

planning to do with their child and his new abilities. It would put them on the

execution list. “He could have had the ever since he begin growing into a

proper fetus.” The woman shifts anxiously and glances at her husband.

“We want them gone,” the woman declares firmly. Well, that simply wouldn’t

do, Werali thinks tiredly and is about to voice this, until the husband —

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what’s his name? Was it Richard? Randy, Ronald, Riker? — turns abruptly

and murmurs something in a hushed tone to his wife, frantic and angry. The

woman clenches her jaw and responds fiercely while Dr. Werali loosens his

tie a little, feeling increasingly awkward to witness them argue about their

child’s well-being. Of course, it wouldn’t matter, anyway. The Organization

will take the child by force if they have to. The door creaks open and Werali’s

assistant, Tammy, rushes in, passes the still arguing couple, and hands her

boss a file. Werali glances at her as she slips out of the room once more,

heels clicking as she retreats. He opens the manila folder to see a simple

note taped inside that read:

“The child’s gone again. We’re running out of live nurses that are willing to

work in there. This is your problem. “

Dr. Werali sighed warily. Again? This always seems to happen when things

tend to get out of hand with the parents. Some mothers are so attached to

their children. The fathers are too if they’re a little softer than they should

be. And, now, it’s his turn to find more nurses- heck, even interns- to work

with the children that are given the chemical to force their little bodies to

grow the wings. Werali pinches the bridge of his nose — an act that he does

out of habit when he’s stressed — and huffs a loud, annoyed sigh.

“Mr. and Mrs. Slater,” He begins cautiously. The couple pulls out of their

heated — but somehow, still close to silent — argument and full on glare at

him. Werali resists the urge to merely leave them to the Organization so he

can go home. “I’m very sorry to inform of this, but, according to the people

supervising your case, your child has killed the nurses that were in charge of

caring for him. You probably won’t live to see another day if you dare tell

another soul about this. Would you care for some tea?” Then, the wife

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promptly fainted, slumping out of her chair, while the husband gawked like a

teenage boy looking through a peephole. Silence filled the air until the man

— the correct name is Riker, Werali remembers — sighed warily.

“Yeah, tea would be lovely.”

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Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

Battle at the Bank

by Anonymous

It all started when I was watching the television. It said that there was a few

factories that had spilled radioactive waste around the country, and when

you leave the house wear a gas mask. Like there was anyway I’d actually

wear one when it’d mess up my hair. Later I went to the mall and after I got

back I had this giant headache and started hearing random murmurs. This

went on a few days before I started answering random questions that no one

had asked.

“Mom, I have a question for you, but don’t think I’m crazy,” I asked that

night at the dinner table.

“Okay I promise I won’t think you’re crazy Jasey,” mom replied.

“Good, because over the past few days I’ve been answering all these weird

questions that nobody seems to be asking, and a huge headache I can’t get

rid of. Do you think anything’s wrong with me?” I wondered.

“Ohmigosh! This is great,” Mom exclaimed.

“ What? How can this be great?” I questioned.

“You can read minds! At least that’s what I think. Lets go get you tested!”

We left right after dinner to the nearest F.B.I office to get me “freak” tested.

Of course with my luck, the reports came back positive and I can read minds,

which makes me a total freak. I just hope nobody finds out about it.

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Going to school and acting normal is getting harder and harder, but at

least I convinced my mom not to tell anyone about it. One good thing about

it is I can just read the smart people’s minds and do better on my tests. One

afternoon I got a call from my mom asking me to call her ASAP so I told the

teacher I had to leave for a sec.

“Hey mom,” I wonder what be so important for me to call her at school.

“Jasey, this is important and I need you to come home right away. We have

people here that need to talk to you,” she said in a rush.

“Okay, give me five minutes, bye,” I said while hanging up. When I got

home I saw two police cars in our driveway.

“Hello Jasey, I’m agent Bolt and this is agent Star. Were with the F.B.I,” the

police officer informed me.

“Hi, so let’s cut to the chase. What do you guys want?” I questioned.

“We need your help. There’s a gang that’s planning to rob the National Bank

in a week. This means that we need you and other people like you to help

us, but we have to leave immediately,” agent Star told me.

“Others like me?” I couldn’t believe it.

“Yes, now pack your things we leave in ten minutes,” stated agent Bolt. I

rushed and packed everything I could possibly need and said goodbye to my

mom. I left and started to get really nervous.

The drive took us about an hour, but then we were finally at some

secretive-- looking facility.

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“The others are waiting inside and are very excited to meet you,” agent Star

side trying to comfort me. Apparently he forgot I could read minds and knew

he didn’t really mean it and was just making it up. When I walked in the

doors I was in a room along with three other people I had never seen before-

- but at least they all introduced themselves.

“I’m Stella,” said the only other girl in the room.

The guy with the brown hair introduced himself next, “Alex.”

“Jack. Welcome to boot camp,” the guy with the skunk hair said


“Hi, I’m Jasey,” I nervously said.

“You see Stella has super speed, Alex can be invisible, and Jack has super

strength,” agent Bolt informed me.

“What’s your super power?” Jack asked.

“I can read minds,” I said with a bit more confidence. I was then informed

that I would experience one of the most intense boot camp of my entire life,

great. I got settled in and within the first hour I had already started. It

really was extremely difficult and I was pooped when it was over. It went by

really quickly and the next thing I knew we’re leaving for our little battle


We got to the National Bank early in the morning so we could take our

positions. I was teamed with Jack, and Stella was with Alex. The criminals

got there around noon and there weren’t very many. It definitely wasn’t

worth all that hard work. It took us about an hour and a half but we finally

got rid of them. It would’ve taken us longer if we didn’t have superpowers,

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but since we do we had a giant advantage! When it was all said and done we

exchanged phone numbers with everyone and set a date to hang out. The

F.B.I gave us an award for all our hard work and let us know that we’d be the

first people they would call if there was ever any trouble. We went our

separate ways, but thank goodness we were going to hang out soon because

I’ve realized that they could potentially become some of my bestest friends.


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