
Saudi Arabia Khobar Towers

Complex June 25, 1996

◦ Truck Bomb killed 19 USAF personnel and wounded several hundred

Main Suspect-Osama Bin Laden

August 7, 1998 Attacks on US

Embassies in Nairobi (Kenya) & Dar es Salaam (Tanzania)◦ Killed 224, injured 4000 +

by car bombs Main Suspect-Osama

bin Laden

October 12, 2000 Aden, Yemen Suicide Boat

Bomber◦ 17 killed, 39 Injured

Main Suspect-Osama bin Laden

Founder of Al-Qaeda◦ Muslims should kill

Americans◦ Americans need to stop

supporting Israel◦ Americans need to leave

the Middle East

A. Iraqi Missile Attacks◦ June 26, 1993-Iraqi HQ hit after alleged plot to

assassinate H. W. Bush◦ September 3, 1996-Baghdad hit after Saddam

attacked Irbil (Kurdish city)-had UN Approval◦ December 16, 1998-4 days of attacks by US & GB

Operation Desert Fox-650 air strikes & 400 tomahawk cruise missiles (more than Gulf War)

Operation Gothic Serpent Clinton-begins to remove troops after Restore Hope UN tried to bring political stability

◦ Clinton left 9,000 troops without Congressional approval June 1993-Aidid forces killed 24 UN peacekeepers October- 19 Rangers and 84 wounded in a firefight

◦ US Soldiers drug through Mogadishu-felt like JFK & Bay of Pigs

April 1994-Presidential Directive 25 -left job for UN Rwanda-900,000 dead in 89 days-3x rate of

Holocaust◦ No action taken…troops sent if after massacres, Clinton

promised never to let it happen again…◦ True Focus was on Somalia not Rwanda

Operation Infinite Reach ◦ Gives CIA approval to use lethal force to get Bin Laden

Sudan-August 20, 1998-US fired cruise missiles ◦ Target-Pharmaceutical Plant-contained nerve gas?◦ Retaliation for attacks on US Embassies

Afghanistan-Attacks on Taliban/Al-Qaeda training bases w/Cruise Missiles◦ Retaliation for attacks on US Embassies ◦ Wag the Dog??? Distraction for Impeachment???

3 Days after Grand Jury Testimony about Monica

Operation Allied Force March 24-June 10, 1999-Gen. Wesley Clark

◦ Milosevic continues ethnic cleansing of Albanians (Serbs)

◦ NATO air strikes (30,000), 2 shot down, recovered◦ Did not want another Bosnia!

Clinton Doctrine-US military intervention will be used to stop Genocide (Feb. 26, 1999)◦ Reaction to Rwanda & Somalia,

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