Click to start the most exciting journey!!!! Lakes and Dales By Stephanie Buttigieg.

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Click to start the most exciting journey!!!!

Lakes and DalesBy Stephanie Buttigieg

Day One – 4th April 2012

Flight EZY 1998 to Manchester airport left at 11:40am and took three hours and a half.

When we arrived there at 12:10pm (English time) we had a two hour drive to look forward to, to arrive at our lodging, Ashley Bank.

We chose our rooms, spending money was collected and settled down.

We threw a surprise party for Jasmine who turned 12 years old on that exact day!

Some views we saw through the window…


Day Two – 5th April 2012

Woke up and prepared for the day

Went to: Dove Cottage

Gingerbread Bakery

Keswick Pencil Museum

Rheged Creativity Centre.

Went back to Ashely Bank and after we played in the field we went to eat dinner.

Dove Cottage

Dove Cottage is the place where William Wordsworth wrote his best poems.

He had three women looking after him so he was ‘spoilt’.

The room that interested me the most was the cooler room because it showed that even people living in older times were intelligent.

Gingerbread bakery

We stopped at the Gingerbread bakery to buy some, well, gingerbread!

Keswick Pencil Museum

In this pencil museum one can find the biggest and tallest pencil in Britain and probably the whole world.

There were also escape pencils where you can put in a rolled map into them and give them to prisoners without being noticed.

There were a lot of different pencils and other things related with drawing in the gift shop and nearly everyone bought something.

Rheged Creativity Centre

To end the day we went to Rheged Creativity Centre where we could buy things made of pottery and then paint them.

It was a messy business but we all had fun!

before after

Day Three – 6th April 2012

Woke up and had breakfast

Drove up towards Haworth where we saw some snow but, unfortunately didn’t have time to stop and have a snowball fight!

Stopped at a playing field to have a break.

Went to the White Scar Caves.

Went back to Ashley Bank to sleep.


Haworth is the village where the Brontë family used to live.

We entered the church where Charlotte and Emily are buried but Anne is buried in Scarbourgh.

We also entered the Personage – the home of the Brontë family.

White Scar Cave

We had the opportunity to enter the longest show cave in Britain, the White Scar Cave.

We had to wear hard hats because sometimes the ceiling was low and we bumped our heads!!!

The most interesting parts of the cave were the straw stalactites which grow in this particular cave only.

There were also some very interesting formations and my favourite one is the Judge’s Head!

Day Four – 7th April 2012

Woke up at about 7 o’clock and had breakfast.

Went to Ullswater, Gretna Green and Penrith.

Went for a walk in the neighbourhood.

Went back home to sleep.


We went on a boat trip on the lake ‘Ullswater’ and the views we saw were breath taking!

Gretna Green

While we were driving up towards Gretna Green in Scotland we saw the first and last house in Scotland.

As girls, we can’t go anywhere without shopping so we spent the next three hours shopping there.


We stopped at Penrith while we were driving back towards our cottage.

There we walked around the village and saw the village clock.

Day Five – 8th April 2012

Woke up and wished ‘Happy Easter’ to each other.

Drove towards Camelot Theme Park where we spent the best Easter Sunday ever!

Went back home as we were soaking wet and tired.

Camelot Theme Park

The most exciting ride was the ‘Log Fall’ were we had to ride on a log and get the biggest fright when we fell down a hill!

We also saw a jousting show which was amazing.

Day Six – 9th April 2012

After we had breakfast we went to the Aquarium of the Lakes.

Then we went to the Wildlife Animal Park but unfortunately the weather wasn’t so nice but we still had fun.

We went back home to sleep.

Aquarium of the Lakes

We saw a lot of interesting fish and strangely enough, other animals!

We also saw the feeding of the otters but the smell wasn’t so pleasant.

Wild Life Animal Park

We saw lots of different, wild animals in this park including: peacocks, kangaroos, flamingos, lemurs and lots more.

We also had the chance to feed the giraffes which was an amazing opportunity.

Day Seven – 10th April 2012

On this day we slept a little more as we were going to the cheese factory and take it easy!

Afterwards we went for a walk in the dales but it was too cold so we went shopping instead!

Hawes Creamery

While we were driving towards the factory we passed through the Buttertub Pass.

There were all types of different cheeses but unfortunately they don’t make chocolate cheese any more.

Day Eight – 11th April 2012

We woke up at 1:30 in the morning to leave for the airport.

Flight EZY 1997 left Manchester airport at 6:30am.

Let’s not forget the jokes…

Once when I was in the bathroom Ms Ruth told my friends to tie a rope around the handle of the door and pull so that I won’t be able to open.

When all the suitcases were packed, John weighed them all to make sure we didn’t exceed the weight limit and he gave me the biggest shock when he told me that mine weighed 29KG.

Laughter is the best medicine of all and we really had a good laugh!

A big thanksTo Ms Ruth Spiteri Bezzina, Mr John Bezzina and Ms Josepha!!

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