Cleansing FAQ -

Post on 18-Jan-2023






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FrequentlyAskedQuestionsAbout Nutritional Cleansing

Dr. Becky Natrajan

You only have one body, and it

needs to last you a lifetime,

slow down the effects of aging? Are you ready to feel stronger and more

mentally clear? Are you ready to finally awake from a night's sleep and

actually feel rejuvenated? Are you ready to address the two issues causing

the most havoc with our health today?

So many questions surround the issue of how to appropriately address

wellness and optimize OUI' internal health. For many centuries and in many

cultures it has always been known that cleansing and replenishing the

body were vital to maintaining great health and quality of life.

We are surrounded by impurities at every turn, and although we are the

most overfed nation in the world, we are arguably the most undernourished.

Likely the majority of us are severely nutritionally deficient, possibly even

nutritionally bankrupt. Now is the time to help your body eliminate impurities

on a cellular level and rejuvenate it on a level it has never experienced before.

Isagenix' cleansing systems offer many ways to do this.

Ask yourself the following questions: We are living longer, but are we living

better? Modern medicine can provide fancy tests and pharmaceuticals,

but do these fancy and often expensive tests and drugs truly address

the root of what makes us sick in the first place? Are you sick and tired

of being sick and tired? Are you tired of struggling with your weight?

Are you looking to take your health to the next level? Are you ready to

Because most people have never embarked 011 a nutritional cleanse, here

are some answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the

Isagenix systems and products.

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known to man is the liver. But even the liver needs sufficient levels of

certain nutrients to do its job. If the liver gets those nutrients, it can filter

roughly 540 gallons of blood each day, in addition to performing its over

two hundred other functions. That's the miracle of the human body-when

it receives the right fuel, it is a self-repairing, self-maintaining, self-cleaning

power plant. So, if the human body is such a miracle, then why do we get

sick? The answer is simple. These days, not too many of us are giving

our bodies the right fuel and we need to embrace a nutritional system

that both gives us the nutrients we need and supports our body's natural

ability to effectively eliminate impurities.

Ql. Why is full-body nutritional cleansingsuch a hot topic in today's world?

We live in a very unhealthy world, and unless you live in

a bubble, your body is continually exposed to dangerous impurities.

These impurities build up in our organs, causing all kinds of damage.

Consumers are becoming more aware of the presence of these

impurities in their food and environment, and they are searching for

a way to reverse their negative effects. Cleansing, which has been

performed in various countries around the world for centuries, has

resurfaced as a popular and effective way of ridding our bodies of

these impurtties and additives.


Q3. I haven't felt really good for a long time.

I'm always tired. I'm carrying extra weight. My

digestive system never seems to be working

very well. Nothing I try seems to help. What

should I do?

Q2. How can we allow our bodies to functionthe ways they were meant to?

The human body, when it is given what it needs, is a truly

miraculous organism. All it needs, in simple terms, is clean air, clean water,

and clean, healthy food. If we give the body these things, it can take care

of itself.

A. Even the most unhealthy body can be returned to its "miracle

state." Isagenix is a catalyst that allows your body to cleanse and

rejuvenate on a cellular level. You can give your body a boost by

completing a full-body nutritional cleanse system that provides fuel for

the internal body. This will in turn support the body's ability to fight

off fatigue, burn unwanted fat and support the natural balance of the

digestive system

The human body has built-in systems like the immune and lymphatic

systems that have the capability of combating disease and removing

environmental impurities. For example, perhaps the best filter of impurities


Q4. What if I have a very specific condition?Would it benefit me to cleanse andnutritionally replenish my body?

supercharged minerals and trace minerals, botanicals, protein,

antioxidants, amino acids, fiber, enzymes and body-beneficial bacteria

like acidophil us.

A. Obviously your health care provider needs to approve any

nutritional system. Isagenix' products are not intended to treat, prevent, or

cure any condition; they are designed to provide your body the nutrients it

requires. Remember, the body holds the ultimate tools for self-healing and

optimal wellness. It makes sense that if you utilize a system that facilitates

the body's ability to cleanse impurities and nutritionally rejuvenate, the

body will have the ability to do what it was intended to do naturally.

QG. What is the difference between the 9-Dayand 30-Day Systems'"?


QS. What makes the Isagenix- Systemsso unique?

The 9-0ay Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning System is a

great jump start, but it requires discipline and replaces twenty-two out

of twenty-seven meals. Always remember that you are not starving your

body, you are flooding it with hundreds of high-grade nutrients. This is not

recommended for health-challenged individuals. The 9-0ay cleanse can

be part of the 30-0ay System if you want to accelerate YOUI-results at the

beginning of the 30 days. This is a deep cleanse that supports the liver

and thyroid. Many individuals see wonderful weight loss results as well as

improved focus and energy.A. The Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning System is unique

because it addresses internal health and provides the balance the body

needs to perform optimally The system floods your body with hundreds

of high-grade, essential nutrients, and you are not going to find anything

like it on the market. The best way to find out about the specific individual

ingredients is to ask the person who gave you this booklet.

The 30-Day Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning System'" is a phenomenal

starting point that offers more flexibility and is perfect for individuals who

want to take things a little slower. This is our most popular system, and it

delivers amazing results and replaces 68 meals in 30 days.

This is the most complete and palatable nutrition package you'll find

anywhere. The Cleanse fOI- l.ife" drink and the IsaLean' Shakes, Bars,

and Soups are not only delicious, but they are packed with vitamins,

No matter where you start, make a plan for where you are going. That is

why maintenance is the key for longevity and quality of life.

8 9

Q7. What types of food can I eat during a9-0ay or 30-0ay System'"?

Q9. What if I don't want to do a 9-0aySystem" because I don't think I can replacethat many meals?

A. You have to be sensible. You're not gOing to get the most out

of your cleanse systems if you eat fatty processed foods for your allotted

conventional meals. If weight loss is your goal you should aim for a 400- to

600-calorie meal on the days that you are doing two lsal.ean' Shakes and

one sensible meal. Choose natural meats in the form of organic chicken 01"

turkey breast; wild, non-farm-raised fish; tofu; unsalted almonds; organic

peanut butter; celery; legumes; brown rice and plenty of green vegetables.

You know what's good for you. Try buying all of your food from a whole

food or health food store and you'll stay on course. Stay well hydrated by

drinking plenty of water in order to maximize your results.

A. The 9-0ay System is a wonderful, exciting cleanse, but it isn't for

everyone. It takes a lot of discipline, and some people just aren't interested in

replacing 22 of 27 meals to jump-start their body's natural cleansing abilities.

For many people, the 30-0ay System is the perfect starting point because it

is slower and more manageable The 30-0ay System is especially suitable for

those who are older or are facing numerous health challenges. Your health

may have reached a point at which a 9-0ay System is simply too aggressive.

If that is the case, the 30-0ay System is a great way to ease your body into

the lifestyle change and still attain the end results you're looking for.

Q8. What types of food should I avoid whileon a 9-0ay or 30-0ay system"?

Ql0. What if I cheat while I'm doing acleanse system?

A. The best thing is to remember that everything should be done

in moderation. If you want to have something that you know is probably

not good for you, eat just a very small amount and see if that satisfies your

craving. The foods you should avoid are as follows: fried foods, pastas,

potatoes, red meats, dairy, sweets, caffeine, and especially "fast foods,"

which are high in chemicals, starches, fats, and sugars. Red meats and dairy

products are more difficult for the body to properly digest, and caffeine is

very dehydrating because it is acidic and toxic to the human body.

A. We're all human. If you do cheat one day, it's not the end of the

world. You'll get the best results if you don't cheat, but if you do, you

can get right back on the system the next day. I know people who have

cheated a little during a cleanse and have still had great results. If you can't

stick with the system by the book, don't beat yourself up-just make sure

you're getting the appropriate nutrients into your system. Just getting

the nutrients into your body can have a marvelous effect on your overall

state of health. I-lave an lsal.ean' Shake every day. Enjoy 2-4 ounces of the

10 11

Cleanse for l.ife" drink daily. Have your Natural Accelerator'" Capsules and

your Isagenix Snacks'<-It's okay. You'll get the best results by sticking to

the system, but you can also modify the system to your level of discipline.

Just don't give up!

Q12. Are the lsaqenlx cleansing and fat burningsystems considered fad diets or fasts?

A. The Isagenix cleanse is neither a diet nor a fast. This system is

nourishment, pure and simple. It's about flooding your body with high-

grade, essential nutrients that help it maintain a strong, clean, healthy state.

Qll. Why might I get a headache while on acleanse, and what can I do about it?

A.A fast starves your body. If you feel like you're starving yourself on one

of the Isagenix systems, you probably aren't doing it right. Be sure to eat

your Snacks and drink your Shakes, and give yourself enough nourishment

in your planned meals. Isagenix is not a diet in the traditional sense

because it provides all the nutrients your body needs. Fad diets come and

go because people just cannot maintain them long-term. Isagenix is all

about continuity and simple maintenance. Once you complete the cleanse

phases and begin the maintenance, you are going to love the way you feel.

Headaches occur for many reasons. Common causes include

dehydration, blood sugar fluctuations, hunger and just plain fatigue.

Sometimes people on the cleanse get headaches because they've

forgotten to eat their Isagenix Snacks. If you're eating the Isagenix Snacks

as instructed, you should not get headaches because you are nourishing

your body throughout the day.

Some people-especially smokers or coffee drinkers-get headaches

when their bodies are releasing impurities. This is a natural side effect of

the body moving impurities out. The cleanse is designed to stir things up,

to get the lymphatic system and the circulatory system moving so the

body can release the impurities. With all of these once-stored impurities

flowing around on their way out, it's natural for the body to react, to not

feel so good Don't worry; it's only temporary. Soon, your body will get

ahead of the game, and the headaches should subside. If your headache

doesn't respond to hydration, Snacks", or even some organic apple or

celery, you may want to go right to the protein phase of the system until

you feel stronger.

Q13. What if I hit a plateau with my weightloss goals?

A. Make sure you're following the system. Compliance can have a lot

to do with people not seeing results. Review the instructions and try not to

cheat. Compliance with the system is the primary factor in getting results.

Many people, especially women, see a lot of results in lost inches rather

than lost pounds. This phenomenon occurs because you're losing fat and

gailling muscle, which weighs more than fat. So you might lose 10 pounds

of fat, gain 8 pounds of muscle, and lose 5 inches around your waist. Be

sure to track and measure your inches.

12 13

To further enhance fat burning you can add in Isamune' several times

daily. Bovine Colostrum is also a fat burner and can be added to

your regimen. Making your shakes with one scoop of IsaPro' and one

scoop of lsal.ean' helps to fuel the liver and thyroid, thus supporting

improved fat burning IsaCalcium' in the evening may also enhance

fat burning. Try a bounce and shake routine each morning and avoid

caffeine products.

• You should make sure to follow the U.S. Surgeon General's

recommendation of 30 grams of dietary fiber each day. Our FiberPro'"

can be used daily-even on cleanse days and on protein days. The

Isagenix SlimCakes' are packed with fiber, flax and protein.

Q1S. Is Isagenix cleanse a cure for disease?

A.Q14. Am I going to get diarrhea from a cleansesystem? What if I become constipated?

The bottom line is this: Isagenix is not the miracle-and it

definitely is not intended to be a cure for disease. The human body is

the miracle. This cleansing system is just a catalyst. It puts the body

back into a state in which it can work the miracles it was intended to.

The human body can heal itself when it is given the chance to work free

of the impurities and waste matter we accumulate in today's world.

Isagenix provides the nourishment and balance the body needs to heal

itself. Isagenix doesn't cure disease; the body cures disease.

A. A lot of people think that "internal cleansing" means they are

inevitably going to experience gastrointestinal problems like loose stools

or diarrhea. That is not the case with Isagenix. This system supports the

internal systems of the body, especially the liver and GI tract. However,

your body can get a little overwhelmed by the sheer amount of impurities

and waste matter being eliminated, so if you have gas, bloating, or

constipation, try the following:

• If you become constipated, try the Isagenix' product called IsaFlush!"'-

this ozonated magnesium compound provides a safe, effective way to

help your colon eliminate impurities faster and more comfortably.

• Boost your intake of clean, pure water to eight to twelve 8-ounce glasses

each day-eight glasses at the very least.

Q16. Is it normal to start feeling a little weakduring a cleanse?

• If you're well-hydrated and don't have any lse+lushl, you can use a small

amount of another magnesium compound and that should help.

A. Some people feel some fatigue when they start a cleanse system.

Don't worry, this is just your body talking to you. It is okay to take it easy

during your cleansing phase. Your body is under stress as it releases all of

the built-up impurities. If you like to exercise regularly, but don't feel up to it

while on the cleanse, go for a light workout rather than strenuous exercise.


Once your body starts to get ahead of the impurities it is releasing, you will

feel ready to get back to your exercise regimen. Let your body guide you.

Some people feel a burst of energy on the cleanse. If this is the case, get out

there and exercise-which will accelerate your results.

Q17. Can I still take my normal medicationwhile on a cleanse system?

A. Yes. Continue taking your medications as directed by your doctor.

And you should definitely let him or her know that you're starting a new

nutritional system. Describe what it is, what it contains, and what your

goal is. If you are trying to address a specific health problem, your doctor

can let you know if it is safe to lower your medication dose or eliminate

it altogether. Depending on what kind of health problems you're facing,

your health professional can monitor your progress, keeping track of your

blood sugar or blood pressure and lab tests. Staying close to your doctor

is especially important as the body starts to get back into balance.

Qla. Can children go on an lsaqenlx system?

A. Since many of our fast foods and processed foods are not nutrient

rich, children can use Isagenix products to supplement their diets, but

they don't necessarily need to follow a disciplined system like the 9-Day or

30-Day System", Kids love the flavor of the lsal.ean" Shakes. They also love


the IsaLean Chicken and Tomato Soups, which have a lot more nutrition

than most off-the-shelf soups. Kids also like the IsaLean Bars, which taste

great and are exactly the kinds of snacks kids will go fOI-.

The IsaFruits' and IsaOmega Supreme" are also a huge hit with kids. Just

one scoop mixed in with the IsaLean Shakes provides exceptional nutrients

to support their growing bodies and brains. Other great products for

kids include IsaCrunch', and-for those over the age of six-1-2 ounces of

Cleanse for Life™ Mineml Drink daily.

Q19. If I'm gluten sensitive/gluten intolerant,can I use the Isagenix System?

All of the Isagenix products except for the Slim Cakes and the Isagenix

Greens!" are gluten free.

Q20. If I'm lactose intolerant, can I use theIsagenix System?

I A. The protein in our shakes is extracted from the milk using a

proprietary technology that no other company in the world can mimic.

As a result, IsaLean Shakes contain very low lactose levels and a superior

amino acid proFile. The digestive enzymes in the Shake also enhance

absorption and assist with balance in the intestinal tract


Q21. What are the alternatives to thelsat.ean' Shakes?

A. If you're looking for an alternative to the IsaLean Shakes, try the

IsaLean Bars. You can take them wherever you want to go, and they provide

all the nutrition of the IsaLean Shakes. The only difference is that they don't

have the digestive enzyme included in the Shakes.

Another option is the IsaLean Creamy Chicken Soup or Tomato Soup (great

for vegetarians). These soups taste terrific and contain all of the same

properties and benefits as the IsaLean Shake. The soups are great options,

and so are the bars; but you have to order them separately because they

don't come with the 9-Day or 30-Day Systems". Once on a maintenance

system, try adding something to the Shakes for even more variety. Add

organic fresh fruits or organic peanut butter, or take the vanilla Shake and

add oranges, bananas and the Want More Energy?'. Try adding Ise+ruits'

or Isagenix Greens!" to any of these combinations for a delicious, fruit-

flavored smoothie the entire family will enjoy Have fun with the Shakes

and you'll tend to enjoy and probably even crave them every day.

Q22. Why is maintenance so important?

A. You maintain your car, so why wouldn't you maintain the most

important thing in your life-your body? Your body needs constant

fuel in order to support its natural ability to flush impurities. Your liver,

kidneys, lymphatics and other vital organs are constantly working to flush


accumulated impurities. The more impurities your body is exposed to, the

harder it has to work.

So if you are constantly consuming chemically-processed, genetically-

modified, nutritionally-deficient foods, your body has an extremely difficult

time maintaining its natural detoxifying mechanisms. Just where are you

getting the nutrients you need? And what if you are constantly on the run

and skip meals all together?

These are just some of the reasons an effective maintenance plan is so

crucial! Why not flood your body every day with high-grade, absorbable

organic nutrients that provide the ultimate catalyst for the body to handle

the constant bombardment of impurities? This is not rocket science-this is

just common sense. Get on the Isagenix Total Health and Wellness System" to

maintain your health and vitality. Add in some IsaFruits' andlsagenix Greens!"

as well as our other wonderful products that maintain your quality of life.

Q23. How much water should I drink while ona cleanse system?

A. Water is a vital component of any cleanse. When the nutrients in

the lsaqenix' system start releasino fat and impurities, your body will need

plenty of fluid to flush them all out. Even if you're not on a cleanse, you

should drink at least 64 ounces each day (that's eight 8-ounce glasses)

When on the Isagenix system, I recommend drinking 12 to 14 of these

8-ounce glasses each day It seems like a lot. but it'll be worth it


Q24. What's the best way to prepare fora cleanse?

A. All too often leading up to the cleanse, people reward

themselves for what they are about to embark upon by binging on

anything and everything they can possibly stuff into their mouths.

This is not recommended and is actually counterproductive to the

overall effectiveness of the system. Binging can send your body into an

imbalanced state that may take days to recover from and thus, the first

few days of the cleanse system may be compromised.

The best way to prepare for the cleanse is to replace one or two meals

with IsaLean' Shakes each day for two days leading up to the cleanse as

a pre-cleanse routine. Now your body is ready and willing to launch into

Isagenix' cleanse mode.

Q25. Can I do back-to-back cleanses?

A. If your health and weight issues are significant or you want to

accelerate your results, you may actually repeat the slow 30-Day System'"

(full cleanse day once a week) as many times in a row as you would like.

Back-to-back 9-Day Systems" are not recommended unless you skip the

first two days (the cleanse days) on the follow-up cleanse system and go

right to the protein days (days 3-7) until you complete the system. It is not

recommended to do more than two back-to-beck cleanses in a row as this

may be too strenuous on the body


Q26. What are Ionic minerals (Ionic Alfalfa")

and why is it such an important ingredient inthe Isagenix products?

A. One of the key components of the Isagenix products is its ionic

mineral and trace mineral content. These ionic minerals are unique because

they are sourced from ancient, prehistoric beds of organic plant material

deep in the earth. These organic beds are superior sources of organic

nutrients, most notably ionic minerals, organic carbon and fulvic acid.

Plants have the ability to seek out and find mineral and rare trace minerals

in the soils of the earth and uptake them into the live plant. Plant roots are

the umbilical cord of life, extracting the life-giving minerals through the

root to the stems, leaves and fruit. These minerals are the true sparkplug

of life and the most necessary nutrient we need to sustain life. These

supercharged minerals provide the body's cells with the building blocks

that support 95% of bodily functions. Organic carbon acts as a catalyst

for the body's metabolic processes, and fulvic acid is a potent antioxidant

that enhances the absorption and utilization of the nutrients around it.

Q27. What makes the lsat.ean Shakes unique?

A. Isagenix has gone to great lengths to procure the best source of

bio-available protein in the world. In addition, Isagenix has secured enough

supply for ongoing growth and continued supply regardless of shortages

in the world economy.


lsal.een" Shakes contain superior nutrition compared to other meal

replacement shakes on the market. IsaLean Shakes contain exclusively

sourced IsaPro Complex, the highest quality whey and casein protein from

the world's largest dairy group in New Zealand. These cows are pasture-

fed and not treated with hormones or antibiotics, and they are rested for a

significant portion of each year, all with the intent of minimizing the stress

levels of the cows. Additionally, the organic standards of this dairy group

exceed the USDA organic standards, and the whey used is the highest-

rated grade available.

The protein in our Shakes is extracted from the milk using a proprietary

technology that no other company in the world can mimic. As a result, .

IsaLean Shakes contain lower lactose levels and a superior amino acid

profile. IsaLean Shakes also contain Ionic Alfalfa"'-our proprietary blend of

rare, supercharged earth minerals that support the body's many metabolic

processes. All of this is exclusive to lsaqenixl

Q28. Is lsaqenix expensive?

A. One of the many exciting benefits of Isagenix is that the products

can be consumed in place of a meal. By replacing a meal with an Isagenix

product, you're able to transfer the cost of a conventional meal to the cost

of the Isagenix product

Many people report that ill more cases than not, they actually save money

by using Isagenix because the already affordable product costs were offset


by restaurant and grocery store savings And let's not forget-the healthy

body craves healthful things, and we often hear incredible feedback on

how much money people are saving by no longer buying the junk food,

sodas, caffeinated beverages and cigarettes they once consumed as part

of their daily regimen.

Q29. What is the difference between usingthe Cleanse for Life'MMineral Drink dailyversus using it over a 24- or 48-hour period?

A. Everyday Cleansing

It's important to understand that our body is a miraculous natural

detoxifier. Unfortunately this natural process has been disrupted

because we have become virtual dumping grounds for the hundreds

of thousands of impurities that invade our air, water, food, homes and

almost every aspect of our lives. Impurities enter the body on a daily

basis so it is imperative that we counteract this issue on a daily and

ongoing basis. Taking 1-2 ounces of Cleanse for Life Mineral Drink

once or twice daily provides important building blocks you need for

health, including the minerals and trace minerals, botanicals, vitamins

and cleansing teas that the body needs for proper hormone function,

proper enzyme function, cellular communication, and proper digestion

and elimination. In essence, by drinking Cleanse for Life Mineral Drink

each day you are providing daily support to your body's, natural ability





as a detoxifier. Daily cleansing also prepares the body for a smooth

transition to a 48-hour cleansing.

The Cleanse for l.ife" Mineral Drink can be taken daily with water on an

empty stomach, taken in between meals or added directly to the lsal.ean"

Shake. Taking it on an empty stomach will enhance absorption and

effectiveness. Children can also enjoy 1-2 ounces daily'

48-Hour Cleanse

In order to achieve rapid, comprehensive internal cleansing, a 48-hour

cleanse is recommended. For best results this can be done monthly. Mix

4 ounces of Cleanse in 8 ounces of purified ice water four times a day

for a period of two days. This approach mineralizes the body, rests it

(rest is good because of the lower caloric intake and the fatigue that can.sometimes come after the body uses stored glucose), and prepares it for a

mild state of ketosis. Once in a mild state of ketosis, the body uses stored

fat as energy and enhances our ability to release embedded impurities. A

48-hour cleanse is not recommended for health-challenged individuals or

individuals that are on multiple medications.'

24-Hour Cleanse

A 24-hour cleanse is also very effective and is recommended for individuals

who would like to take it slower, have health challenges or are on multiple

medications. Taking 4 ounces of Cleanse in 8 ounces of purified ice water

four times a day for a period of 24 hours assists the internal body in

flushing impurities and most individuals achieve an impressive level of fat

burning in this time.'


Cleanse Powder

In substitution for the Cleanse for l.ife" Mineral Drink, Cleanse Powder

can be used in 24-hour and 48-hour cleanses. To use, stir 2 well-rounded

scoops of Cleanse Powder into 4 ounces to 8 ounces of room-temperature

water until completely dissolved, then add ice if desired. Drink four times

daily. You may also enjoy it as warm tea.'

'As with any nutritional system, please consult with your health care professional beforestartino a cleanse.

Q30. In addition to weight loss, what aresome of the other benefits I might enjoy fromusing lsaqenix?

A. Here are some of the secondary effects you might enjoy from

using Isagenix:

• An overall sense of well-being

• Energy, stamina, endurance and strength

• Clear thinking, focus, and a better attitude

• Better sleep

• Decreased desire for sugars, carbohydrates and caffeine

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Aorninistretion.

Isagenix products are not intended to diagnose. treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Q31. If I am lean and "healthy" why would Ineed a system like lsaqenlx?

A. Let's assume that you are the picture of health. You feel awesome

and are not plagued by any known health challenges. You are certainly not

the norm, but it is still important to understand why full-body nutritional

cleansing is part of an overall healthy plan to maintain the internal body.

The body is a natural detoxifier, but currently our bodies have become

virtual dumping grounds for the hundreds of thousands of impurities that

invade our air, water and even the soil that nurtures OUI- food. Isagenix is

a wonderful way for healthy individuals to keep internally balanced and at

the same time flood the body with much needed nutrients. Revitalization,

rejuvenation and replenishing is for everyone, and nutritional cleansing is

one of the best ways to keep your body and brain strong.

Q32. If I am diabetic can I take the Isagenixproducts?

A. Obviously your health care provider will need to monitor you.

Many diabetics have experienced great results using Isagenix, and if you

want to lower the carbohydrate load of the Shakes, order some IsaPro'

(OUI- pure whey protein) and mix one scoop of IsaPro with one scoop of

IsaLean on your Shake days. Remember the importance of the Isagenix

Snacks" on your cleanse days. If you need additional food on your cleanse

days, have some organic apple slices or carrot sticks.


Q33. How do the lsaqenlx cleansing systemssupport "cellular cleansing?"

A. It all starts with the liver. The liver is the largest organ of our

internal body and a sophisticated blood detoxifier. The liver, like any

filter, can benefit immensely from regular cleansing. The minerals, trace

minerals, 8 vitamins and gentle cleansing herbs in the Isagenix Cleanse

for Life'" Mineral Drink support the liver's detoxification pathways. The

liver becomes a better blood curifier. thus more effectively eliminating

impurities. A healthy liver can positively impact all areas of OUI- health by

providing a stronger immune system, healthier skin, better assimilation of

fats and protein, and better facilitation of our body's ability to burn fat.

Lipotropic agents including methionine, choline, and betaine, which are

inCluded in the Isagenix cleansing products, have also been used For years

in many cultures to support improved liver function.

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