Civil Rights Review for Test. Rosa Parks is arrested and MLK leads a citywide strike to support her.

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Civil Rights Review for Test

Rosa Parks is arrested and MLK leads a citywide strike to support her.

1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott

MLK makes his “I Have a Dream Speech”

1963 March on Washington

Allowed Native Americans to make laws on reservations

Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968

This involved bringing in the federal troops in order to integrate the school.

1957 Little Rock Nine

Provided health & medical assistance to low-income families


An organization that set up protests for more rights for Native Americans

American Indian Movement

Provided health insurance for all elderly people; it was financed through social security


MLK is arrested trying to protest for integration of public facilities

1963 Protest in Birmingham Alabama

This claimed that separate but equal is not legal thus schools integrated

1954 Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

This forced restaurants to serve blacks & whites equally

1960 Greensboro Sit-In

The 1st representative to Congress of Puerto Rican origin

Herman Badillo

Onetime leader of the SNCC who promoted the idea of Black Power

Stokely Carmichael

A violent group that was formed to fight for change


Black Panther Party

This student was kicked out of Little Rock High School for pouring chili on another student

Minnie Brown

Civil Rights leader who was assassinated in April of 1968 bringing an end to the movement

Martin Luther King Jr.

Leader of the Nation of Islam who supported segregation

Malcolm X

First woman Supreme Court Justice

Sandra Day O’Connor

The first African American to enroll & attend the University of Mississippi.

James Meredith

Leader of the United Farm Workers who fought for workers’ rights

Cesar Chavez

Tested the enforcement of the Supreme Court’s desegregation of interstate buses ruling

Freedom Riders

An organization started by MLK & 60 other ministers

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

Assisted African Americans in their struggles by using the court systems

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

Refused to give up bus seat to a white person which leads to boycott of buses

Rosa Parks

He called out the Arkansas National Guard to keep African Americans out of Central High School

Governor Orval Faubus

A peaceful rally, attended by over 200,000 people to support the civil rights bill

March on Washington

Organization founded by James Farmer & George Houser that carried out protests against public places that refused to admit or serve African Americans

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

Was the lawyer who tried the Brown case for desegregation of schools

Thurgood Marshall

An attempt by civil rights workers to get African Americans registered to vote

Freedom Summer

Missed the bus and attempted to enter Central High School by herself

Elizabeth Eckford

The first African American student to ever graduate from Little Rock High School

Ernest Green

This banned discrimination in public

1964 Civil Rights Act

Name given to Kennedy’s social reform plan

New Frontier

The man charged with assassinating President Kennedy on November 22, 1963

Lee Harvey Oswald

This was a failed attempt at granting women Constitutional equality

Equal Rights Amendment

Fought for segragation & wanted to create a “Black America”

Nation of Islam

LBJ’s plan to: reduce poverty, promote equality, improve education, & rebuild cities

Great Society

Fought to get Latinos elected to public office

La Raza Unida

Program that focused on helping people that lived below the poverty line

War on Poverty

This banned all literacy tests & used federal registrars to overlook the state workers

1965 Voting Act

This had one of the greatest impact on the civil rights movement

The Television

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