


Active Citizenship refers to the voluntary capacity of citizens and communities working directly together or through elected representatives to exercise economic, social or political power in pursuit of shared goals.

• Active Citizenship concerns everyone.

• We all have rights and responsibilities, and shared national, continental and global interests.

• Strong and healthy communities welcome diversity in cultural expression, values and lifestyles.

Barriers to Active Citizenship

• Time• New work patterns• New leisure patterns• Changing values and choices








BOTTOM LINE (What have I learned?)

Being an active citizen is a big way on the development of ourselves and at the same time it is a big help in the development of our country. All of us should be engage with each other and cooperate with one another in making our country progressive and peaceful.

Service learning as


Service Learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities

• They are positive, meaningful, and real to the participants.

• They involve cooperative rather than competitive experiences and thus promote skills associated with teamwork and community involvement and citizenship.

• They address complex problems in complex settings rather than simplified problems in isolation.

• They offer opportunities to engage in problem-solving by requiring participants to gain knowledge of the specific context of their service-learning activity and community challenges, rather than only to draw upon generalized or abstract knowledge, such as might come from a textbook. As a result, service learning offers powerful opportunities to acquire the habits of critical thinking; i.e. the ability to identify the most important questions or issues within a real-world situation.

• An episodic volunteer program

• An add-on to an existing school or college curriculum

• Logging a set number of community service hours in order to graduate

• Compensatory service assigned as a form of punishment by the courts or by school administrators

• Only for high school or college students

• One-sided: benefiting only students or only the community

BOTTOM LINE (What have I learned?)

I have learned that this Service Learning is a program or training where in we are able to engage ourselves in serving our community or society. It develops our sense of patriotism and the sense of being a part of the society.

It is because this topic is a wake up call for us students to be an active member of the society. It is a message for all of us that we should be united as one for the development of our country in terms of social or economical aspects. This topic provokes a sensitive reaction towards building the sense of nationalism within myself. And that’s why this topic is worthy to be kept, not only through this (e-portfolio) but it should be kept in our heart and soul.

As an education student of the University of Saint Louis , I take this course as a pre-service learning or training for the job that I will be taking on in the future. Teaches had a crucial job on developing a person, especially for the basic education because it is the time where in a person will develop his abilities and values to learned. It right and proper to be serious enough in taking this course because it will not only make myself to be an active citizen but this will help to create more active citizens in the future.

Sources• Source: National Service-Learning Clearinghouse


• Graham Hanlon

JCI President 2008







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