CitecDot pillars

Post on 14-Feb-2017






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CitecDot pillars

Main differences between usual casesand projects using Citec CitecDot solution








Summary of CitecDot servicesCitecDot leverages 12 pillars:

1. Documents handling (Create, revise, import, export, share,check, approve, release, markup, comment,…)

2. Identification and marking system for documents and goods (2Dbarcode)

3. Procurement tracking

4. Manufacturing & expediting management

5. Inventory and Warehouse management

6. On-site installation progress

7. Operation & Maintenance management

8. Management of Requests For information, Design Changes,Claim & Non-conformities,

9. Tracking and Reporting

10. Automatic Warnings & reminders

11. Management of tasks and corrective actions

12. Animation of statuses in 3D models (BIM),








1) Documents handlingitem Usual case CitecDot Solution

1 Distribution of Documents is oftencarried out by Email or via FTP servers

Documents are hosted and shared in CitecDot with noneed to send them by Email. All history and allversions of documents from all vendors are under thesame roof.

2 Status of documents is managedmanually or with Excel tables

Status of documents is managed automatically withintegrated workflows (e.g. delivery status, approvedfor construction status, rejected,…)

3 Finding latest version of a document is achallenge

Latest version of any document is available at fingertip either from computer, smartphone or tablet

4 Document transmittals andacknowledgement of receipts is manual

CitecDot produces document transmittals anddistributes them automatically

5 Browsing in the documents history is nota piece of cake

CitecDot keeps track of each and every event in thedocuments life cycle. Everything is available with noneed to search for it.

6 Marking and identification of documentsis floating

CitecDot stamps every document with a 2D barcode +useful info








2) 2D barcode marking systemitem Usual case CitecDot Solution

1 Drawings and documents are generally trackedwith an ID code and a revision and checkingwhat is the latest version is not simple

CitecDot stamps every document with a 2Dbarcode providing immediate access toCitecDot database with a smartphone to checkwhat is the latest version and even download it

2 Labeling goods and parts is most of the timedepending on vendors’ way of working andtools.

CitecDot provides a harmonized labeling systemwith all needed consumables. All labels aremanaged at project level, not vendor level

3 Non conformities are managed manually, usingtemplates to fill-in.

Non-conformities can be entered on the gofrom a mobile device after scanning any labelor from CitecDot application.

4 Progress status of documents andmanufactured pieces of equipment is usuallybased on manual reports which are often notaccurate (deviations close to deadlines arefrequent)

CitecDot tracks progress status in real timebased on 2D barcodes. Progress per status,curves per lot, vendor, factory etc are availableat any time to project stakeholders

5 Packing lists and shipments are using vendors’tools. Tracking of deliveries is a challenge andrisks of human errors is high

CitecDot takes care of preparing shipments andpacking lists automatically using the 2Dbarcode technology. Human errors are reducedclose to zero











TS3) Procurements trackingitem Usual case CitecDot Solution

1 Tracking procurements is very often using ERPtools. Automatic warnings are not systematicwhen a lot is not ordered on time

CitecDot correlates the projects WorkBreakdown Structure (WBS) with the projectplanning and raises automatic warnings andreminders in case lots are not ordered on time.

2 ERP systems are most of the time tracking lotsat general level and can hardly check deliveriesdown to bolts and nuts. Bad surprises arediscovered on site, when it’s too late to correctthe situation

CitecDot checks deliveries with a very simpleprinciple: comparison of packing lists withmaterial lists. Any deviation raises an automaticwarning at early stage allowing to correct thesituation before it’s too late

3 Labeling goods and parts is most of the timedepending on vendors’ way of working andtools. This causes a high risk of problem toidentify deliverables on site.

CitecDot provides a harmonized labeling systembased on 2D-barcode technology with allneeded consumables. All labels are managed atproject level, not vendor level








4.1) Manufacturingitem Usual case CitecDot Solution

1 Labeling goods and parts is most of the timedepending on vendors’ way of working andtools. This causes a high risk of problems toidentify deliverables on site.

CitecDot provides a harmonized labeling systembased on 2D-barcode technology with all neededconsumables. All labels are managed at projectlevel, not vendor level

2 Work progress in factories is based onestimates made by the vendors and badsurprises happen regularly close to thedeadlines.

CitecDot tracks in real time each and every piece ofequipment and material at all stages based on 2DBarcode technology (e.g. start of manufacturing,ready for inspection, painting completed, ready fordispatch,…)

3 Work progress from the different vendors isdisconnected from one each other. It’sdifficult to see what is the situation with allvendors

CitecDot aggregates all inputs from all vendors inreal time and makes them available to the projectstakeholders for analysis purpose (trend curves,bargraphs, metrics,...)

4 Vendor delays are often announced at thelast minute and this is subject to impact theproject

CitecDot raises automatic warnings at early stagewhen a situation deviates from the plan (e.g. incase production rate in tons per week is lower thanagreed / this gives the opportunity to correct thetrend before deadline)

5 Progress follow-up and quality inspectionsare disconnected from the rest of theprocesses and are most of the time carriedout manually

CitecDot provides an integrated follow-up featureusing a smartphone or a laser scanner to updateprogress statuses and issue non-conformities onthe go including photos.








4.2) Expeditingitem Usual case CitecDot Solution

1 Harmonizing packing lists from vendors is noteasy:Vendors are using most of the time their ownpackaging management system. Usage of aproject specific template for packing lists isleading to manual work and human errorsdifficult to address at site

CitecDot produces automatically packing lists with asmartphone or a tablet (also with a laser scanner formassive delivery of goods). CitecDot solution savestime to the vendors and cuts down the risk of errorsclose to zero. All packing lists from all vendors areavailable in CitecDot for review.

2 Some goods which have not passedsuccessfully the quality check can bedispatched to construction site.

CitecDot workflows prevents any goods notapproved to be included in a packing list. CitecDotknows the status of every part at packaging stage.

3 Vendors often use their own terminology inpacking lists and items are difficult to identifyon site versus design data.

CitecDot uses design metadata to produce packinglists. The risk of misunderstanding is reduced tozero. Packagers only have to select references byscanning 2D barcode labels. There is no need towrite any reference manually.

4 Custom codes are added manually in thepacking lists with heavy risk of mistakes

Custom codes are processed in CitecDot from designstage without risk of errors

5 Vendors change items in deliveries withoutnotice and this causes problems on site

CitecDot prevents vendors to change items agreedat design stage. Changes must be approved first








5) Inventory and Warehouse mgtitem Usual case CitecDot Solution

1 Inventory of deliverables on site is manual andrisks of human errors is high

CitecDot makes inventory easy with asmartphone, a tablet or a laser scanner based on2D barcodes

2 Storage is based on local procedures and limitedwarehouse management possibilities leading towaste of time on site (and sometimes requiring tosend once again the said goods “lost” in stock as amatter of emergency

CitecDot locates each and every box, bundle,pallet, container etc on a scaled map of the sitefor easy and quick access in view of efficientpreparation of parts out of stock.All parts are found in stock with CitecDot,wherever they are on site.

3 Follow-up of the stock of parts only concerns thegoods arrived using packing list information. Sitepeople have no clue on the pending parts and canhardly correlate the packing lists with the designand with drawings

CitecDot provides a real-time picture of the stocksituation with clear information about partstatuses, location in stock, location in the design,related documents, quantities, and much muchmore

4 Return of experience is generally lost when sitepeople are demobilized. Experience gained is noteasy to take into consideration in next projects andrisks to encounter the same difficulties is high

CitecDot keeps track of every event and providesa holistic vision of the project with easypossibilities to dive into details and capitalizeexperience for next projects. The project memoryis hosted in CitecDot and can be used forcontinuous improvement process in projects,even after site people have gone.








6) On-site installation progressitem Usual case CitecDot Solution

1 Work progress is based on estimatesprepared by the site supervisors and/orsite managers. They include is in theirperiodic reports. While preparing thesereports, site people cannot focus ontheir core tasks.

CitecDot processes work progress based on status ofparts and work hours spent on site in every trade.CitecDot updates bargraphs and curves per status in realtime.

2 Work progress is often based on Excelfiles technology with a limited possibilityto dive into details.

CitecDot provides a clear picture from global perspectivedonw to bolts and nuts in every trade, every lot, fromevery vendor.CitecDot provides a 3D animation of the projecthighlighting the status of every component with differentcolors (BIM)

3 Work progress is based on informationand files stored locally on site, which isexposing the project to loss of data anddifficult recovery

All project information, including work progress inputs,are hosted in CitecDot with a high security infrastructureincluding backup and restoration procedures

4 Return of experience is not easy tocollect with multiple parties involved andextensive interdependencies

Return of experience is stored in CitecDot along with theproject and all events are available for analysis.CitecDot also provides a 3D animation showing theevolution of the project along the time with easyevidence of bottlenecks and hold points giving a returnof experience to a new level









M7) Operation & Maintenanceitem Usual case CitecDot Solution

1 O&M tasks are in many cases only based onmanuals and templates to fill-in

CitecDot uses the same technology as for projectexecution to manage O&M tasks. CitecDot connectsdocuments with design data, operation inputs, 3Dmodels and stock handling all together with automaticwarnings and integrated tasks management. CitecDotprovides stats and graphics helping to keep theproduction facilities to the best possible efficiency andavailability levels.CitecDot provides an all-in-one solution for O&M needs

2 O&M people have not always the possibilityto anticipate the needs of spare parts inadvance. Risks to miss the needed spareparts on time is high. This leads to high risksof loss of production

CitecDot manages procurement constraints and otherparameters in order to ensure that the needed spareparts are always available for planned maintenanceactions.

3 Ordering spare parts is often a manualprocess and risks are same as item 2

CitecDot can re-order automatically the missing partsafter approval of the power plant manager. Remindersand warnings are parts of the tools included in CitecDotto prevent any missing important spare parts

4 History of operations and tasks with analysisof KPI’s is not easy to analyze

CitecDot provides automatic reports with graphics andemphasizes positive and weak points at a glance








8) Mgt of RFI’s, design changes and claimsitem Usual case CitecDot Solution

1 Requests for information are usually processedmanually using a template and sent by Email.Risk of missing information is high andconsequences for the project may lead to delays

CitecDot provides a RFI management featureincluding a project specific workflow to track theRFI’s from creation to closure with all steps inbetween and automatic reminders in caserecipients miss an action. Exchange and status ofinformation is always under control.

2 Design changes are managed manually anddistributed by Email. Interdependencies are verydifficult to manage properly and risks ofdeviations are high (e.g. delays and costs)

CitecDot streamlines the design changes processand interact in real time with all concerned. Forexample, one item subject to design change canimmediately and automatically be set on hold in theconcerned factory to avoid unnecessary work untilrevision of the design is completed.

3 Claims and quality issues are often difficult tomanage in an efficient and safe way

Every inspector can create a non-conformity on thego in CitecDot e.g. with his smartphone and attacha picture. Reports, Emails and other documents areconnected to the non-conformities.In case of a claim, your lawyer has all informationand records at his finger tip, with no need to dive inmultiple Email boxes.All useful records and statuses are categorized andavailable under the same roof.








9) Tracking and reportingitem Usual case CitecDot Solution

1 Progress reports are most of the timeproduced manually

CitecDot generates reports automatically at presetintervals, with content according to your needs

2 Reports are distributed manually by Email CitecDot distributes reports by Email automaticallyto the agreed recipients at regular intervals

3 Progress figures are provided by thesupervisors. The site Manager and ProjectDirector can hardly know what is the situationbetween reports

All project Stakeholders have access in real time toall project metrics, bargraphs and trend curves.They are aware of any deviation in real timethanks to automatic notifications. They canaddress any issue at early stage, before it’s toolate.

4 Progress and statuses are managed at lot level CitecDot provides progress and status informationfrom general level down to bolts and nuts level, inall lots and all trades








10) Automatic Warnings & Remindersitem Usual case CitecDot Solution

1 Hardware problems (e.g. reference or quantity)are generally identified on site and it’s too lateto correct the situation

CitecDot checks all deliverables versus design andensures that deviations are identified beforedispatch, allowing corrections without impact onthe projects

2 Delays are identified too late:e.g. too slow progress either at engineering ormanufacturing stages are generally identifiedclose to the deadline and might impact yourprojects

CitecDot measures the production rates andestimates the completion dates versus projectmilestones. In case of risk of delay, CitecDot raisesautomatically a warnings allowing to correct anydeviating trend at early stage.

3 When a non conformity is initiated, correctiveactions are most of the time handled by Emailand deadlines can easily be skipped with apotential impact on the project

CitecDot manages corrective actions in relation towarnings. When corrective actions are not met indue date, CitecDot sends a reminder to theconcerned persons. Corrective actions areprocessed according to a mutually agreed workflowintegrated in CitecDot (issue, check, approve &close)








11) Mgt of tasks & corrective actionsitem Usual case CitecDot Solution

1 Tasks and corrective actions are generallymanaged in Outlook or in to-do lists.Progress cannot be controlled efficiently by theproject stakeholders.

CitecDot users can allocate tasks to other teammembers, set deadlines and follow-up theirprogress until completion.Tasks are managed at individual level and arehosted under the same roof in CitecDot. Projectstakeholders can monitor the task activities fromtop level down to every actor in the project,wherever they are.

2 Corrective actions are processed very often inemergency situations causing stress andincreasing the risk of accidents

Corrective actions are initiated at early stage

3 Return of experience relies on the memory ofpeople involved in projects. It’s not easy to takebenefit from it in other projects

CitecDot hosts all events happening in the projectsand provides analysis and easy return of experiencein multiple domains. CitecDot is an asset to developa continuous improvement process project afterproject. All information of your projects is there








12) Animation of statuses in 3D (BIM)item Usual case CitecDot Solution

1 BIM solutions available on the market are notmature and can hardly highlight statuses in anefficient way

CitecDot animates statuses in 3D models withdifferent colors. Update of colors in the 3D modelsis fully automated in CitecDot.

2 Most BIM solutions available on the marketrequire a massive amount of manual work toupdate statuses in 3D models and this is not inline with most project constraints.

CitecDot uses 2D barcode technology andsmartphones, tablets or laser scanners to updatestatuses in real time in CitecDot database. No needto enter any status manually in the system, just“scan and click”

3 Existing BIM solutions are somehow isolatedfrom other processes

CitecDot animations in the 3D models areconnected to all processes, at every stage of theproject.

4 Parts or pieces of equipment subject to nonconformities, damage or even design changesare not easy to locate in the 3D models

CitecDot highlights in the 3D models the partssubject to non conformities, damage or designchange. There is no need to search for them, theyare just there.

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