CILIP The Winds of Change

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CILIP NE mini-Umbrella presentation, November 2011. By Isabel Hood incorporating material from Annie Maugher.


CILIP: The Winds of Change

NE CILIP mini-Umbrella,November 2011

Internal Context• Professional body• LIS domain• Royal Charter• Approx 17,000 members• Predominantly UK but also overseas• Cross-sector• Charity• Runs business too• Governed by Trustees


External Context

• Already lots of changes in the profession • Pressure on jobs and organisations• Global financial crisis and recession on top• Lot of political changes across the 4 Nations• Has resulted in intense pressure on the sector,

organisations and jobs• But it’s not an even picture• There are variations


Impact on CILIP?

• CILIP much reduced income• Increase in membership decline• Cost saving mode• Needed a better overall strategy• Increased relevance and growth• And an evidence base that underpinned it


Defining Our Professional Future

• To understand the environment and the market .

• To have enough evidence to influence its future shape.

• To find out what members want and expect • Now and in the future.• Also what role current and potential members

wanted for the professional body.


DoPF Findings 1

• CILIP lacks clarity in membership offer.• Core benefits are not specific enough.• Chartership is a main incentive to join CILIP

but has problems.• Members want CILIP to become a visible

campaigning body. • CILIP needed to embrace wider knowledge

and information domain and its needs.


DoPF Findings 2

• Overall - People wanted to see CILIP better communicating its activities and a clearer presentation of the benefits of membership

• And specifically – • Advocacy; • Thought leadership; • Networking and community; • CPD


The Roadmap stage• Re-engineering CILIP so that• Relevant to its members• Sustainable financially• Advocacy becomes top priority• Delivers the DoPF outcomes we were asked for• Complete staff restructure to deliver DoPF• Shut businesses that were not sustainable• Review of qualifications products• Branch and Group Review• Sustainability strategy



• CILIP’s long term sustainability is inextricably linked to relevance to members and to the sector.

• Member services are therefore the core business.

• . But supply of those services has to be sustainable financially.

• And we have to prioritise.


What are we trying to achieve overall?

• Being member-focused.• Supporting the sector.• Being relevant and value for money.• Being sustainable.• Being outward looking and more responsive.• But, need to balance rate of change with

maintaining stability• Need to look towards a strategy for growth.


Strategic Plan 2012 - 14

• Strategic Ambitions• 20 by 20• The Leading Voice• Setting the Agenda• A Powerful Network• Skills For The Future• Fit For The Future


Does CILIP do enough?• Very strong emphasis and resources around advocacy now• Not all advocacy activity is ‘obvious’• It might be around an issue e.g. value of the skills of the

profession, or it might be a sector• Run different campaigns• Issues and situations differ geographically and sectorally• Need to mix influence and challenge• Need to work with other bodies co-operatively• Shout at a someone publicly one day they don’t want to

talk to you the next• Orgs are having to make very hard choices


End of the day…• Bigger CILIP is the more clout it has.• More people involved the more it can do.• Covers a huge spectrum of activity and getting bigger.• It supports the wider profession, including you.• If things go pear-shaped it’s a support mechanism.• Skills, knowledge, quals, access to contacts, cross-sector.• The friends last.• CILIP has its problems.• But so does everywhere else.• Addressing them isn’t instant and the decisions are hard.• A lot of change.• But if we fragment that helps no one.• Changes can be good as well as bad.


Want to influence this week? Then cast your vote if a member

• CILIP Elections for next lot of Trustees• Ballot Papers need returned by 5pm 30th

November• Watch the eHustings

• eHustings forum on CILIP website• Twitter hashtag @CILIP2012


The eHustings


Contact details

• Isabel Hood• Leader of CILIP Council, 2011•• T: @amusedmusings

• With many thanks to Annie Maugher…


Umbrella is always good, anywhere, any place, any version


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