chronicles and memorials of great bri tain - Forgotten Books

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ON the 26th of January 1 857 , the M aster of the Rolls

submitted to the Treasury a proposal for the publicationof materials for the H istory of this Country from the

Invasion of the Romans to the R eign of H enry V I I I .

T he M aster of the Rolls suggested that these materials

should be selected for publication under competent editorswithout reference to periodical or chronological arrange

ment, without mutilation or abridgment, preference beinggiven , in the first in stance, to such materials as were most

scarce and valuable.

H e proposed that each chron icle or historical documen t

to be edited should be treated in the same way as if the

editor were engaged on an Editio Princeps ; and for th ispurpose the most correct text should be formed from an

accurate collation of the best M S S .

To render the work more generally useful, the M aster

of the Rolls suggested that the editor should give an

accoun t of the M SS . employed by him, of their age and

their peculiarities that he should add to the work a briefaccount of the life and times of the author

, and anyremarks necessary to explain the chronology ; but no other

note or comment was to be allowed, except what might be

necessary to establish the correctness of the text.

The works to be publi shed in octavo, separately, as

they were fin ished ; the whole respon sibility of the task

resting upon the editors, who were to be chosen by the

M aster of the Rolls with the sanction of the T reasury .

The L ords of H er M ajesty’

s T reasury, after a careful

con sideration of the subject, expressed their opin ion in a

Treasury M inute, dated February 9, 1 857, that the planrecommended by the M aster of the R olls was well

calculated for the accomplishment of this important

national object, in an effectual and satisfactory manner,

within a reasonable time, and provided proper attention hepaid to economy, in making the detailed arrangements,without unnecessary expen se.

They expressed their approbation of the proposal that

each chron icle and h istorical documen t should be edited

in such a manner as to represen t with all possible correctness the text of each writer, derived from a collation of the

best M S S .,and that no notes should be added, except

such as were illustrative of the various readings . T heysuggested, however, that the preface to each work should

contain , in addition to the particulars proposed by the

M aster of the R olls, a biogra phical account of the author,

so far as authentic materials existed for that purpose, andan estimate of his historical credibility and value.

R olls H ouse,

December 1857.


















P R E F A C E.

A PORTION of the “Annales Cambriae, down A portion

to A .D. 1 066,was printed some years ago in the £330 19

M onumen ta H i storiea Britan n ica , under the able Published

editorsh ip of the late H en ry Petrie,Esq .


M m

Keeper of the R ecords in the Tower of L ondon .

‘ The

plan adopted by the promoters of that great work

ass ign ed the N orman conquest as the h istorical limit

of the first volume ; but as on ly one volume was

ever published, the consequen ce was that the chron icle

in question , as well as several others,remained imper

feet. When ,however, the L ords of H er M ajesty


Treasury in 1 857 gave their san ction to the publication of materials for the h istory of th is coun try from

the invas ion Of the Roman s to the reign of H enry V I I I .,

un der the direction of the Mas ter of the Rolls,it was

thought desirable that a. complete edi tion of the A n

n ales should he i ssued,an d appear in the seri es

wh ich i s n ow in course of comin g out.

The result i s the present volume,which

,though of The

small dimens ions , i s nevertheless highly in teresting, and Prgsent

of con siderable value,

as being, perhaps,the oldest

vo ame'

chron icle of Welsh affa irs that we possess . I t is de

rived from three differen t copies,whi ch

,for the pur

M r. Petrie died before the work matter added by Thomas Dufl'


was fin ished , and after h i s death it Hardv. Esq .

was completed , and the prefatory


pose of reference, we have d istinguished respectivelyby the letters A .,

B .,and C . We did n ot cons ider i t

advisable to deviate from , or to alter in any respect,the groundwork la id down i n the M onumen ta H is

tori ca ; the undertaking, therefore, is to be regarded

s imply as the completion of what was begun there.

A . i s a manuscript in the H arleian Collection , N o.

on vellum,in octave, of the latter part of the

ten th or beginn i ng of the eleventh cen tury, i nsertedwi thout title or in troduction in the body of a. manu

script of N enn ius. I t is followed immed iately by the

pedigree1of Owain , son of H owe] the Good

,and his

This pedi gree is as follows

Y v’

e M ap I guel,

M ap C atell

Y vein M ap Elen

M erch Loumerc

M ap Hymeyt

M ap Tancoyst

M ere Ovei

M ap M argetiut

M . Tendos

M . Begin

M . Catgocaun

M . Cathen

M . Cloten

M . N ougoyM . A rthur

M . C i ncar

M . M ai leun

M . Catgolann lauhir

M . Ein iaun girt

M . Cuneda

M . (Etern

M . Patern pesrut

M . Tac it

M . C ein

M . Guoicein

M . Doli

M . Guordoli

M . Dumn

M . Our dumu

M . Amgnoloyt

M . Anguerit

M . Damam

M . Duvun

M . Bri thgnein

M . Eugein

M . A ballac

M . Amalech, qui

fuitBeli M agn i filius,

et Anna mater ejns,

qua: dieitur ease con

sobrina M aria V ir

g in is matris Domin i

nostri Jean Chri sti .

M . Constans

M . Constanti n i

M agn i

M . Constanti i et

H elen L n iedanc qua

de B ri tann ia exivit

ad crucem Christi

qussrendam usque

ad Jerusalem, et

i nde attnli t seeum

usque ad Constanti

nopolim, et est i bi

usque in hod iernum

d iem.


the three records of the bards of the I sle of Bri tain

are the genealogy of descen t by marriages , terri torial

divi sion s, and praiseworthy actions and scien ces.

” 1

The family regi sters of the princes and other grea t

men of the land would n aturally form the bas is of a

n ation al chron icle, such as the An nales Cambri fe .

The com I t i s very possi ble, moreover, that the compiler wasPfle’



z lp


also an ecclesiastic, for men in holy orders were fre


quently found to be members likewi se of the bardic

ffi‘ems ' profess ion . But we can hardly suppose that he was an

Engli shman , because Owain had,for some reason or


a great an tipathy to the Saxon clergy and

monks,which he carried out to such lengths as even

to destroy the Welsh colleges which harboured them.

Thus i t i s related of h im in on e copy of the Brut

y Tywysogion A D. 959,Owa in ,

son of H owe]

the Good,demoli shed the college of Llan illtud in

Gorwennydd, because there were found in i t gen tle

men scholars who were Saxon s,and from then ce he

proceeded to the college of Cattwg in N an tgarvan ,

and furiously demolished it.

The ebro The chron icle under con sideration was in all proba

$350“ b ili ty written in South Wales,for i t n otices even ts con

probably n ected wi th that part of the coun try more particularlythan i t does those of N orth Wales . Thi s circumstance

in some degree corroborates the supposition that the

compi ler was attached to the i nterests of Owain ,who

had n o actual juri sdiction in N orth Wales .

The We n aturally inquire whowere the most di stingui shed

Principal scholars of South Wales at th is period ? The in terval

South between the s ixth and the twelfth cen turies was singuWale? at larly barren of literary names n evertheless

,during thatthat t1me.

perlod, an d about the t1me 1n wh 1ch the chromcle seems

A nc ien t L aws and I n stitutes of M yvyrian A rehaiology. vol. 1 1 .

Wales , vol. i i . p. 5 1 3 . p. 490 .

PREFACE. xi i i

to have been compiled, we meet with two scholars that

would have don e hon our to any age, Blegewryd, arch

deacon of Llandaf, and Gerain t the Blue Bard, both

being the brothers of M organ , king of Glamorgan .

Blegewryd was a doctor both of the civ i l and eccle

sias tical law,and on that account was chosen as the

ysgolhaig or secretary, when the an cien t laws of

Wales were undergoing a revision by command of H owe]

the Good. That he was acquain ted with the Latin

tongue is attested by the fact that a set of L atin verses

i s attributed to him in the preamble to on e copy of

H owel’

s laws.

1 I n that respect, therefore, as well as

from being in the favour of H owe],he was well qualified

to be the wri ter of the An n alee Cambri ze .

”Gerain t

was a poet and grammarian of note. A fragmen tarydocument prin ted in the 1 0 10 M SS . volume thus speaksof him The oldest system on record of memorials

and recollections is that of Gerain t the Blue Bard

upon poetic metres, and of all that is extan t from

before his time there i s n othing remaini ng exceptwhat may be di scerned by the learn ed by means of

books. T his Gerai nt was brother to M organ the

Aged, king of Glamorgan ,an d he collected an cien t

records of poetry an d'

bardism,and arranged them

in a book of his own composition ,an d established

them by the laws of the cha ir an d the Gorsedd, in

every country and domin ion in Wales ; and Gerain t

excelled in knowledge an d judgmen t, and every chair

Here are the verses composed by Blegewryd thereupon , in testimonv

of that even t

Explicit aditus legi bus liber bene fin itus,

Q uem regi scri pcit Blangoridus, ct quoque fuit

Hweli turbe doctor, tnnc legi bus i n vrbe

Cornando cane, tune iudice coti diano

Rex dahit ad partem dexteram nam sumerat artem.

I n the same preamble Blegewryd i s described as themost learned in all


”—A ncien t L aws , &c . , vol. i . pp. 3 4 1 , 3 43 .


in Wales and Englan d was given to him,from which

he was calle d the Blue Bard of the Chair. A fter this

he became domestic bard to Alfred, king of England,

and he rema in ed with h im, giving instruction to the

Cymry in England, and to the Saxons and in W incheater he lies buried.

” 1

Gerai nt n Gerain t appears , in the above extract, in the charactert f0

of a“collector of anelent records ,

”and though these

events records are mentioned as of poetry an d bardism, we

may well presume that a person Of such a turn of mind

would not be indifferen t to the memorials of n ational

even ts . I ndeed, i n the volume alluded to, there are

th irty-two poetic triplets ass igned to him,

in which are

actually registered the achievemen ts of the prin cipalcharacters of British history from the earliest times

down to that of H owe] the Good, which, i f the stan z as

are gen uine, prove that he did i nvestigate the historicaltradition s and annals of hi s country.

” 2

T here is on ly on e Objection to the supposi tion that


fifgpeGera in t might have been the writer of the A n n ales

Gerain t Cambrise,”

n amely, the dispute which i s said to have

ex isted at one time between his brother, the king of

Glamorgan , and Owain , an d whi ch renders it improbablethat he would i n any degree further the in terests of

the latter.

" But this is not a fatal Objection . The

A rrangement of vocal poet1cal

metres of Gerain t V ardd Glas

pencs I olo M SS . pp. 623 , 624.

Gerain t is supposed by some to have

been the same person with A sset 1

M enevens is, a monk of S t. Dav id’

s ,

who at the reques t of king A lfred

wen t to reside wi th h im as h is

preceptor, and was made b ishop of

Sh irburne. A collection of moral

and religious precepts attributed to

him i s prin ted i n the M vv. A rch .

vol. i i i . pp. 1 00 , &c .

10 10 M S S . pp. 668, &c .

A n account of this d ispute and 1

i ts settlement is g iven i n the

Genealogy of the kings of Gla

morgan ,”

printed in the I oloM SS .

pp. 3 57, See. I t i s there, however,

attributed to Howe] the Good and

M organ , which i s evidently a mis

take, for Edgar, who arb itrated be

tween the parties, was a mere ch i ld

when Howe] d ied in 948 whereas

Camdog posi tively asserts that it

was h is son Owain who committed

the aggression upon M organ’

s terri

tories , wh ich was the cause of the

d ispute. S ee M yr . A rch . v . i i .

p. 490 .


last date in the chron icle is equivalen t to A D. 954,

but the cause of the d ispute did not arise un til four

years later, so that up to that time Gera int might have

continued as attached to Owain , as Blegewryd, h is

brother, had been to Owain’

s father. I n deed,in some

genealogical documen ts , Owain is represented as the

father of M organ ,and therefore the father of Blegewryd

and Gerain t. l I n that case it would n ot be strange

that one son should continue to ad vocate the claims of

his father, whilst an other repud iated them. Bes ides, as

both M organ and Owa in submitted to the arb i tration of

the English k ing, a ided by a coun cil of bi sl1Ops and

earls from Wales an d M ercia , it would appear that thequarrel had arisen en tirely from a mere misunderstand

i ng, wh ich was of a tran sien t character, and was not

at all grounded on any personal an imosity.

I n bringi ng forward these two n ames , we do not I n ten tion

mean to fix the compilation of the chron icle upon ei ther25


, in

of them we have n o sufficient eviden ce to warran t our mention ing

doing so. Our in tention is rather to poin t out from

history that there were men ,even in that illi terate

age, who were fully equal to the task, and not un likely

to have produced a register S imilar to the “A nn ales

Cambri ze .

Whoever the compiler was , he appears to have availed A n I rish

himself, in the prosecution of his task, of an I rishchm ifl e

used in the

chron icle,wh1ch was also used by T1gern aeh, and by compi la

the compiler of the A nnals of Ulster. The notices offi‘m'

I ri sh and Scottish even ts are, especially in the former

part of the chron icle, disproportion ately numerous , and

such as could n ot be expected in a register founded

This relation ship i s recorded in genealogies . I n the Genealogy of

an important h istorical pedigree, the kings of Glamorgan ,”however,

said to have been transcri bed from M organ is said to be the son of

I euan Deulwyn'

s book, 1 450- 1 490 , H owe].

and i s confirmed by several other


upon a purely Cambrian bas is . Of thi s description are

the b irth of S t. Bridget (p. the death of S t. Patrick

the birth of S t. Columcille (p. the death of

S t. Bridget mortality i n I reland the death

of C iaran , abbot of C luan the death of Gabran,

son of Dungart, king of S cotlan d S t. Colum


s departure for Bri tain the death of Brenda,

abbot of B irre (p . the death Of St. Columcille

the death of A idan,son of Gabran (p. the death of

S t. Kentigern and the demolition of the fort of

Altclyde, or Dunbarton (p.

I ntercourse I n the s ixth century there was much in tercourse

between the ecclesiastics of I reland an d those ofWales,

siastics of which was n ot Wholly discon tinued down at leas t to



m d the mi ddle of the n in th cen tury,as appears from the

fact that Cydi vor, abbot of Llan veithin, who di ed

A D. 883 , had i n h is lifetime exh ib ited great con cern

for the welfare of the Scots of I relan d,an d sen t over

six w i se men of hi s college to instruct them .

1 There

could, then , have been n o difficulty on the part of

Cambrian scholars in ga ini ng access to I rish records

during that in terval of time, and i f they were thus

wi th in their reach,there i s every reason to suppose

that they would duly avail themselves of them.

N ative But there were, moreover, documen ts of indigen ous“WW W“

growth, which might, and n o doubt were used in the

compilation of thi s chron icle— those whi ch the author

of N enn ius Speaks of as veteri libri veterum n ostro


” 9 Some of these would be the memorials of

the n ational Gorsedd, wh ilst others would be fami lyregi sters , or the gen ealogical title deeds , wh ich everyfree-born Cymro was

,obliged to exh ib it i n order to

es tablish his rights an d privi leges as a member of the

commonwealth. I t was very n atural that the bards

Brut y Tywysogion penes M yvyrian A rchaiology, vol. 1 1 . p. 482 .

H ist. Brit. 1 7 .


should add to certain names the prin cipal deeds or

even ts for which the bearers of those n ames were re

spectively di stinguished. A n aggregate of such pedi

grees would afford very useful materials towards the

compila tion Of a n ation al chron icle.

The en tries of even ts are but few in number, more The entries

especially towards the beginn ing of the chroni cle. I n

deed ,all the n otices we have relating to Britain , during

i ts first century,are the death of the archbishop of

Y ork,the battle of Badon , and the battle of Camlan .

I ts second cen tury con tains twen ty-eight en tries , i ts

third twen ty-seven ,

i ts fourth twen ty-n in e, but in i ts

fifth century there are as many as fifty-one, and seven

during the rema in ing ten years . These several entries

are likewise meagre, being just of that character which

we would expect genealogical extracts, or fragmen ts of

family regi sters , to exhi bit.

Owing to the great brev i ty wi th wh ich these memo Examples

rials are for the most part clothed, they too frequently $350 1.occupy such detached and i solated positions as to make regi stering ,

i t imposs ible for us to iden tify them,in dependently of

other an d fuller authori ties . I f we depended solely on

the statemen t of the “A nn ales , we should know n othingmore of S t. Patrick (p. C i aran (p. Gi ldas (p.

Bren dan Gwrgi an d Peredur Gregory (p.

Kentigern Ceredig Belin Brochvael

(p. M organt (p. A domn an H owe] (p.

Lauden t (p. I udguoll M ervyn M eurig

(p. Cerball (p. Hyveidd Gorchwyl (p.

A sser and Aedelstan (p. than S imply that theydi ed in certain years . The births as well as the deaths

Of some,as of St. Bridget (p. 3) an d St. Columcille

(p. are recorded. Others have the names of their

fathers added, as Gavran , son of Bungart (p. Aeddan ,

son of Gavran (p. Selim,son of Cyn an I ago,

son of Beli Beli, son of Elfin (p. Tewdwr, son

of Beli Dyvnwal, son of Tewdwr (p. Fern vail.

xvi i i PREFACE.

son of I udha il Owa in,son of M aredudd (p. 1 1 )

Trifun, son of R ei n (p. A edd , son of N eill (p.

L lywarch , son of H yveidd (p. H yveidd, son of

C lydawg (p. and Rhodri, son of H owel (p.

Others their office or rank, as Ben ignus , b ishop (p .

Dunawd ,king (p. Dubricius, b ishop (p. Oswid ,

king of the S axon s (p. Alfred ,king of the Saxon s

Osbrid , king of the Saxon s (p. Bede, priest

Owain ,king of the Picts Rhodri

, king of the

Briton s (p. Edwald, king of the S axons

Lemoyd, ki ng of the Picts Cudberth , abbot

A rthen,king of Ceredigion (p. Rein ,

king of the

Dimetian s Cadell of Powys Cynan , king

(p. Satur b iu ha i l of M enevia (p. Cemoyth ,king of the Picts (p . Jonathan ,

pri n ce of Abergeleu

Albrid , king of Giuoys (p. Cadell, kingAnarawd, kin g (p. A elfied , queen A bloyc, king

En euris , b ishop of M enev i a (p. and H owe],

king of the Bri ton s I n some instan ces the mode

of death is specified ; thus , M aelgwn ,king of Gwyn edd,

died of a great mortality or plague (p. I dri s had h is

throat cut (p. Cadwalader, son of Cadwallon,died

of a plague (p. Caradog, king of Gwynedd, had

his throat cut by the Saxons (p. I udha il,ki ng of

Gwent, was killed by the men of Brechein iog (p.

M eurig was ki lled by the Saxon s Cyngen had h is

throat cut by the Pagan s GWgawn ,king of Cere

d igion ,was drown ed (p. Dyvnwarth , king of Com

wall, was drowned (p. Rhodri and Gwriad h is son

were stran gled by the Saxon s C lydawg the ki ngwas sla in (p. Cadell, son of Arthvael, d ied of poi son

(p. I dwal and his son Eli z ed were ki lled by the

S axon s Cyngen , son of Eli z ed , di ed of poi sonEadmund, king of the Saxons , had his throat cut

and Cadwgawn , son of Owain,had h is throat cut by

the S axon s Again ,in some cases , the place of

death i s men tioned ; Selim, son of Cyn an ,fell in the

even t, and thus i t not only throws more light on the

en tries of the chron icle , but corrobora tes i ts general

authen ticity.

T he first en try of a civi l or na t ional character that

occurs in it is tha t of the battle of M oun t Badon ,

which is noticed by two con temporaries , Gildas and

Tali es in . The former dates his own nativi ty from

that event,’ whi lst the latter speaks of i t in the

following strain

Woe to them,m iserable ones

,because of the

battle of Badon,

A rthur, the head of the brave,his blades were red

with blood,

H e inflicted on hi s en emi es the vengeance of


That deman ded the battle blood of the sovereign

of the N orth.

” 2

The author of the book of Nenn ius,who li ved at a

later period, represen ts the battle of M oun t Badon as

the twelfth wh ich Arthur fought, and on e


i n which 960

enemies fell in a single attack by hi s own hand.


M a ilcun ,king of Gwyn edd, or M aelgwn Gwyn edd,

whose death i s recorded under the year 547, and of

whom the Ann ales Cambriw give us no other

accoun t, i s very severely handled by Gildas because

of hi s sinful life.

The battle of Arderydd, A .D. 573 , is mentioned in

a Welsh poem, which i s usually attributed to M erddi n ,

a person of some di stinction , who h imself took an

active part in itI n the battle of Arderydd I wore the golden

torques .

” 5

lliat. Gilda , e. 26 . s ion gives 840 as the number that

f ' 11 thatC ited by A rchbishop U sher.


1am $ 32“

lliat. Brit. 56 . A nother Ver M yv. A rch. vol. i . p. 1 52.


Constan tin e, whose con vers ion to the Lord i s Qonstan

n oticed under 589, is in all probabili ty iden tical with"n "

the immun dse leeen se Damnon i ze tyrann icus catulus

Constan tinus of Gi ldas .


L lywarch H en says of ki ng Dunawd,who died Dunawd.

according to the A nnales,

”A .D. 59a

Fi ercelyWas i t sa id in the pas s of Llech ,

Dun awd,the son of Pabo

,w i ll n ever flee .

” 9

Both L lywarch H en and Talies in sing the pra ises U rien .

of U rien .

s The former, indeed, i n h i s Elegy on that

Christian warrior,

speaks also of the generos ity of

R hun,in all probability the same person as R un

“filius U rbgen ,who bapti z ed Edwin , A D. 626 .

T he same bard has an Elegy on Cadwallon,

‘ who i s Cadwallon .

men tioned in the chron icle under 629, 630, and 63 1 . The

battle of N aiveren i s eviden tly alluded to in the

followi ng stan z a

The army of Cadwallon encamped on H avren ,

A n d on the farther s ide of Dygen ,

And the devourers were burn ing M eiycn .

Whether the battle of Cocboy, AD . 644,i s alluded The battle

to i n a poem attributed to Taliesin,

5 where mention°f 0mm"

i s made of

The meeting of Corroy and Cocholyn ,

is perhaps doubtful ; nor i s it likely that the chief

of Bards was liv ing at this period.

The n ame of Brochvael, whose death is recorded Emeli n e].

under 662,

occurs i n Llywarch H en’

s Elegy on

Cynddylan , son of Cyndrwyn .


The author of .the book of N enn ius speaks of M ey tigmof

Talies in and L lywarch, the latter of whom he calls 351




;B luchbard

,and agrees with other authorities i n

Epist. Gildaz .

M yv . A rch . vol. i . p. 1 03 .


represen ting them as having flourished at the time

when the great con test between the Bri ton s an d

Anglian s i n the sixth cen tury was being carried on .


Date of The first edition of Nenn ius appeared in 674 ;2

the b°°k presuming that the author was at that time thi rtyofHenn ins.

years of age, he must have been con temporary wi th

the battle of Cocboy, the carn age of Caer Gai,an d

the slaughter of Pan tha, all of whi ch are described

in the H istoria Bri tonum n early in the same words

as i n the “An n ales C ambriae.

”But as the genealogies

i n which these particulars occur refer to a date as

late as 738, i t follows that the edi tor, when that

portion of the work was added, was a very old man,

upwards of n inety years of age. Probably the compilerof the genealogies was an other and a younger man ,

whose li fe di d n ot reach any on e of the three even ts

men tion ed,though i t might take i n the death of

Cadwalader,whi ch we may remark is n oti ced agree

ably to the statemen t of the A n n ales .

Bede was born in 674, and di ed 735. H e was,

therefore,coeval wi th all the occurrences that are

mention ed in our chron icle as havi ng happen ed duringthat interval. H e n otices , however, only two, n amely,

the death of A elfrid and the death of Osred, the

former of which he places in an d the latter in

the one a year later, the other a year earlier than

the respective dates of the An nales Cambriae.

Tune Talhaearn Cataguen in

poemate elarui t, et N eirin , etTalies

s in , et Bluchbard , et C ian , qui vo

catur Gueni th Guent, s imul uno

tempore in poemate B ritann ico cla

ruerunt.”—H ist. B rit. 62 . The

genuineness of the A ncient British

Poems of A neurin ,Taliesin , L ly

warch H en , and M erdd in , has been

ably v indi cated by Sharon Turner,

Esq .,

L ondon , 1 803 .

2 Th is appears from the “H isto

ria in the V atican . where we read ,

Q uando Gratianus E quan tius

consul fuit in Roma, qui tune

a consulibus Romanorum totus

orbis regebatur, Saxones a Guer

thegirno, anno post Domin i Pas

s ionem trecentes imo quadrigesimo

septimo suscepti aun t : ad hun c

quem (quo) nunc scribimus nu

num sexcen tesimum quadrages i

mum septimum numeramus.”

I list. Eccles . lib . v . c . 1 8 .

1 11 . c . 22 .

PREFACE. xxi i i

Asser M enevens is also, who was inv ited to the Era of

court of Alfred about 885,

and closed hi s mortal Am ”

M eneven

career in 908 , lends his testimony in support of a few sis.

particulars . The battle of Bryn Onn en i s described byhim at some length . The place where i t occurred

was called in Engli sh E scesdun ,quod L ati n e mon s

fraxin i’

i nterpretatur.

”M ention is made of arch

bi shop N ov is,whom As ser calls his relation ; also of

H emeid,Rhodri

,M eurig, and Anarawd, all of whom

are n oticed in the Annales .

” 1

The compi ler of the chron icle h imself could not The events

have been long after Asser. The even ts recorded in°f the 1m "

part of the

the latter portion must,therefore, have been well chroni cle

kn own to h im,some of them

,i t may be


fallen under hi s own personal observation . We are compiler

thus fully justified in receiving them as genuine facts

of history.

There is some reason to th ink that our chron icle Originallywas origin ally wri tten in Welsh and that in i ts $ 13presen t form it is on ly a trans lat1on . Th is suppoaition is foun ded on the Welsh words and phraseswhich appear in it as i f left un translated ; such as

Gtwi th Camlann (p.

“Aidan M ap Gabran


“Gueith Caer M gion Gue i th Gart

mailane (p.

“Gfuei th M ocetaue “Gue'ith

H irford (p .

“Guc i th Lannmaes”

(p. 1 2)Cat Brin Onn en (p. Guei th Bannguolou

Guei th Di n Sa l i n M e n”

(p .

“Aed M apN eill Gue 'it Conguoy diga l Rotri a Deo

Gtwi th Dinmeir”


“Guei th Dinas

N eguid”

(p. The Welsh compiler would seem

to have turned I rish en tries in to proper Cymraeg, as

“M ac Gabran”in to “M ap Gabran ,

” “M ac N ei ll”

into M ap N eill,”though such instan ces have not

been further tran slated in to Latin .

See A sser de Rebus gestis JElfredi .


$ 11p We would feign detect traces of a misapprehen s ion

mat-i i of the mean ing of certa in Welsh words on the part




230“of the tran slator. Such, we think,

appear in the

ca fe statement relative to A rthur at the battle of Badon ,

“mm " that he carried the cross of Chr i st “in humeros suos .

I t is very probable that the origin al word was

ysgwyd, clypeus, and that the translator in istook

i t for ysgwydd,”humerus , and rendered it accord

ingly. T he mistake would be very eas ily made at

that early period, when there was n o difference what

ever in the orthographical forms of the words , both

bei ng written i scu'i t. N en n i us seems to have made

the same mistake, but Geoffrey of M onmouth appearsto have caught the right mean ing, though somewhat

amplified , when he says , H umeris quoque suis

clypeum vocabulo Priwen,in quo image Sanetre

M ari ze gen etricis impiota .

TheWelsh The forms of the Welsh n ames are purely etymonames logical, such as prevailed in early times

,enabling the

$3335 philologist to iden ti fy at a glance their componen tM me“ parts ; unlike the phon etic character of our more

modern orthography, where the i n itial con sonan t,i n

compounds as well as i n separate words, is affected

by that which goes before.

Chm The chron ology of this documen t is desi gn ated byW ow the repeti tion of the word an nus for each successive

year, whether blank or otherwi se, whilst every tenth

year is marked x ., xx ., 850 . I t has not

,however, been

con sidered n ecessary to prin t every annus as i t

occurs in the manuscript, where no even t is recorded.

The first an d las t on ly of the blank years that in ter

ven e between each en try of an occurren ce have been

inserted. From a comparison of dates ass igned to

many of the even ts noticed in i t by other wri ters, i t

would appear that the era on which its chronology rests

would concur with the year 444 of the I n carnation,

though there i s no reason given for thi s particular date.


The chron icle that comes next under our n otice is Descrip

Annales ab orbe condi to adusque AD . marked

B . i n the present edition . This is a manuscript in B .

folio, wri tten i n triple columns , in a hand of the close

of the thirteen th century, wi thout title or in troduction ,

on certain fly leaves prefixed to an abridged copy of

Domesday Book in the Public R ecord Office, i n the

custody of the M as ter of the R olls, formerly in charge

of the king’

s remembran cer in the Court of the

Exchequer. I n all probabi li ty i t was wri tten AD .

1 286, which is the date of its lates t en try, and wh ich

was but a few years after the death of L lywelyn , the

last soyereign prince of Wales .

But though as a transcript i t may be of that date, Probablythere i s reason to suppose that i t i s not originally 222350“the work of one period, but that i t was compiled by period.

di fferent persons at di fferen t times .

The bas is of th is chron icle, down to the empire of Theo


Lee I ., A D. 457 , i s deri ved from the Thirty-n in th


chapter of the Fifth Book of I sidore’

s Origin es, ap

paten tly through the medium of Bede'

s shorter

chroni cle, with some insertions relating to general

ecclesiastical history from an other source, and w ith

the further addi tion of a few brief notices taken from

Geoffrey of M onmouth’

s Bri tish H istory.

The chronological computation of this part of the Chm

chron icle is taken from the length of reign of thexii i ? $2several emperors, which

seems to mark it as the work portion

of one man, whilst the reference to Geoffrey of M on

mouth would place the date of compi lation subsequentlyto the middle of the twelfth cen tury.

From A .D. 457 i t agrees nearly with manuscript ComparedA. until that copy ends and n o doubt this was the gfgm pt

register pri ncipally made use of by the compi ler, A .

though it is evi den t that he had other sources of

information at hand as well, which enabled him to

den ti fy the Dunawd, who died in 597 as“filius Pabo,


or to fix the church of S . M ichael that was conse

crated in 7 1 8 in mon te Gargano. H e, moreover,

clothes the en tries gen erally i n his own language ;

thus , where A . has A D. 607 ,“Aidan M ap Gabran

moritur,”in B. i t i s rendered, A idan filius Gawran

ob i i t.”

I t may be that both version s are but

separate tran slation s of the same Welsh origin al,

somewhat modified or divers ified according to the

addition al information which the respective wri ters

may have possessed.

Chrono From the time of its con curren ce with manuscri pt

Rafi“ A . down to 1 097 , each success ive year is n oted by the

Poffion word annus,but without the numerical in dication

of decades . A t this date the common era is adopted ,and continued to the end of the chron icle.

A pparently I t would appear, then,as if a fresh hand were

filmfifi‘; employed upon the register from AD . 1 097 down to

Pem n the begin n ing of the thirteen th cen tury, when the

en tries , which were somewhat brief before, become

much fuller, thus in dicating an other change. The

latter portion was probably composed at the mon astery

of S trata Florida,to whi ch it frequen tly refers , the

very last en try, indeed, being a notice of a conflagration

which occurred there.

The From the ev iden t partiality di splayed by t he wri ters

gigg lyfor the Cambrian in terest, there can be li ttle doubt

Wen}; that they were Welshmen ,probably eccles iastics,

“clad” inmates of some of the religious houses that had

sprung up in di fferen t parts of the coun try, and more

especially of S trata Florida.

The chm. A s justly observed in the Preface to the M onumenta

do“ toH istori ca B ri tan n i ca , p. 93 , the chronology of the

1 093 more portion derived from I sidore i s, by the omi ssion or


confusion of different person s,utterly false, i nasmuch

as i t would place the accession of Lee in the year

397 , in stead of the year 457 the arrival of H engist

in the year 409, instead of the year 449 ; and the

xxvi i i PR EFAC E.

scripts A . generally with manuscript B . to the year 1 203 , from




10 wh ich circumstan ce i t is eviden t tha t the compilerA .D. 1 203 . or compilers of that portion had access to the two

other copies,and made use of them in preparing h is

or their own chron icle.

The latter A fter the year 1 203 it becomes wholly di fferen t

di fferent. from B .,and has fewer and briefer n otices of Wales ,

whilst these have mostly an air of partiali ty towards

the English . We conclude, therefore, that this

portion , occupying eighty-five years , was the work of

a distin ct party,eviden tly in the in terest of the En g

lish king.

Pioti q es of From about the year 1 0 1 6 to ' the year 1 200L nghsh

again, ia tin s manuscr1pt has some leaves of parchmen t i n ter

nfgzed posed, conta in i ng brief n otices of English afi


ai rs. To

manu the year 1 1 3 5 they are abridged from Floren ce of”fl!” Worcester an d his con tinuator ; afterwards they are

taken from another source,and have frequen t men

tion of the bishops of Worcester. Each n otice has

a referen ce to its i n tended place i n the text ; but

these referen ces are very faulty throughout as to

time,and are wholly omi tted in the present volume.

Chrono T he chronology of manuscript C .,like that of

manuscript B .,i s foun ded, first, on the length of

reign of the several emperors , and afterwards on the

repeti tion of the word an nus .

”The former portion ,

from causes similar to those already descri bed

relative to manuscript B .,i s utterly erroneous ; the

latter portion ,down to A D. 1 1 35

,i s subject to

the same kind of error as that manuscript ; butafter that date the “

annus”is more carefully noted,

an d, as far as can be ascerta ined, the chron ology

i s generally right.

Basis of A s manuscript A . is ev iden tly the most ancient,

and therefore the most hi storica lly valuable of the

three copies which we have thus con s idered, it has

been . adopted as the basis, as far as i t goes, of the


present ed ition , being collated with manuscripts B .

and C . When manuscript A . ceases , manuscript B .

has been used as the text, collated wi th manuscriptC . Such addition al matter as was afforded by

collation,and would cohere with the text, has been

insert ed throughout in brackets, except that portionwhi ch i n the copies B . an d C . relates to even ts

preceding the mi ddle of the fifth cen tury. This

preliminary matter, inasmuch as i t was prefixed at

a much later period to the original form of the

chron icle, as i t stands in manuscript A.,and i s con

sequen tly worthless in a historical poin t of v iew,

has been altogether omi tted from the text, but i s

nevertheless i n serted at the close of the Preface.

The variations of the di fferent copies are in serted V arious

at the foot of the page, and are referred to by a”M 113 3

small numeral ; and when more words than one are

meant,a tick is used to indi cate the termination

of the passage i n the text.

So long as manuscript A . con tinues,a numeral has M arginal

been supplied for each “annus

”which is mention ed



and in order to have an approximation to the com

mon era,the date 444

,as already stated, has been

assumed as con current wi th i ts first annus ,”


the Chri stian year has been con stan tly affixed to

each register of even ts down to 954, which would

then correspon d with the year 51 0 of that manu

script. From that period forward, the chronology of

the manuscripts B . and C . i s so irregular and

erroneous, that it has been found impossible to re

duce it to order ; wherefore the real dates have

been sought for, as far as they were attai nable, from

other and more trustworthy authori ties wh ich n otice

the same even ts , such as the Saxon chron icle and

Florence of Worcester, un til we come to 1 097 , when

manuscript B . adopts the year of Chri st, and is thus

followed in the margin . The numerals opposite to

Why thereare no


the in termediate years of chron icle C .

,wherever they

occur during this period,have been main ly con

jectured from the pos ition they hold relatively to the

specified dates of B .

Owing to the brevity of diction in whi ch so many

marginal of the notices, especially in the former part of thereferenm

chron icle,have been clothed

,it was found i nconven ien t

The style.

to ann ex margin al referen ces to each. Rather, there

fore,than that there should be any in completen ess, or

wan t of un i formity i n th is respect, it was deemed

advi sable to omit them altogether. I t is presumed ,however, that the fuln ess of the in dex , together wi th

the margin al dates, wi ll make up in a great degree

for the deficien cy, wh ich otherwi se might have provedsomewhat disadvan tageous.

We may remark upon the style of the work,that

in many places it i s extremely faulty, defective, and

ungrammatical. A few such in accuracies have been

poin ted out in the foot n otes , but in gen eral the text

has been prin ted as in the manuscript, a course whi ch

has been adopted lest in any way we should inadver

ten tly alter the sen se of the words , or modi fy the

peculiarity of the language, which the compi lers mayhave designedly used.


I n drawing“P this Preface the in the M onuments H istorica BriEdi tor begs to acknowledge the tanniea,

”of which he has largely

great help he has derived from that availed himself.

M S . B .

A b orbe condito adusque A .D. 447 .

Prim fecit Deus lucem, quam appellavit

diem. Secunda d ie fec it Deus fi rmamen tum in medi c aquarum ,

ct divi s it aquas ab aqui s superiores ab in ferioribus , ut in Genes i ,

leg itur. Terti a die congregav i t Deus aquas in locum ct fec it

terram apparere , quam aridam appellavi t, congregationesque

aquarum appellav it maria . Quarta die fecit solem ct lunam

de lucc primo die facta , et cctera s idera in firmamen to cmli .

Quinta die creavi t Deus n atati lia ‘ et volati lia ct ipsa de aquia.

S exta die creavi t Deus an imali a terrestria ct ipsum hominem

ad simili tudin em Dei , masculum et foeminam creavi t cos , sci li cet

Adam et Evam. S eptimo di e quicvi t ab omn i opere suo quod

Adam c°xxx

°az tati s sum anno genuit S eth , a quo fi11 1 Dei ,

vixitque ann i s decccn x . , et mortuns est.

Seth anno c°v°

genuit Enos , qui cepit invocare nomen Dei ,vixitque ann i s decccxij .Enos anno c

°xc . genui t Cayn an , v ixi tque ann i s dccccv .

Caynan anno c°1xx. genuit M alaleel, v ixi tque ann i s dccccx .

M aleleel anno c°lv . genui t Jareth , v ixi tque ann i s dccc .

Jareth anno c°lii . genuit Enoc xcv . , vixi tque ann i s dcccclxij .

Enoch anno c°lxv . genui t M atusalem, vixi tque ann i s ccclxv .

M atusalem clxj . genui t L amee, vixi tque ann i s dcccclxix . I s tc

Lamec interfecit Chain filium Adm fratriscidam.

Lamec ann o c°lv ij . gah n i t N oe, v ixitque ann i s dcclxxv ij . N oe

a1mo d° genuit Sem ; postquam Sem erat xcv i ij . annorum ven it

diluvium ann o dc . vitm N oe, men sc secundo, xvij . di e mens i s ,

ut quidam volun t. H aae est prima tetas , continens 1 . dcccclxxxi i ij .

S em vero ann i s duobus post diluvium genuit Arphaxath , at

ipse Arphaxath anno xxxv°

genui t Salem, qui primus mdificator

fui t Jerusalem , et a nomine ipsius di cta est Salem, postea a

Jebus et Salem di cta est Jerusalem. Salem anno cm °

genui t

Ebor, a quo H ebrsei . Ebor anno c°xxx. genui t Phalec . Phalec

anno c°xxx. genui t Bagan . Di i primum adorantur. Regan anno

c°m ij . genui t Seruch . Regnum S cytharnm inches t. Sem ch

anno c°m . genuitN achor. RegnumEgyptc rum in choat. N aehor

N atalicia in M S .


an no lxxx . genui t Abraham . Z or castri s mag icam artem re

peri t . H az e est secunda aetas , continen s ann os dccclv ij .

Abraham armo c°

genuit I saac . I saac ann o 1x. genuit Jacob .

Jac ob ann o x1 . genui t Joseph . Phoren eus Graec i s leges dedit.

Joseph ann o xxi ij . obi it in Egypto. S ervi tudo H ebraaorum in ci pit

i n Egypto i n cedem ann o in quo Joseph mortuus est, et duravi t

per cxli i ij . ann os . M oi ses rexi t populum x1 . am1 i s . Athlas

astronomiam docuit . Josue ann i s xxv ij . rexi t populum post

M oi sem . Ericton ius in Troja usum quadrigm primus inven i t.

Post hoc fili i I srael serv ierun t reg i M esopotami aa am1 i s v i ij . ,

quos Gothomel liberavi t, et ei s prmfui t ann i s x1 . Eaptinus

litteras Graaci s dedi t. Postea servierun t H ebrmi reg i M oab

xvi ij . ann i s , quos A cth li beravi t, c i sque praz fuit, et quicvi t terra

lxxx . ann i s . Debora populum judicat. B e indo fili i I srael ser

v ierun t Jab in reg i Chanaan am1i s xx. , quos liberavi t Barach , et


uit ann i s x1 . Apollo ci tharam reperi t. Postea serv icrunt

M idiani ti s , quos liberav itGedeon , et praafuit ann i s x1 . M ercurius

lyram condidit. Ab imelec xxj . Chorus i n Gras cia inven tus est.

Thola an n is xxxij . Pri amus L aomedon ti s filius regnavi t in

Troja . Jah ir xxxij . C armen ti s mater Euandri litteras L a

tinorum reperi t. B eindo fili i I srael servi erun t hostibus xvi ij .

ann i s , quos Jepte liberavi t, et praafui t ann i s v ij . H ercules

fiam in i s se Abessa am1 i s v ij . A lexander B lenam rapuit.

A bdon ann i s x Troja capta est a Grmc i s , ct C artago a

Didon e in choatur . Dares h i stori am Trojanorum edidi t. De inde

fili i I srael servierun t Phi li ste i s x1 . ann i s , quos S amson liberavi t,

ct prmfuit xx . ann i s . E n eas in I talia mori tur . As chan ius A lbam

condidit. H eli sacerdos pater Ophn i ct Ph in ees prmfuit xl.

ann i s . Archa testamenti capta est, Ophni et Phin ees ocei s i s .

Trojan i duce B rute i n B ritann ia venerun t . S amuel ct S aul

ann i s xl. H omerus Grmcorum docti ss imus clarus habebatur .

L ocri nus filius B ruti i n Britalmi a regnat. H az e est tertia retas ,

contin en s dceccx .

Dav id rex ann i s x1. Gad , A sa prophotaverun t in I srael.

S alomon am1 i s x1 . templum I erosolimi s aadificatur . Amos ,

L eu, A ggeus prophetaverunt. Rudh idibras regnabat tune

tempori s i n B ri tann i a . R oboam ann i s xv ij . R egnum I srael

div idi tur . Abia an n i s tribus , sub quo Ab imelec ponti fex fuit.

S aphan xli i ij . Z acharias , Johel prophctaverun t. Josaphat ann i sH elias , Obedi as , M i cheas prephetaverunt . Joram ann i s v i ij .

Joel, N aum prophetaverun t. H elias rapitur , H eliseus prophe

tav it . Jouadah sacerdos claruit. Joas ann i s x1 . H eli seus H elic

d i sc ipulus mori tur . An as ias ann i s xv . C artago perfecto condita

est. Oz i as an n i s xv i ij . R omulus et R emus nascu ntur. Olympias

sub Olympe montc a e oi s in sti tuitur. Josue et Y sayas xxxvi ij .

PREFACE. xxxi ii

ann i s . I n primo am10 potestati s i stornm Roma conditur a

gemin i s fratribus R emo et R omulo, xj . kalendas M ai i , di e S an ette

Pal. ‘ R egnabat in B ri tann i a Cun edas ius , qui fui t n epos reg i s

L er , qui condi dit L erecestriam . A cha z ian xvj . E z ech ias ann i s

xxix . Sen atus cepit esse Romm. S ibilla clarui t. M inon ann i s

xij . Primus census ag itur. Jos ias ann i s xxij . M i llesius phi lo

sephus agnosci tur . Joach im ann i s x. S edechi as ann i s xx.

N abocodonosor Judearn cepi t. Templum I erosolimi s in cen s am

est . H aze est quarta mtae, con tin en s an nos cccelxxj .H ebraeorum captiv itas inc ipit et durav it ann i s in . H i storia

Jud ith scribit ur . Darius ann i s xxxi ij . , scd primo anno sum po

testati s ejus H ebrmi a captivi tatc sun t liberati . N erses an n i s

xx . M ophocles , S ocrates , Euripides celebran tur. Artaserses

ann i s xxv . H esdras legem incens am rcnovav i t. Alter Darius

ann i s xv ij . Plato clarus habetur. H i storia H ester completur .

A ri stotules et Demostenes celebrantur . M erses ann i s v i ij . Alex

ander ann i s v . A s iam tenuit , et I erosolimam cepit , ct mortuus

est. Tholomeus ann i s xxv i ij . M achabeorum liber primus ih

c ipit. LXX. in terpretes agnoscuntur. Ph iladelphus ann i s xxv i ij .

Jesus librum S apien tiaa compon i t. Ph i lopater ann is xv i ij . Phi

lometus ann i s xxvj . S cipio Affri canus A ffri cam v i s it et Charte

g inam delev it. B rutus H ispan i am subeg it. Sother ann i s xvij .

Traces Roman i s subj iciun tur . A lexander ann i s xj . Syria R o

man i s subjugata est. Tholomeus am1i s xj . Ars rhetorica cep it

esse Romm. Dion i s ius ann i s xxij . M agnus Pompeias Judeamcepi t, et Cleopatra filia L ag i tun e tempori s in Egypto regnabat,

et in B ri tann ia regnabat Lud filius H ely , qui Tronovan tum

renovav it, et a nomine suo Lundon iam appellav it.

Annus ante I ncarnation em Domin i 1x. Julius Caz sar B ritan

n iam bello pulsavi t et v iei t, Cass ibellano in Bri tarmia regnan te .

Annus .

Annus . Augustus Caesar regna recepit.

Annus .

Annus . N ativ itas Domin i nostri Jesu Christi i n BethleheemJudm in civi tate Dav id .

A nnus . I n terfectio in fan tium.

An nus .

Annus revers ion is Domi n i de Egypto.

Ann us .

Annus Ti beru Ca saria, qui primus post Augustum regnavi t .

Annus .

S ic in M S .

Repeated 1 7 times.Repeated 40 times.

xxxiv PREFACE.

Annus . Dominus a Johanne in Jordane bapti z atus est et

jejunavi t et temptatus est.

Annus . Aquam in vi num mutavi t Dominus eodem die quo

bapti z atus est, revoluto ann o.

Annus . Dominus publice praedi cat. Johannes B apti sta obri t.

Annus Passion i s Domin i n ostri Jesu Chri sti .

Annus .

An nus Gaicaesari s . M atthaeus Evangelium scrips it.

Annus Claudi N eron i s . Petrus R omam , M arcus Alexandr-i sm

peti t.

Annus .

Annus C alvi N cron i e, sub quo Petrus crucifigi tur. Paulus

gladio tradi t ur.

An nus .

Annus . V espas ianus regnav it.

An nus . I erosolimam dira i t.

Annus Ti ti I mperatori s . H ie pin s et facundas fui t.

A nnus . Domitian n s regnavit . Johannes Evangeli sta inter

Pathmos relegatur . C lemen s in Pontos exulat.

Annus .

An nus N erwe I mperatori e. Johann es Ephesum redien s Evan

gelium scri ps it.

Ann us Trajanus regnavi t. S imon Cleophc filius cruc ifig i tur , et

requiesci t Johannes Apostola s .

Annus Adrian i I mperatori e. A qui la interpres habetur.

A 11nus .


A nnus . Anton ius Pius regnavit. V alentin ius ctM arcion heretic i

agnosountur .

Annus . Anton ius minor regnav it. Cathafrigarumheresi s ori tur .

Annus .


A nnus . Comedia s regnavit. Theodosius inter C hri stianos

habetur .

An nus .


A n nus . H elius pertin ax regnavi t .

An nus Aureli i A n ton i i , vj‘cdi tio N ycopolin i reperitur.

Repeated 5 times. Repeated 18 times.

R epeated 1 3 times.

7 Repeated 20 times .

3 Repeated 1 3 times. Repeated 24 times .

R epeated 8 times .

9 R epeated 1 8 times .

5 Repeated 1 4 times. I Repeated 12 times .

xxxvi PREFACE.

A nnus . Jovian n s regnavi t. H ic cum omn i exerc i ta suo

Chri sti anus effic itur .

A n nus .

A nnus . V alen tin ianus regnavi t, qui ab Jul iano mili tia fuerstprivatus .

A nnus .

A n nus . Valen s regnum inchoat.A nnus .


A nnus . Beams Ambros ius ct M artinus Epi scopi claruerunt .

An nus .


A nnus . V alen tin ianus cum Theodos io regnavi t. I eron imus i n

Bethleem , Aug us tinus in A fl'

rica pre dican tn r. Synodus C on

stan tipolin i ccl. Epi scopi s , in qua omn es hereses condemnantur .

A nnus .

A nnus . Theodos ius cum Arehad io et H onorio regn ant .

Johannes an achori ta claruit.

An nus .


A nnus . Johannes Cri sostomus et Aug ustinus Epi scopi priedican tn r.

A nnus .

A nnus . H on orius enm Theodos io M inore regn an t. C iri lln s

A lexandrimclar uit. Con s ilium C arthag inen se , eexl. Epi scopornm

Pelag ium eondemnat .

A nnus .7

A nn us . Theodos ius M inor regnat. Ephes ina synodus N esto

rimm con demnat.

A nnus .


A nn us . M arcianus imperat. Calcedonen se con s ilium geritur .

Annus .

Amms . S an ctus Patricius monente angelo H ibern iam peti i t.

A n nus .

A n nus . L eo major imperat. Egyptus errore Dioscori latmt.

A n nus .

A nnus . Adven tus A nglorum H ors i ct H eng isti tempore Worti

germ reg i s .

Amms .


Annus . Dies tenebrosa s icut nox .

Repeated 9 times .

7 Repeated 1 4 times .

Repeated 3 times . Repeated 25 times .

3 Repeated 5 times .

R epeated 4 times .

Repeated 1 0 times .

i n

5 Repeated twice.

Repeated 1 1 tun es .

Repeated 1 2 times .

Repeated 5 times .


M S . C .

Ab orbe condito sdusque A .D. 453

I ncipiunt Cron ica Venerab ili Bede.‘

Prima die esenli n ascenti s fecit Deus lacem , quam appellavit

diem . S ecunda die fec it Deus firmamentum in medio aquarum ,

ct div is i t aquas ab aqui a superiores ab in ferioribus . Tertia

die congregav it Deus aquas in unum locum et fec it terram

apparere . Quarta di e feci t Deus solem et lanam et cetera

sidera in firmamen to . Quin ta die creavi t Deus natati lia in aquia

et volatilia in aere . S exta di e creavit Deus an imalia terrestria

et ipsum hominem, sci licet Adam et Evam. S eptima die qui evi t

ab omn i Opere suo.

I s om s Pam ; Aims .

Adam c°xxx

°an no sum mtati a genui t S eth , a quo fili i De i .

S eth anno c°v°

genui t Enos , qui cepi t invocare n omen Domin i .

Enos anno c°xc


genuit Chaynau. Chayuan ann o c°Lxx


genui t

M ala]eel ; M alalcel anno C°Lv


genuit Jareth ; Jareth anno

c°mx° genui t Enoch ; Enoch anno c°nxw° gah n it M atusalem ;

M atussalem anno c°v°

genuit L amech ; Lamech anno C°LV 1 1


genui t N oe ; N oe anno D° genui t S eth . Et postq uam S eth ers t

xcvm°ann orum ven it diluv ium . Hmc est prima setas , continens

3 11 1 10 8 ll .DCCCCLXXXl I I .

S scuxm E m s .

Seth vero ann is daohua post di luv ium genuit A rphaxat'


Arphaxat an no xxx°v° genuit S alan ; S alan c


°ann o genuit

Eber, a quo Ebrei ; Eber anno c°xxx1m°

genui t Fals ch ; Falech

anno c°xxx°

genui t Began . R agan anno c°xxxu° genui t

S eruch . R egnum Cythareum i nchoat. S eruch anno c°xxx°

genuit N achor. R egnum Egyptiorum inchoat. N achor anno



genuit Thara . R egnum Asyriorum oritur. Thara

a nno Lxxx"

genuit Abraham . Thara astronomicam artem ia

ven it . H aec est seennda mtns , con tinen s annos necen‘


TER I I A E ras .

Abraham anno c° genui t Yssac ; Y saac anno Lx° genuit

Jacob ; Jacob anno x1.°

genui t Joseph ; Joseph anno xo°m°

moritur . S ervi tus Ebreorum cepit in Egypto i n anno i llo in

quo Joseph mortuus est, et durav it per c .x1.m i . annos . Adlan i

astronomiam i nveni t. M oyses ann i s XL . rexit populum. Post

M oysen Ericton ius in Troiana reg ion s quadrigam i nven i t. Go

ton iel ami o i n. literas inven i t Gm cas .

’ Aoth anno Lxxx"

. fi bula)

Venerabili B ede] I n a more modern hand.

Gra ces] I nserted in a later hand.

fictw sunt ; Deborra ann o XL . Apollo cytharam reperi t ; Gedeon

anno XL . M ercurius lyram condidit ; Amelech anno XXI . Chorus

in Gm cia inventus est ; Tola anno XXXI I . Priamus regnavi t

in Troia ; Jayr anno XXXI . Carmentis mater Evandri literas

L atinorum reperi t ; Y epte anno V I . Ercules flammi s se injecit ;Abessa anno V I I . Alexander Elenam rapui t ; Jabdon anno X.

Troia capta est a Gra ci a, et Cartago condi tur a Dydone ;

Sampson anno XI X. E neas in I talia moritur , et A scanius ejusdlius Albam-longam condidi t ; H ely sacerdos anno XL . Archa

testamenti capta est. Brutus Asami i n epos Bri tann iam insulam

adii t, et regnum suum L ocrio filio suo tradidit in fine vi te

sum. Samuel at S an] anno XL . H omerus clarus habetur . Et

t1me tempori s regnabat M adavo L ocri i filius in Britann ia. Hm

est tertia astas , continens annos n .ccccx .

Q uu ro E ms .

David reX ann i s XL . Gath , N athan , Asa prophetaverunt.

Saleron an . XL . Templum I erosolimi s mdificatur . Amos ,Jeu, Aggeus prophetaverunt. Et Rudidibas in Britann ia

regnabat tunc temporj s Roboam an . XV I I . regnum I srael

at Juda divi di tur ; Abya an . I I I . sub quo Abymelech

ponti fex fuit ; Asaph an . XL I I . Z achari as et Johel pro

phetaverunt ; Josaphat an . XX. Elyas , Ab ias , M i cheas pro

phetaverun t ; Joram an . V I I I . Joel, N aum propheh verunt ;

Ocoz ias an . I . Elyas rapitur, Elyseus prophetavi t ; Gotolia

an . V I I . Jonadab sacerdos ; Joas an . XL . Elyseus mori tur ;Avasias an . XV . Cartago per fidem conditur claruit ; Oz ias an .

XV I I I . R omulus et R emus nascun tur. Olympias a Gra cie in

strui tur ; Josue et Y sayas an . XXXV I I I . I n primo anno potes .

tati s eorum Roma condi tur a Remo et R omulo XI ° kalendas

M ai i . Et in Bri tann ia regnabat Cun edagius , qui erat n epos

regi s L eyr. Agaz an . XV I . ; E z echi as an . XXI X. Senatus Romehabetur ; M anasses an Lv. S ibilla clarui t ; Amon an . XI I .

Primus cen sus agitur ; Jcame an . XXI I . Tales philos0phus

agnosci tur ; Joachym an . x. ; Sedechi as an . XI I . N abugodonosor

Judeam capit. Templum I erosolimi s in cen sum est. Hm est

quarts sates , continens annos COOCL I XI .

Q omu E ms .

Ebreorum captivi tas incepi t et duravi t ann i s LXX. H i storia

Judi th scri bitur ; Darius an . XXXI I I . S ed pro anno sum potes

tati s Ebrei a captivi tate sunt liberati . Xerses an . XX. Sophocles ,Socrates , Euripides celebrantur. Artaxerses an . XXXV . E s

‘ I um rgis Bun H irvm


Alter An ton ius an . XI X. Catafrigarum beres ie or itur. Commo

dus an . XI I I . regnav i t. Theodi ti on interpres habetur. S i lvius

pertinax an . I . H ie n ih il h i storim habet. S everus an . XV I I I .

Symacus interpres habetur . An ton ius an . V I I . Quinta edi tio

Jerosolimi s inven itur . M aerinus an . I . H ie n ihi l hi storiaa

habet. Aurelius an . I I I . Sabellius ori tur. Alexander an . XV I .

Or ig ines ins ign ia habetur. M aximus an . I I I . I ste Germanos

v icit. Gordianus an . V I I . I ste de Parthia et Pers i s triumphavi t.

Philippus an . V I I . H ie primus imperator fui t. Decius an . I .

regnavi t. An ton ius monacha s clarui t. Gallus an . I I . regnavi t.

N ovatus heres im condidi t. Valeri anus an . XV.regnavi t Cy

prianus martyrio coronatur . C laudius an . I I . H ie n ih i l hi storia

habet. Aurelius an . v. H i e Chri stianos persequitur. Tacius

an . I . H ic n ih il hi storian habet. Probus an . V I . M onachorum

M an i cheorum orta est beres i e. C larus an . I I . H ie n i h i l hi storia

habet. Dyoelieianus an . XX. regnavi t. I ste divin i s libri s com

busti s Chri sti anos in terfecit. Galerius an . I I . N ih i l hi storim

habet. Constanti nus an . XXX. regnav i t. N ieena syn odus con

gregatur . Alter Constan tinus an . XXI I I I . regnavi t. An thropomet

phi tarum heres i s oritur . Juli ann e an . I I . H ie ex Chri stiano

Paganus emcitur. Jov ianus an . I . H ie iterum Chri stianus afi ci

tur. V alen ti n i anus an . XI I I I . regnavi t. Goth i hereti ci efii ciun

tur . Grannus an . V I . regnavi t. Adventus Anglorum in

Angliam, id est, H ers et H eng i st, ann o ab I ncarnati one Domin i

cccc°XXXV I I I ° , Gurthei rno exi steute rege Bri tonum. Alter V a

lentianus an . V I I . regnav i t. I erosolimi s at in B ethleem prmd i

catur . Et Pascha mutatur super diem Domin i cum a Leone

papa .



LV I I L Annus— LXXI . A n nus.

LXXI I . Annus. Bellum Badon is , in quol A rthur

portav i t crueem Domin i n ostri Jesu Christi

tribus diebus et tribus noctibus 9 in humeros

suos,’ 3

s t Bri ton es v ictores fuer un t.

LXXI I I . A nnus— LXXV I . An nus .

LXXV I I .‘ San ctus Columcille

’n ascitur.

5Q uies

San ctze Brigidze .

LXXV I I I . A nnus— XC I I . A n nus.

XC I I I . An nus.

‘3Guei th Camlann ,in qua Arthur

ct M edraut eorruere7et mortalitas in Brit

tan ia st in H ibern ia fuit.’

XC I V . Annus— XC I I I . A nnus .

C. Annus .

8Dormi tatio C iaran i .’

C I . A nnus . C I I . An nus .

C I I I . A nnus.

9 M eltali tas magna [fuit i n

Bri tann ia] in qua pansat M ai leun rex Gen

edotse. [U n de diei tur, H i t huu Wa ilgun

en llis Ros .

Tun e fuit

C I V . A nnus— CXI I I .“An nus .

CXI V . A nnus .

‘2 Gabran filius Dungart moritur.

CXV . A nnus— CXV I I . Annus.

CXV I I I . Annus .

1 3 Columcille in Brittan ia exn t.

CXI X. A n nus , cxx. A n nus.

‘ A rthurus , C . RexA rturus, B9' N ot in C . I n humeris sui s ,

et victor fui t, C . I n illo pna

lio ceciderun t Colgrinus et R adul

pbas Anglorum duces, B .

Columchi lla, B .

5’ Se. B rigida i n Christo obii t, B .

S .Brigida qui cv i t, C .

Bellum Camlan , in quo inclitus

A rthurus rex Britonum et M odre

dus prodi tor suus,mutui s vulneribus


N ot in B .C .

W N ot in C . Dormitio Karaun i ,

N ot in C .

10 B .

Between the years ex. and en .

the word A nnus is repeated t en

times in A .

‘2’ N ot in C . Gawran Wradouc

filius Dinwarch obi it, B .

‘3’ N ot in C . Columchi lia ex H i

bernia ven it in Britann ia, B .


CXXI . Annus .


[N avigatio C ildze i n H ybern ia .]cxxn . A nnus— CXXI V . A n nus .

CXXV . An nus.


[Syn odus Victoria: apud Bri

ton es congregatur.]CXXV I . An nus . Gildas 9

[Bri tonum sapien tis

simus] ob i it.

CXXV I I . A n nus . CXXV I I I . A n nus .

CXXI X. A nnus. Bellum s A rmterid ’[i nter

filios Elifer et Guendoleu filium Kei d iau ; iu

quo belle Guendolen cecidi t : Merlinus insanus


eetus est.]CXXX. A n nus . B rendan Byror dormitatio.

CXXXI . An nus— CXXXV . A n nus.

CXXXV I . An nus .

5 Guarei et Peretur l

[filuEli fer]

6 moritur.

cxxxvn . An nus— CXXX I X. Annus.

CXL . A nnus .

7 Bellum con tra 8 Eubon iam,et

”’ dispos itio Dan ielis 1°Ban corum.


L I . An nus— CXL I V . A n nus .

CXL V . A n nus . Con vers io Con stan tin i ad Do


CXLV I . An nus— CXL I X. A n nus .

CL A n nus.


[Edilbcrtus in A nglia rex it.]CL I . A n nus .

‘2 Columcille mori tur.

’ ’3 Dunaut

rex mori tur.

’ Agustin as Mcllitus A nglos

ad Cbristum‘5con verti t.

CL I I . An nus— CLV I . Annus.

”B . Sapicns, C .

Erderit, B . A rderit. C .

Berur ob iit, B . Berrar mo

ritur, C .

V N ot in C . Gurgi , B .

moriuntur, B .


ot in C .

Eumon iam, B .

depos i ti o, B . De episcopo

Dan iele Bangor, C .

Bangoren si s , B .


c! in C .

Columchilla, B .

'N ot in C .

Dunaud, C .

I )unsuut fii ius

Pabo ob i it, B .

W N ot in B .

mittitur couvertere, B .


CLV I I . Annus . S inodus urb is l L egion2

[ordi nat a

a S . Davi de M en even si arch iepiseopo.] Gregorius obii t in Christo. Davi d 3

cpiseopus M on i


C LV I I I . Annus— C LXI .5 An nus .

C LXI I . An nus .

6 Dispositio C innauc’ episcopi.C LXI I I . An nus .

7 A i dan 8 map Gabran moritur.

C LXI V . An nus— C LXV I I . A nnus .

C LXV I I I . Annus .

9 Con th igirn i obitus, et Dibrio

episcopi .’

C LXI X. An nus .

‘0 Gueith Cai r L egion ; et ib i

eecid it S elim fili i C in an . Et I acob filii Beli

dorm itatio.

C LXX. Annus . C LXXI . Ann us.

C LXXI I . A n nus . Ceretic ob i 1t.

C LXXI I I . An nus. ”Etguin in cipit’ regnare.

C LXXI V . An nus— CLXXI X. Annus .

C LXXX. A nnus . Sol obscuratus est.

C LXXXI A nn us .

C LXXXI I . Ann us.

‘3 Etgui n bapti z atus est ; et

Run filius U rbgen bapti z av it eum.

CLXXXI I I . Annus . Belin ‘5moritur.

CLXXXI V . An nus .

CLXXXV . Annus . Obsessio ‘6 Catguollaun regis’

in in sula Glann aue.

L egionum, B .C .

3’ M eneven sis archiepiscopus in

Domino quicvi t, C .

M eneven sis obn t, B .

5 Between the years CLX. and

cnxx . the word ‘A nnus i s repeated

ten times I n A '

Gui n ce pit, B .

‘7 ’ N ot m C .

’Deposmo Kenauc, n Guin BB o I 0

7 , N ot i n C .

B .

”a Pauli ne epi scopo Eboracensi ,

9’ filius Gawran obn t, B . i ‘3obn t, B .

N ot in C . Chendeirn obn t, B .

W Catwallaun , B .

Bellum Kairlion, in quo Seysil

filius Chinan et I acob filius Beli

moriun tur cum multis ali is, B .

Bellum Caer Legion , in quo S ills

filins Kenan cec idit, C .

A ll from henceforward to the

year CCI . arewanting in C . Cheredi ,B .


C LXXXV I . Ann us .

‘ Guidga r ven it et non redit,

Kal. Januar.’ 9 Gueith M eieeren ; et ib i’in

terfectus est 3 Etgui n cum duobus fili is suis

Catguollaaun autem’v ictor fuit.

C LXXXV I I . A nnus . Bellum Cantscaul, in quo5 Catguollan [cum sui s] corrui t.

C LXXXV I I I . A nnus. Stra ges Sabrina) , et jugulatie 7 I ndris .

cLXXXI X. A nnus— CXC I X. Annus .

C C . An nus. Bellum 8 Cocboy, in (1110 Oswald

rex9 Nordor um et 1°Eeba rex M ereiorum cor

ruer unt.

C C I . A nnus .

1" Percuss io Demeticae region is .

quan do coenob ium Davi d in censum est.


CC I I . A nnus— 0 0 1V . An nus.

CCV . An nus . [Guen ti s strages .]C CV I . A n nus . Ortus stellaa.

eevn . An n us— com. Annus .

C CXI I . An nus . S trages Gan Campi .C CXI I I . A n nus .

1"Pan tha occisio.

C CXI V . An nus .

1 6Osguid ven i t et praedam duXi t.

CCXV . A n nus. CCXV I . Annus,

CCXV I I . Annus . Commen e fota .

CCXV I I I . Ann us .

" Brocmai l [Eschitrauc] mo


CCXI X. Ann us. ccxx. An n us .

N ot in B . obierunt, B .

Bellum M eigen , in quo, B .‘2’ Percussio Demetim, B .

”N ot

Edwinns, B ,

Catwallaun vero, B .

Catwallaun , B .

6 B .

I dri s , B .

Chochui . B .

9 N odorum, B .

to Edda, B .

in C .

A ll to the year CCXXXV I I I .

wanting in C .

Gai , B .

‘5 Pendua, B .

Oswid, B .

Brochwail, B .

obi it,B .


CCXXI . Annus . Primum Pas cha apud Saxonescelebratur.

l Bellum Badon is secundo. M or

cant moritur.

CCXXI I . Annus— ccxxrv. An nus .

CCXXV . A nnus. Osguid rex Saxonum mori tur.

ccxxvr. Annus—CCXXXI . Annus.

CCXXXI I . A nnus . Stella min e magn itudin is visa

est per totum mundum 3 lucen s.

ccxxxm . A n nus— CCXXXV I I . A nnus .

C CXXXV I I I . A nnus . M ortali tas magna fuit in

Britann ia,in qua. Catgualart filius Catg uo

laum obn tf

CCXXXI X. Annus .

5 M ortalitas 6

[fui t] in H i

bem ia .

CCXL . An nus . Terrie motus in 7 Eubouia facta

est’ 8magnus.

CCXL I Annus .— CCXL I V . A nnus .

CCXLV . An nus. Pluvia sanguinea facts est’i n

Britan n ia, et 1°

[in Hybern ia,] lac et butirum

versa aun t in sanguin em .

CCXLV I . An nus .


[Lun a in sanguinemn verso.

est colorem.]CCXL V I I . A nnus— com . A n nus.

CCLX. Annus . A lchfrid rex Saxonum ‘3ob i i t.

‘3 Dormitatio Adomn an’

CCLXI . A nnus— CCLXI X. An nus .

CCLXX. A n nus . N ox luci da “fuit sicut' dies .

N ot in B . B .

Oswid , B . Rumen ia, B . Brittannia, C .

lucere, B . A'

ol in C .

pro qua Catwaladir filius Cat ce cid it, B .

wallaun in M inorem Bri tann iam B .C .

aufugi t, B . Et Cadwaliader rex A elfrid, B . A delstan , C .

Britann iamdereliquit ct ad Armori moritur, C .

cam regionem perrexi t, C. N ot in B .C .

N ot in C . N ot in B . facts est, at, C .

AN N ALES a n tenn a. 9

Pipinas ‘ major rex2 Francorum obn t

’ 3 in




C LXXL A nnus . CC LXXI I . A n nus.

CC LXXI I I . A nnus . Osbrit reX S axonuln 5mo

ri tur.

CCLXXI V . A nnus. Consecratio 0 M ichaelis Arch

angeli’eccles i ze .

CC LXXV . A nnus . CCLXXV I . An nus.

CC LXXV I I . An nus . E stas torri da .

CC LXXV I I I . An nus . Beli filius 7 Elfin moritur,

8et bellum 9 H ehil apud ‘0 Cornuen ses gueith


’ ‘3cat Pencon apud dextrales

Bri tton es et Britton cs vi ctores fuerun t “in

i stis tribus bellis .

CC LXXI X. A nnus— CC LXXXI I I . A nnus .

C C LXXXI V . A n nus . Bellum 15mortis Cam e .

CC LXXXV . Annus— CQLXXXI X. An nus .

CCXC . A n nus .

"3[ I vor filius Cadwallader.]

CCXC I . A nnus. Beda presbyterl"


dormi t.

CCXC I I . A n nus .

“5Ougen rex Pictorum ob 1 1t.

CCXC I I I . A n nus — CCCV . Annus .

CCCV I . A n nus. w Bellum i n ter Pietes et Brit

tones,1 ‘ id est g ueith M ocetauc



9 ’eorum Talargan

9”a Bri tton i bus occiditur.

-3 Teudubr filius Beli' moritur.

N ot in B .C .

Franei zn mori tur, C .

N ot in B . C .

Osfi' it, B .

’not in C .

5ob iit, B .

S . M ichael, C . S . M ichaelis in

monte Gargano, B .

Elph in i , C .

’Elpl| in obn t, B .

N ot in B .C .

I leil, B . H ey], C .

Corinenses, B . Cornub iam, C

bellumGardmailauc, C'.

‘2 Garthmailauc, B .

bellum Pentun inter Britones

et Saxones ; sed Bri tones v ictorcs

in hiis omn ibus fnerunt, I wor cx

i stente duce corum, C .

N ot in B .

M ontis, B . C .

I O C .

M ori tur ; qui hunc librum Cron icam annuatim composa it, C .

Owinus, B . Oweyn , C .

W in C .

3° N ot in C .

Pictorum, B .C .

occisas est, B .

a Tcudur, B .

'ab Heli , C .


cccvn . Annus— coa x. An nus.

CCCX. An nus .

1 Rotri rex Brittonum ”mori


C CCXI . A nnus . C CCXI I . An nus .

CCCXI I I . A nnus.

3 Edwald rex Saxonum 2 mo

ri tur.

cccxrv. A n nus . cccxv. An nus .

CCCXV I . A nnus . Bellum i n ter Brittones et

S axon es ,5 id est guei th H irford


’ 6 Dun

nagual filn Teudubr’ moritur.

cccxvn . Annus— CCCXXI I I . A n nus .

CCCXXI V . An n us .

7 Pasca commutatur' apudBritton es



[super Domin icam diem,] emendan te9 Elbodugo homin e

’ Dei .

cccxxv. A nnus— CCCXXX. Annus .

CCCXXXI . A n nus .

1°Fernma il filius I udha il

mori tur.

CCCXXXI I . An nus .

‘9 Cemoyd rex Pictoruml f’ob i it.

C CCXXXI I I . An nus .

“Cudberth abbas 1°mori tur .

CCCXXXI V . An nus . V astatio Brittonum dextra

lium ‘6apud Ofi



[rege Saxonum].cccxxxv . A nnus— CCCXXXI X. Ann us .

CCCXL . Annus . V as tatio Brittonum 1°cum Ofi



in restate.

CC CXL I . A nnus— econ Annus.

Bodri , B .C .

2obii t, B .

Edphalt, B . Edwalt , C .

N ot in C .

5 ' N ot in B .

Denawal filius Tender, B .

Pascha, B .—mutatur, C

I‘ B .

9 B ibodu, C .

'Eibedo servo, B .

Fernwai l,B . Serumail, C .

d al, C . ldwal obnt, B .

"3 Chemoith , B .

‘3 mori tur, C .

Cubertus , B . Cudbertus, C .

ob ii t, B .C .

ab , (J


C .


CCCLXI X. An nus. Bellum in ter l H ignel9

[etKinan ,

H owel] v ictor fuit.’

CCC LXX. An nus.

9 Ton itrunm magnum fui t, et

incendia multa 4 fecit. 9 Trifuu filius 9 Begin


’ 7 Et Griphi ud’ filius 9 C incen dolosa

dispen sation s ' a fratre suo9 Eli z ed post in ter

vallum duorum men sium in tsrfici tnr.

" ‘9 H iguel

de M on ia insula triumphavit, et‘9 C inan ds ea

expnli t‘9cum con trition s magna exerci tas sui .

CCCLXXI . Annus.

CCCLXXI I . A nnus. H iguel i terum’de ‘9 M on ia

expulsus estlc[a Kenan z]

‘7 C inan reX mori tur.

‘9[Saxon es montes Ereri et rsgnum Roweynanc

invasernn t.]CCCLXXI I I . A n nus.

‘9 Gueith L an nmaes .

CCC LXXI V . An nus .

9°[Cen iul regiones Deme

torum vastav it.]CCCLXXV . An nus —CCC I .xxvu. A n nus .

C CCLXXV I I I . A nn us .

9 ’ A rcem Decan tor um’a

Saxon ibus destruitur ; et 99regionem Poyuis

i n 99sua potestate’ traxerun t.”

CCCLXXI X. An nus— CCCLXXX. An nus .


9‘ H ignel9!"mori tur.

Howel, B . C .

2 B .

’et Kenao, sed V ictor fui t

Ksnan , C .

9 ”N ot in C .

N ot in B .

9 Trifin , B .

Rein obi it, B .

Grifi' i , B .

9’ Chengen dolose, B .

BLissed occiditur, B .

Howe], B .

’Howel i terum pu

gnavit con tra Kenan , ct cxpulit sumde M ons insula, C .

in , B .

‘9 Conanum, B .

W N ot in B .

I I owel, C .

'Howei , B .

‘9 M on , B .

I O0 .

sed postea Kenan moritur, C .

Chinan rex obiit, B .

B . Saxones inmontibus Ererivastaverunt, C .

‘9 BellumL lanmai s.9° B .

2" A rx Deganhui, B .


arcem Degannoe destruxerun t, et

regionem Beweis vastaverun t, C .

93’ Pen is , B .

9"suam potestatem, B .

Howe], B .C .

3“obii t, B .

1 4

A .D.



CCCCXI I . Annus. l Cemoyth rex Pictorum9moritur ; st I onathan princeps 9 Opergelei

ecccx m. Annus— ccccxv. Annus.

CCCCXV I . Annus. 4

[M aileaehlen obut .]ccccxv n. Annus.

CCCCXV I I I . Annus .

9 Catgus i then expulsus est.’


CCCCXX. Annus .

9Dnta vastavit 7 Gliuisigng.

CCCCXXI . Annus .

9 C iannan t in mer’ 9obi i t.

ccccxxn . Annus. U rbs 1°Ehren s vastata est’

;‘9 id est cat Dub gin t.

ccccxxm. Annus. ccccxxrv. An nus .

CCCCXXV . Annus .

‘9 Cat 1‘ Brin Onnen .

CCCCXXV I . Annus.

“7Arx Alt-Clut a gentilibus

fraeta est.’

CCCCXXV I I . An nus .

‘9 Guoecaun mersus est,’rex

‘7 Csterieiaun.

ceccxxvm. Annus.

CCCCXXI X. Annus. ‘9 N ob is ‘9


9‘ M onrie moriun tur.

’ 99 Gueith 99 Bannguolou.



[Llanwerth episc0pus conse


Ceinod, B . N ot in C . Wren , B .

2Obi“: B ‘9 N ot in B .

'N ot in C .

9’ A bergeleu obnt, B .

B . M atusalem moritur, C .

9 Catv eithen , B .

'N ot in C .

Dutta, B .

'N ot in C .

n Ceredigian. 17° Keredigiaun ,

Gliuissig, B .

Chian Nant newer, B . Kenan , N OW »B N OV“; 0B .C .

moritur, C ,moritur.

Ebrauci , B .

9 ‘ M entne, B .

vastatur, C .

9” N ot in C .

‘7' Cat Du lin , B . N ot in C .

9’ Bannoleu, B .

W N ot in C .

9‘ B .


COCOL I . An nus.

l N ordman i venerunt s t vastn

verun t Loj'

er s t Briehen ianc st C ncn t et

C uinnliguian c.

C CCCL I I . Annus . [Pan is in H ibern ia defecit.

Vermes de aere cecidernn t talpae s imiles cum

duobus den tibus , qui totum comederunt : qui

ejecti sun t jejun io s t oration e.]ecccmn . A nnus .

CCCCL I V . A n nus.


[Elst an rex Saxonum ob i i t.]CCCCLV . Annus .

CCCCLV I . A nnus .

9 A1bri t rex9 Gi neys I noritnr.

CCCC LV I I . Annus.

CCCCLV I I I . An nus .

l I gmuut in insula M on ve

n it, st ten n it mass Osmsliaun .

CCCCL I X. Annus . [M erwyn filius Rodri obn t,

st]9 Loumareh filius 7 H iemid mori tur.

CCCC LX. A nn us.

9 Rostri 7

[filius H eweid]9 de

eole est in A rgui stli .’

A nnus .

C CCCLXI I . Annus .

9°Guei th Dinmeir,et M in iu

frasta est.’



LXI I L Annus . Guorchign i l9

[episcOpns]‘9 mori tur,


[s t CormusC CCCLXI V . Ann us. A sser [spiseopus]

9 defun

ctn s est.’

CCCCCLXV . Annus .

‘9 Catell 1 9

[filins Rodri]"rex

”9 moritur.

N ot in B .C .

9 A lwryt, B .

’.N ot in C .

9'obn t, B .

9 B . M ervin rex filins Rodri

occiditur a gentilibns, C .

9 L lewarch, B .

'N ot in C .

H eweid occisas-«est, B . 15 Catel B Cadelh C9 R odri , B .

’N ot in C . B .C .

9’ decollatus est, B .‘7 N ot in B .C .

‘9’ M enevia deleta est, B . Bel

lum Dynerth , C .

Gorchewil, B .

’N ot i n C .

‘9 Obi i t, B .

‘9 B . Gormach rex Hybcmunobnt, C .

n B .

’episcopus Britannia! fit,


CCCCXC I X. A nnus l Catel filius 9 Artmail 9ve

n eno9 mori tur ;

9et I ndgual

’ 9

[filius Bodri]7st filins ejus

9 Elixed a Saxon ibus 9occi


D. An nus .

9 Lumberth episcopus1 9 in M in iu

ob i i t.

DI . Annus. ‘9

[M erleis episcopus obut ]DI L An nus.

‘9 C in cen n filius ‘9 Eli z ed ven eno


perii t : et’ Eneuri s episcopus

‘9 M ini n ob i it.’

‘ 7 Et Strat Clut vastata est a Saxon ibus .

DI I I . Annus . Eadmund rex Saxonum 19jugulatns


DI V . Annus . Dv. An nus .

DV I . A nnus .

‘9 B iguel rex Brittonum 9°

[scilicetBonus] obi 1t.

9 1 Et Catguocann’ filius 99 Ouem

a S axon ibus jugulatur.

99 Et bellum Carno”


[in ter filios H osli s t filios I dwal]DV I I . Annus.

DV I I I . A nnus.

99[I ago st I dwal fili i I dwal

vastaverun t Bewet.]DI X. An nus .

Cadell, C .

‘9’ moritur, C .

9 Arthwai l, B . Artvail, C .

‘ 7 "N ot in C .

9 N ot in C .‘9’

occidi tur, C .

9extinctus est, B

‘9 H oelus, B . H owe], C .

9’ I dwal], B . I dwal, C .

9 B .

”Coguomento Bonus mori

C tur cui successi t Oweyn filius ejus.filinfl cum filio Blissed obnt, Sed supervenerunt duo fili i d sl ;

id est I ago et I euaf, quos H owe]

9 jugulan tur, C . e regno expulerat, st pugnaverunt

9 Lunweth, B . L uvert, C . con tra Oweyu juxta N ant Came ,

N ot in B . M enevite, C . et victores fuerunt, C .

mori tur, C .

9" Gadugan ,B .

‘9 B . M orcleis episcopusmoritur,77 Oweyn , B .

99 ”N ot in B .

‘9 Kengen , C . N ot in B .

9 ‘ B .

Blissed, C .

99 B . V astatio Dyvet a film"7extinguitur, C . I dwal, i d est, I ago et I eunf, C .


A nnus.

A n nus. Edgarl Anglorum rex ob 1 1 t. 9 I d

walan filius Owein obi it.’

A nnus.

A nnus. 9 Eynan i terum vas tavit 9 Goer.

9 An nus.

A nnus. I ago captus est 9 [a gentilibus]7 H oelo

filio I dwal triumphan te st regnum ejus pos

s iden te .

A nnus . I dwal 9oecisn s est.

A nnus. 9 Gothri t st H araldus vastaverun t

Devet et M eneviam.


9[Annus ]

‘9 H oelus filius I dwal et

Alfre a Anglorum vas taverun t Breehein auc

et totam rsgionem Einann fili i Owin i, sed

Einaun ex eis multes occidit.’

9 Annus . Eynan filins Owin i occisas est.’

A nnus . H owelus filius I dwal ab Anglis

occisas est.’

9 Annus. M eurie filius I dwal oecisus est.

M aredut filius 0 win i oecidi t Catwalaun filium

I dwal, regnnmqne ejus, scilicet Wen edociam,

possedi t.’

Annus .

99 Gothrit filius H araldi cum n igris99

gentilibus vas tav it 99 M on,

9captis duobus

l n onum, 0 . serum dnce, et contra B owel filium9’ N ot in C . I enaf, et mnltos interfscit ex eis .

9 Eyn iaun , C .

9 Goher, C . Went dole occidi tur, C .

7 N 09 ”9 0 ° ‘ 9 I euaf occiditur, st M at0 filius Ov cin interfscit Cadwsllsun1 99“999 99 79 regnum 97“C ' filinm I ovab et ejaa regnumpossed it ,

9’occiditur, C . C .

9’ V astatio Dyvet et M eneviw

a Godi sric alio Kars ld i , 0 .

9 9 9 99 9 C ‘

‘9’ E in iann filius Ov cin pugnavit Gen tibus, C'

contra Saxones , Ali’re existents M eneviam, C .

ANNALPs ow aR m. 21

mi llibus hominum : reli quias vero M arednt

A nnus .

l I dwal filius I dwal 9ob1 1t. 9 Owinus

filius 9 H oeli obi i t.’ Gen tiles vastaverunt M e

neviam, et Llan 9 Patarn, et Llan I ltut, st

L ian Carvan , et L lan Dethoch.

An nus. 9 M aredn t redemit captives a gentili

bus n igri s, nummo pro unoquoqus date .

7 M ortali tas hominum pro fame.

7 A nnus. Owynus filius Denawal occisas est.’

A nnus. M arednt 7 filius Owein’vastavi t mas s

9 H ewed.

9 An nus.

A nnus.

99 Gnyn filius Eynaun , duce Edelisi

Anglieo, dextralium Britonum adjumento,regiones M aredn t, i . e. Demetiam et Keredigeaun , Gnhir et Kedweli , devas tat. Tertio

Men evia vas tata est.’

Annus. 7 Fames afi'

ui t in regn o

M arednt.’ B ellum in ter filios M eurue at M a

redut ‘9 filium Owin i juxta Languin ,in quo


vietores fuere fili i Meuruc. Tendar filius

Eiuaun 99occisas est.

An nus.

7 Sweyn filins H araldi Eumen iam

vastavi t.’

Annus .

Annus . I dwal filius M surue 19oecisus est.

H owe] moritur, C .vastav it

9’ Padaru ct L sndioch , C .

9’ M arednt censum reddit n igri s

gentibus, scilicet nummumpro uno

quoqus homine, C .

7 ’ N ot in C .

9 Hiveid, C .

9 N ot in C .

Ov cin filius Eyn iaun

Dyvet st Kered igeaun , C .

I I C .

'9’sed , C .

‘9’occiditur, C .


A .D.

A nnus .


[An nus Annus . An nus. Annus ]Annus . M anav ia 9

vastata est’a gan tili bns , at

M organ en epise0pns9ab eis occisas est.

M a

redn t 9rex

,filius 9 Owin i , ob i i t.

Annus. Kinan ,filius H ewel,

9 V enedociam


An nus.

9 Gen ti les vastaverun t Demetiam.

An nus. Annus .

An nus.

7 Con anus filius H oeli 9oecisus est.

An nus . An nus. An nus. Annus. Annus .

9Ann us.

Annus . M enevia a Saxon ibus 9vas tate est


[scili cet] Edris at U bis .

’ 9 N anfraginm

Sweyn patris C nnt.

[An nus A nnus . B ian ns reX H ibern ia cum

filio suo As cn thin , scilicet regs Dulyn ,oeci

d itur.]1 01 4. An nus . Sweyn

‘9edut rsgion em Anglornm.

Edelri t filius Etgar expulsns est a regn o sno,

qnod Sweyn invas it, sad in eodem ob i i t.’

Annus.9 Ann us . Ow inus filius Bunawal oecisus est.

Annus . Cun t filius Swain regnum Anglornm79occupavit.

9 An nus.

An nus . A idan filins ‘9 Blegenrit, cum i i i i.“7sui s , oecisus est a Grifino filio Levvelin


Annus . An nus.

C .

9’vastatur, C .

occidi tur, C .

9 N ot in C .

9’ Owein moritur,9’ N ot in C .

Kensn, C .

9’occi ditur, C .

vas tatur, C .


Edrich et Uhrich, C.

rex A nglia , C .

‘9obsedi t, C .

Bledkenred, C .

‘9’a L ewelino occidi tur,

AN N ALES sw am . 23

A nnus . M eurie filius Arthawai l loecisus est.

A nnus.

9 Reyn Scotus men titus est se esse

filium M aredn t qui obtinui t dextrales Bri

ton es ; quem S eis il rex V enedoti z e in hostio

Guili expugnavi t, et oecisus est R eyn . E ilaf

vas tav i t Demetiam. M enevi a fracts est.

1 023 . An nus . L eweli n 9 filius Sei sil ob i it.’R iderch

filius Yestin dextrales rexi t Britones .

Annus .

An nus .

9 M organnuc epi scopus ob i i t.

A nnus .

A nnus.

9 Conanus filius S eisi l 7ob i i t.

Annus . A nnus . A nnus. Annus. Annus .

An nus. Ryderch filius 9 Yestin oecisus est a.

S cotis .

’ 9

[ I acob et fili i Erui n] B oelus et

M arednt tenuerun t 1°ejue regionem.

A nnus . Gueith H in dus.

Annus . M arednt filius Edwin i a fili i s ‘2 Conan i

oecisus est.’ Camdauc filius Rederch ab

‘9 Angli s oecisus est.’

Cnut filius Sweyn rex

A nglornm1 ‘ob i i t .

Ann us. An nus . An nus .

An nus .


[Gen tiles tenuerunt M eurie filium

H owe]. I acob rex V enedotise occidi tur]‘9 Griffinus filius L ewelin in N ortwalli a. re

gnare in choavi t ; qui dum regn avit, An glos

occiditur, c .

9’ Lev elin filins Seisil], rex V e

nedotiw, pugnav it contra Reyn , qui

se dicebat esse filium M arednt ; et

devictus est Reyn in osti lo Gnili .

Eilaph ven i t in Britann iam et

vastavit Dyvet ct M enev iam, C .

9’ moritur, C .

Vr e

gnum dextralium Britonum

tenui t, C .

9’ A'

ot m C .

9 Ken n, C .

7occidi tur, C .

9’ I estyn occi di tur, C .

9 C .

‘9’regnum, C.

Bellum I ratur, C .

Kenan occ idi tur, C .

A nglicis occiditur, C .

moritur, C .

W Pro quo Grifut ab L ewelyn

regnavi t, et Kov icl filium Edwyn

expuli t, C .


A .D.


et gentiles persecutus est. Bellum in vado

Crucis super Sabrinam cum eis oommis i t,eosque devicit. Eodem anno dextrales rexi t

Britones, et H oelum filium Edwin i ab ea.



l Erwyn episooPus M enevia 9ob i i t.

An nus. Bellum Pencadeir, in quo9 Grifinus

superavit H oelum.

Annus . Bellum Pullduwath, in quo B oelus

v ictor fuit. Grifinus captus est a gentilibus

Dulin .

Annus . B oelus filius Owein obi it.’

A nnus.

9 B oelus filius Etwin i , accepts. classegen tilium,

in trat hostium Tewy ; quem Gri

finus filius Lewelin i bello suscepit, eumque

vex-sum clade snorum occidi t.

A nnus. I oseph episcopus Landavensis Romae

ob i it.’ 9[Sedi tio magna orta fui t in ter Gri

fud filium L ewelin et

derch .]

Grifud filium Ri

Annus .


[An nus ] Familia7 Grifi n i ad modum

CXL . dolo optimatum S tratewi 9

[et Dyvet]ceciderun t ; in cujus v indicta rex Grifin us

Demetiam et S tratewi devastavi t. N ix oecidi t,

et duravi t a Kalendis Januarn usque ad

festum San cti Patrici i , quem sppellaverunt

magn sm uivem.

Ann us .

I I crvin , C .

2 mori tur, C .

9’ Grifud victor fuit. Bodom

anno Gri fud captus fuit a gentili

bus Bulyn , C .

9’ N ot in C .

9’ Hoel filius Edwyn , acceptis

viginti navibus gentilium, coronatns

est, et cmpit deoolare Cambrian

cui obviavit Gri fud filius L ewelyn ,et commisso hello in ootio Teiwi ,cum magna pan e exerc itns sui

Howel cecidit Grifud autem victor

fuit, C .

9’ [Vol in C .

9 C .

Grifnd, C .

1 055.

‘ C .


An nus. ’

[H oc anno] tots dextrali s patria9 deserts est.

Annus. An nus.

Annus. Class is H ibern iae in dextrali parts9

peri i t.

An nus. A nnus. An nus.

Annus . Grifinus , filius l[Lewelin , Gri fud

filium]9 R iderch oocidi t


’ 9et H erford imn

vas tavi t.’

Annus .

7 Magnus filius H araldi , vas tavit 9t e

gionem Anglornm,

auxi liante 9 Grifino rege


A nnus. Owi nus filius ‘9 Grifin i ob1 1t. ’

A n nus . An nus. Annus .

An nus . Grifinus filius Lewelin i rex Bri to

num ‘9n obi lissimus , dolo snorum oecisus est.

7 Annus . I oseph Meneviae episcopus‘9obi it.

Annus . Annus. Annus.

H areldas Gothorum rex Anglos oonatur sibi

subjugare, quem alius H araldus filius Gotwi

ui repen tino bello excepi t et oocidit ; ipsumautem pro hab its. V i ctoria. glorian tem,

Wi llelmus Bas tard, N orman norum dux, A nglim

regno privav it.’

9’ destructs eat, metu genti linm,

9 Cambriw prwdavit, C .

9’ Beda-eh interfiecit, C .

A nnus. Destructio Hereford

a Grimd , C .

7 N ot in C .

9’regiones A nglia , C .

ci Grimd, C.

Grifud moritur, C .

W Haroldus rex Gothornm cum

magno exerc ita inw i t regiones

A nglia! cui obviavit alias llaroldus,

filius Gotwin i, et cum interfecit.

Sed iterum supervenit Willelmus

quidam, Normannorum dux, ct

Haroldnm A nglornm regem vita

et regno privavit, C .


Annus . Annus . Annus.

l Bellum M ethein

i nter fili os 9 Kenwi n ,

9scilicet 4 Elediu et

9Ruallo et fili os 9 Grifin i ,9scilicet 7 M arednt

et I dwal,9 in quo fili i Grifin i ceciderun t,

I dwal bello, M aredn t frigore, Buallo etiam

filius Kenwin oecisus est,’Bledin 9 in re

gnum successi t.’

Annus. An nus. 7 M aredut filius 4°Owin i [aCradauc filio Grifii d et] 8. Fran cis 49



[super ripam Remny. Diermi d Scoto

rum rex in bello occidi tur.]Annus .

‘4[Fran ci vastaverun t Keredigiaun ]

M enevi a. 49vastate est

’a genti libus, et Ban

gor similiter.

44 Bleiduth episcopus49 Men e

vi se 49obi it. ‘7 Sulgen

‘9 illi episcopatui suc

cess i t.’

An nus .

‘9 De M ungumeri Hugo vastavi t Ke

redigiaun .

l An nus .

Annus .

9°Bledint filius 9 1 Kenwin dolo [malignorum hominum] ductus 99 S tratewy a.

99 Reso filio 94 Owin i occidi tur, [cui successi tTraharin filius Cradauc ojus consobrin us re

4 N ot in C .

Grifut, C .

7 M areduc, C .

9’ in bello ; M areduc frigore in

quo etiam hello Ruallaun occidi tur,

C .

9’autom regnavit, C .

‘9 Ov cin , C .

‘9’occidi tur, C . Ov cin , C .

vastatur, C .

Bledud, C .

M enevensis, C .

‘9 mori tur, C .

‘ 7 Sulgenius, C .

episcopatum accepit, C .

‘9’ Franci i terum vastaverunt

Keridigiaun , C .

9° B ledin, C .

Kenn in , C .

de S tratewy, C .

1 089.

1 09 1 .

' C .



9 furata est,’et 9

auro argentoque qui

bus tegebatur spoliata est.’ l

[Terraa motusingens per totam Britann iam fui t ]Annus.

An nus .


[Sulgenus episc0pus Lxxv. aetatis

suse anno mori tur.] M cnev in. 4 fracta est’a

gentili bus9 in sularum. Kedivor filius Goller

win obiit, cujus fili i invitaverunt Grifinum

filium M aredn t, quem Resus filius Teudur

expugnav it et occidi t juxta Llandedoc.’

A nnus .

A n nus .

l[A nnus .]

9 Resus filius Teudur 9re

ctor dextralis partis ’ a Fran cis 7 Brecli enauc

oecisus est,

’ post cujus ob itum 9 Cadugaun

filius Bled in t prredatus est Demetiam pridie

K alendarum M ai i. C irci ter Kalendas Juli iFranci primitus Demetiam et Keredigean

tenuerun t, et castella in eis locaverun t, et

ab inde totam terram Britonum occupaverun t.’

9 M ai lcholum ’9 Scottorum rex’



An nus. ‘9 Willelmus ‘9 Anglorum rex’ N or

mann iam ad i i t,‘ 4

quo ibi moran te,l[et fra

trem suum expugnan te,] Britann i ’9 jugumFrancorum

’ ‘9respuerunt,

‘7Wenedociam, Cc

invaserunt, et castella in ei s firms9 fumtur, C . verant, C .


juxta civitatem ex toto cpo0 '

liatur, C . ii:rex



cotornm, C .


4’ frangitur et destruitur, C .


w an t 9 Francis. C“

9’ N ot in CW illelmnl .

rex A nglornm, C .

Res, 0 . 1M M , C o

qui i n Bretben iauc habitaban t Francorum jugum, C.

occid i tur, C .'9respuunt, C.

V Dyuet vastatnr a Cadugaun ct castella eorum in N orfilium Dledin. Poctea circa kalendu uuallia diruunt, contraFrancornm inJuli i Franci Keredigaun et Dyvet Keredigaun ct Dyuet, C .


reticam, et Demetiam ab us et eorum castel

lis emundaverun t,’exceptis duobus,

9 id est

in’ Pembroc et 9

aliud in ’ Ricors.

Annus. Franci devas taverunt Goher 9et Ked

weli 9et 4 Stratewi . 9 Demetia Ceretica’ et

4 S tratewi 9 deserts. manen t.’ 7 M edian te 9[au

tem] autumno 9rex Anglorum W illielmus

con tra Bri tones movi t exercitum,

’ 99 quibusDeo tutatis,

vacuus99ad sua

’redi i t.

Annus. 99Willi elmus filius 99 Baldewin i in

Domino R icors obi it,’ 99

quo mortuo castellum99vacuum reliquitur.

’ 9 Britones Brecheniauc

et Guent et 97[Guenlinn c]

99casdem non mo

dicam de Francis in Celli Damauc fecerun t.

M odico fili is Edn erth

fili i Cadugan in Abcrllec occis i sun t.’ 99 U th

trit filius 9°Etwin i et 99 H oelus filius 99Gloronou99 Penbrochiam devas taverun t,

’ 9

[et inoo

lumes domum redierunt.]A nnus. 9

MXCV I I . . Geraldus 94pm fectus



99 M en evia fines ’ devastavit Wi llel

9’scilicet, C .

9’ N ot in C .

9 N ot in C .

4 Estratewi , C .

9’ Kered igann et Dynet, C .

deserta mamernnt, C .


9 C .

Willelmus rex Anglornm ez er

citum contra Britones n ovit, C .

99 Willelmus, C .

9’ Baldwin , 0 .


qui jussu regis Willelmi castellum Rydcorl fundavit, moritur, C .


97 C . illegible in A .

9" jugum Francornm respunnt,

led Franci exercitam movent in

Gucnt, et n ihil impetrnntes vacui

domam redennt. et in Kellitravant

versi aunt in fngam. I ternm vene

runt in Brech i nauc et°


fecernnt in en, sed in redita apnd

A berlech versi aunt in fngam n

filiis I dnerth dli i Kadngaun, C .

‘9 U cbrid, C .

9‘ Edwin , C.

99 Howe], C .

’9 Gronoe, C .

9"vastaverun t provincia l: de

Pembroc, C .

94 dapifer, C .

9“fines M enevia , C .

A .D.

1 099.

AN NALES om nnw . 3 1

mus rex9 An glim

9secundo 9 in Britones

excitatur,’ 9

corum omn ium minana excidium

Bri ton es vero divino protecti mun imin e in

sua reman en t i llms i , rege vacuo redeun te.

Annus 9 MXCV III. Omn es V enedoti 4 in M on

in sula so receperun t, et ad eos tuendos de

H ibern ia piratas inv itaverun t, ad quos ex

pugnandos miss i sun t duo consules , H ugo

comes urb i s L egionum, et alter Hugo ; qui

con tra in sulam castrametati aun t. Q uos pi

rates corum munere corrupti in insulam in tro

duxerun t, eumque9 Cadugan

filius 9 Bledin t et 7 Grifinus filius 9 Con an ]9relicta in sula,

’ 9°H ibern i am 99aufugerun t.

99 Francis i n insula morantibus ,’ Magnus rex

German i ie 99cum exercitu ven i t in insulam

volens , sed ci nolenti Franci ei occurren tes

se invicem sagittis salutaverun t, hi de terra ,

i lli de mari , alter comes sagi tta in facie per

cussus occubuit. Q uo facto, M agnus ab ivi t

Fran ci vero majores et minores secum ad

A ngli am perduxerun t.’

Annus 9MXCIX. Cadugaun filius 94 Bledint

9 N ot in C .

9’contra Britannos exercitam

movi t, C .

9’sed nihil impetrans vacuus

domum redi it, C .

4’ Congregati aunt in insula M on

etGen tiles de Ybern ia ad se tutan

dos invi taverunt contra duos Hu

gones consules Francornm. Sed

Gentiles pretio corrupti consules

in insulam introduxernn t et caltra

ibi fecenmt, C .

Grifixt, C .

9 Kenan , C .

9’ insulam reliquernnt ct, C .

99 Ybern iam, C .

99adeun t, C .

99’ Postea, C .

9"ad insulam M on veni t et pm

lium cum consulibus commiai t ; sed

alter consulum vulneratus in fac ie

cec idit alter vero cum majoribus

insulam dereliquit. Postea vero

M agnus rex insulam M on repente

reliquit, C .

9‘ Bledi n, C .

3 2

A .D.

1 1 00 .

1 1 01 .


de 9 H ibern ia 9redi it ;


qui pacati s sibi

Francis partem terrse sum capien s , a v iris

Brechen iauc oecisus est.’ 4 Grifinus filius

9 Conan i 9 M on obsedit. 7 H oelus 9autem

filius 9 I tha il ad 99 H ibern iam 99 fugit99 Regis

warc filius 99 Sulea 94[episcopus]

99ob i i t.

Annus 9M C . Willelmus rex

99 Angli a97 a

quodam milite suo cervum petente, sagitta’

percussus,99 interi i t ;

99cui frater suus jun ior,

scilicet H em' icus , in regnum successit ; nam

W illielmus frater suus concubin is usus

absque liberis interi it.

’ 9°Robertus Court

house corum frater sen ior ab H ierosolimis

redien s et regnum Anglim sibi vendicans a

fratre suo H en ri co captus est.’ 94

[Thomasarchiepisc0pus Eboraci , id est Cayr Ebrauc


mori tur, cui Geraldus H erfordens is episcoPus

success it. An selmus archiepiscopus Can tua

rien sis a Willelmo rege in exilium missus, et

postea ab H enrico rege revocatus ad episco

patum suum redi it.]Annus 9

M C I . H ugo99comes Crassus urb is

9 Y bern ia , C .

9redien s, C .


pacificatnl est cum Francis et

partem regn i sn i accepit. Lewelin

filins Cadugaun ab homin ibus de

Brechein ianc occiditur, C .

4 Grifud, C .

9‘ Ybern iam, C .

99perrexit, C .

99 R ikewarth, C .

'9 Salien.

C .

99 moritur, C .

‘4 A nglorum, C .

improviso ieta sagitta a quo

dammi lite in venata, C .

99occubui t, C .

cujus regnum accepit Henricus

h ater ejaa jun ior, et filiam M alco

lum regis Albanorum in condugemduxi t C .

9" Roberta : vero fit ter Willelmireg i : I erosolimis tnnc temporis erat,sed sudicun fratria cui ob itumstatim repatriavit, C .

9 ' Placed after Legionnm in C.





[cui Rogerus ojus filius

successit].9 Gronou filius 4 Gadugan obi i t.

9 H enricus rex dux i t filiam regis S cotorum.

A nnus 9M C I I . Sedi tio 9

[magn a] orta est

in ter 7 Robertum Belleom et H en ricum re


’ 9 I orwert filius 9 Bledi nt 9°M aredut

fratrem suum cepit, regi tradidi t

1 1 03 . An nus 9M C I I I .


[M agnus rex apud Duli n

occidi tur.]9 I orward fili us 9 Bledin t 99

apudSaresberiam a rege H en rico injuste capitur,


[decus et solamen Britan n iac]9 Discordia

in ter regem H enricum et 99 A n selmum archi

cpiscopum,oo quo d nollet con secrare eos

quibus rex dederat eccles ias speciales .

1 1 0 k 9

[A nnus]. Annus9MCIV .

99 Owinus fili us 94 Ed9

[longa con fectus aegritudin e] obi i t.


[ I n terea]99 H oelus filius 9 Gronou a R icardo

filio 99 Baldewi n i expulsus przedas9


1 1 05 . A nn us9N OV .

99 B oelus filius 9 Gronou a Fran cis97 Ritcors et a 99 Gogan fili o

99 M euruc9°dolose

occisas est Robertus comes 9

[Belem] a fratre

suo H enrico 9

[rege] in bello captus est 9

[etincarceratus]. N euric et 99 Grifinus fili i 99 Tra

harn ab 99 Owino filio Cadugaun94sun t occi si . ’


.moritur, C .

99 A i n M S .

9 C .

9’ Ov cin , C .

9 Gronoe, C .

94 Edwin , C .

4 Cadugaun , C .

99 Howel, C .

9’ N ot in C .

'9 Bledn in , C .

N ot in C .

' 9 Rydcors, C .

Henricum regem ct Robertum "9 Gogann , C .

ratrem ejus, C .

'9 M eurie , C .

I ornerth , C .

9‘ Placed immed iately after9 Bledin, C . noe in C .

9"cepit tratten suum M arednch 49 Grifri , C .

et cum in carcerem regis trunit, C .

99 Traharyn , C .

99‘ Captus est ab hominibns regis9‘ Oweno, C .

apud Slopeaburium, C .

9" occi si aunt, C .


Annus 9 MCV I. 9 M arednt filius 9 Bledin t de

carcere evas it. 4

[Eadgarus filius M alcolum

ob i it, cui success it frater ejus A lexander.]9 Constitutus est ordo Canon icorum in eccles ia

San ctae M aria de Suwerke. Rex H enricus

subjugavi t sibi totam N ormann iam,

captofratre suo et multis v iris illus tribus.

An nus 9 MCV II. Flan dren ses ad Ros vene

run t. Geraldus dapifer 4

[firmav it] castellum9 Chenarth Bechau.

’ 9 Facto conven tu omn i

um fere magn atum A nglim apud London iam,

rex concess it ut nunquam per don ation em

baculi pastorali s vel annuli quisquam de

episcOpatu vel abbatia per regem vel

quamlibet laicam manum in Angliam in


1 1 08.

9 An nus ucvm . Kalendi s Juli i fundata est

abbatia de Trin itate.

1 1 09.

9 An nus M C I X. I n cipit ordo Praemonstraten

s ium.

1 1 1 0. An nus 9M CX. Castellum 7 Chenarth 9Wechan

ab 9 Owino fili o Cadugaun9combustum est


pro quo facto ipse Owinus ad H ibern i am

pulsus redi i t.’

1 1 1 1 . Annus 9M CXI .

99 I orwert filius 9 Bledin t4[jussu regis] do careers


[in patriam suam]redi it.

99 Owinus et M adocus fili i B iri t’ com

busserun t 99 M eirionn i th,4

[homin esque ibi et

9 N ot in C .

9’ destruitur, C .

2m m , C .


quam ob rem expnll nl est I d9 Bledin , C .

4 C .

u N ot in a99 I oruerth, C .

9’ de K ilgarran ,99’ Ov cin filial Cadugaun et

Kenarth , C . M areduc filius R irid, C .

9 Owein .99 M eyronni th, C .

36 ANN AL cm am .

filius 9 Res i 9ad Grufet filium Conan i in

N orwalliam i vit ; qui ib idem inclusus in qua

dam eccles ia ,

’ multi s de 9suis 4

occis is , v ix

evasit,9et ad S tratewy rediens, irruption es

in Flandren ses fecit.’ 9 Fundata est abbatia

C lara: vallis et M orimundi .’

1 1 1 6. Annus 7M 0xv1 .

9 Grifinus filius 9 Res i 9[ea

stellum Arberth invas i t et destrux i t, et]99 Owinum filium Cadugaun in Kai rmerdin ,

villa combusta , occidit.’ 9 Eccles ia Sancti

A lban i dedi cata est, rege H enrico priestan tc

et coronam ibi gestante.

’ 9[Bellum geritur

apud castellum Aber Y stoit. Owein a Flan

dren sibus i n Estrat Brunus occidi tur. Eynaun

filius Cadugaun et Gri fut filius M areduc ca

stellum V edri th quod est Kymmer fregerun t,et terram ejus obtinuerun t ]

Annus 7M CXV I I .

99 Gilebertus filius Ricardi99ob i i t.

1 1 1 8. An nus 7M CXV I I I . Bellum 99 M a ismain Cemre,

i n quo94Lewarch filius 99Owin i cecidit.

99H oe

lus 97vero

99Ytha i1 99vuln us accepit, quo tan

dem in tem t ’ 9 Obi it M atilda secun da An

glorum regina.

' Res, C .

94’villam de Caym crdyn com

perrexi t ad Teuec ad Grifut buss it ct Owein dlins Cradnnc ib i

filium Kenna. qui ibi in quadam occiditur, C .

ecclesia conclusns, C .

99 Gilbertnl , C .

9 familia sun, C .

99 moritur, C .

4 interemptis , C .

9" M ayo maynkcmbro, C .

9'et Grith t filius Res red ien s ad 94 Lynnarch, C .

Estu tewi irruptiones fec it i n Flan99 Ounein , C .

drenses, C .9‘ Hounel, C .

4’ N ot in C .97 filius , C .

7 N ot in C .99 d al.

9 Grifnt, C .99’ ibi vulneratus, dc quo vulnere

C . postea obi it, C .

ANNALES 0m m . 37

An nus 9M 0x1x.

9 M urchach 9maximus 9rex H i

bern i ze’obi i t.

1 1 20. Annus 9M CXX.


[Fi lius H enrici regis apudBarbefleth submersus est.]

1 1 21 . Annus 91mm . H enricus rex


[Angli se]9 in

Powisen ses movit exerci tum ; at ips i datisdecem millibus pecorum cum se pacificati

sun t.’

1 1 22. 9 An nus M CXXI I . Grifinus filius Sulhairn oecisus


A n nus 9 MCXXIII. 7 Eynan filius Cadugaun9ob i i t. 1 thail filius 9 Ri rit 99

a careers solutus

est .

99 Catwallaun et 99 Owyn fili i 99 Grifin i94 M eirion nyth . . spoliaverun t, et armen tis .

An nus 9MCXXIV .

99 Grifinus filius 99 M eredut 99 [occidit] I thail filium

9 B iri t, consobrinum suum.

97 Catwallaun filius 99Grifin i 99occidit 99 quatuor

99avunculos suos


’ 99scili cet Owi num,

’ 99Grono,9 B iri t,


[ct]M eilir,9et 99M organus filius Ca

dugaun occidit fratrem suum 4

[M aredua]A nnus 9mcxxv.

Ann us 9mcxxvr.

' N ot in C .

97 Oweyn , C.

4 M urchcrdac, C . Grifut, C ,9’ Yberniw rex, C .

94’ i n M eyron ith , et ejus nominee4 C . cum armentic ad propria traxerunt.9’cum exercita magno ad 190 1711 C .

venit, ct recepti s x. mi llibus an i "4 M aneduc, C .

maliam a nob ilibns term domum 94 C . oecisus est, B .

redi it, C ,

49 Cadwallann, C .

4’ N ot C .

9' interfec it, C .

7 Eynann , C .

99 tres, C .

4 moritur, C .

9"sues avuncnlos, C .

Ririd, C .49’ filios Onuein scilicet,

‘4 de. 0 .99 Gronoe, C.

Cadunallaun. C M ore“. C‘

38 AN NAL ES cm nmaz .

A n nus9 MCXXV II. 9 Grifinus 9 Res i filius

’ 4[a rege

H en rico de terra sua expulsus]9 H ibern iam

poti t.’ 9

[Dan iel fili us Sulgen i episcopi moritur.]

1 1 28. A n nus9M 0xxvm .

9Grifinus filius 7 M eredut9olmt. Lewelin filius 9 Owin i 90

captus est a

M aredut, traditusque Johan n i s filio, scilicet

Pa in .

’ 99 M organus filius Ca dugaun99 propter

fratricidium I erosolimam 99peti i t,

94et inde

redien s ,’ in in sula 99 C ipro 9

obi it.

An nus 911 0 11 1 11 11.

7 M aredut filius 99 Lywarch

con sobrinum suum filium M euruc occidi t ;97alios duos consobrin os suos

,filios 9 Grifini ,

oculis privavi t,99 duos quoque’ fratres suos

99 Baldew in o cascan dos tradi di t." 9 I pse vero’

a99 I owan fili o 9 9 Owin i 9 de patria expulsus ,

99oecisus est.

’ 9 M adane filius Lywarc a M eu

rie consobrino suo oecisus est.’

Annus 9M CXXX.

99 I orwerth filius 94 Lywarch a

99 Lewelino filio 9 Owin i 9 in Powi s’ 99


est.’ 99 Lewelin filius 97 Owin i a

7 M eredut

fi lio 99 Bledin t oculi s 9

[et] testiculis privatus

9 N ot in C .

9 Gri fut, C .

9’ filius R es , C .

4 C . Cogente, B .

est, C .

9 C .

7 M areduc , C .

9 mori tur, C .

9 Ov cin .

99’ab avunculo suo M areduc ca

pitar, C .

‘ 9 ('

ypres , C'4 L yuuarch qui , C .

97et, C .

9“duosquc, C .

excecate B lcdwino jasai t, C99 I euuab , C .

Ov cin, C .

9”occ idi tur

, C .

I oruerth , C .

L yuuarch . C

99 L ewelin , C .

99 L euuelin .

Ouncyn , C .

9 Bled in, C .

AN NALES cam eras. 39


9 I owan a eonsobrin is sui s films 9 LyWarch 9

oecisus est.

’M adan e filius 4 Lywarc a

9 M euruc9

[filio M eurie] consobrino suo,9oo

ci sus est.’ 7 Fundata est abbatia de Neth

cedem an n o fundata est abbatia de Furn eis .

A nnus M CXXXI . M eurie filius M eurie oculi s7et tes ti bus

privatus est. Dedi ca tio 9 M en e

venai s eccles ias ! 7 Fundata est Tin tern s.

An nus 9 MCXXXII. 9° I orwerth filius 99 Owin i9oecisus est.

’ 99 Catwalaun filius 99 Grifin i a

con sobrino suo Cadugaun filio94 Goron ou



Eynaun filius Owi n i in N ann eudn i’ 9


est.’ 99 M aredut filius 99 Bledin t 7 dux Powi

sorum’ob i i t.

A nnus9mcxxxm .

A nn us 9M 0xxx 1v. Robertus dux Normann iae

juseu H enrici fratri s sui pelve excaecatus est,

et postea obi it apud Glouces triam in carcere.

1 1 35.

9[A nnus] Annus

9n cxxxv.

97 Obi it H enri cus pri

mus ’ 9 [M CXXXV °. an n o ab incarnation s Domin i

xv9. an n o cicli decenn ovenn alis ,]


quo audito,

S tephanus comes Bolon iae, audi ta morte avun

culi sui , tran sfretavi t in A ngliam, et quamv i s

promi si sset sacramen tum fidelitati s A nglici

regn i filiae regis H enrici fretus tamen v igore

et impuden tia , regn i diadema audacia sua

invas it, qui regnav i t per xxx. an nos exceptis

1x. ebdomadi bus .

’ 9

[Et maxima discordia fuit

9 I euuab , C .

7 L euuarth, C .

’7occ idi tur, C .

4 Leuuarch.

9 M eurie. C .

C .

N ot in C .

9’eccles ia Sancti David

N ot in C .

I oruerth, C .

Ouuein , C .

'2 Cadwallann , C .

Grifi’nt, C .

94 Gronoe, C .

M areduc , C .

l" Elediu, C .

W Hen ricus rex Anglia; moritur


in ter Britones et Francos , sed Briton es v i

etores fuerun t .]1 1 36 . A nnus 9

M 0xxxv 1 .9 R ichardus filius Gilberti a

M organo filio Owyn i oecisus est. Owinus et

Catwaladrus fili i Grifin i exercitum in Karedigeaun moven t, et castello Walteri de Bek ;

et castello Aberystui t, et castello Ri cardi dc

la M ar, et Din eirth destructis, K a i rwedros

quoque combusserun t, et sic ad propria te

vers i sun t. Owi nus et Catwaladrus i terum

ad Keredigean venerun t, qui bus in adjutoriumGrifinus filius Res i , et Resus filius H oeli , et

M adocus filius I dnerth , et fili i H oeli ad

Abertewy poten ter ven erun t ; quibus ex alia

parte res isterun t S tephanus constabularius et

fili i Geraldi et omn es Fran ci ab hoste Sabri

n se usque ad M en ev iam, et Flandren ses de

R os : et proalio coram castellum in ito, Fran ci et

Flandrenses in fugam versi capti sun t,occi si

sun t, combusti et equorum pedibus con culcati

st in fiuvio Tewy submersi sun t, plurimi incaptiv itatem mi serrime ducti Walensee vero

hi s ad votum peractis, in sun redierun t,

cas tello Fran ci s reman ente.

’ 9

[Eynaun filiusOwein i bi occiditur.]

An nus 9M 0xxxvu.

4Grifinus R esi filius Ros con

ques iv it. L etardus L i telking Dei in imicus et

Sancti Davi d ab A nauraut filio Grifino, Gri

fino nesciente et nolen te, oecisus est ; pro quo

9 N ot in C .

9 C .

9 ' Grifut filius Res congregate4’ Grlfut filius Res ct Grifut

exerc itu magno cum omn ibus duci o filius Kcnan moriuntur. Oweyn

bus totius Cambria: pugnavit apud et Cadwalader fili i Grifnt combus

A berteyn contra Frances ct Flan scrunt castell Estrat N euric. Et

drenses, etvictor fuit. Franci autem postea illi et M araud et Cadell et

partim occi si partim in m e sub Gri fut fili i destruxernnt castellummersi fugam fecerunt, C. de Cairmardyn , C.

A .D.

l 1 38.

1 1 39.

1 140.

1 14 1 .


facto Anaraut omn ium M enevens ium cleri et

populi habui t. Gri finus Resi filius obi'


Tertio Owinus et Catwaladrus ad Keredi

geaun cum exercitu venerunt, et castello

Stratmeur et cas tello Stephan i et cas tello

H umfredi et Caermardyn destructis , in sua

redierun t. Grifinus filius Con an i ob i it.

A nnus ‘M cxxxvm . Kenwric filius Owin i oc

cisas est a familia M adoc fili i M arednt. ’


[A n araud et Cadell et Owein et Cadwalader

cum xv. navibus gen tili bus plen i s venerun t

ad Aberteyui et treugas fecerun t usque ad

festivitatem San cti M artin i . Gen tiles vero

spoliaverun t v i llam et ecclesiam de Landedoch,

id est, de Sancto Dogmaelo et pm dam max i

mam ad n aves portaverun t.]An nus ‘

Mcxxxm 3 Ven i t imperatrix in An

gli em, quam cum rex S tephanus obscdi sset

apud Anmdel,dimi si t eam ire apud Bristol

liam ad fratrem suum, consulem Gloucestriaa.’

A nnus M CXL .


[Kenwric filius Owein occi

di tur ab H owel filio M arednt ] M adocus

filius I dnerth obn t 7 M arednt filius9 H oeli a fili i s 9 Bledin t 9

[fili i Gwin] occi

sus est.’ Ad Pentocostem ivit rex cum ex

eroita suo super Hugonem B igod in Sufok, et

cepit cas tellum de Bungaye.’ ' 9 Sol obscuratur.

An nus ‘M cxm. Die Purification is Beatz e M aria;

Ranulphus comes Cestri ga , ct Robertus comes

N ot in C .

’ C .

Adventus impen tricis

gliam ut regnum totius

ulic suo subjugaret, C .

M adane, C.

d crth.

moritur, C .

M areduc, C .

Howe], C .

Bledyn , C .

Placed immediatelyaf ter llocin C .

N ot in C .

Wsol patitur eclipsim, unda the

precedingyear in C .


A .D.

1 1 42 .

1 1 43 .

1 1 44.


Gloucestriaa cum familia imperatricis ceperun t

regem, et ad Bristolliam ductum in carcerem

miserun t. Sed postea amici regis ceperun t

R obertuln con sulem Gloucestriae ; pro quo rex

liberatus est.

H oelus filius R ederch occisas

est 2

[a Res filio H owel].“A nnus M CXL I I .

’ 4 B oelus filius 2

[M arednt

fili i]“Bledi n t a suis 2

[v iri s]“occisas est.


[H owel et Kadugaun filn N udano fili i d erth

ecoiduntur, machi n an te Elya de se.]Annus 7

M CXL I I I .8 Anaraut filius ”Grifini a

familiaribus 1° Cadwaladri oecisus est. M ilo

comes H erefordiaa’ ‘9

a quedam mili te suo

cervum peten tc ictu sagitta est occi sus .

3 Galfri dus comes A ndegav iae capta N or

manuia dux n ominatus est. I nn ocen tius papaObi it pri d ie N ouns

A nn us 7M CXL I V .

1 3 Catwalladrus classem de H i

bern ia in adjutorium sibi con tra Owinum frar

trcm suum accivi t. Classi s in hostio M en ei

applicuit. I n terea Owi nus et Catwaladm s

concordati sun t. H aec German i ci audien tes , Cat

waladrum tenucrun t, qui ut ab eis liberaretur,

duo millia. captivorum cis pepigit et liberatus

est. Owinus,ut v idit fi'

atrem suum liberum,

in eos impetuin fecit, et partim eorum occi si s

pluribus vcro captis , reliqui cum opprobrio ad

Duli n reversi sunt.’ 3 Puer quidam apud

M arednt, C .


N ot in C .

' Howel, C .

Bledin , C .

occiditur, C .

7 N ot in C .

A n s t and , C .

Gri fut

Cadwaladr, C .

H ereford iaa comes, C .

‘3’ ictu sagitta: cujusdam militia

dum cervum peteret oecisus est, C .

W Cadwaladr aceepit sib i classem

de Ybern ia, ducibus Othir filio

Othir et filie Terkil cum ali i s, sed

Ov cin et Cadwaladr cencordati

sunt. Hybern ienses vere teuuemnt

Cadwuladr, qui pepigit ei s duo

mi llin captivorum. ct s ic ac liberav i t,

et fugavit Ybernienscs, C .


1 1 49.

1 1 50.

1 1 5 1 .

1 1 52.


Annus 'M CXLV I I I .

4 Huge de M ertuo Mari

Besum filium H oeli in careers crecavit.’Catel

cum fratribus sui s, Wi llielmus filius Geraldi

et fratres sui , H oelo filie Owin i eis auxi liante,castellum Wi z destruxerun t.

’ 4

[Kenan et

H owel fili i Owein v i abstulerunt M eiron it a

Cadwaladr.]An nus ‘

M cxu x. Robertas comes 5 H en rici

regis filius’ 4

[in carcere] obi it. 7 Gi lbertas

comes , qui Strangboga di ctus est, ob i it.’

A nnus ’M CL.

8 U thtri t episcopus Landaven

si s’ 1°

obi it. Bern ardus episcopus M enevia ,


[xxxmm episcepatus sui anno] obi it, cui

David 4”filius Giraldi’ 4

[in episOOpatum] success i t. 4

[Robertus H erefordi ze episcopus mo

ritur, cui Gi lbertas Foliot successit ]An nus l

M CL I . Catwalad rus castellum Llan

B i stat aedi ficav i t, et Catwauo filio sue cum

parte sua de Kered igean dedit’ 4

[Oweinfilius Gri fut castellum in terra Yal construxi t.

M adauc filius M arednt Croes Oswald rezedi

ficav it ]4”M addauc filius M arednt dedit

c eilauc n epoti bus suis, Owino et H enrie

fili i s Grifin i .’

An nus lM CL I I . H enricus dux Normann iaa ven i t

in Angliam, et obsedit M almesburim.

‘ N ot in C . tuus est, under “( preceding yearHuge de M ertuemari ocules in 0

Resi fili i H ewel emit in careers ,

under theprecedingyear in C .

N ot in C .

‘ C .

4’ frater H enrici regis. C .

4 U chdri t, C .

L andauensis episcopus, C .

mori tur, C .

1 ' M enevensis, C .

Geraldi filiul. C .

Q ui Keveilaue nepotibus suis,mortuus

scilicet Oweino ct M eurie, filiis GriGilbertas comes stragore mer fut dedit, C.

1 1 54.

1 1 55.


AN NALES cm nm . 45

Annus ‘M CL I I I . Catell filius Grifin i vas tavi t

Kedweli .’ 4 H oelus filius 3 Owin i 4 cepit 5 Cat

wanum 6

patruelem suum,

7 terramque cum

cas telle sibi subjugav it.’ 3 Catel et fratres sui

cum exercita Ceredigeaun in traverun t, et in fra

A iron sibi vendicaverun t.’ 4 I mperatrix cum

filio suo H enrico, qui fui t dux N erman n i ze et

comes An degavi ze , applicui t apud Warham.

A nnus lM CL I V .

9 Catell cum fratri bus suis

circa Purificationem Beatae M arie , oppugnatocastello H oeli , sed n on hab ito, totam priedam

tel-rue cum homin ibus secum duxerun t ; cw

stellum Llan Bestut longa obs id ione ceperun t,

ct cus todibus sui s servandum commendave

run t ; sed H owelus filius Owin i,ira exa

stuan s,illud oppidum cembuss it, custodibus

occis is. Catall cum fratribus suis S trat M eu

ri c rewd ifioav it.

’ 4°Catil filius Grifin i i n

ven ation e,juxta Tin ebetb v iolen ter a Fran cis

laceratus , loco mortui dimissus est.’

M arednt

ct Resus castellum Lycliur destruxerun t. Re

sus vastavi t Keiwelauc.

’David filius M alco

lum 4”obi it. l Radulphus comes U rb is Legio

num ob i it.’ 1”

[Eugen ius papa obi it ; cui

success it An astas ius .]An nus ‘


4”[Stephanus Anglorum rex

obi it anno KIKO cicli I vor. concurrentes , cui

consobrinum, C .

4'ct ajun ten

-um acces si t, C .

Cadell et Res et Marednt filn

Grifut Keredigauu infra Ayreu vi

pou iderunt, C .

V Cadell et Res et M arednt 11111

Howe! fili i Ov cin Keredigaun vi

abstulerunt, et Farm M eurie edifi

caverunt, C .

Cadell dum venatum iret a

quibuldammilitibus et aagittariil de

Dynbech laceratus est, C.

N ot in C .

‘4 moritur, C .

C .


A .D.

1 1 56.

1 1 58.


cui successi t H enricus nepos H enrici regis

magn i , et regnum recepi t. An as tasius papaob iit, cui successit Adrianna]An nus 4

M CLV I . M arednt filius 5 Grifin i' 5

[filiiRes venen o]

4obi it.

5 Besus vero 4jun i or 44[ejusfrater],

5et fere solus

, portionem illi us et

fratris sui solus obtinuit, et semper augen do

v iriliter protexi t .

An nus 4M C LV I I .

7 Catell 4[filius Grifud] Ro

mam 5peregrin ation i s causa perrexit.

’ 5 B esus

filius 5 Grifin i 5audi ens Owinum de N or

wallia ad Cered igeaun ven turum, con tra eum

usque ad Aberdewi audacter progressus est,

ib ique pugnaturus’fossam 5

[Aberdevi] feci t ;4°ubi postmodum fun davi t castellum.

’ 5

[H en

ri cus rex tran sfretavi t de A nglia in Normann iam I V O. I dus Januari i .]An nus 4

M C LV I I I . H enri cus rex44Anglia

4”N or

walliam di tien i suaa volen s exercitum ad

campestria Cestri se duxi t, ib i que ten toria fix i t,’


[adjuvan te M adauc filio M aredut et ven it

ad Dyn as Basic].4Owinus prin ceps Norwalli aa

cum fili is sui s H oelo, Canano, et Dav id, cum

ingen ti exercitu apud Dinas Bassing castra

metati sun t, ibique vallum erexerun t. H oc

andi to, rex astuta fictus industria , ad vallum

Owin i via li ttorea tetendi t ; sed antequam

perven i sset, a Conano et Davi d hoc idem

prsecaven tibus , acerrime certami ne susceptus

est ; multi sque suerum ami ssis , quo tendebat

4 N ot in C . cisi

' C .

4extinctus est, C .

tet rem ejus recepit.Cadell, C .


peregre proficisi tur, C .

N ot in C .

Wet non multum pest castellum

i bidem fundavi t, C .

4‘ Anglorum, C .

4”movi t exercitum versus Nort

walliam, C .

A .D.


evas it. Owinus audi en s regem s ibi a terge

immin ere,in fac ie autem exerci tum regis

n imium vallum deserui t,ct in loco tutiori so

recepit. R ex dein de collecte in unum exer

citu ad Ruthlan progredi tur, ib i que castra

metatus est.

’ 4 I n terea clas s is regia M oni zn

applicuit, quam insulam optimates belle su

sccperun t, magnamque stragem ex Francis

obstan tibus fecerunt,in quos H enricus filius

Geraldi oecisus est, velut aln volun t,filius

fuit H enrici regis et Willielmus Tren chemer,

et ali i quamplures.

’ 4Q ue facto rex et Owi

nus pacificati sun t. Catwaldrus terram suam

recuperav it.’ 5

[Owein filius Grifud ded it

obsides regi , et] rex in Angliam redi it.

A nnus 9M CL I X

4 M organ t filius5 Owin i M ab

oecisus es t. 3

[I n hoc an no]5 Besus filius

Grifin i solus bellum regi praatendi t cum

omn es Walli se prin cipes cum rege pacem haberen t.

’ 7 Omn es ergo suos ad silvestria Towi

removit, v idens tsmen se tam latse regis

poten ti ze n on posse resistere, facti s in duci i s

securus curiam regi s adiv it, et tanquam in

vitus,regi pacem pepigi t ; pacto i lli a rege

Cantrefmaur alioque quem rex vellet, integre,

n on di sperse. Rex tamen procerum snorum

usus cons ilio, illud Can tref secundum ci in

di vers is baronum terris divisum dedi t. Besus

tamen cepit et sustinui t.

’ 5 I n terea Rogerus

Classis vero ejus applicaus in

M en lam dem-nets est et spoliata

armis et equi s, C .

4’ N ot in C .

' C .

4 M organ, C .

5 Ov cin , C .

4" Solus R esus filius Gri fut tenuit

gwerram contra regemA nglia , cum

i omnes duces Cemubiuepacem haberent, C .

4' N ot in C .

'V Regerus comes de Clarcastella

sua per Keredigaun firmavit, qua

omnia Res invasi t et destruxit, C .


comes dc Clara Cered igeaun , ut suam,ingre

d itur ; castellum S tratmeuric, et castellum

H unfredi , -et cas tellum Aberdiwy firmavi t. ’

4 I n terea Walterus Clifford domi nus Can tref

Bethan, priedam de terra Res i abdux it, homi

n csque in terfecit, quo and ito,Besus id factum

regi , ut domin o, ind icavi t. R ex illud omen

darc noluit. Familia ergo Resi i n ultion c

prfedae suaa castellum Lanamdewi obsedi t,

quod Besus adven ien s primo impetu cepi t.Eyn an filius Anaraud castellum H umfred i

destrux i t, milites et alios , qui in eo oran t,

forti manu occidit. Deinde Resus magis armis

quam in don e regis fiden s , cas tella per Cere

digeau a Fran cis facta combuss it.

1 1 60 . A n nus5M CLX.

5 Resus combuss i t castella per

Demetiam a Fran cis facta ; ad Kermerd iu

exercitum duxit ct obsedi t ; sed adven ien te

Regin aldo comiti Cernub iae, ebs idi onem dimi

s it.

’ 4Goroun bun frater Resi oeci sus est.

Besus deinde homin es suos cum omni bus suis

ad Resterwein rcmov it. Regi naldus vero comes

et comes Bri stolli ze, et Rogcrus comes Clarea

sis, ct ali i duo comi tes , Catwaladrus quoque

filius Grifin i, et B oelus ct Con anus filu Owin i

apud Denweilcir castra metati sun t ; sed n on

auden tcs Resum adire vacui domum redierun t.’


[Adrianus papa obi it. Et factum est scisma

in ecclesia Romana , Alexandre et Victoriocandidatia]A n nus 5

M CLXI .5 M adoc 4

[filius M arednt]5 Powysorum prin ceps obi it.

7 Lewelinus

4' N ot in C .

4 C .

5 N ot in C .

4 M adauc, C .

Resus fugates est apud Cayr princeps Pewisim, C .

mardyu, C . Lewelin , C .

AnnaLEs CAM BR I JE. 49

4filius ejus’oecisus est.

5Catwalaun filius

M adane Eyn aun Clut fratrem suum tenuit,

et Owin o Grifin i filio carcerandum tradidi t ;

quem Owinus Fran cis dedi t ; sed per celle

ctaneos et fami liares suos de Wigon ia liberatus ,n octe evasi t.

5 An nus M CLxu .

An nus 5M CLXI I I .

4 Resus v i adquisivi t Din

Weilir et L lan a indewri .’ 5

[Theobaldus arch i

episcopus obi i t.]An nus 5

M CLXI V . H enricus rex Anglim cum5 totius 7A ngli z e exercitu

ct5Walli ze ,

5ad bel

landum R esum usque ad Pen cha ideirn per

ven it ; sed Besus cum rege, facta pace, i n

Angliam iv i t. 4°E in aun filius "An araut,5ln

cli tus dux ,

’a Waltero filio 45 L iwarch 5 dolose

i n somno’oeci sus est. Cadugaun filius M a

redut 45a Waltero Clifford oeci sus est.

’ 44 M agi

ster H en ricus filius A rchen obi i t. Kedivor

archid iaconus de Ceredigeaun ob i i t. ’ 5

[Consecratus est San ctus Thomas archiepiscopus

I VO. N on as Jun i i .]1 1 65. An nus 5

M cv . R esus vi den s regem non sol

vere sib i premissa, v idens etiam Rogerum

comi tem de Clara, Walterum proditorem et oc

cisorem Ein aun nepoti s sui , ben ign e suscepisse,

Rogerum comitem in festavit, castellum Aber

Redival et cas tellum M ebwenn iaun valida

ejaa filius, C . cadéyr, et pacificc in Angliam te

N ot in C . versus est, C .

N ot in C .

4°Eynaun , C .

4' R es filius Grifut castella deWal 44 Anaraud, C .

weri n et de L auamdeuri vi cepit, C .

4’ Lyuarcb , C5 C .

4" i nterfectos est a Waltero filio4 tote , C . R icard i , C .

4'exercitu A nglia . C .

‘4' H enricus filius B aetumagister4 Cambrian, C . bonus, et Rediuer arcbydyacenus dc

ven it contra Resum usque Pen Keredigeun, mortui cunt, C .



A .D.

1 1 66.


manu combussit, totamque region em Ceredigeaun obsecun davi t postea vero

4omn es

Wallcn ses Norwallim,Suthwallim,


jugum Fran corum unan imiter respuenmt .

5 Exulat Beatus Themas .

A n nus 5M CLXV I . H enricus rex Angliae


exercitu Angliae, N erman n iaa, Flandriaa, An de

gav i i c ,Pictav iw et A qui tan im, ct Scotiw,


Cr ucem Oswalt usque perven it, omn iumWalen

s ium meditan s excidium ; cui Owinus ct Cat

waladrus cum Nortwalen s ibus, Resus veto

cum Dextralibus,Owi nus dc Kewei lauc et

I orwcrth Choch cum Powissens ibus v iri li ter

resisterun t. Rex ultra progressus in montc

Berwen castrametatus est. Q ui viden s se

ni hil ad votum suum posse efii cere, obs ides

Walen sium, quos potuit, oculi s ct testibus pri

vavit, ami ssaque excrcitus sui parte n on mo

di ca ,i n A ngliam cum opprobrio reversus est


[F1uvius Tegui duobus diebus sanguin eus

apparuit.]5 R esus filius Grifin i circa Kalendas

Novembri s castellum A bertewy dolo Rigewarc

clerici cepit 5

[ejus vero hab ita tores cum

dimidio bon orum suorum abire permisit].7 Robertum filium S tephan i constabularium

in vin culi s tenui t.

’ 5 Apud Kermerdin lupusrab iosus duo do v igin ti homines momerdit,

4' Omnes duces Cambriw in unum

contra Hen ricumregemA nglia con

juraverun t, C .

5’ N ot in C .

5 N ot in C .

4' movit exercitem con tra duces

Cambrie , et ven it usque ad montem

Bervln , Britann i vero surrexerun t

contra eum, scillcet Ov cin et Res

et ali i duces Cambriaa. Bed rex

n ihi l impetrans domum reversus

est, et obsides corum numero n i i

oculis ct testiculis privavlt, C .

4 C .

5' Castellum A berteyui per dolun

a Reso filio Gri fut captum est, et

usque ad solum destructum, C .

7’ Et Robertus filius Stephani

custos cu tri incarceratus est, C .


A .D .

1 1 69.


4 Thomam archiepiscopum. Galfridus Foli ot

archiepi scopus Eboracen sis ab archiepiscopo °

4 Thoma excommun icatus est.”

Annus 5M CLXI X.

5 Besus filius 4 Grifin i 5[cum

tote exercitu Sudwallia ] cas tellum Abe

reynaun5a dificavi t ;

7 postea v ero exerci tum

duxit in Brechin auc, et i n fugam versus est.

U ndo dolore commotus iterum in Brechein

auc exercitum mov it,magn amquc terra par

tem combuss it. Castellum Buellt destruxi t,

et cum justitia regis pacificatm,

’la tus et

vi ctor domum redii t.


[Fi lia regis Angli a

data est duci Saxon ia .]A nnus 5

M cLxx.

5 R obert filius Stephan i 5a

carcere Res i precatu4°Diermi t fili i 44M ur

c11at11 45 H ibern iam in travit, et castellum45 Carree 44 juxta Wi sefordiam 5

a difia' wit.

M euruc filius 45 Adam 44filius Seisil de Buellt'

a45sanguin co suo

’oeci sus est. Eyn aun Clut

vulneratus est a fili is 47 L ewarchi fili i 45Dena

wal,45sci licet 5°M ei1er et 54 I vor.

An nus 5M CLXXI . R icardus comes de 55 Striguil

55 H ibern iam intrav it,

44et filiam Diermit

4 T . in M S .

4 N ot in C .

4 Res, C .

4 Grifut, C .

4 C .

4edificavit, C .

4’et pestea apud Brecbeynauc

fugatus est, et i terum cum maguo

exercita veni t ad B recheynauc, et

magnam partem illius terra com

buss it, ct castrum Buellt destruxit

et pacificatus cum justiciario regis

A nglia , C .

4 Robertas, C .

4’ liberates est a careers, C .

4°Dyermyct, C .

4‘ M ercbad , C .

44 ct Yberniam, C .

44 Carreg, C .

44’ N ot in C .

44 A daf, C .

44’suo consanguince, C .

47 Lyvarch , C .

44 Byv al, C .

44 id est, C .

54 M ei lir, C .

4‘ Yuor, C .

44 Strugul, C .

Ybern iam, C


regis uxorem accopit.’ 4Porth1agi ct

5 Dulin5soceri sui aux ilio, civibus occi si s

,suo man

cipav it domin io.

’ 4 H enri cus Tertius filius

H enrici S ecundi regn i5 diadematc coronatus

est, patre suo vi ven te ac juben te.

’ 5 Owinus

rex Norwallia et Catwaladrus frater suus

min or, scili cet H oelus filius Owini a famili

aribus fratris sui Dav id, eodem assisten te,

occisas est. I erosolimis terra motus fractus

est magnus.

’ 7

[Thomas Can tuariens is archi

cpiscOpus martyrio v itam fin iv it .]A nnus 5

M CLXXI I .5Diermit rex

4°H ibern i a

ob i it. Resus filius 44 Grifin i 45cas tellum Aber

tawi , quod prius destruxerat, rea dificav it.

H enri cus rex Anglia45major ad v isi tandum

S an ctum David de Anglia ven i t 44 deinde45 H i ber niam in trav it


45eamque suo domi n io

man cipav it. Burgen ses45Wi sefordia Ro

bertum filium S tephan i , 45scilicet eorum

domi num,interfecta s omn ibus fcre sui s, et

castello ejus destructo, v in culis man cipari

fccerun t, quem rex audiens liberavit.’

4 l’orthlarky, C .

4 Dulyu, C .

4’ fundi tus destmxit, C .

A nnus . H enricus I I I“! filiusHenrici Secundi dyademate regn i

A nglia coronatus est, patre sue

viven te ac jubente, C .

4 d iadematem, in M S .

4’ A nnus—Oweyn rex N ortwalliaobi i t. I erosolimis terrametus ma

gnus factus est, C .

4 C .

4 A'

ot in

4’ Dyermyct, C'


4° Ybern ia , C.

44 Gri fut, C .

45’reed ificavi tcastellumA b erteyui

quod prius destruxerat, C .

44’ N ormanorum S extus veni t ad

vns i tandum SanctumDavid, C .

44et pestea, C .

44 Ybern iam, C .

44et eam. C .

47subjugavi t, C.

44 deWeyseford ia, C .

4” dominum suum in terfectis em

n ibus suis fere familiari bus et de

straete ejus castelle mancipari vinculls fecerunt sed postea liberatus

est per Henricumregem A nglia , C .

54 m u ss cm am.

Annus 4 MCLxxm . H enricus rex Angli a ,

5orandi causa de H ibern ia redien s, ad San

ctum Dav id ven it’xv.

5 Kalendarum M aii .


[Bi cardus Can tuarien sis episcopus electus

est.]5 Rex pater et rex filius discordes fact i

sun t. Comes Leicestria captus est.’

An nus 4M CLXXI V . Seditio magna orta est

i n ter H enri cum regem Anglia ct H enricum


5 quem s imi liter regem Anglia fecerat.’

5 Con anus filius Owi ni obi it.

’ 4

[R icardus

Cantuarien s is archi episcopus Roma a papaAlexandre consecratus est.]Annus 4

M CLXXV . H enricus rex ct H enricus

filius 7suus recon ci liati sunt.

’ 5 Comes Lei

cestria apud San ctum Eadmundum,Flan

dren sibus qui cum eo de Flan dria veneran t

magna ca dc peremptis, ipse cum uxors et fili i s

captus est et in carceratus. Rex Scotia

David a familiaribus H enrici regis captus est.

5 Seis il filius 5 Din awal et 45 Gefrei filius

ejus4[ct a11 1 plures de Wen t] a

45Williclmo de 45 Breusa 5 in Abcrgavenn i


occi si sun t.5 Obut comes R icardas filius

Gilberti .’

A n nus 5M C‘LXXV I . Pen s lapidons Lon don ia

i n ceptus est.

’R egin aldus


[filius H enri ci

regis] comes Cornub ia obi it, et sepultus est44 juxta patrem suum

, scilicet H enricum

Primum apud Reding.

4 N ot in C .


de Y bern ia rediens orand i causa

ven i t ad Sanctum David, C .

4 Kalendas C .

5’ N ot in C .

suumsimiliterregemA nglia , C .

fins adinvicem psciflcati aunt, suum,

4 Seys ill, C .

4 Tudwalt, C .


re, C .

suns, C .

45 W i llelmo, C .

44 Brcose, C .

44'apud Radyngs

56 mum cm ma .

A .D.

Saladino eorum 4nefario rege Chri stianos

apud mare5 Tiberiadem devicerun t, et XL .

mi llia ex eis ceciderun t,5veramque Domin i


cum rege4 I erusalem et ducibus et

baren ibus ceperun t, et civi tatem I erusalem5omn esque terra mun i tiones ceperun t, excepts


5 I mperator Romanus , Fredericus

n omine, et rex Francorum Philippus, R icardusA nglorum rex

’Cruci s s ign aculo so


fecerun t. 5

[S imili ter archiepiscopi plures et

comi tes et duces , baron es et milites , n ecnon

et capellan i et clerici ] Baldewinus Can tua

rien sis arcli iepiscopus5 Swtwalliam ingressas

est, ut Crucem Christi pra dicaret,4°visaque

sede San cti Dav i d N ortwalliam in travi t,ubi

dc Cruce pra di cans , complures signo Crucis

mun iv it, et sic in A ngliam redi i t.’

1 1 88. Ann us 4M C Lxxxvm .

44 Cometes Britann ia per

totam in sula m v isus est,’ 45

n cc sine re si

gnavit en im H enrici regis mortem, qui cite

post obi it ; cujus v is io nunquam impun e mortaliba s habetur. U nde illud crin emque ti

men di s ideris,

et alibi , mutan tem sceptra


’ 45 R icardus rex Anglia et Phi

lippus rex Fran cia , c irca festum Beati

Johann is Bapti sta , cum multis armatorum

4nephario, M S . N ot in C .

4 Sntwalliam, C .

7 Tyberiad is , C .

45’ N ot in C .

4’et Crucem Domin i , C .

4" Comets visa est per totam Au4 N ot in C . gliam, C .

4et omnes, C .

44’ A nnus . Henricus filius impera4

preceded by A nnus in C . tricis rex A ngli a obi it apud N eu4 ' Phi lippus rex Francorum,

llen striam in ectabus A postolorum Petri

ricus rex A nglorum, C . et Pauli . cui successit R icardos filius7s ignari , C . ojus.

4 C .

44preceded byAnnus. A n na in C .

1 1 90.


mi llibus iter versus Terram Sanctam arri

puerun t ]4Annus M CLXXXI X. Besus filius Grifin i in

Sudwalli a bellum movi t ; in Ros st in Pem

broc combus tiones fecit, Gouhi r pra datus est,

castellum Carnawi llian destruxit,aliaque

stella in Dewet cepit, qua per malam custo

diam otius amisi t. Castellum de Kermerdin

obsedit ; sed adven ientc Jchann e comite filio

H enrici regi s, cum exercita totius Angli a ,

relicta est obsidio ; facta est inter ipsum ct

Resum 5

pax, sed privata, redi itque Jchannesin sun. Besus filius Grifin i circa N atale

Domini Clari obsedi t, quod et habui t ; de

di t que H oeli Seis filio suo cum adjacen te.

M ai lgonus Res i filius a patre suo captus est,

et apud Din ewr incarceratus est. Deinde,patre nescien te, Griflinus fra ter suus cum

a carcere patris dux it, Willielmoque de Breusasocero suo custodiendum trad idi t.

4 A n nus M CXC . I n Dewet occisi sun t a Fran

cis n ob i les Wallenses , scilicet B esus filius

Rederch, et Trahair filius Kediwor, et Gri

finus filius Eli di r.

Annus 5M CXC I .

4 Rex Francia Phi lippus ’ civi

tatem 5 A ccharon obsedi t,n am R icardus rex

5 Anglia5ad C iprum insulam diverti t, eamque

ditien i sua , rege i llius capto, subjecit,7[et

pecun iam infin i tam in ven it in ca5 inde ad

obsidionem 5 Accharon la te vultu’ven it ;


4' N ot in C .

7 C .

4pace in 51 8 .

4 deinde, C .

4 N ot in C .


pm fs ta civi tatis , C .

4’ Phi lippus rex, C . st in ca non multum post, Deo4 A ccaron , C . volente, caper

-nut vi i. x . pagauorum,

4’ i ter ad Cyprum d iverterat, ct quos in ea trucidaverunt, C .

can cepit, C .

58 ANNALES cm n w.

adveni en tc Christian i audaciores at fortiores


ecti civitatem obsessam divine nutu cepe

runt, s t i n ea v i i .millibus paganorum occi sis.’

Baldewinus 4 Cantuaren sis archi cpiscopus5 feliciter in Chri sto

’ob i i t,

5st in civi tate

A ccharon cum honors deb ito a Christian ia

sepultis in Domino qui escit.’

R esus filius4 Grifin i cas tellum de 5 N ewer die Assumption is Sancta M aria 5 forti manu,

Fran cis


A nnus 5M CXC I I . Walensee dc Dewet


Grifino fili o Res i , vi ceperun t castellum de

Lanwaden . Resus filius Grifin i M algonum

filium suum a carcere Wi llielmi de Breusa

liberav i t, Willielmo invito.

’ 5 Resus Grifini

filius, post liberation em M ailgon i fili i sui , ad

obsidion em Abertaw i poten ter di vertit, eumqueper decem ebdomadas oppidum obsedisset, et

oppidan os fere fame dedition i coegissct, quo

dam infortun io et quadam i nvidia in ter fili os

suos Grifinum et M ai lgonum laten ter habits,

unde Fran corum v i obs idionem deseruit, qui

basdam fami liarium suorum in pra ceden te

die submers is .

1 1 93 . Annus 51 10x0 1 1 1 . Grifinus Troyt oecisus est.

Johan nes filius Elidir obi it.’ 7 C i rca festum

Sancti C irici i familiares R esli Sei s oppidumWi z nocturno dolo et i nsidi is cujusdam tra

ditoris dein tus ceperunt, ac Flan dren ses et

Franci do Penbroc pra di cti oppidi captio

4 N ot in C . sed tumen submersis i bidem qui4’ M i t in C . basdam dc suis obsidionem doserait.4’cui successit—C . C .

4 Gri fut, C .

" H eclas filius R esi castrum de4 Kemmer, C . villa V iech dolo cepit, et castrumde4’ Resus filius Grifut castrum de Lanamdeuery destruxi t, et plures do

Sv eynese per v. ebdomadas obsedi t, suis ib idem occisi aun t, C'.


4 Flandren ses cas tellum dc Wi z di e Pente

costes ceperun t. Resus filius Grifin i duos

filios suos M aredn t ct Resum Parvum cepit.’5Willielmus de Breusa castellum San cti Clari

valida manu cepit, tenuit, et in so captis

R esli famili aribus LX.

’ 4 H oc audi ens H eclas

cas tellum N ewer diruit, terram tsmen Fran cis

invitis sib i retinui t.’

Annus 4M CXCV I .

4 R esus filius 5Grifini 4 Ker

merdin combuss it,7 inde exercitum ad H ere

fordia partes dueens,Redenor combuss it,

mi li tesque Reget i de M ortuo M ari ad modum

quadragin ta occi dit cum innumerabili peditum


’ 4 E0 in hunc modu m age n te,

W i lli elmus de Breus exerci tum ad Abertewi

mov it, partemque villa combussit, et si c in

sua redii t. Phi lippus M agnel in belli con

flictu ibi cecidi t. Exi it edictum a rege

Ricardo ut omn ium rerum venali um com

mercia per un iversum regnum ejus un ius

men sura pon deris et preti i fierent.

A n nus 5M CXCV I I .

5[R icardus rex obn t, cui

success it Johann es frater ejus ] Besus 5 Gri

fini filius’ 4° Sudwallia princeps 44

nobiliss imus ,mors Anglorum, clipeus Bri tonum, I v. Kalendarum M a i i moritur ; cujus corpus n obile

apud Sanctum David cum honors deb ito

humatum est 45ad cujus hon orem hos ver

4’ N ot in C .

4’ Willelmus dc Breusa castrum

de Sanoto Clare vi cepit et u . do

fami lia Hoeli fili i Resi , C .

4 N ot in C .

4 Res, C .

4 Grifut, C .

7 ’et M aysheueyt similiter, C .

4 C .

4’ filius Grifut, C .

45 Sutwallia , C .

4" mori tur i v. R aleadas M aii ,cujus corpus apud Sanctum Davidhonorifice humatum est, C.

47’ N ot in C'


ANNALES can nula . 61

siculos, pro modulo n ostro, composuimus ,

inducta s imili tudine in ter ipsum et tyrannes

per con trarium.

Cum vola it pluvius Busiris ca de parabat,

N olui t a thereas sangui n e Resus aquas ;Et quotiens Phaleris cives torrebat in a re,

Gen tibus invi sis Besus adesss solet.

N on fui t An tiphates , non falsus v ictor

U lixes,

N on homin es rapidus pahula fecit equis,

Sed piger ad pa n am prin ceps, ad pra mia


Quicquid 4 do quo cogitur esse ferox.

H ie non degenerat, gen eroso germine natus ,

R egibus ertus obi it Besus,ad as tra redit.

C rifinus filius Rem statim post obitum patri ssui curiam n is adivi t, i b ique factus ha res

domum redi it. M ai lgonus Resi filius circa

Augustum Grifinum fratrem suum cepit, et

Wen ev inwe fili o Owin i custodi endum tra

didi t, quem postmodum Wenevinwen regi

pro Carree H uwa dedit. Resus Parvus s t

M arednt fili i Resi a careers Grifin i fratria

sui soluti sun t.

Annus 5M CXCV I I I . Grifinus Res i filius a car

eers regis solutus est. Ca des Walensium a

Fran cis facta est in Elwail in obsidione Payn .

Pra cepit rex R icardus omn es cartas in regno

suo emptas rsformari st n evi sigilli sui im

pression s roborari .’ 4

[Petrus episcopus M ene

vensis obi it, qui epus novum ecclesia

M en svsn sis ' in cepi t, vixit autem epc Opus

XXI I . ann is, msnsibus V I I . diebus xv.]

4 C . The year I ce. is added in

the a aryin.


1 200.


Annus 4M 0x0 1x.


[Ricardus rex Anglorum in

quadam expedition s apud Lymoses ictu

balista percussus d iem clausi t supremum,

cui successit Johannes fra ter ojna ]5Willi el

mus Dowor H erefordsns is episcOpus ob i it

in Christo, cui success it i n episcopatum

filius Willielmi do Breusa, Egidius nomine.

H ouelus Sei s Resi filius erga Pascha curiam

regis Johann is ad iv it, st in reditu suo apudS triguil a gritudi ne correptus ob i i t, vel, ut

alii volun t, a Francis oeci sus est ; qui omn es

Wallia duces largitate pra cellebat. Wi llielmus M arescallus factus est comes Penbroehia .

Annus 4110 0 .

4 M a ilgonus filius Resi , ut vidit

quod solus terram patris sui toners n on

potui t, quin Fran ci s vol Grifino fratri suo

partem darot, oligit potius cum hosti bus par

tiri quam cum fratre. V ondidit igitur regi

castellum Abertewi pro parvo argenti pon

ders, et pro malediction s clori ot populitotius Walli a .

’ 5 Goraldus filius M aurici i in

H ibern ia defun ctus est. I ncipit ordo Pra


Annus 4M CC I .

5 M aredut filius Resi , inclytus

adolescen s, a Fran cis do Kedweli die Sancti

Swithin i oecisus est,cujus corpus ad Ked

woli dilatum ibiquo juxta ecclesiam San cta

M aria humatum est. Griflnus Resi filius

torram M arednt fratria sui sci licet Cantref

bechan , cum oppido L lan amdowri sibi cepi t ;sed an ts monsem exactum Grifinus gundam

4 N ot in C .

r C .

et obsides a baren ibus accepit, C .

4’ Grifut filius Res obi it, at M ars4’ N ot an C .

dut fi'

ater ipsius ab hominibus de4’ M ai lgum filius Res castellum Kedwell oecisus est, C.


A .D0

1 205 .


rien sis arch iepiscopo. N am sex pra ceden tibus

ann is sedes vacaverat propter con trovers iam

election is in ter Can tuarien som arehiepisc0pum

et abbatem San cti Dogmaelis , li te ad ultimum

determin an da in curia Romana ]A n nus 4

M CCV . H ubertus Can tuariens is archie

piscOpus ob i it,


[v ir magna industria ct

mirab ili s satutia , sed parum li teratus, totius

tamen A nglia quan doque justiciarius . Q uehumate, statim menachi 5 Can tuari enses sub

priorem suum elegerunt, et cum li teris priori s

et conven tus magna onustum pecun ia ad

curiam Roman am tran smiserun t . Quod cum

regi Johan n i innotuisset, i llico omn ia victualia

ct omn ia n ecessaria et etiam exitum vel

i n troitum extra cymiterium pra fatis me

nachis i nh ibui t . I lh'

autem viden tes destru

ctionem sua domus immin sre regem adierun t,

et eons ili is ipsius adqui escere promiserun t.

Ven ions i taque rex Cantuariam episcopum

N orwicen sem sib i valde fami liarem secum ad

duxit, men s ches corrupit, promi ttendo prioriet XI I . majoribus conventus cui libet eorum

episcOpatum vel abbac iam ut memoratum

episcOpum postularen t, et sic eum postularun t, st tanquam postulatum ad osculum

pacis receperun t in con ven Lu s t in refeetorio,

et literas suas transmiserun t subpriori in

curia Romana existenti et munus consecra

tion i s expectan ti ut domum rediret, et no do

negotio electioni s do so4facta quicquam intro

mitteret. Quod cum a domino papa compor

tum osset nun cios cum literis suis domino

regi destinavit ut rex literas suas paten tos

4 Cantas i'

.M S .

4 41-8 111 8 .

m u m CAM BRDE . 65

do rati hab i ta tiono cum prioro et x1 1 . do di

scretioribus Cantuarien s i s ecclesia) Romam

mi ttorot, ut quem illi in przooontia papaz oli

goron t, dominus papa consocrarot ; con soem~

tumquo cum pallio in Angliam transmitborot.

V on iontos autem monachi ad curiam Ro

manam, quod regi firmi tor ot cum juramen to

promisoran t, negloxerun t, et dissensiono inter

oos hab ito,, imc mortuo qui nque ox ipsi s, in

propos ito sicut promisoran t porman serun t.

Dominus autem papa audions episcopum

valdo esse secularom et a pluribus di fl'


tum, priorom cum reliquia modis omni bus

induxi t ut magistmm Stophamun Anglicum

quondam theologum valdo li toratum oligoron t.

Eo autem olocto, dominus papa oum hono

rifioo consecravi t, ot cum privi logi is ot pallioin Angliam ad sodom suam transmis it. Quodcum regi innotuisset, omnes monachos Can

tuarien si s occlos iw do regno suo expulit, noc

unus eorum i n toto regno Angli zo roman si t.

Et in troitum arch iopisoopo et. suis in ro-


gnum inbibui t. Domi nus autempapa , foetus

pluribus mon i tionibus domi no regi ut archio

piscOpum rooiporot, rogo sompor in mali tia

perseverante, totam Angliam sub generali

in terdicto oon clusit, no aliqua divina in eccle

s ii s oolobraron tur excepto solo bapti smate .

Et n o aliqua corpora opisoOporum, abbatum,

mona chorum, clorioorum, la ioorum, in eymi

tori is aut locis oonsocratio sopeliron tur, sod

extra civi tates ot villas in trivii s ot qua

drivi is ot in viarum oxi tibus sopoli ron tutx

H enricus Exon iens is episcopus ob ii t.]' Rox

Johannes rex A nglia: Rothomsgmn man que Nom annhmamb it. C .


66 mum m ani ac.

A .D.

travit, sod cum Phi lippo Francorum regi

rodi i t.’ ‘ Rosns Paw ns cum Francis castel

oboorvaban t. M utatio monot ta ost’

Annus ’MOCV L


' Cantuan onms Bon am

Annus ‘ uocvn . Cepit rex bortiam docimam

partem regni tam do mohilibus quam sim

in N orthmama'

Ab hac on ofiono liber fuit.

1 208. Annus 1 1 00a Resus Parvus secundo castel

captia, partim owsis/ [Gonoralo intordictumfit pom totam Angliam x. Kalandao Aprilis

anno oiroa fostum Sanoti Miohaolis, Willelmusdo Brown ,

mota discordia inter ipsum ot

togomioum uxono ot fili i s timons rogom in


1 2 1 2.


duxi t, st in ca castella xrv. vel amplius

firmavit. Lowolinus ad pm dicti mon tis tuta

bus , tribus millibus pecorum regi datis , rex

i n sua redi i t, " ‘ Franci ductu filiorum Res i

M ailgon i , scili cet ot Resi Parvi , castellum

A bori stut firmaverunt. Sod M ailgonus ot

Resus , cogn ita Francorum porfidia, statim

combusoorun t, oppi dan i s ab iro dimissis. Mail

gonus in Swtwalliam bellum movi t. Catwa

loin Glamorgan iw pmdas ct combustiones

fecit, non sin e homin um detrimen to.

’ ’

[Rmbortus filius R icardi XI V . Kalendas Jun i i

Annus 'M CCXI L Ma i lgonus et.Won nenwen cum

Lowolino Nortwalons ium duco fmdus ini erun t,st. in Powis stragom magoam do Francis

fooorun t. Roberta s do Wopin i in fugam versus

in A ngliam vix ovas it.’

[M onso Februari inocte quadam quicscen to quodam viro homo

convorsation is ot bonostto in strata suo circa

modiam noctom audivit quas i quamdam sibi

di con tom,

“Surge at vido mira ot magnatum

romm pm nost ica. Qui statim oxpergefactus

Crucis s ignaculo so mun ivit, ot surgons a

olovans oculos in ccs lum tres lunas vidi t ;

unam in ortu hyomali , minorem plona,majoremsomiplona ; duas alias in occiden te vidit qua

autem stupofactus sacerdoti suo visionem in

dicavit, qui visionis test imonium perhibuit ]

”m a c

A .D.

1 2 13 . An nus ‘Mccxm. Lowolinus dux N orwallim

potostatis ducibus, castella per N orwalliam

ot Powi s a rogo firmata, unum post aliud,

adven tum regis Fran corum in Angli

rodonntos o rep ct ab omn ibus bonorifioo

70 m am cam s .

A.O .

um Annus ' uocxiv .


Otho ven it. H a c audion s rex Francia

Phi lippus non in arou suo sporans ot gladio

sod in I poo qui aporit et m o claudit,

conculcav i t ; cepi t etiam tres nobiles con

solos , W illielmum Longum-onsom fratrom

regis Anglia , et consulem Britann ia , ot con

sulem Flandria . Othono in fugam verso, rex

Francia cum triumpho ad sua rodi it.’ U ndo

Francia in gaud ium vom est, Anglia in

luctum. Box Anglia in Angliam rodii t, ub i

‘ Discidium ot tum est inter regem Anglia ot


ot barowce aqui lonales,'cujus disci di i

dioons ,“N am disoidium ali enigenarum oriotur.

facto cum ducibus Walli a ot baron ibus .

‘ N ot in C .

” Johan nes rex transfi'

etavit in mifitm w tom aumnfln qumPicts viun . Eodom anno Otbo im potnerun t occiderunt circi tor n .

pa s tor cum comitibns Flandria miflig nt pcrh ihont. C .

et Bolonia et comi to Saloobm-im," N ot in C.

fratre regis A nglim, cum magn o”Discordia mmn ost intor Johnno

Francorum ad torn in os Francis haronos totins regni pmpter oppm o

voueront. Q uibus occurren s rex sioneo qm eis intulm t ot libaum


si bi in tegra servavorun t.’ l U ndo Walenses

la ti ad sua redierun t, Fran ci voro tris tes

und iquo ojocti , volut avos huc ot illuc dis

persi sunt. ’ ’ Rolaxata est sen ten tia in terdicti

a domino papa," ’

ot orta est dissonsio in ter

rogos et barones, ut pra dictum ost.’ ’

[Galfri das M eneven sis episoOpus Obi it

,cui suc

oossi t Gorvas ius— consocratus est Gorvas ius

M eneven si s episcopus ]

cipo N orwallia sua patris. oxpulsus oat. H oelus

filius Grifini obi it. Lodovicus filius regis

Francia veni t in Angliam ad pra liandum

ot castellum Abortaui primo impetu cepit ;inde cum ducibus s ibi confa doratis , scilicet

M a ilgono ot M o Parvo ot fili is Grifin i ot


omn i bus fore odiosi, quia oi non pooson t re

[Primus doconn ovon nalis cicli ab h mtione Domin i MCCXV L in quo generals con

" N ol ia C'


” Rolan do i nterdiot i per town

Angfiw W Nom Junfi. C.

A .D.

sau nas CAR R I E . 73

coacti sun t per trienn ium quas i in subsi di um

torra I orosolimi tana . Laudatur ab his domi

nus papa, culpatur ab ali i s. Plurima pra

cepta fuerun t ibi promulgata sod a paucisobservata. I bidem etiam fuit ordinatum do

dooimis Alborum monachorum. I nn ocen tius

obii t. Et in tron i z atus fui t H onoriua ]A nnus ’


[M ota est discordia in ter

totius regn i sui ; ot cum nonposset illis ro

s istoro crucem susoopi t, ot nun cios ad curiam

Romanam transmi si t, oxorans ot postulan s a

domino papa ut oum quas i crucis ignatum

dofendorot. Et os condi tion s totam A ngliam

domino papa tributariam feci t, reddendo an

Dominus itaquo papa transmisi t logatum in

Angliam, qui ot Lodoui cum filium regis Fran

corum, qui in Angliam von erat, cum omn ibus

fautoribus suis excommun icavi t, ot s ic do

Anglia post absolutionem tamen a legato

adoptam cum dodocoro rocossi t ]Annus ’

MOCXW I L Baronos qui homag ium

focorunt Lodowico in torfocti sun t, ot quamplurimi Francorum, pugnan te Domino pro


’ ’[I n cujus fine an te festum Beati

M ichaelis Johannes rex Anglia viam un i versa

carn i s ingrossus est ; vir quidem mali tiosus ,oppressor occlesiarum ot optimatum totius

regn i , ut vidobatur odiosus Deo ct homin ibus ,morto repen tin a pra vontus , do cujus morte

ipsius H enricum Parvum V I I . s onorum apud

” N ol in C .


Glocootriam, ut nichan t, diadematc regn i in

sign ivit, in fostivitato Symon is ot Juda .

Lev elinus fui t apud Wolnodalo in Ros ]A nnus

‘xccxrx. Lowolinus princeps totias

Wallia oum alii s ducibus mi noris potoota tis

si b i oonfa deratis in Augusto exerci tum ma

gnam in Dewet movot, ot castellum Arberth

cum primo nutu si ne ulla con tentions , viris

partim oa sis, partim capti a, combuss it ; deindecastellum Wi z in crastino adivi t, ot i d

idom, solutis viris cum sui s armis, dato eis

fa dero, sin e mora dostruxi t.

’Postea motel

lum H arford adivit, ot totam villam combus

sit, ot castellum dobollaro nolui t ’ ‘ Doinde

apud Pul in R os pornoctaviQ ot totam patriam

in simul congregata maotaro pre cipit. Deinde

Ponba'oc volai t ad ire, sed ipsi pra timm'


viri fortis ad fa dus babmdum duoon tas

mamas popigorun t. H oc facto ad propria ,salvio omn ibus v iris sui s, redii t.

’ l'Obi it Wil~

fuerst. Fuorunt autem in ea XLV . mi llia

armatornm, ut aa erobant, oxooptis mulieribus

ot parvulis. Sod plurimi “fai no ct inedia

mortui fuomnt. Die namquo qua civitas

capta fui t inven ts fuerunt,ut di citur, tria

" t 0 . va in: episcopus M enevensis. cui

" Eodm anno L evelin g min: w mm mm m

M ag ya r in C . (Z

W illelmus M ar-walla: veto: Qui in M S .

comes Penbircbi a ob iit. C . Afler Fun in M S .

M a h m thc m mce- Et fl er

76 mum s CAMBR I L

A .D.

filio H oeli pra dam max imam do torra do

Cardigan abduxit, totamquo torram usque ad

Ayron cepi t, quam custodia dioti Conani

commisit, ot ipse oum sui s disooa i t ]Annus '

Mocxxn .

2 lV illolmus Mareooallus

iterum H ibern i am in travi t et justiciariumtotias H ibern i a accessi t, ot filios ’ Hugon is

do Lacy subjugavit, quos ad regem Anglia

ut concordiam ejus in iron t adduxi t.’ ‘ Lowys

rex Francia Pictaviam possundavit.’

[H on

ricus rex Anglia filius Johan n i s amisit Pi

1 223. Annus 'Mcoxxul.


[I n quo primo con sti tutus

est pra oon tor in eccles ia M enevensi . Et ia

eoptum fui t novum opus majoris ecclesia

San cti Thoma Hauorfordia ] Lowelinus

cepit castrum do W i tinton ot prostravit.’

Annus ‘M CCXX I V . Castrum do Bedoford ca

ptum os t.’ 5

[Annus in quo Lodovicus rex

Egydi i , ot pra cipuo Avin um,ct muros ejus

overtit. A n nus in quo M arednt filius Res i

arcbidiaconus do Cardigan Obi it. Reginaldus

do Broosa obut, cui successi t Willelmus filiusejus : qui eodem anno captus est in Kory.]

1 225. An nus ’M CCXXV .

7 H enricus rex jun ior cum

totius A nglia oxercitu et maximo armorum

' N ol in C .

“N ol t'

a C'

‘ W . in M S .

‘ C .

” Et eodomannoWillelmus Mars ' Et cepit castrum do Bedd oul,

callus ccpi t castrnm de’


rnmme in {W id ely ajw amisit PictnvitmYbern iam, ct expognavi t H ngoaem under lsfifl. C .

do a y. C .

' I n quo gv erra mota efl imer’ Hu. m M S . Henricum regem A nglia filium

m ama s 01 1 1 11111 3 . 77

apparata provinciam do Kori in travit, et os

stellum ib idem formavi t, cui v iri litor resistan a

ducibus Sutwallia , stragom non modicam ex

eroita regis intuli t, ot Willielmum do Breusa

cepit. l[Et eodem anno exi i t a capt ivi tate

in cathedra Sancti Petri ]9 V idon sque rex

quod proposi tum suum parum ei proficerot,

accepta quedam summa pecun ia ad ”con

princi pes, cc pacificato cas tellum in coptum

fugi t ot vacuus domum redi t.’

Annus M CCXXV I . Lowolinus princeps N ord

wallia Willielmum do Breusa pro magn a

summa pecun ia ot pro castellis do Buolth do

carcoro liberavi t, ad augmen tum etiam fcedori s

Willi elmo do Breusa filiam suam cum proo

vincialibus ot castella do Buoltb dedi t in

imperatore ot complicibus Christiani a captafui t.

’ '

[Gorvasius epi scopus M en evensis obi i t,

cui successi t Anselmas Crassus. Et Terra

Sancta reddita est imperatori .]An nus ‘

Mccxxvn .

9 Lewolinus princeps N ordwallia Wi llielmum do Breusa pro nimi a

pra sumption o sua et in famia devici t et postmodum morti tradidi t.

’ 5 H enricus rex A nglia

circa R aleadas M ai i cum totius Anglia exor

ci tu ad in stan tiam comi tia Britann ia M i noris

Johann is ct Lev olinum principcm H . in M S .

Wallis in qua gv erra captus est " H enricus rex fili n Johann isWillelmns de Breusa a dicto prin . mnsfi '

cuvi t in Britann iam circa

festum A postolorum Philippi ct' C . Jacobi n Porten n nth et apnd Bnr’ N ol in C . dcus applicuit. Et n gem Ft

-anci n

conprinc ipe in M S . nolnlt oppugnnrc, sed , C .

‘ N ot in C .

inquietare ca pi t. [ibi reliquit Willolmum

1 228. aAnnus nocxxvm.

1 229.

one fuit apud Porosmuo. Comes Britann ia

veni t in Angliam.

s An nus uccxxx. Obut Gilbertus comes Glo

1 23 1 . An na’Mccxxn .

’ Lowolinus princeps N or

caus is in ter ipsum ot regem suborti s , M un

gumriam,Brochon iam ct R a iam cum Badenor

stavi t. B eindo versus Guen tiam tendons et

Karlion in cin erom redigono, castella do N eth

ot Kodwoly ot do Kardigan , villa prius a

M a ilgo'

no succonsa. prostravi t, probis partiam

quam a M organo filio H oeli Angli cis con

M archiam et expen sas faciens infin i tas , ca

stellum Peon do potra ot oalco nobilissimum

construxi t, et armatorum multi tudin e sufi

ciontor commun ivi t.’ Obi i t 5Willelmus M ara

scallus V I I . I duum Aprilis, ’ ot Ri cardus frater

' C . comes Penbroch vi i i I du Aprilis”m a c.

ma ma ‘ W. M S .

‘ Willolmnn Mn '

n callun jun ior ’ B. M S .

s t brachio oxtento , ut erat vir probus s t

pote ns in an n is , magnus ot terribi lis, sapien ss t facundas , pins atque forma slog

-antis , sib i

subjugata. Sod cum quadam die suos dobel

laret adversarios, ot cos , ut loo provocatus ad

iram,a dextris ot a sinistris prostornorot ot

interficorot, sui barones cum mi litibus sua

natura non immomores frauds pra locnta

quod oum hostibus tradoront, i llum in bello

linquontoo fugam finxerunt, ot si c oum adver

sariorum fustibus st gladi is tradidorun t, ub i

confractus fuit bootium ictibus ot lanceis ab

imo usque ad summum porforatus ad ultimum

ten tua, et sic post pencos dies spiri tum Deo

reddi di t ; cujus amiss ionem planxi t dominus

rex cum n imio dolore st omn es optimatessui multo tempore. Cui in ba rodi tatem

success it magister Gilbertas frater suus, juvon is olegantia imus ot poten s , cui dominus

rex n i l do factis fratria sui si bi imputando,

omno jus suum ben igno an imo ded it s t

concessi t.’

Rees Cryc apud Landoi lau Vaurvitam fin i vit ; cujus corpus ’

opiscoPus M e

n eviam juxta patrsm suum,Resum, scilicet

M agnum , sepultura traditur a domino An o

sclmo M en evens i episcopo cum diro planctu

st honors maximo.

’ ’ Lowolinus liberavi t

C rifinum filium suum quem an toa per sex

annos in carcerom tonuerat, s t dedit in

mediotatom torra qua vocatur Llycn. Kat

walan filius Ma ilgon sumpto roligion is habitu

the dcallq was” w e.

0 .

’ S ic M S .

w as tes CAMBBI zE. 81

apud Cumliyr ob 11 t. M a llgon filius Ma ilgon

a dificavi t castellum do Trofilan .

Annus ’Mocxxxv. Owi nus nlius Grifin i , v ir

nobilis genera, mori bus , pra ditus largitate

mirabili , fore’ incomparab ilis fama excellen

tissima, perspicuus apud domam do S trata

Florida, dis M ercuri i post octavas Epiphan iafine glorioso quicvit, ibi quo juxta fratrem

suum Resum in capi tulo monacborum oxtat

tumulatus .

’ ’ Rox Anglia filiam comitia

Brobancia in uxorem accopit, ot apud London iam

, pra sen tibus ep iscopia, comi tibus ,

baroni bus quamplurimis , nuptias splendidocelebravi t. Gilbertas M aroscallus dosponsavi t

sororom regis Scotia .

Anno ‘M CCXXXW . Gusnllian filia Resi M agn i ,

uxor Edn evs tb V otban , ob i i t. Mailgon filius

Mailgon circa festum Sancti M ichaelis accos

si t ad principsm Lowslinum, st, pecun iain terven ion to n on modica ,

fecit M arednt

filium Owein ad reddendum si bi M ovon it pro

Penarcb. Q uo habito ad spoliandum monachos

do S trata Flori da so pra paravit, v idelicet

do tsrris do S trat M eurie, quas sui antsoso

sores ot ipsomot s iadem monacbis dodorant.

Bodom anno M adocus filius Grifin i dominus

do M ailaur, et Owinus filius M arednt fili i

Roberti do Kedeweigbo, ob iorunt.’ 3 H enri

cus rex Anglia duxi t uxorem Alien oram

filiam comi tia Provinci a apud Cantuariam

per dominum Eadmundum archiopiscOpum.

N ot in C . Elin oram filiam comi tia Prov in

incompan lio M S . cite . Et Gi lberto: comes Pen bro

Henricus (1 1 1m! ) rex Anglia chic sororcm regis Scotia , C .

fills : Johann is duxit in arm ‘ 0 . M S .


‘[Frater An ianus pra dicavi t do Cruce in

Wallia , cujus corpus sepultura traditur apudH aber cum diro planctu ot bonoro non

modico. Johannes comes Cestria goner suus ,

st Konworicus domin i Res i M agni filius ,

obi orunt. Rex cepi t in auxilium tricesimam


’ l[Otli o Romana eccles ia legatus

ven it in Anglian ]Annus ’ uccxxxv m. I n cmstino Sancti

Wallia fidelitatom domino Davi d filio domin i

Lowolin i principia apud Stratum Floridam.

C rifut Y al dolo M arednt fratria sui , ut dice

batur, cociana est. S imon do M onteforti duxi t

in uxorem Alienoram comitissam Penbrok.

Ricardus do Clare duxit uxorem M . filiam J.

do Laci comitis L incoln ia .

An nus ’M CCXXXI X. Ob i it Grifinus filius M a

redut.’ a (li ’ iflnus filius Lowelin i bollica V i ce

captus a Davi d fratre suo.

’N asci tur Ed

wardas regis filius.

‘ Annus MCCXL. Obnt i llo magnus Achilles

secundus , dominus scilicet Leweli nus filius

C orvasi i fili i Owini C uynot, tunc princepsWallia , recepto hab itu monachili i n domo doAborconuy cum magna devotions , cujus operasum in sufiioi sns n arrare. Hostos en im suos

clipeo ct basta dominabat, roligiosis pamm

Omnes magnum Wi llie ace

runt homagium regi Anglia

ct Gri ffins : filial ejus captus Lewelinuu princeps Nortvn llia

est a David hotrc mo ct lncucw obfih -Wfl tcm Ham lin. cdifl

cavit turrim do Cardigan , C.


1 242.

1 244.


usque London ism ad con cilium celebro ibi

con sti tuto res ti tuendo Grifino filio Gwen

frotavit in Pictaviam proponon s torras quas

rex Francia oi abstulerat, quod illo anno

min imo potui t.’ 3 Bodom anno fuorunt castra

firmata in Wallis a domino M ailgono in Garth

grugyn , a domino‘ Rogero do M ortuo

-M ari in

M as lonyt. Grifinus filius M arednt fili i Resi

tun c arcbidiaconus do Kordigan [ob i it]!3 C ilbortus M arescallus apud War in quodam

torn iamen to ob ii t, cui successit in ha rsdi

tatem Walterns frater ojus.

’ 5

[Captus fui tWalterus do M arisco in insula do Londoy.]Annus mccxmu. H enricus rex Anglia7rodi it do Burdegalis cum regina sanus et

incolumis.’ ' A li enors rogina poperit filiam

in V ascan ia nomine M argarotam.

2 An nus M CCXL I V . Resus filius Res i Crek

ob i i t.’ “Grifinus filius s olini in carcere

domi n i regi s London ii s detentus , funom per

quondam fenestram transjoci t, a t i ts svadere

" Eodem annoHenricuam idem

trnnafictavi t i n Gu coniam circa

festum Sancti Jobannla an te portam

I a tinam. C .

' N ol in C.

" Gi lbertua M aracallns comes

Penbroch in ob i it ivOKalenda nli i .

Et eodem ann oWaltcrna M aracallua

factua out comes Penln'ocb ia cim

testam Symon ia ct b lin k/ore the

mendi ng entry in C .

‘ R ia M S .

C .

‘ N ot i'

n C .

'n diena de Gaacon ia applien it in

A ngliam circa foami n Exaltacion iaSancun Crncia, C.

" Grifnt illius Lcwelin mortuus

eat in carcsre apud London iam aive

dolo aive ali ter ignoratnr. Et David

filiua Lewella combussi t Cayn an

L .n

As sam 0 1110 11113 . 85

posai t. Sod infortunio accodonto in torram

cecidit, et collo ac cruribus confractis spi

ritum oxhalavi t. Quo audito, David frater

ejus ira commotus , suis congregatis ma

gnatibus in hostes suos, tanquam loa n s raptiscatulis suim hruit sxpe

llans oos omn ino a

fin ibus suis, oxcoptis qui in mun ition ibus st

adunavi t pra tor tres , scilicet Grifinum filium

M adane, Grifinum filium Wennunwsn , ot

M organ fili um H owel, quibus postea damna

et gravami na intulit non modica.

’ l Ma rednt

filius Roberti Ob i it, sumpto roligion is hab itu

apud Stratam Floridam. Ali enors nogina

poperit filium Edmundum.

Annus 9M CCXLV .

l Conquieverunt ha rodos

Willielmi Marsscalli in pace.

’ aH enricus

firmato ib i castello, in Angliam redi i t.’

‘ U ndc st in memoriam facti multo o suis

mortuorum cadavora per Nortwalliam roliquit

inhumata, tam in mars quam in tetra.

Posi tum est fun damen tum Westmon asteri i .’

[Veni t Waltorus M aracallus apud H auer

Annus 9MCCXLV I .

°0 b11 t illo cli peus Wallia

David filius Lowelini apud Aber, cujus corpuscum floti bus multis sepultura tradi tur apud

fratria sui Grifin i , sci licet Owinus ot Lowolinus ,

qui prudontum vi rorum consi li o terram a que

" N ol ia C .

‘ N ot ia C .‘ C .

’ Henricna rex Anglia movit Vet in illo anno mortuus eat


m ug6

Q fa

i s su es CAMBB I E .

in ter so divisorunt.’ l N icolaus do M olyns

senescallus do Kormerdin ad torram M ailgon i s

usque ad M oronnyth. Dictus tamen N icho

hm di tato habui t pra ter duw commotos , sé

licet Genourglin s t Hyscoid.

’ 3 Obii t Radul

tu us M aresmllus apudeodem anno obii t Anselmas Mara mllus

xi 1 r dopod tus a t. Mm dut filius Res do

pra davi

t vilhm do Caym ardyn. Dominus

H ersbertus filius M ahi i interfwtus fui t a

props a strum quod fui t M organ i Cam ][Ex 4 1 Demetia , do

mime N icbolao do M onies ot Grifino filio

Deni st pa n a ; 1 0am partem N ortwallia , nullo

obstan to sou etiam contradicen to.]

Smoocallns dc Caym ardyn Walwna M un Obiit v°


tres filias suns . Consecmtus fui t Thomas Wal

lens ia M eneven s is episcopus V III. Kalendas

1 249. A nnus ’M ccxmx,

2 Capta. fuit Damiata a Lodo

v ico rege Fran cia’

1 250. Annus M CCL .

[c tus fuit pens de Kaymardyn per oppressi on em M ei ]

1 251 . A nnus ‘M CC L I. Gladna fili a domini Lewelin i

apud Win desour, M organ filius Resi M agn i

obi it.’ ’

[Destructus fui t Lodovicus rex Fran

aim in Terra Sancta et captus per paganos .]1 252. Annus ‘

M CC L I I. Lewelinus filius Gurwareth

tune balli vus domi n i H enrici regis in term,

quz a fuerat domini M aelgon is jun ioris , cepitman date regio pm dam super v iros de Elvaal,eo quod quas i haeredita rio voleban t uti pa

sturis mon tium Elenyth .

1 253 .

‘ Annus M CCL I I L I llustris rex Anglia dominus

H enricus fili ns Johann is cum magna exercita

in Burgundiam circa principium Augusti

transfretavi t, commendando regnum Angliw

Edwardo fili o suo et domin o Ricardo fratt i

suo oomi ti Comub ise at regime]

Annus ‘M CC LIV .


[Lodovi cos rex Francia; 9.

Terra San cta at]5 H en ricus rex A nglim de

Edwardo filio suo cum ingen ti exercita in

custodia illarum parti am rodi i t.’ ‘ Guen llian

‘ N ol in C .

mm XI V . Kalendu Junii , ct appli

cuit cum mvig'

xo mo i n Egyptian

in porn: Damia n V“) KalenduJuni i , ct devicti a per Dei gn fiun

San-weak, civitatem illow u pi t, C .

' C .

“N ot iu C .

V Henricus rex Anglia a partimrad ii : mnm rinis. R t dedi t m

Henricus Edwardo filio mo primo

genim Yberniun , Walliam, V asco

n inm, ct Bristollmn , C .

“mu ss cm nw . 89

filia domin i M ailgoni s ob 11 t. die Sanctus Katerims . Bodom anno dictns Edwardus pr


feotus est oum ‘ Bonefac io archiepiscopo inH ispan ism, et ibi desponsavit filiam regis

Em ma , st foe tus est. miles.’

1 255. Annus ’MCCLV . Ob i i t probus et robustus ju

rslicto un ico he rede filio de Guen llian fili a

Mailgon i s ; at post ci to c irca. festum Sancti

Resus filius M a ilgon is , acts. confess ion s , et

eommnniw tis corpore Christi et sanguine,

sumptoque Gisterciens is ordi n is hab itu apudfitmtam Floridam, hen ! fati s occubuit., cujuscorpus tradi tnm fui t venerabi li ter sspulbums

in capitulo juxta sonorem suam, lamentan ti

con iabatur quod ipse es set redemptums s t.

lica ma r filios 0 I , fili i venerabi lis me

mot im domin i Led quondam prin cipis

N ortwalliw, Gwyn um audlioet et David fra

mm suum ex parte nn a, et Lewelinnm ex

alters ; idem Lewei imus oonfidsns in Domino

eomm indub itanter expectavit horribilem

cum magna ex 11 tn adventum, et immobilis

cm suis ad pm liandum,infra. un ius

110m spatium dictu Owyn um et David

captia necn on in fngam vers is , forti manu et

bellies cepi t, et eorum terms sin e aliqua

£ 1 1 148 . I ’ Nv‘ iwC


Maolgan is uxor Owin i fili i Maroduth do

Kedovoyn , ques apud Stratam Floridan)

juxta fratrem suum tradi ta fuit sepulttms .

Thomas dictus Walensis episcopus M eneven

sis obii t in Christo,’ ’

[dio Translation is

cardus do Karre’u, theologus ot philosophas

Annus 5MCCLV L Quidam nobiles Walliao viam

un ivorsm oarn is ingmani sun t, videlicet M are

dut filius M audauc tuna dominus do Yal, ot

Owein filius I orworth do Elvael. H oc ann o

Anglim. H enricus filius tune comes Costriaa

circa Kalondas Augusti ad ms trs sua, videli

oot do Digannoy ot do Disserth videndum et

terms . Q ua recodonto at facto .visitatian e.

tatibus ot honoribus, more M achabe orum, z ola

justi tim acoonsi olegorun t potius cum honors

oxtranois et indignis hostibus calcari , ad na

bilom juvonom,vido1icot Lewolinum filium

Grifin i filii Lowoli n i accessorunt, suam oi ex

ponentes captivitatom, tribulationem, cum

lachrymis ot gemiti bus . Quorum gomiti bus ot

fletibus idem Lowelinus motus eorum exhor

tationo ot consilio atque rogatu accessit ad

tom m do Pervowalt, et eain infra. unam ebdo


uih te, M 8.

’ Thomu Wallcnsio Mcncvensil " Et inoepit mngnn gnd'n in

episcopus, 0 . mm, c.


Lewoliuus fii ius Grifin i fili i Guanonwi n do

Powis in travi t, at in v illa do Trallug sedans ,

ot oam omn i na combussi t, ibi quo convocatis

ad so in aux ilium duobus baronibus do

Swdwalli a, M aroduth fili a Resi Crych et

H afl'

ron juxta M umgumbriam congregati fue

Jahannos S tranges Grifinus filius Guenonwin,M abalau ot multi ali i cum voxi lla domini

Edwardi ot cum maxima armato exercita.

Por amuem veto H afren prmdictus exercitus

Anglicarum porven it, ot in oampa magna inter

H afrou ot Eberriw Anglici in acio belli state

run t. Walen sibus voro Anglicas ad bellum

[a u tos v idoutibus valdo indignati aun t, et cam

pum cum innumeralibus armatis intrantos, et

statim Angli ci prm timoro exterriti in fuga

convorsi suut, et usque ad Mungumbriam otius

fugorunt. I n i llis voro diobus , videlicet die

Lunm proxima post Purificatiouom Boatm

Maxim, S tephanus Bausan ,N 1cholaus dominus

do R omorio, Patricius dominus do Kedwoly,

ot dominus do Karriw, cum multis armatia

mi li tibus , partam Albee domus fregorun t,

abbatiam intrantes ibiquo pornoctantos et in

juriam Deo et Beatm M arim ot omn i bus

Sanctis focorunt, sci licet verberando monachas ,spolian do oonvorsos , secum ducen tes omnes

oquos et omn ia spolia totius abbatim prmtor

spolia ecclesim, at in cimiterio servitores

monachorum injuste ooci derun t. Prmdictus

vero Lowoliuus postoa in proxima Quadra

ges ims cum grandi exorci tu ad terram do

Kodweli et Kamwallaun et Gohir accessi t, ct


partom Anglioarum do prmdictis torris ot

Abertawy omn ina combussi t, omnes voro

Wallenses dictarum tomu'um s ib i subjugavit,ot ante Pascha cum gaudi a ad propria ro~

moavit I tem in hi s diobus quidam n ob iles

auto Domin icum in Ramis Palmarum villam

Mungumbriam, scilicet cas tellum Balwy v iri

liter combusserun t, ot Baldowinum ot hurgos

alias multos cum mulieribus ot parvuli s in

oadom villa igno ot forra accidorunt. I n illis

di chas quidam nobiles do Kardigaun , videlicet

duo filii Eynaun et Wilim ot duo fili i Wilim

mordin occisi sunt. I tem Lewolinus ap Grufut

cum multi tudine v irarum fartium auto Ponto

costen castellum Badodon obsedit, et dimiss is

castellani s cum armis sui s libero ot castella

trad ita, i liad solotonus combuss it. Past non

multos dies , scilicet die M ercuri i praxima postPen tecoston , S tephanus Bauz an ot multi ba

ron es cum multitudin e fortium bellatarum

voro omn es incli ti v iri armati cum pluribusaquis loricatis ot aliis instrumen tis ad bolla

parati s ad dovastandum torram do Stratewyitor arripuorun t, at 110 11 sine impedimenta

usque ad Lan tholou V aur porvonorunt, ibiquo

sine aliqua timoro pernoctan too, ot Wal

lenses do Korodigeaun ot do S tratowy,sci

li cet M arednt filius Rom Crych ot Marednt

filius Owen i cum omn i posse aarum in

silvis at in nomoribus ot i n canvallibus circa

An glioos cum maga is clamoribus undi quo

fueruut congregati . Et prmdicti Walenses


por tatam diom V ouoris tolis armarum ot

glicarum, sci lioot Bes filius'

Booi M ichil die

Sabbati , videlicet in vigilia Sanctm Trin i tatis ,scilioot I V . N anas Jun ii , o

os in angustia ot

fugit. Anglici voro milites mun imon tis ferrois

n il formi dantos so muni erunt. Arms i lla

lin em, quia iu ois spem ot oorum suporbiam

posuorun t plusquam in Dec Armati vero

milites in ita consi lio versus Kardigaun au

onsos undiquo do silvis con tra oos virilitor

dimioavorunt, at a prima hora diei usque ad

pugnaverun t, ot apud Cooth Llathen Anglici

amn ia victualia, omnes caballos, arma ot

necessaria eorum portan toa, et omnes palefridos ibidem amiserunt ct Wallonsos propterhoc lmti fuerun t. Circa 11 0mm voro meridioi

ad Komerou pugnando porvon ion tos ot prm

dicti Walenses cum Dei auxi li a inter armatas

Anglicos irruerun t, et do aquis armatis ia

cli tos Saxonos virilitor pmstravorun t, ct cos

sub pedibus oquitum, peditum, ot equorum in

ct plusquam tria millis Saz onam in illa dio

militibus do illo bello ovaserun t, ot Walenses

cum magna V ictoria ct spali ls ot oquis multis


Marednt fili us Resi Crych homagium ot fide

li tatom domino regi feci t, Walen ses propterhoc valde irati fuerun t, ot dominus Lowolinus

filius Gri fut ot omnes Sudwalonses cummagna

oxercitu ad tcrram prmdicti M aredn t do S tra

towy accos sorunt, ot cam amn in o prmtor cas tra

ejus si bi subjugaverun t. Postea apud KedwoliWalenses castramotati aunt, domos ot villas

prmtor castrum Kodwoli combusserun t domi nus

M arednt ot domi nus Patric cum multis ar

matis Angli cis do Kermerdin in Walensi hus

sub ito irruorun t et pugna valida inter oos

dam fuerun t vuln erati , quidam occis i , ot

dominus M arednt juxta pantom vulnero pes

simo fuit vulneratus. Tandem Walensi bus

prmvalontibus , ot reli ctis ibidem corporibus

A nglicorum, Marodut . ot Angli ci ad villam

Kormordi n cum magna dedocaro fagot ant .

I nter mortuos vir nobilis do Arustly David

ap H owel ceci di t ot apud S tratam Floridam

cum magna planctu sepulturm traditur.

Eodem anno circa N ativitatem Beati Jahann is Bapti stm magna fui t discordia in ter

A nglicos ot Fran cos in regno Anglim, ct

Anglici per consilium comi tum,batanum, et

optimatum totius regn i omnes Fran cos do

fin ibus ot termin i s eorum oxpulerun t. Do

optimatibus voro ot divi tibus An glimdo ven eno

ex parte Fran corum facto multi Anglici po

riorun t. Prmtoroa Dav id filius Grifini juven isin armis splendidi ssimus st in equo fartis

s imus cum paucis do N artwallia, et M arodut

nlius Owein ot B is Bethan cum magna

exercita per duos dies M ayn our castramotati

fuerun t, et tortia nocte,scili cet d ie M ercuri i

proxima auto N ativi tatem Beatm M arita ,

mordin , do Pembrak,do Ros , et de Komoia

apud Abortoiui cum magna superb ia fuerun t

do Abortoivi per aciessuos usque K ilgormn

prmvaluerun t, ot Anglicos in fugam v

run t, et cadavers mortuarum cum aquis

armatis ib idem roliquerun t. I n illa hora' dominus Patric Walterus M ali fan t, miles

fortis ot stronuus do Pembroc, ot ali i milites

nupor do Anglia ven iontes , turpissima morto

corruorun t. M arodut cum Anglicis ad ca

stellum Ki lgerran vix evas i t, qui per infi

deli tatem suam tatam Walli am perturbavi t.

I n Anglia constituti aun t xi i . paros.

Annus ’MCCL I X. Dominus Lowolinus filius

Grifin i consi lium habuit cum nobilioribus

Wallim apud Amsti ly, ot ibi adio M ercurii

proxima an te Pen tecoston conv ictas fui t do

min us M arodut filius Ri s do infideli tate, ot

a dicta domino Lewolino ten tus, qui in

careers fui t apud Ch'ukeid usque ad NataloDomi n i proximum, ot tun a liberatus recipi

endo ab ipso primogeni tum in obs idom, et

duo castella sua Din owour ot Castolh Now1dcum dashno provinci is eis adjacentibuaEodem anno circa festum Sancti H illarii

" M um Patricim de Chaurs ot dominus Waltero: Malonfinnt inter


eroita accessit ad prov inm'

am do Buelth ,

domin o Lowolino comm i t. Q ui statim

omnes dispersas ejusdem provincim revocavi t,

ct lmtoo ac hi laros sub sua protections

Di nbric in Doved condom destruen s ot

multa spolia capicua, qui habui t in exercitu

suo ibidem cc . equos lori catas cum ju


Annus ' mocu . I n die Sancti Gomg i i M ar

tyris combusta est villa do Trefotland a

domini s do Keri ct do Kedewi c. Eodem

anno, die Sancti Kenelmi M artyria, tres

vi giles Angici nations qui custodieban t os

stellum do Baolth tradidorun t homin ibus illud

noctis pro magna summa pecun ie , ct hoc

fuit propter adium in fer-h alo quad dioti

vigiles habeban t orga notarium ejusdem os

stelli qui orat Angli cus. Q ua audi ta ot dival

gate , statim Resus Bothan cum suo oxercitu

et omnes nobi les ot bone in armis valentes

mobile erat in illo castella igni tradidorun t,

lapidoo vora solotonus des truxorun t, i ts. quadin brevi lapis super lapidem ibidem nan

passi t roperiri. Ven i t etiam tuna dominus

Owinus filius M arednt cum suis omn ibus

fidelibus ct subjectis ad pacem et fidelitatom

dicti Owin i do careers liberavi t, et liberum

trad idi t,ot centum tres libras eidem danavit.

" N on'

a C.

1 00

1 263 .


glim Gilbertus comes do Clare veneno ia

tori it apud Doraborn iam. Eodem anno in

vigilia Sancti Andrem Apostoli per i ndu

striam hominum do M aelen i t captum deva

etiam die captum fui t castellum do Blsdvach

ot destructum. Tun'

c dominus Ragerus st

Humfroi do Bun Jun ior cum flare juvon tutistotius M archim intravorun t ruin as muros do

domin us Lewolinus filius Grifin i ' princepsWollim canducsns secum omn es nobiliores

Wallim accossi t ad eas et circumspocta absi

diono vallavi t ipsos quousque fame st in edia

ducti petierun t s ib i cum armis tamen inermes

li cen ti am rocedend i , quad pius princeps pietatoductus concedens factum est. Autem cum

assen t Owein filius M adac st pars oxerci tus

ceperun t castrum do Conoclas in vigilia Sancti

Thomm Apostoli non v i aut bello sed castrou

sos mstu prmtsriti reddiderun t so cum castra

prm t imare machinarum ; ceperun t etiam ca

stellum do Trsfoclaud do N artun st do Llanan

dras. ’ ’

[M ag ia fuit discordi a in ter dominum

Eadwardum filium H enri ci regis Anglim

primogen i tum ot barones Anglim. Et Lows

linus prin ceps N ortwallim tenui t. so ex parte

baronum.]Annus ’mccnxm . Q uin ta Ka lendarum M a ii

apud Glan ow interfocti fuerun t ad minus con

tum viri , in ter quos cecidit Lowolinus filius

M arednt flos juvon tutis totius Wollim. Erat

enim strenuus st fartis in armis , largua in

dan is, s t in eonsili is dand


i s providas, at

” N ol in C .

m ums sw am . 1 01

omn ibus amabili s. Eodem anno i n metate cow

dunati aunt omnes comites st barones fore

omnes cum domino s elino princi ps contra

Edwardum , s t ceperun t omn ia castella st

cum magna oxercitu et apparatu w oesit ad

castrum do Di sserth circa Kalondas Augusti ,

ot i llud bello cepit st sta tim solotsnus de

struxit, i ta ut n an ibi lapis super lapidem

Mi chaelis castellum do Diganwy in regno for

timimum, prout vulgariter dicobatur, n an vi

aut bello sed castsllan i acerrima acerb itato

runt cum dicta princips do vi ta sibi servanda,

so ipsos cum castra eidem dan tes. I n 11 1 11111 1 1

tuit cos in edia ducti famem extin guoro car

n ibus equorum ot etiam canum suorum,ut

fidsm domin o regi sorvaron t illmsam,quad si

pro regs cmlesti facoron t mercodom morui s

ven it dominus Grifinus filius Wonnonwsn ad

pacem domin i L ewi lin i fus ions oi homagium

humiliter gen ufloxa. Q ui restitui t omnes ter

ras suas quas idem princeps an te s occupavorat.

I dem vora C rifinus assumens secum omnes

viras st ballivas do Powis castrum do Weid

grut dsbollavit, cepit, st solo aq uavi t. I n

fin sm vora 1ps1us ann i veneran t plures barones

sibi coadunatis ad dominum Lowelinum et

castellum do Redenor ceperun t, st solotsnus

cum tots. vi lla destruxorun t. Dominus

vora Edwardus cum magna exorcitu aocsssi t

ad cas tella do H un tin tun s t Haia cum vi llu

lis adjaconti bus cepit, s t domino Ragsra do

1 02 M ALES CW

M ortuo Mari ad custodiendumanno acciai sun t multi Judmarum usque ad

D00 . st amplias st roli qui spaliati .’

1 2641. Annus 'xocnxrv. O1-ta fui t dissensio inter C i

curia Romans. termi nabatur et 9 duscisbatur.

l [Captus fui t Hmricus rex Anglia st Ead

1 265. An nus ’ MOC L I V . I dus Junu Edm rdus filius


cepi t, at l m1

" da M OTi at Q 1

‘[Visa a s 1 11 111 1 0 1 11 1 11 11 m '

a. Et

Annus 3h1q J . do H exvi l st ali i

serum at sec

undum valorom torraram faceren t

alii per quinquen

n ium, ali i per w annm aln per menmum,

alii W b ienni um, ali i per annum, secundum

quad majus vel minus doliquorunt.’ 3

[Lodo<1 1 : mx Francim apud Tunes in Arabia

Obi it, st plures nobiles Francia ]

N et a C .


Annus ‘I I CCLXXI I I . Obut dominus Marsdutus

fili us Ros i .’

[Colobratum fui t concilium go

nsralo apud Lugdunum sub Gregorio papa 1 1°

circa festum N ativi ta tis Beati Johann is Ba

pti stm. Et fuit ibi statutum do decima

per sex annos soquon tos in subs idium Torres

a tm, ot plum alia statute rostrictiva st pe

nalia fusrun t i bidem edits . M agister Johannes do Fskeham archidiaconus Brochan ise

ob i i t, cui succomi t magister H enri cus do

Annus ’M CC LXXI V . Dominus Edwardus post

ob itum patris sui do Francia circa KalendaeA ngusti ad Angliam profoctus set, at ib i

honorifico cum magna tripudio susceptus, ct

ad London iam ductus '

et apud Westmanasto

riam coranatus.

’ ’ I tsm eodem anno domi

nus Grifinus filius Wonnunwon Powisim

dominus totam torram suam roliquit, qui

Angliam profectus set a rege Edwarda bo

n igno commen datus. Et bac propter persocutionem N ortwalonsium roli nquens filium

suum Owinum ponos principom Lowolinum

in cus todi a liberali .’ ”

[ I ncoptum fui t fero

trum Beati David in ecclesia Menevensi ]Annus mccnxxv. S tatui t rex in one primo

parliamento post coronationem suam multa

s tatute. apud Westmanastsrium.

’ ’

[I ncepi t

gwerra in Westwallia inter homines do Estra

towy st de Cadwoly, et in terfectas fui t da

minus B ervena do Chaurs in °autumna.]


Annus 'I I CCLXXV I . Ven it illustris rex A nglim

dominus Edwardus cum magna exerci ta ad

N ortwalliam,s t apud Rutlan castra motatus

est, ibiquo per aliquot dies moratus est Do

inds ven it ad oum dictus Lowolinus princepsN arwallim s t ibidem confoodorati aun t, st pax

in ter oos formats est. Postea vora dominus

Edwardus rex cum suis Angliam peti i t, ot

mdificatum es t castellum apud Llan Padarn

super mare a domino Eadmundo H enrici regis


[Annus. Duxit L suuolinus princeps N ortwalhmfili am comi tia Symon is do M on te forti . M ac

gistor H enricus do vi lla Amlaf archidiaoonus

Brochon im obii t ; cui successit magister Adam

Baroth thesaurarius M enevensis , cui Adm suc

rector ecclesim do Lanvony'

tb, st fui t instal

latus V I I I°

. I dus Septsmbris.

Annus. Facts fui t nova monota, veteri pro

pter ejus diminutionom destructs . regnan te

Annus . Ricardus do Carrsu episcopus M one

sst in ecclesia M eneven si props altars

Sanctm Crucis a parte australi di s Beati

Beke I I I . N anas Junu, ot canfirmatus pridie

N ouns Juli i per Jahannom do Fecham do

N ot in C. Lanpedu'

nvaur, ct dominus rex

” V enit Endvn rdus rex A nglia incepi t comtruoro cam-um apud

i n 1111111 11 forti in N orthv alliam ad Rad ian , ct von i t di cta: Eadmundus

filium Grifud priocipom N orth- 37 111 1 110111; E 1 concord“ facti

v allin in m , ot Eadmundus aunt rex et prinoopo iu octavi l

M Q M m i t m d fim et Boati Mm in i hyemalibus. C .

incepi t M N cam-um apud' C .

1 06 mm CAMBR I fl .

in thesauraria Wi llelmus do Burrotho ca

sub s idium in regno A nglim per triennium ]‘Annus ’

uocu xx. Lowelinus filius Orina i

oecisus est ab Anglia frauds suorum. Ed

wardus rex totam Snaudon iam subjugavi t.Castrum Abercanwi e dificatum est.

’ ’[Cele

Lambhothe Londonns sub frs tm Johanno do

Octobris, convocato ad hac clero totius pra

qum incepit in anno pre cedenti.

amdousry st castrum do Carrogkonnon per

David filium Grifud fratrom Lowelin i principia N arthwallim,

Resum V echan filium Res i

fili i Ma ilgon is, Griflinum st Cananum filios

M arednt fili i Owein, Griflinum ct Lewelinum

in cra

stino Anuunciation is Domi n ican Et in ter

foetus fui t Willelmus do V alenoi is jun iorhmres Ponbrochim in Estratewy XV I . Kalon

mi nes

m o ver a n emia .


diaconus do Karmardyn abut ; cui succes

sit magis ter Johann es do Alderby. Ecclesia

do Langsdauc facts est collegiate.


‘ V isi tavi t Johannes do Pecham archi

episcopus Can tuariensis dimcosos M en even s is ,Landauonsis

,Bangoronsis , Asapbonsia I n

copit autem visi tors eccles ia M en evens is V I O.

I dus Juli i. Eodem anno romdificavi t rex

incepit md ificaro cas trum apud Aborconoe,st feci t mun i tion es apud Bangor et apudRaymrvou. Et ven i t dictus rex causa pe

regrination i s apud Sanctum David una cum

domina rogina Anglim nomi ne Elianors di e

Domin ica in erns ti na Bes tm Katerinm V ir

gin ia. Et monsurm bladi et vin i st cmto

rorum liquarum ot ponders rodacta fuerunt ad

instar monsurarum ot ponderam civi tatis

Londonion sis . Villa H suerfordia rocupsravi t

libertatea suus caram justicis rii s domin i regisapud Hauorfardiam pro tribunali sodon tibus


quibus dominus Willelmus do Valen cia comes

Ponbrochim ipsom villam diu spoliavorat st

detinuorat spoliatam. Obi i t M artinus papa ;success it H onorius.

Annus. Phi lippus rex Francim filius Ladovici

regis mortuus est mouse Octobri , st parsmagn a oxercitus ejus in Arragoni s in

Yspania ; cui success it filius suus Phyli ppus

in regnum Francim (cui primum nomen

Edwardus,sod in coronationo mutatum,) st

coronatus fui t in festo Epiphan im proximosequen ti ]

Milledmo cc' nxxn n‘added in a la ter hand .

m am cm nw 1 09

Annus nocnxxw .

‘ Combusti o domornm apudS tratam Floridam.

’ I n crastino A nnunciati

on is Dominim concessnm fui t subs idium

magnum Thoma Bocko episcopo M en even si

do tota dia oosi sua ad oxpodiondnm qua dam

negotio tangontia olowm erga magistrum


ridnm nun cium domini papa in regno

Anglia . Eadwardus rox Anglia transfrotavi t

m Franciam, ot fuit nob ili ssimo Parysi us a

rege Phili ppo filio Philippi congnati sui , ot

inde ivi t in V ss con iam ot i ntravi t Burdogal

civi tatom, ot ibi pluros Burgenses si bi con

trarios mom-ti tradi fecit, ot porbondinavi t i n

1 287. Annus ‘ Domin i M CCLXXXV I L'

Resus filius M a

redut dominus do Estratowy mota disoordia

in ter ipsum ot dominum Robortum Tybotot

tnn c justiciarium regis do Karmardyn d ie

Domin ica proxima an te festum Beati Bar

do Dynowr, et do Carregkonnon , et postoa

combussi t villam do Swoynose ot manorium

do Osterlof, cum majori parte patria ot

vi llam do Lanpadarnvaur ot villam do

Karmardyn usque ad portas. Advon ion tes

autem Angli ci do Anglia in forti manu em

strum ipsius Resi do Doresloyn obsodorun t

ci rca gulam Angusti , ot tandem mnros sub

fodiondo eastrum ceperun t, in qua sub

foss iono oppressas est sub muro dominus

Willelmus do M on ttbonosy baro cum aliis

pluribus , ot captam est csstmm novum

" N ot ia C. Oppot iu tow'

a a b-y" C .

in d e m ryia ia B-h v rmeu non‘ S ic M S .

i vefi p'. to. non inven inntnr plan . Wri tten M ackinaw -a lly

B . a d! here. in anolber hand.


super Toyui et recuperate castra per Resum

prius oocupata, et ovas i t Resus cum pauci s,omn ibus homini bus suis ad pacem regis veni

en tibus . Die Domini ca in creatino Omn ium

Sanctorum do nocte recuperavi t Besus oa

strum suum, quod dici tur Novum Castrum,

capto Rogero do M ortuo M ari ipsius cas tri

custode, circa Purificationom proximo sequentom cepit dominus Robertus Typetot i dem

castrum,pluribus ex ipsius custodibus nocati s.

Bodom anno die Jovis sero XIII. KalendasJuli i luna in principio noctis visa est rubigda

intense, ot postea eodem colore duran to ;

diminuta est quas i ad instar min ima stella ,

ot si c docresoendo in fine quasi evanui t.

Bodom anno xv» di e M arti i fuit torramotus .

A nnus M CCLXXXV III. Secundo die Aprilis hora

nona facts est eclypsis solis in superiori

parte soli s ut vidobatur in tran s substan tiam

soli s, ita quod quasi vidobatur sol habero

duo comua sursum elevata, ot duravi t sic

usque ad horam vosporarum.


I t is to be observed that several of the words explained. in the Glossary are to be

found in other parts of the V olume bes ides the pages referred to.

A .

A B BA S . (Chald. ,a father.) A n

abbot. B efore the dissolution of

the monasteries in the reign of

H enry VI I I .,he was the spiritual

lord or governor who had the

rule and governmen t of such reli

g ion s house. Cowell. B lount.

Cudborth abbas moritur. 10.

A BBA T I A . A society of relig ious

person s hav ing an abbot or ah

bess to preside over them ; an


Kalendi s Juli i muds ta est abbatia do

Amen . W . The fall of a lesser

water in to a greater as of a


brook 1n to a 1°

1ver, of a r1ver 1nto

a lake or sea.

Bellum geritur apud castellum AM Ya

toit. 36.

A B SOL U T I O . A release from ex

commun ication ; absolution . 7s.

A nvs xrus Domm. The A dven t

of our L ord,which beg in s on the

Sunday n earest to S t. A n drew ,

whether before or after, and con

tinues to Christmas eve. 91 .

A nvocam .

11 9 88 .

Q ui a Bmta M aria. ejusdem ord in is ad

vocata amon i tus ab hac act ions quicvi t.”


A L T (A llt). W . A cliff ; the s ide

of a h ill. A lt-clut. 1 4.

A N N L' L U S . The ring used i n the

Ceremony of investi ture. at. S ee

BA C U L U S .

A N N U N C I AT I O DOM I N I CA . The A n

nun ciation of our L ady, M arch 25.

1 06.

A R CHA . A chest ; a shrin e.

A rcha Sancti Davi d ab ecclesia sun mn ta out.

”28. 29.

A n advocate ; patro

A RCH I D I ACON U S (dpxc3téxovoc). A n

eccles iastical officer tha t hath juri sd ic tion immediately subord inate

to the b i shop throughout the

whole of h is d iocese, or in some

particular part of i t. 1 B l. Com.

383 . The first among deacon s ;

an archdeacon .

Ked ivor arch id iaconus dc Ccred igoaun

ob i i t.”49.

A R C I I I EP I SCOPU S dpxtewfexoaroq) . A n

archb ishop. H e is the ch ief of

the clergy in h i s prov in ce, and i s

that spiritual and secular person

H 2

l 1 4 GLOS SARY.

who hath supreme power under

the king in all eccles iastical

causes . 1 B l. Com. 3 79 .

E lbodg arch iep is cop zw Guenedoto reg i

onomigravit ad Dominum. 1 1 .

A rm. A tower a castle.

Ara: Doganhui a Saxonibus dostruitur.


Castoll Deganwy.

”B rut.

ASCEN S I O DOM I N I . A scen sion daythe 4oth day after Easter. 1 03.

A V ER I A . C attle. Sp elmdn .

“V iz pae ificatus L ewella xxx. obsi des

regi dedi t, et, a t perh ibont, vi i .mi lli s a ve

r ia cum equis pluribus ct can ibus ct avibus

promisi t."


BACU L U S . A pastoral staff the

staff given at the ceremony of in

vesti ture. B ag ]. W .

Rex concess i t n t nunquam per donatio

nem baculi pastoralis vel an nuli quisquam

do cpiscopatu vel abbatis per regem vel

quamlibot laieam manum in Angliam inves

tirotur. 34.

BAL I STA . Awarlike engine to shoot

darts or stones a cross-bow.

R icardas rex Anglorum in quad-m ex

pedi tions apud Lymosos i ctu bah’

s tw per

cussus dlom clans i t supremum.


BAL L I V U S . A bai lifl’

. A ccording to

S ir Edward Coke, bailifi'

i s an old

Saxon word, wh ich sign ifies a

keeper or protector ; and though

there are several officers called


s,whose offices and employ

men ts seem qui te differen t, yet

something of keeping or proteo

tion belongs to them all. Co. L i tt.

6 1 . b . B ac . Abr. 36 1 . H ence

the sheriff i s con s idered as ba i lzfl'

to the C rown and h is coun ty of

wh ich he hath the care, and i n

wh ich he is to execute the king’


writs,i s called h i s ba i liwick; and

the officers who by h is precepts

execute wri ts and other process

are called h i s ba i lg'


s . I bid .

There are likewi se ba i lifl'

s of

liberties , who are officers under

lords who have franch ises exempt

from the juri sdiction of the she

riff. I bid. There are likew i se

ba i lifi‘

s of lords of manors, who

collect their ren ts, and levy their

fines and amerciamen ts . I bid .

A lso he i s called a ba i lzfl'


bath the admi n i stration or charge

of lands, goods, or chattels, to

make the best benefit for the

owner, again st whom an action

of accoun t lies for the profits

which he hath raised or made, or

migh t by h is industry and care

reason ably have made, h is reason

able charges an d expen ses de

ducted. I bid . There are like

wise those termed ba i lg'


s to

whom the king’

s castles are com

mi tted, as the ba i lifl


of Dover

C as tle. I bid . The ch ief mag is

trates in diverse an cien t corpora

tion s are also called ba i lgfis .

I bid . There are also ba i lg'


s of

the forest. M anwood, part I .

p. 1 1 3 .

Pro qua re bollivi ot burgensos do Kermordi n vi llain suam eombussorunt.” 71 .

BAR O. A degree of nobili ty next

to a v i scoun t, but in poin t of nu

tiqui ty the h ighest. 1 B l. Com.


Durance qui homag ium feecrunt Lodowieo interlocti aunt.” 78.


CA T (C ad). W . A battle.

Cat Peneon apud dcxtrales Britones . 6 .

CATH EDRA The church

of the bi shop the mother church

of the diocese a cathedral. 77 .

CA U TELA . Pruden ce ; caution

circumspection .

“G. comes Glovern ia cum magno exer

cltu per cautelam ln travit in civitatom

Londonia .

”1 03 .

Cam (C aer). W . A c i ty a

walled or fortified town ; the

wall of a c ity, or any other place

of defen ce.

Thomas archlepiseopus Eboraol. id est

Cayr Ebrauc, moritur.


CE L L I . W . A grove of haz le

trees . C elli Darnane.


C EM R O (Cymro). W . A Welshman .

Bellum M aismain Com-o. 86.

C I V I TA S . A ci ty. I t now usually

mean s an incorporated town ,

wh ich i s or hath been the see of

a b i shop ; Westmin ster, though

the b ishopric has been dissolved,

sti llrema in s a c i ty. Co. L i tt. 109 .

1 B l. Com. 1 1 5. as.

C L E R I C U S . I n the most general

s ign ification of the word, one that

belongs to the holy min i stry of

the church, and i s said to be pro

perly a min i ster or priest in holy

orders a clerk, a clergyman .

Resus filius Gridn i ci rca Kalendns N o

vembrls cas tellum Abertowy dolo R igowarcclor ici cepit.


Ca s e s . The order of clergymen

the clergy. 41 .

Cu m (C lwyd). W . A hurdle.

S trat C lut, S trath C lyde.

Et Strat Glut“stats cs a Saxon ibus.

Cu rr (C lyd). W . Shelteri ng.

“Eynaun C lut. as.

Coon . W . Red.

“I orwerth Choeh .

I orwerth the Red. 50.

Ca momun A conven t.

Porcuss io Domotlctc rogion is. quandoemaobc

ma David incensum eat.”7.

Com a (Coed). W. Wood.


L lathen .


COL L ECTAN E I . Compan ion s . Cc

dymdei thon . B rut.

Per colloctam ot un nim suos dc

Wigonin llbcratus nocte eva tt.” 40.

COL L EGI A T U S . Collegiate.

Eccles ia dc I A ngadano h ots est 00110


COM E S . A coun t ; an earl. 33 .

Con an . A comet. 1 02.

COM ETES , COM ETA (a min e). A

comet. so.

COM M EN DA, est custodia eccles ia

alicui commissa . Sp icy.

Et etiam commend.» perpetua revo

eata .

"1 04.

0 0 170 1m A council, especiallyof b i shops . Generals conci


”a general council. 72.

CON FI R MO. To confirm.

Electus fui t mag ister Thomas Beko lli .N ouns Jun i l. ot 00 1mm pridie N oun

Juli i per Johannom do Pochnm.

”1 06, 106.

CON STA BU L AB I U S . Origin ally the

keeper of the king’s stables ; a

con stable.

Q uibus ex all: parts resisterunt Bu»

phanna cond abula r iua ot mu Geraldl etomnes Franci ab hosts Sabrina usque ad

M eneviam, et Flandrenses do R95 .


CON S U L. A count ; an earl.

Ad quos oxpugnandos min i aunt duo

com ua. H ugo comes urbls Legionum. ct

alter 81 .


Couvs urus . The fra tern ity of a

relig ious house, as of an abbey or

priory a con ven t. 04.

COR R I GI A . A leather belt.

l 'ros i liens sacrista abri pui t cl cultellumquod ad corrig iam sua mhabeba 87 .

C RA ST I N U S B as ra Karen i na V I RGlN lS . The morrow of S t. Cathe

rine N ov . 26 . 1 08.

Om e n Sm eronuu.

Themorrow of all Sain ts ; N ov . 2 .

1 1 0.

SAN CT I Luca Evane s

L I STE . The morrow of S t. L uke ;

Oct. 19 . as.


J U L I TTE . The morrow of S t.

Cyr , or Cyrique, and Juliet ;

June 1 7 . so.

CR EX C are. 84.

Caren Care. 97.

0 3 0 1-28. W . A cross . Croes Os

wald. Oswestry. u.

CRYO (C ryg). W . H oarse.


Cryc R hys the H oarse. so.

Caren Care. os

CM TER I U M A burial

ground a cemetery.

I llico omn ia vi ctualia et omn ia neces

sarla ot etiam exi tum vel i ntroitum extra

m itor iampm fatis monachis inh ibai t.”64.

s rs R C I nN S I s. A C istertian . The

C i stertian monks were an order

instituted at C isteaux in Fran ce,

who came in to England about the

year 1 128, and had their first

house at Waverley in Surrey.

Ducti sunt monachi ord in is Oys ter

c ieu ic , qui modo aunt apud Albam Candam

i n West Wallimn per Bornardum episco



DAPI FER . A s teward a sen eschal.

A t firs t he was a domes tic officer,like our s teward of the household


or rather clerk of the ki tchen ;

but by degrees the term was

applied to any fiduciary servan t,

especially steward or head ba iliff

of an honour or manor. Cowell.Geraldus dap ifer do Penbroc M enevia

fines devastavit.”30.

DECEN N OV E NN A L I S (Decem noven

ualis). A revolution of n ineteen

years , at the end of wh ich time

the aspects of the moon are,

w i th in an hour, the same as theywere on the same days of the

mon th n in eteen years before. Th i s

cycle was adopted on the l6th of

July 433 .

M cxxxv" anno ab I nearnatione Dominixv° anno cicli docmm enna lis .


DEC I M . T i thes .

I b idem etiam fui t ordinatum dodooimisAlborummonachorum.

”73 .

DECOL E s s'


per. pa ss . of DE COL LO. To be

head .

“Rostri dlius B ov oi d decals a t in Ar

sulstli ."

1 6.

DE I N T U B, p ro I N TU S . W ith in .

Fami liares H oeli Seis oppidumW i z nocturno dolo et ins idi is cujusdam trad ltoris

(h i atus ceperunt.”48.

DESPON SO. To betroth or espouse.


DEXTRAL I S . Belonging to the right

hand. Dextrales B ri ttones,”the

B ri ton s of SouthWales, that por

tion of the prin c ipality being

s ituated on the righ t hand of a

person looking eastward, as the


B ards and Druids d id in the per

forman ce of the ir relig ious ri tes .

V astatio Brittonum dextra lium apud


s .

”1 0.

DI E S A SSU M PT I ON I S S ancra;

M AR I E . A ssumption of the

Blessed Virg in ; A ug . 1 5 . 5s.

B EAT I A n nnosn . S t. Am


s day ; A pril 4 . 1 05.

CON CEPTI ON I S B as ra; M ama-1 .

The conception of the B lessed

Virgin Dec. 8. 71 .

J ovI s. (Dydd I ou, W .)Thursday. 1 08.

L U N E . (Dydd L lun , W .)M onday. 75.

M A R T I S . (Dydd M awrth ,W .)Tuesday. 67.

M ER CU R H . (Dydd M erchur,

W .) Wednesday.


81 .


111 1 2. The purification of the

B lessed Virgin M ary ; Feb . 2 .

41 .

SABBATL Saturday. 94.

Saxon GEORGI I , M anrrms .

S t. George the M artyr’s day ;

A pril 23 . 96.

S AN CT I K ENE L M I , M xnrxms .

S t. Kenelm the M artyr’s day ;

July 1 7. 99.

Susan N I CH OL AI . S t. N icho

las’s day Dec. 6 . 68.

SAN CT I SW I TH I N I . The dayof S t. Swi thin July 1 5. 62.


DI OT I . Translation of S t. Bene

dict ; July 1 1 . 90.

VEN ER I S . (Dydd Gwener,W .) Friday. 94.

DI NA S . W . A ci ty.

Gueith Dinas N eguid.


DI GZCES I B, A d iocese.


DI U (Dyw, dydd) . W . A day.

Diu Sul. Sunday.

Gueith Di n Sui in M on . 15.

DOM I N I CA Sw orn Tmmrs n s .

Trin i ty Sunday. 95.

DOM I N I CU S . Of or belonging to

the L ord.

“Dies Domini cus ” or

“Domin ica, the L ord’

s day ; Sun

day. s.

“A nnunciatioDomi n ica,”

the A n nunciation of our L adyM arch 25. 1 09.

Dom nrxr lo. A sleeping death .

“Dormi ta tt'

o Gian n i .”4.

The word i s synonymous wi th“hun ,

”which in Welsh i s fre

quen tly used to denote death .

I lir bun M aelgwn ,”long i s the

sleep of M aelgwn .

DOR M I T I O Donn I rAr I o.

Dormi tio Karann i .”4.

DU X . A duke. so.

E BDOM ADA Ennonu s.

Per decem ebdomadac.


Es nom s H a s nom s, (éflbapég).

The space of seven days a week.

Q ui regnavit per xix. annos exceptis ix

ebdomad i bus .


ECCL E S I A , A church .

Consecratio M ichaelis Archangel! each

aria .


EDI crtm. Edict an ordinance or

command ; a statute. 60.

EN (Y n ) . W. I n .

“H ir hun Wailgun on lli l ncs.”4. Long

is the sleep or M aelgwn in the court or


EP I SCOPA TU S . A b i shop’s see ; a

b ishopric.

Sulgon illi ep iscopatui successi t. 26.


Goon 0 0 0 3 .

“W ilim Goch ,W illiam Rufus . 93 .

GU E I TH (Gwai th). W . Work ,

ac tion ; a battle.

Gueith Camlan .

”4. Guei th Cair

Legion .

”6. Guei th M eiceron .


I n B . and C . theword i s gene

rally rendered by B ellum.

GU ER RA , WER RA . War.

Bolus Resus illius Grifnt tenui tmoerramcontra r e

gem Anglia .

”«fl .

I t i s remarkable that gware in

Welsh is the word used for play.

A gwa re pelre aphen Saeson ,”

and to play at hurling w i th

Saxon s’head s . Ta lies in .

GU L A . The gullet the beg inn ing.

Anglici do Anglia in fort i manu castrumips ius Res i de Derealoyn obsederunt circa

GWER Ro. To make war.

V en i t Eadwardus rex Anglim in manuforti i n N orthwalliam ad gworrandumcontra Lewelinum, flliumGrifud, principemN orthwallim.

”1 05.

Hm. W . L ong.

“H i r hun Wailgun en llis R0 8. 4 .

Long is the sleep of M aelgwn in the

court of R hos.

HOM AGI U M . H omage ; a French

word derived from homo. Co. L i tt.

64 . On the original gran t of

lands and tenemen ts under the

feudal system,the tenan t or

vassal, bes ides taking the oath of

fealty was obliged to do homage

to h i s lord, Openly and humblykneeling , be ing ung irt, uncovered ,

and holding up h is hands both

together between those of the

lord who sat before h im ; and

there profess i ng that he d id

become h is man from that dayforth , of life and limb and earth lyhonour, and then he received a

kiss from h i s lord ; which cere

mony was denominated homa

g ium or manhood by the feudi sts ,from the stated form of words

deven io vester homo. L i tt. 85 .

2 B l. Com. 53 .

“Facere homa

g ium,

”to do homage. 73 .

H OR A N ON A . The n in th hour ;

three in the afternoon . 97.

H osrre . A hospice. 87.

H osrw n z Osrwm. A door, en try ,

or passage. H ostium Gui li ,”

A ber Gwyli . B rut.

Q uem Seis i l rex Venedotiw i n hecti c

Gui li expugnavi t, ot oecisus est Reyn . 23 .

H U N . W . S leep ; death .

I lir lu mWailgun en llis R0 8. 4.

S ee H I R .

I DU S , I n ns. W i th the anc ien t Ro

man s these were eight days in

every mon th , bei ng the eigh t

days immediately after the n ones .

I n the mon th s of M arch , M ay,

J uly, and October these e ight

days began at the 8th day of

the mon th , and con tinued to the

1 5th day ; in other mon ths theybegan a t the 6 th day, and lasted


to the 1 3 th . But i t i s only the

last day that i s called I des , the

first of these days is the’


I des , the second day the seven th ,

the third day the s ixth, i .e. the

eighth, seven th , or s ixth day

before the I dea and so of the

rest of the days . Whereforewhen we speak of the I des of any

mon th in general, i t i s to be

taken for the 1 5th or 13 th of

the mon th men tioned .

H enricus rex transfretavi t do Anglia in

N ormanniam iv° I dus Januari i .” 40.

I M PR I S I I . Those who s ide wi th or

take the part of another, ei ther

in h is defence or otherwi se. Co.

L itt. 253 .

Lewelinus princeps N orwalliw, suis

comitatus i np ri s ic , quibusdam do causis

in ter ipsum et regem subortis, M ungumriam. Brechon iam et I la-tam cum Radcnor

castello solotenus dirupto et incendio de

m tavi t.”78.

I N STAL L O. To in stall.“Putt i n tatla tua vi i i ° I dus Septembris .

1 05.

I N TERD I CTU M . A n eccles ias tical

cen sure, whereby the divi ne

services are proh ibi ted to whole

v illages, town s, provin ces , and

even kingdoms,till they make

sati sfaction for i njuries done, orabsta in from injuries they are

doi ng to the church . L i ndm. 320 .

Cowell. B loun t.Dominus autem papa totam Angliam

sub generali i nterd i cto concluai t, ne aliqua

di vina in ecclesi is celebraren tur excepto solo

bapti sm 65.


En throned .

“Rt i ntm i z am fuit Honorius . 73.

1 2 1

J U ST I C I AR I U S . A judge the ch ief

judge lord ch ief jus tice.

“Castrum Buellt des truxi t ct pac ificatus

cumj us tic ia rio regis Angliam”52.

KA LENDE . (C alan . W.) The

calends , or first day of everymon th . 24 .

L i BRA . A pound. 08.

L im i ts-z PA T ENTE S .

ten t

L etters pa

chart ers con tain ing tho

La wns. U n taught ; unlettered ;

one who i s not of the clergy ;lay. at.


The yellow plague. I t i s fre

quen tly used in the same sen se

as Y vad velen , the Bas i li sk, as

some th ink.


r oer vad velen

0 R 0 8, (Davydd a b Gwilym.)

To the cold B as ilisk of Rhos .

Tune fuit h aw k». 4.

L EGATU S . A n ambas sador or

nunc io from the pope ; a legato.

The popes of Rome had formerlyin E ngland the archb ishop of

C an terbury as their lega tus na tus ;

and upon ex traordinary occas ion s

they sen t over lega tus a la tere.

Cowell. B loun t.Dominus i taq uepapa transmis it lega tum

in Anglian 78.

1 22

ki ng’s gran ts . They are called

letters paten t, that i s , open let

ters , because they are not sealed

up, but exposed to open v iew,

wi th the great seal pendan t at

the bottom, and are usually d i

rected or addressed by the king

to all h i s subjects at large. 2

B l. Com. 346 . 64.

L L AN . W . A n en closure ; 8. v il

lage a church .

“L ian Patarn ,

the church of S t. Padarn . 21 .

L L ATH EN . W . A yard (measure) .Coeth L lathen . 94.

L L I s (L lys). W . Court, palace.

H ir hun Wailgun en His Ros.”0.

S ee H I R .

L ON OU S-EN S I S . Of the long sword.

W illielmus L ongus-en s is,” Wil

liam of the long sword . 70.

M AE S . W . A field ; a plain .

I gmun t i n insula M on ven i t. et tenuit

macs Osmeliaun .

"1 6.

M AGI STER . I t s ign ifies in general

a governor, teacher, &c.,and also

in many cases an officer. J acob.

A mas ter.

M ag i s ter H enricus illius Archen Obii t.


M AGN A TE S . N obles ; magnates

vasalli majores . Du Ca nge. 51 .

M AN C I PO. To deliver possession ;

to g ive the right to another.

“M anc ip a re plus est quam ven

dere ; n am ma neipa t i s , qui et


proprietatem, et usum, atquefructum tran sfert

,et ev ictionem

prwstaturum se spondet ; vend i t

etiam, qui nudfi et s impli c i tra

d itione alish an”F . Gouldma n .

“Porthlag i et Dulin soceri sui auxi lio.

civibus occis is, suo mand pmn'

t domi n io.


M AR TYR I U M (pa pn ipcoy) . Death in

attestation of the truth of one’s

religion martyrdom.

Thomas Can tuariensis archiepiscopue

martyrio vi tam finivi t."



M . A manor. The word

i s apparen tly derived from the

Fren ch memoir,habi tatio, or

rather perhaps from ma nendo,ab idi ng, because the lord usuallyres ided there. A man or i s de

fined to be nomen collecti vum et

gen era te, comprehending mes

suages , lands, &c . ,and i s the

d istrict or aggregate compass of

ground gran ted by the anc ien t

kings of th i s realm to the lords

or baron s , wi th liberty to parcel

the land out to in ferior tenan ts,

reserv ing such duties and serv ices

as they though t conven ien t, and

w i th power to hold a court for

redress ing mi sdemeanors, pun ish

i ng the offences of the ir tenan ts ,

and settli ng any d i sputes of pro

perty between them. Wi shum’


L aw D iet.

M anerium doOsterlof. 1 09.

M AP (M ab) . W . A son the son .

Aidan map Gabran moritur. 0.

M AR CA . A coin of the value of

th irteen shillings and fourpence.

H enricus rex xh i . millia marcarummisi t H ierosolimis . 55.

1 24

Oscuu zu Pacrs . The kiss of

peace. 54.

OST I L U M 1 1 0 81 1 0 31 .

Et devi ctus est Reyn in os tilo Guili .

23 .

PA L EFR I DU S . One of the better

sort of horses used by noblemen

or others for state. Co. L itt.

149 . Cowell. A palfrey.

Anglici omn ia victualia. omnes caballos ,arma st necessaria eorum portantes , ct

omnes pale/Haas ib i dem amiserunt. 94.

PA L L I U M . A n eccles ias tical vest

men tmade of whi te wool, properto pOpes, patriarch s, primates,and metropoli tan s a pail. 55.

PAPA . The pope. This term was

ancien tly applied to some clergymen in the Greek Churcl ’ but

by usage i t i s particularly appro

priated in the L ati n Church to

the B ishop of R ome, who for

merly had great authori ty in these

kingdoms . S t. 25 E d . 3 , S t. 6 .

4 B l. Com. 1 04 .

I nnocentius p apa Obi i t. 42.

PA REs . A man ’s peers, or equals ;as the jury for trial of causes,

who were origin ally the vassals

or tenan ts of the lord, being the

equals or peers of the parties li ti

gan t. 3 B l. Com. 349 .

I n Anglia constituti sunt xi i. pares .

07 .

PARL I AM EN TU M . The Parliamen t.

Statui t m in suo primo parliam to

post coronationem suammulta statuts apudWestmonasterlum.

"1 04.


PA sa , H . ; PA SG, W . The

Passover,the feast of Easter.

Post M al-tis N onss , ub i sit nova inns

requiresEt cum tran sierit bis septima. Pascha

Pes os commutatur super diamDomini

To pause, to rest, to di e.

Bpiscopus Ebur pausa t in Christa.”8.

PEN AL I s . Penal. 104. S ee R E


PEM E COSTE (c em xm sj, Sc . dpfpa ).The fiftieth day from Easter the

Pen tecost Whi t Sunday.

“Ad Pentecost” ; ivit rex cum exerci tu

suo super B ugcaon Bigod in Sufok. 41 .

PEREGR I N AT I O. A pi lgrimage.Catell Romain parser

-in flow causa

perrexi t. 48.

PER EGR I N U S . A pilgrim.

Peregri n i de Dyvet et Keredigann submersi sunt.



civi tatem Parysiensem. 108.

PER V EDD. M iddle, inward .


vewalt, i .e., Perveddwlad , the

middle country. so.

PR I LosorR U s (ma m). A lover

of learn ing or wi sdom a ph ilo

sopher. so.

PI R ATA . A robber on the sea ; a


Omnes V enedoti in M on insula so re

ceperunt. et ad eos tnsndos do H ibern ia

p i ra tas invi tavernn t."

81 .

Posse . A multi tude ; power.

M arednt ti lius Resi Ouch st M aredntillius Owen i , cum omn i posse eorum, in si lvisst in nemoribus at i n convalllbus cimAnglicos , cum magnis clm oribns undiqnemerunt congregati . 90.

PRE CEN TOR . A n eccles iastical odi

cer a precentor.

Constitntus est p raeontor in ecclesiaM enevensi .



Pn a-zmcu on . A preacher.

I ncipi t ordo Prwdica torum.


PRE M ON STRATEN SES . C anon s who

lived accord ing to the rule of S t.

A ustin , as reformed by S t. N orbet,

who set up th is regulation about

the year 1 120 (1009 in “A n

at Prasmon stratum in

Picardy, a place so called because

i t was said to be foreshown or

pramonstra ted '

by the Blessed

Virg in to be the head seat, or

mother church , of this order.

I ncipi t ordo Pramoastratens ium. 84.

PR I OR . The first in dign i ty n ex t

to the abbot or ch ief of a conven t ;

a prior. 1 B l. Com. 1 55.

David episcopus M eneven s is obut ; cui

successi t p rior doWenloc, Potrus nomine.


PU TAT I V OS . Putative ; reputed, or

common ly esteemed, in oppos i tion

to notorious and unquestion able.

U ADR AGE S I M A . L en t. 92.

U A R TER I U M . A quarter.

Q ua rteria vero ejus merunt suspense.”

1 07.

Q U I E S . R est, repose death .

Quios Ben igni episcopi . 8.

R .

RAM i SPAL M A . Palm Sunday. 95.

R A 'rm I R I

'rI O (ex R atum et habso)

A n approv ing of a th ing.

R s rncromuu.

A place in monas

teries and colleges where the

1 25


3 B l.

company d ine and sup together ;

a refectory.

Tanquam postulatum ad osculum pacis

receperunt in conventu st in refectorio.


REL I GI OSU S . A person devoted to

the serv ice ofGod a religious .

Recessi t Oto legatus do regno Anglite.

qui cummagno multi tudine arch iopiscoporum, episcoporum, abbatum, caeterorumquorolim

osm m ah imperatore captus fuit.”

88 .

R EL I Q U I E . Relics . The remain s,such as the bones, 85a ,

of the

dead, preserved by person s liv ing ,w i th great veneration

, as sacred

memorials of them. S ta t. I a c . l .

c . 26 .

Reliqa ias vero M arednt secum aspartavi t ad Korodi goan atad Demetiam.

”21 .

R EPA TR I O. To return to one’s

coun try.

“Bt iv. I d. Juli i iter arripui t repatriaud i .

”1 08.

RE STR I CT I V U S . R estrictive.

Plura alia statuts res tricti ve et pcnalia

M i lt i bidem edi ta.


Run (Khudd). W . R ed. Rudglann

,Rudlan (Rhuddlan ). The


shore. A town in N orth

Wales. 1 1 .

R omanus, pro R U B I DU S . Reddish .

n o.

R U I N U S , p ro R U I N OSU S . Ruinous .

Tune domi nus Rogerus et H amil-oi dcBun junior cum fioro juventutis totius

M archia: intraverunt ruinas muros doKcven lis . 100.

S .

SAB BATU M . Saturday. so.


S aturday. 75.

SACR AM EN TU M . An oath .

1 26


th ings ; a sexton . 87.

SC I SM A . (min im) A sch i sm ; a

separation in the church ; anydiv i s ion

,secular as well as cc

cles iastical.

Et factumest sci sma in ecclesiaRomans ,Alexandro et V ictorio candidatis .

” 48.

SCR I N I U M (Y SOR I N , W). A shrine.


s iamSancti David do ecclesia sua


”28, 29.

SE I S (Sai s). W. A S axon ; an

E nglishman . H oelus Sei s,”

H owol the Saxon . 59.

SEN EseAL L U S, derived from the

Germ. S ein , a house or place, and

S cha le, an officer. A s teward

seneschall.N ioolaus do M olyns senescallas doKer

merd in ad tori-um M ailgonis cum moreexerci tu accessi t.



. A week. Septi

mana Paschalis ,”Easter week.


S I GI L L U M . A seal. 51 .

S I GNO. To sign to s ign ify .

“Stone s“en im H enrici regis mortem.

S I GN U M , S I GN A CU L U M . A s ign .

I mperator Romanus , Fredericas nomi ne,ot rex Francorum Philippus , R icardas An

glorum rex crucis s iaaa culo so s iguaro fece

run t.”50 .

Do cruee pre dicona, complures s imm

SON I PE B. A coarser.

“Omnes quos habebant generosos son i

pa les cum robus ali is dietl Galli si bi vendi

STR AN GBOGA . S trongbow. 44.

STRA T (Ystrad). W . A street

or paved way ; a vale. Strat

Cln t, the vale of the C lyde.

Et S tratGlut vastata est a Saxonibus.

1 8.



A n under prior. 54.

South Wales. 57.

H e that keepeth holy S U L . W. The sun .


Diu Sul.


Gueith Di n S i d in M on . 1 5.

SrN onn s (01590800. A n eccles iastical

counc il a synod.

Synod“V ictories apud Britons congre



TER RA Sw an .

57 .

TH EOL OGU S A divine ;

a theologian .

M agister R icardus doKan-cu, theology

The H oly L and.

Sancti M artin i . 41 .

TR I N I 'rA s . Three person s in one

God the Trin i ty. 34,

TR I PU D I U M . A dancing.

I b i honorificocummagna tripsds‘

o sus



TH E SA U R AR I U M . The treasury.

Cui Ada successit in thesaararia Rober

tus do Haverford.

” 1 05.

TR E SA U RAR I U s . A n officer towhom

the treasure of another i s com

mitted to be kept, and truly di s

posed of a treasurer.

“Cui successi t magister Adam Barcit.

thosaamr ias M en evens is .

"1 05.


TORN I AM EN TU M . A tourn amen t.

Gilbertas M ariscallus apud War in quo

dam tora iamento Obi i t.” 84.


TYB I S . Tran slation of S t.Thomas

the M artyr July 7. 75.

TR EF (Trev). W . A town . Tref

i lan ,”I lan

’s town . 81 .

TR EU GA . A tra ce ; a league, or

cessation of arms.

1 3 2 I NDEX.

A bloyc, king , d ies, 1 7 .

A braham, assumes the b ishoprick of M ene

v ia, 27.

i s killed by the Pagans , 27.

A ccharon (A ccaron ) , the c ity of, besieged

by Ph ilip, the king of France, 57.

the bishop of Can terburyburied in , 58 .

A ch i lles , L lywelyn , son of I orwerth , com

pared to, 82 .

A dam B areth , succeeds H enry of Amlofl'

as archdeacou of Brecon , 1 05 .

A doman, death of

, 8 .

A drian , succeeds A nastas ius as pope of

Rome, 46 .

his death, 48.

A edd (A ed) , son of N eill, death of,1 5.

A eddan (A idan ) , son of Blegywryd, with

his four sons, killed by Grufi'

udd ,

son of L lywelyn , 22.

A eddan (A idan ) , son of Gavran , death

of, 6 .

A edelstan (A delstan , Elstan ) , king of the

Saxons, dies, 1 7.

A elfi ed (Edfled, Edelfiet), queen, dies, 1 7 .

A eron (A iron , Ayron) , Lower, taken possess ion of by Cadell, son of Gruf


udd, and his brothers, 45.

W illiam, son of William M areschal,

takes the whole territory as far as ,

76 .

A lbrit (A lwryt) , king of Giuoys, dies, 1 6 .

Ac d (A eli’rld, Adelstan ) , king of the

Saxon s, dies, 8.

A lderby, John de, succeeds M aredudd , son

ofGwrwared, as archdeacon of Caer

marthen,1 08.

A leman ia , ale. Germany, R ichard, king of,

taken prisoner at Lewes, 1 02 .

Alexander, son of M alcolm, succeeds h is

brother Edgar, 34 .

Alexander, pope, consecratesRichard, arch

b i shop of Canterbury, 54.

h is death, 55 .

Alfre, an English general, in conjunctionwith H owel, son of I dwal, devas

tates Brechein iog, 20 .

A lienor, sister of A rthur, duke of the A r

moricans, taken prisoner by kingJohn , 63 .

A lienor (Eliauor) , daughter of the count

of Provence, married to H enry I I I .

king of England, 8 1 .

g ives birth to a daughter, who was

and to a son ,whowas namedEdmund,88.

A lienor, coun tess of Pembroke, married to

S imon de M ontefort, 82.

A ltclyde (A lt-clut) , the citadel of, demo

lished by the Pagans, 1 4 .


, Henry of, succeeds John do Felteham, as archdescon of Brecon , 1 04.

h is death, 1 05.

A narswd (A nstaut, Auaraud ), devastates

Ceredigion and Ystrad Tywi , 1 5 .

h is death , 1 7 .

A narawd (Anauraut, A naraut, Anarsud) ,son of Grufiudd, kills Letardus

L i telking, 40 .

comes with Cadell, Owain , and Cad

walader to A berteivi , and forms a

truce, 4 1 .

is ki lled by the fami lyofCadwalader, 42Anarawd (A naraut, A nstand) , son of

Gwriad, killed , 1 9.

Anastasius, succeeds Eugenius as pope, 45.

his death, 46 .

Andegavia, i .s. Anjou, Geofl'

rey, earl of, i s

nominated duke of N ormandy, 42.

H enry, count of,arrives atWareham,45 .

an army from, accompan ies Henry I I .

as far as Oswestry against the

Welsh , 50 .

A n isa, friar, preaches the crusade i n West

Wales, 82 .

A nne, daughter of king John , given in

marriage to Llywelyn , son of I or

werth, 67.

Anselm, archbishop of C anterbury, ba

n ished byWilliam Rufus , 82.

rein stated by Henry L , 82.


ers with king Henry, 83 .

A nselm, treasurerof Exeter, designated the

Fat, succeeds Gervssius as bishopof M enevia, 74 , 77 .


A nselm, treasurer of En ter—cont.

buries Rhys Gryg , 80 .

his death, 87 .

AnselmM areschal, dies at Strigui l, 86 .

Antiphates, Rhys, son of Grufiudd, unlike

to, 6 1 .

A quitan ia, an army from, is led by H enry

I I . against theWelsh, 50 .

A rabia, an army led into, by Loui s, ki ngof Fran ce, 1 0 2 .

he and many nobles of France die

there, 1 02 .

Arberth, the castle of, demoli shed byGruf

fndd, son of Rhys, 3 6 .

the castle of, burn t by L lywelyn ,

prince of N orth Wales , 74.

A rchbishop, an , con secrated in the city of

Damietta , 75.

Arderydd (A rderit, Erderi t, A rmterid) ,battle of, 5.

A rrsgon ia, a great part of Philip, king of


s army die in , 108.

Arthen (Arthgen) , king of Ceredigion ,

dies, 1 1 .

Arthur (A rtur) , carries the cross of Christ

in the battle of Badon , 4.

falls i n the battle of Camlan, 4 .

A rthur, duke of Brittany, taken pri soner

by king John , 63 .

dies, or according to some, is killed in

the ki ng'

s prison , 63 .

Arundel, king S tephen besieges the em

press M atilda at, 4 1 .

A rwystli (A rustli , Arustly, Arusti ly) , the

men of, burn the v i llages near Castle

Baldwin , 95.

David, son of Howel, an i llustrious

man from, is killed, 96.

a council held by Llywelyn with the

nobles ofWales at, 97.

Asaph , the diocese of, visited by John de

Peccham, 1 08.

Ascuthi n, king of Dublin , slain , 22.

A sser, death of, 1 6.

Augustine, converts the A nglians, 4.

Avignon (Avinum), attacked and destroyedby Louis, king of the French, 76.

1 3 3

B .

Badon , the battle of Badon , 4.

a second time, 8.

Baldwi n , slain by i llustrious men of the

family of L lywelyn , son of Gruf

fudd , 98.

Baldwin, archb ishop of Canterbury,

preaches the crusade i n Wales, 56 .

hi s death, 58.

Baldwin , M aredudd, son of L lywarch,

delivers his two brothers to, to be

blinded, 3 8.

Baldwin Castle, the villages near, burnt byGwin , son of M adog, and the men

of A rwystli , 95.

a battle between men from, and the

Welsh , i n which the latter were

victorious , 95.

Balwy, the castle of, burn t by illustrious

men of the family of L lywelyn , son

of Grufi'

udd, 93 .

Bangor, devastated by the Pagans. 26 .

the bt p of, ordered by king John tobe taken before the altar, 6 7.

the diocese of, vi si ted by John de

Peeohem, archbishop of Can terbury,108.

ki ng Edward makes fortifications at,

1 08.

Banguolau (Bannoleu) , the battle of, 1 4 .

B arbefleth, the son of ki ng Henry I .

drowned at, 3 7 .

Bareth, Adam, succeeds to the archdea

coury of Brecon , 1 0 5.

Barons , the, of the N orth , join the pri nces

ofWales against king John , 70 .

who had paid homage to Loui s of

France, slain , 73 .

of Wales, do homage to king H enry

I H .,83 .

Barri , John de, succeeds William de Bur

reche as treasurer of M enevi a, 1 07.

Bartholomew, b ishop of Exeter, dies, 55.

Basingwerk (Dinas Bassi ng) , H enry I I .arrives at, 46 .

Owain, prince of N orth Wales, and

hi s son s encamp at , 46 .

1 3 6 I NDEX.

Cadvan (Gatwan ) , son of Cadwalader, re

ceives from his father the castle of

L lanrhystud, wi th his own share of

Cered igion , 44.

captured by Howel, son of Owain , 45.

Cadwalader (Catgualart. Catwaladir) , son

of C adwallon , dies of a plague, 8 .

Cadwalader (Catwaladr, Cadwaladr) , son


udd, with h is brother Owain ,

leads an army to Ceredigion, 40.

destroys the castle of Walter de Bec,

of A berystwyth , of R ichard de la

M ere, and of Dineirth, 40 .

burns Caerwedros, 40 .

returns home, 40 .

goes a second time to Ceredigion, 40.

in conjunction wi th otherWelsh prin

ces attacks A berteivi , 40.

routs the Fren ch and Flemings , 40.

returns home victorious, 40 .

goes a th ird time wi th an army to

Ceredigion , 4 1 .

demoli shes the castles of Ystrad M eu

rug , of S tephen ,of H umphrey, and

of C aermarthen , 4 1 .

returns home, 4 1 .

goes wi th a fleet manned by Pageto Aberteivy, 4 1 .

forms a truce, 4 1 .

obtains a fleet from I reland to assist

h im again st his brother Owain, and

lands at A bcrmenai , 42 .

i s reconciled to h is brother, 42 .

is taken prisoner by the Germans or

I rish , 42.

obtains his liberty on stipulating to

pay a ransom, 42.

attacked by h is brother Owain, 42 .

deprived of M eirionydd by Cynan and

I I owel, sons of Owain , 44 .

erects the castle of L laurhystud, and

gi ves it to his son Cadvan , 44 .

recovers his territory, 47 .

encamps at Dinweileir, 58 .

opposes king Henry H . nearOswestry,50 .

i s slain , 53 .

Cadwallon (Catguollaun, Catguoi lan , Cat

guollaaun , Catwallauu) , besieged inthe is land of Glauawg, 6 .

obtains the victory in the battle of

M aigen, 7 .

is slain in the battle of Can tscaul, 7.

Cadwallon (Catwallaun , Caduuallaun , Catwalaun , Cadwallaun ), son of Gruf

fudd, commi ts depredations in M eir

ionydd , 3 7 .

kills h is four uncles , Owain , Goronwy,R hirid

,and M eilir, 87 .

is killed by Cadwgan , son of Goronwy,89 .

Cadwallon (Catwalaun, Cadwallaun ) , son

of I dwal, ki lled by M aredudd, son

of Owain , 20 .

Cadwallon (Catwalaun ) , son of M adog, de

tains his brother Ein ion C lud as

prisoner, 49 .

Cadwallon (Catwaloin ), son of(M ae1gwn

commi ts depredations in Glamor

gan , 68 .

C adwallon (K atwalan), son of Maelgwn ,

di es at Cwm H ir, 80 , 8 1 .

Cadwallon (Catwallaun , C adwallaun ) , sonof Owain , dies, 1 9 .

C adweithen (Catgueithen , Catweithen ,Cathweithen ) , expel

‘led, 1 4 .

h i s death , 1 5.

C adwgan (Gadugan , Cadugaun), son of

Bleddyu, expels Rhys, son of Tew

dwr, from hi s kingdom, 28.

commits depredation s in Dimet ia, 29 .

escapes in to I reland. 8 1 .

returns from I reland , 8 1 , 82 .

loses Cered igion , 3 5.

slain by M adog, son of Rh irid, 86 .

Cadwgan (Cadugaun son of Goronwy,kills Cadwallon , son of Gruf udd,39 .

Cadwgan (Cadugaun ) , son of M sredudd ,ki lled by Walter C lifl’ord, 49.

Cadwgan (Catguocaun , Cadugan), son of

Owain , strangled by the Saxons, 1 8 .

Caer A lclut, demolished by thePagans, 1 4 .

Caerein ion (Kereinaun , Cayrheiasua ) , the.

castle of, built by Owain, son ot


Caerein ion—eontiaued.


udd, and Rhys, son of Gruf

Caerevrog, York, devastated in the battleofDubkynt, 1 4 .

Caergai, the massacre of, 7 .

Caerleon (Cair L egion, Caer Legion , Kair

lion ) , the synod of, 6 .

the battle of, 6 .

Caermarthen (Kairmerdin , Cayrmerdyn ,Cayrmerdyn ,Kermerd, Kermerdin ) ,the vi llage of, burnt by Grufi



son of Rhys, 3 6.

the castle of, demolished by Owain

and Cadwalader, sons of Grufl'

udd ,

4 1 .

i t is rebuilt by earl Gilbert. 43 .

besieged by Rhys, son of Grufl’

udd, 57 .

burnt by h im, 60 .

taken by L lywelyn , prince of N orth

Wales, 7 1 .

the castle of, obtained byW illi am, son

ofW illiam M areschal, 75.

i t is bes ieged by R ichard M areschal

and the Welsh, and succoured by

H enry de Triberlevi le, 79.

the bridge of, broken by H enry de

Triberlev ile, 79 .

burnt by David, son of L lywelyn , 84.

plundered Dy M aredudd, son of Rhys,


Caerwedros (Kairwedros), burn t by Owain

and Cadwalader, sons of Grufl‘



C alais, king John collects a large fleet at,69.

Camddwr (Can dubr) , the battle of, 2 7.

Cameron (Camaron) , R oger de M ortimer

strengthens the castle of, 59.

Camlan (Camlann the battle of, 4.

Canons, the order of, established in the

church of S t. M ary, Suwerke, 3 4 .

Can terbury, the monks of, elect their sub

prior as successor to archb ishop

Hubert, 64 .

they are ban ished the kingdom by

ki ng John , 65.

the prior of, goes to Rome, 66 .

1 37

Cantrev Bychsn (Can tref beehan ) , taken byGruflhdd, son of Rhys, from h is

brother M aredudd, 62.

Centrev M awr (Can trefmaur) , taken and

held by Rhys, son of Grufl'

udd, 47 .

Cautscaul, the battle of, 7 .

Geredog (Graden c, Garadac) , son of Gruf

fudd, kills M aredudd, son of Owain ,


is slain in the battle of M oun t Carn ,27 .

Caradog (Caratauc, Caraudoc , Cradauc) ,king of Gwynedd, slain by the

Saxons, 1 1 .

Caradog (Caradauc) , son of Rhydderch,

killed by the Saxons , 23 .


(Kirdive) , the castle of, burnt byR ichard M areschal, 79 .

Cardigan (Kard igan ) taken by L lywelyn,prince of N orth Wales, 71 .

the castle of, taken byW illiam, son of

William M areschal, 75.

the castle of, reduced by L lywelyn ,


the tower of; built by Walter M are

schal, 82,

Cum M oun tai n , the battle of, 27.

Carno, the battle of M ount, 3 .

the battle of, 1 8 .

Carnwyllon (Carnawi llian) , the castle of,

destroyed byR hys, son of Grufl’


57 .

Garreg (Carrec) , the castle of, built byRobert, son of Stephen , 52.

Garreg Cennen (Carregkennen ) , the castleof, destroyed by David, son of


udd, 1 06 .

the castle of, taken by Rhys, son of

M aredudd, 1 09 .

Garreg v a (Carrec Huwa) , glven bythe English king to Gwenwynwyn

for Grufl‘

udd, son of Rhys, 6 1 .

C arrew (Karreu, C arreu) , R ichard de, succeeds as bt p of M anavia, 90.

goes to France, 1 08.

return s toWales, 108.

his death and burial, 165.

1 38 I NDEX.

CastellN ewydd (Castelh N owid), delivered

up to L lywelyn , son of Grufl'


for the liberation of M aredudd, son

of Rhys, 97 .

recovered by R hys, son of M aredudd,

1 1 0 .

Cedivor (Ked ivor) , archdeacon of Cere

digiou, d ies, 49 .

Celli Darnauc (Kelli travan t) , the French

slaughtered at, 3 0 .

Cemaes (Kenmei s) , themen of, fight against

the Engli sh , 95 .

Cemoyth (Ceinod) , king of the Picts , dies ,

1 4.

Cenarth Bychan (Chenarth Bechau), thecastle of, strengthened by Gerald

the steward , 3 4 .

burnt by Owain , son of Cadwgan ,

34 .

Cerball, death of, 1 5.

Ceredig (Ceretic) , death of, 6 .

Cered igion (Ceretic iaun , Ceredigauu, Ke

redigean , Keredi giaun , Keredigauu,

Cereticam, Keredigeaun , Ceredigeaun ) , ravaged by A narawd and the

English, 1 5 .

also by Gwyn , son of E in ion , 2 1

also by the French, 26 .

also by Hugh de M ontgomery, 26 .

occupied by the Fren ch , who built

castles therein , 29 .

recovered by the Bri tons, 29 .

lefi a desert, 3 0.

the Flemi ngs of, attacked by Owain ,

son of Rh irid, 85.

pilgrims from, drowned, 43 .

subdued by Rhys , son of Grufl'


50 .

despoi led by theFrench and Flemings ,5 1 .

Ceri (Keri ), king H enry H I . arrives wi th

a large army at, 76 , 7 7.

the lords of, burn the village of Tre

vetland, 98.

Cetyll (Cetili , C i ti l) , the battle of, 18.

Charles (C arolus) , king of S ici ly, induces

h is brother Louis to lead an armyto A rabia, 1 02.

Chaurs , H arvey de, killed, 1 04.

Chaurs, Patrick de, killed at C i lgerran ,

9 7 .

Christendom seiz ed with fear of the Tar

tars, 99 .

Christian s, the, conquered by the Pagan s

and Saracens at the sea of T iberias ,56.

t ike the city of A ccharon , 58 .

t .:ke th e c i ty of Damietta, 74 .

ass i st the emperor Frederick in takingJerusalem, 77 .

a great fleet of, accompani es L ouis ,

king of France, to the Holy L an d ,88.

C iau (Chian , Kenan ) N an t Nyver, deathof, 1 4 .

C iarau (Karauu death of, 4 .

C ilgerran , the cas tle of, taken by M aelgwn ,

son of Rhys, 63 .

the town of, taken by William M are

schal, 63 .

taken by L lywelyn , prince of N orth

W ales , and h is confederates, 7 1 .

David, son of Grufl’udd, M aredudd ,

son of Owain , and Rhys V ychan ,

encamp near, 96 .

a battle between theWelsh and Engli sh near, 97.

C istercian order, S t. Bernard enters the,

3 5 .

exempted from a certain exaction , 66 .

a d issen sion between i t and the C lara

valleuses, 1 02 .

C laravallenscs,see C isterc ian order.

C lare, the abbey of, founded, 3 6 .

bes ieged and taken by R hys, son of


udd, 57 .

the castle of S t , taken and demolished

by L lywelyn , prince of N orth

Wales , and h is confederates, 7 1 .

C lare,G. de, earl of Gloucester, Edward ,son of king Henry, escapes to, 1 02 .

Clare, R ichard de, marries the daughter of

J. de Lacy, earl of L incoln , 82 .

Clergy, the, compelled to pay a tax, 72, 73 .

1 40 I NDEX.

Cynvrig (Kenwric) , son of Owain , ki lled

by the family of M adog, son of

M aredudd, (by H owel, son of M s

redudd, 4 1 .

Cynvrig (Kenweric), son of the lord

R hys, di es, 82 .

Cynwyl (Gen ial) , ravages the Dimeti au

territories , 1 2.

Cyprus, subdued by R ichard , king of Eng

land, 57.

Cyveiliog (Keweilac, Keweilauc, Kevei lauc,Keuei lauc , Keiwelauc) , given by

M edog, son of M aredudd, to h is

nephews, 44 .

devastated by Rhys, 45 .

Owain of,flees in to England, 5 1 .


Damietta, the ci ty of, miraculously captared by the Chri stians, 74 .

an archb ishop con secrated in i t, 75 .

retaken by the Saracens, 75.

taken by Loui s, king of France, 88 .

Dan iel, bishop of Bangor, depos ition of, 5 .

Dan iel, son of bishop Sulgen , dies , 3 8 .

David, the monas tery of, burnt, 7 .

David, son of Gerald, succeeds to the see

of M enevia, 44.

David, son of Grufl‘udd, aids in killing hi s

brother Owain , 58 .

David , son of Grufl’udd, disputes with h is

brother L lywelyn , 89 .

taken captive by L lywelyn , 89.

encamps near C ilgerran , 96 .

takes the castles of L lan dovery and

Carreg Ocaucu, 106 .

imprisoned, hanged, and quartered,1 07 .

David ap Howel, i s slain and buried, 96.

Davi d, son of L lywelyn , receives the

homage of all the princes of Wales

at Strata Florida, 82 .

succeeds his father, 88.

pays homage to king H enry I I I . at

Gloucester, 88.

gives hostages to the king, 83 .

David, son of L lywelyn—continued.

delivers his brother Grufludd in to the

king’s prison , 84.

burns Caermarthen , 84.

attacks his enemies, and drives them

out of thei r territories, except those

who were in castles and fortifica

tions, 85.

causes many losses to Grufihdd, son

of M adog, Grufi'

udd , son of Gwen

wynv yn , and M organ , son ofHowel,


dies at Aber, and is buried at A ber

conwy, 85 .

David, son of M alcolm, dies, 45.

David, son of M aurice, killed by M aelgwn ,son of R hys, 59.

David, b ishop of M enevia, di es, 6.

David, b ishop of M enevia, di es, 55 .

David, son of Owai n , en camps at Bas ingwerk, 46 .

expelled by L lywelyn, son of I or

werth, 59.

David, king of Scotland, taken captive bythe men of king H enry, 54 .

Day, the, becomes dark as night, 3 .

Decem-novennalis, 3 9 .

Ded ication of the church of M cnevin, 89 .

Deugleddyv (Deuglethef a place given

by bi shop Bern ard to the C istercian

monks at Trevgarn i n , 43 .

Dewer, W illiam,b i shop of H ereford, dies,

62 .

Diermid (Diermi t, Dyermict, Dyermyct).son of M urcath , being expelled byh is on men , goes to the king of

England, 5 1 .

i ntercedes fbr the liberation of Robert,

son of Stephen , 52 .

his daughtermarried to R ichard , earl

of S triguil, 52.

h is death, 53 .

Diermid, king of the Scots, slain in battle,26 .

Dimet ia (Demetia, Dewet, Devet, Dyvet,Dyna , Deveth) , invaded, 7.

ravaged by I ago and I dwal, sons of

I dwal, 1 8.

1 42 I NDEX.

Eadmund, king of the S axons , is strangled ,

1 8 .

Earthquake, a great, in the lsle of M an , 8.

in Brita in , 29 , 1 1 0 .

at Jerusalem, 53 .

in Bri ta in and I reland, 87 .

Easter, changed to Sunday, 3 .

first observed by the Saxons, 8.

the time of, altered among the Britons

by Elbod , 1 0 .

Eclipse, of the moon , l l , 1 3 , 1 1 0.

of the sun , 6 , 55, 1 1o.

Edelfled (Aelfled , Edfled, Edelflet), queen ,

d1es , 1 7 .

Edel1s 1us , an E nglish commander, ravages

portion s of South Wales, 2 1 .

Edelri t, son of Edgar, expelled from his

domi n ion ,22 .

Edgar (Badgar), king of the English , ap

pears in Caerleon wi th a fleet of

sh ips, 1 9 .

h is death, 20 .

Edgar (Badgar) , son of M alcolm, dies, 3 4 .

Edilbert, reigns in England, 5.

Edmund, son of H enry I I I ., bui lds a cas tle

at L lanbadarn , 1 05.

Edris (Edrich ) , ravages M cnevin, 22 .

Edwald (Edwalt, Edphalt) , king of the

S axon s, dies , 1 0 .

Edward , son of king H enry I H . , en trusted

by h is father w ith the care of the

kingdom of England, 88 .

proceeds to Spain with archb ishopBon iface, 89 .

there espouses the daughter of the

king , 89 .

comes to England, 90 .

crosses over to the con tinent with the

flower of hi s kingdom, 99.

returns to England, 99.

a great di ssen sion between him and

the baron s of England, 1 00 .

opposed by the earls and barons with

the lord L lywelyn, 10 1 .

4 approaches the castles of Huntington

and Hay, takes the adjacent v illages,

Edward, son of king H enry I H .— coa l.

and delivers them to the custody of

Roger M ortimer, 1 0 1 , 1 02 .

taken captive at Lewes , 1 02.

escapes h'

om prison , 1 02 .

succeeds his father, 1 03 .

crowned king of England, 1 04 .

goes with a large army to N orth

Wales , and encamps at Rhuddlan .

105 .

return s to England, 1 05.

subdues the whole of Snowdon , 1 06.

rebuilds the castle of L lanbadarn

the Great, 1 08.

begins to build a castle at Aberconwy,

1 08.

makes fortifications at Bangor and

C aernarvon , 108.

goes wi th his queen on a pilgrimage

to St. David’s, 1 08.

goes over to fi ance, 1 09 .

Edwi n (E tguin, Gwin ) , begins to reign , 6 .

is bapti z ed, 6 .

slai n i n battle wi th his two sons, 7 .

Egidius de Bruse, made bishop of Hereford,62 .

obta i n s h is patrimony, 70.

h is death , 7 1 .

Eilaf (Ei laph) , ravages Dimetia and M e

nev ia, 23 .

Emma (Eynan , Einaun , Byanan ) , son of

A narawd, destroys the castle of

Humphrey, and kills the soldi ers

who were in i t, 48.

is treacherously slain in his sleep, 49.

E i n ion (Eynan , Eynaun ) , son ofCa ddemoli shes the castle of U chdryd

(V edrith ) , 3 6 .

hi s death , 3 7 .

Ein ion C lud (Eynaun Clut), sei z ed by his

brother Cadwallon , 49.

wounded by the sons of Llywarch , son

of Dyvnwal, 52.

Ein ion (Eyn on , Eyn iaun , Eynan , I 'Zi nann ),son of Owain , ravages Gower,19 , 20.

kills many of Howel’

s men , who were

devastating his land, 20 .

is h imself ki lled , 20 .

1 441

Fleet,a, collected by Edgar at Caerleon ,

1 9.

from I reland , lost in South Wales , 25 .

brought from I reland by Rhys, son of

Tewdwr, 28.

appears at A ber M enai , 42 .

a royal, touches on the coast of M ona,

47 .

the, of the king of France destroyed,

6 7.

Flemings , the, arrive in Rhos, 3 4.

attacked by Owain , son of Cadwgan ,

3 5.

likewise by Grufi'

udd, son of Rhys ,

3 5, 3 6 .

of R hos, routed by Owain and Cad

walader, 40 .

of I seoed, plunder Cered igion and

Gathmenart, 5 1 .

who had come with the

Le icester, slain , 54 .

of Gwys, attack the town of L lan

uhadein , 59 .

of Pembroke, come against theWelsh

with a large army, 59.

noble, slain by Howel the Saxon , 59.

take the castle ofGwys, 60 .

Foliot, Galfrid, archb ishop of York, excom

mun icated by archb ishop Thomas ,52.

Follot, Gilbert, made bishop of Hereford ,44.

France, a comet seen in , 1 02 .

M erick, emperor of Rome, assumes thesign of the cross , 56.

takes the city of Jer usalem, 7 7.

deposed, 86 .

French , the, slay M aredudd, son of Owain ,26.

ravage Ceredigion , 26 .

occupy Dimetia and Ceredigion for

the first time, 29.

their yoke spurned by the Britons, 29,

earl of

th ey devastate Gower, Cydweli , and

Ystrad Tywi , 3 0 .

slaughtered by the Britons of Brechei

n iog and Gwen t, 30.



G. de C lare, earl of Gloucester, Edward ,son of king H enry, escapes to, 102 .

G. earl of Gloucester, enters the city of

London with a large army, 1 03,

French , the—cont.

defeated by the Bri tons, 40.

who were in the castle of Dinweileir,

slain , 43 .

cruelly wound Cadell, son of Gruf

fudd, 45.

slaughtered in the island of M ona, 47 .

their castles in Dimetia burnt by Rhys,

son of Grufi‘

udd , 48 .

of Pembroke, plunder Cered igiou and

Gathmenart, 5 1 .slayWelsh nobles in Dimetia, 57 .

expelled from the castle of N yver, 58 .

of Pembroke, attack the town of

L lanuhadein , 59 .

pursue and kill a great number of the

Welsh , 59 .

slaughter the Welsh in Elvael, 6 1

of Cydweli kill M aredudd, son of

Rhys, 62 .

ai d R hys the L ittle in burn ing the

castle of L luchewein , 66 .

fortify the castle of A berystwyth , 68.

slaughtered by M aelgwn and Gwen

wynwyn in Powys, 68.

a id Rhys and Owain , sons of Gruf

fudd , in taking Diuevwr and L lan

dovery, 69 .

sei z e Rhys the L ittle, and take h im to

England, 69.

expelled from the castle of Caermar

then , 7 1 .

mauy of, with the barons who did

homage to L oui s, slain , 73 .

a great d iscord between them and the

English , 96 .

expelled from their territories by the

English , 96 .

routed from England, 99 .

Furness, the abbey of,founded , 3 9 .


G. bishop of M cnevin, goes to Rome, 7his counsel to the English, 72.

Garthgrugyn , the castle of, fortified byM aelgwn , 84.

Garthmaelog (Gartmai lauc, Gardmailauc,Garthmai iauc), the battle of, 9.

Gascony, H enry I I I . returns from, leavinghis son Edward to guard it, 88.

Gavenny (Gevenu), the castle of, burnt byR ichard M areschal, 79 .

Gavrau (Gabran , Gawran ), son of Dyvn

warth, di es , 4 .


ney, earl of A njou, nominated duke

on the capture of N ormandy, 42 .

Geoffrey Foliot, archbishop of York,excommun icated by archbishopThomas , 52 .

Geofil-ey, prior of Lan tony, consecrated

b ishop of M enevia, 63 .

h is death , 72.

Gerald, b ishop of Hereford, succeeds Tho

mas as archbishop of York, 33 .

Gerald , son of M aurice, dies in I reland,


Gerald , the steward of Pembroke, devas

tates the boundaries of M enevia, 3 0.

f ortifies the castle of Cenarth Bychan ,

3 4 .

h is sons fight against Owain and Cad

walader, the sons of Grufi'

udd, 40.

Germany, M aguus, king of, comes with a

large army to the isle of M ona, 3 1 .

sudden ly leaves it, 3 1 .

Gervasius succeeds Geofi‘

rey, and is con

secrated b ishop of M cnev in, 72.

h is death, 74 , 77.


rid, the pope’s nuncio, 1 09 .

Gi lbert, earl of Clare, dies of poison , 1 00 .

Gilbert Foliot is made bt p of Hereford ,

44 .

Gilbert, earl of Gloucester, dies , 78.

Gilbert M areschal succeeds h is brother

R ichard in his inheri tance , 80.

espouses the daughter of the king of

Scotland, 8 1 .

his death, 84.

1 45

Gilbert, son of R ichard, Cadwgan delivered

up to, 3 5 .

hi s death, 3 6.

Gilbert, son of W illiam, reduces Dimelia

to h imself, 43 .

his death, 44.

Gildas sails for I reland, 5.

his death, 5.

Glamorgan , plundered and burnt by Cad

wallon , 68.

H erbert, son of M ains , killed by the

‘Yelah in , 86 .

Glauawg (Glannauc), Cadwallon besieged

in the i sland of, 6 .

Gloucester, Robert, duke of N ormandy,dies at, 3 9 .

Henry, son of king John, crowned at,

74 .

David, son of L lywelyn , does homage

to Henry I I I . at, 83.

Glywysig (Gliuis igng, Gliuissig) ravaged

by Duta, 1 4 .

Godrich, Walter M areschal, dies near the

castle of, 86 .

Goethi (M eilir, son of Rhiwallon ,

slain , 28.

Gorchwyl (Guorchiguil, Gorchewil) , b ish0p, dies, 1 6.

Goronwy (Goron iu, Gronou, Gronoe) , son

of Cadwgan , conquered by Rhys,

son of Owain , 27.

his death, 3 3 .

Goronwy (Goroua bun ), son of Grufi'

udd,slain , 48.

Goronwy (Grono, Gronoe) , killed by hi snephew Cadwallon , son ofGrufi


udd ,


Gothrit (Godisric) , son of Harold , ravages

Dimetia and M cnev in, 20.

ravages M ona with the black Pagans ,20 .

Gower (Goher, Goer, Gub ir, Gouhir,Gobir) , ravaged by Owain , 1 9.

ravaged by Einion , son of Owain , 1 9.

a second time, 20 .

1 48

Haard , the son of M eurig, drowned, 1 9 .

Harold, king of the Goths, devastates Di

metia and M enev ia, 20 .

endeavours to reduce theEnglish under

h is power, 25.

Harold, son of Godwin , slays Harold, king

of the Goths, in battle, 25.

H arvey de Chaurs slain , 1 04 .

Haverford (Harford) , Robert, son of R ich

ard, loses thc castle and barony of,


L lywelyn, prince ofWales, approaches

the castle of, and burns the whole

vi llage, 74 .

“falter M areschal comes to, 85.

the village of, recovers its libert ies,

1 08 .

Haverford, Robert de, rector of L lanvyn

ydd, succeeds A da as treasurer of

M enev ia, 1 05.

Havres , e. the Severn, the English armytakm its station between A berrhiw

and, 92 .

Hay, devastated by L lywelyn, prince of

N orth Wales, 78.

taken by Edward, 10 1 .

Hector, Rhys, son of Grufi’

udd, comparedto, 75.

Hehil (H eil, Heyl) , i n Cornwall, the battleof, 9 .

H elena (Elen) , thewi fe of Howel the Good,dies , 1 7.

Henry de Amlofi‘

succeeds John de Fekeham as archdeacon of Brecon, 1 04.

his death , 105.

I lenry, son of A rchen (Haern, di es,


Henry, son of prince Edward, visi ts hi s

castles, and lands in N orth Wales,


Henry 1 , king of England, succeeds to the

throne, 3 2 .

marries the daughterof M alcolm, ki ngof the Scots, 3 2, 3 3 .


Henry I . , king of England—con t.

dissension between him and Robert de

Bellesme, his brother, 3 3 .

captures I orwerth, son of Bleddyn , 3 3 .

dissension between himand archbishop

A nselm, 3 3 .

takes and imprisons Robert dc Bel

lesme, 3 5.

subjugates for himself the whole 0 f

N ormandy, 3 4.

concedes that no ecclesiastical investi

ture should be made by a layman,84 .

leads an army in to“I s les, 35.

returns home, 3 5.

assit the ded ication of the church

of St. A lban, 3 6 .

his son drowned at Barbefieth , 3 7.

leads an army into Powys , 3 7.

enters into terms of peace w ith the

i nhabi tants, and returns home, 3 7 .

expels Grufi’udd, son of Rhys, from his

territory, 3 8.

orders Robert, duke of N ormandy, to

be blinded, 39.

h is death, 39.

Henry I L , duke of N ormandy, comes to

England, and lays siege to M almes

bnry, 44 .

lands with hismother atWareham, 45.

succeeds to the throne, 46.

crosses over into N ormandy, 46.

medita tes the subjugation of N orth

Wales, 46.

encamps nearChester, 46 .

proceeds to Rhuddlan , and encamps

there, 47.

his fieet lands in M ona, 47.

makes peace wi th Owain , prince of

N orth Wales, 47 .

returns to England, 47 .

is opposed by Rhys, son of Grufi'

udd,alone, 47 .

agrees to give him Cantrev M awr, 4 7 .

breaks his promise, 47.

leads a large army as far as Pencadeiragainst Rhys, 49.


H enry duke of N ormandy—cont.

hav ing made peace wi th him,he re

turns home, 49 .

arrives at Oswestry, wi th an army of

several nations, medi tating the de

struction of allWales, 50 .

is opposed by Owain and Cadwalader

at the head of the men of N orth

“I s les, Rhys at the head of the

South-waliaus, and Owain Cyvei liogand I orwerth the Red , at the head

of the men of Powys, 50 .

proceeds to the Berwyn mounta in ,where he encamps, 50 .

blinds and castrates the Welsh hos

tages that were in hi s power, 50 .

returns in disgrace into England, 50 .

h is daughter given i n marriage to the

duke of Saxony, 52 .

v isits S t. Dav id'

s, 53 .

goes to I reland, and reduces it under

h is own domin ion , 53 .

liberates Robert, son of S tephen , who

had been put i n chains by the bur

gesses ofWiscford, 53 .

returns fi'

om I reland, and goes on a

pi lgrimage to S t. Dav id'

s, 54.

di ssen sion between him and h is son ,

54 , 55.

they are reconciled, 54.

alters the coinage, 55.

sends marks to Jerusalem, 55.

h is death, 56 .

H enry, son of H enry crowned duri ng

h is father’s lifetime, 53 .

di ssension between him and his father,

54, 55.

is reconciled, 54.

h is death , 55.

H enry I H .,king of England, is crowned,


his sister married to the king of

Scotland , 75.

loses Poictou, 76 .

leads an immense army to the pro

vince of Ceri , and erects a castle

there, 77.

1 49

H enry I H ., king of England—con t.

receives a sum of money, and returns

home, 77 .

crosses over in to Brittany at the head

of a large army, and begins to harass

the king of France, 7 7, 78.

leaves W illi am M areschal there, 78.

i s with his army at Poresmue,”78.

constructs Pai n’

s castle of stone and

mortar, and fortifies i twith a multi

tude of armed men , 78 .

fortifies the castle of M ati lda, 79 .

dissension between him and R ichard

M areschal, 79 .

lamen ts h is death, 80 .

marries the daughter of the earl of

Provence, 8 1 .

a son i s born to him,who is named

Edward , 92.

receives the homage of the nobles of

Wales, 82 , 83 .

subdues all theWelsh, 83 .

fortifies the castle on the rock near

Diserth in Tegeingl, 83 .

takes hostages from David on account

of Gwynedd, 83 .

c ites h im to L ondon , 83 , 84 .

crosses over into Poictou (Gascony,84 .

returns from Bordeaux, 84.

leads a large army as far as Dyganwy,with the v iew of subduing all the

Welsh, 85.

havi ng fortified the cas tle there, he

returns to England, 85.

goes to Burgundy, havi ng entrusted

the kingdom of England to h is son

Edward, hi s brother R ichard, and

the queen , 88.

returns into England, 88.

is found by hi s son Edward in the

Wh i te Tower, 99.

captured in the battle of Lewes, 102 .

h is death , 103 .

Henry, b ishop of Exeter, dies, 65.

H enry, son of Gerald, slain , 47 .

Henry Goeth (Goch 7) slain by armed men

from Pembroke and Rhos, 95

1 50

H enry de Trirbelevi lle succours the castle

of Caermarthen, 79.

HenryWingan , constable of Erbert, slain ,


Herbert, son of M ahius, slain by theWelsh

in Glamorgan , 86 .

Hereford (H irford, Herford), the battle of,10 .

devastated by Grufi‘

udd, son of L ly

welyn , 25 .

B ereri, i . e. Eryri , L lywelyn , prince of

N orth Wales, removes all his goods

to the mountain of, 67.

Hexvi l, I . de, takes the isle of Ely, 1 02.

I li rad (I ratur, the battle of, 23 .

H ithoet,”the castle of, taken and demo

lished byprince L lywelyn , 79 .

Holy L and, the, restored to the emperor

Frederick, 77

the earl of Cornwall goes to, 83 .

tithes for the subsidy of, 1 04.

H onorius en throned , 73 .

Howel (B iguel) , battle between h im

and Oyasu, the former victorious,

1 2 .

expels Gyuna fi'

omM ona, 12.

is expelled from M ona by Cynan , 1 2 .

hi s death , 1 2 .

Howel (Higuel, H oel) di es at Rome, 1 5 .

Howel (Hoel, Howiel) , son of Edwin , holds

the government of Rhydderch, son

of I estyn , 23 .

expelled from hi s terri tory by GM .

fudd, son of L lywelyn , 23 , 24 .

conquered by Grufi'

udd, in the battle

of Pencadeir, 24.

i s crowned, 24.

harasses Wales, 24.

i s sla in in the battle of A berteivy,

24 .

Howel (B iguel, Hoel) , the Good, goes to

Rome, 1 7 .

his death , 1 8.

Howel (H oel) , son of Goronwy, devastates

Pembroke, 30.

expelled by R ichard, son of Baldwin

(Bleduin , commits great depre

dations, 33 .


Howel, (Hoel), son of Goronwy—coat.

is killed by the French of Rhyd yGors, 33 .

Howel (Hoel), son of Grufi'

udd, dies, 72 .

H owel (H oel) , son of I dwal (I euav, C .)ravages Brecheiniog, and the whole

territory of Ein ion, son of Owain ,

20 .

i s slain by the English, 20 .

Howel (Hoel) , son of.

I thel, (d al,

flees to I reland, 32.

receives a wound, of which he dies,

3 6 .

Howel, son ofM adog, slain , 42 .

Howel (Hoel), son of M aredudd, slays

Cynvrig, son of Owain , 4 1 .

is slain by his own men , 42 .

Howel (H oel), son of Owain , slain by Tra

hearn (Cradauc, son ofGuradog

(Gri fud, 27 .

Howel (Hoel), son of Owain , destroys

A berteivy, 43 .

attacks and takes the castles of Caer.

marthen and L lanstephan , 43 .

assists in destroying the castle of Gwys,44 .

wrests M eirionydd from Cadwalader,44.

sei z es his cousin Cadvan , and subju

gates his land and castle, 45.

burns the town of L lanrhystud, and

ki lls the garrison , 45.

encamps with his E ther, and his

brothers Cynan and Davi d, near

Bas ingwerk, 46 .

encamps atDinweileir, 48.

H owel (Hoel) , son of Rhydderch, killed byRhys, son ofH owel, 42.

H owel the Saxon (Hoel Seis) , son of Rhys,takes by treachery the castle of

Gwys, 58.

destroys the castle of L landovery, 58.

demolishes the town of L lanuhadein ,59 .

slays Flemi sh nobles at Peulyn iogt59.

captures his father, 59.

1 52

I n terdict, a general, throughout all England, 66 .

released by the pope

, 72.

I orwerth (I orward, I orwert, I orwarth , I oruerth ) , son of Blcddyn , takes his

brother M aredudd , and delivers h im

up to ki ng H enry L , 3 3 .

sei z ed at Shrewsbury by the king,33 .

h is character, 3 3 .

is released by command of the king ,

and returns to h is own country, 3 4 .

killed by his nephew M adog, 3 5.

I orwerth (I oruertlt) , son of L lywarch ,

ki lled i n Powys by L lywelyn , son

of Owain , 3 8 .

I orwerth (I oruerth) , son of Owain , ki lled,3 0 .

I orwerth the Red (Goch) opposes ki ngH enry I I . at Oswestry. 50 .

flees into England, 5 1 .

I reland, a mortali ty i n , 8, 87 .

rai ns blood in , 8 .

famine in, 1 6 .

pirates from, invi ted over to M ona to

defend the V enedotians, 3 1 .

I sabella, coun tess of Gloucester, betrothed

to R ichard, earl of Cornwall, 7

79 .

I scoul (Y schoit, Y scoid , Hyscoid) , dc

spoiled by the French of Pembroke

and Flemings, 5 1 .

lthel (I udhael, Y thai l, I thail) ; king of

Gwen t, slain by the men of Brech~

einiog, 1 3 .

lthcl (I thail), son of Rhi rid, released from

prison , 3 7 .

slain by Gruffudd, son of M aredudd,

8 7 .

I vor, son of Cadwalader, 9.

I vor (Yaor) , son of L lywarch, wounds

E in ion Glud, 52 .


Jerusalem, a great earthquake at, 53 .

taken , with the king thereof, by the

Pagans and Saracens , 55, 56 .

subs idy for the land of, 72 , 73 .

the ci ty of, taken by the emperor Fre

derick, 77 .

the kingdom of, occupied by the Tar

tars, 99 .

Jews, the, crucify a boy at N orwich , 42 ,

43 .

expelled from France by king Ph i li p,


many of, killed, 1 02.

Johanna, daughter of the king of England,

and wi fe of L lywelyn , pri nce of

Wales, dies, 82 .

i s buried at A ber, 82.

John de A lderley made archdeacon of

Caermarthen , 108.

John de Barry appoin ted treasurer of M e

nev ia . 1 07 .

John , earl of Chester, dies , 82.

John de Curcy expelled from I reland bythe son s of Hugh dc Lacy, 63.

John , son of Edward , dies, and is buried at

Westmin ster, 1 03 .

John , son of Elidir, dies , 58 .

John , king of England, succeeds to the

throne, 60 , 62.

buys the castle of Aherteivy from

M aelgwn , son of Rhys, 62.

sei z es A rthur, duke of Bri ttany, and

h is sister E leanor, 63 .

lays an inh ib ition on the monks of

Can terbury, 64 .

bribes the monks, 64.

expels all the monks of Canterburyout of the kingdom, 65.

i nh i bits the archbi shop, 65.

h i s kingdom put under an in terdict,


en ters Feietouwith his army, 66 .

returns home without having accom

pli shed h i s object, 66.

I NDEX. 1 53

John, king of England—coat. John Pain, L lywelyn , son of Owain , de

levi es a tax for the purpose of reco livered up to, 38 .

voring hi s inheritance in N ormandy, John de l’eccham, archbishop of C an ter

66.bury, confirms Thomas Bccke as

d issension between h im andWilliam bishop of M enev ia, 105.

dc Bruse, 66 .holds a prov incialcouncilat L ambeth,

expels Walter and Hugh de L acy{ 06 °

from England, Wales , and I reland,v i s i ts the diocese of M enev i a, L landaf,

6 7.

Bangor, and S t. A saph , 1 08.

on h is return from I reland, touches atJohn S trange in the E 3 85“army between

F ishguard , 67.the Severn and A berrhiw, 92 .

leads h is army to N orth Wales, 67 .

Jonathan , prince Of Abergeleu, dies, 1 4

assisted by M aelgwn and Rhys, sonsJoseph , b ishop of L landaf, di es at Rome,

of Rhys, Gwenwynwyn , son of

Owain , and other ch iefs of lesser

note, 67.

returns unsuccessfully to England,

6 7 .

leads h is army a second time to North

Wales , and fortifics several castles

there, 68.

on receiving three thousand head of

cattle, returns to England, 68.

offers the whole kingdom of England

and I reland to be held by himself

and heirs as feudaries of the Church

of Rome for the annual tribute of a

thousand marks, 69 .

crosses with his galleys into France,

and burns about 80 of the French

sh ips, 69 .

recalls the archbishop and bishops,69 .

enters l’oictou, and is ass isted by his

nephew 0 tho and the Germans, 70.

returns to England, 70.

dissension between himand the barons

of the N orth , 70 , 72.

di ssension between h im and the chief

men of the kingdom, 73 .

seeks aid from the pope, 73 .

his kingdom made tributary to the

pope, 73 .

h is death , 73 .

hi s character, 73 .

John de Fekeham, archdeacon of Brecon,di es, 104.

Joseph, bishop of M cnevin, di es, 25.

Lacy, Hugh dc, h i s sons expels John deCurcy from I reland , 63 .

expelled from England, “Vales, andI reland by king John , 6 7 .

h i s sons subdued byWilliam M ares

chal, 76 .

L ambeth, a provincial counci l held at, 1 06.

Laudent, death of, 1 3 .

L egate, a, sen t by the pope to England,78.

who exeommun icates Louis, son of

the French king, with all his parti

sans, 73 .

and afterwards absolves h im, 73 .

he crowns Henry, son of king John ,73 , 74.

Leicester, the earl of, taken prisoner, 54 .

the town of, taken by the earl of

Gloucester, 102.

L eo, pope of Rome, efl'

ects a change in thetime of Easter, 3 .

LetardusL itelking, killed byAnarawd, sonofGrufl


udd, 40 .

Lewes , the battle of, 1 02 .

L incoln,Thomas Becke, consecrated at, 1 06 .

one quarter ofDavid, son of Grufl'

udd,suspended in , 10 70

1 56 I NDEX.

L lywelyu (Lewelin ) , son of Owain , sei z ed ,

by M aredudd, son of B leddyn , and

deli vered to John Pain , 3 8 .

blinded and castrated by M aredudd ,

son of Bleddyn ,3 8.

L lywelyu (Lewelin ) , son of Rhys the

L ittle, destroys the castle of L lan

badarn the Great, and takes the

castles of L landovery and Garreg

Cennen , 1 06 .

imprisoned i n London , 1 07.

L lywelyu (Lewelin ) , son of Seisyll, d ies ,

23 .

L ondon , a convention of the noblemen of

England held in , 3 4.

a stone bridge begun in , 54 .

the nuptials of king H enry I I I . cele

brated wi th splendour in , 8 1 .

Dav id, son of L lywelyu, ci ted by king

H enry I I I . before a council in ,

83 , 84.

many of the inhab i tants of, sla in , 102 .

G. earl of Gloucester enters the c ity

of, 103 .

the legate Otho holds a council in

1 03 .

a council held i n , under John de

Peccham, archbi shop of Canterbury1 06 .

the head of Dav id, brother of L lywelyu, conveyed to, and placed on

the Tower of, 1 0

Longsword , W illiam, sei z ed by Philip,

king of France, 70 .

Louis, king of France, comes to St.


s , 55.

h is death , 55.

Louis, son of the king of France, comes

to England, to fight against king

John , 72.

excommun icated by the pope’

s legate,

73 .

i s absolved, and returns fromEngland,73 .

ki ng of France, overthrows Poictou,

76 .

Louis , son of the king of France—coa t.attacks the cas tles of the earl of St.

Egydius and A vi gnon , 76 .

takes the c ity of Damietta, 88.

overthrown in the H oly L and , and

taken prisoner by the Pagans , 88 .

return s from the HolyLand, 88.

leads an army into A rab ia, 1 02 .

d ies at Tun is in A rab ia, 102 .

Loyer (q . Grower ravaged by the N or

mans, 1 6 .

L ucius succeeds A lexander in the see of

Rome, 55.

Ludlow (Lodolow) , Edward, son of kingH enry I H . , escapes to the earl of

Gloucester at, 1 02 .

L amberth (Lunweth, a ert) , b ishop, dies

i n M cnevin, 1 8.

L yons, a general council held at, 1 04 .

M abalan , in the Engli sh army that was

arrayed near the Severn , 92 .

M abndrut, the castle of, bui lt by earl

Gilbert, 43 .

M abwyn ion (M ebwenn iaun ) , the castle of,

burnt by Rhys, son of Grufi‘

udd ,

49 , 50 .

M adog (M adane) , son of B leddyn , expels

Rhys, son of Tewdwr, from h i s

kingdom, 28 .

slain in the battle of Penletherw, 28 .

M adog (M adoc) , son of Grufi‘

udd M aelor,

dies, 8 1 .

M edog (M adoc) , son of I dnerth, goes to

the ass istance of Owain and C ad

walader, sons of Grufi'udd, 40 .

his death , 4 1 .

M adog (M adauc) , son of L lywarch, killed

by h is cous in M eurig, 38 , 3 9 .

M edog (M adane) , son of M aredudd, gives

Cyveiliog to h is nephews Owain

and Grufl'

udd, 44.

his death , 48.


M adog (M adoc) , son of Owain , released

from prison , 98.

M adog (Madoc, M adane) , son of Rh irid,

burn s M eirionydd, and kills the

inhab itants , 3 4, 3 5.

flees to I reland, 3 5.returns from I reland, and conceals him

self in the woods, 3 5.

kills hi s un cle I orwerth, 3 5.

ki lls hi s uncle Cadwgan, 3 5.

is deprived of his eyesight by Owain ,

son of ~Cadwgan , 3 5.

M adog (M adauc) , sacrist of M cnevin, de

tects a th ief in the church, 87.

l i nea (M ai lcun ) Gwynedd, death of, 4 .

M aelgwn (M ai lgon ) , son of M aelgwn , goes

to L lywelyu, and makes M aredudd ,

son of Owai n , give up M evenydd

for Penarch , 8 1 .

fortifies the castle of Garthgrugyn , 84.

flees into M eirionydd, 86.

conducted by N icholas de M oleyn s to

the presence ofthe king, and scarcely

obta ins h is royal favour, 86 .

M aelgwn (M ailgon ) , son of R hys , sei z ed

by h is father, and imprisoned at

Diuevwr, 5 7 .

removed by h is brother Grufi'

udd from

h is father’

s prison , and placed in the

custody of William de Bruse, 57.

released by h is father againstW illiam

de Bruse’s wi ll, 58.

envious of his brother Grufl'

udd, 58.

demolishes the town of L lauuhadein ,

59 .

kills Dav id, son of M aurice, and

Tankard , a monk, 59 .

se i z es his brother Grufi’

udd, and

delivers h im into the custody of

Gwenwynwyn , 6 1 .

goes over to the enemy, 62.

sells the castle of A berteivy to the

king , 62.

takes the castle of C ilgerran , 63 .

ass ists king John in h is exped ition toN orth Wales, 67 .

burns the castle of Aberystwyth, 68.

carries the war into South Wales, 68.

Q.” Q

M aelgwn (M ai lgon ) son of Rhys—cont.enters into a treaty with L lywelyn ,

and slays many of the French in

Powys, 68.

in conjunction with prince L lywelyu

takes the castles in N orth Wales

and Powys that had been fortified

by the king, 69.

subdues all the Welsh of Dimetia, 7 l .

crosses the river Teivy, 7 1 .

ass ists Rhys, son of Grufi'

udd, in oh

ta in ing Cydweli and Carnwyllon ,

7 1 .

j orns prince L lywelyn’

s expedi tion into

South Wales , 7 1 .

M aelienydd (M aeleni t) , the castle of

Cevnllys taken and laid waste bythe men of, 100.

M aeleachlen (M aileachlen , M atusalem) ,death of, 1 4.

M aenor (M aynour) , David, son of Grufl

udd, wi th other Welsh chieftains,

encamps at, 96.

M acs Hyveidd H ewed , H iveid) , ravagedby M aredudd, son of Owai n , 2 1 .

M acs Osmeliaun held by I gmond, 1 6 .

M agnel, Philip. See Ph ilip M agnel.

M aesmaia Cymro (M aismain Cemre ) , thebattle of, 3 6 .

M agnus, son of H arold, ravages the terri

tories of the English , 25.

comes with an army to M ona, and

encounters the French, 3 1 .

departs, 3 1

is killed atDublin , 3 3 .

M alcolm (M ai lcholum, M alcolum) , king of

the Scots , slain , 29.

M alefannt (M alefant), Walter, is slain , 97 .

M almesbury bes ieged by Henry, duke of

N ormandy, 44.

M aredudd (M arednt, M areduch) , sei z ed byhis brother I orwerth , 3 3 .

escapes from prison , 3 4 .

takes L lywelyu, son ofOwain , prisoner,

3 8.

blinds and castrates him,

h is death , 3 9.

158 I NDEX.

M aredudd (M areduc) , son of Cadwgan ,killed by h is brother M organ , 3 7.

M aredudd (M arednt) , son of Edwin , holds

the government of Rhydderch , son

of I estyn , 23 .

killed by the sons of Cynan , 23 .

M aredudd (M arednt), son of Grufi’


killed in the battleof M echain , 26 .

M aredudd (M arednt), son of Grufi’

udd ,

destroys the castle of L lychwr, 45.

h is death , 46 .

M aredudd (M aredn t) , son of Gwrwared ,

archdeacon of Caermarthen , dies,

M aredudd (M arednt) , son of Howel, slain

by the sons of B leddyn ,4 1 .

M aredudd (M arednt), son of L lywarch ,

kills h is own cous in , 88 .

M aredudd (M areduth), son of L lywelyn ,

of M eirionydd, dies , 89 .

M aredudd (M arednt) , son of M adog, slain

by H ugh de M ortimer, 43 .

M aredudd (M arednt) , son of M adog of

Y ale, said to have plotted the death

of his brother Gruffudd, 82.

h is death, 90 .

M aredudd (M arednt) son of Owain , slays

Cadwallon , son of I dwal, and pos

sesses h imself of h i s country, 20 .

pays a ransom to the Pagans for those

who had been taken captive in

M ona, 2 1 .

ravages M acs Hyveidd, 2 1 .

fights against the sons of M eurig ,

near L langwin , 2 1 .

his death, 22 .

M aredudd (M arednt) , son ofOwain ,killed

by C aradog, son of Grufl'

udd , 26 .

M aredudd (M arednt) , son of Owain ,made

to give up M evenydd to M aelgwn ,

son of M aelgwn , for Penarch, 8 1 .

enters into terms of fideli ty wi th

prince L lywelyn , 9 1 .

receives from h im the part of Cere

d ig iou, wh ich belonged to Edward ,

9 1 .

harasses the English , 93 .

M aredudd (M arednt) , son of Owain—coat.

encamps wi th a large army atMaenor,96 .

gives Buellt to prince L lywelyu, 98.

M aredudd (M arednt) , son of Rhys, sei z ed

by h is father, 60 .

released from prison, 6 1 .

ki lled by the French of Cydweli , 62 .

buried near the church of S t. M ary, in

Cydweli, 62.

M aredudd (M arednt) , son of R hys, arch

deacon of Cardigan, dies , 76.

M aredudd (M arednt, M areduth) , son of

Rhys the H oarse. plunders the

v illage of Caermarthen , 86.

joins L lywelyn , son of Grufi'

udd , in

h is on set on the M i dland Coun try,

9 1 .

receives hi s inheri tance back from

L lywelyn , 9 1 .

j oms L lywelyu against the English

army on the Severn , 92 .

does homage to the king, 96 .

burns houses and vi llages in Cydweli ,

96 .

wounded, 96.

flees to Caermarthen in great disgrace,96 .

meets warriors from Cydweli , Caer

marthen , Pembroke, Rhos, and

Cemaes, at A berteivy, 97 .

makes h i s escape wi th d ifficulty to

C ilgerran , 9 7.

his death, 1 04 .

M aredudd (M arednt) , son of Robert, dies

after taking the religious hab it at

S trata Florida, 85 .

M areschal, A nselm, dies at Striguil, 86 , 87 .

i s buried at T intern, 86 .

M areschal, Gi lbert, espouses the sister of

the king of Scotland, 8 1 .

M areschal, R ichard, dissension between

him and king H enry I I I ., 79 .

goes over to the Welsh , 79 .

burn s the v i llage of M onmouth, and

takes the castles of Cardifl‘

, Pen

celli , Bwlch y Ddinas, Gaven ny,

and Blaen a s .

1 60 I NDEX.

M eurig (M euruc)— cont.

son s of, and M aredudd , son of

Owain , 2 1 .

M eurig (M euruc), son of A dam,slain ,


M eurig (H enrie) , son of A rthvacl, killed,

23 .

M eurig (M euruc), son of Cadvan , death

of, 1 9 .

M eurig (M eurie) , son of Grufl‘

udd, receives

Cyvei liog from h is uncle M edog,

son of M aredudd, 44 .

M eurig (M eurie) , son of H owel, sei z ed by

the Pagans , 23 .

M eurig (M eurie) , son of I dwal, deprived

of hi s sight, 1 9 .

M eurig (M eurie) , son of M adog, slain

through treachery by h is own men ,

43 .

M eurig (M eurie), son of M eurig, blinded

and cas tra ted, 3 9 .

M eurig (M eurie) , son of R hi rid (i ) , kills

his cousin M adog, son of L lywarch,

38 .

M eurig (M eurie) , son of Traha iarn , killed

by Owain , son of Cadwgan , 3 3 .

M evenydd (M even it) , M aredudd , son of

Owain , made to give up, 8 1 .

M i chael, the archangel, consecration of the

church of, 9 .

M i lk turned to blood, 8 .

M i lo, earl of H ereford, slai n , 42.

M inorites, the order of, in sti tuted , 67 .

M ogedawg (M ocetaue) , the battle of, 9 .

M olyn s (M eules) , N icholas de. seneschal

of Caermarthen , marches at the

head of a large army to the territoryof M aelgwn , 86 .

passes the ri ver Dovey, 86 .

M ona (M on , M on ia) , the isle of, subdued

by Howel, 1 2 .

Oyuun , his brother, expelled by him

from,1 2 .

ravaged by the Black Pagans, 1 3 .

the battle on Sunday in , 1 5.

ravaged by the son of H arold, 1 9 ,

20 .

invested by Grufl‘

udd, son of Cynan ,32 .

M ona (M on , M onia) the isle of—cout.K ing Henry I L

’s fleet touches at.

and a battle en sues, in which manyof the French are slain, 47 .

M oney, a change efl'

ected in the coinage of,

55, 66 , 105.

M onks of Canterbury, the, elect their sub

prior to the archi episcopal see, 64.

bribed by ki ng John , 64 .

violate their promise, 65.

expelled from the kingdom by the

king, 65.

M onmouth (M onemu) , the village of,

burnt by R ichard M areschal, 79 .

M ontefort, S imon de, marries A lienor-a,coun tess ofPembroke, 82.

M ontgomery (M ungumeri) , Hugh dc, ravages Ceredi gion , 26.

M ontgomery (M ungumria, M ungumbria)devasta ted by prince L lywelyn , 78 .

the English flee to, 92 .

the village of, burnt by some of L lywelyn

’s parti z ans, 93 .

M onthenesy, W illiam de, oppressed under

the wall ofDyryslwyn castle, 1 09 .

M oon , the, turned of a bloody colour, 8.

three moon s seen in the heaven s, 68 .

M organ (M orean t) , death of, 8 .

M organ , death of, 1 9 .

M organ , son of Cadwgan , kills h is brother

M aredudd, 3 7 .

goes to Jerusalem on accoun t of the

fratricide, 3 8.

dies on h is return in the i sland of

Cyprus, 3 8.

M organ Gam (Cam) , i . e. the Crooked, his

castle, 86 .

M organ (M organ t) , son of Owain , kills

R ichard, son of Gi lbert, 40.

i s ki lled, 47 .

M organ Patta dies, 55.

M organ , son of Rhys the Great, dies, 88.

M organeu, bishop, killed by the Pagans ,


M organwg (M organnnc) , b ishop, dies, 23 .

M orgetiud, king of the Dimeti ans , dies,1 I .

INDEX. 1 6]

M ori castle demolished by the earl of

L eicester, 1 02.

M orlais, b ishop, death of, l8.

M ortimer, Hugh de, takes Rhys, son of

H owel, prisoner, 43 .

kills M aredudd, son of M adog, 43 .

blinds Rhys , son of Howel, in prison ,

44 .

M ortimer, Randulph de, death of, 86 .

M ortimer, Roger de, his soldiers killed by

Rhys, son ofGrufl'

udd , 60 .

fortifies the castle of M aeli enydd, 84.

deprived of the territory of Gwerth

ryn ion, 9 1 .

the castles of Huntington and Hay,

wi th the adjacent vi llages , delivered

by Edward to the custody of, 1 0 1 ,

lo2 .

captured, 1 10 .

M orva M awr (M orvamaur), pri nce L lywe

lyn passes the n i ght at, 9 1 .

M urehath (M urcherdac) , king of I reland ,

dies, 3 7 .

N ant Caruo, the battle of, 1 8 .

N ant Conwy (N antconuy) the battle of,

1 9 .

N edd (N eth) , the abbey of, founded, 89.

the castle of, reduced to ashes by .

prince L lywelyn , 78 .

N ewborough, the earl of L eicester destroys

the bridge of, 1 02.

N ew Castle recovered by Rhys, son of

M aredudd, 1 1 0 .

N icholas de M olyns , see M olyn s.

N ight becomes light as day, 8 .

N obis (N ovna, N ovis) , bishop, reigns in

M cnevi n, 1 3 .

N ormandy -cont.

an army from, accompan ies king

Henry I I . against the Welsh to

Oswestry, 50 .

king John levies a tax to enable him

to recover h is inheri tance in , 66.

N ormans, the, ravage Loyer, Brechein iog,

Gwent, and Gwentllwg. 1 6 .

N orwich, a boy crucified at, 43 .

the b ishop of, accompan ies king Johnto Canterbury, 64 .

the bishop of, exempted from banish

ment, 66 .

N yver (N ewer, Kemmer, the castle of,

taken by Rhys, son of Grufl'



the castle of, demoli shed by Howel

the Saxon , 60 .


a, king of the Saxons, destroys the

Britons of South Wales, 1 0 .

his death , 1 1 .

C abrit (Osfri t), king of the Saxon s, dies,9 .

Osterlof, the manor of; burnt by Rhys,

son of M aredudd, 109.

Oswald, king of the N orthern s, slain in

battle, 7 .

Oswestry (Croes Oswald), rebui lt by

M adog, son of M aredudd, 44 .

king H enry I I . arrives at the head of

a large army at, 50.

Oswid (Osguid) , king of the Saxons, comesand plunders, 7.

hi s death , 8 .

Otho assists his uncle king John in Poictou,70 .

attacked and routed byPhilip, king of

France, 70 .

Otho (Oto), legate of Rome, comes over toEngland, 82.

returns from England, 88 .

L 2

1 62 mn sx.

O tho (Oto) , legate of Rome-«ma t.

is captured w ith many nrclub ishops ,

bishops, abbots , and other eccles ias

tics, 83 .

is in the Tower of London , 103 .

holds a council in L ondon , 1 03 .

returns to R ome, 1 03 .

Otter (Oter, Othyr) comes to Britain ,

1 0 7.

Owain (Owin , Owen , Owein ), son of Ca

dwgan , ki lls M eurig and Grufi'


sons of Trahaiarn , 83 .

burns the castle of Cenarth Bychan ,


(son of Rh irid, burns M eirionydd,

3 4 .

attacks the Flemings, 3 5.

goes to I reland, 3 4 , 85.

returns and recovers h is terri tory, 3 5. Ideprives M adog, son of Rhirid, of his

s ight, 3 5.

killed by Grufl'

udd, son of Rhys (bythe Flemings, 3 6 .

Owai n (Ov in , Owyn , Gwein ) de Cyveiliog ,manfully res ists king H enry, 1 1 .

flees in to England, 5 1 .

Owain (Owia ), son of Dyvnwal, is slain ,

2 2 .

Owain (Ov in , Owein ) , son of Edwin , d ies ,

after a long illness , 3 3 .

Owain (Ov in ) , son of Grufl‘

udd, death of,


Owain (Gwyn , Gweyn ) , son of Grufl'


commi ts depredations i n M eirion

ydd, 3 7 .

undertakes an exped i tion into Cere

d igiou, 40, 4 1 .

destroys the castles of Y st M eurig,

Stephen ,H umphrey, and C aer

marthen, 4 1 .

return s home, 4 1 .

goes to A berteivy, and concludes a

truce, 4 1 .

opposed by h is brother Cadwalader,4 2 .

is reconci led to him, 42.

attacks the Germans, and puts them

to flight, 42 .

Owain (Owyn , Oweyn ) , son of Grufl'

ui d-



ilds a castle i n the terri tory of Yale.

resists king Henry I I . near Olww y.

rebfilds the castle of Caerein ion , 5 1 .takes the castle of Rhuddlan , 5 1 .

Owain (Owia , Owyn ) , son of Grufiudd,

with his brother L lywelyn , succeeds

David, son of L lywelyn , 85 .

dissens ion between him and his brother

L lywelyn, 89 .

sei z ed by L lywelyn , and deprived of

his land , 89 .

Owain (Owin), son of Grufiudd, son of

Gwenwynwyn , left by his fi ther i n

free custody wi th L lywelyu, 104.

Owain (Owin , Owein ) , son of Grufl’


son of M aredudd, receives Cyveiliogfrom his uncle M adog, 44 .

Owa in (Owia) , son of Grufiudd (son of

R hys), takes Diuevwr and L lan

dovery, 69.

takes and destroys the castles of Caer

marthen , Cydweli , St. S tephen , S t.

C lare, and Trevdraetb , 7 1 .

his death , 8 1 .

his character, 8 1 .

Owain (Owia , Gwein) , prince of N orth

Wales, encamps , and erects a for

tification nea r Basingwerk, 4 6 .

makes peace wi th king Henry I I .,

4 7.

gives him hostages , 47 .

deli vers E in ion Clad to the French ,


slain by the men of his brother David ,53 .

Owain (Owin) , son of H owel, death of,

2 1 .

Owain (Gwein ), son of I orwerth, death of,

90 .

Owain (Owein ) , son of M adog , takes the

castles of Conoclas, Trevclawdd, de

N ortun , and L lauandras, 100.

Owain (Eugem, Owia , Oweyn ), son of M 1

redudd , dies, 1 1 .

1 64 ms .

Philip, king of the French—cont.

proceeds to the Holy Land, 57.

subjagates N ormandy under his own

proposes to go over into England i n

order to restore S tephen , archb ishopof Canterbury, to hi s see, 6 9 .

returns, 69 .

attacks and routs the army ofOtho, 70 .

h is death , 75.

Phi lip, king of France, son of king L ouis,

di es, 1 08.

Phili p, his son , succeeds him, and is

crowned, 1 08.

Philip M agnel falls in battle, 60 .

Picts, the, war between them and the

Pilgrims from Dimetia and Ceredigion

drowned, 48.

Pirates from I reland invited by the V ene

dotians to thei r ass istance, 3 1 .

Poictou, an army from, accompanies kingH enry I I . in his expedition against

the Welsh, 50.

king John enters, 66, 70 .

L ouis, king of France, subdues, 76 .

king Henry I I I . loses, 76 .

the same crosses over in to, 84.

Pope, the, quarrels with king John , 64 , 65.

Poresmue, king Henry II. at, 78.

Porthlagi reduced by R ichard , earl of

S triguil, 53 .

Powys reduced under the power of the

Saxons , 1 2 .

Powysians, king H enry I . marches against

the, 3 7 .

they enter into peace wi th him, 3 7.

Pramonstran ts, the order of; insti tuted, 3 4 .

Preachers, the order of, insti tuted, 62.

Precen tor, a , appointed in the church of

M cnevin, 76.

Prior, the, of Can terbury, goes to Rome,66 .

Provence, king H enry III. marries the

daughter of the earlof, 81 .

Pwllgydig (Pullgudic, Pullgudi t) , the bat

Pwllduwath (Pullduwath) , the battle of, 24 .

Radnor burnt by Rhys, son of Grufiudd .


devastated by L lywelyn , prince of

N orth Wales, 78.

the castle of, rebuilt by R ichard , earl

of Cornwall, 79 .

the castle of, taken by the barons, 10 1 .

Rain of blood in Brita in and I reland, 8.

Randulph, earl of Chester, sei z es kingStephen and sends him to prison , 4 1 ,42 .

taken by the king, 43 .

his death, 45 .

Randulph (Radulph) de M ortimer, deathof, 86.

Reginald de Bruse, death of, 76 .

Reginald , earl of Cornwall, encamps at

Dinweileir, 48.

hi s death, 54 .

Rein (Regin , Reyn ) , ki ng of the Dimetians ,death of, 1 1 .

Rein (Reyn ) , a Scot, pretends to be the sonof M aredudd, 23 .

attacked and killed by Seisyll, king of

V enedotia, 28.

Rhesterwein (Resterwein), Rhys, son of


udd, removes his men and


ects to, 48.

Rhi rid (B irit, R irid), son of Bleddyn, ex

pels Rhys , son of Tewdwr, from his


slain in battle, 28.

Rhirid (Biri t, R irid) , son of Owa in , killed

by h is nephew Cadwallon , 87

Rhiwallou (Buallo, Ruallaun ), slain in

battle, 26.

Rhodri (Rotri, Bodri ) , king of the Britons,death of, 10 .

Rhodri (Rotri, Bodri ), the Great, ki lled bythe Saxons, 1 5 .

avenged in the battle of Conwy, 1 5.

Rhodri (Rostri, Bodri), son of Hyveidd,

beheaded in A rwystli , 1 6.

I NDEX. 1 65

Rhodri (Botri , Bodri ) , son of Howel, death Rhys (Res) , son ofGrufl'


of. 19.burns the castles in Ceredigion which

Rhodri (Bodri ) , son of I dwal, ki lled, 1 9. had been erected by the Preach , 48.

Rhodri (Bodri) , son of Owain , death of, also those wh ich had been made by

59 .

m a x i mi s ing sleep of M ae-1m

obtained by Grufi'

udd, son of Rhys,


confiagrations in , 57.

L lywelyn , prince of N orth Wales ,

goes to, 72.

passes the night at Pyle in . 74 .

armedmen from, assi st in killingWilliam Techo and H en ry Goeth, 95.

Rhuddlan (Rudglann, Rudlan , Ruthlan,

Rutlan) , the battle of, 1 1 .

ki ng Henry I I . proceeds to, and en

camps at, 47.

the castle of, taken by Owain , son of

Grufludd, and R hys , son of Gruf

fudd, 5 1 .

king Edward encamps at, 1 05.

Rhun (Run ) , son of Owain , dies , 43 .

Rhun (Run ) , son of U rien , bapti z es Ed

win , 6 .

R huvon iog (Roweynauc) , the region of,

attacked by the Saxons , 1 2.

Rhydderch (R iderch ), bishop, dies, 1 9 .

Rhydderch (R iderch, Redercb) , son of

Caradog, holds South Wales, 27.

is engaged in the battle of Camddwr,27.

killed by his cousin M eirchion , 27.

Rhygewarch (R igewarc) , clerk, the treschery of, 50.

Rhys, son of Bledrig, death of, 59 .

Rhys (Res), son of Grufiudd, obtains the

portion of his brotherM aredudd, 46.

marches against Owain Gwynedd as

far as A berdovey, 46.

makes a fossc there , and afterwards

founds a castle, 46 .

carries on thewar against the English 2

king alone, 47.

takes Cantrev M awr, 47.

takes at the first onset the castle of

L landovery, 48.

leads his army against Caermarthen ,

and bes ieges i t, 48.

removes h is men and goods to Bbcs

terwein , 48.

forc ibly acquires Dinweileir and

L landovery, 49 .

makes peace with the king, 49 .

harasses Roger, earl of C lare , burns

the castle of A ber Rheidi ol, and the

castle of M abwyn ion , and subdues

the whole region of Ceredigion , 49,

50 .

jorns the allied princes against king

H enry I L , 50 .

takes the castle of A berteivy, 50.

imprisons Robert, son of Stephen , 50 .

rebuilds the castle of Caerein ion , 5 1 .

takes the castle of Rhuddlan , 51 .

builds the castle of A berein ion , 52.

leads his army to Brechein iog, 52 .

is put to flight, 52.

leads his army again to B recheiniog

and burns a great part of the land,

52 .

destroys the castle of Buellt, 52 .

returns home victorious, 52 .

rebuilds the castle of A berteivy, 53 .

leads h is army into South Wales, 57 .

causes conflagrations in Rhos and

Pembroke, 57 .

plun ders Gower, 57 .

destroys the castle of Carnwyllon , 57

takes other castles in Dimetia, 57.

lays siege to the castle of Caermar

then , 57 .

makes peace wi th the king, 57 .

besieges the castle of Clare and takes

possession of it, 57 .

gives it to his son, H owel the Saxon ,


takes the castle of Nyver, 58 .

liberates his son M aelgwn fi'

onr the

prison ofWilliam de Bruse, 58.

besieges Abertawe, 58.

1 66 i s nsx.

Rhys (lies ) , son of Grufl'

ndd—cos t.

raises the s iege, 58.

captured by his sons Howel and

M aelgwn , 59.

sei z es h is two sons M aredudd and

R hys the L ittle, 60 .

barns Caermarthen, 60 .

leads his army to H ereford, 60 .

burns Radnor, 60 .

slays a large number of the sold iers of

Roger de M ortimer, 60 .

his death , 60 .

his character, 60 .

his elegy, 6 1 .

Rhys, son of Grnflndd, with the assistance

of the French , takes Dinevwr and

L landovery, 69 .

obtains possession of Cydweli and

Carnwyllon , 7 l .

plunders Gov er and demolishes i ts

castles, 7 1 .

his death , 75.

Rhys (Ros s) , the Hoarse (Gryg), dies at

L landei lo the Great, 80 .

Rhys, son of Howel, goes to A berteivy to

the assistance of Owai n and Cad

walader, sons of Grnfl'

udd, 40.

ki lls Howel, son of Rhydderch, 42.

taken and imprisoned by Hugh de

M ortimer, 43 .

deprived of h is s ight by the same, 44.

takes possession of Cered igion, and

builds Ystrad M eurig, 45.

(son of Grufludd destroys the castle

of L lychwr, 45,

(son of Grnfindd ravages Cyveiliog,

Rhys the L i ttle captured by his anther,Rhys, son of Grnfl


ndd, 60 .

released from prison , 6 1 .

holds possession of Can trev Bychan

and the town , 63 .

burns the castle of L lychewein, 66.

burns it a second time, 66 .

goes to the ass istance of king John ,6 7.

burns the castle of A berystwyth, 68.

taken by theFrench, 69.

Rhys the L i ttle—coat.

joins the exped ifion of prince L lywelyn , 72 .

Rhys the L i ttle (V ychan ) , ejected from h is

terri tory, 9 1 .

utterly demolishes the castle of Buellt,98.

destroys the castle of L lanbadarn the

Great, takes the castles of L lan

dovery and Carreg Ocaucu, lo6.

imprisoned in London , 1 07.

Rhys, son of M aelgwn , dies at S trata Flo

rida, 89 .

buried near his s ister, midst great

lamen tation , 89 .

Rhys, son of M aredudd, dies , and is buried,

1 03 .

Rhys, son of M aredudd, holds lands by

gift of the king, 1 07 .

takes the castles of Llandovery, Dine

vwr, and Garreg Cennan , 109 .

burns the v illage of Swayne and the

manorofOsterlof, with other places ,1 09.

escapes wi th a few men , 1 10 .

recovers hi s castle, called the N ew

Castle, l lO.

Rhys (R es) , son of Owain , kills Bleddyn ,

son of Cynvyn , 26 .

engaged in the battle of Camddwr, 27 .

conquers Goronwy and L lywelyn ,

son s of Cadwgan , in the battle of

Gwynnotyll, 27 .

slain by Trahaiarn, son of Caradog,27 .

Rhys, son of Rhys, released from theking’


prison ,

his death , 84.

Rhys (R es) , son of Rhys M echyll, escapes

to the castle of Diuevwr, 94.

Rhys (Res) , son of Tewdwr, beg in s to

reign , 2 7.

kills T rahaiarn son of Guradog, Cara

dog son of Grufl’udd, and M eilir

son of Rhiwallou in the battle of

Carn mountai n , 27 , 28 .

expelled from h is kingdomby the sonsof Bleddyn , 28.

1 68 mnnx.

Robert Tybetot Typetot) , quarrels

wi th R hys, son of M aredudd, 1 09 .

takes the castle of Rhys, called the N ew

Castle, 1 1 0 .

Roger, earl of Clare, invades Ceredigi

47 , 48.

fortifies the castles of Ystrad M eurig,

Humphrey, and Aberdovey, 48.

encamps at'

Dinweileir, 48.

returns without success, 48.

harassed by Rhys, son of Grufi'

udd ,

4 9.

Roger, son of H ugh the Fat, succeeds his

father, 3 3 .

Roger de M ortimer M ortuo-mari ) , for

tifies the castle of Cameron, 59.

forty of his soldi ers killed by Rhys,

son of Grufl‘udd, 60.

fortifies the castles in M aelienydd , 84.

deprived of the land of Gwerthryn ion ,

9 1 .

en ters the ruin s of Cevnllys, with the

view of repairing them, 1 00 .

gets the custody of the castles of Hon

ti ngtou and H ay, with the adjacent

villages , 10 1 .

taken prisoner, 1 1 0 .

Rome, a s chism in the church of, 48 .

a general counci l held in , 72 .

the dispute between the C istercian s

and Claravallenses settled in the

Rutnant, sixty Welshman ki lled near, 59 .

Saladin , the, overcomes the Chri stians at

the sea of Tiberius, 56.

Saracens, the, overcome the Christians, 55,56 .

take the city of Damietta through

Satur b iu win, Sadurnven ) , bishop Of

M cnevin, dies, 1 8.

Saxons, the, Easter first celebrated by, 8.

war between them and theBritons, lo.

invade the moun tains of Eryri and the

kingdom of Rhuvoniog, 1 2 .

destroy the fort of Dyganwy , 1 2.

Schism in the church of Rome, 48.

healed, 55.

Scotland, an army from, follows kingH enry I I . against theWelsh, 50 .

the king of, marries the sister of the

king of England, 75.

the sister of the king of, espoused to

Gilbert M areschal, 8 1 .

Scots, the ki ng of the, dies, 28.

they receive much money from Rhys,son of Tewdwr, 28.

Sei syll (Sei sil, Seys ill), son of Dyvnwal,killed by Wi lliam de Bruse, 54 .

Seisyll (Seis il) , ki ng of V enedotia, ki lls

R ein the Scot, 23 .

Selim, sou of Oyasu, falls in the battle of

Caerleon , 6.

Severn , the slaughter of the, 7 .

the Engli sh army arrayed against the

Welsh , near the, 92.

Shrewsbury, David, brother of L lywelyn ,hanged and quartered at, 1 07.

Shrine, the, of S t. David, stolen from the

church, 28 , 29 .

of S t. David begun in the church of

M enevia, 1 04.

S imon de M ontefort marries Eleanor,countess of Pembroke, 82.

hi s daughter gives b irth to a daughter

and dies in tad 10 7 .

Snow, of long continuance, called the great

snow, 24 .

Snowdon subjugated by king Edward, 1 06 .

Spain , Edward espouses the daughter of

the ki ng of, 89 .

St. Alban , dedication of the church of, 3 6.

St. Bridget, birth of, 3 .

death of, 4.

S t. Clare, the castle of, taken by L lywelyu

and his confederates, 7 1 .

S t. Columcille, birth of, 4 .


St. David (Dewi ), b irth of, 3 .

appoints a synod at Caerleon , 6 .

Baldwin , archb ishop of Canterbury,

visits the see of, 56 .

his praise celebrated in hymns and

canticles, 87.

S t. Dogmael, the church of, robbed by the

Pagans, 4 1 .

St. Egydius , the castle of the earl of,

attacked by L ouis, king of the

Fren ch, 76 .

S t. Mary de Suwerke, the order of Cano

n icais insti tuted in the church of,

3 4.

St. Patrick, death of, 3 .

St. Peter, W illiam de Bruse escapes from

pri son in the cathedral of; 7 7.

St. Stephen , the castle of, taken by L ly

welyu and his confederates , 7 1 .

S t. Thomas’

s, Louis , king of France, vis its ,

translation of his remains , 75 .

church of; at Haverford , 76.

Star, the rising of a, 7.

of a wonderful magn itude, 8 .

Stanlowe, the abbey of, 1 06 .

Stephen Bauson Bauz on , Bauthun )sacrilegi ously enters the White

H ouse, 92.

passes the n i ght at Caermarthen , 93 .

Stephen. earl of Blois, comes over to

England, 3 9 .

invades and obta in s the kingdom, 3 9 .

as king he besieges the emmessM atilda, 4 1 .

takes the castle of Bangaye, 4 1 .

seised by Randulph, earl of Chester,

and Robert, earl of Gloucester, and

sen t to prison , 4 1 , 42.

liberated, 4 2 .

takes Randulph in his own court, 43 .

his death , 45 .

S tephen the Constable opposes Owain and

Cadwalader, sons of Grufiudd, wi th

their con federates , 40.

mm for the arch iepi scopal see of

Canterbury, 65.

1 69

S tephen de Langton—cont.

consecrated archb ishop by the same,66 .

banished by the king, 65.

Ph i lip, king of the French, proposes

to restore him, 69 .

goes to Rome , 7 1 .

S tranges , John , in the English army on

the S evern , 92 .

S trata Florida, Owain , son of Grufl‘

udd,di es at, 8 1 .

all the princes of Wales swear fide

lity to David, son of L lywelyn , at,82 .

Rhys, son of M aelgwn , dies at, 89 .

M argaret, wi fe of Owai n , son of

M aredudd, buried at, 90 .

David ap H owel of A rwystli buried

at, 96 .

burn t, 1 09 .

Stratford, king H enry III. encamps at, 1 03 .

S trath C lyde (S trat C lut) , ravaged by theS axons, 1 8.

Strongbow, Gilbert, death of, 44 .

Sab in ,death of, 1 5.

Suli en (Sulgen ) succeeds to the see of

M enevia, _ 26.

resigns it, 27 .

assumes the b ishoprick a second time,27 .

resigns i t agai n , 28.

his death , 29.

Summer, a hot, 9 .

Sun , sec Ecli pse.

Sun day, the battle on a, 16.

Sweyn , son of H arold , ravages Eumon ia,or the I sle of M an , 2 1 .

is wrecked , 22.

comes to England, 22.

Sweyne, the village of, burnt by Rhys, son

of M aredudd, 1 09 .

Synod of V ictory, 5 .

of Caerleon , 6 .

Talargan , king of the Pi cts , killed by the

Britons, 9.

Tanchard (Tankard) , a monk, killed byM aelgwn, son of Rhys, 59.

Tartars, the , occupy the kingdom of

Jerusalem, 99.

Techo, W illiam, slain by armed men from

Pembroke and Rhos , 95.

Teivy (Tewy, Tegui the Fren ch and

Flemings, drowned in the, 40 .

appears bloody for two days , 50.

Tenby (Tinebeth, Dynbech) , Cadell, son of


udd, severely wounded near,

45 .

Tewdwr (Teudubr, Tendar) , son of Beli,

death of, 9 .

Tewdwr (Tendar) , son of Ein ion , killed ,

2 1 .

Theobald, archb ishop, death of, 49.

Thief, a, detected in the church ofM cnev in,

87 .

Thomas Becke, see Becke.

Thomas , archb ishop of Canterbury, con

secrated , 49 .

banished , 50 .

crosses over i nto Flanders to avoid

the wrath of the king, 5 1 .

the bishops and many of the great

men of England write to the pope

against him,52 .

excommun icates Geofl'

rey Foliot, arch

b ishop of York, 52.


ers martyrdom, 53 .

Thomas W allensis succeeds to the see of

M cnevin, 87.

consecrated, 88 .

Thomas , A rchbishop of York, dies, 3 2 .

Thunder, great, 1 2 .

T iberias , the Chri stians overcome near the

sea of, 56 .

T intern , foundation of, 3 9 .

Walter and AnselmM areschal, buried

at, 86.


U bis ravages M enevia, 22.

U ehtryd (U thtrit, U chrid, V edrith), son of

Edwin , devastates Pembroke, 30.

the castle of, demolished by Einion ,son of Cadwgan , and Grufl


udd, son

of M aredudd, 36.

Tmhai i rn (Traharin, Trabara ) , sm o!

Caradog, succeeds to the kingdom Of

V enedotia, 26, 27.

victorious in the battle of Pwllgydig ,


kills Rhys and his brother Howel, 27 .

Trahaiarn (Trahair) , son of Cedivor,killed by the French , 57 .

Trallwng (Trallug), L lywelyn , son of


ndd, at, 92 .

Translation of S t. Thomas the Martyr, 75.

Trenchemer, W illiam, killed, 4 7 .

Trevclawdd (Trefecland), the castle of,

taken by Owain, son of M edog,

1 00 .

Trcvdracth (Treat-aid) , the castle of, taken

by L lywelyn , prince of North

Trevetland (Trefetland), the vi llage of;burn t by the lords of Ceri and

Cydewig, 98.

Trevgarn (Trefgarn) , a place at, given to

the C isterc ians, 4 3 .

Trevi lan (Trefilan ) , the castle of, built byM aelgwmson of M aelgwn , 8 1 .

Trifun (Trifin) , son of Rein , dies, 1 2 .

Trin ity, the, foundation of the abbey of,

3 4 .

Trirbelevi le, H enry, succours the castle of

Caermarthen , 79 .

Troyt, Grufl'

udd, killed , 58.

Tudur, son of Pret, ki lled, 59 .

Tybetot Robert, quarrels with

R hys, son of M aredudd, 109.

takes his castle, l lO.



ywi (Tewy) . many persons drowned inthe, 7 9 .

1 72

Wenlock, Peter, prior of, made bi shop of

M cnevin, 55 .

Wepin i , Robert de, put to flight, 68 .

Westminster, the foundation of, lai d, 86 .

king Edward I. crowned at, 1 04 .

he enacts many statutes at, 1 04 .

Wh ite monks, an ordi nance respecting the

ti thes of the, 73 .

monas tery, prince L lywelyu burns

the vi llage of the, 79 .

Tower, prince Edward finds hi s

father in the, 99 .

Whi ttington , the castle of, taken by L lywelyn , 76 ,

Wilfre, b ishop of M enevia, dies, 3 5 .

William, son of Baldwin , dies, 80 .

William the B astard deprives Harold of

the kingdom of England, 25.

hi s death, 28 .

W i lliam de Bruse, see Bruse.

William de Burrethe Burreehe) , canon

of M enevia, succeeds to the

treasury, 1 06 .

hi s death , 1 06 , 1 07 .

Wi lliam Dewer, bi shop of H ereford , dies ,

62 .

William Gerald destroys the castle of

Gwys, 44 .

William Long-sword sei z ed by Phi lip,

ki ng of M oe, 70 .

W illiam M areschal, see M areschal.

W illiam de M onthenesy oppressed under

a wall, 1 09 .

Wi lliam the Red (Goch) , h is two sons

ki lled by the English, 93 .

William Rufus succeeds to the throne of

England, 28.

goes over to N ormandy, 29 .

leads an army against the B ritons, 3 0.

a second time, but is unsuccessful, 3 1 .

killed by an arrow whi le hunting,

3 2.


Yale, Owain , son of Grufiudd, bui lds a

castle in , 44 .

York, the b ishop of, dies, 3 .

the city of, laid waste, 1 4 .

Thomas , archbi shop of, dies, 32 .

Y sgythrog (Eschi tranc) Brochwel, dies,Y strad Brunus, the Flemings kill Owain

in , 3 7.

Y strad M eurig (Stratmeuric), the cas tle

of, destroyed by Owain and C ad

walader, 4 1 .

rebuilt by Cadell and his brothers, 45 .

fortified by Roger de Clare, 4 7 , 48 .

Y strad Tywi (Strattui , Stratewy, Stratewi )devastated by A narawd and the

English , 1 5.

the treachery of the nobles of, 24

devastated by Grufl'

udd, son of L lywelyn , 24.

also by the French, 30 .

armed men proceed to devastate the

territory of, 93 .

war between the men of, and those of

Cydweli , 1 04 .

William Techo killed by armed men fromPembroke and Rhos, 95.

William Trenchemer ki lled, 47.William de V alencia, see V alencia.

Winchester, a quarter of David’

s remains

suspended at, 1 0 7.

W ingan , H enry, constable of Erbert, slaini n battle, 95 .

Wi seford , the burgesses of take R obert,

son of Stephen , prisoner, 53 .

Wolf, a rab id, at Caermarthen b i tes

twenty-two persons, nearly all of

whom die, 50 , 5 1 .

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V ol. I .

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R E I GN or H EN R I I V . V ol. I . Edi ted by the Rev. F. C .

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A N GL I E . (A .D. 447 E di ted by J. E . B . M AYOR , M .A .

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WA U R I N . E dited by W. HARDY, E sq.

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I n Progress .

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Ch ief of the M S . Departmen t of the British M useum.

L ETTER S AN D TR EAT I SE S or B I SH OP GROSSETETE, illustrative of theSoc ial Cond i tion of h is T ime. E d i ted by the Rev . I I . R . L U ARD,M .A . ,

Fellow and A ss istan t Tutor of Trin ity College, C ambridge.


T I ON E AD A N N U M 12 1 3 , U N A C U M CON T I N U AT I ON E AD A N N U M

14 1 8. E d i ted by the Rev. W . D. M ACR AY, M .A . , Bodleian

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N ovember 1 860.

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