
Christmas traditions

In Bari Christmas begins December 6th : Feast of St. Nicholas. At 4.30 am in the Church begins the celebration of Mass in honor of the saint.The Basilica and the nearby streets are crowded with the faithful and everywhere you see a sweet atmosphere of joy.

In honor of St. Nicholas is also the traditional torchlight of the “Company of Bari”. At 5:15, from different parts of the city, faithful groups walk with lighted torches . They meet in front of the church and pray together with the saint.

People buy pieces of polenta (sgagliozze) and pettole, that some women fry in the streets of old town.

After the mass you can buy a cup of hot chocolate…

… or buy sweets in an oldest grocery “Marnarid”, in the old town.

The feast continues in the afternoon, when the statue of the saint is carried in procession in the streets of Old Bari . Late in the evening the fireworks conclude the feast.

In some countries, near Bari, for example Molfetta, this night St. Nicholas brings gifts to children.

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