Christianity Inglish

Post on 22-Jul-2016






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ChristianitySTUDENT: Luis David Rubio HernándezIngles 1er semestre

Christianity (Greek Χριστός, Christos, Christ, literally "anointed") is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion based on the life and teachings attributed to Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the biblical canon and other New Testament writings. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the Messiah (or Christ) prophesied in the Old Testament, who died for the redemption of the sins of mankind, and rose three days after his death.

Some of the Christian sacred writings are shared with Judaism. The Tanakh is, together with the Septuagint Bible (Tanakh older than in its current form), the basis and the source for the Old Testament of the various Christian Bibles. This is why Christianity is considered an Abrahamic religion, along with Judaism and Islam.

Christianity is

Christianity has its historical origin in early Judaism of the current era.

While Jesus of Nazareth always identified himself as a devout Jew, in his doctrine and teachings, He identified Himself as the way Heavenly FatherLikewise, in the Gospels there is ample evidence that Jesus claimed to be the only way to God , so what would be taught himself for his first followers, including Biblical apostles Peter and Paul Simon Tarso.7 8

It is not known precisely how many followers he could achieve in life Christianity Jesus of Nazareth , how many were within the Christian community he founded after his death, executed by secular authorities . However, it is well known that only a few years after his death , Paul of Tarsus , a Jew who , in the words of the Acts of the Apostles - possessed Roman citizenship , played a leading role preaching and contacting various groups Christians of the Middle East. The fundamental role of Paul of Tarsus and other similar figures of early Christianity , has left a considerable influence on the subsequent history

Origin and diffusion


Once converted to the majority religion of the Empire, Christianity spread throughout Europe. The Germanic peoples were Christianized is progressively between the fourth and ninth centuries . Cyril and Methodius preached to the Slavs in the tenth century Christianity had come to the British Isles in the V century , when Patrick of Ireland was active in the region. From the seventh century European Christian powers rivaled the Islamic powers . In southern and central Europe , with the exception of the areas under Muslim administration Christianity was the main religion since before the ninth century to the present. The expansion to Northern Europe and Eastern Europe came later , but also in those regions for centuries Christianity has historically been the majority religion. With European expansion in America was a deliberate effort to impose either peacefully , either through coercion , Christianity American origin populations . Since the sixteenth century the Portuguese were also efforts to bring Christianity to certain areas of Africa and Asia that were under his control . The rise of European colonialism in Africa , Asia and Oceania increased the number of Christians worldwide .

According to a 2005 study in the world have more than 2100 million Christians , 12 or about a third of the world population , being the most followed religion in the world. Another study, published in 2011 , tells of 2.18 billion Christians in the world .

There is a more or less shared core beliefs and doctrines among different Christian groups, although some of these doctrines are not accepted by all. At the core is:

That God is one and the same time, three distinct persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Matthew 28:19) with different missions, the doctrine of the Trinity is accepted by most Christians today, but not for all , and is controversial since the beginning of Christianity;

May God the Father created and maintains the universe by His Word, the Word, without whom nothing was done of everything done (John 1:3);

Father God is revealed from the beginning to the men and took care of mankind to give eternal life to all who seek salvation by patience in good works (Romans 2:6-7);

They spoke to the conscience of our ancestors at various times and in various ways through the prophets, and in the final stage spoke through his Son (Hebrews 1:1-2), Jesus Christ, true man (Jesus of Nazareth), Word of God made flesh (John 1:14), leading to completion the work of the Father for humanity;

It was Jesus Christ who revealed the true nature of God, calling God "his Father and our Father" (John 20:17), and announcing the coming of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8), the Spirit of God, Spirit of the truth (John 16:13), the same that moved him and his apostles made their witnesses.


In general, for Christians Jesus Christ is the Son of God, so that

their practices are oriented towards their relationship with God, which is off their typical activities.

Within the Orthodox and Catholic practices, particularly noted seven sacraments:

Baptism, initiatory sign introduction to Christianity. (Baptism in the Jordan by John the Baptist);

Confirmation, sign confirms faith in Jesus Christ; Eucharist, liturgical sign of the Catholic Church. (Last Supper); Penance sign of forgiveness, repentance of sins; Orders, which are initiated by the priests. (Washing of feet); Marriage, celebration of the union of a man and a woman

before God and the community, and Anointing of the Sick, sign patient care.


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