


Presented by Sangnin, K ( Park)

My purpose : examine and identify the Christian feature, focusing on its effect on identities.


1. explain about religion in Thailand

2. how Buddhist teaches Thais, and what the main point in their philosophy of Buddhist

3. The history of Christian in Thailand

4. Discuss the effect of Christian on identity

Religions in Thailand Buddhist represent

92.3% of national population

- integration ( e.g. Thai- Chinese population )

- Buddhist architecture is similar to

Muslim, represent 5.2 %

Christian, mainly Catholic represent 1.6 %

Buddhist in Thailand Very important in Thai life The philosophy of Buddhist :

- not begin with birth and death

- believe in karma=> the law of cause and effect

- suggests that selfishness and craving-> suffering

- compassion and love -> happiness and well-being

Therefore, eliminate passion-> peace of mind

The history of Christian in Thailand Introduced by European missionaries in

the 1550s Played a vital role in the modernization

of Thailand ( e.g. in social and educational institution )

What Christian did for ThailandMade contributions ( health and education )Introduced surgeryMade the first vaccinationsTrained the doctor in western medicineWrote the first Thai- English Dictionaries


The development of transportation

- travelling easier ( according to UN, a huge increase of the proportion of traveler )

The influence of media technologies e.g. movies, publish ( UN and Arnett agree with this )

The exposure to directly

The effect of Christian on identity1. Bicultural identity :

Cause : the emergence of Christian school/ increasing

- most schools bases on Buddhist

- some depend on Christian ( Christian schools )

What they do or teach: for example

- not only knowledge or language skills

- expose to Christian on students

- teach more global culture, bec. They depend on international company

- provide better resources to access global media

- better activities added the context of Christian=> students are enjoy and happy

Therefore, students become bicultural identities

Arnett and UN

mention it in his article

UN and Arnett’s argument relate to this example Arnett points out that pp. can communicate

each other easily through media technologies

- claims that internet become important

- highlights that this can lead to bicultural identities

UN states that youth are vulnerable

- more open to learn new and unusual things

2. Identity confusion :

Cause : development and advancement of techno. => travel and connect -> easily and rapidly

What happen :

- more youth go aboard to study- more experience

For example : the best ways to learn English for student is to go to Church and to participate in the Christian social

But : when they back to their country=> not feel belong to local or tradition religion

Moreover, some youth have trouble to choose

Arnett’s perspective relate to this example points out that some youth have

experience in losing, or feeling like the lack of meaning with tradition culture while they have chance in global culture as well, which they can find their meaning from this, or may be not -> feeling excluded from both


1. Christian gives opportunity as a choice, in case that people loss their meaning from old religion

2. we can see how Christian affects identities, when they play an alternative role


- gives more choices ( two cultures )-> bicultural identities

- causes identity confusion

Thanks you for your attention

References1. Arnett, J.J. (2002). The psychology of

globalization. American psychologist, 57, 774-783

2. UN, (2003). Young people in a globalizing world. World youth report, chapter 11

3. Chumsriphan, S. (2007). A Brief History Of The Catholic Church In Thailand. Society of Saint Pius X in Asia site, viewed 12 April 2008, <>

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