
  • 1. Two heads are better than one Collaboration Nation Opinion Leader and Fujitsu

2. The power of partnerships Collaboration can- and should be the springboard from which businesses big and small can deliver better results for their customers and themselves. John Cridland- CBI Director-General 3. Why did Fujitsu carry out this research? 4. What did we want to find out about? Collaboration with larger suppliers Issues that prevent collaboration Current procurement landscape Public Vs Private sector 5. Whats the result of partnership? 6. The findings 7. The perceived benefits of collaboration 59% Collaboration between large enterprise + SMEs is key to new ideas of SMEs say that collaboration is essential to innovation. But its not just bright ideas... 62% ... also say its vital to economic growth in the UK as well. 8. Benefits Collaboration also offers benefits to SMEs... 1. 43% of SMEs say collaboration creates future opps for joint bids. 2. 40% say it generates revenue. 3. And 32% say it provides them with access to larger tenders. 9. Collaboration doesnt happen often enough Less than 1 in 10 SMEs say that collaboration between large and small businesses happens often. 10. That might be because. of SMEs say that their ethos doesnt fit with that of a big business. Small Co. & Big Co. Official Response To Tender That may explain why 23% of SMEs feel that its not possible... ...for big and small business to partner up and win work. 11. The barriers 6 in 10 SMEs believe small + large suppliers should work together LARGE CO. But almost every SME says that there is at least one obstacle to collaboration... ... with most citing an average of 6 barriers. 1% no barriersto collaboration 99% at least one barrier to collaboration 12. Top 3 barriers cited by SMEs 1. Government prefers larger suppliers. 2. Payment terms are too long. 3. Too much red tape... 13. The Evidence 14. What the findings have meant to Fujitsu 15. The findings applied to the research world 16. Two heads are better than one Collaboration Nation Opinion Leader and Fujitsu

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