CHECKLIST FOR OUTLINES OF COURSES OF STUDY 2016-2017 · 1. Demonstrate scientific investigation skills (related to both inquiry and research) in the four areas of skills (initiating

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OF STUDY 2016-2017

Private School: UMC High school

Course: Chemistry12

Course Code: SCH4U

Components: Comments:

Title Page

Check off the following items to confirm that all of these components are included in each Outline of Course of Study.

Name of school


Names of the department head, the classroom program developers or teachers

Course development date

Components: Comments:

Course reviser/revision date

Course title/grade/course type

Ministry course code

Credit value

Name of the Ministry curriculum policy documents from which the course has been developed and publication date

Prerequisites and co requisites, if any

Components: Comments:

Course Description/Rationale

As per the description in the appropriate policy document

Overall Curriculum Expectations

Taken from appropriate policy document

Outline of Course Content

Titles of all units in the course

Units listed in the sequence of delivery

Approximate time for each unit adds up

to 110 hours

Teaching & Learning Strategies

Appropriate to the course type (i.e., strategies reflecting the appropriate balance

of theoretical components and practical

applications for the particular type of course) Appropriate to the range of students’

learning needs

Strategies for Assessment & Evaluation of Student Performance

Appropriate to the course type

Appropriate to the students’ range of learning needs



Considerations for Program Planning

How the course incorporates, as appropriate, considerations for program planning that align with Ministry and board policy and initiatives e.g. planning related to students with special needs, English language learners, environmental education, equity and inclusive education, financial literacy education, the Ontario First Nation, Metis, and Inuit education policy framework, the role of information and communications technology, career education, cooperative education, health and safety.


Resources including the names of the textbooks and resource materials that are essential to the course.

Course Outline

School Name:UMC High School

Department Name: SCIENCE

Ministry of Education Course Title: Chemistry, Gr 12, University Preparation

Grade Level: 12, University Preparation

Ministry Course Code: SCH4U

Instructor: Karim Premji

Developed by: Ms. Kim Younga Date: March 2014

Revision Date: September 2017

Developed from: Science, The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12, 2008 (Revised)

Required Texts:

McGraw-Hill Ryerson Chemistry 12, 2002

Supplemental Resources:

- Teacher-made Worksheets

- Computers and Lesson Videos (youtube)

Prerequisite:Chemistry, Grade 11, University Preparation

Credits: 1

Length: 110 hours

Principal: _________________________ Head Teacher: _________________________

Vice-Principal: ____________________

Course Description

This course enables students to deep their understanding of chemistry through the study

of organic chemistry, the structure and properties of matter, energy changes and rates of reaction,

equilibrium in chemical systems, and electrochemistry. Students will further develop their

problem-solving and investigation skills as they investigate chemical processes, and will refine

their ability to communicate scientific information. Emphasis will be placed on the importance

of chemistry in everyday life and on evaluating the impact of chemical technology on the


Overall Curriculum Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:

Strand A. Scientific Investigation Skills and Career Exploration

1. Demonstrate scientific investigation skills (related to both inquiry and research) in the

four areas of skills (initiating and planning, performing and recording, analysing and

interpreting, and communicating);

2. Identify and describe careers related to the fields of science under study, and describe the

contributions of scientists, including Canadians, to those fields.

Strand B: Organic Chemistry

3. Assess the social and environmental impact of organic compounds used in everyday life,

and propose a course of action to reduce the use of compounds that are harmful to human

health and the environment;

4. Investigate organic compounds and organic chemical reactions, and use various methods

to represent the compounds;

5. Demonstrate an understanding of the structure, properties, and chemical behaviour of

compounds within each class of organic compounds.

Strand C: Structure and Properties of Matter 6. Assess the benefits to society and evaluate the environmental impact of products and

technologiesthat apply principles related to the structure and properties of matter;

7. Investigate the molecular shapes and physical properties of various types of matter;

8. Demonstrate an understanding of atomic structure and chemical bonding, and how they

relate tothe physical properties of ionic, molecular, covalent network, and metallic


Stand D: Energy Changes and Rates of Reaction 9. Analyse technologies and chemical processes that are based on energy changes, and

evaluate them in terms of their efficiency and their effects on the environment;

10. Investigate and analyse energy changes and rates of reaction in physical and chemical

processes, and solve related problems;

11. Demonstrate an understanding of energy changes and rates of reaction.

Strand E: Chemical Systems and Equilibrium 12. Analyse chemical equilibrium processes, and assess their impact on biological,

biochemical, and technological systems;

13. Investigate the qualitative and quantitative nature of chemical systems at equilibrium, and

solve related problems;

14. Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of dynamic equilibrium and the variables

that cause shifts in the equilibrium of chemical systems.

Strand F: Electrochemistry 15. analyse technologies and processes relating to electrochemistry, and their implications for

society, health and safety, and the environment;

16. investigate oxidation-reduction reactions using a galvanic cell, and analyse

electrochemical reactions in qualitative and quantitative terms;

17. demonstrate an understanding of the principles of oxidation-reduction reactions and the

many practical applications of electrochemistry.

Course Content

Unit 1

Ch. 1 & 2

Organic Chemistry Strands: Organic Chemistry

Overall Expectations: 3-5, 1-2

22 hours

Unit 2

Ch. 3 & 4

Structure & Properties of Matter

Strands: Structure & Properties of Matter

Overall Expectations: 6-8, 1-2

22 hours

Unit 3

Ch. 5 & 6

Energy Changes & Rates of Reaction

Strands: Energy Changes & Rates of Reaction

Overall Expectations: 9-11, 1-2

22 hours

Unit 4

Ch. 7 ~ 9

Chemical Systems & Equilibrium

Strand:Chemical Systems & Equilibrium

Overall Expectations: 12-14, 1-2

22 hours

Unit 5

Ch. 10 & 11

Electrochemistry Strands: Electrochemistry Overall Expectations: 15-17, 1-2

20 hours

Final Exam/Summative Evaluation


B. Organic Chemistry C. Structure & properties of Matter D. Energy Changes & Rates of Reaction E. Chemical Systems & Equilibrium F. Electrochemistry

Overall Expectations:B1-B3, C1-C3,D1-D3,E1-E3, F1-F3

The final assessment task will be a written final exam

Exam will be worth 30% of the final mark.

2 hours

TOTAL 110hours

Unit Descriptions

Unit 1 – Organic Chemistry Time: 20 hours


In this unit, students will demonstrate an understanding of the structure, properties and chemical

behaviour of compounds within each class of organic compound. They willinvestigate different

type of organic chemical reactions, and represent the compounds in various ways. Student will

also assess the social and environmental impact of organic compounds.

Specific Expectations:

A. Strand A. Scientific Investigation Skills and Career Exploration: A1.1-A1.13, A2.1-A2.2

B. Structure & Properties of Matter: B1.1-B1.2, B2.1-B2.4,B3.1-B3.5

Assessment For Learning (AFL) K/U T A C

Homework questions x x x x

Practice Worksheets x x x x

Jig saw x x x

Assessment As Learning (AAL)

Practice Quiz x x x x

Think-Pair share x x x x

Socratic questioning x x x x

Conference x x x x

Review Games x x x x

Class Discussion x x x x

Researching x x x x

Brainstorming x x x x

Assessment Of Learning (AOL)

Assignment #1 (Unit 1- Ch. 1 & 2) x x x x

Unit 1 (Ch. 1 & 2) Test x x x x

Unit 2 – Structure & Properties of Matter

Time: 20 hours


In this unit, Students will demonstrate an understanding of the atomic structure using the

Quantum numbers. They will identify the different chemical bonds, and how they relate to the

physical properties of ionic, molecular, covalent network, and metallic substances. Student will

use VESPER theory to predict the molecular shapes and physical properties of various types of

matter. They will assess the different technologies that use the principles related to the structure

of properties of matter.

Specific Expectations:

Strand A. Scientific Investigation Skills and Career Exploration: A1.1-A1.13, A2.1-A2.2

Strand C. Structure & Properties of Matter: C1.1-C1.2,C2.1-C2.6,C3.1-C3.5

Assessment For Learning (AFL) K/U T A C

Homework questions x x x x

Practice Worksheets x x x x

Jig saw x x x

Assessment As Learning (AAL)

Practice Quiz x x x x

Think-Pair share x x x x

Socratic questioning x x x x

Conference x x x x

Review Games x x x x

Class Discussion x x x x

Researching x x x x

Debates x x x x

Assessment Of Learning (AOL)

Unit 2 (Ch. 3 & 4) Test x x x x

Assignment 2 x x x x

Unit 3 –Energy Changes and Rates of Reactions Time: 20 hours


In this unit, Students will demonstrate an understanding of energy changes and rates of reaction.

They will analyse energy changes and rates of reaction in physical and chemical processes, and

solve related problems. Students will also analyse the technologies and chemical processes that

are based on energy changes.

Specific Expectations:

Strand A. Scientific Investigation Skills and Career Exploration: A1.1-A1.13, A2.1-A2.2

Strand E: Energy Changes and Rates of Reactions: E1.1-E1.2, E2.1-E2.8,E3.1-E3.7

Assessment For Learning (AFL) K/U T A C

Homework questions x x x x

Practice Worksheets x x x x

Jig saw x x x x

Assessment As Learning (AAL)

Practice Quiz x x x x

Think-Pair share x x x x

Socratic questioning x x x x

Conference x x x x

Review Games x x x x

Class Discussion x x x x

Researching x x x x

Debates x x x x

Assessment Of Learning (AOL)

Assignment #3 (Unit 3 – Ch. 5 & 6) x x x x

Unit 3 (Ch. 5 & 6) Test x x x x

Unit 4 – Chemical Systems and Equilibrium

Time: 20 hours


Students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of dynamic equilibrium and the

variables that cause change in the equilibrium of chemical systems. They will solve problems

related to different type of chemical system such as acid-base, solubility and dynamic

equilibrium. Student will analyse chemical equilibrium processes, and assess their impact on

biological, biochemical and technological systems.

Specific Expectations:

Strand A. Scientific Investigation Skills and Career Exploration: A1.1-A1.13, A2.1-A2.2

Strand E.Chemical Systems and Equilibrium:D1.1-D1.2, D2.1-D2.5, D3.1-D3.8

Assessment For Learning (AFL) K/U T A C

Homework questions x x x x

Practice Worksheets x x x x

Jig saw x x x x

Assessment As Learning (AAL)

Practice Quiz x x x x

Think-Pair share x x x x

Socratic questioning x x x x

Conference x x x x

Review Games x x x x

Class Discussion x x x x

Researching x x x x

Debates x x x x

Assessment Of Learning (AOL)

Unit 4 (Ch. 7 ~ 9) Test x x x x

Assignment 4 x x x x

Unit 5: Electrochemistry

Time: 20 hours


Students will demonstrate an understanding of the principles of oxidation-reduction reactions

and use the oxidation number to balance the chemical reaction. They will investigate redox

reactions using a galvanic cell, and analyse electrochemical reactions in qualitative and

quantitative terms. They will analyse technologies and processes relating to electrochemistry.

Specific Expectations:

Strand A. Scientific Investigation Skills and Career Exploration: A1.1-A1.13, A2.1-A2.2

Strand F.Electrochemistry:F1.1-F1.2, F2.1-F2.6, F3.1-F3.6

Assessment For Learning (AFL) K/U T A C

Homework questions x x x x

Practice Worksheets x x x x

Jig saw x x x x

Assessment As Learning (AAL)

Practice Quiz x x x x

Think-Pair share x x x x

Socratic questioning x x x x

Conference x x x x

Review Games x x x x

Class Discussion x x x x

Researching x x x x

Debates X x x x

Assessment Of Learning (AOL)

Unit 5 (Ch. 10 & 11) Test x x x x

Assignment 5 x x x x

Teaching/Learning Strategies

A variety of strategies are used to allow students many opportunities to attain the necessary skills

for success in this course and at university. The teacher uses a variety of whole class, small

group and individual activities to facilitate learning.The following is a list of specific

teaching/learning strategies that the teacher may use but is not limited to:


Modeling/Direct Instruction



Graphic organizers (Venn Diagram, T-charts, KWL charts, Placemats)


Homework questions

Structured Discussions

Student Presentation



Researching Methods




Teacher feedback

Group work

Pair work

Independent work

Exit/Entrance Cards





Assessment/Evaluation Strategies:

Diagnostic assessment is used at the beginning of a unit to assist in determining a starting point

for instruction. Assessment for Learning (AFL) provides information to students as they are

learning and refining their skills. Assessment as Learning (AAL) acts as a stepping-stone for

students to begin applying their understanding using critical thinking; it bridges the gap between

AFL and AOL. Assessment of Learning (AOL), at the end of units and course, provides

students with the opportunity to synthesize/apply/demonstrate their learning and the achievement

of the expectations. The following is a list of specific assessment/evaluation strategies that the

teacher may use but is not limited to:

Strategies actually used in the classroom are indicated in the chart above and reflected in

classroom instruction:

Levels: There are four levels of achievement for students who are passing the course:

Level 1 (50-59%)

Level 2 (60-69%)

Level 3 (70-79%)

Level 4 (80-100%)

Level 3 is the provincial standard for student achievement.

Final Grade: The final grade will include the following weighting:

Knowledge and Understanding


Subject-specific content acquired in each course (knowledge)

The comprehension of its meaning and significance (understanding).

Tests, and assignments

Thinking and Investigation


The use of critical and creative thinking skills and inquiry, research, and problem-solving skills and/or processes.

Laboratory work, tests and assignments

Application 25%

The use of knowledge and skills to make connections within and between various contexts.

Relate to real-world problems

Assignments, test and assignments

Communication 20%

The conveying of meaning through various forms.

This includes reading and writing in the context of science, and interpreting graphs, charts and diagrams.

Test, labs write up and assignments

The evaluation for the course is broken down as follows:


This portion of the mark is based on performance on laboratories,

assignments, quizzes, and tests thought the course. This portion of

the grade will reflect the student's most consistent level of

achievement throughout the course, although special consideration

will be given to more recent evidence of achievement


All students write a final exam

TOTAL: 100%

Program Planning

In order to accommodate students’ needs, the teachers of UMC High School incorporate

appropriate considerations in their program planning and delivery. These considerations may

include, but not be limited to:

Model safe practices at all times and communicate safety expectations to students in

accordance with school board and Ministry of Education policies and Ministry of Labour


Ensuring the safety of students during classroom activities and also for encouraging and

motivating students to assume responsibility for their own safety and the safety of


Accommodate students with special education needs, consistent with the strategies

outlined in their Individual Education Plan

Anticipate students’ anxiety, and be prepared to provide support and encouragement as

they adapt to your expectations

Provide opportunities to learn in a variety of ways – individually, cooperatively,

independently, and collaboratively with teacher direction, through investigation

involving hands-on experience, and through examples followed by practice

Make connection between the scientific concepts learned in class and their application

in the world around them and in real-life situations

Allow student to see the big ideas of scientific concepts learned by relating Science to

Technology, Society, and the Environment (STSE)

Allow students to investigate scientific concepts using a variety of equipment, materials,

and strategies

Avoid direct repetition of material in a textbook so that it remains a useful alternative


Solicit alternative answers or elaboration to provide material for comparison, contrast,

and assessment

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