

By Roscoe Ingalls and Kendra Katwaroo

Soul of a Citizen: Chapter 9

Soul of a Citizen by Paul Loeb focuses on the power of collaboration.


Social Networking

Non Profit Organization

Collective Aspirations

Collaboration is a large portion of the solution for success.

He looked at how teamwork and social networking has changed the world we live in today.

The two groups that came together were, Christian Coalition and MoveOn.

These groups collectively fought for net neutrality in order to prevent the monopolization of the internet.

The Christian Coalition is an organization made up of conservative, family oriented Christians who lobby for and against legislation in the government.

MoveOn is an alliance comprised of liberals whose views are polar opposites of the Christian Coalition’s.

Christian Coalition is firm supporters of life, while MoveOn are believers of one's personal choice. 

These two groups were brought together by two women of each organization who fought for their common concern of net neutrality.

Along with other groups they all decided to collaborate and bring the fight for net neutrality to congress.

 Loeb further elaborated on how putting ones differences aside and working together for a greater good can have dramatic results.

According to Loeb the fabrication of alliances leads to a larger scale of success that no individual could achieve on their own.

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