Chapter 8 Section 4 Notes

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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Chapter 8Section 4 Notes

Europe’s economic recovery was symbolized by the appearance of new towns

The revival period from 1000-1300 is known as the High Middle Ages

The iron plow was created which made it easier to plow the heavy soil of northern Europe

A new harness allowed for the use of horses to pull plows rather than oxen

Windmills allowed the use of wind power to grind grain into flour---towns no longer needed to be located next to a swift water source in order to get their grain ground

An Agricultural Revolution

Iron Plow

Horse and Iron Plow




Feudal lords who wanted to boost their incomes pushed peasants to clear forests, drain swamps, and reclaim wasteland for farming and grazing animals

Peasants adopted the three-field system One field planted with grains, one with legumes,

one left fallow (unplanted) Legumes---helped restore soil fertility This new method left only 1/3 of land unplanted Farmers produced more food---population grows Between 1000-1300 Europe’s population doubles

Expanding Production

3-Field System

3-Field System

The growing population demanded more goods which helped bring trade back

Trade routes brought goods from Asia and the Middle East

Northern Europeans paid for goods with products such as honey, furs, cloth, tin, and lead

Trade Revives

Yearly trade fairs took place near navigable rivers or where busy trade routes met

People flocked to these fairs and traded farm goods and animals

Besides eating and drinking, they enjoyed the antics of jugglers, acrobats, or even dancing bears

Peasants had no money to buy goods such as swords, sugar, and silks---these goods were purchased by feudal rulers, nobles, and wealthy churchmen

Trade Fairs

Dancing Bears

Bicycling Bear

Dancing Bears

“Touch of Grey”

Small centers of trade developed into real medieval cities

Some had populations of 10,000 and a few had populations over 100,000---towns of this size were not seen since Roman times

The richest cities were in northern Italy and Flanders Merchants who set up new towns wanted a charter in

order to protect their interests Charter---written document that set out the rights and

privileges of the town Charters let townspeople choose their own leaders and

control their own affairs---also had clauses that benefitted runaway serfs (year and a day)

New Towns

Banking houses were created in order to lend merchants capital to start businesses

Partnerships began to become common---this let several investors pool their money together to start a business

Insurance system was developed to help reduce business risks and insure goods being transported

Bills of exchange allowed merchants to travel without carrying money

New Business Practices

Medieval Business Practices Today

The use of money undermined serfdom Many peasants began selling farm products

to townspeople and paying their rent to their lords in cash rather than in labor

By 1300, most peasants were tenant farmers or hired farm laborers

By 1000, a middle class began to emerge in society

Anti-Semitism began to rise against Jews…why?

Social Changes

Medieval guilds were equivalent to our modern-day unions

Each guild represented workers in a specific occupation---merchants, weavers, bakers, brewers, goldsmiths, etc.

Becoming a guild member was hard At the age of 7 or 8 a child worked as an

apprentice to a guild master for seven years and then went on to become a journeyman

Women either had their own guilds, were guild masters, or worked as apprentices

Role of Guilds

Medieval towns and cities were surrounded by high, protective walls

As the city grew, space within the walls filled to overflowing, and newcomers had to settle in the fields outside the walls

Every few years the city might have to rebuild its walls farther and farther out

Town and City Life

Walled Medieval City

Rotenburg, Germany

Rotenburg, Germany

A typical medieval city was a jumble of narrow streets lined with tall houses

Upper floors hung over the streets, making those below dark even in daytime

Large cities had great cathedrals or a magnificent guild hall

During the day, the streets echoed with the cries of hawkers selling their goods, at night the streets were deserted

Town and City Life

Medieval Town

Cathedral de Notre Dame

Inside Notre Dame

Medieval City

Medieval City Street

Mystery City???

Even rich towns did not have garbage collection or sewer systems

Residents simply flung their wastes into the street below

Larger cities might pass laws, such as one requiring butchers to dump their garbage on the edge of town

However, towns remained filthy, smelly, noisy, and crowded places (bad idea…you’ll see why in Chapter 9)

Town and City Life

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