Chapter 7 - Cellular Respiration Section 7-1 Glycolysis & Fermentation.

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Chapter 7 - Cellular Respiration

Section 7-1 Glycolysis & Fermentation

Intro Video - 40 min

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15 ? Quiz after

Objective 1: Define cellular respiration

Process of breaking down organic compounds (mainly glucose) to release energy (ATP)


C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy (ATP)


Starts with glycolysis - the 1st step in cellular respiration

- glucose pyruvic acid (energy) – occurs in cytosol

Objective 2: Describe the major events in glycolysis

(see 7-1 ARG) Each glucose 2

ATP (energy), 2 NADH (energy), & 2 pyruvic acid Net 2 ATP b/c 2

used in step 1 Pyruvic acid takes

1 of 2 pathways:

1. anaerobic pathways

> absence of oxygenyield no additional

ATPuse by many

unicellular, some multicellular

> ex. Fermentation

2. aerobic respiration

> oxygen is present

> produces considerable amount of ATP

Objective 3: Compare and contrast lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation (p.129)

both are processes that… follow glycolysis, so use pyruvic acid occur w/ little or no oxygen (O2)

produce no ATP regenerate NAD+ (electron acceptor) for

step 3 of glycolysis


lactic acid alcoholic

Type of cells

muscle cells, fungi, & bacteria

plant cells and fungi (yeast)

Products 3-C lactic acid 2-C ethyl alcohol


leads to muscle fatigue/pain releases CO2


used to make yogurt & cheese

used to make wine, beer, bread

Objective 4: Calculate the efficiency of glycolysis (p. 131)

kilocalorie (kcal) – unit of energy measurement; = 1,000 calories

It takes 12 kcals to make each ATP molecule

In glycolysis, ____ ATP are produced; this requires ____ kcals

The oxidation of glucose releases 686 kcals

Efficiency of glycolysis =

Energy required to make ATP

Energy released by oxidation of glucose

Efficiency of glycolysis =

---------- = ________ = _____ %

Efficiency of glycolysis =

Energy required to make ATP

Energy released by oxidation of glucose

Efficiency of glycolysis =

2 X 12 = .035 = 3.5%

686 kcal

7.2 Aerobic Respiration

Section 7-2 Aerobic Respiration

2 major stages, after glycolysis

1. Krebs Cycle

2. Electron Transport Chain (ETC)

Objective 5: Summarize the events of the Krebs cycle (see ARG 7-2)

What happens between glycolysis and the Krebs cycle?

Pyruvic acid:1) enters matrix (space inside inner

membrane)2) reacts w/ CoA to form acetyl CoA3) other carbon is released as

carbon dioxide gas, CO2

Objective 6: Summarize the events of the electron transport chain (ETC)

- NADH and FADH2 (from Krebs cycle) provide electrons

- electron energy pumps hydrogen ions (H+) out of matrix & lose energy> builds up H+’s between 2 membranes

- H+’s diffuse back into matrix through membrane protein, ATP synthase

> energy used to make up to 34 ATP from ADP & P; process called chemiosmosis

- final electron acceptor is oxygen, which also accepts protons (H+); forms water

Aerobic Respiration

Objective 7: Relate aerobic respiration to the structure of a mitochondrion- Matrix contains enzymes that catalyze rxns.

of Krebs cycle- inner folded membrane has large surface

area for ETC – Prokayotes in cell membrane

- proteins in inner membrane used as: 1) pumps to move H+’s & NADH (uses 2

ATP) out of inside the inner membrane 2) enzymes that catalyze chemiosmosis

Objective 8: Calculate the efficiency of aerobic respiration36 ATP x 12 kcals = 432 kcals/686

kcals = 0.6297 = 63%, nearly 20 times more efficient than anaerobic respiration

63/3.5 = 18

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