Chapter 6 - Linked

Post on 07-Apr-2018






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  • 8/6/2019 Chapter 6 - Linked


    Chapter 6 - "Linked

    Morning all, or afternoon, depending on your time zone! Welcome to the first official Gen. 3

    college chapter of Les Jolis Jardins!

    Reading the previous chapters is recommended, but here's a quick recap anyway:

    Last time, the Matriarch and Patriarch moved on to the great Luau in the sky, Claire was named as

    the Generation 3 heiress, and all of Gen. 3 moved to college. (Plots were also established, but

    they will take time to be unveiled...) This cover shot has absolutely nothing to do with the chapter

    but shows it off Evan's awesome salesperson skillz. Just putting that out there. Got it? Then you

    know what to do, my dearest darling reader!

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    Okay, one last thing. I teased you about the remodel last chapter but never

    showed you what it looked like.


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    Hey, what was that for?

    Sorry, mate, but annoying the student body is in the job description.

    Indiana stifled a giggle as she watched the exchange between the disgruntled

    student and the mascot. In her many phone calls, emails, and texts, Lara had failed

    to mention insane bovines and they were therefore a constant source of


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    Indie! Were going to be late if we dont go soon! Gwens voice rang out loudly

    from around the corner.

    Class. Right. Forgot about that. She spared one last look at the cow before

    dashing away.

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    Elsewhere in the dorm, Claire was lost in thought.

    It had actually happened. She was in college. Throughout her teenage years it had

    been something to work for and something to look forward to. Now she was here

    and it was just a long list of things to do. She had to get good grades and maintain

    the Greek House and there didnt seem to be time for actual living.

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    Do you mind if I join you?

    Claire looked up from lazily moving a pawn to see a student with green eyes and

    an easy smile.

    Not at all, she replied.

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    The first-year teachers are really bulking up on homework, arent they? He

    remarked casually as an attempt to start conversation.

    How did you know I was a freshman?

    You guys all look kinda awestruck and scared at the same time, its a dead

    giveaway, he chuckled lightly.

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    Its more that were getting used to being on our own, she slid a pawn towards

    him, So everything is a little intimidating.

    We dormies have always been on our own so we have nothing to compare it to,

    he replied with a trace of sadness.

    Im Corey Fuchs, by the way.

    Claire Jardin.

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    Out of curiosity, whats the best place for coffee around here?

    Wait till I win this game and Ill take you. In a non-date kind of way, he grinned.

    Claire raised her eyebrows, Challenge accepted.

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    Hey! Jill smiled sunnily and tried not to wobble. Where did you get to?

    I was just studying. Trying to figure things out, you know?

    Oh, Abby, whatwere you studying?

    The other girl looked confused for a moment before it clicked.

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    No! No, no, I really was studying!

    Anatomy, perhaps?

    I was joking, Jill laughed.

    Abby smiled sheepishly before they went off to socialize.

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    Sheldon's a riot!

    They all are, right?

    If I were an enzyme I would be DNA helicase-

    So I could unzip your jeans!

    *Big Bang Theory joke

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    So she was like, yeah, and I was like, yeah, and she was like, huh.

    Wow, thats terrible.

    Uh, I know.

    Almost as terrible as people who over-use the word like.

    Totally. They like, need some new vocabulary.

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    It was a considerably less happy and much more irritable group that dragged

    themselves to the kitchen the next morning.

    "Do we have coffee?

    "Check the pot.

    "But you have some, you can tell me if there's any more...

    "Just check it, Jill," Abby interrupted the brewing argument.

    "Fine," she muttered.

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    "Have you talked to your sisters yet?" Lara gestured in the general direction of

    Abby with her mug.

    "They've only been at college for, oh, a semester now.Of course I've talked to


    "Then you should know all about Claire's new friend.

    "They're both making lots of friends, you expect me to keep track of every


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    "Chill, dude. It's just that I think he's a little more than a friend.

    "Just because a girl has a male friend it doesn't mean that they're madly in love. Out of

    curiosity, who is he?

    "I know what you're doing, Lara." Jill smiled knowingly.

    "I have no idea what you're talking about," she said innocently.

    "Bringing up someone else's love life to deflect interest from your own. Sound familiar?

    "Where were you during the party, cousin of mine?" Abby raised an eyebrow.

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    You know, networking. His name is Dillon Scott. I know you guys dont know him

    but hes so sweet and shy and possibly the best guy in the universe.

    Explain,Jill said.

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    "Why did you ask me to study with you? I mean, I'm glad you did,"she added upon

    seeing the look that crossed his face, "but you're one of the top students.

    Dillon blushed andlooked down, hiding his expressive sky-blue eyes.

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    "Um, Lara, I think you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen and, you know, I reallylike

    you and, um, forget it..."He trailed off awkwardly.

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    "Um, yeah. That's what I was hoping allalong.



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    How long has this been going on for?

    Oh, a few months, Lara smiled happily.

    That would explain the sneaking,Abby nodded wisely.

    I was not sneaking! I was merely... exiting the house undetected in order to meet

    a boyfriend you had no knowledge of.

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    Okay, Jill stood up dramatically, There is not enough communication in this


    Outside, autumn leaves trembled in reaction to Abigails laugh.

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    Claire swallowed her lumpy chilli with some difficulty before greeting her friend.

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    "You know, the breakfast foods here are okay, but the lunches are just-

    "Crap?" He offered happily.

    "Took the word right out of my mouth."

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    After a few seconds of silence, Corey spoke."We'll still be friends when you move

    to the Greek House, right?

    "Of course, why wouldn't we be?

    "It's just that some of the guys I used to know, they got all... they turned into giant

    jerkwads when they got into the frat house.

    Are you saying you want me to hang around longer? That youll miss me when I


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    No worries, then. Youll come over all the time and you can join if you want.

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    I wontlet you forget about me, Corey!She said over her shoulder as she

    headed to class. He chuckled and tried to hide the morose look he knew must be

    crossing his face.

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    Romances were romantic...



    I really like being with you. More than like. What I mean to say is that-

    I love you.


    she replied breathlessly.

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    Friendships were strengthened...

    Im seriously questioning the sanity of the world right now.

    But Indie, if no one is sane-

    Does that make the lack of sanity normal-

    And everyone sane as a result?

    But Claire, what is normal?

    Exactly, Corey.

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    And mysteries of the world were unravelled...

    Im beginning to consider getting a little ticked off!

    I hope that scorching ten-nice-point anger isnt directed at me.

    Gwennie, this is serious!

    Okay, Im listening. Do you want to sit and discuss this or pace angrily?

    I think I want to pace, actually.

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    "You know that I've been researching communication abilities and reading papers

    like a crazy person for a while now-

    "Yep, totally got the crazy going. Continue.

    "Well, I stumbled across a phenomenon that I think can explain everything," she

    span on her heel quickly.

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    "Abby, that's amazing!

    "The thing is, I don't know much about it. Sure, I have the basic knowledge, but

    there's a manuscript in the library that's like a complete guide.

    "Why not just borrow it?"

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    "The university hasn't made any copies of it and it's currently checked out.

    "Well, that sucks.

    "Exactly! The current borrower has had it for the past... too long and I'm just tired

    of waiting and I need answers! You know, I'm just going to head over there really

    quickly to see if it's back in. Thanks, Gwen," she called over her shoulder as she

    headed downstairs.

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    Three hours later, Abigail was seriously considering buying a tent and camping out

    in the nearly empty library until the manuscript was returned, despite the freezing

    weather. On a whim, she headed to the supernatural section to try and find other


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    There he was, calmly sitting with the thing that mattered most to her. There was

    an unreadable expression on his face as he turned a page. Normally, Abby

    wouldn't say anything. Normally, she would just sigh inwardly and walk away. Not

    this time.

    "If you're the current borrower, I hope to Plumbob you're just reviewing before

    returning the material."

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    "Excuse me?" He glanced at her with raised eyebrows and a slightly amused


    I've been waiting for this to be available for quite a while now. That's all.

    "Links are a very obscure subject, might I ask why you're so interested?"Abby

    considered not telling him anything, but there was no reason not to.

    "I think I'm part of one. It would certainly explain a lot.

    "Really? That's a... strange coincidence."

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    She blinked and looked at the boy with a new interest. "Strange indeed," she


    "Might I ask when you were born?

    He told her. The time and date were the exact same as her own.

    "It couldn't possibly be..."

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    "I'm sorry," she said, taking the chair next to him, "I don't want to take up too much of

    your time, but this is- this is big.

    He smiled and turned to face her. "It's pretty important, yeah. How much do youknow?

    "Not much," she sighed.

    "When a Sim is born, a certain amount of energy is... borrowed from the universe."

    "That's a soul, right?

    "Exactly. That energy is returned when the Sim dies, but that can take a while. Anyway,

    when two Sims are born at the exact same instant, there's twice the energy taken and

    it's intertwined.

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    "So not like twins, then, where the souls basically have the same connection as

    siblings but stronger.

    "Nothing like twins. Even though the energies inhabit different bodies, they

    borrow pieces of each other, meaning that the Linked Sims share traits or abilities.

    The energy that makes up our souls was taken at the exact same instant. We're


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    "I can communicate with plants. That's probably what I borrowed from you, isn't


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    "I guess so, considering I'm half Plantsim. 'Jericho Greenman, Nature Whisperer'

    was what my sister used to callme.

    "Jericho. Interesting. If the communication came from you, then what part of me

    did you get?"

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    "I'm guessing you're sensitive...

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    ...since Ive always been able to feelemotions that arent my own.

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    "Why does the potency of the Link change?

    "That's all to do with distance between the people.

    Abby thought back to Twikki Island and the eerily silent vegetation. That certainly

    made sense.

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    "This is weird," she said, leaning back a bit.

    "You don't think it's weird, you think it's cool. And that I have nice eyes."

    "Did you just readme?

    "If that's what you want to call it then, yes, yes I did," he smiled devilishly.

    "I may have been admiring them from a genetics point of view but to say that I

    think they're nice is a complete extrapolation."

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    I have to challenge your use of the word extrapolation as its more commonly

    used in mathematics.

    That doesnt mean it doesnt apply!

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    Well, I hope you enjoyed this short excuse for a chapter! Have a pretty picture of our young

    heiress as compensation. It got to the point where I just wanted to post something and this

    chapter was originally quite long. The next one will be shorter, too, then they'll go back toregular length. Until next time, here are some things to ponder:

    -What will Abby do with this new information about her ability?

    - What will become of Claire and Corey?

    - Where the heck am I going with this plot?

    As always, comments and feedback are welcome.

    Happy Simming!

    A little something I dug up from a few months ago... ------->

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    Ah, such a touching moment. See? It's little Jericho playing peek-a-boo with his

    Plantsim sister! She's mimicking him! Aww, so cute.



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