Chapter 6: Jesus Christ: The Fullness of Divine Revelation FAITH AND REVELATION The Infancy of Christ.

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Chapter 6: Jesus Christ:

The Fullness of Divine Revelation


The Infancy of Christ


What was betrothal in the time of Christ? In Jewish custom, it was a contract similar to marriage. The couple did

not yet live together, but their promise could not be broken.

What is the significance of the word “overshadow” in the Archangel Gabriel’s greeting?

The word is an unusual one in Greek and not used anywhere else in the New Testament. It is used in the Old Testament: the cloud overshadowed the Tabernacle when the Ark of the Covenant had been placed in it. Thus, to overshadow implies the presence of God. 


2. The Infancy of Christ


Why did St. Joseph travel from Nazareth, where he lived, to Bethlehem?

St. Joseph traveled to Bethlehem with his pregnant wife to register in the Roman census.

What prophesy did this journey fulfill? The Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem as the prophet

Micah predicted: from Bethlehem “shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel” (Mi 5:2).

Bethlehem – Hebrew meaning “House of Bread”Manger – feeding trough

2. The Infancy of Christ


Why is it surprising the first people to know about the birth of the Messiah were shepherds?

Shepherds were poor outcasts in Jewish society, avoided by many Jews as unclean, yet David had been a shepherd who tended his flocks in those very same fields.

2. The Infancy of Christ


Who were the Magi (or wise men)? They may have been Persian astrologers. 

Why might Herod have been especially nervous about Balaam’s prophesy to Balak?

Balaam’s prophesy spoke of a rising star, which represented a son of Jacob, who would dispossess an Edomite. The new king whom the Magi sought was born in Bethlehem and thus a son of Jacob. Herod himself was from Edom, so he could have been afraid the infant king the Magi came to visit would overthrow him or his descendants. 

What was the significance of the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh?

Gold and frankincense are gifts Isaiah predicted (Is 60:6) would be brought by all the nations to the God of Israel. Gold indicates Christ’s royalty, and frankincense refers to his priesthood and spiritual divinity. Myrrh is an oil used both to anoint the priests of Israel and to anoint a dead body for burial, so it also suggested Christ’s Sacrifice on the Cross.

2. The Infancy of Christ


What is unique about the Finding of Christ in the Temple?

It is the only story about Christ recorded in the Gospels between his infancy and when he began his public ministry about age thirty.

How does the Finding in the Temple reveal Christ’s divine and human natures?

By age twelve, the Christ child displayed an amazing command of the Scriptures and was able to discuss and debate them with the most educated men in Jerusalem. At the same time, Christ was a boy, he grew up, he worried his parents, and he practiced his faith.

2. The Infancy of Christ

KEY IDEAS The Annunciation refers to the announcement of the Archangel

Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin Mary that she would be the mother of the Savior, the Son of the Most High, and that this would be accomplished by the power of the Holy Spirit.

In accord with the prophet Micah, Christ was born in Bethlehem, the city of David. He was born in poverty, and angels announced to shepherds that he was “a Savior… Christ the Lord.”

Magi from the East were the first Gentiles to adore the Christ. Christ’s wisdom was revealed in the Finding in the Temple. During his

“hidden years,” from his infancy until he began his public ministry, Christ lived an ordinary life, sharing the condition of the vast majority of human beings.

2. The Infancy of Christ


Who was St. John the Baptist? St. John the Baptist was: Christ’s cousin, a Levite who preached

repentance and baptism for the forgiveness of sins to prepare the way for the Messiah.

3. What Jesus Did and Taught


How did St. John the Baptist’s ministry fulfill the last words of Malachi, the last prophet in the Old Testament?

Malachi prophesied that God would send the Prophet Elijah to Israel to turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers; thus they would not be punished by God. St. John the Baptist preached and baptized to encourage people from all walks of life to repent and amend their lives. 

How were St. John the Baptist and the prophet Elijah similar in appearance?

St. John was clothed with camel’s hair and had a leather belt around his waist, whereas Elijah wore a garment of haircloth with a girdle of leather about his loins. 

3. What Jesus Did and Taught

How did Christ identify St. John the Baptist with the prophet Elijah? (Read Matthew 11:7-15; Matthew 17:9-13; Mark 9:9-11)

He said St. John the Baptist was the second coming of Elijah prophesied by Malachi. 

St. John the Baptist, the final prophet, was a New Elijah who preached a baptism of repentance to prepare people for the Messiah

Why did St. John the Baptist worry many Jewish priests and officials?

He told them the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand, which meant that the Messiah was coming. To some priests and politicians, this meant St. John the Baptist was another false prophet who could spark a rebellion, which could only end badly for them and for Israel.

3. What Jesus Did and Taught


How was Christ’s preparation like that of Elijah and Moses?

He fasted in the wilderness for forty days, the same period for which Elijah and Moses had fasted in the wilderness of Sinai.

What is significant about the number forty in the Old Testament?

In addition to the fasting of Elijah and Moses in the previous answer, forty is:the number of years the Israelites wandered in the wilderness before entering the Promised Land, and it was the number of days and nights it took to flood the world so it could be created anew through Noah. 40 = a long time; a period of trial and testing

3. What Jesus Did and Taught


What does it mean to say Christ was tempted by the Devil?

The word tempted means “tested.” Though Christ did not sin, it was necessary for him to have overcome temptations that had cause people to sin.

3. What Jesus Did and Taught

Guided Exercise  Work with a partner to complete the following table about the

insights that Sts. Matthew, Mark, and Luke had about Christ’s temptations.

3. What Jesus Did and Taught

3. What Jesus Did and Taught


What did most Jews expect from the Messiah? Most Jews expected an anointed prophet-king who would

bring the covenants with Israel to their fulfillment.

What did they get? They received God himself incarnate in the Person of Jesus


What was Christ’s first miracle? And what does it foreshadow?

He turned water into wine at the Wedding Feast in Cana.The Eucharist.

3. What Jesus Did and Taught

How does the miracle at Cana relate to the Last Supper? At Cana, Christ turned water into wine as a act of charity. At the

Last Supper, he turned wine into his Blood to manifest the ultimate act of charity (love): his Death on the Cross. 

How were Christ’s healings messianic? Under the promised Son of David, “No inhabitant will say, ‘I am

sick’; the people who dwell there will be forgiven their iniquity ” (Is 33:24). Christ’s healings and forgiveness demonstrated the arrival of the messianic age. 

What did Christ’s exorcisms demonstrate? (See Mark 3:20-30; Matthew 12:22-32; Luke 11:14-23)

They showed his divinity and dominion over demons.

Why did Christ heal the paralytic? Mark 2:1-12Christ wanted to heal the man’s infirmity and show he has

authority to forgive sins.

3. What Jesus Did and Taught


How did Christ intend his message to spread throughout the world?

He instructed his Apostles to go to all nations, teaching and baptizing. 


What is significant about the number twelve? It signifies perfection in governance hearkens to the Twelve Tribes of Israel. On the foundation of the Twelve Apostles united under

St. Peter, their head, Christ established the New Israel, his Church, which he promised would last until the end of time.

3. What Jesus Did and Taught

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