
Chapter 5Section 2 Notes

PURITANS were members of England’s ANGLICAN CHURCH who wanted to “purify” the church by getting rid of all ROMAN CATHOLIC influences. Some PURITANS wanted to leave the church and worship by themselves. They were known as SEPARATISTS.

Persecuted for their beliefs, the SEPARATISTS sought to leave England and move to America. Thus they called themselves PILGRIMS, or travelers with a religious cause.

Religious Disagreement in England

In 1620, the PILGRIMS arrived in their ship, the MAYFLOWER, at the coast of present-day MASSACHUSETTS.

Before going ashore, the PILGRIMS signed a document setting up a form of self-government and agreeing to obey the laws passed by the majority. The pact became known as the MAYFLOWER COMPACT.

The PILGRIMS founded a colony called PLYMOUTH. The colony struggled during the first winter, and many colonists died.

Starting the Plymouth Colony



Map of Plymouth, Massachusetts

Pilgrim Landing

Pilgrim Landing

Plymouth Rock Monument

Plymouth Rock

The local NATIVE AMERICANS helped the Plymouth colony to survive. They taught the colonists how to HUNT and PLANT CROPS.

The colonists showed their appreciation to the NATIVE AMERICANS by inviting them to share in a large feast after the harvest of 1621. This is thought to be the first THANKSGIVING.

Plymouth remained a POOR community. However, the PILGRIMS were more concerned about establishing a CHRISTIAN community.

Native Americans and the Pilgrims



The First Thanksgiving

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