Chapter 28 Post WWII and the Cold War

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Chapter 28 Post WWII and the Cold War. Quiz Have paper out and be sitting when I walk in the door. How many documents should you use when answering a database question? If you have 12 documents on the test how many numerically should you be using? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Chapter 28 Post WWII and the Cold War

QuizHave paper out and be sitting when I walk in the door

How many documents should you use when answering a database question?

If you have 12 documents on the test how many numerically should you be using?

What is the essay format you should be using on a data base question?

What should you never do when using a document in a data base question?

Cold War: An era of competition and confrontation between The U.S. and the Soviet Union. 1946-1990

Essentially for U.S. It was about containing communism.

The Cold War Begins

After 1945 the Soviet Union and the U.S. try to rebuild Europe peacefully.

The disagreement was over how to run the elections of the post war Poland and the Balkans

The U.S. wanted free elections, The soviet Union wanted to institute a soviet sphere of influence.

The Iron Curtain descends

Stalin sensing what he felt to be a betrayal began to set-up a set of Soviet satellite states from the Adriatic to the Baltic sea.

Germany which had been split into territories became the lynch pin

France Britain and America began to unify their territories and spread free elections

The Soviet pushed communism in the eastern block


The idea of containment was greed upon by then secretary of stat George C. Marshall Dean Acheson, and George Kennan

George Kennan and the Long Telegram

George Kennan was an ambassador to Moscow as tension began to sour.

The long telegram refers to 5,540 word telegram that explained his view on the Soviet Union

Kennan developed the idea of Containment which meant the U.S. needed to keep communism contained to the Soviet Union

Domino Theory

The idea of containment was based around the Domino theory.

Domino Theory: the idea that if communism could spread to the surrounding countries of USSR then it would eventually spread around the wall.Essentially countries would fall to communism like dominos.

Atomic Conundrum

The U.S. only increased tension with their original use of the Atomic bomb.

It was originally kept a secret by the U.S. , Stalin only knew about the Manhattan project via espionage.

Truman Doctrine

The first test of containment came with a request from Britain who had been supporting the Greek government in a civil war.

He asked Congress for 400 million to try and free the area from the Soviet Union.

This action would lead the Truman Doctrine, were the U.S. would provide aid to any country facing oppression or opposing communism.

Protecting the World

The U.S. would continue to implement policies in an attempt to protect against communism.

Marshall plan: Developed by secretary of state George C. Marshall the plan donated money to rebuild war torn Europe and Japan.

Originally was a gamble because the U.S. included Russia in those who would give aid.


As the Soviet Union blockaded off Berlin from the countries were looking for some security from the U.S.

NATO: stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.Twelve countries who agreed to militarily support any

country attacked.1st it committed the U.S. to the defense of Europe2nd The U.S. would honor this agreement, Dwight D.

Eisenhower was put in charge.


The decision came about to split Germany into four territories.

France , Britain, America, and the Soviet Union each controlled a section

The Soviet Union wanted Germany to pay reparations.

Put the U.S. and the Soviot Union at the brink of war

Berlin Airlift

To deal with the Soviet Union the U.S. merged their territories with their allies.

The Soviet Union decided to cut ties with Western Germany, almost preparing for an invasion.

The U.S. sent planes full of supplies to Western Germany to support them.

The Military Dimension

The government was looking to unite its military during cold war build up.

National Security Act: Established the department of defense. Headed by a civilian cabinet rank, presiding over the army, navy and air force.

Also created the Central Intelligence Agency(CIA)As well as the national security councilFound great support in the fall of 1949 when the

soviets explode their first atomic bomb.

The Chinese Revolution

China formed a prominent communist party before world war II. Which was less active in order to stop the Japanese.

When WWII ended the party restarted and began to gain strength.

America provided the Chinese 2 billion dollars in aid to put down the Communists.

Unfortunately the funds were misspent and China fell to Mao and communism.

The Korean War

North Korea crosses over what is known as the 38th parallel.

Brings the U.S. forces lead by Douglas MacArthur into action.

U.S. and U.N. forces pushes the North Koreans to the border of China.

China feeling threatened attacks and pushes U.S. forces back to South Korea.

The Red Scare

As the U.S. continues to try and stop the spread of Communism a spy defects on the Canadian border.

Lead to the second Red Scare.

Eisenhower comes to power

As Eisenhower entered the White House the Cold War was one of his Primary interests.

He believed that the war would not be won not just by military build up, but also economic build up.

Massive Retaliation

Roosevelt thought communism could not be contained with small battles.

Instead he believed in threatening to use Nuclear Weapons.

There critics to this idea calling it brinksmanship due to putting the world on the brink of war.

The end of a war and control of a crisis

By 1953 Eisenhower had decided to end the war in Korea, and signed a peace accord.

As China fell to the Communist the new soviet country began talks to invade Taiwan.

Eisenhower threatened to use nuclear weapons ending the crisis.

Covert Ops

Brinksmanship worked in only some scenarios.

Eisenhower decided to use the CIA or central Intelligence Agency to stop communism from growing in developing countries.

Many of these countries wanted to become communist because of imperialism and capitalism.

Peace time blitz

• Post world war 2 even though the U.S. was fighting communism it is a great time of prosperity in the U.S.

During this time the U.S. built the federal high ways

TVs provided entertainment most familiesRock and Roll began to surface.

The Election of 1960

The presidency changes drastically as the sixties began due to the innovation of television.

It was estimated that 75 million watched the first ever televised debate.

Both parties had spent 6 million dollars in radio and television adds.

Who do you love?

Richard Millhouse Nixon

QuakerVice President under

EisenhowerFrom CaliforniaGrew up with financial


John F. Kennedy

CatholicYoung ,wealthyWar HeroFrom Massachusetts

Up for Debate

Portrayed himself as a cold warrior, who wanted to stop communism.

Wanted to boost the economy

Believed Kennedy's plan would boost inflation

Believed he was the only one with the foreign politics experience.

Portrayed himself as a cold warrior, who wanted to stop communism.

Wanted to boost the economy

Concerned with the missile gap, believed the U.S. lagged behind Russia in missile production

The result

It was Kennedy’s optimism and charisma that won out leading to his election.

Still the election was close as the country elected it’s youngest and first catholic President.

The New Frontier

The New Frontier

Upon entering the White House Kennedy proposed what would be known as the New Frontier

He hoped to increase aid to educationProvide health insuranceDevelop a department of Urban AffairsWin the space race


Kennedy was able to strengthen the economy through deficit spending.

Kennedy also focused on the rights of women with a Presidential commission. Eventually it would lead to the equal pay act.

The Warren Court

Besides Kennedy’s attempt to change society the supreme court changed the U.S. society in their rulings.

The most important dealt with what would be known as Due Process

Due process: means the law cannot treat individuals unfairly.

In class

We will be looking at two of the more important trials that occurred during the Warren court.

After reading through the case briefing in a group with the person next to you.

Explain if you think the court will rule for or against the person and why?

Gideon v. Wainwright

Between midnight and 8:00 a.m. on June 3, 1961, a burglary occurred at the Bay Harbor Pool Room in Panama City, Florida. Someone broke a door, smashed the cigarette machine and a record player, and stole money from a register. Later that day, a witness reported that he had seen Clarence Earl Gideon in the poolroom at around 5:30 that morning leaving with a wine bottle and money in his pockets. Based on this accusation alone, the police arrested him and charged him with breaking and entering with intent to commit petty larceny.

Gideon appeared in court and was too poor to afford counsel, Gideon was forced, therefore, to act as his own counsel and

conduct a defense of himself in court, emphasizing his innocence in the case. Nevertheless, the jury returned a guilty verdict, sentencing him to serve five years in the state prison.

From his prison cell at Florida State Prison, making use of the prison library and writing in pencil on prison stationery, Gideon appealed to the Supreme Court in a suit against the Secretary to the Florida Department of Corrections, H.G. Cochran .He argued that he had been denied counsel and, therefore, his Sixth Amendment rights, as applied to the states by the Fourteenth Amendment, had been violated.


The Supreme Court Ruled

Escobedo vs. Illinois

Danny Escobedo was arrested and taken to a police station for questioning. Over several hours, the police refused his repeated requests to see his lawyer. Escobedo's lawyer sought unsuccessfully to consult with his client. Escobedo subsequently confessed to murder.

Home Work Quiz

What was Kennedy's goal when it came to winning the space race.(Hint what did Kennedy want to do by the end of the decade.)

Besides giving aid to Latin American countries what organization formed during the Kennedy administration?How did Kennedy plan to contain communism?

JFK and Communism

Kennedy worked to make the military more flexible. He made it easier for Latin America to receive aid and developed the peace corps.

Kennedy felt the Eisenhower relied too much on Nuclear weapons. Kennedy instead increased funding to the special forces.

The President pushed for a build up in troops and conventional weapons.

Bringing assistance

In fighting Communism Kennedy focused on aid as much as military.

20 billion dollars was spent in an alliance with Latin America.

The money went to developing schools , housing and health care.

Peace Corps

Along with financial aid the President also developed programs to assist less fortunate countries.

The most memorable being the Peace Corps.

An organization that sent Americans to provide humanitarian services in less developed nations.

Space Race

1961 the Russian Astronaut Yuri Gagarin is the first person to orbit the earth.

Kennedy mad it a goal of the country to land a man on the Moon by the end of the decade.

July 16 1969 the Saturn V rocket launches and will land on the moon.

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